MX 23 Xfce Debian 12 Has Arrived First Look

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[Music] hey everyone it's Jack and today I'm going to take a look at MX Linux yes the newest version of MX Linux is oh finally well I shouldn't say finally it's not like it takes years in between releases but still I'm really excited to see this I've been away for a few weeks so I haven't done any videos lately so I finally got two seconds to get back into town after traipsing all over the state and just in time to check out this new version of MX Linux so can't wait to dig in and give it a try here I'm right now out at the MX Linux homepage here and I'm looking at the xfce we got xfce KDE and flexbox available flexbox is a lightweight desktop that's great on older machines and more potato type Hardware there but I think I'm gonna go with the flagship xfce because that's their their main Flagship one and besides that I like xfce so I'm going to grab this I'm going to hit the download link here and here's our download page and it gives a little bit of information on what to choose and there's a couple of major versions here of course we got the 64-bit 32-bit and then the Oz which is the AHS and Oz is really only necessary if you have the latest and greatest Hardware maybe you got a brand new machine and it's less than a year old so you would probably have better results with that because it's got a slightly newer kernel a 6.4 as opposed to 6.1 really for most of us there's no difference really unless you had some Cutting Edge new Nvidia video card or some you know fancy thing like that but for the rest of us the normal version here 64-bit will be just perfect so with that I'm going to download this baby click on it load it in and then I'll be right back okay and here I am I met my boot up screen here so we're just going to go into the live version I'm going to just press enter here and load that in and as you can see the data on it is July 31st which was today wow and actually yesterday I downloaded it last night so it's actually August 1st now but yeah you know so here we are we got our uh live environment loading in now and wow it's looking great right off the bat man that's the one thing about MX Linux is it just never seems to disappoint me right off from the get-go so I think that is cool uh and so here's our environment and we got our panel here located over on the left hand side like in desktop mode there I forgot what they call that exactly but desk desklip mode or something so here's our welcome screen and I'm just going to get right to it I'm going to hit the click install and wow I love the beautiful graphics and the animations they really go first class with MX Linux that's one thing I really love about this in this distro is uh they really put a lot into this and I got to give the team a thumbs up so I'm going to hit next here and here we got type of installation and so by default it's asking to customize but uh which is good but I'm going to go ahead and just select the the regular install and what that'll do is wipe the whole drive and I'm good with that because I don't have anything on here I want to keep anyway so I'm going to hit yes and let that go in and as you can see it's already starting to to move along here and copy files I really like that it's so efficient on the install so as you go along it it's actually already kind of working a little bit in the background I'm going to go with the default here with the computer names that's all good and then system clock the default settings they're okay I do kind of like the 24 hour format a little better but for the sake of the video I'll keep it default and so our next setting is our user account so I'll just go with toad Wick as usual give us some passwords and then pop over here and I'll check the root administrator I always like having a root account and give it a password and these are lame passwords and then you got your auto login which I would not recommend um especially if you have anything personal on your computer and then we have the save live desktop changes so that's really cool too because if you make any changes in your live environment installed stuff or whatever you could check that box and save the changes that you made right here on the live environment how cool is that and after I click next it's already in the install and we're like at 72 percent already that's really amazing um I don't know if I've ever seen an install goal this fast I typically will pause the video to let the install do its thing and then I come back five or ten minutes later but this is going so fast I'm not even sure if I have to pause it this could actually be a first by uh doing an install without a pause because now I'm at 93 percent wow that is totally amazing I'm pretty sure Something's Gonna hang here and make me pause but uh the fact that I've already gotten 95 96 plus percent Here and Now 97 is just amazing so there's a double thumbs up right there or that wow and so now it's kind of you know thinking there because it's got to do the init Ram FS there so uh that might take a little bit it's all done wow okay so there you go that's up first I'm going to hit finish here let it reboot and so I guess all I need to do is just press enter so I'll do that real quick and oh it even has a little reminder on here to show you to remove your ISO so you can boot without it okay and so now I'm back into the reboot remove the iso there image and as you can see we got the 6.1 kernel loading there which is awesome and nice blast green wow I am totally liking that so I'm telling you I just never get disappointed when I mess with MX I think that's kind of one of the reasons I'm it's my favorite one of my favorite distros I'm going to log in here so it looks like everything installed okay and we got our panel over here on the side still by default which is cool so I don't even have to move nice and here's our welcome screen so it looks like everything went so smooth and it really amazes me how quick that install was here we got uh all our items here and the main two items would be the tools and The Tweak so let's just take a quick look at the tools here we got our snapshot live USB C age root boot options user manager so yeah a lot of things that we might find in the setup and not so in the setup some of these I think are utilities that are related to what you would find in the setup but are redesigned to be a little bit more user friendly there's a conky thing there that that's your Conkey manager I think so if you want to tweak your Conkey which is uh up in your upper right corner there you can kind of do that here here you can just have it show up on desktop one or down here you can change the format of your day and month and then of course you got your edit settings so you can go right into the configuration if you know your way around a little bit then you can get right in there and just tweak it to your heart's content so that is very cool and then our Conkey manager of course will let you go in here and mess with widgets and themes and everything else a little bit advanced for most people but overall you got some features even for The Mortals The Mirror mortal like changing colors so that is very cool a nice first impression again and then some other things here codex installer if you want to add some codex that's really nice it makes it easier um here's our user manager and that's something we'll see when we go into our settings later and then we got our tweak tweaks are always fun so here's our panel tweaks so this is a nice utility to just kind of consolidate all your theming and stuff right here if I hit right it goes off over to the right side nice and then typically I would want that on the lap though and then display panel horizontally so we could do that and it'd show up on the bottom uh except it didn't change like the left one did when I went left right it switched right away but that one didn't go anywhere what's up with that how about top nope bottom nope okay uh hmm yeah that's switching there that's kind of weird that the vertical switches but that doesn't um maybe I'm missing something I'll come back to that so there's our config options display but this is bugging me so I got to figure out what's up here uh you're scaling there but uh the bottom oh I see what's going on there's an apply button it was so big I couldn't see it okay so we hit apply now it's on the bottom cool so that's cool uh that's all I had to do so apparently you got to apply it for the horizontal but not for the vertical settings but I gotta remember that apply button that button is so big that like I said I can't see it so here we got doc like plug-in which is cool I like the dock-like plug-in and so that kind of gives us our modern look there on the xfce and I just moved that back to the bottom again because I kind of want to show you the previews here for Doc like and it looks better from the bottom them so if I set task list plugin to Doc like go into options there's an option here that says Show preview thumbnails to open Windows and apply now with my phone are open if I go down and hover over through now I can see the thumbnail preview so that's something really cool that's not really native in xfce right now things that you see in cinnamon and gnome and so forth but not xfce so that dock like plug-in is pretty awesome I really like that and so that's how you turn that on and you can actually use it when it's in the vertical setting as well uh I just kind of like it better there and then of course you can switch the window buttons and then this will give you your your normal window buttons that you would normally see on xfce so you have the option not to use doc like as well personally I kind of like the dock like because it just looks a little more modern to me so I'm just going to change it back here hit apply I and now we got our dock-like look again and then if you don't like the previews now you know how to turn them off so here's our theming so here we can just kind of set our themes universally right from here so this is kind of nice a little more convenient than the appearance settings that you normally go to in settings because there's a lot of pre-configured stuff that's already here there's MX Comfort Dart and that would kind of change your whole theme application and Window Manager and then here we have our icon so there's gnome which is kind of old looking and then e Papyrus and Papyrus MX Blue and then MX Blue dark dark panes I guess that is so probably applies the Dark theme to the pain I guess so cool and then MX Blue dark then we have our compositor settings here so you can actually choose from your compositor and MX dark I think is kind of cool you know that would be like a universal theme actually you're a universal theme is there so if you hit apply the other themes below are kind of separated your themes for your application and your window manager so up here is where you go for your Universal and then here we got our compositors here you can change it to Compton if you wanted to uh typically I wouldn't see a reason to do that unless you're having some kind of screen tearing issues so yeah and then our display tweaks which I would probably stick with the default config options this might be significant because by default you just single click on a folder and it'll take you directly in there and for some people that might not be uh comfortable so that's where you can disable that same with the desktop if you click it once it's going to open an item and if you're used to double clicking you can uncheck that as well and hey why did that not work I unchecked the Box okay so I went oh yeah wait uh yeah the big apply button there it is the one that's so big I can't see it okay that's better so now I can click on these and same with the desktop I can select them now uh and it doesn't go straight into it and then here we got reset white DM if you hose your theme and that'll put it back to the default which is nice uh light DM is your login area when you log in you see the the login panel and all that and so I'm going to apply that and go back to our vertical panel here uh because that is just kind of nice and you can still see that the dock light plug-in is showing the preview so even in the vertical mode very cool so I'm going to close that and I think that kind of covers the welcome screen and then here we got our about so it'll show us our latest version here and you can see that it's based on Debian 12.1 nice and so here in our menu you can see by default our applications are on the left side and then on the right side are the categories and they're already Auto hovering which is kind of cool cool personally I'm more comfortable with the categories over on the left side instead so I'm just going to right click here and then select properties and I'm going to go in I think it's under Behavior so our appearance here we go um so persistent categories next to panel buttons so now if I go down here and look you can see my categories are on the right side on the left side so much better uh I like that better I'm more comfortable with that if you want to tweak it a little more we can go to uh I think it's General and then right here we can do show as icons and to me that's kind of a little bit more of a modern look so now as you can see our applications are in an icon format instead and to go a little bit further I would take the application icon size and make that a little bigger go from smaller to maybe normal let's see what that looks yeah I kind of like that better and then this whisker menu that we're looking at is actually dynamically sizable so we can just kind of push that over and that'll remember those settings too and we could even make it taller if you wanted to like if you added more categories uh we could change both ways so yeah to me that looks nicer I'm going to go with that and I think everything else I'm happy with so there we go that's how you can tweak the whisker menu if you didn't know how to do that already and so we got a lot of nice accessories in here there's our Conkey toggle so we can hit that just toggle it right off so if you need to do that that just makes it easy peasy you don't have to worry about changing the configuration and logging out back in so I really like that and so lots of lots of accessories and and things and there's Magnus that's that's a cool magnifying utility so it shows up in the middle of the screen and then wherever I put my mouse it's going to show the magnified version right there in the center so if you're a little bit uh if you have trouble seeing small things this could be Andy over here now you can see the hard drive 13 17 and CPU at three percent so if that's hard for you to see normally that little Magnus there uh really does a trick so that's kind of a cool little uh utility there and then we got some other stuff midnight Commander that's a a nice like textile textile that's kind of funny uh like a text like file manager or a console maybe that's the word I'm looking for and so here we got this and I like this this always kind of reminds me of Dos shell from way back in the old dos days of windows before windows from Microsoft and yeah for me it gives me kind of that nostalgic feeling to kind of go through this and play with it because it's like I said it it reminds me a lot of Dos shell of course in dochel you couldn't just go click it around but this is really kind of fun to play with and here we got our directory structure and you can come down here and manually type in your paths to you also got different things you can click on down here like your menu and View and edit and so forth if you wanted to edit a file and here I could just like click on that and go into the go up a level you can FTP in somewhere with this which is cool you can use the terminal down here and type in CD dot document and now I'm in my documents folder which is nice and I got a dual pane there so I can see the other side as well which makes it more efficient so like if I wanted to edit that I could select my bass RC and hit the edit there and then I'm right inside a text editor which is really cool console based so that's cool you could go in there and hose up your configuration to your heart's content just by getting in there how cool is that so that is a file manager I think is pretty cool and then here we got our games we got like Mahjong and so forth then their document matter LibreOffice not much in graphics there just a picture viewer and then here we got our Firefox under internet and just wanted to see the version here to see if it's like an ESR or what we got here uh B and Debian you know and wow okay 115.0.3 so it looks like we're using the Debian version of Firefox which I like that personally I think that's cool so big plus to the MX people as well nice and so what else can we look at Let's see we left off at internet and so you got Thunderbird for an email client then here under multimedia we got BLC media players so that's kind of cool I like seeing that by default that gets all your codecs in there the essentials and then we got our Dev installer format USB so tons of MX tools uh one of the things that stands out with MX Linux are all the tools codex installer and here we got our MX package installer MX tools which we were kind of in before from the welcome screen and our welcome screen was there also and here we got uh looks like LibreOffice installed and then under settings these are all our settings that you would find in your control panel there and then system so these are our system things like the conky tiger toggle we were in before H top might as well want that real quick just to kind of see that so it looks like we're around 760 Megs uh which is not too shabby and I'm going to try to magnify that and it's not working uh huh that's weird for some reason when I control plus plus or Ctrl shift plus there it's not magnifying no Zoom so yeah I don't know what's up with that maybe that's my system when all else fails I guess you can just do it through the menu but um typically I just use my keyboard shortcut and do that the control shift plus but um pretty weird okay I guess I can live with that so there we go yeah right around 761 Megs and so that's a pretty resource friendly kind of what I would expect out of xfce and anything else in here we already looked at midnight Commander uh which is a cool app there's synaptic so synaptic is kind of one of my favorite package managers overall I think in Debian and ubuntu-based systems and synaptics is kind of a front end to app so there's no real Graphics in here but it's very fast and the next best thing to use in the console here if you need a GUI based application to look around and so here it's kind of showing all the packages that are installed already and I'm just gonna go look for something uh just to see like maybe we can install like the usual inkscape so we'll just type that in there and hey I'm how to practice using synaptic because I'm in the console so much there oh I'm looking at the yeah the stuff that's already installed so uh and it would help to use the search button and not the filter so I'm going to type in inkscape and uh not showing a result that's kind of weird maybe I gotta refresh my repos there to get it to load in typically that does that when you first launch it but maybe they didn't I'm going to go to my sections here and just kind of rerun that again real quick yeah so I think I need to re-reload here so I'm just going to do that real quick we'll just go over here and click this button and now it's downloading stuff so I think that's all we had to do is just reload this guy and so any second now it ought to be like poof showing us some results with inkscape and all the other stuff that goes with it and if not then uh I'll just distract you by saying what's over there and then run okay there's inkscape so very cool and it looks like a new version they're very good so 1.22.2 Dash B1 so that is very respectively up to date for Debian standards especially so nice I am liking it I'm gonna hit apply there and just let it install so we'll hit apply again and now it's going to download the package and it should just install it just like that because synaptics is quite fast just like the terminal some of the heavier GUI based package managers are a little bit slower because you got some more overhead but uh as you can see very quick they're in synaptics and so now if I jump up and now I'm going to open up my terminal here and I'm going to do an install in the console just to show the contrast between the two and I'm gonna I can't zoom in on this either huh so yeah the keyboard shortcut there for zooming just uh is kind of non-existent so let's do sudo apt install and let's install and waiting for cash lock oh I guess we got a close synaptic here so we'll just close that real quick that's better all right so let's hit yes and that should install in a Flash too and this is the the way that I typically like and prefer to install is right here through the console it's just a lot more efficient my humble opinion there we go okay so we got that installed now if we come up here we should be able to see both apps under graphics and there they are inkscape and give so we'll just start with inkscape and I just want to launch it to just check the theming because I changed to a dark theme and in a lot of distros when you change into from light to dark or vice versa it messes up theming in some apps if it's not set up uh really well but here you can see that inkscape looks just fine and technically in most app inkscape isn't really that Troublesome and so I'm thinking is going to look just fine as well but the real test will be LibreOffice but let's just double check here and changing the Dark theme didn't hurt that at all which I was kind of expecting and we're at version 2.10.34 or nice now I want to go and check LibreOffice because this is the test for most distros typically when you go from a light theme to dark or vice versa from the default it messes up your toolbar here the theming but not surprisingly MX Linux is on top of all that because it looks just perfect not an issue at all right there everything is configured properly if you go to options and view this is where you would actually change your theme if you wanted to change it if for some reason it didn't look right to you that would be the place to do it but uh yeah BMX people they're on top of things so not even a concern so excellent so I'm going to just kind of reposition that here a little bit and then let's jump in here and here's all our settings but you can also go up the icon here to the settings manager and that's got everything kind of all Consolidated inside a nice little window here if you don't want to do it through the met through the way whisker menu whisper menu is nice though if you just want to go in there and select something individually that you already have in mind like you know changing your appearance or something here's the appearance in the tools we kind of had a different layout there because everything was kind of in a different layout so you could choose from some preset themes and here's our about me you can change your avatar here but I don't have any pictures on here of course because this is a new install but you could put a custom picture in there and add an avatar which is always nice brightness systray that's kind of cool I like that you can add in your brightness uh here at presentation mode I usually click on the battery because sometimes you find utilities that have brightness in the battery but not so on xfce but here you got this so this is cool that is accessible right from there which is neat I like that typically I set my brightness somewhere around 70 or so very convenient to just kind of have that right there available in your settings area pretty cool and then we got our file manager settings desktop MX tools and tweaks which we were in before workspaces Window Manager tweaks is always kind of cool I think I'll click on that and then if we go in here typically I don't touch anything except for our compositor here and this is kind of nice if you want to just kind of add a little bit of opacity type bling to things like this will make your upper your top bar here your window decoration more transparent or more opaque and inactive windows we could back that off there and then the windows in the background would get more transparent so you could have that effect as well which is nice you can make it super transparent if you want if you really like looking at the back of your desktop it could make it triple transparent or invisible if you like a challenge so that's nice and I would probably kind of have it like that probably that that would be kind of comfortable for me and then of course making it a little opaque less opaque while you're moving that's a nice effect too that's something I kind of like so that's a standard setting with me and I'm thinking that's cool so I'm going to go back to all settings and then here we got like our awesome mixer utility which is cool keyboard uh that's a staple that I always adjust so restore knoblox data startup I use the num lock a lot so I would typically check that so that way the num lock stays on then we got our application shortcut so here you can set in your own custom shortcuts if you like so for example I can add an application in here and let's say I wanted to make a keyboard shortcut for inkscape so in here I would just type in inkscape give it a name it could be any name you could call it uh that graphic app if you want to but for me inkscape works the best so I'm going to type inkscape I almost said Graphics app and then when you press ok now you can do a key combo so I just press super I super is that Windows key there on your keyboard and so now if I press that key setting super I there you go see inkscape just comes right up with a keyboard shortcut so if you weren't familiar with keyboard shortcuts that's how easy it is and it opened inkscape right up so I think that is really cool and then if you ever want to change any of your keyboard shortcuts all you have to do you can see super I is there but if I hit edit then I could actually change it or even change the command if I wanted to but super I we could hit OK and then it'll let us press another combination so let's try control I and now you can see we gotta change to control I so if I press that then it would open again however I like super I better so I'm just going to go back in here and change it to Super I and then back to all settings so those are keyboard shortcuts and then we got our Mouse so if you want to go left-handed if you're a lefty that's where you would change it and then I'm going to go back to right-handed because I just happen to be that and here we got our DMZ for our white for our cursor uh but I'm gonna stay with black and then we got our light DM greeter settings uh dashboard and so forth greeter uh that is your login window when you turn on your computer and you see the login screen so this is you can add a different image in there if you like a background image you can put in set your custom user image there if you want your picture on the screen or something else this is the position of your login Fields where you show your username and password and by default it's in the middle but you can move it over to the left if you wish or right up or down and other settings so typically that's something most people wouldn't mess with but here we got ad block so I'm going to type that and I'm going to kind of want to see what this is all about the Antics advert blocker tool so it blocks many advertising servers related to uh looks like ads block ads malware pornography gambling fake news and social media wow that's kind of cool yeah I guess I would uh play with that a little bit so I'm just going to hit OK here and so by default it's blocking malware sources pornographic gambling and fake news vehicles or websites vehicle so uh that's kind of cool yeah I would probably go with that I I don't need any of those stuff showing up in my ads and then I'll hit OK and so that is a really cool little feature that's something I never paid much attention to in the past so I like that very nice another double thumbs up on excellent so I'm going to slide that over real quick and let's right click and take a look at our desktop settings and so it looks like we got a lot of wallpapers showing up nice and these kind of look new to me a lot of them uh that is a cool background and I'm wondering if I got a show desktop icon over here on my panel so I can kind of toggle back and forth I'm not used to looking at it in the desktop mode here but um oh there it is okay so yeah I can hit that get a better view of the wallpaper click it again and then it will come back and wow I like that oh man yeah that is stunning there I just might actually keep that one uh I could almost not look any further after looking at that one great colors in there uh there's a nice one too I kind of like that landscape that's got some cool colors in it too and the reflection very cool so that is another choice that would be a candidate very high on my list and there's a nice background cool pattern and that painting wow wow well that's another Contender there I really like that painting um might be something I might have to kite for my own collection there so wow but yeah this one still wins out I I really like that one so I'm gonna go with that I think and then here we got our icons so we can choose what icons to show we can adjust the sizes of the icons here if we wanted to I'm just going to kind of stretch this window down so I can see my defaults better here you can click that and it'll show the home folder um you can show your trash put that in there remove all the devices if you want to see like a thumb drive show up when you plug it in and then your file system so if you need direct access to your file system and so here the home folder gives you a quick access to your file manager home folder so that is the desktop settings and one of my favorite spots yes so I'm going to reopen funar there just to have it there for show just because it gives me something to clutter up the desktop with and then I'll just kind of shrink that down a little bit because it was a little big and I couldn't grab the corner for some reason so I'm going to minimize that just real quick and then I'm going to come over here and let's go to our panel properties here or preferences I did that by right clicking and so here we can adjust our panel and even add things but desk bar is our default setting here uh and that's typically used in the vertical position where it is now and then here's our appearance so we can use dark mode if you wanted it to use a dark mode with a light theme and then our opacity so we can make our panel a little opaque or a little a little transparent and then here's our items so these are the different items that correspond to our panel and let's add a weather widget here so I'm going to go in here and add that and now you can see it bottom there we got our weather widget and then I'm just going to close and then if I want to do our settings I can just go into the burger menu up here right here and then tab that I'm most interested in is a scroll box but you got all those other ones to choose from but here I like to display the temperature with my weather widget so I'm going to hit that and then click add and that'll put our temperature in there too but I'm not seeing it maybe that's because I'm in desk power mode because desk bar is more compact than like the standard mode so if I went over here and change our mode to like uh vertical instead there we go now we can see the 70 degrees in there uh typically I kind of like the horizontal overall if I'm going to have my weather app in here and so if I go there and change it to horizontal now you can see it's way up on top so I'm dragging it down and I had to unlock my panel to do that so that's why I uncheck the lock panel box there but now we can see that uh our weather is showing up down there and it kind of looks nicer in that position so for the weather widget uh specifically I just kind of like I like that on a horizontal panel but that's just me a lot of people probably don't even want that I just added in a separator here and I'm just going to push this up next to the weather plug-in that'll give us a little bit of space down here between this and the other systray items and we can also make that invisible so the separator is not visible so we can just go up to transparent and then that makes a separator disappear but you get got the space there so that's kind of how I like it personally and so yeah that kind of looks nice I got my weather app there it's 70 balmy degrees outside and it just goes great with this whole background and everything and with that I think I am ready to just give my two cents I am so impressed with this I had a feeling that I was not going to be disappointed when I got into MX and I'm not it just looks gorgeous and uh it is so Snappy the feel on it is wonderful and the MX Linux I haven't used MX in a while while but it really feels different the the layout or something just seems very smooth I can't really put my finger on it I think in the previous review I did last year uh the the panel was still in desk power mode vertically I think but something really feels different in this time around and it could be the fact that we're running 12.1 now and I don't know but it just seems to have a nicer more modern feel to it like I remember last time I was really impressed with MX Linux it was just the theming wasn't quite where I liked you know back then I can't remember now because it was so long ago but I just remember the theming feeling a little bit off but other than that I really liked the distro before but now man if if that was the case if I'm remembering correctly they nailed it this time because the theming to me is spot on it feels great I don't feel like I have to go in there and modify anything I love the new default background that came with it as well and although Wildflower had a really nice background as well the default theming just didn't feel great to me so that is a big change that I really like and it really feels Zippy that's something I just kind of noted to myself mentally a few times while I was running around in here you know how quick everything was just launching and just how smooth it felt so another thing that just made the whole experience really Pleasant and I can see why MX is consistently in that number one spot there on distro Watt because it really is a distro that you can tell just by looking at it has a lot of work and a lot of dedicated people in there putting a lot of time and effort to make this a top quality distro so I would have to give them about 50 thumbs up for that alone uh and that would take me like all day to do that that so yeah you know I'll just kind of keep it down to about 10. and yeah what can I say I mean the the distro really speaks for itself I am really pretty confident that if you downloaded MX Linux and gave it a try for yourself if you haven't already you won't be disappointed I think you're going to really love the environment and of course you got the stability of Debian and the MX repos are really good at just keeping things as up to date as possible for a bookworm release and it's one of those rare Debian releases where I don't feel like I'm left behind when I'm in MX Linux in fact I feel more Cutting Edge and sometimes I feel as cutting edges Arch dare I say but it does it does make it feel that way and the times I've used MX Linux sometimes I just got bored because I wasn't having any headaches to solve so if you don't like having headaches and you just like things just working then you found the right place right here and with that I hope all my babbling was helpful and if it was don't forget to leave that thumbs up and hit subscribe thanks again for watching and we'll see you next time
Channel: Jack Keifer
Views: 3,975
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: hVbU1KgAjUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 40sec (2380 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 03 2023
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