Watch: San Francisco's 57th Annual Cherry Blossom Festival Parade

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good afternoon I'm Chris kamur here in the NBC bay area Studios the 57th annual cherry blossom parade is happening right now in San Francisco our Mike inway is out there let's go to it welcome out to San Francisco the intersection of post and Webster just outside Japan Town San Francisco let the folks at home hear you all right folks thanks Chris thanks for that great welcome out here for the 57 annual Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival parade the grand parade got started a few minutes ago you guys know that over at San Francisco City Hall if you look in front of where I'm facing the top of the hill you see some flashing lights that's the Parade's first unit getting ready to come down Post Street they're going to greet all of us in turn so we'll be patient we see what's coming and we'll see what's here when they perform for us right in front of the plaza and give the folks at the Grand standand a nice show as well so we want to thank you all for being out here now from time to time I might explain things a little more rudimentarily than you need because you've been here before but some folks are joining us from around the country or around the world that's the way the worldwide web works so this might be their first ever experience with San Francisco's Japan Town with this Cherry Blossom Festival and with this historic parade so I hope you'll bear with us folks a little more explanation brings this to a lot more folks around the world and that's what this is all about right sharing our cultures and sharing our community so we're glad you're here with us and we want to welcome you out to this Year's parade coming down from Post Street we have our first group the San Francisco Mounted Police now they be here in just a bit I'll give you a little more explanation as they make their way down to this intersection we'll let the music play just a bit but I wanted the folks at home to know that we have started our live stream wanted you all to know that you are being live streamed with my friend Hans the cameraman over here and we've got everything going on right from our grand you got our grand parade view right here coming down the street with the flashing lights in the San Francisco mounted unit stand by folks have some fun continue the chatter and I'll be sure and interrupt you as those announcements come down the PIP [Music] [Music] [Music] okay FL [Music] [Music] f [Music] [Music] the [Music] some sh [Music] all right Folks at home panning the crowd in eager anticipation it's only about a another block you can see the mountain Patrol coming our way that signifies the very beginning of Al crade here at the Cherry blossome Festival in San Francisco's Japan Town these folks have already done the majority of their parade walk coming all the way from City Hall turning their Corner coming down Post Street from the top of the hill down to us we're looking at the mounted Patrol the American flag the California flag and in the middle the flag of Japan so you're finding comaraderie amongst the countries this is symbolic of trading cultures and preserving Traditions top of a building where they just passed it say nion Mai which is Japanese board Japan town and that's exactly where we are they're passing by peace Plaza with the iconic over on our right that's their left making their way over into through the crowd we'll talk a little bit more about what is making up this part of [Music] the all right folks passing by at the beginning of where you can hear me at the UPS store please welcome to the Cherry Blossom Festival our first guests they are members of the mounted unit San Francisco's mounted unit founded in 1874 making it the second oldest Contin EST mounted Patrol in the United States and Canada like sourdough bread cable cars and the Golden Gate Bridge the mounted unit is an integral part of San Francisco's Rich history officers Teresa sanamo we have Robert burn and Eric KOLO they riding horseback accompanied by stable attendants Morgan over Street and Katie Corgan give it up for the stable attendance that's hard work oh and speaking of hard work they're also accompanied by our fairer Steve wyberg horseshoeing is what he does with us but he's also ensuring the cleanliness of the path behind them folks because even though they're blazing the trail we need to make sure that they're taking care of everybody who comes behind them folks we're keeping it clean here as a pray here we go Matt taking Pride Matt nagatomi one of his first jobs here at the Cherry Blossom Festival and parade was to be what he affectionally calls the pooper scooper well he does honor to that this year year keeping this Parade route clean even though he's one of the co-chairs for this year's Festival Give It Up to Matt for being one of the co-chairs for this entire Festival he takes pride in where he comes from this is Matt's Heritage Matthew thank you for knowing where you come from and where everybody else is going all right folks great job Matt next up folks next up walking behind this motorcycle Patrol we have our chief of Police Chief William Scott company with some distinguished guest folks established in 1849 during the Gold Rush the San Francisco police department is led by a chief of police appointed by the mayor of San Francisco assisted by two assistant Chiefs and five Deputy Chiefs they oversee six bureaus Administration airport Chief of Staff fuel operations Professional Standards and princip policing and special operations in addition to collaborating with the municipal Transportation Authority and the Public Utilities Commission with their unwavering dedication and exemplary leadership The sfpd Command Staff plays a vital role in ensuring the Safety and Security of the San Francisco Community which currently comprises around 1,800 sworn members ladies and gentlemen joining the Command Staff is San Francisco's 31st District Attorney Brook Jenkins District attorney Jenkins leads the District Attorney's office and its mission to promote Public Safety and advanced Justice for All and is committed to implementing important and vital criminal justice reforms responsibly once again welcome to the Cherry Blossom Festival and our parade Chief William Scott from the San Francisco police department and district attorney Brook Jenkins give it up folks all right thank you Chief thank you da thank you Miss Jenkins for being here absolutely thanking all our folks along the way thank you for having so much of a presence here so much support for our community ladies and gentlemen you'll notice a change in the vehicle color and style that's because coming up we have the sheriff Paul mamoto Paul is the first Asian-American sheriff elected in San Francisco's 173 year history a fourth generation San Franciscan Sheriff mamoto oversees security for San Francisco jails as well as city courts hospitals and City Hall in addition providing Public Safety for special events and the community inspired by the Japanese incarceration of his father and his extended family their Triumph and in therein they've seen their way through adversity so sees the sheriff he looks to them and their world war to experience as he credits his success to the values instilled by his family ladies and gentlemen accompanying him our Rich Jew Chief of Staff Captain Linda bu julo Sue president of the sheriff's oversight board Terry Wy Inspector General for the sheriff's oversight board once again ladies and gentlemen it's Sheriff Paul mamoto always wanted to say this howdy Sheriff good to see you oh thank you you better take one of those I'll be taking one of these I've been deputized all right it's official oh next up folks I don't know if you can see in that snazzy red vehicle there it's the one it's the only it's a cultural Ambassador it's Hello [Music] [Applause] Kitty Hello Kitty inspires friendship kindness and inclusivity throughout the world and has transcended generations and borders for over 50 years Kitty you look great you look great for 50 and even for if you were older than that which you are not a pioneer of Japanese culture Hello Kitty is honored to be the Grand Marshal of the northern California Cherry Blossom Festival as she celebrates her 50th Anniversary this year oh my it feels like our household has been Kitty fans for generations and it's been the case now folks I don't know if you knew this but Hello Kitty was born in the suburbs of London she lives with her parents parents and her twin sister anybody know her sister's name that's right it's Mimi now her hobbies include traveling music reading baking cookies and making new friends which I'm sure she can do today little known folks Hello Kitty is as tall as how much that's right Kitty stands as tall as five apples and she weighs the same as three apples and Kitty thank you for sharing those vital facts with us because some folks are scared some folks are a shame to share how many apples they weigh but you are three apples and very proud of it thank you kitty for being so proud now Kitty's with us today and she will be uh taking some pictures over here at the Grand scan with some of our VIPs and folks I know you've had other opportunities to show your gratitude and your joy for Kitty now Kitty's birthday is November 1st so that's in the fall remember that Kitty thank you for being here today her identical twin MIM was not here today but you'll notice MIM wears the yellow bow Kitty has here today with us with her red bow the gift from Mama her favorite her Idol and the one whose apple pie she loves the best next up waiting at attention oh nice sit and wait the Golden Gate AKA Club was established in 1970 and is the oldest existing Regional aita Club in the United States the Akita is the largest of the seven breeds designated as National mon Monument or a natural monument in their native country of Japan Brad is a versatile hunting dog in the rugged mountains of Northern Japan the breed has a wonderful combination of dignity good nature they're alert they're courage courageous and they are docel look how calm they are with their Partners in their household thank you so much to the Golden Gate aita club and thank you to all of our National Treasures here in our parade oh speaking of treasures we are looking at some little friends and this is not a size issue this is the name of their organization ladies and gentlemen if you look up the hill and down toward the pavement a little closer established in 1975 niom Mai Little Friends is a child care center dedicated to offering bilingual education in Japanese and in English creating a multicultural environment for preschool through Elementary School AE children across the San Francisco Bay Area their programs incorporate Japanese language and curriculum to Foster children's self-esteem cooperation and confidence services are offered for preschool and K through five students in its after school program with an emphasis on Project based learning and the development of creative critical thinking skills but ladies and gentlemen right now you are giving them an exercise in what they have learned so please they're doing the parade wave you give them the parade wave right back it's our friends from nio Mai little friend [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so remember folks if you see a parade like this crossing the street let's be patient cuz they're just trying to get where they're going next up we have the Berkeley Sakai Association the Berkeley Sakai Association is a sister city program between Berkley California and Sakai City Japan officially formed in 1967 Sakai is known for its Japan knives Shimano bicycle parts and fishing reels J Green Athletic Facility and the kofun tumulus this year we have six students from Berkeley High School who will visit Sakai and other cities in Japan in July please welcome our contingent the Berkeley Sakai Association [Music] yay next up we have the Cil general of Japan coming up he's just a bit past the sign in the cool convertible now this morning I saw him in a sports coat American style dress in his neck tie he has changed to some more traditional dress as he and his family are joining us here representing the Consulate of Japan in San Francisco the 57th Northern California cherry bosson Festival Grand parade features the presence of console general of Japan in San Francisco Mr yo osumi along with Mrs is Misa osumi and their son consulate staff and their families the consul general of Japan proudly supports the festival emphasizing its dedication to nurturing friendship and cultural exchange between Japan and Northern California Council General osumi expresses gratitude to the people of Northern California for their support and looks forward to continued collaboration to enhance the J Japan California relationship across various domains and of course across the ocean ladies and Gentlemen please give a warm welcome this is their first parade with us since he came to California in his assignment in San Francisco Mr Yumi and Mrs misumi Cil general of Japan in San Francisco how are you you guys look great you look wonderful next up we have representatives to the JC CNC the Japanese Chamber of Commerce Northern California founded in 1950 Fosters business relations and cultural understanding between Japan and the United States it played a significant role in establishing the Cherry Blossom Festival in 1968 a cherish tradition in Northern California hosi to former JC CNC president and head of Tomita International LLC LED efforts to streng strengthen economic ties between Japan and Northern California additionally K DOA executive director of jcccnc and approximately 40 JC CNC members show support by walking behind toman's car highlighting their commitment to the community Toman good to see you again this morning jcnc has long been a steadfast supporter and sponsor of the Cherry Blossom Festival facilitating connections with other companies to expand our Partnerships and sponsorship Network their generous contributions today have enabled us to cover the cost of our platforms allowing us to conduct this live stream you see on NBC bay on Samsung TV Samsung TV Plus Google TV Zumo play and also on Roku TV thank you for joining us folks next up we have the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival senior appreciation brunch honor Dorothy Yanagi kimoi Ceramics Club Yuko Sakai Taki nakagawa and Ben nakajo all honored this year and they have split up amongst the group hi Susie and they are now split up not only on this cable car but also sharing their groups that they are with throughout this Festival Parade as well having a little break we see the next group approaching here let me tell you a little bit about these folks who were honored for over 30 years that senior appreciation brunch has been honoring senior citizens from the greater San Francisco Bay Area they are being recognized for their selfless contributions to to their respective communities accompanied by past honores those were the folks on that cable car who are driving through this parade and enjoying all of you folks who they have helped lay the groundwork for festivals like today from the Eden Japanese Senior Center also from kimoi Incorporated SM jaac the uai in San Jose and the n and the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival executive committee we honor all of those honores for being here today and separated a good distance from the horses and also from the other dogs we had in this parade they would get along just fine I'm sure but ladies and gentlemen our next group well they're not just fancy they're fanciers they're Sheba enu fanciers of Northern California it's a small skirty double coated dog with a fox-like expression the Sheba Inu is the smallest of the Native Japanese dog breeds and was officially designated as a precious National Treasure in Japan in 1936 originally sheas were bred to flush birds and small game out of Brushwood and were occasionally used in packs to hunt wild boar nowadays they're primarily kept as pets in both Japan and the United States the shba Inu fanciers of Northern California is a club whose members are dedicated to the protection and the advancement of the AKC registered Sheba enu to learn more about the breed and our club please go to sfnc org ladies and gentlemen much louder than the dogs will be your cheers because these dogs are known for their good behavior we are not so let's give a big round of applause for the Sheba Inu fanciers of Northern California leaving their dogs on nice long leashes you've never met my dog which is a mix and a mix of attitude as well thank you for being here once again sha new fanciers thanks for being here folks and thanks all of you wow that's a beautiful kimono you guys are doing a great oh some are carrying we've done that too watching those paws as we know folks if it's too hot for you to put your hands on the pavement it's too hot for your dog to put their paws as well so keep that in mind when you take your young ones out look at these outfits on these shba enu we have Hoy coot we have kimono we have a mixed bag and also for their adult companions thank you all for being here it's great Hi Selena folks thank you for joining us today again we're happy to stream the live cast here as we get a look at uh sho's our nice backpacks as well that's good keeping this warm no animals were harmed in wearing this fur the fur is the animal nice job well done I like your Jordans as well all right folks we are looking at the parade route and some of our finals Shibu done a nice job of stretching it out thank you for being here we are streaming this live on nbcb Samsung TV Plus Google TV Zumo play Roku basically any way you can get a streaming broadcast throughout the morning we are operating with that same logic with many of our community aspects now and our special programming our press conferences now folks you take an opportunity to cross the parade route if you need to to get to or from the food areas and from duanan mall we have our wonderful volunteers with us today as well the white shirts that say volunteer on the back that's how you'll know those volunteers you see them give them a pat on the back or at least a thank you for being here today again the Cherry Blossom Festival the parade and the organization and this two weekends full of activity this is an all volunteer group done with the love of the community in mind these people are not being paid sometimes they get a little food sometimes they don't they just do it out of the goodness of their heart and they know that this is going to pay off dividends in the future when we still have Japan town and these rich Traditions to share with those coming to the Future like my kids who have grown up with festivals like this they know they come to love them every year and they respect them and they appr appreciate how these festivals have grown there's a little break in the parade traffic folks some activity over near peace Plaza peace Plaza just up by the peace pagoto is known longstanding as a place for public assembly voicing our opinions sharing our political views as well as sharing the activities that we have on an almost weekly basis here in Japantown San Francisco it's been my pleasure and honor to be a part of for example the tofu the soy and tofu Festival which will be coming up again this year we've had many events put on by coo San Francisco cultural events endeavoring to share not just these key moments like the Cherry Blossom Festival and the nio Machi Festival but others throughout the week and throughout the year I do have a traffic related announcement it's a red Toyota do we know what is it not it's a passenger vehicle though we have a red Toyota which is just about to get towed from Sutter Street so if you park your red Toyota on Sutter Street it's blocking a driveway we wanted to give you fair warning that if your red Toyota is blocking a driveway on Sutter Street it will soon not be blocking the driveway but you will have to go find where your red Toyota was towed once again Suter Street driveway blocked by a red Toyota it will be unblocked by a tow truck in short fashion all right folks if you are on either side of this Parade route we encourage you to let the folks who are coming through let them get their ways off the street we're going to make sure everybody's safe Crossing securely we thank you to all of our sfpd alert our volunteers and our parade volunteers as well for helping keep everybody moving in a safe fashion if you are watching the parade and you're on the sidewalk perhaps scooch just a little bit if you can let folks pass you by we see them doing that right over here on post and Webster great job folks getting over toward the barricades letting the folks behind you pass you know it's pretty smooth relatively smooth fashion [Music] folks I know this is the last of the two weekend Festival but I'm so glad you're here and I'm sure there are things that you still haven't seen so we'll be looking at all the activities in the peace Plaza but remember to go over to my left to your right the NB Food Bazaar they also have suppo beer which is in blazing on the front booth over there but we also have in the areas around Japan Town the national Japanese American historical society they have wonderful information and historic information about the history of not only Japan town but also the immigration to United States Hoka Kai is here Japan Center East is right off the hotel kbuk and of course Japan toown peace Plaza an important note this year I believe will be the last year that the peace Plaza will be in its current state major renovation work major changes will go on starting basically right after this parade and Festival are over so peace Plaza will not be the same and it won't be the same as this Festival goes either for a number of years so we do hope that you're able to continue to come to our Festival we will have this parade and this Festival but peace Plaza will be a work in progress we also have our arts and crafts put on by our sponsors just outside the Japan Center West Mall all the way down to the Kabuki theater and remember Kino Kunia Mall is there as well if you've been wondering where to get those manga the anime and a lot of other resources that you might have only seen on TV or heard about you can often get some of those titles here or ask for them they might be able to get them for you and that's Buchanan mall that's the Japan Center West Mall the Japan Center East Mall and all the bridge activity as well thank you for your patience thank you for your patience for this cuse in the parade activity we have activities somewhere along that path and our goal is of course to keep everybody safe let everybody let everybody conduct their business so we can conduct the rest of this Grand parade you ladies and Gentlemen Just so you know at the top of the hill you see the cable car and there's a lot of activity up there there's also a group that is voicing uh their opinion and so they are doing a bit of a demonstration up there on the Parade route and so we want to make sure that everybody's able to share their opinions and uh respectfully we want to make sure that they are able to do their Duty and then we are able to continue this parade which it looks like we do have our next unit now proceeding down post we appreciate your patience and remember folks the Sun is hot stay hydrated can get tough out here folks even in San Francisco we always talk about the fog nope not today folks what a beautiful day but also one that we got to keep track of how hydrated we stay e [Music] strong all right friends who are joining us online at nbcb or any of our streaming properties thank you for joining us at the Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival Grand parade we have had a bit of an interruption in the parade route folks of course in our great state and our great nation are able to voice their opinions and share those with the crowds around us and so that's what was done a little bit earlier along the parade route they were given an opportunity and audience and now we have the resumption of this Parade route beginning with he me taka hey this is our vesa club uh K's here ki's also in charge of the parade along with the team of Matt and Yuki give it up for KI and her vesa all right folks as we talked about we highlight our community members and those who have supported us in Japan town and in the Greater Community and so we're talking about Supreme support in fact we're giving him the Spotlight right now coming in the lone vehicle wav to the crowd you'll each get a customized greeting ladies and gentlemen Senator Scott weiner representing San Francisco and Northern Sano County in the S California State Senate since 2016 he focuses on housing Transportation mental health climate change Criminal Justice Reform and poverty alleviation chairing various committees including the Senate budget and fiscal committee he previously served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors continuing the legacy of Harvey Milk in his district and has resided in San Francisco's Castro neighborhood since 1997 ladies and gentlemen resuming our parade give it up for state senator Scott winner yeah Senator weiner thank you for being here and I know I'm over I'm up just off to your right over here that right oh turn to your right to your right to to your left to your left hey to your right to your right to your right I'll come to you hey how are you doing okay all right ladies and gentlemen now under normal circumstances a senator weiner would encourage car pooling or something else other than riding in a parade by himself in a single vehicle but you know what we made him do it so give it up once again for Senator Scott weiner [Music] Now ladies and gentlemen I'm telling you remain hydrated make sure you remain hydrated but by that I mean make sure you take a big bottle of water or perhaps some fatti sweat this next gentleman coming down the parade route has a big bottle but I don't know if it's great for hydrating but it's a great look so get your cameras ready for our is that a Sappo float there we go ladies and gentlemen give it up for the Sappo ichib bun man [Music] just so we know that does not qualify for the HOV lane now if you think you are all a little bit antsy from having waited and a little bit warm for being in the sun well I appreciate your patience but let's give it up for these other young folks who are joining us now because they have been very patient along that Parade route as well this is not a replay of the niom Machi Little Friends these are other friends folks the ABC preschool a japanese-based preschool which offers a unique environment for students by incorporating traditional and cultural celebrations the events their songs their folktales the children can achieve an in-depth understanding of Japanese tradition and culture by expressing by experiencing all of these within their schooling day there sister School Pine Japanese language after school continues and enhances the teachings of ABC preschool to the students who graduated from their program from K through three with Supreme discipline of Mind and Body they stayed focused along this Parade route and now they stand before you once again wearing their hachimaki carrying their little smaller size T mikoshi ladies and gentlemen give it up for ABC preschool this school has been around for 40 years not necessarily these particular students but the rest of the school has been they're located in the Richmond District on 33rd Avenue folks what a great edition to our parade well worth the wait so many different groups give it up once again ABC PR School [Music] wow look at the ease with which they carry that nikosi that's amazing we'll have a slightly different version a little bit later on in the parade so make sure you stick to the very in folks and as always in any organization these are all beautifully young students but let's pretend there were some parents mixed in as well give it up for the parents who do support all these activities next up is Booker Washington Community Service Center one of the bay area's oldest black Le and serving nonprofits for more than a century the center has nourished the historic Filmore and Western Edition neighborhoods with a full spectrum of culturally responsive programs to address the holistic needs of the intergenerational black community ladies and gentlemen we support one another here in San Francisco and in California so let's give it up for Washington Community Service Center thanks for all you do and please let us know how we can support one [Music] [Music] another hey Go Bubbles they got bubbles woo happy Cherry Blossom Festival Booker T Washington Community Services next upop obviously the Tao drum Revolution under the leadership of Kumi is a vibrant Tao Ensemble designated to showcasing the distinct art industry of Tao in the San Francisco Bay Area through performances and educational initiatives since it's Inception in 2005 the group has been actively engaging audiences at various events including the Cherry Blossom Festival JC festival and the Rugby World Cup offering regular workshops and classes for adults dur rum Revolution ution has grown significantly over the past decades now boasting five rehearsal locations spaning palaso to Emeryville today it stands as one of the largest and most influential Tao groups in the Bay area and possibly even in the entire country ladies and gentlemen they're making noise so the whole world healers them it's the Tao drum Revolution also doing a lot of pounding they've made Moshi for decades Community Marshals Ricky and Bobby okamura of benyo company the iconic last mju shop in San Francisco's Japan Town renowned for its delectable treats they have won the hearts of generations B hey Rick and Bob good see you guys Pinko has warn the Commendation of the console general of Japan for its 115 years of crafting Mochi and Japanese Suites you can check out the documentary Ben kyodo the last Mai shop in Japan Town directed by award-winning filmmaker akir B and Tadashi Nakamura and it showcased their work for over three generations ladies and gentlemen we are sad that they have made their last Manju at the shop but we are so happy for the Decades of service and of memories they have given to us once again your community Marshals Ricky and Bobby okamura next up well dressed well disciplined and well formed their in formation as a total Force partner and auxiliary of the US Air Force Civil Air Patrol it's here to search for and find the lost provide comfort in times of disaster and work to keep the Homeland safe it's more than 64,000 members selflessly devoted their time energy and expertise toward the well-being of their communities while also promoting Aviation and related fields through Aerospace stem education and helping shape the Future Leaders through caps Cadet program the Civil Air Patrol San Francisco Cadet Squadron 86 ladies and gentlemen and coming up next I know that when your parents say you got to get dressed up because we're going out it means one thing right well for these folks it means something a little bit different ladies and gentlemen the next group coming through animated costume parade at San Francisco Japan town cosplayers and of course my boss my home on on the air NBC bay area now the very first cosplay parade in the United States was actually hosted here in San Francisco by Japan video and media in the year 2000 the anime parade transmits the Japanese language and culture through its characters elaborate costumes and props and they parade through the event venue like today and like Japan Town Center bringing life this vibrant world of anime and manga anime cosplay is popular form of self-expression and celebration of the Japanese culture in many forms ladies and gentlemen they bring together fans from diverse backgrounds and share their love for anime in a fun and engaging way we're happy to help them get a platform here at the Japanese festival for the NorCal cherry blosson Festival and parade give it up for the anime costume [Music] parade look at all of our favorite characters folks and if your favorite isn't recognized or acknowledged within this parade group then get out there get your costume and join in for next year we have chainsaw man's dog we have Pikachu we have various other friends from geni Impact I see a lot of oh we even have some Power Rangers that are still holding it steady folks are celebrating all kinds of aspects of our anime culture knowing that there is so much Variety in what we have to offer in culture and Community thank you for being a part of this folks glad you have a place as well followed closely behind by the NBC bay area float scorting some of our other favorite cos players there we go some would say I'm the space cadet but right now we have others representing outer space travel you hear the Olympic theme because ladies and gentlemen NBC bay area is proud to be the home of the Olympics for the 2024 Paris Olympics opening ceremon is on NBC bay area July 26th but the countdown has begun with less than 100 days to go don't miss some the moment of the action with unparalleled coverage the Paris games NBC bay area T window 48 peacock online on the air we are there for you 24 hours a day we have your highlights we have your original events join us for the Paris Olympics our own Jessica agiri will be out there the music will be a little lower and you'll be able to hear the bra ladies and gentlemen the Paris Olympics 2024 the Olympics in Paris on NBC bay area telmundo 48 and peacock your streaming Network starting July 26th through August 11th we promise if you watch our Olympic broadcast we will play the Olympic music a lot lower [Music] [Music] I'll all right friends now we have the Buddhist Church of San Francisco celebrating their many aspects and facets here in San Francisco we are so happy to have you here the Buddhist Church of San Francisco jordo Shinu Pur land Buddhism Temple was established in 19 in 1898 the first in Northern North America and celebrating its 120th anniversary they are being represented by their various groups within their SAA Jen Dao is a tao group their Ensemble is based here at the temple the Buddhist women's Association the San Francisco Buddhist Church Choir lgbtqq the soo Gakuen that's the school the Dharma School the junior youth Buddhist Association the Youth Athletic organization their Girl Scouts Boy Scouts Cho 29 Cub Scouts and pack 29 give it up ladies and gentlemen for this strong Community brought to you by the Buddhist Church of San Francisco thank you for being here and always supporting us time we look forward to your oldone Festival a little later on this summer ladies and gentlemen in person we're going to continue with this parade but online I do have to give you some sad news for some reason we have to stop our window at 2:30 so we will be stopping the stream unless we can have something override that but but I'm not sure if that's possible so online at nbcb and all of our streaming entities we're going to stay on as long as we can with all of you but we do acknowledge the fact that you might be cut off from seeing the last few of our wonderful Parade entries here folks in person we are so glad you're still here because we are continuing with the music and with the fun and coming up in the distance we do have the Scout Shoop and their tradition of bringing that datuma in here now I don't know if they have a a sponsor but if they don't I hope they are courting Dramamine you'll understand what I mean when they approach a little closer because they are bringing the tradition of the moving the Duma in motion all right so we were separated by a few feet here but now we have the San Francisco Buddhist Church of San Francisco's pack 29 oh their tradition of the DaRuMa let's go weos and Cub Scouts Pack 29 for 87 years troop 29 has had the honor of serving Japan Town through camping hiking service projects and National and International Scout jambes and they have also had the pleasure of bringing their tradition as the scouts get older the Damas get bigger so here are our Cub Scouts our reelow as well pack 29 give it up for them and they are dumat and after your voice changes so does your level of responsibility we had one example here with one dumat next up the bo Gast of troop 29 ladies and gentlemen do not avert your r [Music] wa whoa they give their all for Japan Town give it up for pack [Music] 29 giving us lessons not only in dedication but also in centripetal force followed by Oakland fukua sister city Association we have our drums accompanying this DOA mix bringing across beautiful music the Oakland Fukuoka sister city Association is a vibrant youth program between Oakland and the sister city of Fukuoka every other year Oakland hosts six fuka high school students and fuka hosts six of our high school students every July they're invited by the asian-pacific children students and one adult chaperon to attend their Global Citizens free conf mention ladies and gentlemen let me repeat that every year four 11year olds are accompanied by one adult chaperon so give it up for that one adult chaperon folks that's a brave position next up assembly member Matt Haney showing he knows how to use the wolfers ladies and gentlemen District 17 well represented assembly member Matt Haney represents this District in eastern San Francisco before his election in April 2022 he served on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors for 3 years focusing on initiatives like Mental Health Care access 24-hour bathrooms bike lanes and tenant Productions things that we don't always bring up but we always say those are extremely important to our everyday living He also served on the San Francisco board of education for 2013 to 2019 assembly member Matt Haney ladies and gentlemen coming up oh man look at this contention you can tell who they are where they are by that beautiful red but they also have some nice speakers putting uh supervisor Matt Haney little competition there that's right Friends by the U UPS Store we now have Rosa Parks Elementary School jbbp this year Rosa Park's Elementary School Japanese bilingual bicultural is celebrating 50 years of Japanese Language and Cultural education in San Francisco Public Schools a unique Public elementary school program Rosa Parks jbbp offers authentic instruction and experiences in Japanese language and culture taught by native speaking Sensei and dedicated staff they benefit from the rich Multicultural assets assets of the western Edition location and neighbor Japan toown jbbp founding Community their students March in the Cherry Blossom parade every year with their bright red hoppy coat so you know who they are they are not shy and they are proud to represent Rosa Parks Elementary jbbp Rosa Parks Elementary integrates three distinctive strands steam special education and this one the Japanese bilingual bicultural program give it up for Rosa Parks Elementary School [Music] once again Rosa Parks Elementary School jbbp that's their bilingual and bicultural [Music] program following the cable car from jbbp we have US Bank sporting the 2023 San Francisco court and the 2023 niss week Court from niss week in Los Angeles US Bank sponsored float carries the 2023 Northern California Cherry blosson Festival Queen and Court that's Queen Casey mukai first princess Kylie tamura first princess Emily Wagner princess Maya isaka and Princess Samantha teshima who are now completing their duties as this last ride on the parade route give it up for 2023 Cherry Blossom Festival court and the queen ladies and gentlemen for their wonderful dedicated year of service also on this float shared by the 2023 Los Angeles niss week Queen and Court Queen C Caitlyn Chu first princess sarak Kubo Miss Tomodachi Nancy chin princess Kylie inoa Princess K higashiyama Princess Isabella poito and Princess Aiko jakowski ladies and gentlemen Los Angeles niss week Queen and their since you're stopped right here princess Kylie I'm going to call you out princess Kylie wave your hand where Kylie Kylie Ino my name is Mike you know it spelled over here to your right spell with a with the last name spell with a Y and I know that you've probably seen a lot of folks who spell it differently so between you and me you spell it the right way all right all right ladies and Gentlemen please if you are not familiar with the queen program in Los Angeles or in San Francisco this is not a pageant this is a program these are ambassadors these folks are experts in Commerce business World politics and of course in the Traditions that we are so proud to uphold please give it up for their year where they start their duties once again San Francisco and LA's Queen and Court from 2023 next up we have great guests visiting from Japan then cherry bosson Festival warmly extends greetings to three esteemed Shino priest nagasa takamitsu Morita we havei and takashima Mizuki Gushi kandam yoin Shrine founded in 730 that's the year 730 near Otachi in Tokyo boasts a rich history of 1300 years of tradition and is celebrated across Japan hosting the K miim Festival every other year odd years it stands as one of the nation's top three festivals in 2001 the shrine's generous donation of the beautiful mikoshi Cherry Blossom Festival symbolized peace and safety regrettably this is it is not in this year's parade because K mikosi is actually in the displayed in the US Bank just down the street Toto y yaha a top talent in the okan music is renowned as the master of yq folk music and the teacher in the island classical music as well as a MTI instrumentalist he excels in singing and playing instruments like sansi yuku flute drums and kotto and yonaha has performed worldwide from Japan to Hawaii and yukako Mak makina who joined the Shu School of classical dance in 1981 became the third head teacher in 2003 she has garnered Nationwide recognition for her expression of the world of ancient yq through her performances like buq noi accompanied by members of the Okinawan kenin Kai and the ASA dance and drum group toru yon yonaha and yukako makina majikina aim to continue and spread okan culture and traditions in Northern California I apologize for the pace at which I was reading but I saw you perform online on our live stream as well thank you both for being here and for performing and for sharing your talents with the world ladies and gentlemen once again Toto yonaha and yukako majikina thank you for joining us as well as the rest of the representatives for the Okinawan culture and traditions here in Northern California C hey Hans we get in front of the camera for a second since it's a blank space and I'll just say goodbye from the Cher Bon Festival all right ladies and gentlemen we have a little bit of a break in the action here so I've taken you already met met Matt with his shovel right earlier he's one of the co-chairs this is our other co-chair this is Yuki mishura so ladies and gentlemen nice to meet you now we're just about done with the live stream so I wanted Yuki to thank our friends for being out here this thank you goes for you but you need to stay cuz we're not done ladies and gentlemen so to our friends online streaming online we're not done the parade continues and so does the festival till 6 p.m. today oh well I think to 3:30 p.m. for the parade and then Festival will be so this is Yuki Nishi we I wanted to say thank you to the fol [Music] [Music]
Channel: NBC Bay Area
Views: 15,699
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Z5KZmFmc5fQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 10sec (3610 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 21 2024
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