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foreign [Music] destination we got a nice landscape you take a photo and it looks good but there's still so much more to the scene that I want to capture but I don't have an ultra Ultra wide angle lens to do so so what can we do what we can easily expand our shot just by taking a couple of extra photos across the scene this is called Panorama and you can easily Stitch it with a photo editing app it's an invaluable skill to learn and it's incredibly easy to perform sure you can use your phone to take the Panorama but you brought your camera out for a reason and I promise you the quality is going to be so much better so I have a 135 millimeter Prime right now and right off the bat I'm pretty screwed my framing is too tight all right so what I'll do first is set my camera to manual and aim at my subject of Interest then I'm going to set my aperture to a generous f8 my ISO at 100 and set my shutter to one over 320. that looks good I'm gonna half press my shutter get focus and switch to manual focus now if you don't switch to manual focus the camera will keep reacquiring Focus for every shot thus ruining the final image alright so I think we're ready to take our shot now I'm going to reposition to the left here and start taking a series of overlapping photos across the right now it's recommended to do it on a tripod but let's be real everybody hates carrying a tripod now to expand this image more I will take some photos on the bottom and on the top as well as long as there are reference points in every photo to the previous photo your photo editing app should be able to piece it all together like a puzzle all right now we're gonna go home and offload the photos to our computer and start stitching I'm using luminar Neo and I'll drag a series of photo that we just took into the panoramic stitching box right here so there are three dots here and within it there are a couple of options that you can choose from Distortion correction D vignette chromatic aberration reduction and ghost reduction and you can crunch through the results to see which of these that you may need but I won't be needing any of these because I use the telephoto lens once we're ready we're gonna hit start wait a few seconds and voila now this was just a small series of photos where I pan from left to right and I crunch to the result pretty fast but remember we also expanded on this Panorama by taking additional photos on the top and on the bottom so let's drag in 89 of these photos right here this is gonna take a bit but I promise you it's gonna be worth it and Bam look at that we even got the top palm trees on the right right here that is gosh darn beautiful very california-esque now we can edit the photo however we like a lot of people like using luminar Neo simply because how easy they make it to edit a photo I like to start off with enhanced AI first to kind of speed things up this helps make your image pop right away then I'll come down to develop and do my basic editing such as handling the highlights and shadows increasing the Warmness temperature upping the saturation and Vibrance to my taste now I'm going to work on the overall sharpness and structure AI here is pretty good because it's looking like it's helping me dehaze my photo a bit yeah now LA Smog city so we gotta work on the tiny details to enhance the sharpness of the photo now I love this landscape function here because there's a golden hour slider and since we shot this closer to Sunset we want to give that a little boost and look there's a dedicated dehaze slider here and I do think it still needs a little bit more foliage enhancer oh okay okay that's a little too green so maybe not all right let's set the mood they have cinematic tones here they are named after California cities and they conveniently have one called Los Angeles it looks pretty good but uh oh I kind of like the San Diego one more I'm a huge sucker for that purple warm Sunset look all right let's zoom in and take a look so I'm seeing some things here that I kind of want to go back and dial down so over here on the right I can readjust all the settings that I've already done so we went from this to this man we really made that Sunset pop look at that we got a plane right here we got a bird right here I thought that was dust at first but it's just the sheer amount of incredible details coming from that 135. you see all those cars on the bottom right here that's because a baseball game is going on this is a nice trick because it can save you some money instead of buying a dedicated Ultra wide angle lens and you can do this trick with any lenses I went hard mode with this with a 135 but I would highly recommend 50 millimeter and above just because you get the least amount of distortion so hopefully this has helped you guys out tag me in your next panorama so what I tell you good tip right get my hand back I don't know you boy come back I still got more to share what a creeper the sled is barely setting [Music] the next video peace
Channel: Jason Vong
Views: 9,914
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason vong, sony alpha, photography, cameras, camera lens, digital camera, potatojet, gene nagata, jason vuong, jason wong, videography, filmmaking, travel, digital nomad, luminar neo, travel photography, panorama, how to take pano photo, how to take panorama pictures
Id: nHpWC2sdw5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 23sec (323 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 16 2023
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