Choose to be Free: The Antichrist & Deception (What Will You Choose)

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[Music] [Music] [Music] now in this session we're going to continue that theme of the choice to be free know this it's a choice freedom isn't something that's given to you it's not won by someone else whether it's our freedom as a nation your freedom as an individual or your spiritual freedom you have to choose freedom you have to do more than choose salvation we've been deceived a bit we've been told if we'd repent the sinner's prayer and get dipped in a pool then we were free to live any way we wanted to that our eternity was secure now i believe in the new birth and i believe in salvation and i believe in the significance of baptism but you have to choose freedom every day of your life because we have an adversary and jesus said he seeks whom he can destroy and peter we're warned that he prowls about looking for the vulnerable amongst us and we have to learn how to resist him so the objective this morning is to undergird ourselves to help us be more aware of the plans and the schemes of the adversary that we might choose freedom on a daily basis don't imagine your resources will keep you free the constitution won't your intellect or your education nor your home nor all of your second amendment reinforcements can keep you free there are threats to your well-being far greater than any of those threats it's our topic this morning i would submit to you that we are witnesses to the most brazen display of the spirit of antichrist that our world has yet seen and i'm not talking about national elections or political parties or maneuvering i'm talking about something far broader than that it's about the attitudes the moral perspectives and the values the expressions of human character that we're watching that are being normalized that are being held up to us as appropriate i would submit to you that what's driving those is not political agendas it's a spirit and the simplest definition i know is it's the spirit of antichrist now let's take a moment with the end of the age because i believe we are approaching that the bible has a lot to say about what will take place in the earth prior to jesus return in the same way the bible had a lot to say about what would happen in the earth before jesus came the first time where he would be born the circumstances of his birth that he would have to go to egypt that he would come out of egypt where he would grow up many many many many dozens and dozens and dozens of facts about jesus first arrival were given to us in the scripture so that those who were paying attention wouldn't miss him yet most did not everybody three wise men came from the east they made a very difficult expensive journey because they recognized the king of the jews had been born imagine what would happen in jerusalem if people had been paying half as much attention well the scripture gives us even more information about our world prior to jesus second coming there's even a special word used in the new testament for it it's the peresei and i think maybe the best way to begin is with this spirit of antichrist revelation chapter 13 is a chapter that deals with the presentation of the antichrist we talk about antichrist we talk about a spirit first of all the spirit of antichrist that's present in the world but that spirit at the end of the age will culminate in an individual an individual that will make the bargain with satan that jesus refused when he was tempted in the wilderness satan we're told came to jesus and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and said i'll give you the authority over all of these if you'll just bow down and worship me and jesus quoted from scripture and satan left him he overcame the temptation the person the antichrist the bible talks about will accept that bargain and he will be given by satan authority over all the nations of the world well in revelation chapter 13 we meet three personalities one is angelic in his origin the other two are of human origin it's satan the person of the antichrist and the false prophet i want to read a few verses revelation 13 beginning in verse 11. i saw another beast coming out of the earth he had two horns like a lamb and he spoke like a dragon he appears to be a lamb but his character is revealed you know out of the abundance of the heart your mouth speaks and out of his heart will come the attitude of the dragon of satan himself and he exercised all the authority of the first beast beast on the behalf and he made the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast whose fatal wound had been healed he performed great and miraculous signs even caused fire to come down from heaven to earth in full view of men because the signs he was given power to do on behalf of the first beast he deceived the inhabitants of the earth and he ordered them to set up an image in honor of the beast who was wounded by the sword and yet lived everything that the antichrist and the false prophet are able to accomplish are able to accomplish because they deceived the inhabitants of the earth it's plainly stated everything that happens every miracle every supernatural event everything is based upon the deception that they're going to profligate he was given power to give breath to the image of the first beast so that it could speak and cause all who refuse to worship the image to be killed he forced everyone small and great rich and poor free and slave to receive a mark on his right hand and on his forehead so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark then in revelation 20 we get a similar presentation it says he sees the dragon the ancient serpent who is the devil or satan and he bound him for a thousand years and he threw him into the abyss and he locked and sealed it over him to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore so when we're presented with the person of the antichrist with satan's agenda for the end of the age and the role of the false prophet the root of their objective is to deceive the whole world now if we're given that plainly and i could have done it in many other passages i would submit to you that it's in our best interest to understand the nature of that deception see to be deceived is to believe something to be true which in reality is not true you sincerely believe it you'll have reasons for your belief but if you're deceived you believe something to be true which is false and satan's objective is to deceive all of humanity we talk about the antichrist a bit of definition is helpful that little prefix anti carries with it two meanings now he's given some unique titles in scripture the antichrist is called a beast and i would submit to you that if the spirit of god labels someone's behavior beastly you should take note he's called a beast he's called a great deceiver but the dual meaning anti it means against which is most obvious he stands in opposition to the christ we see many expressions of that in our world where jesus name is not welcome or the ten commandments are no longer welcomed you for prayers aren't welcome you can make your own list i'm sure you have personal experiences those are expressions of the spirit of antichrist that are far more prominent today than they were just recently a decade ago or two decades ago but the other meaning is in place of it doesn't just stand in opposition to the true christ it wants the place he wants the place that was intended for the true christ the spiritual authority behind the antichrist is satan you'll recall that satan led a rebellion against god satan desired he was an angelic being one of the archangels he led a rebellion against god he wanted the place that was intended for jesus and since his defeat since he lost that war in heaven and lost his place satan has tirelessly sought to destroy humanity it's in a continued expression of his rebellion you see the bible says that god loves us that god so loved the world that he gave his only son it never explains why we're never told why god loves adam and his descendants we're a race of rebels it seems that we resist god in creative ways in every generation and yet god has loved us so much that he sent his son he asked him to become one of us seated at the right hand of almighty god today is the man jesus christ and so satan's best way of continuing his rebellious nature and he is a rebel by nature is in the destruction of humanity the antichrist objective it's clearly stated we read it is broad-scaled deception that will cause human beings to make choices away from god and therefore to forfeit their place in god's kingdom that's what he's about see i spent my life around church i would submit to you we've been frightened of the concept of the antichrist for the wrong reasons heard the sermons right along with you don't take the mark of the beast and you shouldn't and we've been frightened by it the limiting of the markets you can't buy or sell unless you're in the approved group and you've you've jumped through the appropriate hurdles the murderous attitude that will be expressed towards the true believers in the earth and those are all legitimate things and they're not things i'm anxious for but they are secondary concerns to the deception which he will accomplish the whole world will be deceived now that should capture your attention we've created whole theological streams to help us imagine we can avoid even having to deal with the mark of the beast or the persecutions it will come far more devastating than that is the deception that the antichrist will be responsible for the greatest threat is deception deception is what jesus repeatedly warns us about he didn't warn us about physical threats in fact quite the opposite jesus said don't worry about the people that can kill your body and after that can't do anything else i'm thinking killing the body is kind of high up on the priorities of what you want to be careful with listen to what jesus taught us about the end of the age matthew 24 and verse 3 jesus is sitting on the mount of olives and the disciples come to him privately tell us when will this happen and what will be the sign of your coming and of the end of the age and the first thing jesus says then the question is what's the sign of your return in the end of the age and jesus first comment is watch out that no one deceives you that's his first warning in fact it's his most repeated warning against deception and to not be afraid and we can conclude two things from that that widespread deception and a pervasive spirit of fear will dominate the earth before jesus comes back we better learn how to overcome them in matthew 10 jesus is speaking verse 26 do not be afraid of them there's nothing concealed that will not be disclosed or hidden that will not be made known don't be afraid don't be afraid of what don't be afraid of deception don't be afraid of hidden things well it's frightening when you see the truth manipulated what i tell you in the dark speak in the daylight what is whispered in your ear proclaim it from the roofs do not be afraid of those who kill the body but can't kill the soul rather be afraid of one who can destroy both soul and body in hell aren't two sparrows sold for a penny aren't they one of them will not one of them will fall to the ground apart from the will of your father and even the very hairs of your head are all numbered again this affirmation of how much god cares for you see we thought god was mad at us folks god loves you he wants you to walk closely to him he doesn't want to diminish your life he cares about you if you're playing hide and seek with god you're deceived you believe that he will limit you limit your pleasure limit your happiness that he wants to take away your resources what do you have that you think god needs i thought the same thing even the hairs of your head are numbered so don't be afraid you're worth more than many sparrows whoever acknowledges me before men i will also acknowledge him before my father in heaven but whoever disowns me before men i'll disown him before my father in heaven jesus is not your benevolent uncle he came the first time as the lamb of god the savior of the world when we see him next he'll be a conquering king and the judge of all the earth [Music] that passage in matthew 10 is a passage about salvation about being welcomed into the kingdom of god and jesus follows it up with these repeated warnings about not being deceived and we're told in revelation that the antichrist is the great deceiver so i want to take a few minutes and unpack some of these points of deception see i think again we have debated and argued and and had our spats about secondary things which translation to read what color of the grape juice for communion what kind of worship choruses we should sing whether drums are appropriate or they're evil i would submit to you it's the work of the enemy to occupy us with secondary things what are the points of deception well one of them has to do with human character and it's deterioration and what we're told is that we approach the end of the age the deterioration of human character will be applauded that good will be called evil and evil will be called good jesus said it would be the same as it was in the days of noah and lot in the days of noah we're told in genesis that every thought of men's hearts was wicked in first corinthians chapter 6 in verse 9 it says do you not know and when the phrase when the verse begins with that phrase you know the answer no we probably don't well why would you not know he's writing to a group of believers it's written to a group of christians he said i warn you again as i have warned you before i've told you repeatedly because there's a battle within us there's a battle within us do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god it's a plain sentence don't be deceived you cannot practice unrighteousness and imagine you will inherit the kingdom of god you can't sit in church and overcome it you can't be generous or kind or loving you cannot practice unrighteousness and enter the kingdom of god it's not a threat it's a warning and then he gives us a list it's not an inclusive list but remember we're living at the conclusion of the age when the influence of the spirit of antichrist will grow until it is embodied in an individual and we will have capitulated so completely to the spirit of antichrist that we will yield to the person of the antichrist he won't be an aberration he won't be a break from the momentum of where we have been moving he will be the embodiment of the direction in which we have been moving so there needs to be a sense that you're ill at ease in the cultures of our world there needs to be a sense within you that because of the word of god in your heart and the presence of the spirit of god within you that the momentum of the the prevailing moral compass of our world and our nation you stand in somewhat ill at ease with if you're at home in those trends i would encourage you to get your bible out don't take my word for it you get your bible out and begin to pray and read and think do not be deceived freedom is your choice it's made available to you it's not beyond you it's not about your income or your iq or the circumstances of your birth or how much evil has been perpetrated against you or how many disappointments you've had to overcome the cross of jesus christ will bring freedom to any human being that will choose it [Applause] do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of god and then we're given this bit of a list with the warning at the beginning do not be deceived again if we're being warned about that many are deceived to think that the things in this list are permissible that can be practiced and you'll be okay with god do not be deceived neither fornicators nor adulterers nor homosexuals nor thieves nor the covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of god if you cheat people and call it good business you will not participate in the kingdom of god it's not good business it's bad character now the next verse is of tremendous hope some of such as such were some of you but you were washed you were sanctified you were justified in the name of the lord jesus christ so the list doesn't preclude you from participation it simply says if those are things that you are practicing don't be deceived those practices will keep you outside the kingdom now there were three words there that are so much a part of our contemporary culture and so much in play i think they bear a moment's comment and they all have to do with with sexual activity from a biblical perspective sexual immorality no this sex was god's idea i said that in church on videotape god created you god's not a prude but he defied the context in which sexual activity was helpful and appropriate and beyond that it's destructive and he introduced us to some of those categories fornication it's it's sex prior to marriage you can't practice pre-marital sex and participate in the kingdom of god you can't do it now you may have been involved in it you can repent and be clean that's what the verse said that's what some of you were but you were sanctified and justified so it's not about shame but i would encourage you not to live in denial and say well i got married that's in my past that's not sufficient the bible says we have to confess our sins and acknowledge them to god i don't believe you have to tell me but you have to talk to god about it i'm going to walk you through a pathway out from under sin before we leave today fornication then he talks about adultery that's sex beyond your marriage covenant you cannot practice adultery and participate in the kingdom of god and then homosexuality getting a lot of play these days and probably going to get a lot more discussion folks god has defined the arenas for sexual activity don't be deceived say well i think i appreciate it i would encourage you to think thinking is good i feel good god created you with emotions feelings are wonderful things but if your thoughts and your feelings disagree with god and you think you will be safe and secure you're deceived it's important first corinthians 15 verse 33 do not be deceived bad company corrupts good morals sounds like my parents do i have to go back and tell them they were right who knew they were biblical so one of the points of deception that we will witness and i could give you many more passages but time will preclude it today we may come back and explore it more fully is the human character will deteriorate and deteriorate rapidly that you will see increasingly in the public square evil called good and good called evil now another thing that we will see widespread deception around jesus warned us is lawlessness and by lawlessness i don't mean principally violence but a rejection of god's boundaries we will refuse to be limited by god's boundaries in our lives again matthew 24 when he's talking about the end of the age he said because lawlessness is increased most people's love will grow cold greek has many words for love more than one the greek word for love here is agape it's god's love the love in the hearts of god's people because lawlessness has increased because we reject god's boundaries god's love in our hearts will grow cold see i understand god's boundaries are a struggle for us there's a battle in every one of us between our earthly carnal nature that wants our way i want i think and i feel and the spirit of god that's inviting me to surrender to offer myself as a living sacrifice to god jesus said if anyone would be my disciple he has to take up his cross we have to put to death those expressions of our old carnal adamic earthly nature and that battle rages within every one of us young and old preachers and not none of us are immune we can sit here in church politely and smile at one another and act like we don't have that struggle we do i assure you we do you may look at other people say well their struggle's not as bad as mine you just don't know we all face it lawlessness will increase the rejection of god's boundaries romans 16 i urge you brothers to watch out for those who cause divisions and put obstacles in your way that are contrary to the teaching you have learned keep away from them for such people are not serving our lord christ but by their own appetites by smooth talk and flattery they deceive the minds of naive people again what's the spirit that's going to proliferate that's going to gain momentum that's going to be celebrated lifted up made celebrity that's going to be reimbursed it will profit you'll see resources flow towards it the temptation will be to aspire to think in that way see the only way the antichrist could subvert the leadership the authority of the nations of the world is the predominant spirit in the nations of the world will have already yielded to the spirit of antichrist smooth talk and flattery that will deceive us to things that are contrary to the word of god if you don't know god's word if you haven't read it you are incredibly vulnerable to be deceived it's first corinthians 3 don't you know and again probably not that you yourselves are god's temple and that god's spirit lives in you if anyone destroys god's temple god will destroy him for god's temple is sacred and you are that temple do not deceive yourselves if any one of you thinks he is wise by the standards of this at this age he should become a fool so that he may become wise your body is a temple of the holy spirit most of you have been around church more than three or four weeks you have some semblance of ideas of things that would be appropriate in a sanctuary and things that would be inappropriate things inappropriate for a screen stories or jokes that would be inappropriate here behaviors that you wouldn't like to see in the lobbies of the church folks the spirit of god doesn't dwell in buildings he dwells within you so our our care for the temple our attitude towards the temple what we watch from the temple what we talk about from the temple it says don't be deceived don't you know and if you imagine that wisdom is defined by the standards of this age you're deceived in fact we're we're told that we should become a fool we want to adopt world views and ideas that stand in opposition to the prevailing thought of the day i'm not talking about denying science i'm not talking about arguing against gravity you know the the idea that is most prevalent right now is that the church should stay out of politics well if politics would stay out of moral values and biblical worldviews [Applause] i'm not talking about i'm not talking about endorsing candidates and manipulating elections enough of that happens without our help i'm talking about recognizing we have to talk about what's going on in our world if you bow to conventional wisdom and public perception and political correctness you will miss the kingdom of god ephesians 4 that we henceforth be no more children we have to grow up children toss to and fro and carried about by every wind of doctrine by the slight of men and cunning craftiness whereby they lie in wait to deceive you need to live with the not not frightened but with the awareness that there are those it's a spiritual motivation our battle is not with people looking for ways to exploit you your your lack of awareness of the word of god the circumstances of your life wherever there's a vulnerability present we need to learn how to put on the armor of god we need to learn how to take our stand against all the devils what schemes god's truth is the antidote for deception it says by speaking the truth in love we grow up into him you see your words have spiritual authority it's not enough to hear the truth it's not enough just to think about the truth you have to use your words you have to be an advocate for the truth you can't even get into the kingdom of god the the work of the cross the redemptive work of jesus will not avail you personally if you don't use your words in romans 10 it says you have to believe in your heart and confess with your mouth that jesus is lord and by speaking the truth the spirit of god will help you grow up will lift you above deception ephesians 5 for this you can be sure be certain of this paul says no immoral impure or greedy person has any inheritance in the kingdom of christ and of god let no one deceive you with empty words for because of such things god's wrath comes on those who are disobedient therefore do not be partners with them again very plain words second timothy 3 it says mark this there will be terrible times in the last days again the context is the last days and it's a rather lengthy discussion these are the summarizing sentences in fact everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted that's as plainly stated as it can be everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted while evil men and imposters will go from bad to worse deceiving and being deceived what's the spiritual fuel for all of that the spirit of antichrist he will stand in opposition to jesus but then he wants to be praised he wants to receive glory and honor as the savior is the salvation the ideas that bring freedom and liberty when we hear discussions today in the marketplace about ungodly ideas they are wrapped in deceptive language this ungodly principle will bring you more freedom immorality will bring you more freedom more satisfaction substance abuse it will bring you freedom and more contentment and more pleasure again the scripture is very clear mark this the times will be difficult everyone who wants to live a godly life in christ jesus will be persecuted are you willing you don't have to go find it but don't consider yourself uniquely picked upon don't pray for somebody else to stand up don't pray for pastors to become more bold let them chase you let your boldness become such an encouragement that the pastors have to speak but your enthusiasm for the gospel your love for jesus your wholehearted devotion to the purposes and the plans of god become so remarkable may they break so far into the open that you'll give courage to those that are walking the journey with you it's an important time i'll give you one more point of deception i'll just touch it we may work on these some more there'll be widespread apostasy it's kind of a technical word it means a falling away but you can't fall away from something that you haven't been a part of you know that the spirit of antichrist will emerge from within the the halls of formal religion it won't come from a secular source second thessalonians 2 verse 1 says concerning the coming of our lord jesus christ and our being gathered to him we ask you brothers not to become easily unsettled or alarmed by some prophecy some report or letter supposed to have come from us don't let anyone deceive you in any way again this warning is repeated over and over and over again don't let anyone deceive you in any way for that day will not come until the rebellion this is the new international version some of the more literal versions translated apostasy the greek word here is apostasia from which we get apostasy it means literally of falling away for that day will not come until the apostasy occurs and the man of lawlessness it's the antichrist is revealed the man doomed to destruction he will oppose and exalt himself over everything that is called god or his worship isn't that what we've said he'll want to draw all worship to himself he'll demean diminish mock limit anybody who chooses the true christ it says in verse 8 and then the lawless oneness the lawless one will be revealed whom the lord jesus will overthrow with the breath of his mouth and destroy by the splendor of his coming jesus is coming back because we will desperately need him coming of the lawlessness lawless one will be in accordance with the work of satan displayed in all kinds of counterfeit miracles signs and wonders and in every sort of evil that deceives those who are perishing again don't worry about the false miracles the warning that we are given over and over and over again is the deception of embracing evil you can't practice ungodliness we've been deceived god in his mercy this year has shaken the church the beginning of the year we were kind of fat and happy we had momentum in most of the important leading indicators and we kind of liked the trajectory and the promises looked pretty good to us and god locked this up for a while and he's beginning maybe to gain our attention the deception will not be because of the supernatural activity of the antichrist and the false prophet the deception will be centered in the ignoring of the truth the deception will be rooted in unbridled carnality there will be complete license giving to given to humanity to pursue the basest parts of our character without limit permissiveness in an unbridled way and the root of the vulnerability is because we refuse to love the truth and to be saved submit to god's authority it's the simplest way i know to say it submit to god's authority so what are our protections i want to close with this well in romans 8 and verse 7 it says the sinful mind is hostile to god it doesn't submit to god's law nor can it do so but those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please god you however are not controlled by the sinful nature but by the spirit the sinful mind will not submit to god's law so when you recognize a battle internally forget anybody else this isn't about your neighbor or your spouse or a political opponent whom you don't like when you recognize a battle within yourself and you are rejecting you are pushing away from one of god's principles that you know to be true it doesn't have to be what i believe what you know to be true recognize the root of that battle and say you have to say to yourself i choose to submit to the law of god i will give it first place in my life whatever it may be it may be a moral choice it may be a financial choice maybe how you conduct business it may be your generosity how you give it could be many things but when you recognize that conflict submit to the law of god the spirit of christ within you will help you submit to god and cooperate with his spirit now jesus gave us some very good advice this is my last passage matthew 7 enter through the narrow gate this is jesus speaking enter through the narrow gate that means it's a minority position for wide is the gate and broad's the road that leads to destruction and many will enter through it but small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life and only a few find it watch out for false prophets they'll come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly they are ferocious wolves what's the warning again is immediately upon talking to us about entering the kingdom of god he warns us about deception and he says by their fruit you will recognize them now fruit consistently in the new testament is talking about the character of our lives the fruit of the spirit love joy peace patience kindness goodness gentleness self-control not by the supernatural i'm an advocate for the supernatural god heals god does miracles but those are not attestations of character those are expressions of god's grace and mercy to deliver us from sickness or disease or help us overcome the evidence that we have cooperated with the spirit of god consistently over time is the fruit of the spirit present in your life i told you i would identify a pathway to freedom if you have practiced ungodliness and you think you've overcome it you've outlived it it's not a pro it's not a part of your daily routine any longer i commend you for that i want to celebrate that with you i'm not it didn't come today to bring shame or guilt or anxiety but i want to submit to you that having simply outlived it and turned a page doesn't mean it's been resolved the bible says we have to confess our sins again not to me but to the lord so i want to give you three words that describe the pathway they all begin with an r you can take them with you you can say to the spirit of god help me if there's anything in me the psalmist in psalm 51 said search me give the spirit of god permission if there's anything in my life that has separated from me that limits what you would do in my life that makes me vulnerable to deception remind me of it and when the spirit of god reminds you of it don't defend it don't justify it say father i am so sorry i am so sorry sometimes we plead ignorance well i didn't know folks ignorance does not protect you from consequences it's why children need parents because in a lack of experience they'll be engaged in things that will destroy them and sometimes we're spiritual children and we've engaged in things that have brought destruction to us and we didn't understand so don't use ignorance as an escape clause when the spirit of god begins to show you things it begins with repentance repentance merely means two things it means you change your mind i'm no longer approving of that i will no longer say that's okay and it means a change of behavior i'm going to behave in a new way i repent god i'm sorry no excuses no justification i'm sorry and then you want to renounce it and this is an important part of the process when you renounce it you separate yourself from your past that's true that was me that's a part of who i was i i did that and i've not only repented of it i want to separate myself from it any any spiritual consequence that came from that in jesus name your authority's broken over my life whatever door was opened i renounce it in jesus name you go and then the third word is release you want to turn loose of anyone or anything you can't afford to hold any grudges you can't afford to hold any hostages emotionally i'm not going to forgive them until i'm going to hate them until they do something you can't afford that when jesus taught us to pray he said this father forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us trespassed against the same destination don't hold back release yourself to god and he'll bring fulfillment you see sometimes we haven't released we're holding god hostage because he hasn't done what we wanted him to do we don't have the number of kids we wanted we didn't get to go to the school that we dreamt about we don't we're not living the profession that we thought we should we have reasons tragedy struck our lives and and things were taken from us that we didn't want to be taken from us i'm not saying that the pain isn't real or the hurt or the disappointment i'm saying staying angry and resentful and embittered towards god keeps you a hostage not him repent renounce and release be free do not give place to the spirit of antichrist in your life and then use your voice encourage your friends take a stand don't be silent there is a battle underway and you have been given incredible tools weapons the bible says not only to be free to help other people through the gate that's our assignment no matter the outcomes of elections our assignment is the same steadfast unrelenting handed to us by the creator of all things hey this is pastor allen thanks so much for giving me just a moment of your time i hope you enjoyed the video if you did i want to encourage you to do a couple of things give it a like share it with your friends most importantly subscribe that way when there's new content or a live stream you'll be notified i pray god blesses you in your spiritual journey i'll see you soon
Channel: Allen Jackson Ministries
Views: 10,886
Rating: 4.9372549 out of 5
Keywords: Pastor Allen Jackson, allen jackson ministries, world outreach church, alan jackson, sermons, preachers, how to be saved, Finding Jesus, pastor allen jackson sermons, power, freedom, deception, choose to be free
Id: U1ROnmUws1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 0sec (2460 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 09 2020
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