The Secret & The Law of Attraction by Wayne Dyer

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you and only you capital y ou you are the subject that impacts the burning desire in your imagination best-selling author and beloved spiritual teacher dr. Wayne Dyer returns to public television with his newest and most astonishing offering yet wishes fulfill you must be conscious of how you use these words I am I am strong I am well I am content even if your sense is telling you something different I am learn the five wishes fulfilled foundations five steps to manifesting your deepest desires while living from your highest self if you would like to accomplish something you must first expect it of yourself join dr. Wayne Dyer on a joyful journey to create your most extraordinary life when wishes fulfilled heirs nest you are living and feeling as if your future dreams are a present fact thank you thank you thank you very much Khushi god bless you I appreciate it so much Wow thank you thank you I am Wayne Dyer and I am well in fact I am perfect health and by the time this program is over you'll have a much clearer understanding of what those words really mean it's just great to be back on public television I've been doing public television pledge shows since 1998 my children were raised I have 8 of them and they were raised on public television little Barney things were all over my house for so many years and of course I think of public television as one of the great energy systems coming into our homes and I'm proud to be a part of it to support it and to help raise some money for it it's our national treasure and I'd hate to think of what would ever happen if we lost it the show is called wishes fulfilled it's based on a book that I have just completed I spent the last year or so in writing it researching it living it practicing it and have come to a place in my heart where I know that it's really not so much about what you want in terms of what you manifest it's who you are you manifest what you become as a human being and this program is about teaching you to become the highest consciousness being that you can be to be aligned with your source to be aligned with God and when you are you become a creator and a co-creator in your life I'd like to open this program with a poetic offering from Samuel Taylor Coleridge who wrote The Rime of the Ancient Mariner and he also wrote a poem that I used earlier in my life and one of my earlier books real magic listen to the words and ask yourself if if they really if they really mean something to be true for you if you really believe in what the poet is offering here he says what if you slept and what if in your sleep you dreamed and what if in your dream you went to heaven and there picked a strange and wonderful flower and what if when you awoke you held that flower in your hand ah what then the poet asked do you believe that it's possible to bring something from the world of the formless from the world of a dream into the world of the physical the poet was speaking metaphorically but I am NOT this is really a program about applying those words in your own reality most of us were raised to become ordinary and I'm not putting down ordinary but ordinary is just not good enough for me ordinary is you go through your life and you fill out the forms and you pay your taxes and you do what your parents tell you and you're honorable and you're honest and you're good citizens and then you die extraordinary is something very very different this is about recognizing within yourself that there's something very very extraordinary that you haven't been trained to believe in to come to a place where you can apply it and put it into your life and I want to say to you that I have been working in my life at living an extraordinary life and so many powerful things have happened to me I'll be sharing with you throughout this program but more than that you can go way beyond ordinary you can go way beyond just being average there's not an average person watching this show there's not an average person in this room tonight all of us are extraordinary we just have to come to believe it there was a friend of mine her name was Portia nelson Portia passed away a few years back she lived up in Seattle and she was at a seminar and they asked her to and asked everyone to write on a 5x7 sheet of paper or card the five chapters of their life they only wanted to give them five by seven cards because they didn't want to get too wordy and Portia Nelson sat down and wrote these words about the five chapters of her life and I thought I would share them here with you they're so beautiful she said chapter one of my life I walked down the street there's a deep hole in the sidewalk I fall in I'm lost I'm helpless it isn't my fault and it takes forever to find a way out chapter two of my life I walk down the same street there's a deep hole in the sidewalk I pretend I don't see it I fall in again I can't believe I'm in the same place it isn't my fault and it still takes a long time to get out chapter three of my life I walk down the same street there's a deep hole in the sidewalk I see it there I still saw it it's a habit my eyes are open I know where I am it's my own fault and I get out immediately chapter four of my life I walked down the same street there's a deep hole in the sidewalk I walk around it Chapter five of my life I walk down another Street there a poison Elsa I walk down another Street and this is another Street look it's called new Street old Street walking down another Street means leaving behind ordinary and when I use the word ordinary it has deep and profound meanings to me ordinary just simply isn't enough ordinary is when you want to become average and to fit in but to get to extraordinary what you do is you have to consult the invisible place within yourself and this is called your soul and your soul while I jotted down a few words about the soul based on a lecture I heard from a great teacher of mine who lived in Bulgaria he was an issue attic science teacher and his lecture was very profound and I will wrote these words after listening to one of his recorded lectures he said the ideal of the soul the thing it asked for is neither knowledge nor light nor happiness the idea of the soul is space immensity the one thing your soul needs is to be free free to expand and reach out and to embrace the infinite yes the ideal of the soul is infinity it is miserable when it is circumscribed and restricted it is a fragment of the universal soul which is infinite that's what I speak about here in this program the the need to move beyond just fitting in the need to move past being circumscribed the soul does not like when you get fenced in when it is total what to do when it's told it has limitations when it's told that can't become that and so many of us go through our life with these enormous limitations that we've placed upon ourselves that have been handed to us from the time that we were little boys and little girls if you look on the screen you'll see if something that is very important and powerful to me I was swimming not too long ago up in Minneapolis I went to see my daughter Tracy and up and down I would swim the pool and every time I would look up I would see this written on the wall and I thought as I was preparing to do this program this is just so important and significant if you would like to accomplish something you must first expect it of yourself and my question to you is what do you expect of yourself you expect to be able to perform miracles to attract into your life the kind of prosperity that you are entitled to do you expect that you can manifest the kind of relationships that you would like in order to be able to have these kinds of expectations for yourself you have to make a dramatic change a dramatic shift you must change what's possible for you and what you believe is possible for you but the question becomes Who am I yeah I've been teaching philosophy for 40 years now either at the high school level or junior high school level or university level graduate school and now in stages all over the world and in front of audiences such as this watching at home and here this evening who are you and what is real my teacher in India his name was Miss Hager that's our Maharaja he was asked the question Swamy what is real master what is real and his response was that is real which never changes so what part of you is real by that definition who are you that never changes so many of us believe that we are our bodies I don't know about you but this body that I'm in right now is changing all the time very fast as a matter of fact in fact I Wayne Dyer the I that is I have been in many many bodies since I incarnated for this first time here on this planet right here 71 years ago so I was in a oh my goodness look here what happened to that body there there's another body that I was in and there's another body and oh there's my brother Dave and there I am on the right another body and then I wasn't look at that haircut they did it with garden shears in those days but I lived in foster homes there I am look at that hair can you believe that does that say is that possible and then I was in this body and then I was in this body and I have been in toddler bodies baby bodies teenage bodies macho bodies moustache bodies endless bodies I have been in with my little ones and my eight children and the fact of it is that when you think about it when I was in the 20 year old body that I was in I really thought it was real didn't you I mean even the body that you and all of you look at your body and think well let's see I was in a 20 year old body and is it real was it real well you believe that it was real but I've been looking for that 20 year old body for 50 years now I can't find it and the turf active it is the body that you're in right now is not who you are because it doesn't meet that fundamental definition of what is real what is real is what never changes the fact is that who you are keeps occupying new bodies every single moment that you are here on this planet there was a great poet her name was Emily Dickinson I feel like she was must have been a sister a soul mate of mine she once had a poem she said holding up a handful of dust she would reach down and say this quiet dust was gentlemen and ladies and lads and girls was laughter and ability and sighing and frocks and curls this passive place a Summers nimble mansion where bloom and bees fulfills their oriental circuit then ceased like these that's who all of us are if we identify ourselves with our body the fact is that everything in this physical universe doesn't meet the definition of what is real who you are is that soul that I spoke about a few moments ago that soul that says I want to expand I want to be free I want to go to a place where I understand that Who I am is birthless deathless changeless and live from that place because what this involves fundamentally is reprogramming yourself from the belief system that has been your ego the part of us that has come to believe that who we are is what we have and who we are is what we do and who we are is what other people think of us like our reputation and who we are is separate from each other and most egregiously who we are you're separate from God from our source and so we've been raged and taken out into the world and said go out there and prove who you are by achieving by accumulating by getting other people to like you I wrote a book and did a film not too long ago called the shift and one of it thank you and in there I spoke about and use these words the direction we take in life is far more important than the place that our ego parks us in this present moment that who we are is this divine infinite being that keeps occupying new bodies endlessly until we leave this body and then move on and there is no beginning there is no end there is only now each and every one of us so the soul the part of you that is extraordinary the part of you that came into this world and knows I can be anything I can do anything I can accomplish anything that I place my attention on because if you want to accomplish something you must first just expected of yourself and this means changing around the expectations that you've been conditioned to believe are your Dharma or are your destiny I am limited I am not entitled to prosperity I am unable to deal with my physical ailments I need something else I need to take pills in order to do it I need to have somebody else do it for me that within each and every one of us there's this marvelous knowing that is really and truly God ourselves each and every one of us thank you so much for very time the very time over the years I've written many books 37 of them to be exact this what has come to become really clear to me in the last few years of my life is that there really are there really are two selves within each and every one of us what Ananda called the ego the part of us that has edge got out ejo edge got out the false self and the false self is this part of us that is not authentic it is it is the ego this false self is the part of us that is always trying to trying to win trying to own things trying to prove itself we send our kids off to school and we tell them you know the ahead of everybody else win no matter what and so on and and they have a tendency just to believe that who they are are these bodies even though the body they're in is going to change and you'll never be able to find it again and then there's within each and every one of us a higher self and this higher self is is really the soul it's really the spirit it's really it's really God but these two selves are constantly at they're not at war so much with each other but there's a there's this battleground that we have within us I'll give you an example of it in my own life somebody on the internet and I named Watkins has put out a list because there's lists for everything the 100 most spiritually influential people alive and they put out this list 100 people and they rank from number 1 to 100 and I'm on the list I'm one of the not only am I on the list but I am according to this list and they've got all this criteria all you get on this list I am the third most spiritually influential person alive so the spiritual part of myself my soul the higher place within myself says to me this is not relevant you're not any better than anybody else just because somebody has put you on a list in fact you shouldn't even be consistent even know about that list and perhaps the people who are most spiritually influential aren't even on that list and don't even want to be on the list because they don't care about those kind of rankings and comparisons and so on but then there's the ego over here that says what do you mean number three what's going on with that and who are these people who are more spiritually influential than you and how you're gonna take them down so this historic constant thing about it shouldn't make any difference who I am is you know it is the same as everyone else we all come from the same place and we all return back to the same place but then the ego says let's seize the two people ahead of me on this list one of them is Eckhart Tolle but he had Oprah and she's only number eight on the list anyway so and he got on there every week and that's not fair so and then there's the Dalai Lama and I figure I could and I maybe can get together and take the dollar out of his day or maybe I should align with the Dalai Lama and anyway the ego is doing this this number on us but there's also the part of us that is divine and this is the place that I'm addressing here in this program there's a quote from Joel Goldsmith Joel wrote so many great books the parentheses in eternity with one of them and this is what Joel said he said then there are those who reach a stage in which they realized the futility of this constant striving and struggling for the things that perish things which after they are obtained proved to be shadows it is at this stage that some persons turn from this seeking for things in the outer realm to seeking for them from God and that's who you tuned into today on this program I have left this pursuing things and money and fame and winning and being better than others it's taken me a while but it has been it has been a powerful journey as a matter of fact I had said to my ex-wife I said can you imagine did you ever in your wildest dream could you ever have imagined that you would be married to the third most fiercely influential person alive and she said I just she said they didn't call me when they made that list and she said also she said I don't want to upset you dear but you're not in my wildest dreams so moving to this higher place is is really understanding that in the second chapter of wishes fulfilled I call it the higher self and it gets defined very specifically by this great Bulgarian teacher his name was OMA a Miguel Ivanov and he he was teaching what's called the initiatic sciences and I have had his teachings show up in my life in a very powerful way I've studied his writing I've listened to many of his recorded lectures that took place back in the 50s and 60s and 70s and and I brought a quote of his that I'd like to share with you our higher self is perfect omniscient and Almighty a fragment of God himself a pure transparent luminous quintessence I love that I love great writing like that and that within each and every one of us there is a place inside of each and every one of us that is all-knowing that is almighty that is actually a fragment of that he then went on to say the Creator has planted within every creature a fragment of himself a spark a spirit of the same nature of himself and to this spirit every creature can become a creator and this means that instead of always waiting for their needs to be satisfied by some external source human beings can absolutely work inwardly by means of their own thoughts their own will and their own spirit to obtain nourishing healing elements that they need this is why he said to all of us the teaching I bring to you is of the spirit of the creator and not of matter a spark a spark that is in each and every one of us and this spark I want you to be able to recognize because that spark I'd like to see you have it grow from just a tiny little spark which means you can hardly see it to a fragment to a piece to a larger chunk if you will to a section so that this spark within you that you see up here is growing and growing and growing until it absolutely becomes even more than you imagined TS Eliot no wait American poet said we shall not cease from exploration but at the end of all of our exploring will be to return to the place from which we originated but to know it for the first time I paraphrase that that's off a little to know it for the first time I think that TS Eliot might have been speaking about death but I'm not I think that we can come to know this place from which we originated the place to which we return all of us by allowing this spark to become something bigger than just an occasional thing where you extend an act of kindness in place or you have it at the church or at the we're at the synagogue on a holy day or a holy observance that it can become your way of being there was a great teacher in India his name was Vivekananda Vivekananda came to the West as a as a young teacher a very profound teacher and he was asked a question but how do you do this how do you how do you access this higher self how do you make this your reality and he said these words to his devotees and I say them to you he said in the springtime who Alden observed the blossoms on the fruit trees he said the blossoms vanish of themselves as the fruit grows and so too will the lower self the false self the ego vanish as the divine grows within you it's about allowing yourself to recognize you must have this spark because this is what you came from and this is what you return to and as this spark becomes a fragment and becomes a section and becomes larger and larger you reach what I call and wishes fulfilled the third chapter the highest self and what is the highest self this is the one that's going to surprise you a bit the highest self is the self that you haven't been trained to believe in you've been trained to believe in your ordinary awareness your highest self is where you begin to recognize your connection to your source to the DAO to the divine to God there were three very important teachings that came to me before I put this program together and before I wrote wishes fulfilled the first was a book by a man named u.s. Anderson ul s Anderson passed away in 1986 very profound teacher and he wrote a book called three magic words which I have had people tell me you must read so it's it's fairly heavy reading but the kind of reading that I love and there's 12 chapters in the book and you get to the twelfth chapter and you keep waiting for the three magic words because he doesn't say what they are and at the end of each chapter there's a meditation and in this meditation you practice and put into the awareness within yourself of recognizing the highest place within yourself and ultimately at the very end he said these words chapter 12 the very end of it it's called the veil removed this is the ineffable secret the ultimate illumination the key to peace and power you are God those are the three magic words if you will accept this towering truth and dare to stand atop this magnificent pinnacle universal consciousness will be revealed to you from within God is there it is he who peers from behind your eyes who is your own consciousness who is your very self you are not just a part of God you are all together God and God is all together you now that's scary stuff for a lot of people we weren't raised to believe that I'm not saying that you ought to go out into the world and say excuse me but you know who you're talking to that I am God and the reason that we laugh is because we think of God as the God that we've created in our own image the God of the ego the God who's angry the God who wants special favors the God who has the ability to heal but withholds it but there's another word that Jesus used in the New Testament and this is the God I speak of quoting him god is love and he that dwelleth in love dwelleth in me and I and him God his love pure unconditional blissful divine love that's who you are a second grade teaching was a man named Neville Neville Goddard passed away in 1972 lectured over in California particularly in the 40s and 50s and 60s I read his book the power of awareness seven times I gave it to each one of my children at Christmas a couple of years ago and they called me up and they said dad it's great but I don't understand it it's a little heavy I said well then maybe it's part of my Dharma to make it a little clearer and chapter 27 the last chapter of his book the power of awareness it says this in all of creation in all of eternity in all the realms of your infinite being the most wonderful fact is that which is stressed in the first chapter of this book you are God you are the I am that I am you are consciousness you are the creator this is the mystery this is the great secret known by the seers and prophets and mystics throughout the ages this is the truth that you can never know intellectually if you want to understand something intellectually what you must do is analyze it come up with a formula for it study it look at other experts about it and come up to a conclusion if you want to understand something spiritually you must first experience it you must come to know this within in the New Testament which I read completely before I wrote which is fulfilled Jesus is about to be stoned and he says why would you stone me and they say because you blaspheme you are a man and you claim to be God and Jesus responds in his words is it not written in your law that I have said you are gods all of you we are all God's we have within us not the God that so often we are taught is outside of us but the God that is love the God that is perfect love the soul that wants to expand because it's infinite and doesn't want to be restricted and I came across some great teachings that were sent to me they showed up as we often think they show up as accidents but you come to realize that there are no accidents in this universe everything that takes place is have the pieces moved around by something bigger than all of us and so it was called the I am discourses and I quote from the I am discourses the first expression of every individual everywhere in the universe either in spoken word silent thought or feeling is I am recognizing its own conquering divinity the student me you all of us endeavouring to understand and apply these mighty yet simple laws must stand guard more strictly over his thoughts and expression in words or otherwise for every time you say I am NOT I cannot I have not you are whether knowingly or unknowingly throttling that great presence within you these words I am I opened up this program with the words I am well I am perfect health and where do you think they came from what are these words I am mean a very quick retracing of the story of Moses Moses this little baby who was born at a time when the Pharaoh had ordered all male children to be drowned in the Nile and Moses his mother took his little baby put him in the basket and floated him down the now Moses was discovered by the Pharaoh's daughter the Pharaoh's daughter raised Moses as her own son and the Pharaoh's grandson but along in his late teens he got into a conflict and ended up seeing one of the Israelite slaves being mistreated and he ended up killing him so Moses had to take off because he was afraid for his own life and he went out into the Sinai and they're married Zipporah and had children and was out as a shepherd and as the Torah tells us as it says in Exodus he comes across a burning bush one day that is not being consumed and the bush speaks to him and rather than even misquote this even a little I brought from my hotel room you wouldn't steal the Bible would you away now I'll put it back so the bush speaks in Exodus chapter 3 and says Moses Moses and the first words that Moses says to God are Here I am then he said do not draw near here this place take off your sandals and your for your feet for this place where you stand is holy ground and God speaks to Moses and says I want you to go to the Pharoah and I want you to free your people and Moses is going well a wait hold on here Who am I and who are you Moses says to God Who am I that I should go to the Pharaoh and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt so he said I will certainly be with you and this shall be assigned to you that I have sent you when you have brought the people out of Egypt you shall serve God on this mountain then Moses says to God indeed when I come to the children of Israel and I say to them the god of your father's has sent me to you and they say to me what is his name what shall I say to them and God says to Moses I am that I am and he said thus you shall say to the children of Israel I am has sent me to you this is my name forever and this is my memorial to all generations my name is i am that i am now every single time that you use the words i am you are citing the name of god right from the holiest books and every time you say the words i am weak I am poor I am unlucky I am unhappy I am sick I am unable to attract into my life what you want you are desecrating the name of God God did not say I will be my name is I hope things work out well my night my name is maybe things will show up that I wanted but possibly not he said I am that I am you must be conscious of how you use these words I am I am strong I am well I am content even if your sense is telling you something different I am and as we move now into the meat of this program you'll see that putting the words I am in front of something into your mind and imagination is a very powerful way to attract into your life recognizing your own divinity I am God is not blasphemy it is your identity thank you in my study of the work that I mentioned earlier particularly the work of Neville and the work of us Anderson and the I am discourses I came up with and putting that all together five what I call five wishes fulfilled foundations for being able to attract into your world and become the kind of person that you expect yourself to be remember what I said about the quote on the wall of this of the swimming pool if you want to accomplish anything which means to become an extraordinary level of consciousness person you must first expect it of yourself you must see yourself and be unafraid to say to yourself I am connected at all ways at all times to my source to the divine mind to the DAO to God to that which is the creator of all I am a part of it and the first of these five foundations I call imagination imagination many of our greatest thinkers have spoken about the power of imagination William Blake said that what is now proved was once only imagined now think about the importance of that if you want to have something show up in your life the kind of person you would like to become manifest something new into your life something powerful whatever it might be you obviously must first be able to imagine it your imagination this is yours and yours alone you can place anything into your imagination that you want to place there independent of what anybody else says about it independent of what your senses tell you independent of all the evidence that may be to the contrary you can place into your imagination and I am that represents what you would like to attract into your life and make it come into fruition iein Stein's most famous quote one of his most famous observations he said imagination is more important than knowledge knowledge is limited imagination encircles the world placing these Iams into your imagination I had a some of you I'm sure know about it because it's been all over the papers and so on a diagnosis of leukemia a couple of years ago and for a while I kind of began to believe some of the things that were being told to me about what happens when you have this particular kind of leukemia and I have instead in the last year or so had some of the most amazing astonishing things happen into my life where I have felt - so I was just so alive and so strengthened and so fully connected to my source knowing I mean I mean basically I have a knowing in here that life itself there's a sexually transmitted terminal disease okay I mean that's basically he the fact all right so I'm not saying that all you have to do is put into your imagination and I am that says I am I'm your gonna live forever it isn't that isn't but every moment that you do have until you are called can be a moment of exquisite extraordinary power living from that place and that's the decision that I made I have never felt so powerful as I have the last several years since I recognized the power that I have in my imagination to place something there and live from it Einstein once said if you want your children to be intelligent read them fairy tales if you want your children to be more intelligent read them more fairy tales so one of the reasons I've taken to writing children's books to give children an opportunity to explore that thing called their imagination from the time that they're just little boys and little girls and what I have in my imagination is a Do Not Disturb sign and it's like mentally inside I've placed that in there I do not anyone to disturb or try to change around anything that I have placed in there about what is possible for me so you never want to place into your imagination any thought that you would not want to materialize you never want to allow in your imagination to be contaminated by the way life used to be your imagination is yours don't let any other people influence you never allow people's ideas about what is possible or impossible for you to occupy your imagination I've called it throughout my life I've called it being a scurvy elephant when I was in the third grade I was living in a foster home on her Mount Clemens Michigan and I came home from school and I talked to mrs. scarf and I said mrs. scarf what's a scurvy elephant and she said where did you hear that and I said I don't know mrs. Poole my third grade teacher was talking to the principal mrs. Smith and she said Wayne Dyer was in his classroom and called me a scurvy elephant well she got on the phone and she called up in the principal said oh that's Wayne he gets everything mixed up she didn't say that he was a scurvy elephant in her classroom she said that he was a disturbing element in her classroom a disturbing element is someone who has in their imagination the possibility that they can do anything that all things are possible again it's one of those great lines from the New Testament with God all things are possible now you tell me what does that leave out what does all things are possible leave out that doesn't leave out the possibility that we can defy gravity that we can soar that we can heal ourselves that we can create magnificent prosperity in our life that we can change the world I said it one of the breaks here to the audience here tonight I really believe that if this message gets out there into the world we can shift the consciousness of this planet if enough of us begin to believe we're placing into our imagination a world that we want to live in that has no limitations that is based on living from a place of love and kindness and God consciousness and spiritual awareness divine mind at work I believe it's possible thank you but we have to do it with our imagination it has to begin with our imagination collectively if enough of us begin to believe that we can create that kind of a world if public television can put on these kinds of programs which is why I am a part of public television because this is what they broadcast this is what comes into our homes the energy of all things are possible not the energy of violence and hatred and you know and all of the silly stuff that you see so frequently on commercial and cable television especially the violence and especially the rude in communication between young children and their parents and so on you don't see that here it's why I'm here raising money for this station and all public television station I understand once again this man of imagination said logic will get you from A to B but imagination will take you everywhere that's the first of these wishes fulfilled foundations the second Foundation is very significant very important I called it living from the end this is one of the harder ones for people to get but I'd like you to go again to the New Testament look at Romans 4:17 in the presence of him whom he believed God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did and calls those things which do not exist as though they did those are very important significant words you have to be able to call the things which you have not seen yet materialized and manifests into your physical world you have to be able to say to yourself I call those things that I would like to become as if they already do and you place into your imagination fearlessly the Iams which you would like to create for yourself and when it's time for me to write another book I don't even know what it's going to be I just know that it starts germinating inside me and it's like a calling it's like a passion and I'm over there at my writing space and before I do I come up with the title and before I even write one word I did it with this book wishes fulfilled this I take a jacket which this this isn't even my book and I take this jacket and I asked the art department at hey off if they will please design a book with this title and I put it around another book which I have done and I said it on my writing space next to Ralph Waldo Emerson and Jesus Christ picture and Paramahansa Yogananda and my children and the people that I loved deeply and profoundly in my life and I look at it with three white candles that I like every single time I sit over there and I look at that jacket and I it says if I call those things the book does not exist I call it as if it did when my leukemia diagnosis came in the information that was sent to me continuously was it's incurable this is something that you can't change and I would say to my children who would send me this up and say I'd really appreciate it if you didn't send me that kind of stuff and they'd say what do you mean why why did why wouldn't you want us to send that it says that right in there I said what part of I am well is it that you don't understand because I have placed that into my imagination I have a wonderful quote by the man I've cited before his name is Neville and it goes like this he says disregard appearances conditions in fact disregard all evidence of your senses that is what your eyes and ears tell you that denied the fulfillment of your desire whatever it is you want to attract into your life disregard appearances conditions in fact all evidence of your senses that denied the fulfillment of your desire rest in the assumption that you already are what you want to be for in that determined assumption you and your infinite being your extraordinary self which is what this program is about are merged in creative unity and with your infinite being God all things are possible God never fails and you are a piece of that which never fails and you are going to move beyond just being a piece and just being a fragment just being a segment until it becomes your overwhelming knowing that you have within you this divine capacity you don't need evidence of your senses I wrote a book a few years back the title of it I had to get my publisher because they didn't understand it they call back they said I think you got this wrong I said no it's called you'll see it when you believe it not the other way around people say well I'll believe it when I see it it doesn't work that way you'll see it when inside you have a knowing and never also said therefore to incarnate a new and a greater value of yourself you must assume that you already are what you want to be and then live by faith in this assumption now this flies in the face of so much of what you've been told because you have a tendency to believe that what your eyes and ears tell you is reality but this is what we know by our senses just this little tiny fragment I can't even get you know it's like a millionth of a millimeter and all that is unknown is in the invisible in the imagination and most of our attention is focused on this is my beliefs and my disc beliefs about what is possible what isn't possible are here and it's an endless and endless universe so placing I am into your imagination is one thing it's an intellectual act living from the end means that you call the things which do not exist as if they did you begin to say to yourself you don't have to say it to anyone else you don't have to write it down you don't have to get anybody else's approval you don't have to look on the internet you don't have to do anything like that I have had such a magical experience while I was writing wishes fulfilled I had I had so many divine things come into my life I had a man who lives down in Brazil in Abidjan yya named John of God come into my life in a way that was so profoundly life-changing that it's almost hard for me to find the words to express it at the same time I had a woman come into my life a woman from Bulgaria this country has just um she's here tonight her name is Mira Kelley she brought with her something off of the internet about a near-death experience but a woman in Hong Kong whose name is Anita Moorjani she's an author a Hay House author now and she's written a book a powerful book and I read this story about Anita and it seems that on the 2nd of February in the year 2006 this woman was wheeled into a hospital in Hong Kong she had been sick for five years her organs had all shut down her family was gathered at the emergency room her husband who was here tonight I'm honored to have met beautiful man named Danny and the doctors had told her family and her husband that these were her last hours she was down to 86 or 88 pounds Anita emerged from her coma some 30 hours in a coma and she has a story to tell that is so compelling and she's here from Hong Kong to share with you some of the lessons that she learned while she was in this comatose state and what she came back to teach us she's one of the most beautiful human beings I've ever been privileged to know and honored to support and write a foreword for her book and she's here with us today and I'd love you to meet her Anita Moorjani please be seated hi good evening everyone tell us Anita um you're in a coma your husband is whispering in your ear your mother is there your brother's on his way to see you everybody's waiting for you to take your last breath what were you observing and what did you learn and what did you come back to teach us wow there's so much there um even though I was in a coma I was actually aware of everything that was happening around me I'm sorry I still get emotional and I think of that state it was it was five years ago but I still remember it as if it was it was yesterday I was in a coma but I was aware of everything the doctors were doing I was aware of my husband my mother was crying she was because the doctors had told them that that I only had a few more hours to live my organs had shut down and these were my last hours and and I wanted to assure them that that I was feeling fine that I was feeling great but I couldn't I I couldn't understand why I couldn't communicate with them and each time it felt as though I was getting involved in the drama and my emotions were being pulled towards feeling for my mother and my brother at the same time it was as though I was being pulled away and it was as though my energy or my awareness or consciousness was just expanding and it was just expanding and expanding and just getting bigger and bigger and it felt as though I could feel what everybody was feeling I could feel what my husband was feeling what my mother was feeling and the doctors as they were running around trying to trying to save my life and then I became aware of what I can only describe as unconditional love it was as though I was it was as though I was just surrounded or embraced by this unconditional love and when I say unconditional I mean really unconditional it was like I didn't have to do anything to prove myself or to be anything or I was loved unconditionally regardless it it was as though even even things that I could have perceived to have done wrong in my life it wasn't as though I was being judged there was no judgment whatsoever there was only compassion it was like compassion and it was like I understood in that state why why I would do whatever I did in life it was everything I did was out of the limitation of being in a physical body so you're looking at your body and you were given a choice so right whether to get back into this sick sick body or not and how did you do I became aware actually I became aware of the presence of my father he had passed away ten years before me and I also became aware of my best friend who had passed away two years before and I had missed her desperately because she was like a sister to me did you feel when you were in that near-death experience State in that coma watching it that coming back also meant that you had something to teach everyone and what was it that you felt you had to teach I felt that I had to come back because there was a greater purpose because at first I didn't want to come back into my body because my body was so sick and it there was just so much unconditional love on that side it's really really hard to leave so if anybody has lost anyone I can completely understand why they would stay there but also I see get the message I seem to understand that it wasn't my time and I had a mission I had a purpose and I had not yet fulfilled and I seemed to understand that even in order to fulfill my purpose I wouldn't have to really go and figure it out or I wouldn't have to pursue anything I would just have to go back and live fearlessly and just not be afraid to be myself and that's all I had to do I also sensed that my husband and I still had a purpose to fulfill my husband is he's truly my soul mate because he was there talking to me all the way through talking in my ear and holding my hand and I was aware of that you learned some very important things was it like just about being positive to be a positive thinker was that stuff no in fact being positive is not enough I used to always be positive because I was a people pleaser I used to always stay positive because I never wanted to bother anyone or trouble anyone I learned that more important than being positive is being yourself I learned that that's actually the most important thing is to be yourself because that's why we're here we're here because we're we're facets of one it was as though we are all one without my body it felt as though I was connected to everyone and everything was fear a big part of your life and it had something to do with you know being sick yes fear was a big part of my life before I was sick I used to live a life in fear a fear of not being good enough fear of everything fear of illness fear of not meeting other people's expectations and but my near-death experience taught me that there's nothing to fear in fact when I was given the choice I felt I reached a point where I had the choice of whether to come back or not and it was my father and my best friend who actually said now that you know who you truly are go back and live your life fearlessly he'll have you been doing that yes I have okay thank you it gets better and better honestly it's hard to top Anita Moorjani story but the lessons are very very profound here the third wishes fulfilled foundation is called assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled assumed the feeling of the wish fulfilled so here's where we are we have used our imagination we have placed something into our imagination as an iamb which is the name of God I am strong I am healthy I am kind I am prosperous I am getting the job that I'm applying for I am whatever it might be I am and then you have practiced calling it as if that which does not exist as though it did and then you move now from the world of the intellect because understanding something intellectually is very different than understanding something spiritually to understand something spiritually you must experience it and in order to experience it you have to experience it in your imagination as an iamb but you must be able to feel it our feelings are the things that take place in our body it says neville says and i have this on the next to my bed where I live in mouth make your future dream a present fact by assuming the feeling of the wish fulfilled so whatever it is that you would like to experience in your life this remember your imagination is yours everything that now exists was once imagined therefore everything that is going to exist must first be imagined okay Henry David Thoreau had probably the greatest definition of success that I have ever heard he said if you advance confidently in the direction of your own dreams and endeavor to live the life which you have imagined you will meet with a success unexpected in common hours it will chase after you if you can place into your imagination what it is that you would like to attract and begin to feel it listen to Neville this is one of my most favorite quotes from the power of awareness that once you feel yourself to be you are and you are given that which you are so assume the feeling that would be yours were you already in possession of your wish and your wish must be realized so live in the feeling of being the one you want to be and that you shall be every feeling makes a subconscious impression and unless it is counteracted by a more powerful feeling of an opposite nature it must be expressed your feelings are different from your thoughts your feelings are what you experience in your body the dominance of two feelings is the one expressed I am healthy is a stronger feeling than I will be healthy I am healthy says I feel healthy and I feel healthy I feel great I don't determine if I am well on the basis of what it says on a piece of paper or on the basis of what somebody else out there tells me I live my life feeling within my body that I am strong I am capable I am able and that is not just something that I say it's not just an affirmation an affirmation is an intellectual exercise this is a spiritual knowing within that I am well I am content I am prosperous but the words that level use there are the subconscious every feeling that you have makes a subconscious impression upon your body and upon you awareness now you need to understand the subconscious mind of yours your subconscious mind rules your life 96 to 97 percent of everything that you do is done as a result of your subconscious mind and when your subconscious mind gets programmed it goes ahead and responds to whatever it is your conscious mind has placed into it I was 18 years old I was in the United States Navy for four years and they sent me to a school in Bainbridge Maryland to become a radio man and a cryptographer and we spent an hour a day every day for the first three or four weeks we were there on a typewriter learning Morse code okay and my conscious mind had to program my subconscious mind now this subconscious mind of yours is operating all the time you're sitting here watching a television show you got up you picked up your remote control you turned the channel on you got dressed you ate lunch you went to the bathroom you go to work you get into your car you drive to work you put it you don't think about what I'm going to do it everything that is going on in your life everything everybody in here in this room you know you got here through your subconscious mind you don't have to think about every single thing that you were doing but there was a time when you did in order to learn that this habitual subconscious mind of yours rules your life so I'm 18 years old I'm taking Morse code did that oh here's the alphabet a little bit of it anyway Dada Dada did it Dada Dada Dada dit dit did it out it da da dit did it it did it to Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada did that's a through P check it out that's fifty-three years ago and my subconscious mind is still keeping track of the Dada Dada Dada Dada Dada it did it uh you're doing the same thing only you don't use Morse code but you programmed your subconscious mind with didn't it doubted it I can't do that did it doubt of that I'm not very attractive did it it's out of that I'm overweight did it it dah dah dah dah did it I can't to make things happen and it's did it it dotted it not it is still there fifty three years later you and you go through your life with the subconscious programming with with an awareness that you are not in charge you're not able to extend or transcend this this way of thinking the subconscious of mind of yours is most impacted by your feelings a change of feeling is a change of destiny a change of feeling is a change of destiny write it down stick it on the wall next to your bed if you came in from where I sleep you would see that I look at that all the time I want to practice putting into my subconscious mind the assumption of the feeling of what it is that I would like to attract into my life as if it already existed and to feel it not just to think it but to feel it Neville's Law of assumption says this if this assumption about what you would like to become is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling the attainment of your ideal is absolutely inevitable you must first assume the feeling of a wish fulfilled in all aspects of your life so you have to say to yourself what does it feel like to be prosperous what does it feel like to to be content what does it feel like to be well and I had to remind myself of that when I had this leukemia diagnosis I had to remind myself I was I was down about 30 minutes until I realized that virtually everything that shows up in my life has been a blessing virtually everything all of the struggles whether it's in you know addictions or whether it's in living in foster homes and being abandoned whether it's my wife and I separating and the pain of that whatever it might be well my dear friend of mine was Elizabeth kubler-ross she passed away a few years back and she was the one who wrote so much about death and dying she had a wonderful and important message for us she said if you shield the mountain from the wind storms you'll never see the beauty of the carvings and the beauty of the carvings comes from being able to be in a state of gratitude for the storms that show up in our life just as much as the things that we would like to have show up in our life you have to start retraining your subconscious mind and your subconscious mind it responds to what it is that you suggest to it now the intriguing thing about your subconscious mind your habitual mind is that it can't make a distinction between what it is that you are feeling as a result of what you have placed into your imagination and assume the feeling of it and what you are experiencing every day in your life if you tell if you go around feeling unhappy depressed miserable sad whatever if you your subconscious mind says oh so this is what it is that you would like to attract into your life and the universal subconscious mind which we were all connected that we call the creative source of the universe the divine mind God the DAO whatever you wanted to be at it will begin to offer you experiences that match up to what it is that you are feeling so your body responds to what it is you place into your subconscious mind you have to retrain it because 53 years later Here I am dit da da da da did it die it's a it's there but that's innocuous that that's not that's not going to hurt anything but if I programmed into my subconscious mind feelings of poor me I can't do anything about my life other people are responsible for the reason why I can't get myself happy and healthy and so on if I if I live with that kind of consciousness with anyway you're going around feeling and all the time your feelings your feelings create the destiny that you want if this assumption is persisted in until it becomes your dominant feeling the attainment of your ideal is absolutely inevitable and what's the Paramount feeling that you want to have the feeling of exactly the feeling of love love is the feeling you must assume this is the message that Anita brought to me and brought to all of you that when you place a feeling of love which is all there is it seemed to me on the other side is that right Anita I mean it's just it's just nothing when she tries to describe this and I'm pushing her you know I'm 71 I'm cramming for my finals I mean I I want to know what's it like over there you know we all want to know that and all she says is is just pure love it's just it's a love that you are bathed in if you will bathe yourself in that kind of love live from that place and know God is love the fourth wishes fulfilled foundation I call attention this is really crucial your imagination is able to do all that you ask in proportion to the degree of your attention so what kind of attention do you place on your desires let's say well I'll give you an example the one of myself with this business of this chronic lymphocytic leukemia my kids just got me this wonderful gift I hadn't had it before they wanted me in the 21st century it's called an iPad I just got I just got my first email address and I'm not telling anybody what it is so but it's just this wonderful they got this wonderful feature that I really think we should have in life and it's called trash which I had never seen before they were explaining this to me so anything that comes in that you don't want you just push this little button use it like this and it goes like this it actually moves and you can and it makes a little sound and then there's a little button over on this side that says delete you know so it's something you put into the trash and then you hit delete it's gone forever that's the kind of way you want to use your attention there are two kinds of attention according to level subjective attention and objective attention subjective attention is different from objective attention you want to use subjective attention not objective attention Neville says there's an enormous difference between attention directed objectively and attention directed subjectively and the capacity to change your future depends on the latter whatever you have placed into your imagination you always go to your reality and call that which does not exist as if it did I am and you I have a rule about it it's don't complain and don't explain you don't have to explain what you have placed into your imagination it is totally yours one of my great teachers in my life and my early doctoral years was dr. Abraham Maslow he said become independent of the good opinion of other people trust yourself subjective attentions you and only you capital y ou you are the subject that impacts the burning desire in your imagination you are living and feeling as if your future dreams are a present fact objective attention you become the objectified result of other people telling you what you can't do what's impossible and so on subjective attention mine is is mine I have an image that I use I call it the superglue method and when I have an intention about what it is including doing this program when I have an intention about making this program a reality and it involves a lot of money and a lot of a lot of expense a lot of people a lot of things have to come together it involves going over into my writing space every single day never giving up on it for even if I don't feel like writing four or five hours every single day because I superglue I superglue my intention into my imagination and I don't allow anybody else's opinions to do anything to distract from that I don't care if they tell me I can't do it if it's impossible or it'll cost too much or we can't do my intentions are super glued there and I have that Do Not Disturb sign placed on my imagination and it is mine use this don't allow anybody elses opinions don't allow what it says on the internet don't allow the research don't allow what anybody out there tells you is possible or not possible for you thank you I just want to re-emphasize that this really works I mean it really does work if you just put in the minimal effort that I've been speaking about about realizing how powerful your imagination is and assuming the feeling of what it is you want to be as if it already were your reality a change of feeling is a change of destiny the fifth foundation before I go to it you may have noticed my new hat here right about that I just took a group of people to Assisi Lords meju gory three great spiritual places where miracles have taken place and I got one of these hats and I don't think I've taken it off sense it's my new uniform v foundation and wishes fulfilled foundation I call it now I lay me down to sleep and it is about the most practical of all of the five wishes fulfilled foundations this is something that you can do when the show is over tonight when you go to bed in the book of Job there is a very important statement the statement says in a dream in a vision of the night when deep sleep falls upon men while slumbering in their beds then he opens the ears of men and seals their construction your subconscious mind is most comfortable when you are unconscious you are unconscious when you are in your sleep state and in your sleep state your subconscious mind is busy at work and it's so important these I call it the last five minutes of your day so you get into bed every day you get into bed and getting ready to go to sleep and you are now about to you're in that state between being awake and being sleep where you're getting drowsy and and you are going to marinate for the next eight hours in your unconscious subconscious mind you're preparing your marinate and the question is how do you want to prepare yourself for having your instructions sealed your ears are opened and your instructions are sealed so most people use the last five minutes of their day as they're about to enter into sleep to review all of the things that they don't like and all of the things that didn't work and all of the people that hurt their feelings and all of the stuff that is going on in their life that they wish weren't happening this is their worry time this is the time when you fill your mind with all of this stuff and then you go off into sleep and he opens your ears and seals your instructions while you are slumbering that's right out of the book of Job so what you want to do is reverse this practice because your subconscious mind is listening to how you are asking the universe to provide for you what it is that you would like to attract or manifest into your life and if you fill your subconscious mind with all of the things that you don't want that you don't like that make you unhappy that make you depressed that make you worry then your subconscious mind which is impersonal and remember it can't make a distinction between what it is that you are feeling result of what you place into your mind or what is actually happening in your life it doesn't distinguish one from the other is totally impersonal it's just open to suggestion and here you are suggesting to your subconscious mind which will when you awaken you will align with the universal subconscious mind the one mind you know there's millions of people out there in the world there's millions of you watching this program and you can see the difference between each and every one of you on the basis of your appearances but there's only one mind that's what the great spiritual texts all teach us so now if you if you program your subconscious mind to tell your so to go over all the things you don't want all the things you don't like all the things that shouldn't have happened all the ways that you were mistreated all about how terrible the economy is and you know we live in a fear-based world you want to shift away from that kind of consciousness and use the last five minutes of your of your day to program your subconscious mind with what you have placed into your imagination with your Iams I am well I say it to myself every night especially when I get into that that state you know that weird state where you're sort of half awake and you're half asleep and you know you're heading towards that sort of that some subconscious place and I just remember what it says in the book of Job I don't want my instruction sealed by going over I am sick I am poor I am unhappy I just say I am content I am lucky when I wake up in the morning I don't say good God morning it's the reverse I say good morning God you know it's like being grateful rather than being in that place where the things that you don't want are what you have programmed your life to be I always think of this as you know like you have a currency and if I were to give you currency to go out and purchase what you what you want and every place you went you took this currency that you have to purchase what you want and you purchase what you don't want and then when you get home and you wonder why your house and your life is filled with everything that you don't want it's because you're insane that's just insanity it is I mean why would you take what the currency that you have to buy what you do that that's therefore what you do want and spend it on what you don't want for the currency that you have for attracting into your life what you would like to have are your thoughts and your imagination you're in your Iams your god-consciousness why would you use it to say I am unable I am unlucky I cannot I will not your throttling that's what it says in the IM discourses your throttling that great i am presence that is located within you and so the last five minutes of your day as you're about to marinate for eight hours in your subconscious mind with your unconscious state you want to go into that state even if you just even if your senses tell you this is we just fooling yourself and so on you don't want to use your senses and the internet and other people's opinions what you see what you hear you want to let go of all of that and recognize that anything that you want to attract or create for yourself in your life begins with what you have placed in your imagination and i've assumed the feeling of that wish fulfilled and now you're going to practice it because you want i've been trying to get I'm going to get this stuff out of your subconscious mind is a big job it really is people most people are just not willing to do what it takes I still can't get the Morse code out of my subconscious mind I need to have a major deprogramming thing there's that exercise did that it uh did it it's always there but that's just harmless what isn't harmless is you know placing into your subconscious mind all the things that you're reviewing about what you don't like about what didn't happen about who mistreated you about how sad you are about how this can't happen you are a creator never put it this way he said the feeling which comes in response to the question how would I feel were my wish real is the feeling which should monopolize and mobilised your attention as you relax into sleep how would I feel were what it is that I would like to attract and create and I don't care what it is whether it's about the condition of your body the disease state that you're in the fact that you've been overweight for four three centuries or three decades or whatever it is the fact that you've been addicted if you ignore it even if you're drinking the coffee and doing the drugs and and drinking alcohol or eating the sugar and so on ignore what your senses tell you ignore what what you see on the scale ignore all of that and say I am sober I am healthy I am well-being I am content I am happy I am perfect health because ultimately that's how you will attract it you have to be able to see the wish fulfilled already in advance and call those things which do not yet exist as though they do now as I get ready to conclude this program of love there are two really significant things you've gone to sleep you programmed your subconscious mind I want every one of you every one of you watching this show I want you when you get into bed tonight just try it tonight instead of using these five minutes to review what you don't want review everything that you've placed into your imagination and keep this in mind when people say to me and they say it to me all the time what if I do everything that you say and it doesn't work just doesn't work the student should constantly remind yourself if it doesn't feel natural if it doesn't feel natural it isn't going to work okay I was being interviewed on a national television show by a guy who was about five foot seven and weighed maybe a hundred and forty pounds and he did this long intensive interview with me and he said that you mean to tell me that if I do everything that you say that I can become a linebacker for the New York Giants professional football team as he lived in New York and I said does it feel natural for you to be a linebacker for the New York Giants does that feel natural to you and he said no it doesn't and if it just doesn't feel natural to you then all of the rest of this is just a waste of your energy now the question isn't whether you're going to become a linebacker on a professional football team but does it feel natural for you to say I deserve prosperity does it feel natural for you to say I deserve to be in a state of well-being I deserve for my body to weigh exactly what I want it to weigh what it is post away does it feel natural for you to say I am beautiful I am strong I am capable I am loved if it doesn't feel natural you've got a real problem going with your subconscious mind you got a Morse code in there did it it I am fat did it it I am poor dadadada I am unable you have to start reprogramming your subconscious mind to say I came from a place of well-being I came from a place of perfect health I came from a place of love and I am well-being I am wealth now on the other hand there are some people like there's a basketball player out there and then NBA his name is Mugsy Bogues Mugsy Bogues is about 2 foot 3 now he's about 5 foot 7 or 5 foot 8 and he can dunk a basketball he's five foot seven and he can dunk a basketball I'm six foot two I could hardly see the rim but somehow for this man who was five foot seven it felt natural for him to be able to elevate his body and grab on to a rim that's ten feet off of the ground and it feels natural for him and he's able to do it and there are so many examples of people who have accomplished things that they have never had a belief system that it was impossible for them so for every single one of us the the intention needs to be it feels natural to me even if I don't know how to do it even if I have no experience with it even if it's something that everybody else has told me isn't I can't do you need to be able to say to yourself yes I feel natural being happy being loved being prosperous being all the things that I placed into my imagination the second thing that I'd like to say in conclusion is that I was trying to manifest something into my life and I did everything but it still wasn't working and then I reread the the I am discourses and one of the things that it says in the I am discourses that is very very powerful is that as long as you are having any thoughts of condemnation criticism or judgment towards any of God's children you are throttling the great I am presence within new that is God and I realized that my attempt to manifest what I wanted for myself into my life involved some judgment some criticism and even some condemnation toward someone who had done things that I felt that that person shouldn't have done and when I let go of the judgment and I let go of the condemnation and I let go of the criticism almost instantly what it was that I was looking to manifest showed up in my life you can't have any thoughts towards any of God's children that involved criticism judgment or condemnation we are all just doing what we know how to do and we can't ask any more of anyone those of you who have followed me over the years know that one of my very favorite songs is Amazing Grace it's a very powerful song we have to walk down a new street there it is a new street and not just for ourselves but for the planet and for our children there's a wonderful prayer that the Native Americans would say when we walk upon the earth we place our feet very carefully because we know that the faces of our future generations are looking up at us from beneath the ground and we never forget them sometimes I think we have forgotten sometimes I think we forget that we are borrowing our planet from them this is theirs and they're just letting us use it this on this stage with me I'm proud to say is the San Diego children's choir and I would like to tell all of you ladies and gentlemen the story about the song you're about to sing this song was composed by a man named John Newton who lived back in the 18th century and he was in the business of selling human beings into slavery he was 22 years old and he was a slave ship captain and in this hideous practice that was so commonplace in the 17th and 18th centuries and the British and American empires he was taking people from West Africa on his ship to the New World to South Carolina to be sold into slavery and halfway across the ocean he encountered a storm and he heard from the wailing of one of the people that was to be sold into slavery the sounds and he took out an envelope and he wrote on the back of this envelope the words to us all I once was lost and now I'm found I once walked down an old Street and I'm walking now on a new Street and in one moment his life was changed and the storm passed and legend tells us that he turned his ship around and he went back to Africa and he released all of the people who were still alive and then he took his ship to a place in England called Bristol and gave up being a slave ship captain and became the most ardent spokesman for the abolition of slavery and was almost single-handedly responsible for ending this horrible nefarious hideous practice of selling human beings and it all happened in one moment one instant one quantum moment any of us can change our lives in one moment and reverse the old Street and begin walking on a new Street so the San Diego children's choir were so proud to have you come out here and conclude this program on wishes fulfilled and they're going to sing for you Amazing Grace here Oh Oh beautiful thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you wow they're here and we thank you for letting us use this planet and we hope that we will remember you in all that we undertake and all that we do if you would like to accomplish something you must first expect it from yourself every one of you you are a spark I can grow until you recognize that you truly are divine beings because in every moment of your life and every moment of your lives you have this choice you can either be a host to God or a hostage to your ego it's your call god bless you and god bless you thank you right here we're in time okay thank you Oh Oh
Channel: Luke Broad
Views: 1,288,433
Rating: 4.7999668 out of 5
Keywords: Wayne Dyer (Author), law of attraction, the secret, the secret by rhona byrne, subconscious mind, spirituality, the higher self, success, what is the law of attraction, The Secret (2006 Film), coaching, goals, healing, holistic, wealth
Id: pTr8UsJ_yvc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 106min 42sec (6402 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2013
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