Ways To Make Money As A Programmer - Unique Side Hustle Ideas!

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so you're a programmer and maybe you already make some good money but it's not enough you're still investing your time and effort working at 9:00 to 5:00 for someone else well maybe you want more more stability more freedom to pick and choose your work or freedom to pick and choose where you want to live well I'm going to tell you the best ways I think to make money in 2020 as a programmer now some of these are going to be obvious but some of them are going to be less well-known I'm not gonna rattle off the usual clichés of starting a YouTube channel and coding some apps because who knows whether they'll work or not these are more tried and tested methods but maybe they're a bit different to the ones you normally hear and you will be surprised about some of these especially how much money you can earn from them so sit down strap in and get ready to hear my best ways of making money as a programmer in 2020 so I know I just talked about escaping the nine-to-five but I have to mention first here the best way of earning money is actually to start a job as a high paying company of which there are quite a few at the moment if you're a software developer it's probably the easiest way to get a really stable income of a good amount of money every month coming into your bank account obviously really depends where you live but if you look here you can see that at San Francisco a senior programmer salary will start but a hundred and thirty four thousand dollars according to glass store and in London that starts at seventy three thousand pounds which for comparison is about 90 thousand US dollars so that's a pretty good income you can get just by working a job but enough about a career I've now mentioned that that is a probably the easiest way to get a stable income but we want to start looking at passive income we want to invest a little bit of time effort or money and then make that work for us so let's talk about ways in which we can help that money roll in while we sleep so my next recommendation is writing medium articles and you may be really surprised at this you may be critical saying there's no way I can make a decent amount of money from writing a blog post well you'd be surprised because this guy here kcebata cello is a perfect example of someone who writes blog posts and makes a decent amount of money from them just one article I'll pick as an example and Casey here is an article on how to get past pay walls now he got about three hundred thousand views last time I checked on this blog post but have to listen to how much he made I was really surprised he claims to have made between three and four thousand pounds from that one blog post that got 300,000 views now as a youtuber I know that if you get a YouTube video that makes an equivalent amount of views that there's 300 thousand views you're gonna make probably about half of what he said he made from his medium article lots of software developers read medium I was doing an interview the other day and the trap that I was interviewing when I asked what he does to keep his technical knowledge up to scratch he said the main thing he does is he reads medium articles the other benefit with medium is it's so easy to set up you don't need a paid account you just need a really quick free account it's like three fields you fill in you've got an account and boom you can start getting paid and on top of that medium advertise your post pretty well and there's less competition if you try opening up a YouTube channel you're competing with hundreds and maybe thousands of people out there but if you do medium is actually at the moment a lot fewer people writing blog posts so give it a go create an account and see how much you can make using media open source work is my next recommendation so a lot of software developers already have a bunch of things they've done in their spare time just as side projects as a little hobby projects and all they have to do is throw a donate button on there such as on their github page or with a patreon page to advertise the open source work I've done and they can actually start making a fair amount of money from it a lot of you out there will already have written some little hobby projects and some open source contributions so all you have to do at this point is stick a donate button on there advertise it a bit on your Twitter and the money will start rolling in if you haven't already started some open source work then I really recommend it because as a software developer a programmer you probably find it quite fun to write code even if you're not working for someone else not making the money you probably want to just tinker about and create some cool stuff so all you have to do is create that stuff put it on a website where people can donate or or even purchase a premium version of that product and there you go you start making money from your hobby so the next one I want to talk about is bug bounties now this can take some initial time investment and you do need the skill but if you have the skills then this can make some real money so a book bounty is where a software developer programmer cybersecurity expert will find a flaw in a website or a piece of software and report it through a bug bounty program to the company that owns that website or piece of software that company will then give that person some renumeration for telling them instead of telling the world or trying to exploit it themselves there's quite a few examples as you can see here there's a chap who made $3,500 just from a little exploit in an image tag that he found he reported it to Facebook and they transferred him the money this other chap bought the Google domain name because of a flaw in how they were rear edge Asturian it he then made six thousand and six pounds 13th a little play on leet code numbers there from Google but companies can pay a lot more than that IBM pay up to 30,000 pounds for a single flaw identified snapchat and Yahoo both pay fifteen thousand dollars now a lot of people actually do make money from this but they don't talk about it quite that much because they realize if there's lots of competition out there other people trying to find these flaws then they're going to really reduce their income so you won't see a lot of it talked about but in the communities that I've been in I've heard of people making quite a lot of money finding quite a lot of flaws in popular software now companies are willing to pay great sums for this because the bad press that they would get for this security flaw going public would actually cost them significantly more not to mention the physical harm that may come to some of their infrastructure if this floor is exploited or the fines they may get from the information Commissioner or the equivalent in EU and US and other countries out there that if they expose personal information through this floor so they are really eager to pay people to make these problems go away as I say it does require some skill and a bit of an initial investment but you could write a script that automate some of these processes you do to find these flaws in websites and those scripts can run on various websites and various bits of software and you can automate a lot of this process maybe that's something you're interested in if so give it a go now this is an idea I love and I think I'm gonna actually start doing this straight after this video I'm gonna at doing this myself because I can't believe I've not thought of it before but selling templates is a great way to get some site hustle money there's lots of possible templates that you could actually create so think about WordPress themes website templates IDE plugins maybe plugins for other software like Final Cut Pro or other things like this so there's lots of different templates and themes you could create maybe even an app template so someone can start making a basic game from it and actually you don't have to sell them for that much money but they get bought in quite high quantities so that's how you really make them money now of course you can pick the price you sell your themes and templates at and you don't actually have to sell them for that much money if we use an example of a wordpress theme that's 20 dollars for example that's actually quite cheap for a wordpress theme you could actually sell that to maybe 5,000 people within a few months pretty easily and that's 5000 people paying 20 dollars or 20 pounds that is a hundred thousand pounds so that's actually a pretty good income for just a few months worth of selling and maybe just a few hours worth of work in creating these themes now there are examples out there of some crazy sales with this kind of stuff there's a wordpress plugin it's this slider here it's all over three hundred and eighty thousand copies and it's only $29 and by my calculations they've made around eleven million dollars from that one plugin so you can very easily make a good amount of money and there's possibilities out there to make extortionate amounts of money from themes and plugins and are the little bits like that so these are all really fun things you can do as a software developer and you can pick and choose what you want to do maybe one week you want to focus on automating some scripts to check for vulnerabilities and websites and then the next week you feel like by some some blog posts and maybe a week or two later you decide actually I'm going to produce some WordPress themes because I'm interested in doing some graphical design stuff all these things together can generate different bits of income and you can start adding them up multiplying them and you start getting lots of different income from lots of different sources and yeah it's just a lot better I say than working 9 to 5 for someone else in an office so let me know in the comments below if you already do any of these and which ones you're thinking of trying in the future I know I personally I'm gonna throw together some WordPress themes and just play about with that because it's kind of fun and if I make an income then even better if you are a software developer or you do Android programming and tech tutorials and talks like this then make sure you hit that subscribe button for plenty more videos to come I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Wayne / Devscover
Views: 163,517
Rating: 4.8509851 out of 5
Keywords: coding, tech, make money, income, side hustle, money ideas, programmer hustle, developer money, make money software, sell software, programmer income ideas, developer income, developer income ideas, developer side hustles, side hustle software, software engineer, tech lead, millionaire software engineer, coding make money, make money coding, passive income ideas, passive income software developer, programmer entrepreneurs, entrepreneur passive income ideas, code make money
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 11sec (551 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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