Watermelon Hacks How to cut a Watermelon into Sticks! Easy to eat Watermelon for Kids

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hi guys today we are going to cut a watermelon and a really good way that's good for children grandma likes to cut them in strips so that kids can easily hold them alright so what you need is I use a bowl to put extra rinds you need a good sharp knife my mom says actually needs to be sharper and I use I need a baking sheet a cookie sheet I use it just so that it's really messy obviously because it's nothing good watermelon water and this helps keep the juice and everything contained into into the tray all right so um what adds you is at first I clean it I just take a Clorox wipe thing wipe over it and then you want to take your knife make sure you need to see that yeah take your knife and just cut right down the middle so we're just gonna split it right now Wow hey this is one side today over it over the side oh my goodness that smells so good look how pretty that is all right you just want to turn it upside down um this is a seedless watermelon you can do it with seeded watermelon but since seedless thirst it's so common to find them now it's a lot easier sorry about my clock in the background it's a lot easier for kids to eat you don't have to worry about the seeds it's not gonna hurt them even if they do spoil the seeds so and that's a myth you're not gonna get a watermelon grow it in your tummy okay so what you want to do is you want to cut off the sides to make it not not round but square and just take it all right and I want to keep do the other two sides it does not have to be perfect like this that's fine or you can actually cut that off if you want that's just preference it doesn't matter that way that Brian won't be on the side okay so now all I'm going to do is I'm going to cut rows and you don't want the Rays to be too big because this is going to be like a handle and they don't have to be perfectly straight you can see mine aren't straight all right so now that we've got our arroz going this way now we're going to cut it the opposite way I usually just take the knife and just kind of put to the side to get it straight again and hold it now I'm just going to watch fingers whoops brothers all right I can see we have these sticks hold on tear looks pretty you can actually display it if you're having a party you can display it like this um what grandma likes to do is get you your ziplock bag right inside just parks like this just helps for you to get it in the bag take your watermelon whoops I stand up better depends on the size of your watermelon I can generally get to the top of a watermelon in a bag and then you can just take that bag and put it in the side of your your where the milk guys in your refrigerator on your door it's it's perfect it's like a three bag watermelon stick these in here it smells so good okay so alright grandma's gotta taste it oh my gosh Wow really good next one alright thing this side cut off the edges you can also put these in their freezer brave them have little popsicles I did I do know that if you put them in at once we put them in the freezer I think you're gonna want to you don't want to get too frozen because if you give them to frozen it's hard to eat look for little ones and if you try and thaw it out they're kind of mushy but their knife I cut a lot of watermelon with this knife this season I have like put it put it in the refrigerator and then you can just go get them out put them in a bowl and they're just really easy you can make a mean yet to eat then like a slice there you go you have a watermelon yep hmm that is good mmm I have a really good water line I think that's one of the best ones I've had this year so anyway see it really easy for kids um they can eat it all the way down and then all you have left is this little bit of bran instead of having a big slice it's very manual manageable you can have little ones hurt and you have a smaller ones you can make little pieces for little ones so anyway I hope you in joy your watermelon and if you have any other ways that you like to cut your watermelon that easy or kind of recipes or whatever that you like let me know and maybe grandma will try them anyway I hope you enjoy it and I will see you in the next video bye for now you
Channel: Grandma's House
Views: 113,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Watermelon hacks, watermelon hack, how to cut a watermelon, how to cut a watermelon into sticks, how to cut a watermelon into slices, the easiest way to cut a watermelon, party displays, how to display a watermelon, watermelon for kids, how to cut a watermelon for kids
Id: tK4nEPPMoqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 50sec (710 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2016
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