Manifesting Your Soul's Purpose with Dr. Wayne Dyer

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you know I read a book not too long ago by a woman named Bronte we're down in Australia called the top five regrets of the dying and she was a hospice nurse who worked with the dying people and talked to them and and the number one regret that people had people who were dying who knew that they were crossing over making their transition the top regret of was I wish I had I had the courage to live the life that I knew I was destined to live in other words that I had a purpose that I knew that there was something greater that I came here to do that I signed up for something other than just to fit in and to go along and to follow somebody else's rules and most of us are not don't allow ourselves the freedom to listen to those internal callings those things that we all feel are just so important to us I can give you two examples of the most important the two most significant moments in my life that I can think of other than the birth of my children and all those wonderful things that took place but that that I was at my font to my father's grave in 1974 a man that I just hated I was filled with rage and antipathy and anger towards and I was called to go there at the age of 34 and I went there because I was just angry I wanted to make a connection I just couldn't believe that this man he'd been dead for ten years and I had just found out and I stood on his grave for the longest time just cursing at being angry and I went back to my cars he was down in Biloxi Mississippi and I got into the rental car to drive back to New Orleans and then I was going to fly back up to New York so I was a professor at st. John's University in New York City I was been thinking about wanting to write and all of that but I just nothing was going right for me at that time I was out of shape things weren't working well I was drinking I had been doing drugs I was at a bad relationship my whole life was just not on the kind of path that it is on today and I got back in the car to go and I felt like finally done that and I had a calling I was called back by some invisible intelligence some burning desire something that we call light something that we call the the impersonal part of us that is always directing us in a always directing you as well you're listening to it sometimes most of the time we ignore it in the way of in the name of fitting in or doing what I don't have time or I'm too old or I'm too fat or I'm too skinny or I'm too white or I'm too black or I'm too poor or an endless we go with all of the reasons why we can't fulfill a destiny that we know is ours that we signed up for that we're here for in this infinite universe that who we are is not this physical body that we're in that is here for a moment and gone who we are is this infinite intelligence and we forget that the same intelligence that is that created this infinite universe that never ends is you you manifested in this infinite divine organizing intelligence you're a part of all of it and I got a calling and the calling for somehow to go back you're not complete that's not why you were sent here that's not why I wanted you to go to your father's grave I went back something came over me at the age of 34 I have no idea what it was I do know now that it was light it was God it was that divine intelligence whatever you call it what I said at that gravesite from this moment on as I send you love I send you kindness I Who am I to judge you Who am I to condemn you Who am I - could it be critical of you I don't even know what you were living through and why you had to do what you did I send you love from now on I'd never had another bad dream about him I was never angry about him but the most intriguing thing happened is that my life made an entire shift a shift that all of us can make at any moment we never know these callings are so strong and yet they're always there after I left the Biloxi that I flew up to New York flew down to Fort Lauderdale I had two weeks I checked into a motel on a1a the spindrift Motel and I wrote for 14 days and I wrote a book called your erroneous zones which became one of the largest selling books in history and it propelled my hot life in a whole new way I stopped drinking I started getting exercising more my relationships all changed the divine person that I was to meet showed up my children showed up everything changed and she because I was willing to listen to that inner voice that light that said go back another time just a few years later it was 1976 I was driving on the Long Island Expressway from where I lived in Huntington New York in tune into the city I was about to receive tenure which at that time I was 36 years old I had written three text books I was a star there as far as they were concerned I was I was going to begin you know to you know to live a life in which I was going to be a professor for the rest of my life tenure guaranteed employment for the rest of my life something that everybody at the university longs for I was ready for it and I pulled off the Long Island Expressway as I was contemplating that and I sat on the side of the shoulder there for about a half an hour just watching the cars go by wondering and asking myself do I really want to get tenure and stay here and do what I've been doing I've already done this I know how to do it am I going to be in the same office doing the same thing am I going to live 90 years you know or am I going to live one year 90 times over and over again and I decided that I just couldn't couldn't do it and I just felt this amazing moment came over a freedom it was like it just was lifted off to me and I got back on the freeway went to get off at the exit at Grand Central and utopia Parkway parked my car right outside Marillac Hall went up to the second floor went into the dean's office Dean Serra fastened my er and I told her I've written this book and it's now just been published it's called your erroneous owns that I wrote also as a result of another calling and I said I've got to take it out to the world I've got to talk about it I appreciate the fact that I could work here for the rest of my life but it's just not something that I can do and she tried to get me to dissuade me from such a thing these kinds of colleagues we all we all have these we know that we have a purpose you already know that you have a purpose you know you're listening to that all the time it's there the idea that you can't do it or that you shouldn't do it or that yet my whole life has been impacted by listening and being willing to understand that and there's a there's a quote that I that I talked about at the seminar that'll be a part of this course that it goes like this it's um William Blake he said if the doors of perception were cleansed everything would appear to man as it is infinite for man has closed himself up till he sees all things through narrow chinks of his cavern by William Blake we would begin to see is I don't know if you've ever heard of a group called The Doors by Jim Morrison a rock group they took the name from the from that essay that Aldous Huxley wrote called the doors of perception there are things that are known and there are things that are unknown and in between are the doors and even Jesus said I am the door that is the internal i'm i am-ness within god is the door that you can open and discover so many new things and another one of the principles that we I talked about is is this that a lot of people have difficulty understanding it says the laws of the material world do not apply in the presence of the God realized I was on The Tonight Show in Australia a few years back and the woman asked me the question what is your purpose what are you here for what do you want to do and I said I'd like to understand God realization I'd like to be able to understand and live from that place where God is within me and I know it and in this course we've created four meditations the importance of meditation I can't stress it enough you have to go to the silence you have to go to the place within that can't be divided think about it silence is the only place where you can go that you can't divide it you cut it up and you still got more silence and more silence and it is in that silence in that meditation and I deliver some really very very powerful meditations with some readings that when you understand them you'll understand that the laws of the material world do not apply in the presence of the God realized once you're in that state of God realization you'll understand things like your intuition that is that inner calling that says no this way instead of that way try this don't be afraid of that get rid of the fears that are so dominating your life as Anita talks about fear and and what a thing it wasn't created to cancer in her life which allowed her to to almost come to a place of dying you'll discover things like synchronicity that you have a thought and all of a sudden what you place your attention on begins to manifest and arrive in your life you will discover that those thoughts are not just things that are just our happenstance there's no happenstance in this entire universe it's all held together by a divine light one of my favorite readings I'd like to share with you is from the life and teachings of the Masters of the Far East it said it has been clearly stated that life lived by the average individual is hypnotic that is the majority of men and women are not living life as it was intended at all not one in a million feels the freedom to live what he inwardly feels he should live he has come under the world's opinion of himself and this opinion is what he obeys rather than the laws of his own being in this respect and to this degree he is living under an hypnotic spell it's like hypnosis he lives under the delusion that he is a mere human being living in a merely material world and only hopes to escape it when he dies and goes to what he calls heaven this is not the determination intended in the plan and purpose of life obedience to one's inner nature the expression of life as he instinctively feels it ought to be expressed is the very foundation of the life which the Masters revealed as the only true mode of living that is very powerful awareness that you are not this body that you're in this body that comes and goes you are the invisible divine intelligence within the same intelligence that allows a clay pot to exist and finally from the Masters of the Far East the second volume the moment you become free from the belief that you are mere human beings subject to human laws of life and death and the limitations with hue beings have imposed that moment you will see that you are free from all human limitations and may become sons of God if you will the moment you realize that you are divine that you are free from all limitations and possessed of the strength of divinity and you know that this divinity is the place where being comes most directly in contact with God man is then beginning to see and know that this divinity is not something to be injected into each other from without he is beginning to know that is the very life of each and every person your essence the light within you this is what this course is about this is a course that we go deeply in depth in and the reason that I put the course together in the first place is because I have heard no nothing but positive enlightening comments from people who say it turned my life around I finally went within and discovered that I am capable of using this divine intelligence that we call light inside of us to create the life that I was destined to live I hear it over and over again every time we do it we do it in an entire weekend seminars Anita and I have done this entire seminar in Portland we did it in in Maui and we're doing it all over the world but look I would like to be able to go everywhere I'd like to go to every country in the world I'd like to go to every city in the world and present this it's just not possible that's the beauty of the internet that's one of the things that we can do we can put this course online and give you an opportunity to be a bee in that seminar yourself this is what we're offering I hope you enjoyed I'm sure that you will I am light
Channel: Hay House
Views: 2,051,303
Rating: 4.8966813 out of 5
Keywords: Hay House, Louise Hay, Heal Your Life, Inspirational, Self Help, Balboa Press, Author, Soul (Quotation Subject), Wayne Dyer (Author), Intelligence, success, wisdom, how to, Anita Moorjani, Scarlet Lewis, Immaculée Ilibagiza (Author), meditation, video
Id: 4nIAwUJv2Eo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 28 2015
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