Mind-Blowing Science Experiments | Best of Season 1 | Science Max

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this is science facts experiments at harsh [Music] hey welcome to science Max experiments at large I'm Phil mccordigan and hold on a second I'm just gonna change okay that's better now uh where were we all right let's go make a boat so you know that some things float and some things sick like rocks or wood or uh full water bottles and empty water bottles or uh carrots foam waffles screwdriver playing cards plasticine tin foil potato my watch hmm wait that wasn't that wasn't supposed to go in there so how oh so how do you make a boat you make it out of something that floats right well most boats are actually made out of metal tin foil is metal and well it sinks but if you fold tin foil into a boat shape it floats and boats don't only float themselves but they can hold people in Cargo in fact there's container ships crossing the ocean at this very moment that are holding thousands of tons of cargo and they're all made of metal which doesn't float it sinks so how do boats do it are they magic no of course not boats are science and here you can be science maximites get some tin foil and cut it into the same size pieces and fold a couple different shapes of boats and see which one can hold the most weight before sinking now it's time to Max it out but before we do here's how you can fold your own tinfoil boat in less than 15 seconds first take a square piece of tin foil then fold it in half fold one corner down and the other Corner down then open it up and ta-da you're done if you want instructions on how to fold a more complicated boat go to our website I have a feeling I'm gonna need a few extra lab coats for this experiment like I was saying let's max out the tin foil boat and find out a little bit more about why boats float no [Applause] oh okay well I'm I'm here at an indoor pool um which is not uh I wasn't expecting to be in the pool just yet but this is where we're gonna build our giant tin foil boat so why not hey who's there oh no you're wet I yeah I thought I was gonna come in over there but I I came in on the water slide I think I had the coordinates wrong anyway this is Lucia and she's from let's talk science which is all about Science Education right yes just like us so you're gonna help me max out the tin foil boat I think I dropped it in the water hold on the tin foil boat Phil this is a boat well it looked a lot better before I came down the water slide but that's the idea and then we make it bigger what do you think I don't think it's gonna work but well why not Temple is very thin and it might not hold the shape of the boat well I still think we should use tin foil though why well because the small experiment with tin foil and I bought all of this tinfoil then let's do it tin foil okay high five I will um I'll take the same foil and you take that and um I'm gonna have to dry off at some point welcome to shipbuilding for pirates oh I'm swabby and I've built some of the finest pirate ships for some of the finest Pirates this side of the Caribbean and I can teach you to do the same but first you need to know your Basics mass and volume let's start with volume but not that kind of volume which of these two chests do you think has more volume right this one here which of these two balloons do you think has more volume right this one here volume is how much space something takes up which of these two chests has more volume that's right they're the same but which of these two chests has more mass which is heavier hmm hard to tell isn't it but what if I told you that this one was empty and this one was full of treasure loonies now which one has more mass that's right this one these two chests have the same volume but this one has more mass this chest has more volume than that one but this one my loonies that just does not have as much mass volume is how much space something takes up and mass is how heavy something is and when you look at them both together you're looking at density join us next time on shipbuilding for pirates then we'll look at how volume mass and density work together to make something float oh my precious precious loonies are you all right my pretties they can't talk so I'm not sure what they're saying so who's near and I get to work constructing a large tinfoil boat our first design is just sort of a square bolded together out of a very large sheet of tin foil simple but can I ride in it there we go a Giants tinfoil folks just my size I don't know if it's gonna work but it's too thin you think it's too thin I feel like this what should we do do you want to test it let's test it okay good idea so here's here's the most important question do you want to test it or should I test it no no you test it all right here we go putting it in first test does it float on its own yeah floats on its own no problem if I just get in very carefully then it will work fine see if I if I'm if I'm careful about how I get in no it's fine see if I just get in like that are you okay wait a minute wait a minute it sort of it's sort of no that's just air you don't want to run it wasn't boat shaped I think if we make it look more like a canoe because canoes float if we make it look like a canoe it'll work great no no no we need some support if we add a couple of structures in between then we add support to it I'll tell you what let's make a boat like I want to make and a boat like you want to make and we'll see whose is the best that's a good idea okay let's do that all right let's do it [Music] welcome back to shipbuilding for pirates I'm swabby and now we know what volume means what Mass means and that together it can tell you something's density now let's find out why things float let's say we're out to sea and my treasure chest gets swept overboard oh no but it's all right it it floats because it pushes enough water out of the way displaces it to carry its mass but what if my treasure chest had more treasure in it well we're giving it more mass but not more volume too much mass and not enough volume I never think oh no my loonies you need more volume if you want to float more masks and that is why things flow I'm swabbing and thanks for joining me on shipbuilding for pirates so the first version of the tinfoil boat didn't work out too well but my idea is to build a tinfoil boat more like a canoe to see if a different shape makes any difference tinfoil canoe very Canadian very Canadian the canoe part anyway I don't know about the tinfoil part so Houston and I had a bit of a disagreement of why the last spoke didn't work I thought it was because it wasn't shaped enough like a boat so this one looks like a canoe what I thought is that it requires some structure structure so that it wouldn't fold together that's right and we'll see how it goes all right all right here we go oh did it work no okay your idea next [Music] did you know it's easier to float in salt water like in the Ocean than it is in fresh water like a lake or a pool that's because not all liquids are created equal they have different densities this is fresh water or it doesn't have anything in it and this is sugar if I was to put one scoop of sugar in this water and stir it around until it dissolves now this liquid is more dense than before I put the sugar in here's an experiment you can do at home using liquid density this glass just has regular water with yellow food coloring in it this glass green food coloring and half a cup of sugar in it this one has a full cup of sugar in it and this one has two cups of sugar in it now when you do this at home you'll definitely want an adult to help you because you have to heat the water if you want to dissolve that much sugar in one glass of water I'm gonna put them all in one container you can do this at home and when you do I suggest you use a very small container because you have to be very careful when you put the layers in you can use a turkey baster or a straw when you put your finger on top the air pressure will hold the liquid in and you can just drop it in but these kind of take some time so I'm going to use the syringe of science I'm going to use the most dense liquid first because that's the one that's going to want to be on the bottom I carefully put it on the bottom of the container the next layer be very careful and you'll see that the red and the blue aren't mixing because they have different densities the blue is heavier than the red the green and you can see even when it drips into the red it comes back up to the top because the green liquid isn't as dense as the red liquid and the denser liquids push the lighter liquid up and now we're going to add the yellow which of course has no sugar in it at all and there you go all the layers stay separate if you put it on a light you can really see it liquid densities now let's Max it out the longest length of liquid layers 12 liquids all organized by density starting from the bottom we have honey corn syrup chocolate syrup maple syrup dish soap whole milk water dyed blue vegetable oil extra virgin olive oil rubbing alcohol baby oil and lamp oil liquid density I really really want to mix it up but it took me a long time to make this so I'm not going to our first two attempts are the tinfoil boat haven't gone so well whose Nia's idea is to make a tinfoil boat and add some more structure because the tin foil just wants to collapse when I get in it so we start with a large piece of cardboard on the bottom then we wrap the tin foil around it and shape it into a boat after that we add some supports across the top to stop it from folding in when we add my weight to it this boat feels a lot stronger than the one I was just doing I told you so how does all of this work so we got some support using broomsticks and then some cardboard paper and then underneath we have cardboard cardboard and so how will all of this help the boat not sink with me right the broomsticks will prevent it from folding this way yeah and you won't sink good the cargo were prevented from folding this way and you won't sink again not sinking is my favorite thing to do in the tin foil boat all right so let's try it are you gonna get in this one I'll tell you what Phil if you get in and you don't sink I'll go after you deal all right all right here we go um no no no hold on hold on one two three go another thing I learned is that a very light tinfoil boat can be very heavy when it's full of water I don't know if fixing it is in the cards I think we I think we're gonna have to build another boat so what do you think we should do let's add more structure more structure oh yeah what if we add like a metal rod around the outside and maybe some more metal rods and rims and we wrap it all in tin foil and you think it'll work let's give it a try let's give it a try don't worry about it I've got this no I get it I'll get it sure again [Applause] to do an experiment with diapers oh oh oh no no I'm serious you may have a little brother or sister at home which means you probably know where you can find some diapers but there are two things you need to remember first ask an adult if you can use the diapers for your experiment and two only use unused diapers okay okay so take the diaper and if you cut it be very careful maybe get an adult to help you over some black construction paper like I have here and you shake the diaper over the construction paper you'll see that there's a little powder that comes out and this is the secret ingredient this is super absorbent gel what it does is it soaks up all the liquid and diapers are full of them and you carefully pour it into a plastic cup like that now you can see I have already done it with a number of diapers it's important to use a plastic cup because it's a little messy although it's non-toxic it's totally safe but it's still easier to clean up by just throwing the cup away now add some water and what happens is this super absorbent gel absorbs the water and turns very quickly into a paste look at that now let's Max it out five kilograms of super absorbent gel 500 liters of water now it is time to do science [Music] and I have my own stir stick [Music] yep definitely coming along there I'm not exactly sure if we're getting anything on this camera but I want to make sure it's recording yep it's recording there we go it is definitely turning solid well there you go the giant super absorbent gel experiment Corey Trevor I need some help getting out how many outfits have I been through in this episode foreign [Music] how many outfits have I been through in this episode anybody have a towel there you go thanks buddy that's that's great who's Nia's idea of adding structure to the tinfoil boat was definitely right we just needed to go further so we did it again this time we made a much larger boat we started with a sheet of cardboard then wrapped the tinfoil around and added some metal supports taped to the cardboard across the boat this way to make ribs as well as some other supporting pieces in the front and the back then another metal rod all the way around the top and finally supports across the middle all right feel how strong it is I'm really excited about this version of the tinfoil boat what we did is we used warts a big hard pieces of wood that we did last time but this time we have ribs ribs right which are made of a cardboard a metal rod attached to it and and shaped and we did a whole bunch of them then the gold the whole length of the boat and then we used all of this bendable metal and we have one that runs all the way around the gunnels and a whole bunch that run down the inside and we even used bike fenders at the front and the back of the boat to give it super rigidity so that it hopefully won't go like all the other boats have done so far are you ready who's Nia let's do this one two three lift right take it over floats but that doesn't tell us anything because they've all floated at this point it's only when I I get into it okay here we go all right hey hey it works all right oh it's working look at that it works perfectly the tinfoil boat experiment has been done science Max experiments at large what do you think Lucia the only reason I got into this book because I knew it's gonna work really oh yeah so you knew you would never get wet see I don't think that's fair I think it's time that you that you got wet I think we should go I think you and I should just get wet right now [Applause] that is so unfair greeting science maximize welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil and today we're going to be looking at the power come on mag magnets you see magnets are fun things to experiment with because they are really okay they're really interesting um this magnet that I've got here is a neodymium magnet or a rare earth magnet it's one of this oh one of the one of the strongest magnets you can get um a magnet is an object that is attracted to anything that is feral magnets which is iron nickel or Cobalt and mag magnets are interesting because they have two sides there are two oh there are two poles I'd show you but I can't look at the chain off hold on one second all right there are two oh no there are two poles to every magnet just like the Earth there is a North Pole and a South Pole that's right the Earth is a giant magnet so if you take kitchen magnets you'll find that there's two different polls I've written north and south on these ones they don't normally come like that if you put the North and the South together they stick but if you put the north north or south and South together they repel they repel see they don't want to go together at all and you can force them together if you want but if you do they will Spring away the second you let them go but when magnets repel each other I find that some of the most interesting stuff check this out this is just a small container and I've got a magnet in here and I have a loonie attached to it so that it fits nicely in the container like that for the top I've attached two magnets together and I have another coin on it and if you put them in there I've made sure that the two poles repel each other which means this magnet will just sit there and Float magnetic levitation very interesting and you can pop the top on that if you want and just carry around a levitating magnet now there's a couple fancier ways you can levitate stuff with magnets this is just a wooden frame I've made this is completely not necessary you can use just about anything in your house a desk lamp works really well the important part is I've tied a magnet to the end of this arm here and this is a bolt which is attracted to the magnet but it's got a thread tied to it so it can't get there just far enough that it will actually hang in mid air look at that it's not attached to anything it's just being pulled up by the attraction from the magnet the thing is as soon as you pull the bolt away far enough it will lose the attraction and it'll just fall very cool here's one that's a little bit more complicated but it's also really neat this one uses disc magnets which have a circle or a hole in the middle of the mirror and you put two around a pencil and then four more in such a position that you can put the pencil against this wood on the side and it will just levitate on its own you can even give it a spin look at that and if you want to make the levitating pencil yourself there are step-by-step instructions on how to build an easy peasy version on our website meantime we are gonna Max this out magnetic levitation on science Max experiments at large but you're probably thinking what are we going to levitate well we're going to levitate meat at least that's the plan that's why I'm going to the Center for skills development and training come on all right okay who turned out the lights how what was that what is why is this room so small and only only going down to waist level this is the weirdest room I've ever been in where where am I what's going on oh hey Matt hi Phil this is Matt he's from job Master magnets now you guys use lots of big magnets right that's right we do awesome so maybe you could help me max out this wow you did a great job of building the levitating pencil experiment yeah so what's going on here exactly well all magnets have at least a north and a South Pole right and when you put like poles together they want to repel oh okay so have you ever levitated a person not yet well let's do it all right do you think we can use these we can try okay we'll uh put that one on the ground and okay so North and I'll put the north one on my foot here and then if I just step one wait a minute if I step stop moving if I step on there okay well first of all the this magnet keeps sort of moving away from me when I try to push down on it uh what do we do how do we fix this well we need to keep the magnets in position so that they don't move around when you try to put them together yeah because I have to come straight down on it that's right so why don't we attach this one to the floor good idea and then we'll put a board on this one we'll see how it goes perfect okay let's do it all right [Music] this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a magnet this is a shoe what's the what's the difference to know that you have to know your magnets this is a donut it does not stick to this magnet this is a spoon it sticks to this magma these paper clips stick to this magnet this shoe does not so what has attracted to magnets only things that are ferromagnetic here's the difference horseshoe horseshoe magnet this one is a magnet this one is not but the Horseshoe sticks to the horseshoe magnet because this one's a magnet and this one is ferromagnetic only things that a ferromagnetic are attracted to magnets things that are not attracted to magnets they're not ferromagnetic plastic banana Mitten sandwich magazine no but how do you know do you go around the world sticking a magnet to every single thing one at a time hey Ma I need you to come over I need to see if you're ferromagnetic no ferromagnetic no you don't need to do that first of all only metals are ferromagnetic so that eliminates all your clothing your luncheon meats your magazines what have you everything that's not metal you don't need to worry about never mind ma it doesn't matter but this clock is metal it doesn't stick well not all metals are ferromagnetic mainly just the ones with iron nickel or Cobalt now you know your magnets I hit the phone on the magnet there okay uh can you hear me ma hang up the phone hang up hang up the phone man my first attempt at levitating had the magnets sliding all over So the plan is to take the bottom magnet and attach it to a big wooden board so it won't go anywhere then attach another plank to the top magnet to make it a little easier to stand on okay that is definitely attached to the floor thank you all right now if I just get this lined up oh look at that it could totally oh wait a minute totally it doesn't want to stay put wait a minute they let me take it come on levitate why doesn't it want to stay and it just doesn't hmm should I stand on it okay I'll stand on it here we go and ah am I levitating no no hmm so why isn't this working well just like your pencil experiment we need a shaft through the center to hold the magnets in position oh yeah maybe we could use like a ring magnet yes that like we used with the pencil right and and we're gonna need stronger magnets we're gonna need stronger magnets are the ring magnets strong yes they can be awesome all right let's do it all right now it's time for a science Max quiz which one of these things do we have magnetism to thank for birds flying south in the winter music or a sandwich if you picked a you're right some birds migrate in the spring and Fall using the Earth's magnetic field many the animals can sense the Earth's magnetic field and use it to navigate migrating birds fly hundreds or thousands of kilometers North or South when they migrate in the spring and fall a compass works the same way by using magnetism to point to the Earth's magnetic north pole but if you picked B music you're right here's some music the way you're hearing this music is because the musicians recorded their instruments using microphones which use magnets and then the signal was translated by a computer and stored on its hard drive which uses magnets then it was broadcast to your TV and comes out your speakers which use you guessed it magnets and for those of you who said you have magnetism to thank for your sandwich well you're right you see you'd probably go to the kitchen to make that sandwich right well I'm guessing you got all of the tasty ingredients from your refrigerator well it works on electricity which is produced by magnets and then there's an electric motor in the fridge that circulates the air and keeps it cool and guess what magnets and finally the door on your fridge stays closed because the door has magnets there you go you can take magnetism for birds flying south music and your sandwich it just goes to show when you're talking about magnets everybody wins because Magnus are everywhere they has been a science Max quiz [Music] here's an experiment you can do with a bag of water take a sharpened pencil and carefully push it through the bag if you do it carefully it won't spill the reason this works is because the bag is made of polymers long stretchy chains of molecules and also because the pressure of the water against the pencil prevents any water from spilling out now we're gonna Max it out a very large bag of water and here I have some very large pencils you ready foreign that's one that's two here we go should I go from the bottom science okay okay okay I know what you want like I was saying turns out trying to balance two repelling magnets on top of each other is pretty much impossible here's why this is a magnet and here is the magnetic field it's often drawn with lines like this but actually the magnetic field radiates out in all directions really think of the magnetic field kind of like a ball when you try to balance another magnet on top of the first magnet it's about as hard as balancing one ball on top of another ball so here's the plan just like the levitating pencil we're going to use ring magnets because we can put a shaft through the center of one ring then drop another ring magnet on the shaft it will keep them perfectly aligned then it's just a matter of putting the bottom magnet on a board to keep it stable and using another board so I can stand on it and ta-da magnetic levitation or at least that's the plan okay board magnets magnets look at that awesome and now I'm gonna put the platform on nice and I got some weights here let's see how this works yeah this is going to work amazing all right I think I should try it give it a try okay here we go huh yeah yeah I'm doing it I'm eating what just a little bit oh really yeah so hmm yeah what do we do we need more power more power I like that idea how do we give it more power uh more shafts more magnets okay sure well why don't we do um why don't we do one two three four shafts and then we'll have magnets on all the shafts great idea all right let's do it [Music] if you attach something ferromagnetic like this washer to a magnet not only does it stick but the magnetic field travels down the metal making it a magnet too which means you can stick more and more things to each other and they will continue to stick until you run out of magnetic field you can do this yourself at home with anything ferromagnetic paper clips work pretty well or washers like I have or screws or bolts and they'll continue to stick to each other as long as the magnetic field is strong enough you can see it's getting pretty weak here and they'll all stay magnetized as long as the first one is still attached [Applause] to the magnet but if you want to go even further all you need to do is keep adding more magnets to reinforce the magnetic field I've got a few here this let's get the chain started that and then I've got a magnet attached to this washer so it will keep the magnetic field strong and I continue to add a one magnet one washer and we'll just see how far I can go you can even sculpt it a little bit look at that and then at the end a whole bunch of paper clips eventually the weight will make it fall off but it's a lot of fun to play with magnets and make art speaking of art you can make with magnets you could also make sculptures when everything sticks to everything else you can make some pretty fancy designs this is a rare earth magnet a very strong one and a bunch of nuts that I've gotten and this one here is an electromagnet but electromagnets are a little different because they need an electric current to work check this out this is sort of a magnet dude with crazy hair there's an earth magnet here and this is a giant screw and these are some metal bits and then I've got two more magnets at the top here to hold on his crazy wire hair he's got crazy wire here because he's crazy magnitude now of course we couldn't just talk about magnetic sculptures without maxing it out so let's Max it out this is a bunch of scrap metal from leftover experiments and I've got a bunch of rare earth magnets and now I'm gonna max out a magnet sculpture see there you go a maxed out magnet me I made this guy out of metal pipes with Earth magnets in between and these are his arms attached of course with magnets his hand to his little metal pieces attached with magnet steel wool for the hair and of course hat non-magnetic all right here we go ready want to see a magic trick simple copper tube drop things through it [Music] nothing unusual happens but watch when I drop a magnet through what what it's not magic it's science because the magnet creates a magnetic field when it goes through the tube the magnetic field repels the magnet upwards now the field isn't perfect so the magnet doesn't come to a stop but still it slows down from a fall to a nice graceful drop take a look from above pretty amazing right magnets not Magic science [Music] so I've managed to levitate on some magnets but just barely what Matt and I needed was more power so instead of having one shaft and one pair of ring magnets we're going to use a larger board and put a shaft on each Corner then we'll have four times the power because we're using four times the magnets hopefully this will be strong enough to get me floating on a cushion of magnetic energy and magnets magnets okay here we go hahaha this is gonna work great and top board mm-hmm what do you think looks great yeah okay here we go mad be levitating I'm levitating all right it feels cool it's sort of like it sort of feels like surfing a little bit all right thank you so much Matt that was amazing and there you have it science Max experiments at large magnetic levitation you know I'm surprised we could do an entire episode on magnets and we never actually got them so close to the camera that the camera went all weird because Cameron's a magnets they don't oh dear oh um no that's okay I can I can I can fix this if I just maybe you know if maybe if I put the magnet to the camera again that way oh oh okay that didn't help oh okay well thanks very much for watching uh science Max experiments at large and uh we'll see you again uh as soon as we get a new camera oh hi science maximites have you ever been eating pasta and wondered what could I build with this could I build something that could hold an impressive amount of weight well I have and that's what we're gonna do today on science Max experiments at large but we're not going to use cook pasta because it's too delicious we're gonna use uncooked pasta Which is less delicious but it's great for building we're gonna make a pasta Bridge here's how you do it first you want to start with a plan and then you want to take your pasta I'm saying pasta but of course spaghetti is usually the best thing to use and lay it out on your plan the reason you have a plan is so that you can make sure all of the spaghetti is exactly the right length lay it out on your plan perfectly aligned like that there and now it's time to glue it all together now you can use white glue but it takes a long time so I suggest a hot glue gun but make sure you get an adult's permission before you use one of these okay so you take your plan you lay it out you glue it up don't glue it on the paper because that will be bad and you will end up with your truss and it looks just like this now remember you want two sides because those are the sides of your bridge and as you can see I've used several strands of pasta because that'll make it a little bit stronger once you have your trusses it's time for the next part of the plan this is the roadway and it works the same way lay out your pasta glue it up and Bam there it is now you put your trusses on your roadway and you glue them all together and you also want to put some struts along the top here probably to keep it nice and rigid in the end you will end up with a fantastic looking pasta Bridge pretty good huh no pasta Bridge no other Bridge could claim to be 100 pasta minus the glue 99.8 pasta 0.2 glue I say that Captain set sail set sailed for the land of pasta bridges now if that was pretty fast for you don't worry all the instructions are gonna be on our website now a bridge is in a bridge unless it spans a gap because that's what bridges are for so you put your pasta Bridge up there across the books like that and then you can see just how much weight the bridge holds it's pretty impressive if you build it right even something is flimsy and as delicate as pasta can hold quite a bit of weight I like to use big heavy blocks and put them in the Middle where there is no support from the books whatsoever and just keep adding heavy things and see how much weight the bridge will hold before it breaks how much will it hold well I'm not going to tell you that's where you get to be science maximites and find out for yourselves and now we're gonna Max it out today on oh my pasta today on science Max experiments at large we're going to be looking at how fragile things can become strong if you build them right we're also going to be maxing out the pasta Bridge experiment to see if we can make one that's strong enough to hold me you think we can do it I know I have no idea but I'm going to the Center for skills and development and training to find out [Music] all right oh hey Kyle Phil how you doing great thanks awesome this is Kyle he's got a masters in civil engineering uh did you want some pasta I'm good I can go back and get some more really I'm good okay so what does a Civil Engineer do well a civil engineer builds the world around us talk about our homes keeping us warm in the winter our roads hey even our Bridges bridges that's fantastic because that's what I need your help with I want to max out the pasta Bridge awesome I want to make one big enough that I can walk across it okay that's never been done before I know right you think we can do it we're going to need a lot of help to do that now we don't need help all we need is a lot of pasta which I have nice what do you say yeah let's give it a shot okay we'll give it a shot why don't we just take some to start and then going in order to max out our pasta Bridge the idea is to take many many strands of pasta and just keep gluing them together so the long beams of pasta in our giant bridge is nothing but many many regular sized brands of pasta here's where we were after 20 minutes of gluing there that's nice yeah I I think this piece is done okay so how does it work is it is it strong well let's give it a go eh yeah I think this will hold great so we just need to build a few more of these then right yeah that's right how many more 212 more 212 of these more 212 that's but it took us like 20 minutes to make this one yeah oh well I guess so I mean this is science Max experiments at large that's what we do we just keep building and building and you know I don't have any plans for the next while so uh Phil I think that there's a better way of doing this I would be delighted to know there's a better way you'll be faster than this much faster sure let's do it awesome I'm just gonna put the pasta back in the bag because it it'll kill you you don't have to do that no no but it'll get stale Phil I'm gonna call in one of my friends we're probably gonna need some more help with this oh man that's a great idea sorry that's a great idea because it's it's there's yeah because at least we can get your friend to help clean up better sand castles in 80 Seconds building sand castles is fun but you can't use dry sand because it doesn't stay up very well you have to use wet sand but even if you use wet sand it doesn't hold a lot of weight but if you use sand with the power of science it does hold the weight right hand wet sand sand here's what's going on say these ping-pong balls are grains of sand when they're dry they don't hold together very well that's why you can't build a sand castle out of dry sand but if you get the sand wet a little bit the grains of sand will hold together a little better because of the surface tension of the water that's why it's easier to build a sand castle with wet sand but they still won't hold much weight but if you add something that creates even more friction between the grains of sand like say this sandpaper it will hold the weight so here's what you do take Windows screen and cut it into circles make sure you get an adult's permission first okay deal put in a layer of sand pack it down and put in a circle of Windows screen and a layer of sand pack it down circle of window screen then you guessed it layers and pack it down circle of window screen the window screens are going to add more friction between the grains of sand and will make your sand castle strong strong with the power of Science and then you can put lots of weight on it and there you go sand with the power of science okay I had to Max it out let's see how strong science and really is huh ah science our pastor Bridge was going to take a long time to build out of individual pieces so we have a new plan hey Michaela hey Phil how you doing I'm great how are you good this is Michaela she's an undergrad in industrial engineering right I am and you and Kyle have a new plan for how we can build our pasta Bridge that's not going to look like this this is the best that Kyle and I could do with 20 minutes okay good I'm glad how are we going to do it so instead of that we're going to try something like this oh okay this is sort of like a giant burrito kind of thing right yep but we're going to build the bridge out of this exactly uh we're gonna make it longer though yep we're gonna make it eight feet long we have this long Pole yep and we have sheets of this pasta we're gonna put them on the diagonal okay are we gonna roll it but we're gonna start from this corner and we're gonna keep rolling and don't forget to add water and we gotta Add Water I'll add the water okay adding water just like this yep it helps the pasta to stick together as we're rolling we're rolling we're rolling we're gonna keep doing this with a bunch more sheets so that it gets really really long like eight feet long and when we're finally done rolling we gotta spray it with some varnish yep and so it all holds together great and then it's going to be about this thick yeah when we're finished with it exactly this is going to be one of the parts of the deck of our Bridge great so each one of these large pieces is going to be like one single strand of pasta and the little Bridge yeah we need a lot of these a lot a lot still it's a lot faster than doing it piece by piece with just oh every time I hold it up you make that noise oh awesome [Laughter] [Music] the shape of something makes a big difference in how strong it is get some toilet paper rolls and put them in a square and then stack books on top of them they can hold wait thing is they can actually hold a lot more weight than you probably think in fact the amount of weight just paper in a tube can hold is really kind of impressive [Music] and now let's Max it out kills weight on two toilet paper rolls nope Bill's weight on four toilet paper rolls nope Bill's weight on six toilet paper rolls nope feels weight on 10. toilet paper rolls cool Bill's way can be supported by 10 toilet paper rolls but what if Phil jumps didn't really work Kyle and Michaela's plan is to use a long pole and sheets of uncooked pasta we roll the pasta around the pole and spray it with a little varnish We Roll sheets and sheets of pasta along an eight foot long pole making many layers of pasta then we wait for it to dry and remove the pull what we have is an eight foot Long Hollow tube of pasta that becomes a single piece of the bridge then we attach a bunch of these pieces together and use more sheets of pasta to glue them into the shape we used for our small pasta Bridge we're making our giant pasta bridge by wrapping sheets of pasta around and around the poles using the technique we just had making a whole large pole out of many many many sheets of pasta rolled around each other and we've made a giant truss look at this this is great guys it's looking pretty good yeah if I hit it you think it'd stay together what this is pasta not steel it's only made to just hold you Kyle what do you think are the chances that this is gonna hold me when we build it something like 50 50. not bad Michaela what do you think I'm gonna hold for the best hoping for the best that's exactly the kind of gray area we like to work in at science Max experiments at large experiments at large I don't know if anybody's even ever done this before not to my knowledge I don't think so which is why we have no idea if it's going to work okay so uh one more of these because these are the sides roadway and then the top yup yup all right let's do it while we're waiting it's a good moment to point out one of the things that makes our Bridge really strong that is triangles as you can see the truss or the side of our bridge is really just three big triangles triangles are very strong shapes to build with and they work great in bridges now it's time for science so simple a caveman could do it this is a caveman ah today we are going to teach this caveman how to build a strong structure here are some boxes go on and build a shelter and I'll come back and see how it worked out all right no no no no that's not right ah you need to build walls by stacking boxes on top of each other that's how you build understand oh yes I'll come back later and see how it worked out yeah oh does that look right to you yeah look at those boxes they're stacked on top of each other but if they are in tall Stacks what would happen if you push on the wall oh you see walls don't stay up if you build like that let's try again I'll help you this time first lay out the foundation where your wall should go God now let's make a second level no no don't put it right on top you need to stack in between that's how you make a strong wall [Music] okay I I'll come back later yeah nice work why don't you give it a try ah looks strong but you forgot a box huh join us next time when we talk about how to make a door [Music] building a door in a wall is hard because how do you make a big gaping hole in your wall without your wall ing over well people have come up with lots of ways to put doors and windows in walls made of stone blocks over the centuries and you can do this at home with books like I'm doing or with building blocks just go up until you're happy with the height and then stack each next layer a little closer to the middle until the final layer touches just like this and then you take a big heavy buck and you drop it right on top and it's pretty stable and you've just made a doorway it works even better if it's part of a wall because you want extra weight on the outside of these books here so of course I had to build one that was part of a whole wall this is the same corbled Arch built out of little building blocks and as you can see I went closer and closer together until it meets at the top and it is very strong now let's Max it out the kind of arch we're building is a corbled arch and the science Max build team and I are using pieces of wood cut to different lengths how high can it go we can use my head too no okay wait wait it takes a while to get together but once it's done it looks just like kinds of doorways Stone buildings had in ancient times there you go and maxed out Coralville Arch we went straight up until we got to these layers and they got a little bit closer and closer to the middle and to the last piece is one big solid piece and if we built this right it should be strong enough to hold me up science [Applause] foreign it held me up for a minute didn't it we rolled our pasta and constructed one Truss now we've made a lot more rolls of pasta and connected them all together to make a second truss and a roadway as well as the cross braces on top and when we get it all together we end up with Wow pasta Bridge oh we did it we built it we have no idea how long it will stay up but it's up it's doing its Bridge thing for now anyway I am very excited because as far as we know I'm the only one to try to cross a bridge made out of pasta what do you guys think I think I don't want you to be the last person to cross the past the bridge you're absolutely right but I'm gonna do it I think I think we're ready yeah yeah okay here we go [Music] oh no that doesn't bode well for our pasta Bridge what what happened here Kyle you put all your weight in the middle of the joist it snapped uh-huh if only there was a way to distribute your weight maybe if you crawled to like the military style kind of oh right so that I'm putting my weight on more than one spot yeah yeah exactly oh wait a minute that gives me an idea you guys stay right there I have I I know what to do I know what to do I know what to do you're coming back right skis distribute your weight over a large area so you don't sink in the snow that's what skis do which is perfect for the pasta Bridge come on okay okay come on everybody uh-huh is it working it's working I hear some cracking this might do it try to try to spread your legs apart spreading my legs apart distribute your way Distributing my weight swaying a lot oh man high fives there you go science Max experiments at large pasta Bridge skis what more could you want maybe a pasta chair lift of some sort science today's science Max is all about balance okay if it's a potato or if it's me figuring out how things balance is what we're all about it works really well [Music] swinging spinning and staying put today on science Max experiments at Large [Music] greetings science maximites today we're going to be talking about whoa balance or what you call balance in science which is center of gravity now the center of gravity is a place you can find in any object where it's equally balanced on all sides I balanced this spoon on the Eraser of this pencil and where the spoon is balancing is its center of gravity but if I take this little tiny diamond put it in the spoon it doesn't balance anymore but if I put the dime in the spoon and balance it in a different spot I can find the new center of gravity and the spoon balances again here's another experiment you can do take up a dough and a ruler or a stick try to balance the potato on the ruler foreign it's really hard to do the potato does have a center of gravity but because of its shape it's going to be really hard to find and really hard to balance but if you take some forks and you stick them into the potato you're no longer just trying to balance the potato you have to balance the forks and the potato and it gives it a very different center of gravity which makes it a little bit easier to find and a little bit easier to balance let's take a closer look at how the center of gravity Works using our potatoes no that's too close back off a little bit okay good if you want to find where the center of gravity is you can hang an object and draw a line straight down then hang it from a different spot and draw another line do this one or two more times and you can see where the lines meet is the center of gravity if our potato was balanced on a stick the center of gravity is a long way from the stick so it's going to be pretty hard to balance now let's stick some Forks in the potato and try again one line there a line there and a line there and you can see that the lines all come together down here that's right the center of gravity doesn't have to be on the object with the center of gravity way down there when we try to balance the potato and the forks on the stick you can see the center of gravity is much closer to the stick that makes it way easier to balance now because your science maximize I'm sure you know that a potato and forks is just the beginning everything you have in your house has a center of gravity which means theoretically you can balance anything try it yourself find things around the house and see if you can get them to balance and if you can't try adding things to increase the center of gravity and make it a little bit easier now we're gonna Max it out that's why [Music] I'm gonna go to the Center for skills development and training and we're going to explore center of gravity even more see if we can get something to balance and what better thing to balance than me oh table right hey this is Sandia and swapna no Sandia and swapna right and they are going for their phds in science and you guys thank you for coming thank you work with let's talk science right that's right all about Science Education just like us and I'm glad you guys are here because I need to max out this oh look at it balance [Music] okay I got it I got it okay so we're gonna get a gigantic potato uh no I thought we would use me instead so you're the potato uh yeah I guess I'm the potato all right and I need something to balance on well how about a tightrope oh yeah a tightrope have either of you done a tightrope before nope nope me neither all right let's set one up all right okay good oh yeah we're gonna take our balancing potato experiment and Max it out to get a potato to balance is pretty hard but if you stick Forks in the potato it works a lot better in our maxed out version we're gonna balance on a slack line which is sort of like a tightrope it's a flat strap tightened between two points and in this version I'm the potato and instead of sticking giant Forks in me which is not something I want to try Sandia swapna and I are going to experiment to see what I can do to improve my balance foreign there we're using this ratchet strap above a crash mat because we only have it about three feet off the ground but it's still going to be really hard to balance on right right okay so who gets to go first okay here we go um ready okay I think what you need to do is spread your mess out more to be able to find that center of gravity easier so I should balance on one leg start by trying to put your arms out let's try it again trying it again all right all right arms oh okay let's see if this works okay when I say You're Gonna Let Go ready all right one two three go [Music] nope just a little bit better it was a little bit better a little longer that way I went from one second to three seconds yeah yes I would like to actually take one step that would be nice well what else can we do maybe we can try weights try and pull them out if I have weights in my hands that would increase the center of gravity in terms of putting in the weight on the outside you guys have something we can use sure yeah okay good wow these are heavy okay they're weights yes therefore they're supposed to be heavy good call when I hold this one and I'll borrow your shoulder so on and then when I say Sandia pass me the other way here we go ready and pass me the way okay that didn't work okay good whoa whoa okay let go [Music] it's really hard I feel I would work better if I could lift the weights up but they're too heavy for that all right so what else can we do well tightrope Walkers use a long pull so that they can balance on a tightrope that's right I've seen that uh do we have a pole we have to go find one okay great I'll put the weights away have you ever heard someone say I will be back in a jiffy well now you can tell them that's almost impossible you see a jiffy is an actual measure of time it's 1 100th of a second you see this timer the first number is seconds the second number is tenths of a second and that third number that you can't even read it's going so fast that's hundredths of a second each one of those is a jiffy here are some things that happen in a jiffy a cheetah moving top speed travels 20 centimeters a hummingbird flaps its wings almost once can you blink in a jiffy nope takes 10 jiffies for that how about snapping your fingers eight jiffies so the next time someone tells you I'll be back in a jiffy you can tell them it took 170 jiffies just to say that so I tried walking the slack line and I wasn't very good at it holding my arms out at my sides seemed to help a little then I tried holding some weights to see if that would make any difference and the weights were so heavy I couldn't really hold them out very far now the plan is to try a long pole tightrope Walkers use long poles to help them balance the longer the pole is the more it affects your center of gravity especially because you can move it up and down to help you stay balanced nice so the important thing on this is what the the balance right yeah I want to find the center of gravity of that as well so try and find the center of the stone the center is right there that's where it balances there you got it okay how do I hold this and get up on the on the strap I'll help you you're gonna help me okay oh okay uh-huh oh okay I think yeah I think I got it okay yeah oh you're balancing check it out hey this isn't so bad hey look at that you can really use it to help correct when you start to fall you just move the pole and that's whoa totally helping my center of gravity stay right in the center above the strap you can do it a long pole can help tightrope Walkers and me balance in two ways first it lowers my center of gravity normally a person center of gravity is about here but with a pole it changes to way down here much lower to the thing I'm walking on but a long pole also helps in another way because in order to fall off the Rope I have to rotate it's easier to rotate something that has mass in the middle than it is when the mass is spread out that's why you put your arms out when you want to balance a pole works just like your arms The Mask gets spread out way more and it makes it much harder to rotate around the rope and fall off there you go center of gravity we're done usually we don't have it figured out this quickly usually we struggle a little bit more all right high fives we did it go way to go um so we did it yeah we achieved what we set out to do balanced with a pole so how else can we use science to make my balance better well tops are great because they when they're spinning they balance that's right so the forces used when something spins is something I can use yeah all right this calls for another small experiment are you guys good here yeah sure we'll keep practicing awesome all right back to the lab [Music] of course here's another experiment that's all about balance take a pencil and try to balance it on its tip doesn't work that well does it but if you take a pencil and stick it through a circle of cardboard and try it again it works the reason it's because this circle is spinning it creates a force that keeps the pencil standing up as long as the circle is spinning fast enough it counteracts the force of gravity because of the conservation of angular momentum the conservation of angular momentum the conservation of angular momentum presents would sound super smart a top wheel balance when it's spinning it works because it spins but why say it that way when you can impress your friends and all the adults you know by saying conservation of angular momentum why does a Top Spin because of the conservation of angular momentum between you and me we know that it boils down to the fact that it's spinning but conservation of angular momentum is how you say it if you're studying physics in University just remember to thank science Max when you impress Everyone by telling them a top balances because of say it with me the conservation of angular momentum now let's Max this out gyroscopic force is pretty amazing because this bike tire is spinning it's hard for me to move it but it's really hard to see how much it resists a change in orientation unless I do this it looks like it's Defying Gravity but really it's because the amount of force needed to change its orientation is more than the force of gravity pulling down on it it won't last forever only as long as the bike tire keeps spinning but you got to admit it's pretty cool science [Music] look at that it totally balances yeah so this is this is a great way to balance do you think it'll work if I hold it well let's see you try all right um I'm gonna use you to get up on the thing and then you go give her yeah that's good and spinning it up here we go ready yep okay yeah you can feel it I can really feel it resisting and it I think it would work I think it just needs to be spinning a lot faster that would make even stronger yeah uh it kind of hit my chest so you know what maybe you should keep it out to one side well it's still spinning yeah a little oh that I think you need two oh yeah you're right one on either side it'd be great if we could actually have some way to you I can keep my arms free though yeah oh I know get two wheels and we rope them into some sort of backpack situation and we have a way for you guys to get the wheels spinning really fast I don't know no no I have it all in my head trust me come on I'll show you I'll show you wait you guys go around come don't go on that side of the of [Music] the time for a Mini Max here's how you can use the forces of things spinning around to defy gravity well sort of take a ping pong ball and put it in a plastic container like a cup or this is the top of a CD spindle put it in and start spinning it around if you do it right you can get the ball spinning only on the sides of your container and not touching the bottom that's centripetal force at work thank you oh it works a lot better and is much more impressive if you have something that doesn't have a bottom fortunately I do this bucket doesn't have a bottom put the ping pong ball in the bucket and spin it around and if I'm very careful I can lift the bucket into the air and ta-da I'm defying the force of gravity science now I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil is that it is that all you're going to do no of course not this is science Max experiments at Large this is a garbage can with no bottom in it and this is a bag of golf balls let's see what happens when we put them together well I managed to keep one golf ball in my garbage can but as you can see it works really well [Music] and there you go sort of maxed out [Music] this is a garbage can with the bottom cut out and this is a soccer ball I'm gonna see if I can keep the soccer ball inside the garbage can using centripetal force okay [Music] it's working it's very tiring though how do you throw out a garbage can that's been used science here's a fun experiment you can do that plays with the forces created when you spin something get a flat platform or a tray and tie rope to every corner get an adult to help you with this then you get a cup of water use a plastic cup definitely just in case you put it on the tray and you start spinning now the force is created when you spin something centripetal force pulls the water to the outside of the circle and because the centripetal force is stronger than the force of gravity no water spills out of the cup even when it's upside down slow it down very carefully you'll see that all the water is still in your cup now I definitely suggest you do this experiment outside and I definitely definitely suggest you do it with an adult because when you get tired which you will if you don't stop it carefully you'll have to explain what you've been doing science to improve my balance has totally worked so far so now Sandia swapna and I are trying to figure out how to use the forces created when a wheel spins to help me balance we need a spinning wheel on one side and one on the other I've decided to take two bikes and remove the handlebars seats and front wheels then cross them over each other and attach them to a backpack Sandy and swapna can use the pedals to spin the tires fast and I will use the gyroscopic Force to balance or at least that's the plan gold the gyroscopic stabilization away I'm excited okay I think it's gonna work I think so I'm kind of skeptical really you're skeptical why I don't know I don't know if you can do it I don't know if I can do it either but that's why we do science let's see it okay Spin Me Up okay huh ready yeah all right and oh ready go oh yeah it's working cool it's working it's actually working it's good what's getting harder it's getting harder that worked really well until the wheels stop spinning yeah and then what happened well when the wheel was spinning it was resisting Motion in all directions so that you wouldn't fall yeah but when they stopped spinning you didn't have that anymore that doesn't do anything it's just a 50 pound weight on my back exactly right so I guess that's why tightrope Walkers don't use spinning wheels they use a pole instead right but we've proven that they can exactly yeah Max said high five yeah I now have the balance of a ninja circus performer thanks to science thanks for watching seismax experiments at large okay Spin Me Up spin me up and we'll do some more science Irish stuff it's backpack to the rescue all right let's go foreign control come in Mission Control ah this is Mission Control Phil uh we read you loud and clear I would agree greeting science greetings greeting science maximites welcome to science Max experiments at large my name is Phil mccordick and today we're going to be building an air-powered rocket too difficult you say nonsense it's easy it's not like it's rocket science hey it is rocket science cool here's what you need you need a bottle and a cork make sure that the cork fits nicely into the bottle and then you need an air pump because you can't have an air powered rocket without air and on this air pump you need a PIN the special kind that you use to inflate basketballs or volleyballs or stuff like that now what you want to do is push the pin through the cork you might want an adult's help for this push it through until it goes through on the other side and then make sure you get a good seal with the bottle now you're ready to launch a rocket with air pressure but first let's do a few other things take your cork and put it in a tripod launcher you can make this out of pencils or anything you want as long as it stands up nice and solidly and then of course you want to decorate your bottle so it looks like a rocket this is my rocket pretty good right so stick the bottle on the cork like before like that and then you stick the pin in the bottom and what we're going to do is we're going to inflate the bottle with air pressure and then it's gonna launch okay here we go uh you know rocketry really isn't something you should do indoors come on [Music] come on hey this was supposed to be a field thank you going why are there oh it's in my shoe huh oh oh this will do nicely now don't forget to do this with an adult and don't forget your safety glasses now set up the rocket in a nice big open area and make sure it's pointed away from you and then what you do is you pump the air pump and it puts air into the rocket which pushes down on the water which will push down on the cork until eventually [Music] so B science maximites and come up with your own rocket design try different amounts of water different fins even different size bottle try for yourself and see if you can get one that goes higher than mine just did how did I get in I think it was this way [Music] do you want step-by-step directions on how to build your own air powered rocket well don't worry everything you need is on our website foreign now it is time to max out our air powered rocket I've got Adam here hey Adam hey Phil how you doing good how are you good Adam's from Logics Academy Logix Academy and you guys going to schools and talk about science we do fantastic do you guys do a air powered rocket yes does it look like this one looks exactly okay oh that's great so how do we Max this out so we want to add more pressure to this bottle to try to get it to launch a little bit higher more air more great so what do we do so we're gonna use one of these oh the air compressor right which works a lot like the bike pump right yeah exactly cool so we're gonna have compressed air coming from here through this tube into underneath here yeah and out knocking on until there and you're going to put your bottle on top and out of the nozzle seconds of the bottle like that yep and now we want to be able to hold it in place we're gonna have these little fingers here that are actually going to work to hold it until we want to let it go so we're going to lock it in place oh yeah look at that totally locked exactly and then what how do we launch oh you're gonna take this cord and go a safe distance away and we are going to pull it and then we would pull it which one you want to start with I think we should use this one here okay great now we put water in it right yep why do we use water so the water is going to act to push the rocket up in the air the air is gonna the compressed air in here is going to shoot the water out the back and the water is going to push on the rocket and make it launch it's just to give it a little extra push how do I get it on there without spilling any water so just rest it next to you just go faster yeah just go really fast there we go and then lock it in place locking it in place there's no air pressure in the hose yet right yeah no first we have to spool out the launch cord so the air compressor has the compressed air in it it's ready to go yep it's all ready to go we just need to connect the hoses Adam I've noticed it's snowing a little bit if you think that's any reason why we should stop I don't think so no the science Must Go On glass Shields down connecting hoses when we connect the air hose the pressure from the compressor travels down the line and into the bottle you can see the bubbles of air going in those bubbles are carrying more air into the bottle giving it more pressure here we go three two one [Music] all right another rocket let's do it again launch it get three two one nice [Laughter] success success nice so small bottle worked really well how do we make it bigger I know a bigger nose cone I think a bigger bottle oh bigger bottle yeah of course that's easy uh how about this empty water bottle that we have now that might work except that the top here is too big I don't think it'll fit on our launcher oh yeah so what should we use liter pop bottle might work a bit better because it'll be the same size oh that's right two liter pop bottles have the same opening as as these small small water bottles exactly that's great all right let's uh make a couple Rockets out of two liter pop bottles awesome pressure happens when you squeeze something or compress it solids do not compress very well I will demonstrate um solid is it compressing no okay liquids don't compress very well either you can demonstrate this for yourself by getting a plastic water bottle and filling it right to the very top with water and putting on the cap and squeezing you'll find that you can't really squeeze the bottle very much but if you empty out half of the water no don't pour it on the floor and then put the cap back on the bottle and try to squeeze it you'll find that you can squeeze it a lot more that's because gases compress much easier than solids or liquids here's what's going on say this container is well any container and these magnets are air molecules now I'm going to put the magnets in pull to pull so they repel each other and want to stay a certain distance apart just like air molecules do there we go a container at normal gas pressure now watch what happens when I add more gas molecules they start to get squeezed together and if I add more the amount of space that each one gets is less and less now this container is under a lot of pressure these molecules really want to escape through the top of the container but they can't because I'm holding them down if I took something like this one closure and I push them down even more now they're really Under Pressure they want to get out but they can't because I'm holding them in now watch what happens when I let them go they all pop out the top and the container has returned to normal gas pressure that's what happens when we put gas in a container like this one these containers that hold compressed gas are made out of solid steel because you need something really strong or it might explode if you put too much gas pressure in it that's why these are only filled up by professionals who know exactly how much pressure it can take that is the power of pressure foreign our air-powered rocket was working pretty well but there's always room to Max it out in order to do that we need to understand how it works first we fill the bottle almost halfway with water and then we add air to the bottle the air pressure builds up and the air presses down on the water the rocket takes off when we pull on the release valve which was blocking the opening of the bottle once that happens the air pushes out the water it's the water that gives us our thrust so the water is very important once all the water is gone the air escapes and the bottle returns to normal air pressure but by that time it's high in the sky now the plan is to use two liter bottles instead of regular water bottles to see if they work better now we've made a few more Rockets out of two liter bottles and I'm Gonna Fill This one up with water and we're going to fire it we'll fire it again and see what happens now with the idea is that these will work better because they have more volume and more volume means we could possibly put more air pressure in it's hard to know until you try it of course but the other reason why it might work better it's two liter bottles generally hold carbonated beverages which means they already have to be made a little stronger than regular water bottles because they have to hold in the carbonation which is just like air pressure all right ready to go okay here we go you ready Adam yep okay let's yield down pressurize three two one let's do another one and three two one wow this is the superhero design rocket which I'm very excited about all right Adam it's going really well but before we fire this next one how can we make it bigger better and more awesome we're getting more pressure more pressure how do we do that well we're firing a boat 90 PSI right now PSI pounds per square inch of pressure right so we could increase it we could increase it so how we're at 90 now how high does the tank go go to about 120. 120 PSI let's see what happens all right okay here we go 90 110 100 and 20. should we fire it fire it let's fire it here we go three two one [Music] all right hey actually it worked okay there's just a piece missing here but I think the bottle is still okay yeah so two liter bottle full pressure I think we can still make something even better even more maxed out um what if we use an even bigger bottle you know the five liter ones that you see on water cooler yeah you think we can use one of those definitely I think we could use that we need to change the mouthpiece all right yes to fit our launchers well let's do it do it [Music] money bags now help and beat crushed by all this pressure a whole kilogram is being pushed down on every Square centimeter of my body 103 kilopasicles uh actually one kilogram for every Square centimeter on your body it's the exact kind of pressure that you and I are under at all times every day we don't notice it because we're used to it but it sounds like a lot doesn't it well it is here's an experiment you can do with a plastic bottle say at room temperature there are 10 millionaire molecules in here it doesn't really matter how many but we'll say there's 10 million at normal room temperature what happens if I heat up the air inside this bottle this is warm water what I'm trying to do is heat up the air inside the bottle because the air molecules when they get hotter move faster and need more room so the 10 million air molecules are starting to escape out the mouth of the bottle and reducing the number of air molecules inside and now I take the bottle out and cap it because the air molecule is heated up and speed it up they needed more room now there's less of them in the bottle there's about 4 million air molecules inside this bottle but they're all hot air molecules and they have a higher pressure and you don't notice it because the air out here isn't crushing the bottle but watch what happens if I cool the air inside the bottle this is ice water so what's happening now is the molecules are slowing down and they need less space so they need less room and they're being crushed by the pressure on the outside of the bottom it has been crushed because the colder air molecules don't need the same kind of room as the hot air molecules the room temperature air has crushed the bottle the air inside has a lower pressure than the air outside pretty amazing even more amazing when we Max it out [Music] this is a steel drum what we've done is we've put some water in it and we're heating it up to Boiling so there's nothing but hot air inside the drum this is an airtight cap which we use to seal the drum and now we cool the drum off hey Trevor give me a hand ready one two three lift [Music] that's good this pool is filled with ice what we're doing now is cooling off the steel drum which will cool off the air inside it which means eventually the air inside the steel drum will be a much lower pressure than the air outside the steel drum because this steel drum has a lot more volume than a 2-liter pop bottle it takes a lot longer for the air to cool down the other thing to think about is that it's a steel drum I could stand on it and it wouldn't even Dent but sure enough after a few minutes check it out the barrel has totally crushed the low pressure air inside the barrel wasn't enough to withstand the force of the regular air pressure that you and I walk through every day the air pressure all around us is enough to crush a steel drum how cool is that foreign powered Rockets have been working really well but we still want to go further two liter bottle work better than the water bottle we think increasing the size again might make it more awesome so now the plan is to switch our 2-liter bottle with a 20 liter water cooler jug and make a rocket out of that because the launcher nozzle which holds the bottle in place till we're ready to launch it isn't going to fit the opening of this bigger jug we've decided to use the cap that came with the jug if we screw the cap on it'll work sort of like the cork the air pressure will press down on the water and keep pushing against the cap until the cap has a catastrophic failure which is a very cool way of saying that eventually the cap will break and the bottle will shoot into the skies 20 liter water cooler jug filled with some water this is the cap that'll work sort of like the cork we put the air pressure in there the cap can't take it anymore pops off and the thing flies hopefully let's find out okay that looks good there let's do this go for pressure oh [Laughter] hilarious it worked pretty well it's uh it sort of does that I wonder if it's aerodynamic no no so how do we what else can we do to make it even more maxed out I think we've used the two liter bottles that work really well the cheerleader bottles were the best right I think so so what do we do we probably stock them if we stack them on top of each other yeah it worked I like that I'd still put a whole bunch of them together yeah tell you what I'll do you one better why don't we use three stacks awesome we'll use three stacks three launchers three times the thrust and we'll make a giant rocket at a two liter bottle yeah great idea high fives here we go all right gas molecules get further apart when you warm them up and closer together when you cool them down so what happens if you keep cooling them down while they turn into this this is liquid nitrogen nitrogen makes up 78 of the air we breathe but when you cool it down to minus 196 degrees Celsius it turns into a liquid it's boiling right now because at room temperature nitrogen wants to be a gas so the liquid nitrogen is turning into gaseous nitrogen and all of the extra molecules are escaping through the top of the bottle so what happens if I put a cap on the bottle right now the liquid nitrogen is turning back into a gas but because there's a cap on the bottle the gas has nowhere to go so the pressure is just going to keep building and building until the plastic bottle can't contain it anymore and and it pops like a balloon hence our Rockets have gone from small to bigger to even bigger now the plan is to use three two liter bottles and create Columns of them into a giant rocket we pressurize them just like we did before but with more thrust it might work even better even if it doesn't work better I'm pretty excited about this new plan giant rocket [Music] giant rocket you ready I'm ready okay glass Shields down connecting hose dialing up pressure pressure is rising it's bubbling bubbling 100 PSI okay stand by the fire three two one [Music] awesome yeah let's go check it out well there you have it rocket science Max experiments at large well done nicely nicely done do you think we could fire it again yeah it looks like it needs some repairs though well sir look that chemistry chemistry is the science of atoms and molecules the things that make up all matter and how they interact with each other take for example this glow stick actually don't take it because I I kind of need it the glow stick doesn't glow until you um the glow stick doesn't glow until you break the barrier and mix the two chemicals and they start to Glow huh pretty cool huh chemistry now the chemical reaction we're looking at today is the old vinegar and baking soda volcano but this reaction doesn't have anything to do with volcanoes it's chemistry now this experiment is totally safe but I do recommend you get an adult's permission before you do it because it's very messy uh yeah [Applause] First You're Gonna Want baking soda and vinegar these are your two main ingredients but you'll also want dish soap and red food coloring if you want it to look a little bit more like lava now I like to mix the baking soda red food coloring and dish soap together with a little warm water so all you have to do is add the vinegar and when you do this is what happens [Music] and there you go chemical reaction now I know what you're thinking you're thinking Phil how much vinegar or baking soda do I use well I'm not gonna tell you this is where you can be science maximites try different amounts more vinegar more baking soda more dish soap who knows write down the amounts each time you use it and find out what amounts work best that's called science and that's what we're going to be looking at today chemistry in all its forms and of course because it is science Max experiments at large we're going to max out the vinegar and baking soda volcano so I'm off to the Center for skills development and training come on hey telina hi Phil how you doing good how are you good this is teluna she's going for her PhD in chemistry for McMaster right yeah awesome which means you can help me max out the baking soda and vinegar we need you grab that vinegar and vinegar volcano so what happens when we mix these two chemicals well vinegar is an acid and baking soda is a base and when you mix them they neutralize each other to produce carbon dioxide and water as a byproduct so acids and bases are kind of like opposites yep so I guess that makes sense when you put them together crazy stuff happens yeah awesome chemistry okay so I want to use this much vinegar and this much baking soda what's with the fish tank the fish tank is where I want to mix it all together what do you think awesome maxed out okay uh let's move the fish tank somewhere where we won't make a huge mess sounds a little heavy with all that we get it no we're gonna have to we're gonna have to take a couple trips that's kind of heavy okay so we'll take this and that and then this and that no hold on I can do it one more okay good okay good yeah I took too much I took too much foreign [Music] put the sign in the background yeah in the BG I love the BG chemicals chemicals chemicals chemicals chemicals what ah chemicals are they things you have in a lab in a jar that's a chemical on them well yes but if that's all you think chemicals are then you need two no your chemicals burns out the stuff in the jar is a chemical but the jar itself also made of chemicals the table I'm putting it on made of chemicals my lunch chemicals roller skates chemicals my jacket chemicals these guitars chemicals my shoe chemicals this watch chemicals this fish chemicals chemicals chemicals chemicals chemicals meat chemicals you chemicals Ramona chemicals no I said your chemicals damn it never mind this is it the periodic table in the elements all matter in the universe is made up of these pure elements they go together in different ways to make up everything all matter think of it like building blocks these little atoms are some of the elements on this periodic table you got one oxygen two hydrogen bam you've got a water molecule one carbon two oxygen a it's carbon dioxide two carbon two oxygen four hydrogenous vinegar one sodium one chlorine a oh data in the universe is just the stuff I'm here combining into these and now you know your chemicals sugar [Music] let's take a closer look at what's going on when we mix vinegar and baking soda all chemicals are made of atoms there's only four types in our reaction carbon oxygen hydrogen and sodium when they go together like this a molecule of vinegar or acetic acid and this is a molecule of baking soda or sodium bicarbonate when Chemicals React they switch atoms that one goes there this one goes over here and then this one turns into this and then what you end up with are new molecules this one is called sodium acetate and this one is carbon dioxide gas the gas you breathe out and do you recognize this one right water H2O why all this happens gets complicated but the study of chemistry is all about how molecules are built and react with other molecules all right tellin are you ready yeah you're gonna pour all your baking soda in the fish tank and I'm gonna pour the vinegar into this bucket because you don't want to don't want to pour them together right away okay ready yep okay go for it when you're doing your PhD in chemistry you get to do stuff like this yeah really got to do a lot of fun reactions in the lab oh that's I'm I'm jealous have you ever done this much vinegar and baking soda in one time I can't say I ever have there you go that's what I like to hear I already put the soap in the bucket so it would mix with the vinegar when I poured it in are you done your baking soda already I'll pour faster smells vinegar it smells vinegar it makes me want french fries okay Celine you take this very full bucket of vinegar and dish soap thank you I will take this one oh we still have our third bucket okay I'm gonna I'll do these both at the same time okay ready on the count of three one two three [Applause] that's awesome so the one thing it didn't do it didn't shoot up in the air though yeah it's because the top is quite open so you would need to constrict it to get it to shoot up oh yeah because we're using just sort of a square a rectangular prism container we should get something that's maybe something more like our vinegar bottle right because there's lots of space down here but then it forces it into a tighter opening at the top there um like a volcano yep and what else can we do uh to make it even more powerful Max it out vinegar is only five percent acid the rest is water so you could try using a hundred percent so what kind of acid is vinegar it's acetic acid so vinegar is actually only five percent acetic acid and 95 water so you can get 100 acetic acid yeah can you get 100 acetic acid yes awesome why don't we get a container that's sort of shaped like a funnel like a volcano yeah and 100 acetic acid we'll do it again sounds good all right let's do it our vinegar and baking soda reaction went pretty well but now we're gonna try it with a much stronger type of the same kind of acid you find in vinegar carefully putting this down and watch out for the baking soda you never know when it'll get out and well I guess that's just baking soda yeah that's pretty safe yeah okay good so this is baking soda vinegar volcano version two we have this differently shaped glass what do you call this again that's an Erlenmeyer flask why is it called that it's actually named after a scientist did he look like that was he sort of shaped like this no no was he just a good chemist good scientist and I think he designed the glass oh see there you go so if you want to have a glass named after you be a good chemist and design a glass I want to make a fill Beaker so this is a hundred percent acid yeah and what's the difference between this and vinegar vinegar has five percent of this and 95 water but this is 100 so it's much stronger much stronger can you put this on your French fries no I wouldn't be putting it on your French fries no as chemicals go how dangerous is this it's not too dangerous but you definitely don't want to be breathing it in and you don't want to be eating it or getting it on your skin that's why I'm wearing these fancy fancy gloves so what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour the acetic acid in this What's this called that is a graduated cylinder because it finished at school so it graduated so you're going to mix water and food coloring and soap all together yeah and pour it into there it'll help dissolve some of the baking soda so hopefully it'll react better with the acid sounds good face protection oh all right that's good and now when we do it I want to add the funnel at the end to like accentuate the concentration of but I don't know if it's going to go so fast that I won't be able to get it in there but we'll try it try it vinegar baking soda volcano version two ah oh good thing you got the mask it smells a lot like vinegar it's really strong that was pretty good bro what what can we do to make it even bigger well you could try using a different chemical reaction oh okay like what the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide produces oxygen gas and so that one's pretty vigorous if you use a catalyst so we want something that makes a lot of gas so that it makes a lot of bubbles when you put the soap in it yep great let's do it and the sooner we leave that smell the better I think for my for my taste it's going to combine in a way that makes them very different from how they started out for example this is sodium or n a on the periodic table now the sodium tablets are in mineral oil because sodium reacts very strongly with water even the water in the air or especially the water in my skin watch what happens when I drop a sodium tablet into this Beaker of water very cool and very dangerous and this is chlorine or CL on the periodic table chlorine gas is very poisonous so what happens if we combine these two deadly substances do we create some sort of super poison something more deadly than anything else known to science that causes fear and Chaos in chemistry Labs all over the land no we create salt good old normal table salt these two substances combine to make n a c l salt something completely and totally safe chemistry oh we've gone from vinegar and baking soda to 100 acetic acid in baking soda and now we're doing the vinegar and baking soda volcano version three no longer vinegar and baking soda nope what are we using this time so here we have some hydrogen peroxide oh that's the stuff you use at home to put on a cut right yeah but the stuff at home is only three percent this one's 30. so much much stronger ten times stronger yes and is this more dangerous it's definitely definitely corrosive so wear your gloves corrosive means it could eat your skin it can burn your skin which is why we are wearing gloves and blast Shields what's going to mix with this so here we have some potassium iodide which is a salt and it's mixed in with some water the most important part of this reaction is the fact that it creates gas oxygen which makes bubbles when you put in dish soap right yep so one big squirt the dish soap like that and mix it up now we go over to the Blast Zone that's plenty all right [Laughter] now that's a reaction looks like there's steam coming off here why is that happening well it is an exothermic reaction so heat is being generated as the reaction proceeds oh cool can we lift our advisors now yep awesome and what's being released what's the gas that's coming off here so it's oxygen gas that's being produced oxygen ah what we want to do is make this even bigger but first can we do it again sure because I have an idea hold on I think we should repurpose our old volcano what do you think sounds like a good idea okay so if we put it over here all right volcano version 3.5 bit hydrogen peroxide potassium iodide right here we go looks like lava whoa [Laughter] look at that that now that is a big volcano eruption just covered the town that is completely that yes that town is going to be very clean because it's all soap bubbles it's the cleanest volcano this side of science maxaville so I still think we can do this bigger though right I agree um oh I know what if we use some sort of a tube like like maybe one of these right and then we attach it to like an air compressor I think you'd get some height yeah and we go outside the atom in 60 Seconds the atom is the smallest unit in a chemical element atoms are made of three parts part number one are these guys protons they have a positive charge the number of protons determines the element one is hydrogen two is helium three is lithium and so on the protons fit in the middle here which is called the nucleus they sit in here with part number two these guys they're neutrons and they have a neutral charge now I've got eight protons and eight neutrons in this nucleus making this an atom of oxygen orbiting around the nucleus are these tiny guys they're electrons and they have a negative charge I will demonstrate using kittens these are perfect because just like electrons kittens are really small and just like electrons kittens move around randomly you never know where they're going to be but an oxygen atom should have eight kittens or electrons somewhere inside these kittens are constantly escaping but guess what that happens with electrons too there you go the atom a nucleus of protons and neutrons surrounded by randomly moving electrons cutest science ever how do you guys feel did you learn something huh pause up we learned something [Music] Talina and I have made a bunch of chemical reactions but in our quest to Max things out we've got a new plan hydrogen peroxide and potassium iodide create gas one way to max out the reaction is to contain the gas in something like a tube we're gonna put the hydrogen peroxide in the tube first then we're going to put in the potassium iodide in the top through a one-way valve then we're going to pressurize the container when it finally reacts it will shoot up through the valve and we'll see how high we can get our stream of bubbles to go but be warned capping anything and not letting it Escape is never a good idea so we've got a release valve to make sure things work out this is one of those experiments that's definitely on the list of don't try this at home vinegar baking soda volcano version 4. hydrogen peroxide potassium iodide and what we're going to do this time is we're going to put it in this tube hydrogen peroxide goes in here and we've got Talina do you have the potassium iodide and syringes yeah two syringes full two syringes full about there is good and then soap good amount of soap in there and so what we're going to do is we're going to close this off and tighten it up and then we're going to pressurize the whole system and then we're going to add the potassium iodide and it's going to be spectacular we hope okay that's on tight this is all good putting this down here and potassium iodide goes in here ready puts down ready one two three go and we back away slowly yeah that's what I'm talking about okay let's check it out all right there you go vinegar and baking soda volcano Mexico thank you that was great if you guys want any instructions for the stuff that we've done today they're all on the website and thank you very much for watching science Max experiments at large we kind of need to clean up a lot don't we yeah we have out here we have the other room so tell you what uh you get a mop I will get the hose and a wheelbarrow for this
Channel: 9 Story Fun
Views: 284,247
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: science max, science max experiments at large, science max full episodes, science experiments, easy science experiments, learning, educational, lab, did you know, facts, interesting facts, knowledge, 9 Story Kids, 9 Story, 9 Story Fun, 9Story, 9 Story official channel, science, Gravity
Id: NulUsNMldgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 122min 45sec (7365 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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