Watchman Anointing

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everyone is looking for love [Music] and they're desperate to find it we must show them we must introduce them to love to Jesus Jesus this is true revival [Music] love is all they need everlasting love rise up and go and show them revival Wow supernatural life [Music] Jesus is love historically when there was going to be a disaster or hardship on God's people he would raise up the prophets to give warning and the watchman to pray through today we are going to have a little bit of study time and a little bit of encounter time regarding the Ministry of the watchman because the watchman is very much a real ministry in the body of Christ today and we have an expert in this field with us dr. James Col James's are always good to have you with us but you have just completed this book the lifestyle of the watchman and so we're gonna just peruse this subject today because it's something that you not only have studied but you have lived it and so tell us first of all so that all of our viewers know what exactly is a watchman we know that out of Isaiah 62 it says on your walls o Jerusalem have a pointed watchman that day and night there there on it but what does that actually mean yeah that's great for Tricia so you know I'm gonna give a little like a parenthesis or a little opening on something it came from my teachings in the seer book and these things for me they all overlap and in it I had a dream that it was recorded in a book and it's in it I was told seers are prophets but not all prophets are seers now I'm not going to unpack what all that means in this but I'm going to use a parallel watchman are intercessors but not all intercessors are Watchmen I think just having that little chip out there it does help and so let's also put a New Testament piece in place let me touch that Isaiah 62 because it says you're chosen right it says I have appointed is one translation or it says chosen Watchmen so if you're a watchman that means God has chosen you and I believe that God chooses each one of us but I also believe that we have a free will where we can say yes or we can back off that we can cooperate so it's a calling it's a aspect of intercessory prayer but it's in the Greek when Jesus was speaking and he said could you not tarry with me for an hour now a lot of people say that Jesus said could you not pray with me an hour that isn't actually what he said right what he said is could you not watch with me for an hour so watching is an aspect of prayer but prayer is larger than watching so what's a watchman a watchman is someone who is on the alert so what does that look like like you have had experiences as a watchman where God has literally given you warnings about things to come where you have had to to stand in the gap because that's what intercessors do as we stand in the gap between God and between man or B you know between the devil and renowned we stand in the gap so share some experiences that you had because I'll really paint the picture well I think oh my there's there's several of them and so some of them have been to such a degree of like the enemy discerning through dreams and visions and things of this nature that the enemy powers of darkness is trying to preempt early bring about early World War three in its fullness before it's in God's timetable okay so I have prayed into things into the Gulf Wars I'm talking way back in 1991 and where the Lord in a dream showed me and in that there would be an engagement and I reckon it would start on February 1st go to February 28th and he called me to be a man of prayer during a time of war I had that come to me a year ahead of a year ahead of time that's awesome but it was also see to help me to be alert and also for me to unclutter my schedule so it could be focused know so I did I prayed every day through this ground engagement and the Lord would give me dreams and I would see maps names of cities that I can't even pronounce and where there could be you know some very difficult destruction yeah and and then pray that it not happened right I prayed that it be lessened like an intervention an intervention it's that is an aspect of crisis intervention which for me went back to also studying in Scripture but the life of Reese house from out of Wales and his prayers during World War two to keep the Nazi Germany out of the United Kingdom and so I also have gone on site to pray with insight in historical places and then one of those and I talk about one of the readings in here about on crisis intervention about the anointing on Greece house and so I had hands laid on me by Samuel Hales his only son and he announced the mantle of crisis intervention upon my life now I believe it's available for the whosoever's though I believe that we're each chosen we're each appointed and you're appointed as a lots been on the walls for your sphere and that is very important for your sphere and there might be some situations in life where God will call you even to intervene in a family situation where you'll be called to wash in the spirit to make sure that the momentum of God is being realized rather than the momentum of the enemy and I really feel that there's some of you watching right now that you are actually troubled in your spirit by things that the Lord has shown you regarding your family but he is calling you to stand in the gap and if you stand on the wall day and night just keep making the decrees and take that in your heart and stand in the gap you're gonna see a breakthrough that's why he appoints as points Watchmen on the wall that's why you are troubled over it right knows because God has put that on you he's chosen you for that but there's others of you you're being called to a much bigger a bigger role like like dr. James Gaul is a much greater role where it's going to involve you know God's agenda on greater levels of influence and some of you are you're you're feeling it from the moment dr. James Cole started speaking you started feeling oh my gosh I better watch this because this is me and you mentioned about Reece Howells intercessors one of the first books I read as a new believer and I was like blown away by the supernatural intervention of God through through one man's prayer initial but there was other people just even the prophetic acts and the living out of the intercession it was so phenomenal but you've done similar things and that was one of my assignments because I we all have different assignments and sometimes mine are in like the concept of the book of Genesis are reading the wells well for me it's sometimes it's been reading the wells of Prayer so you know like the marae viens and the watts of the Lord praying on-site with inside three different occasions leading teams in herrnhut in this situation I was sent by the Lord in a dream telling me you've read dug the wells of crisis intervention you've read dug the wells of the Christian mystics and contemplatively well of crisis intervention and told me that I would go on site to the Swansea I didn't even know where the place was I mean I'd read the book yes but you forget things and so I ended up with with our dear friends Wesley and Stacey Campbell ministering in Moriah Chapel Evan Roberts the break well tree Bible and a notice passed to me from the Swansea Bible College inviting me to come over the next afternoon and I'm going oh god this is an appointment come on and there and the reason I want to mention this a little bit and it is in this book as I'm sitting there with Samuel house I can't remember he was about 86 years old at the time he's with the Lord now it was the the only child the only son of Rhys house and I went there and I start asking this question I said how did your father get this level of revelation and authority to aunt in watching and prayer to to be able to cut this off I said was it by dreams was it visions was it by angelic visitations he wouldn't answer me and he would say don't you think it's time for another crop but another cup of tea and I went back four times hey I was too gentle and protocol but I was tenacious and eventually tears are streaming down his face and he looks at me and he laid his hands on me and this frail man lady's hands on me I can feel this authority I can see it right now and there's an authority that's gonna get released people right now all across the globe this is not looking God's not looking for one Simeon or one Anna or one Elisha or one Deborah he's looking for a company and he laid hands upon me tears going down his face I said to him one more time how did your father get this level of revelation and this level of authority and he says to me only ladies hands on my shoulders he said you must understand the Lord's servant was possessed by God can you look into your camera because there's such an anointing on you right now and just release a prayer and impartation over the viewers because it's it's thick in here right now you know for such a time as this have you been appointed and we're each called to be Watchmen in our spears your spear all of our Spears as our family all of our spheres will be our church in our ministry and each of our spheres is also going to be the city the province the state the nation we're a part of but there are also Special Op teams there are also special task force and I'm speaking to you right now and I'm calling forth a absolute it's grace I speak what the Lord has given to me I speak over you right now in the name of Jesus and some of you are being feel like something waiting is coming on your shoulders that's because it's an increase of the government of God it's an increase of the authority and God confidence it's not self confidence because I can't do this it is God confidence and I see that both coming like a mantle resting on people of increase of authority but I also see it as an increase internally of a God confidence he has done it all and I just declared these two things over you now an internal knowing it is finished the seventh word of Jesus on the cross and an increase of the mantle of authority to bring intervention and change James can you share with me what just one more time the exact words of his son over you know the reason why he had that level of revelation was because he said you must understand the Lord's servant that's how in honor he related to his father you must understand the Lord's servant was possessed by God I never asked another question that day I didn't have to it went beyond where there was a dream a vision a visitation an angel it might include all of that but I got more that day than what I went at for because I was given a key and the key is this be possessed by God you know about that is really touched my heart and I want to speak from my heart to you right now there's so many things out in the world they're pulling and James says something that I've been watching like I've just been in intercession over for the body of Christ even so many influences of the flesh of the world of things that would pull your attention away from God away from this word there's so many distractions today and even within the church there's just just a dissipation of that possession of that of that positioning before God where nothing else matters but I'm alone and I feel in my spirit that there are a number of you watching that that you used to actually move in greater levels of Revelation than you are right now in greater levels of possession than you are right now but as things have gotten in the way there's been temptations and things that pulled your attention and just certain thinking that made things a little bit I guess a word could be sloppy if I could use that word but God says his call is not lifted off of her that he loves you and he's called you to that level and more even deeper than you've ever known and I believe that right now the Spirit of God is coming on you in power to bring you back to that heart-to-heart possession where you and God are entwined together as one where nothing else matters where you will keep the Nightwatch and they'd a watch and it's not because you have to it but it's because you're possessed by now you're going to return to that place as you you know I can just feel some of you right now being pulled in your heart I think God I've got to go back to that place because he's raising up a great company of Watchmen in this hour such as we've never seen in history there will be books written about the exploits done through the watchman's like the simians like the Anna's like those who have stood in the gap over the years and stood watch we haven't seen anything yet but it does take absolute possession to let everything else go everything else has to be pale there is no grace to walk in this level of watchman ship without possession are you willing to give your whole self to him right now and say god there's nothing else in life that matters I am compelled by love right now to yield myself afresh to you and I feel the Spirit of God is all over you in fact I can feel many of you weeping and and and and taking this up and some of you are going to be carrying burdens for media and for entertainment industry and for governments and for for for economy and for the poor and for for evangelism harvest it's like all these different exploits and it's like God needs you he's saying is there one that will stand in the gap is there one that will manifest my watchman ship in this hour and he has put his hand on you we want you to bask in this right now just bask in him we're gonna take a break and we'll be right back but God is doing something in your life it's undeniable for some of you and so take this as a call from him upon your heart at this very moment we'll see you in a minute or so decree a thing and it shall be established Patricia Kings new book 31 decrees of blessing provides you with powerful daily decrees to release favour prosperity and success in your life this book also includes profound spiritual devotions and transforming activations designed to reveal God's purpose and destiny for you order thirty-one decrees of blessing now and you will also receive Patricia King's best-selling book decree and decree for kids a soaking CD with ten decrees aimed at empowering your children with the words and promises of God folder now and receive this combo for only $15 call 866 nine eight zero five four six four and mentioned television offered number three five nine or go online to Patricia king order today and release the power of the word of God in your life very clear examples of Watchmen and so we're going to talk about a few of those right now and Abraham for example is one right so in this particular book the lifestyle Watchmen it's divided up into twenty-one readings and the reason is because it takes 21 days to develop a new habit right so I'm pulling out 21 different characteristics from one for every reading so Abraham is my template for the whole first week Abraham why oh this man bartered with God he stood in the gap for a city of decadence of Sodom and Gomorrah but that's really not what I'm highlighting in Abraham thoughts what we often teach about it is intimate friendship Abraham in the Bible is the first one mentioned as a prophet in Genesis chapter 20 right in Abraham is called the father of faith but Abraham is also called the friend of God I want people to know that this prayer thing this watchman think it's not a task it's a part of a relationship and I just can't hardly touch this strike now I feel so much I felt it earlier so much holiness of the Lord right now around this I think it just it's the jealousy God and I just want you to know that God is jealous for you he wants you to be a mother or father of faith he wants you to be someone who will have great but he want you to be someone who's got intimate friendship because what the Bible says God says so I do something in the earth without telling Abraham no I'm gonna go talk to my friend but we do nothing except he he conferred he confers and he speaks his secrets to his servants now in Amos and dance as a prophet but it's to his France but you're sure I have some secrets I keep that he's told me that I don't tell except to him I have some secrets that I kept with some good but their trusted friends we don't like the lies you could be a trusted friend of God and when you're a trusted friend of God he can share secrets with you I know he wants to do it another one of the people I highlight in this book is Anna yeah I love the New Testament and she knew loss but she knew game yeah she turn I call it a new calling yes that's right she knew consecration I call it today you flip it yeah like you flip a region you flip a house Anna learn how to flip her life from trauma and tragedy of being a widow to being a partner she was like what you mentioned earlier about Smith Wigglesworth she was possessed absolutely she was possessed not even day or night she didn't leave the temple yeah fastings and prayers know for all those year after year this wasn't just first season this was a life since she was a young woman yes and and what it says is is that she incessantly or she constantly would speak of him so I call Anna the original Jesus Freak the original Jesus fanatic is Anna Wow but we can be one too you can be one also and then the third person I use out of the 21 different readings is Daniel so I take Abraham it's very obtainable yep intimate friendship and a lifestyle sacrifice there is a cost but Daniel a life of excellence a life of consecration one of the things I really know about you Patricia is that you know you're not your own and you can set yourself apart to be a person of excellence a consecration I almost like argued in myself and with God what word do I use I wanted to use the word excellence the Bible uses it but then I thought oh well that might feel like it's unapproachable by people too far hi lofty but you can be consecrated and that's what it takes to be excellent yeah is that it I still since this summit called the fragrance of Christ some would refer to it as an atmosphere a presence of one of the seven spirits of God I feel so much of the holiness of God yeah I feel like - and it's Isaiah 11 verses 1 to 3 in the end of verse 2 it says and he will delight in the spear of the fear of the Lord and I feel that I feel it right now I sense that presence of the jealousy of God the holiness of the Lord and this is not unobtainable it's free because of what Jesus has done and I just want to speak over the viewing audience I'd say oh my I'm not holy in myself but there is a it's changing it garments yeah it's a time of changing of garments in Zachariah 3 taking off the old unclean turban and having your mind wrapped in a clean turban and God is unwrapping your minds like it could have been with an ax - were you're a victim and he's in trauma but he's putting a clean turban on your mind and Zechariah chapter 3 and that's Daniel because Daniel as we did an interview for one time on divine intelligence that's available it's all available it's all available he is worthy of it all he is worthy of it all you know it says in the Bible that that when Jesus returns it will be like in the days of Noah there's a day when everyone was going after their own stuff but there was someone who is consecrated there is someone whose heart was completely his he stood watch he built the ark II he tended to the things that were on God's heart and today God is looking for a separate of people who will attend after the things that are on his heart he's looking for Watchmen today there's so much crisis going on in the world so much confusion and we have to be very carefully watching over the church itself that we don't buy into that same confusion and that same double standard we need to be one with God where are our flesh is absorbed in his spirit and taken over and possessed by him and in Isaiah 62 it says for Zions sake I will not keep silent for Jerusalem's sake I will not keep quiet until her righteousness goes forth like brightness and her salvation like a torch that is burning this is what we're called to in this hour God is looking for Watchmen on his wall who will give birth to the emergence of a bride who is so beautiful and so lovely and and so set apart for him and it's about his love for you and for the world that we live in and love is calling you now so thank you so much for joining us on today's broadcast we know that God is touching your heart there is this I don't know a transference of holiness it's in the atmosphere right now God's doing something special and he's making an appeal to you and I just believe that you are responding to it and so thank you so much and I highly recommend that you getting this this book read it devour let it transform you the lifestyle of a watchman you are called you are invited to take God's hand and as his friend partner with them for the birthing of great things in the world today remember this God loves you with an everlasting love he really really does so let everything that you do and all that you are be birthed out of that revelation we'll see you next time decree a thing and it shall be established Patricia Kings new book 31 decrees of blessing provides you with powerful daily decrees to release favour prosperity and success in your life this book also includes profound spiritual devotions and transforming activations designed to reveal God's purpose and destiny for you order 31 decrees a blessing now and you will also receive Patricia Kings best-selling book decree and decree for kids a soaking CD with ten decrees aimed at empowering your children with the words and promises of God order now and receive this combo for only $15 call 866 nine eight zero five four six four and mentioned television offered number three five nine or go online to Patricia King calm order today and release the power of the Word of God in your life you you
Channel: Patricia King
Views: 49,918
Rating: 4.8542933 out of 5
Keywords: watchman, anointing, james-goll, patricia-king, warning, prophetic, prayer, attack, chaos, victory, shift
Id: -bEYQa0V3tU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 30sec (1710 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2017
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