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They got into a nice groove with the "together/push-on-through" song around the 20:30 spot.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 61 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Frank_Galvin πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 48 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LoLSlothery πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Lol Wayne keeps trying to give mark hooks and mark just won’t loop em

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 47 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/YahYahY πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Anthony Fantano calls him to say hello about 40 minutes in:


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 66 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MirrorLake πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is incredible. Just incredible.

Marc is awesome on his own, but if there is one aspect of his music that is lacking (compared to his other skills), it's his lyrics - he usually rhymes very basically or doesn't rhyme at all. But Wayne Brady, who has rhyming superpowers, fills this lyrical hole.

At around 7 minutes in, Wayne comes in with

I've always been a party seeker /

But this song makes me take my shirt off - dance on top of a speaker /

People ticking, at the bar /

Looking at me right now like I-i-i'm a star /

I've got that attitude /

Put you in the mood /

That's the kind of quality bar that Marc (god bless him) doesn't much do.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 156 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/elhospitaler πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Wow. He got clothes on :D

Always amazing tho.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 23 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hagegnom πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Next guest, Bo Burnam?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 27 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Playerhater812 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't get over how talented Wayne Brady is. He is remarkable.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BrytonB πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 17 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

The first beat he created right off the best was so freaking good

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/slappychappy04 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ May 16 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] one two one two hey if i can hear that that's the ticket right there hey all right let me grab a little beer i'll be right back and we'll wreck it wayne brady everybody [Music] all right i like that groove really nice you like that well i love this whole setup i gotta say to say that as as someone that that watches your videos and everything to to to watch the room where where it happens it's really cool yeah thanks dude it's just my tiny little cubicle you know yeah yeah but you make magic in here like i discovered you during the pandemic oh yeah like i think a lot of people and that's what you know you helped bring a lot of uh light thanks man so so kudos thank you yes sir and you as well i mean you've been bringing light for [ __ ] decades dude you're the you're the light bringer trying man hey yes well internet i mean we're here yeah yeah we're here internet hey internet wayne brady mark rubio coming at you i love it live and direct from downtown manhattan living the dream manhattan man yes sir so gorgeous out here i've been doing it doing a shooting a show out here for for the past few weeks oh nice and the first week i came out it was like the first time that i'd been to new york since the pandemic really happened uh and it was a bit of a ghost town right now it's starting to come out folks are outside you can feel it right you feel the feel that energy building again yeah yeah it's really nice vaccination you know everyone's getting starting to feel a little more comfortable going out and it's yeah the movement and also the weather's getting a lot better it's um yeah it's nice really nice so this is a nice way to start my day in new york that's right good morning good morning hey internet hey there internet how you doing let's do a little maybe like a little wake up thing like a little i don't know some sort of let's see oh just so because my daughter my daughter miley is watching and her her mom and this is not beer no this is water because they know i don't drink to drink beer but i looked at myself in the monitor looks like i'm that dude who's like hey why don't you pass me some cools and let me drink this here be real quick i've got a tall boy for you away but let me hit that lick real quick we're just going to be hitting that lick it's water pure water from the alps of i don't know some [ __ ] some alp some alps somewhere the swiss alps something like that austria let's say swiss alps we'll say swiss we'll say swiss because it surely is not the harlem alps yeah it's definitely not although beautiful place harlem is i'm the alps in harlem gotta visit dude you can go skiing you put on your lederhosen yeah they have the apollo chateau yeah it's absolutely beautiful you're gonna love it you're just gonna love it now let's make some [ __ ] what do you think wayne yeah man i'll just pop some [ __ ] on here i don't know oh e i'm talking about e oh yeah this mic you want to keep it nice and close it's like a gotcha it's like a stage mic pretty much oh yeah yeah that's it yeah yeah bam boom b let's do it [Music] [Music] what's that it sounds like i'm at an incredibly well-lit gay club yes yes yes it's the day time it's the daytime it's the daytime and it's gay time it's the daytime [Music] oh [Music] sun is shining [Music] is [Music] all [Music] all right [Music] so you think about that [Music] come on [Music] i got that attitude [Music] tonight yeah i got that attitude i'm gonna work when i'm working [Music] take my shirt tonight dance on top of a speaker at the bar looking at me right now [Music] like you in the mood [Music] i've been making that music like a walking talking forty-five yeah that was that's a groove that's a great group just making [ __ ] up i love that that's my brand man making [ __ ] up you know all about that let's do that i'm gonna pop this little beer right here i'm drinking the beer folks not mr brady and we will toast canned to can man to man that's all right man to man cheers everybody happy sunday it's a beautiful sunday out here in manhattan shout out to everybody on the west coast watching us at 11 o'clock and living you got up early for this one guys happy brunch cook yourself up something a little okay and we're just gonna [Music] right [Music] [ __ ] [Music] oh yeah welcome to brunch [Music] i got it got [Music] got it got [Music] what you want [Music] work work work work work work work work work go ahead work work work work to the right work work [Music] all right now all the party people that happen to be at the club right now at 2 12. you've been up for 24 hours it's light outside but it's dark where you are get home safely from the club baby get home safely from the club baby be careful when you're ordering the cab from the club be careful when you're ordering the cab from the club and if you don't get a cab if to get an uber please let me know where you are include me when you're making your arrangements let me know where you are when you book that trip put me as the one with the contacts to know where you are so i know that i can track your trip to let you know exactly where you are get home gotta say that license plate gotta make sure the license plate is the same as the one on the car when it's in the app you gotta make sure it's the same the one in the car make sure that license plate is the same as the one on the car goddamn and make sure the license plate is the same as the one on the card and when he pull up when he pull up when he pull up when he pulled up when he pulled up when he pulled up put it check his head pull up when he pulled up when he pulled up when he pulled up [Music] just another day in new york baby hey smooth sailing baby nothing wrong with that we're here on easy street fm 92 point something if you can find the number then you can find us [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] hey well happy sunday everybody if you're just tuning in i'm mark rubio you know i'm just making up [ __ ] week after week doesn't really matter what it is as long as uh something comes out and i'm joined this week by the one and only the legend the icon wayne brady why thank you sir it's good to have you man man it is good to be here this is to me this is this is one of the most freeing types of expression and so much fun and i'm lucky that you know i found mainstream success with it but this is the stuff that you know cats like us do when you're growing up when you're in your room when you're writing songs you're singing it to yourself or or you're making characters up and doing things this is just the outward expression of that there is no greater freedom yeah it's true it's true when you get in that it's like uh it's a very special thing you know to get to get into that groove and like feel something coming and then work through it and find something and like meditate on it and keep going whatever it doesn't really matter where it goes there's no plan i don't know there's something very special about it very special about it well it's a it's a you use the word meditation which not everyone would think of doing doing improvisation as a form of meditation but like you said once you start it's like my my buddy jonathan mangum is watching right now and jonathan and i have toured together for years and he's uh a who's lying cast member and and we've done improv since i was like 19. wow and what i've i've discovered when we do our shows together is there comes a certain point where you jump off the edge you don't know what's coming next but just like we we just did now you get caught up in the circle and the cycle of of the whole thing and the words are coming to you the music moves you sometimes a punch line will hit but you aren't concerned with where you end up you're you're handling things in the moment right and i find that doing improvisation is probably the most present that i am in a day ah it is it truly anchors you that i don't have time to think about x y and z right right i have to be right here yeah and it is absolutely amazing i haven't thought about that yeah it's a very it does sort of force you to just think about a singular thing and like nothing else which is very helpful for people who happen to be overwhelmed you may be i certainly am absolutely you know it's uh maybe something that we would encourage you at home to just try just for the [ __ ] of it you know well that is actually what i'm doing soon i i uh you know a couple months ago i uh launched a a a company you know we said said making it up as a brand like i i really have had making [ __ ] up as my brand for for years i had a making [ __ ] up tv show and the stage show but now we're taking it to a corporate market and also to the people at home doing this doing this quarantine taught me that being able to do things like this being present it's not about you trying to be as funny as a who's lying cast member it's about take 10 seconds 10 10 minutes out of your day and just try to make some something up maybe it's a story maybe it's a song maybe it's anything that focuses your mind like that right you'll automatically bring down your anxiety and you'll have fun that's what's missing man we need to have fun yes yes just generating generating anything at all hell yeah don't put the pressure on yourself to do this [ __ ] or that thing or don't it just just put it out let's do something about that yes letting go letting go having fun being in the moment i love it i love it i love it let's do that all right let's see what we got let's [ __ ] around a little bit do hmm think about a little something like that all right let's figure it out [Music] [Music] [Music] hey this is everybody just trying to get through it [Music] there it is don't be so hard on yourself open your [Music] if you mind well [Music] hey the world keeps telling you that you can't go in fact there's only stop signs in front of you and hands held out telling you no but if you've got something that you won't do the place you got to go then you just you just need to know that you gotta keep going because what's your choice [Music] and there's one direction there's only one way to go through oh you gotta go through under [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] it's gonna [Music] it's [Music] [Music] i can't do the same [Music] um [Music] oh together [Music] yeah that's it come on that's how we have to handle this pandemic and now the fallout and everything and and now the cdc says that everybody can be free and wear masks and everyone is in an uproar because we don't know who's vaccinated and who is and small businesses are stressing out because now the onus is on them to become the mass police and we have people that want their freedoms we have other people that rail against other people's freedoms this whole thing has been such a huge [ __ ] show it has hurt families it has driven people apart from each other it's divided the country but on the flip side those of us that have stayed positive we have managed to rally to come together to reach out to use social media to use things like tick tock i reached out to my man we can make a connection so if we all can do it we can do it because it's kind of simple right together together [Music] we're gonna make it through now let's do i'm gonna do a little heart [Music] [Music] yeah gonna make it through all together [Music] we're gonna make it through [Music] we're gonna make it through [Music] your folks on youtube digging it [Music] nice together [Music] only one way baby only one way [Music] society hinges on the world hinges on it it's a contract togetherness yes sir we gotta do that [ __ ] we really gotta do that [ __ ] hey you know what you know it might be fun i'd [Music] say hey hey [Music] [Music] [Music] hey [Music] hey not feeling i'm feeling [Music] we're it make it through together [Music] together [Music] together [Music] it together [Music] i love watching this get built i love watching this get built come on come [Music] we're on make it through together we're gonna make it through together this truly is [Music] we've got to make it through together it caught you at the end we've got some that's kind of cool [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we gotta keep going keep working keep walking keep trying baby [Music] we've got [Music] we've got some [Music] we've got some [Music] we've got [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice oh cheers to that a little uplifting club how's everyone on the internet doing you guys doing well everyone's just typing away you you guys are just typing you guys are typing a lot what's going oh they're they're digging it they're digging it wayne brady marc rabiae you know how it is making [ __ ] up i love that [ __ ] oh yeah man you gotta come what you're in la right yeah i'm playing two shows in in september october oh i'm down yeah come up on stage and [ __ ] around oh come on man hey that would be fun yes you guys right up there you know um we've got just a couple cities left that are not sold out la is sold out uh marcorabie.com tickets the third dose tour i'm coming to a city near you go check it out man check it out pure unadulterated freedom hey that's it it's chaos i love that watching the videos of your live show yeah man like i love your live show your energy you're half naked the whole time you you have so much commitment man so much commitment and then the songs that you dropped during the pandemic like uh like is it quarantined [ __ ] oh yeah quarantine [ __ ] tonight baby so i was so surprised but and then it's so stupid but that's the beauty and that's what some people may not get is when you're doing stuff like this when you can take such an absurd thing and absurd words and put them together and you're so committed but musically it's so tight and and cohesive it becomes real you actually manifest a real song out of stupid pieces of the ether right because that yeah you know what that that is it's an interesting thing about improvising is like you because you don't have time to to to plan then you naturally when you're reaching things will come to you that would not have come to you if you if you know if you were writing basically your your first mind is sometimes you know there's a you know that saying you know you should have followed your first mind sometimes creatively your first mind is the best mind but then as soon as like when when we write the difference because i'm i'm sure that you're the same way i use improvisation to write whether it's music or writing a script so you'll just be and the thing that you go the first the first thing that you go oh baking soda oh that's funny oh no no i don't know if i could if i say that though will i i don't know as soon as you start that journey then you screwed yourself you lost it you lost it because maybe baking soda would have been the [ __ ] and you could have built stuff on top the top of it but now you've taken those words from yourself so that's what i admire when i watch you and even just doing this the end result is not oh the end result is going to be this funny thing it's the journey of let's see what happens and hold on and then we get there that's totally it i mean yeah i mean obviously like watching you for years just create [ __ ] out of thin air i'm sure set the foundation for me to like want to do it you know and and and you know improvising i mean i acting was sort of like my journey my thing my like career trajectory i suppose for lack of a better word when i was a kid i dropped out of college and started learning how to make music but it's it's always been i mean obviously i'm doing it now and it's just it's just the best [ __ ] thing that you don't have to plan you don't have to [ __ ] write any songs you just walk on stage and it just you just let it happen that is the best thing it's the best it is the best thing it really is it really is we're here we're making [ __ ] up do you want to take a suggestion from some of your cats like do you do that yeah sure take suggestions maybe do do like lean into a hip-hop thing oh i like that yes yeah because i know that harry mack is coming soon yeah and so so i want to get get my taste to hip hop before harry comes in and destroys the studio shout out to harry mack harry mack what a [ __ ] talent man all right guys hit me with what i'm gonna do is for the youtube folks um hit me i guess the best way to do this is super chat so if you tip it'll show up at the top give us a little super chat and and give us a topic to to make oh that's there's not a lot of delay there um okay oh there's a lot of super chats already but now we're gonna wait thank you for all the other super chats and we're gonna wait for you to super chat with a topic for us to make a song about uh we'll let those kind of flow in and i'll just make some hip-hop [ __ ] right now yeah man let's try it how about that all right shout out to dj premier oh you had you had a hip-hop icon so so this is a nice couch like your guest has been great between him and emily king emily king what a magician i what when i saw that you had her on the show yeah i was i fanboyed because i've i followed her since her first record eh hold on a second wait can we hear this yeah can you hear wait can you hear us did i hear you yeah you're on the air right now i'm streaming with wayne brady i didn't mean to call you on the air no that's okay we need a topic to make a song about word but this is anthony fantano he's though he's the internet's busiest music nerd he's the most famous famous music critic in the world and uh we're just hanging out nice to meet you anthony uh wow i'm i'm honored to have made it onto the stream again i was just i was actually calling to check in to see how you were doing oh well that's sweet man um i'm doing well i'm doing well i'm just making [ __ ] up with uh with wayne and we're we're hanging out and we were looking for people to super chat on youtube with topics to make a song about um and people are doing that and so i kind of feel bad that i'm going to ignore all of them and ask you to give us a topic ask him and then pick a rant oh that's nice yeah we can work it in we can work it out yeah but start us off anthony what do you got i i would say either a song about um you know checking in on your bros or uh maybe you maybe you two could do a musical bit about uh having a falling out over disagreeing over your favorite mutant ninja turtle i like i i really like them both we actually can combine both like really really like friendship friendship over because one of you likes michelangelo but the other one's more of a leonardo guy yeah that's a very specific route okay it is super you know i it's it's specific because it's been my experience i mean i've lost so many friends oh god that's a shame yeah you can't it sounds like oh it sounds like it's like turtle beef you know that you get into to uh you know it's a mutant ninja turtle beef i like that turtle beef turtle beef all right we're gonna take turtle beef and run with it i love you anthony okay all right have a good one you too i'll call you later all right bye all right bye anthony fantano everybody just calling in love it i love it um the internet is enjoying that enjoying that and then what we'll do is now i have these these super chats open so we can i can we can just throw some [ __ ] out while we're doing that you know all right so let's see what what what what are we going to do [Music] yeah yeah let's do all right i'm going to lay something down turtle power heroes in a half shell every hour [Music] is foreign on that [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] michelangelo [Music] all right i'm gonna lay down the space real quick because the problem is if i have the mics on and you're singing then it'll get it in the loop so it's it's like i wish i needed you know what i need is another mic so that like a dry mic you know that's not going into the looper that's what i need that's what i need to do siri make a note siri remind me to get another microphone brand new microphone alexa how are you today guitar center visit scheduled for thursday 5 pm thank you siri [Music] [Music] yes [Music] hey [Music] what the shell is going on [Music] [Music] i press the play button now we're watching cartoons [ __ ] get the pizza tmnt and that's the best baby almost sit down this pairing is historic watching these reptiles who are anthropomorphic we sit down we use in our voice i like all of them but tell me which is your choice well i'm a leonardo man night and day you know that i wanted to check on you but i figured i'd say it leonardo baby is the way that i lean you know it leonardo bad and mean how about you well hold on hold on hold on my good fellow you know that i rock with my boy donatello he's got that weapon that i love when he uses it but he's conscientious he never abuses donatello that's a pretty good choice but i think mine is better mine has a voice mine is loud mine is big and proud mine is coming onto [ __ ] with the scene and justice oh look at justice don't make me laugh donatello pimp smacks your ass with a bow sand and not only does he do bow i know but he keeps in shape by doing tai boo damn tai bo donatello [ __ ] leonardo's chilling in the back with a blunt yo leonardo's gonna smoke and relax leonardo doesn't give a [ __ ] about lies or facts my man gets on up down to tell you straight each year he'll smack your ass through your slice of the pizza and if he orders a taco maybe you can think better he and gives up he gives a piece of shredding leonardo coming on through gonna [ __ ] up donatello you know how he do he's gonna kick the door down donatello on the ground baby do a choke called [ __ ] no sound no no sound oh how'd that feel ding dong who's at the door that's april she brings her news gathering facts and the skills to the party [ __ ] snaps your turtle and gets [ __ ] started leonardo's on the ground for a minute needs to take a little while to think about what he did but then he's getting back up baby take a shower now he's in action gonna [ __ ] your ass up oh then he comes in looks at your sphincter he says ah so and he bows like splinter comes in with some sage knowledge sends all four turtles off to turtle college damn that's diploma that's degree that's bachelor's [ __ ] tee hee meanwhile leonardo's leaning on back skipping class and hitting that ass donatello he's just straight chilling with your daughter he's comfortable in and out of the water he's a cool dude calm never fails smooth but yet rough look at them scales donatello's up with your daughter but meanwhile leonardo's with pamela anderson hotter yeah he's laying it down he's eating the [ __ ] you know how he does leonardo cool leonardo he's all right but donatello he can party with the cats all night he can beat box get down break dance and sing i heard he was in staten island hanging with the wu tang you got me there you got me beat leonardo can't hang like that in the streets he can eat a pizza pie with one eye open and do it yeah exactly what i thought yeah well well [ __ ] my dude he hangs out with lin manuel last i heard he was doing his [ __ ] right son in fact donatello was working on his sequel to hamilton god damn donatello doing too much too ambitious could you lay it back in the clutch leonardo's trying to catch up leonardo's trying to do this [ __ ] trying to [ __ ] you up you know what i'm looking at you and there's dissension we use anthony's anthony's suggestion i'm just trying to be a friend and call you and check in but they're four good turtles neither of us can win maybe you're right maybe we draw a line in the sand maybe we erase it maybe we talk man to man maybe it's better that way maybe it's you and me the milky way galaxy cosmos go get some cosmos or maybe some dos equis i can condo those and then if we can get really drunk and those eckies are prepared and both of us drink dope axes twice that's no cakey square ah dos equis twice and no fear baby drink the beer on the beach with the clear ass day palm trees swaying in the sunshine glass of wine yours mine both of us how can it be thus we just sitting by watching people drive on the bus sitting right here watching the brooklyn bridge on a sunny day that's a privilege oh what a privilege to be alive and thrive what a privilege to have a pulse and die what a privilege to get it done son what a privilege to be alive baby i'm privileged to be out under the sun that can burn one but maybe i can do this until my journey is done and i can be like star trek captain kirk said on stun incept pun it's set on fun fun fazer didn't know it had that option but i got a little laser damn i'm sitting on the bridge picard and riker they've been giving me orders go faster [Music] you know warp 9 engages [Music] [Music] ass you're going downtown going in the bottom of my glass how do you feel that let me ride that beat let me get that heat the number one in star fleet i'm sitting in my chair and i'm looking at that bridge and i'm thinking to myself man what a privilege oh such a privilege bring it back to the beginning the life [ __ ] and now it's ending and then before it was the one before it was two it's nothing and now it's everything explosion implosion implosion erosion explosions close orgasm organs intention intention spasms let's go go let's go baby [Music] nice just using the turtles as a jumper see that's the whole thing just take it where it takes you has anyone okay star trek people are tipping star trek oh yeah the twins versus good and evil uh twins good versus evil get it boys thank you fine sir thank you very much life's changing stream right here critical empire hey okay you guys are just like complimenting us we need topics thank you for the confidence thank you very much thank you we appreciate it [Music] you know we can keep it going yeah we can keep it going and [Music] [Music] soon [Music] mark introduce you to that quarantine [ __ ] earlier but now it's time for some masculist love making maskless love masculine [Music] i wanna see you scream [Applause] [Music] be the height of fashion but now i want you to admit that you need to take that [Music] off [Music] oh you keep your clothes on keep your clothes on i'm freaky like that i wanna get it on i wanna get the mask off and the clothes on you know i want you fully clothed head to toe except the mask is off so i can see your mouth screaming my name on the floor come on baby there's three holes that i'm interested in wait clean your dirty mind let me begin i'm talking one two in your mouth two three holes pull that mess down i see you and you know that the sky's looking down and they adore us look at that mask and the mask is semi-porous get down so that the oxygen can breathe you got all of that love and i need i seen your eyes all pandemic but i haven't seen your mouth all pandemic and god dang it i think i want it there i said it i wanna take your mask off take your mask off in the corner let me take it off let me take it off oh wait [Music] slam you against the door you like it rough baby clothes off now mask off now everything off we sweating and it's hard now yo i'm getting it you breathing and it's heavy and it's oxygenated because the mask is off down you know i'm feeling it it's getting higher and more violent and higher and i'm crying and you're doing it as [ __ ] now we're [ __ ] baby now we're screaming and we're sweating and this [ __ ] [ __ ] the h2o man water that you give to me oh baby don't you know no more more water but i can drink that water cause my mask is down and now it's time for me to just just jump around i am not house of pain but i am house of wayne you asked me to vote and i shall not abstain my boat's forgetting that booty i'm in the moody you see us i'm ready to do it waxing it is my duty where a cat that says that i'm the general and my effortlessness mean that i am your pal and your orders are to take your mask off and lay down and get ready girl because it's about to go down oh you heard it from anthony fauci you heard it baby time for me to give you the ouchie it's time to take the mask off let it out time to let it out your tongue your mouth your nose it's sniffing my fragrance i'm up inside your business i'm up inside baby no hesitating and no waiting it's time to do it no masturbating we [ __ ] and now it's great [Music] [Music] [Music] what we do yeah one shot not two then i'll do you then i'll do you if it then i'll do you there one shot one shot baby not two then i'll do you then i'll do you one shot one shot [Music] then i'll do you [Music] oh you say you want to love it [Music] oh mark rubio wayne brady you know you know what we're doing cheers my man cheers brother cheers thanks for joining me pleasure man my pleasure ah so nice feels good absolutely man absolutely it's so funny getting the text from from my friends the friends that are watching oh yeah that's so funny are they enjoying it yeah okay good good do you guys should we do like a finale you want to do a little finale yeah man let's do a finale right wrap it up all right we're gonna wrap this baby up [Music] it's about that time ladies and gentlemen [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] oh [Music] full [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] now [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] this is over now baby i'm all over now this is over [Music] different [Music] [Music] together gotta make it happen [Music] cause now that we've come to the end made this happen strength of a microphone but you can't do it all along but baby now i said it's over it's done it's done forever if you can't love yourself [Music] baby cause ain't nobody gonna love you if you don't love you thank you [Music] [Applause] if you don't love yourself baby [Music] it's all about love that's everything the only [ __ ] that matters at the end of it you're right uh at the very end of it at the end of the day it's the only thing [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] love love hey hey hey give it up for wayne brady baby man what a great way to start my day off oh thank you for having me over man thank you to all of you folks watching if i can do a shameless plug oh plug away my friend yeah like come come over and say you say hey hey to me on tick tock it's really easy it's just uh i think it's my name i think my tic tongue is my name is i think it is it's just wayne brady right it's just wayne brady and uh and um and uh yeah i'm so inspired by this i love this i can't wait so i'm gonna go home and just start making [ __ ] up in in my room it's such a great way to do it man and i'm so proud of you and i i can't wait to see what happens i'm coming to your show and i look forward to uh when we can work together you know more yeah man me too likewise a true honor and um yeah man it's just very it's bizarre having people i've been watching forever just like working with you know it's very bizarre it's but i'm like incredibly humbled and flattered and um yeah dude you're just you're a [ __ ] icon so you deserve every ounce of success you have and um yeah let's do it again man hell yeah whenever you know all right off the cuff you said it all right guys be good to each other make sure you love each other tell each other you love each other i love you miley hey miley and the fam shout out all right guys take it easy be good to each other and uh have a beautiful beautiful sunday or whatever day it is in your neck of the woods and uh until next time i'm mark rubio just pooping on it bye everybody
Channel: Marc Rebillet
Views: 573,122
Rating: 4.9880695 out of 5
Id: acnvRrpvwlk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 20sec (4460 seconds)
Published: Sun May 16 2021
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