Watering new grass seed (day 1, 7, 14) - 4 Week Time Lapse

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in this video we're gonna be talking  about how to look after a recently   seeded lawn how long it takes and what you  need to do next to get the best results you this video is part of the four-week lawn care  renovation challenge if you haven't seen the   previous videos I'm gonna link a card up above  the series takes you through step by step each   of the key stages on a lawn renovation plan  with all the products I'm using each stage all   the products are in the description below if you  want to check out some pricing the most important   thing to think about when you've over seeded a  new lawn is to keep the seed moist forget about   applying more fertilisers or anything else you  need to keep the seed moist and in contact with   the ground to allow it to germinate by this  I mean setting up something watering multiple   times a day 3 or 4 times a day depending on  your weather conditions so it's day 1 after   we've seeded just yesterday and I can see already  the birds are starting to come down I've actually   seen the birds in the morning and I generally  think given how hot the weather's been they're   actually interested more in the earth worms and  grubs I've got in the lawn more so than the actual   seed itself but I'm gonna take you through  how my watering system set up basically I'm   running a hose down the back of the house and  linking it off to a gardenia impact sprinkler so the first thing you want to consider is making  sure that you've got a really good coverage across   your full area these type of sprinklers you've  got two main types of adjustment on them you've   got the level of oscillation you want which can  be adjusted by the two clips on the side and   also you've got a distance regulator which can  be adjusted on the top which kind of fans the   water out more or less depending on how long or  short you want the wave to be I feel a couple of   adjustments to the sprinkler I found that it  actually works best when it's secured in the   ground this helps to reduce the level of vibration  that you see on the sprinkler itself and helps it   travel more smoothly from the right to the left  direction I also actually found at some points in   the day the performance of the sprinkler changed  depending on the water pressure and if you've   got low water pressure maybe a system like this  isn't actually ideal for you because i did find   the sprinkler varied sometimes it would stop but  I've also made a full video on picking the right   sprinkler system for your garden which I've linked  in the card above overall I've had this Gardena   sprinkler for around about 3 to 4 years and even  though it's made out of plastic it seems to be   really well made it's quite robust as well and I  would definitely recommend it if you've got the   right water pressure to get it working it's really  important during the first few weeks to keep the   seed moist I was watering around four times a day  in the morning twice in the afternoon and once in   the evening that was until you had a bit of help  from Mother Nature after around a week you'll   start to see the original grass coming through the  top dressing mix but I still haven't seen anything   in terms of germination yet but just keep up your  watering this is a rye grass mix which generally   will germinate quicker between 7 and 21 days  if you'd like to find out more about different   grass types and how you should choose the right  grass type for your lawn subscribe to the channel   because I've got a video coming out which explains  all about that ok I'm just starting to see some   the germination coming through into the soil you  can see the seedlings have started to take I've   noticed the areas that I top dressed are starting  to look a little bit more thicker and the levels   that we completely regraded to start to take we've  had a huge amount of water over the last couple of   days so I'm expecting some of the seed may have  been lost but we'll see how we go one of the   things to look out for is the weather forecast  when you're about to put seed you can seed at   all times of the year but you'll get best results  between spring and autumn it can be done outside   of that check the weather forecast look for  rainy spell and if not make sure you apply a lot   of water keep watering and watering and watering  until things start to take all the products that   I'm using are linked in the description below this  particular seed is a rye grass blend from a1 lawns   it's the premiership pro version which has got a  multiple rooting system which I particularly like   for this front lawn because of my poor soil  quality and it does take a lot of heat this   grass is able to stand up to those factors and  hopefully I'll get a lovely looking lawn at the at this point don't worry about cutting the grass  or any additional fertilisers just keep the seed   moist you can see here the grass overall starting  to thicken out quite a lot if anything this is   probably getting too much water around that seed  I'm expecting there's going to be a couple of   spots here which you might have to reseed due  to a washout or over watering what we'll see how the different seed mix is rye grass is  generally going to start to look thicker earlier   and germinate quicker than the rest of the type of  grasses you can see here again continuing the lawn   to thicken out and some of the shoots are starting  to come through in the thinner areas you can see   most of lawn sections are looking really good  now on the start to thicken up this back corner   here probably needs another sprinkling of seed  over it just because we've had so much water I   think some of it will may have been washed away  we can also expect some further germination of   the seed over the next couple of days and weeks  this point in the grass is around two inches long   what I'm going to do is wait for another couple  of days and then anywhere between two to three   inches you can do your first cut you don't want  to take much off on the first cut set the mower   on a very high setting just take the top off  the lawn and make sure your blade is sharp on   your mower I've got a video all about changing  lawnmower blades if you click the card above as   this fell on Sunday I decided to get a sharp new  blade on my mower and do the first cut on the lawn so all the area's over to the right in the back  I've seeded and thickened out really well I'm   really pleased with how the lawn looks there's  a couple of areas towards the left-hand side   which is the areas that we really levelled the  deepest spots in but also the areas that took   a real brunt of the rain I'm sure these will  fill out next week so subscribe to the video   so I can keep you up to date with the final  results in the next video if you've enjoyed   the content and you want to find more videos  about UK lawn care please leave me a comment   in the description below and even better if  you can subscribe to the channel and turn on   your notifications for all the future videos in  the next video I'll be looking to see if those   patches are filled out and also discussing  some aftercare tips after sowing a new lawn
Channel: Garden Lawncare Guy
Views: 1,299,885
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grass, seed, Rye, perennial, lawn, lawncare, lawn care nut
Id: BCZK7z5XDqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 49sec (529 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 22 2020
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