Watters: Is Biden confessing that his presidency is a failure?

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when america is faced with a tragedy americans expect a leader to step up to the plate and bring the country together not fuel the flames and make things worse joe biden ran on being that guy in 2017 in the midst of charlottesville biden emerged to tell americans that there was no better guy in washington to unite the country he promised he would fight for what he called the soul of america and he'd fight for every american regardless of party or race but what we're seeing coming out of this white house is the very last thing joe biden promised he'd do today he made it clear it was never about you it was always just politics for him in his first visit to buffalo new york a city mourning after a racist nut job went on a shooting spree joe biden treated it like it was just another campaign stop where instead of uniting a broken city he used it to blame america for being complicit in white supremacy white supremacy is a poison it's a poison running through it really is running through our body politic and it's been allowed to fester and grow right in front of our eyes no more i mean no more we need to say as clearly and forced as we can that the ideology of white supremacy has no place in america fairly for us to not say that failure in saying that is going to be complicity silence is complicity so if you don't talk about white supremacy all day like democrat politicians you're complicit in white supremacy got it and you're the reason america is failing the american experiment in democracy is in a danger like it hasn't been in my lifetime it's endangered this hour hate and fear of being given too much oxygen by those who pretend to love america but who don't understand gutfeld made a great point on the five today which he almost never does so i'm happy to relay it to you joe biden is admitting that democracy is at its greatest danger point in 80 years while joe biden is president and while democrats control the senate and the congress and after he got elected on a promise to unite the country is biden just reading words on a teleprompter or is he confessing that his presidency is a failure we have no idea but does this sound like someone who cares about actually healing the soul of america if joe biden really cared he'd go out there and talk about what really fueled this rampage and why it wasn't stopped he'd talk about the failure of school closings that isolated this kid and allowed him to slip into the dark crevices of the internet where he was radicalized he talked about the failure of his own red flag laws this kid was investigated by his school for being a wannabe school shooter he was sent to a psych ward and was investigated by police but he went on a mass shooting anyway biden doesn't talk about the real issues to him it's about how he's going to spin another tragedy into a political cause ahead of the midterms as president united states i travel the world all the time and other nations ask me heads of state and other countries to my ask me what's going on what in god's name happened on january 6 what happened in buffalo what happened to ask that's obviously a lie joe biden hasn't left the country since march and i'm sure poland's not worried about january 6th seem a little more upset with russia but did you hear what joe biden was trying to say he's trying to link the buffalo shooting with january 6th he's trying to say trump supporters are marching to the same tune as the buffalo shooter if you're ultra magga or if you're a mass shooter you're basically on the same side he sees his poles in the gutter the media's turned on him his own party's turned on him and he's facing a bloody midterm so biden's feeling desperate and he's using this tragedy to go back on offense and chip away at your second amendment look i'm not naive i know tragedy will come again it cannot be forever overcome it cannot be fully understood either but there are certain things we can do we can keep assault weapons off our streets we've done it before i didn't when he passed the crime bill last time and violence went down shootings went down cities cracking down on guns are actually seeing a rise in crime joe must know that you can crack down on all the guns you want but if you don't crack down on the criminals who use the guns crime will stay high but he wants to make guns into a problem so he can blame republicans for violence when we all know the real violence day after day night after night is happening in the inner city this is also about connecting people who are mentally unfit to carry a gun to responsible gun owners then biden focused in on the shooter's ideology his manifesto about the white birth rate and all of you reject the lie i call on all americans to reject the lie and i condemn those who spread the lie for power political gain and for profit we've now seen too many times the deadly and destructive violence this ideology unleashes this is what joe biden said about this very thing in 2015 when he was vice president watch an unrelenting stream of immigration non-stop non-stop folks like me who were caucasian of european descent for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the united states of america absolute minority fewer than 50 of the people in america from then and on will be white european stock that's not a bad thing that's that's a source of our strength not only our muslim communities but african communities asian communities hispanic communities and and the wave still continues it's not going to stop nor should we want it to stop as a matter of fact it's one of the things i think we can be most proud of and the media obviously doesn't want to cover record gas prices crime inflation the only thing the media loves to cover is trump and reverend al sharpton one of the deepest thinking democrats on msnbc managed to blame the buffalo shooting on trump what donald trump as president did this young man 18 was 15 years old then and as he later says he started reading and was radicalized it was not that radical to him when the president of the united states said there are fine people on both sides the mainstreaming of this hatred the mainstreaming of we will not be displaced uh uh this kind of mainstream of this opens and broadens the the whole pathway to people like this young man to feel that they're standing up for something biden's teed the media up to play the race card and just like i said last night the left is going to use this tragedy to make republicans feel guilty make sure almost guilt them guilt the republicans well it's not their no that is the party that's what you're voting for you don't get to pick and choose you don't get to say well i like their fiscal responsibility no you see the 10 people that got killed in buffalo you own that okay that's the way you got to talk to people you own that so that's the playbook if you're white or republican you're just as guilty as the buffalo shooter and the only way to absolve your guilt is to vote democrat is this how biden pictured the soul of america a country more divided than ever a media talking down half the country more hate crimes more black on black crime people struggling to buy baby formula joe biden hasn't healed the country at all he's made things worse and according to nbc 75 of the country thinks we're heading in the wrong direction well guess who's leading us there his speech in buffalo just proved to us he doesn't care about the soul of america it's just a line that one of his staffers put in the prompter just like ultra mega and whatever else the white house is trying to spend but americans aren't going to fall for it we know when we're being divided and conquered so how about this how about we worry about our own souls and joe biden can worry about how he can stay president and kamala can worry about how to become president hey sean hannity here hey click here to subscribe to fox news youtube page and catch our hottest interviews and most compelling analysis you will not get it anywhere else
Channel: Fox News
Views: 983,898
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Keywords: fnc, fox news, fox news channel, fox news media, fox news network, fox news prime time, fox news primetime, fox news primetime today, fox primetime, jesse watters, jesse watters monologue, jesse watters primetime, jesse watters primetime monologue, primetime, primetime fox news, watters monologue, watters primetime, watters world
Id: fbQ3T25-ps8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 15sec (555 seconds)
Published: Wed May 18 2022
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