Watching Prophesy Fulfilled (You are Chosen)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] the title for the session this morning is watching prophecy fulfilled and be certain of this you are it's not something removed from you it doesn't need to be a theological exercise in history you're watching it fulfilled on a daily basis now i want to start with isaiah primarily because we've just finished reading isaiah i hope you do the daily bible reading with us if you don't you're forfeiting an important part of your spiritual health now you don't have to follow our reading plan about a 10 15 minute investment today we read through the bible together every year and if you if you're not a part of that come on and join us we're just starting the book of jeremiah but you can get the you go to the website and get the portions every day if you have the church app you can if you don't you can download it to your portable devices and the scriptures will be there every day it'll actually read it to you on the app so you can listen while you commute to work or you do chores around the house or yard work whatever it may be you need a consistent diet a systematic diet of the word of god since we just finished isaiah i thought it would be helpful it's not an easy book to read isaiah was a prophet in jerusalem he's one of the major prophets three major prophets in the hebrew bible it just means he prophesied over a long period of time isaiah was a court prophet he was a prophet of the palace some will say he was a prophet of the purple it just means he was comfortable in the halls of intrigue in the in the palace of the king and the influential decision-making he was at the center of it amos was a very different kind of a prophet amos was a farmer but not isaiah isaiah was at home in the midst of the the decisions that were governing the nation in fact isaiah was a prophet in jerusalem during the reign of five separate kings for a 40-year period of time it's a bit personal to me my brother philip and i studied at hebrew university and one of their campuses is on mount scopus just to the east a bit north of the city of jerusalem it's a little range of hills and we lived in an apartment building at night i could go up on the roof of the apartment and sometimes we get homesick you know you miss sausage gravy and sweet tea and if i got a bit homesick i'd climb the steps and sit on the roof and from wherever you could look over the kidron valley and you could see the temple mount the the literal platform where the temple stood when jesus was here that today in the center of the temple mount there's a muslim shrine it's that gold dome you see in all the money shots of jerusalem but i'd sit on that roof in the dark in jerusalem at night there's a breeze and it's usually chilly and usually kind of hunkered down inside of a sweatshirt and i'd look across the valley at the temple mouth and i would think you know king david prayed there and solomon prayed there and isaiah prayed there and i get to sit here and offer my prayers and it made the bible feel really personal to me and i'd like to invite you into that today when we talk about prophecy being fulfilled i'm not talking about theology debates i'm talking about living your life with the awareness that almighty god the creator of heaven and earth is moving in the earth and in his wisdom he's chosen you and i to be a part of this very unique season and if we can understand a bit better the story of scripture it'll help us understand how to engage in the season in which we live i dislike the way we've been trained we've been trained to attend church to recite a sinner's prayer to get dipped in a pool and then get your theological blocks in a neat row and beyond that you're pretty much good to go i mean you need to show up at church from time to time and a little money probably wouldn't be a bad idea and maybe an occasional volunteering event would be okay but beyond that just live your life folks that's deception we are birthed into the kingdom of god so that we can spend our lives serving the king now you may do it as a butcher a baker or a candlestick maker but you've got a kingdom assignment we've been given the word of god to help us understand the nature and the character of god not to find discrepancies not to find the ways that the gospels don't agree but to understand the nature and the character of god and i think isaiah can help us a bit with the season we're in today he he served during five kings some of you remember when isaiah was recruited it's isaiah 6 it says in the year that king uzziah died i had a vision that was the first king he was i arraigned a long time in jerusalem over 50 years for the most part the bible tells us he was a good king but he ended badly finishing well is not an easy thing and he was followed by jotham who the bible tells us was a good king as well it's a little overly simplistic because the good kings faced bad things and challenges and problems and the good kings may or the bad kings may have faced some defeats by their enemies but the people continue to have lives to marry and to buy and sell and to do all the things that comes with life but the bad kings did not encourage the people to honor god and to worship god they invited in unclean things immoral things idolatrous things destructive things jonathan was followed by ahaz he reigned 20 years and he was a wicked king the enemies of israel defeated them regularly it was just a it's just one way for a historian to give you a scorecard hezekiah followed him 29 years he was a good king he honored god but he faced some tremendous challenges at one point during hezekiah's reign an assyrian army came assyria was the dominant world power in the region at the time they brought an army of 185 000 people towards jerusalem they were completely outnumbered the assyrians were more technologically sophisticated their military was better trained there was no chance in fact the assyrian commander stood outside the walls of jerusalem and taunted the people in their own language they asked him not to speak in the language of the people and he said i want the people to know what we're going to do to them and god sent isaiah and he said you go tell hezekiah not to lose any sleep over them and the angel of the lord came and devastated the army there was a season while biblical scholars said that that was a metaphor not too many years ago the archaeologists were excavating in jerusalem and there's hezekiah built a wall the city grew under his reign and he built another wall and outside of hezekiah's wall you know what they found assyrian armor and skeletons metaphorical skeletons but even with the king that the bible labels is good he had challenges and problems and adversaries and armies threatening them life is more challenging than we would like and then he's followed by manasseh he reigned over 50 years he was wicked one of the worst kings of judah manasseh was involved in devil worship he even invite sacrificed his children in worshipping the demon god of molech he offered him in the fires of the hinam valley right outside the walls of jerusalem he hated isaiah now by this time isaiah has been speaking the god's perspective into the nation of israel for decades he's established he's hated he banned him he forbade him to speak and that didn't satisfy him so he had him bound hand and foot and ordered that a hollow tree would be brought this was jewish tradition and isaiah was placed in the hollow tree and manasseh had him sawn in too it's recording hebrews chapter 11 new testament the hall of fame of faith near the end of that chapter it says that the world wasn't worthy of these god's people it says they hid in caves they were sawed into it's a reference to isaiah do you have room in your imagination that you could serve the lord faithfully for decades across many kings and the rise and fall of empires that impacted your nation and you could face that kind of a tragic end see our faith has been a little perverted i believe in a god who wants to bless us and bring good things to us but we don't just follow god when things are good and easy we're not just christ followers so that our investment portfolio will do better in the market than the ungodly we're not just christ followers so our children will get better scholarship offers than the ungodly what nonsense and isaiah reminds us as this across five different kings in five different reigns and five different perspectives it's worth noting that isaiah served the lord and the lord's people with both godly and wicked kings he didn't retire based on the political party in power although the attitude of those in power had some tremendous impact upon isaiah's life and circumstance i want to invite you not to back away from your faith in your assignment if your party won bless you and if your party didn't one bless you we have a kingdom assignment now there's a challenge in seeing and believing and processing what god is doing living in the fulfillment of scripture is not an easy thing jesus talked to us about it quite a bit he talked about new things new wine skins new patches on clothing he said that god would do new things and it would stretch us and expand us and be awkward for us isaiah if i could stay there for a moment said see i'm doing a new thing now it springs up do you not perceive it i'm making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland i'm doing a new thing can't you see it and the answer would be uh i like the old things the old jeans are the most comfortable the shoes you've broken in are the ones that are better to walk in even the disciples struggled with this they spent three years with jesus the greatest leader and teacher humanity's ever known they had a most remarkable three-year run he recruited them he spent time with them they traveled with him he they shared meals with him they experienced his miracles and he began to tell them long before his crucifixion ever began he began to tell them about the suffering he would endure in jerusalem the treatment he would receive what would happen to him and that he would be raised from the dead he told them repeatedly over many many occasions and he told them in the plainest of language they had opportunities to ask him about it to interrogate him about it and yet when that began to unfold it was as if they had no idea it was going to happen they seemed to be completely caught off guard they scattered they ran ahead they've had months and months to to galvanize themselves against the threat that it represented and formulated a plan together and what they would do when their friend was arrested and what they would how they would stand together and they were completely unprepared it's not easy to watch god move again the scripture informs us we've got to pay a bit of attention in luke 24 it's the story on the road to emmaus it's a it's a road to a village away from jerusalem this is after jesus crucifixion and it's after his resurrection but he hasn't yet appeared to the broader group of disciples and we get a little insight into the mindset i believe that's the reason luke included it these two men are walking along the road and jesus joins them and they don't recognize him they said we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem israel and what it's more it's the third day since all of this took place and in addition some of our women amazed us they went to the tomb early this morning but they didn't find his body and if you're reading this and you've read it before you're thinking duh they came and told us that they'd seen a vision of angels who said he was alive and then some of our companions went to the tomb and found it just as the women had said but they didn't see jesus so these two disciples on the emmaus road are part of the inner circle they were there when the women came back from the tomb and said it's empty but the angel said he's alive and jesus said to them how foolish you are and how slow of heart to believe all that the prophets have spoken did not the christ have to suffer these things and then enter his glory jesus challenges them on two points he said you had scripture that told you what would happen you should have believed the scripture and on top of that what's unspoken is he said i told you myself i told that group what was going to happen now i don't believe peter and james and john and mary and martha were stupid i don't understand them to be unrighteous or immoral or ungodly or rebellious or prideful they lead me to believe that watching god move and understanding what's happening is not simple i told you that one of the the most natural the most celebrated most recognized response to cataclysmic unexpected change is what denial and even though jesus had told them what was going to happen in the midst of this they are struggling when we find the disciples after the crucifixion in john 20 they're hiding they've been warned they've been prepared but they can't break out of their denial they just can't believe it there has to be a tremendous tremendous inner struggle i can hear their conversation it was unfair he was innocent the trial wasn't just see they can't break out of the emotional loop of of the injustice the the horrific event it wasn't right the high priest broke his own rules we know jesus was innocent so there's one band around their mind that's in the injustice of what they have witnessed and nobody to say it to and nobody to explain it to and then the events that they watched were themselves were completely contradictory to all of their experiences with jesus nothing had ever hindered jesus and they had been eyewitnesses to this for month and after month after month after month the attempts to entrap him with logic from the most celebrated scholars of the day failed jesus wisdom exceeded them all they saw jesus trapped in storms that they thought were going to destroy them and they saw him speak to the wind and the waves and they obeyed him they had experienced jesus when he was confronted by demons and he commanded them to be silent and leave and they did they were with him when angry mobs came to destroy him and he simply slipped through the mobs untouched they had watched him speak to death and it relented they had no experience that suggested jesus could be overwhelmed so they're watching something completely beyond their frame of reference and you know what comes to mind when that happens maybe we misunderstood maybe he wasn't who we thought he was maybe we were deceived then on top of that there's this crushing despair and hopelessness could we really have been deceived all along did we misunderstand and if you stay on that track just a minute there's a logical destination they realize they're vulnerable now they're frightened if they can do that to jesus we better go deep underground and that's where jesus finds him it's john 20 i didn't put it in your notes you know the verse i want to ask you a question i don't have time to unpack it with you this morning but what changed their perspective are you what event would in that little window of time transformed these frightened terrified disheartened discouraged it was pentecost that jewish holiday what happened that day the spirit of god was poured out and the same peter and james and john that had been hiding and frightened and terrified they stood in the streets of jerusalem and says god made this jesus whom you crucified both lord and christ and the game was on the book of acts is the story of what that crew did but the lesson before pentecost is the challenge to struggle to to interpret to participate see i don't think it's going to be easy to understand everything god is going to do in this season ahead of us it's going to be disorienting this year the change that has come to us the pace at which it's come the speed at which it's come i would have told you a year ago right now that there was no circumstance no imaginable circumstance it would cause us to close the doors of this building for 10 weeks if the building had been blown down we'd pulled the trailer up and had church in a parking lot i've been here when there were no buildings we had a tent we were good to go we were good to go home because it was hot or cold or damp or something we've i'm sure you've got your own set of things you've experienced this year so i want to take the balance of our time and talk just a little bit about some of the signs of our times what do we see from a biblical perspective that can help us understand what's happening now because i believe scripture is being fulfilled in front of us and i want to just give you a couple of signs i could give you more it's not an inclusive list but i'll start here jesus told the parable in matthew 13 it's the parable of the wheat and the tares do you remember it it's a description of the people of god at the end of the age it's about a man that's sowed a field and when when the crops came up and it was time to harvest they discovered that in the midst of the wheat that was intended there were also tares they looked similar but one bore fruit and one didn't and the servants said you want us to pull up the weeds the tares and the owners said no well the disciples privately asked jesus for the interpretation i'll read you just a portion he said the one who sowed the good seed is the son of man and the field is the world and the good seed stands for the sons of the kingdom and the weeds are the sons of the evil one and the enemy who sows them is the devil and the harvest is the end of the age and the harvesters the angels again i'm confident that we're approaching the end of the age there's a harvest that's going to take place the greatest harvest the world has ever known the parable is a portrayal of a world that professes christianity the wheats the true believers and the tares are the false believers and they're both flourishing together they're only distinguishable by their fruit that's what jesus taught us that you'll know us by our fruit not by the labels we wear or the buildings we sit in or the time of the day on the week when we worship nor the translation of the bible we read nor the clothing of the presenter i'm not sure what dress code for church is anymore i used to think god didn't speak to me unless i had on a coat and tie i'll give you one observation the same climactic conditions that let the wheat mature lets the weeds mature at the end of the age it's going to be a season of harvest for both the good and evil they're both going to flourish simultaneously in fact jesus coaching in the parable was not to be distracted by the flourishing of evil of the false to keep your attention on the true it's easy to be distracted and he asked us not to do that if i had to describe what that parable is what allows both of those things to flourish at the same time what lets good and evil flourish at the same time the best word i know is permissiveness permissiveness we live in an age of unprecedented permissiveness everything's okay you don't have a right to tell me anything's not okay and forget thinking about the ungodly and the immorality we could give you lots of expressions of that just in the way we do church when i was a boy women wore gloves to church there was a dress code and there was a behavior code i remember because i violated a lot i'll tell you i had the marks to show for that but that wouldn't be good would it so but i mean you didn't laugh at church you certainly didn't talk loudly at church it was like a library right we came in quietly and if you were seated down front and you heard gunfire back there don't turn around because if you turn around the holy spirit will leave the building come on you know you grew if you grew up in church and you're older than 30 you know you had some rules if you were if you belonged to a tradition a denomination you knew you were more blessed than the others now we didn't usually say it in polite company but if you pressed us we'd tell you why in a congregation like this where we represent 60 different traditions on a weekend and we sit together and worship the lord without fist fights was unthinkable well the same permissiveness that has let the church flourish has let evil flourish yes don't be naive we're watching it people tolerate almost anything because of the permissiveness there's a decision that comes to you that you didn't have a few decades ago you have to decide regularly what you'll indulge in because you have freedom and choices and opportunities that weren't present will you indulge your carnal appetite or in the liberty of the spirit of god because there's permission to do all of the above you can find churches that will give you freedom to be as carnal as you can imagine revelation chapter 22 it's very near the end of the new testament very near the end of the book of revelation it's describing the season immediately prior to jesus coming back in fact he says in verse 7 behold i'm coming soon and blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book and then he told me don't seal up the words of the prophecy of this book because the time is near and then it's one of the most startling statements in the new testament to me this was jesus let him who does wrong continue to do wrong and let him who is vile continue to be vile that him who does right continue to do right and let him who was holy continue to be holy behold i'm coming soon and my reward is with me and i will give to everyone according to what he has done very plain words the lord says if you want to be filthy be even more filthy because your time is short and if you choose to be righteous be as righteous as you know how to be because i'm coming soon the permissiveness i believe we will see increase we just talked about it decriminalizing some of the most destructive pharmaceuticals that we know are available to human beings why would you unleash that kind of destruction on people the destruction it will bring to children and families it's unimaginable but in the midst of that there's also a permissiveness for the kingdom of god well i understand those that will tolerate wicked things oftentimes are far less tolerant of jesus but that's where you and i have to be aware we cannot yield we can't afford to so permissiveness is one thing we're watching it will increase and grow with it will come opportunities and with it will come challenges don't be distracted don't let it break your momentum don't allow it to entice you into the world because there will be people with letters after their names and people of religious authority giving you permission to be ungodly don't cooperate it leads me to the second sign that we're going to unpack today at least it's deception deception is going to increase in an unprecedented way in matthew 24 on verse three jesus was sitting on the mount of olives his disciples came to him privately this is another one of those private tutoring sessions they got listen to their question they said tell us when will this happen what will be the sign of your coming in the end of the age the very first thing jesus says is watch out that no one deceives you he gives that warning multiple times in that prophetic passage in fact it's his most adamant repeated warning in preparing for the end of the age watch out that no one deceives you let me add to that a passage from second thessalonians 2 and verse 9 it says the coming of the lawless one the antichrist will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles signs and wonders that the antichrist is going to emerge with a very supernatural component with a miraculous component and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing deception is evil it's why jesus warned us against it they perish because they refuse to love the truth and so be saved again jesus said to to warned us not to be deceived let no one deceive you what would be the word you would use for unprecedented deception it's propaganda propaganda is widespread deception when disseminators of information give you information that is not true to manipulate responses and to control people jesus warned us don't be anxious because you see propaganda flourishing jesus told us it would happen he also gave us the solution it says they persist in their deception because they refuse to love the truth see to tolerate evil is to cultivate deception don't call evil good don't become a part of the propaganda you don't have to be angry you don't have to be condemning allow the word of god allow jesus perspective to inform your life the antidote to deception and propaganda is to love the truth god's truth god's word you need to know god's perspective it's going to take more than a casual read if you spend more time engaged in your favorite hobby than you do in the word of god you are vulnerable to deception you don't know enough about it you're easily manipulated sermons aren't sufficient membership or participation in a body of believers isn't sufficient you'll need the word of god in your heart i want to give you one example revelation chapter three it's a church the book of revelation is written to seven churches one of them is a church that i think is pretty typical of american christendom it's the laodicean church it's revelation 3 and verse 14. it says to the angel the church of laodicea right these are the words of the faithful and true witness the ruler of god's creation i know your deeds you're neither hot nor cold good middle of the road folk don't want to agitate anybody don't want to be too extreme i won't ask for show of hands i bet many of you have chosen a theological position in a worship place based on that idea i don't want to be an extremist i don't want to be a fanatic on either side laodicea neither hotness i wish you were one or the other because you're lukewarm not hot or cold i'm about to spit you out of my mouth and then this is the prophetic you say this is their self-description i am rich i've acquired wealth i don't need a thing but you don't realize that you're wretched pitiful poor blind and naked i've read this to you before i've made fun of them i thought how messed up do you have to be to be blind and naked and not know it i mean that's a bad day agreed i mean that's more than just like a slight adjustment in perspective and to be honest i had never really understood i've been thinking about this church for a bit what is it that allows you to say you have no needs when you're poor blind and naked jesus told us they said i'm rich i'm rich they thought their resources protected them they thought their affluence could compensate for any need that they had they couldn't imagine they had a need you know in second timothy three the first five verses it lists more than a dozen aspects of the human character that will deteriorate at the end of the age and it's introduced by saying that the times will be exceedingly fierce and that 15 or so characteristics are summarized in three loves that are listed there it says that people will be lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god they'll be lovers of themselves and they'll be lovers of money [Music] i have to say it's a pretty accurate description of contemporary american life we're watching it greed there have been many that have written many years before our generation that our exercise in democracy of a republic would would function until the people realized that they could vote themselves the wealth of the nation we're greedy people we want someone else to pay our debts someone else to pay for our health care someone else to pay for our education someone else to pay for whatever you fill in the next blank that has not always been our attitude see we are deceived we've imagined that our wealth and our resources and our affluence is somehow a banner of our righteousness or our holiness or that we're pleasing to god we've missed our spiritual condition the laodiceans did not understand they were deceived it's what jesus warned us about want my best opinion on some of the shaking that is yet ahead of us it's our financial system because until that's shaken we think we're okay we've seen some glimpses this year just some little hints we've dispensed millions of dollars as a nation trillions of dollars ignoring the fact that we're bankrupt just print some more and when i was a kid just write a check and tell my parents how hard can that be we went for a few weeks when cash was not accepted it was attached to the virus but it's the first time in my life i had ever seen with top-down authority businesses saying we don't want cash you'll see that increase it's deception the love of money the bible says is the root of all evil money's not the root of all evil money is amoral it's what it does to our hearts see we imagine we're spiritual because we're affluent we've equated our righteousness or our holiness or god's blessing with our account balances again i'm not opposed to blessings or affluence or good things i believe god delights in blessing his kids but don't be deceived by it now how do we respond i'm out of time number one guard your heart proverbs 4 says above all else guards your heart it's yours it's nobody else's this isn't about anybody else or anything else you guard your heart more carefully than you guard your children or your home or your resources guard your heart number two invest in the word of god learn to love the truth say it's not easy okay noted still invest in the word of god number three make friends with the holy spirit you're going to need his help if you've been afraid of him if you've been derogatory about him if you've been disinterested in him decide to make friends with the holy spirit he will help you jesus said we shouldn't even begin what he's called us to be on our kingdom assignment until we've embraced him fully number four stay in community you need one another in an age of tremendous deception and propaganda when there's great shaking and your routines are disrupted and your patterns are disrupted and the things that you have known that have brought comfort to you and stability you when those things are taken away from you you need the strength that comes from a community of faith that's not some shameless appeal on my part to boost attendance that brings with it a whole nother set of issues and you need both large group gatherings and you need small groups you need a handful of people who know you and know your story and can hold you accountable you don't need 100 people doing that that would make you nuts trust me but you need both [Applause] and then last stay thankful stay thankful i want to close with a verse of scripture that i think frames this perfectly it's acts chapter 5 our friends are well on their way now jesus is gone the day of pentecost has arrived and they've been filled with the spirit and they've seen thousands in the streets of jerusalem accepting jesus as messiah can you imagine what that would have felt like for those men and women that had hidden behind locked doors terrified to see thousands of people being baptized can you see their glances across the baptismal pools the mikvahs in jerusalem i think they're baptizing those people with tears running down their faces they have acknowledged our lord they had to imagine at that point that it was it was going to be like an exponential curve just climbing up into infinity they didn't know yet they didn't know the jealousy that was coming they're learning just like we're learning so by the time you get to acts chapter 5 they've been arrested a couple of times they've been threatened but in acts 5 the the opposition escalates it says they called the apostles in and they had them flogged it's kind of a fancy word they beat the daylights out of them the roman soldiers would beat you with a whip that had multiple lashes and they'd often put glass or metal or bone pieces into the lashes so it would tear after the disciples had been flogged they ordered them not to speak in the name of jesus and they let them go and the apostles left the sanhedrin rejoicing because they'd been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the name we may not have stood very well in gethsemane when they came for him we might not have been much help when they beat him beyond recognition and maybe we didn't focus very well we had that 40-day seminar on the kingdom of god but we got an opportunity now and they left rejoicing i don't want you to be frightened i don't want you to be anxious nor discouraged nor disheartened the king is coming and between here and there we're gonna learn a little bit and grow up a little bit we may not have done so well in the past we may have been more invested in the things of the world and wanted our way and we could have cared less the good news of the gospel is the mercy of god to give us a beginning and i want to invite you don't let the events of this week break your momentum 2020 isn't an interruption in where you were it's an invitation to something totally new god has given you a fresh start so i didn't want one i know it's called being awakened we were happy in our fat and happy sleep then god is shaking us he will help us can we close by thanking him don't you stand with me i'm going to say a little prayer maybe you want to lift your hands you certainly want to lift your voice you've got something to thank the lord for you want to say to the lord amen help me to see help me to understand father thank you today we praise you for your word for its truth and authority and power that you're moving in the earth lord you've given us permission to participate in a harvest a global event i thank you that we will see people from every nation race language and tribe name jesus is lord we praise you for it we thank you holy spirit help us help us give us ears to hear and eyes to see and hearts to receive we praise you today for your goodness and your mercy keep us from deception give us a love of the truth give us hearts for your word and ears to recognize your spirit we praise you today blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord blessed be the name of the lord let the name of jesus be exalted in the earth that the truth of god rise ascended in the earth we praise you for it we praise you today we thank you for what you're doing and that you've called us to this unique season in jesus name amen hallelujah amen don't stop praying bless you hey this is pastor allen thanks so much for giving me just a moment of your time i hope you enjoyed the video if you did i want to encourage you to do a couple of things give it a like share it with your friends most importantly subscribe that way when there's new content or a live stream you'll be notified i pray god blesses you in your spiritual journey i'll see you soon
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 35,541
Rating: 4.9239907 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, Chosen, Prophesy, Promises
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 7sec (2527 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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