Watch this if you Feel Afraid of starting GameDev

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back in 2021 everything felt like a mess my job  didn't make me happy my studies were overwhelming   and my health let's say it wasn't that great I  felt really empty and down and I started to think   that things would never get better but guess what  I turned it all around and now I'm here to tell   you it's never too late to follow your dreams and  to start making games back in my school days I was   always seen as a good student so naturally there  were high expectations placed on me when I was   just 15 years old I had to choose my specfic  track for my high school studies essentially   deciding for my future path at the time the  options seem limited to becoming a doctor or a   lawyer based on what I saw around me without much  insight into either profession I chose to pursue   law studies almost blindly it wasn't until a year  into my high school times that I realized I might   have made a mistake however the prevailing advice  at the time was to stick with my choice to avoid   wasting a year and that single sentence haunted me  for the next decade even though looking back now   I strongly disagree with its significance in the  grand scem of things considering that people are   expected to leave about 70 years the importance  of one year spent exploring and possibly failing   seems just trival I made it for high school and  started my law studies at it was planned yet once   again I found myself filled with that threat about  my future during my very first year of college it   became clear to me that I simply didn't want to  pursue the low career despite my apprehension I   was urged to give it a chance to at least finish  that first year of my studies surprisingly I   excelled in my studies even with pretty good  results but even then when I just expressed   my desire to leave the program I was met with the  same reference dropping out would mean wasting one   year of your life so I pushed through and spent  five more years completing my law degree I even   gained some work experience in the law firm only  to come to terms with the fact that I would never   find happiness in that field for a fact I spent my  free time like creating games all along but I just   never acknowledge my desire for it to be more than  just a hobby after work looking back it's clear   that I made a crucial Mistake by not addressing  my true dreams sooner if only I had listened to   my instinct and allowed myself to Pivot after that  first year I just wouldn't have wasted 5 years on   a path that wasn't just right for me I was living  up to others people dreams others expectations and   I actually was still convincing myself myself that  it was the right path for me I just forced myself   to believe that I could succeed just as others  wanted me to do as time went on I just noticed   I keep feeling sadder and more tired every day and  I just couldn't simply understand why other people   seemed to be doing so well in that situation while  I felt like I didn't fit I felt like literally my   body was rejecting that path and now you just may  wonder how did I manage to break free from that   downward spiral of failure the very first step is  realizing and being honest with yourself are you   satisfied with your life maybe there is something  else you truly want to do for a living and before   you automatically brush off the question just  please take a moment to reflect perhaps deep   down there is a yearning for something else like  a dream you are too afraid to out knowledge even   to yourself or maybe you are aware of the dream  but you just doubt its visibility and trust me   I've been in that exact same position for the past  decade being completely honest with myself I have   known for a long time that I wanted to be in the  developer to like releasing my own games and deep   down you also probably know what's the best for  you whether you are a student or have a regular   job I mean it's never too late to S the courage  to admit that there is something else you want to   do that there might be something else would might  make you feel more alive and please don't label   yourself as a loser because of that because  realizing that true happiness and fulfillment   requires starting over is a courageous step if  you call that a loser I just might be the biggest   loser of the year but the loser with two release  games on Steam and while Masterpiece incoming   but let's not focus on the bragging or anything  like that let's go back on track if you embark   on something entirely new it's only natural to  feel like you're lagging behind those who seem to   be much further ahead when I made the decision to  leave my job at the law firm it came as a shock to   everyone on the surface I appeared successful the  law firm was highly regarded and my performance   there was like pretty well it I chose to walk away  from it all for the seemingly farfetched dream of   joining a game development company despite lacking  experience in the game development and pursuing   my studies unrelated to the field I was met with  the stares of disbelief and remarks like good luck   with that one but I decided to fight for myself  to pursue my passion relentlessly every spare   moment was dedicated to creating 3D assets for  my portfolio eventually my per servant paid off   and I secured my first job in the game development  industry that was a Monumental success because for   the first time I pursued something I really wanted  to do when you've decided that you want to create   your own game you probably just realize that you  have very little time for that and creating a game   is a very time consuming thing right when AJ and  I started creating our first team game both of us   had full-time jobs we're also still studying  thankfully I was already in my game the game   defate job but anyways it might sound like we had  no time at all however that's not entirely true   we did have some time but it was very limited at  the time and that's exactly when you need to face   the reality and plan something small for your  first project small not complicated it's also   important to assess realistically how much time  you can put into game development each week even   if you realize that you might have only like two  hours on Sundays for example it's still a great   way to start just's make a progress every Sunday  for those two hour and be consistent with it I   have to warn you it might became addictive and  you might ended up spending even more time on it   however even with those two hours I guarantee you  that after some time you will see a significant   progress that's exactly when I started to feel  alive again however I won't sugercoat you not   everything was easy back then I encountered some  health issues along the way but I won't delve   into that here if you are interested you can  watch my other video about my game development   Journey for more details what's important to  mention now is that despite taking longer than   expected I preserved and successfully released  our first game on Steam which even gained some   fans even some big YouTubers played it I can  describe how happy I I was back then for the   first time in my life I felt that my own dreams  came true my own not the ones that others try   to force on me that's why you should remember  that every day is the new beginning don't let   your past Define who you are right now any day  could be your day number one it's entirely up   to you when you decide to start your new Journey  during my game development Journey I've met a lot   of amazing developers however there is particular  one whose story touched me deeply and reminded me   that anything is possible despite being much  older than us he also is a father of two and   he had a regular job he just reminded fully aware  of the circumstances he understood that to create   a game he needs to set realistic expectations  and opted to develop a short game and today his   game has Curr like 1K followers on Steam database  and it's among the top most wish listed game on   Steam this serves as a powerful reminder that with  determination and focus even the most challenging   circumstances cannot hinder success and there  is never play to start over to catch your dreams   the final but crucial point to remember is to be  kind to yourself when you hear about all of those   people who have achieved success it's easy to feel  discouraged when you encounter challenges in your   game development Journey it's understandable you  are just exhausted putting a lot of effort and   learning many things just remember it's okay to  stumble sometimes it's all part of the learning   process consider each setback as a valuable  lesson right now you are still in a better   position than you were yesterday and if you keep  moving forward tomorrow you'll be even further   ahead than you are today oh and it's essential to  take breaks every now and then but don't worry I   won't like to read about obvious reasons like  like the need of proper sleep that's pretty   self-explanatory instead of that I will tell you  that giving yourself some free time to ponder the   project can off a fresh perspective zooming in  too much on a problem that just won't badged can   drive you up the wall but sometimes the solution  presents itself itself after you've taken a moment   to breathe so strive for consistency but also be  gentle to yourself and remember to take pride in   every small step you take thank you for watching  and I look forward to hearing about your very own game
Channel: Sweepy Games
Views: 15,577
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indiedev, devlog, gamedev, roguelite, action rpg, made with unity, unity, game dev, game development, indie game devlog, game devlog, indie devlog, indie gamedev, game design, roguelike, action rpg games, action rpg pc, indie game dev, indie game development, game development unity, indie game, game design for beginners, game designer
Id: uf-isOVNK04
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 25sec (625 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 23 2024
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