What Dice Is Superior?

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do you ever look at a set of dice and think man I really want to buy that but it might be too expensive you've always wanted that set of metal dice or preure stone gemstone or even that like that like higher tier like plastic or resin dice but you're just like I just don't know well I get asked this question a lot whether or not I would recommend a a certain set of dice certain style of dice um and then like which is better metal or gemstone so today I thought let's just actually have a conversation about it and I'm going to show you some of the different dice I have from each of the categories talk about the pros and cons and then let you decide what you think is worth it or not so stick around we're going to jump in and have a look at some Wicked dice we also got memberships and patreon available check out the social media at Instagram threads and X rovs in Dragons and then come join us on Discord as well where the community is growing day by day and we post all kinds of cool stuff on there all right so what are we actually talking about when we're discussing these different dice types right so for me plastic dice are generally like these sort of things usually made of like acrylic or risen or you know things like that something that if you had the right tools you could make it at home and it wouldn't be that hard um if you want proof of that jump on the Discord because we've got some really cool dice creators on there um who make some beautiful stuff you know who you are you know when we're looking at metal we're generally looking at just you know dice like this that are made of metal uh in the same shape and also specialist dice made out of metal that you couldn't really do with like plastic and acrylic and if you could it probably would be relatively flimsy I'm personally not seeing anything uh cool like that now when I'm talking about things like gemstone and preure stone and that sort of thing I'm also looking at things like my tiger ey Dice and also frosted glass um kind of rainbow rainbowy dice here as well so these are the types of things that we're going to be looking at when we talking about the pros and cons as I try and figure out my camera all right so we're going to start with plastic dice well let's start with the pros plastic dice are the most common dice out there you go into any game store it's likely that they're going to have a set of plastic dice for you to buy you look online hundreds if not thousands actually there is definitely thousands of dice sets online that you can purchase you are basically swimming in a sea of plastic dice if that's what you're looking for there's also a huge amount of variety they come in all different colors shapes sizes they've got different fonts all sorts of stuff the styles of them vary as well like even take a look at what we've got in front of us here right we've got all different kinds of dice Styles these ones are these ones are probably the most similar and even then they're very different so I'm not really up on the lingo of what what you would call each style if it was up to me it would be uh it would be like clear with a bit of color and then some glitter inside uh you've got swirl and then Sparkle swirl and then resin with some stuff in it so you get what I mean there's just so many different styles so because of how easy they are to find it means that they're relatively easy to make when compared to the other ones so if you hunt and hunt and hunt and you can't find what it is that you're looking for which honestly is probably unlikely cuz it's probably out there somewhere someone can make it for you within reason obviously there's no shortage of people that make dice on the internet we've got people in our Discord that make beautiful Dice and post photos of them you know so the opt there's always going to be an ability for you to get something that you want now from a more practical point of view they're very light easy to store you know I have dice bags that have probably 12 sets in them you don't really they don't weigh anything really so you can have as many as you want as long as you've got the space to put them and when you roll them in a dice tray there's there's very minimal chance of there ever being any damage done to it with a plastic dice which is something that you can't really save for the others and finally price they are so accessible so easy to find there's no shortage you can get them as cheap as possible or as expensive as possible but probably not as expensive as the other ones so they are affordable you could probably bu depending on the style of dice that you got or the ones that you're looking for you could probably sometimes get 10 sets of plastic dice for one set of metal dice on to the cons look truthfully there aren't as many cons as I thought there would be and I spent quite a decent whack of time actually trying to think of what cons were for plastic dice dice are pretty awesome so there's not us usually a lot of cons in general but imperfections are probably the biggest con that plastic dice have you can get things like ear bubbles on the inside or they didn't fill out the mold properly so that they're unbalanced and uneven which means that you can't really roll them because they're a lot more accessible it's actually a lot easier to find someone with the same kind of dice if they're cheap enough everyone could have them really whereas you don't really get that with the metal and gemstone Dice and finally again price you get what you pay for even though they're reasonably priced and affordable if you buy a $5 set of dice you're going to get a $5 set of dice okay so sometimes it's worth spending a little bit of extra to actually get a quality product just think about it all right on to the middle Dice and again we're starting with the pros now I might be a little bit biased but they look awesome number one pro for me is they look Fant Fantastic look at these gold dice I don't need to justify why they look cool look at it so they've got fantastic quality they're generally really durable which means they're not going to wear out it's very hard to get imperfections on metal dice because of the way that they cut them which also means that you can't really get cheap dice you can also have them customized with engraving now I've been trying to get this to work so let's see if it does it this time for the one time all right right come on Zoom so you can see the fighter and the dragon on this dice are engraved and painted right you can't really do that with plastic and gemstone because it affects the Integrity of the dice right but you can do it with metal they do it with rings they can do it with dice there's a lot more customization as far as Styles go you've got just your regular metal dice but then you also get things like these Cal trop dice which are kind of spiky you you know there's also metal Hollow dice all all other manners of different kind of metal dice out there so they're also really reliable to actually roll you don't get a lot of bounce with metal dice so you just kind of roll them and whatever it lands on is whatever it lands on whereas when you compare it to like plastic dice you generally get a lot of bounces it bounces off a lot of stuff whereas it's not really going to do that so you've got a lot less um I guess interference that can happen when you roll with metal Dice and again we're on to the cons so metal dice are obviously not as easy to access as say plastic dice there's a lot less of them out there it's a lot harder to find them and and store and honestly things like the cow trops and even just general like metal dice can actually damage your dice tray I bought a set online that was similar to this but a lot more spiky and I the first time I rolled it in my old dice trait it took a big chunk out of the velvet so you've got to be really careful when rolling the metal dice um particularly if you've got uh one that's you know quite sharp even the d4s can be quite sharp so you just have to be mindful of that um as far as price goes they are expensive you can get some reasonably priced ones like these Cal trop ones were almost half of the price of these ones so you can get some cheap like cheap her metal dice But ultimately you get quality for what you pay for so it is a con as in as because it's not as easy to access generally because of the price as well you do get what you pay for now the pros list is a lot shorter for gemstone and precious stone dice than it is for the others but what they do have going for them they clear everything else in in just Street shoots really gemstone pre Stone are beautiful they are probably the most beautiful dice I've ever seen and having them it feels amazing they look fantastic I know that they are completely unique and the ones that I have no one else is going to have ones exactly the same as mine they're handmade collector's items there's not really much more to say they do feel really nice when you do roll them orbe it does make you a bit nervous but we'll get to that they do feel really nice when you roll them they're really smooth they're quite you know they're really nice to hold they look great fantastic display pieces for sure and on to the cons they are the hardest dice to get your hands on and they are the most expensive because of how precious they are and how expensive they are you almost don't want to roll them like even just doing the quick roll that I did with the blood like Crimson ones I felt I felt nervous because they are so precious that I feel like they could chip they could crack I they're generally just more I think collectors pieces especially the glass ones I think the stone ones kind of like you know how we've got the amethyst ones the obsidian Tiger's eyes those would probably be a lot better to roll but I wouldn't want to roll them with multiple dice at once and I would probably want to do it outside of a dice tray on a soft surface if I'm being honest they're fantastic to have but you've just got to be really careful and they are expensive so if you got one and you damaged it it would feel horrible so there you have it those are the pros and cons of having plastic metal and gemstone dice as according to me if you disagree fantastic let me know why if there's something you think I missed please let me know in the comments um honestly it was really hard to find cons for all of them outside of like plastic dice because the reason that I feel so confident about buying so many dice is because I know that most of the like I I've not had a bad product yet I I've bought sets and sets and sets of all of the above and I've not had a set of dice that was bad there's been some dice that have gone to dice jail but none of them have been like actually quality bad you know so really it's going to come down to what you find most valuable what you like you might think that metal and gemstone Dice look like crap and so you won't buy them and that's totally fine but I hope hope that that's kind of shed a little bit of light on the sort of things that I look at when I go for dice and yeah I try this was something a little bit different I hate doing videos with lots of cuts in them but uh I tried to do one takes of everything and it was so hard so I had no choice so hopefully it's all right please give me feedback on that thank you guys so much for watching uh let me know what you think in the comments again please please please I love it again join us on Discord look at the uh social medias rest of's in dragons threads X and Instagram and yeah if you could do me a massive favor watch a video that you haven't watched before take care guys see you later peace
Channel: Rastovs & Dragons
Views: 470
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dungeons and Dragons, D&D, DND, Rastov, acererak's treasure, dice, acererak's treasure packs, acererak's treasure dice, Unboxing, Dice Packs, Legendary, Common, Patriot, Star Spangled, Sirius Dice, unboxing, dungeons and dragons, dnd, d&d, Gemstone, ttrpg, tabletop rpg, wotc, level up dice, round 2, d6, level up, pack opening, precious stone, epic, blind box, uncommon, dice council, best dice, tabletop games, tabletop gaming, d&d dice, metal dice, dice goblin, gemstone dice
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 47sec (767 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2024
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