Sony a6700 | An APS-C BEAST! 4K120 LET'S GOOO!!

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why yes there's another video today Sony decided to drop three new products today and we told them we were coming back from Japan they're like oh good good Jason Vivian's vacation's over let's just drop three new products they just don't mess with them why well jokes on them it's not that I genuinely care about and what the community is looking forward to so let's get on with the shall we after four long years since the launch of the a6600 we finally have its true successor not just a photo camera not just a video camera and certainly not just a vlogging camera but a camp hacked damn good slam dug of a hybrid camera this is the new Sony a6700 this has 26 megapixel back illuminated sensor new AI autofocus system 5-axis in-body image stabilization 14 plus stops of dynamic range 4K 120 frames per second 10 bit 422 and so much more thank you so is this a Sony aps-c camera of our dreams or did it fall short of our expectations let's find out at the happiest place on earth Disneyland [Music] with full frame cameras coming down in size and even in price is there a point to still even get aps-c cameras anymore it's a question that I ask myself every day and the answer still today is yes while the Gap is getting smaller aps-c ecosystem can easily wind out to be a lot more cost effective in the long run and having a much smaller footprint overall if you built your kit right oh I should put on my glasses okay so something like this like this perfect for Disneyland family trips in general got a light 1.4 Prime for low light a nice mid-range versatile zoom lens for 70 of the day and a telephoto for some of these random parades we'll be seeing all in this little bag right here all I'm missing is an actual family now there has been a lot of new and great lenses that has been coming out for aps-c we got the famous Sigma 1.4 quartet now formerly the trios but Sigma just added the 23 millimeter F 1.4 last spring not to mention they have their killer tiny little Zoom right here the 18 to 50 millimeter F 2.8 all of which are excellent image quality and at a great deal and Sony themselves dropped three of their own aps-c lenses last summer most notably the 11 millimeter F 1.8 widest and fastest autofocus Prime available and got some great stuff too but I can't keep dropping names so people don't get mad at me for not calling out their favorite lenses yes yes votrox great too Michael Sit down yes Michael Sit your butt back down but the point I'm trying to get at is most of these great lenses lack Optical stabilization so when you pair it with a camera that doesn't have in-body image stabilization like the a6400 or the zve10 videos end up looking very shaky either we have to be super mindful or choose other Alternatives that do have lens stabilization but not at the aperture we might want but the a6700 does have in-body image stabilization in fact some of the best that I've seen in this series right out there with the fx30 handheld videos look incredible and even the issue with rolling share that we've seen in previous iterations has largely dissipated great for beginners the Sony a6700 is much more user friendly menu is way more organized compared to its predecessor the screen is now fully touch capable and if you're a beginner Automotive works like taking a photo with your phone on the corner of the screen right here what the star twinkle is the my image style function which allows you to adjust the amount of background blur the overall brightness of the image and balancing the colors ah with a few sliders so it's never been easier using a dedicated camera like this and getting the look that you want but if you're no stranger to Sony there are a lot to celebrate here too user experience for the first time ever a flip out screen for the a6000 series now I did prefer the flip up style on the a64 and a6600 but alas there is no arguing with the popularity of a flip out style screen good for selfie vlogging and even greater for vertical portrait framing I'm gonna post this on Instagram but I do appreciate the bump in LCD resolution not quite as high as the fx30 but I'm just happy that we can use sunny weather bright monitoring even in 4k 120p it just helps immensely filming in broad daylight such as today and if that's not enough we still got the viewfinder at first glance it may look like the other a6000 series cameras that came before it but with a closer examination it's actually taking design elements from the a7c with a few modifications we have an extra wheel in the front Now to control either the shutter or aperture which is nice we now have a secondary wheel under the main tab to switch between photo video and snq mode which speeds up the workflow for hybrid Shooters and while it has one custom button less than the previous a6600 the touchscreen UI added more options on the screen thus freeing up more of the physical buttons on the camera to be reprogrammed and no you cannot reprogram the touchscreen UI the hot shoe here has been updated to now support wide array of Sony digital mics including the new ECM M1 the SD card has been moved to the side here where all the iOS are sorry no CF Express type a support and USBC for better webcam support and fast charging but the Strat Rings pretty loud even though it looks bigger than the a6600 it actually weighs slightly less 506 grams versus 515 grams grip wise it's not as full as the fx30 but it's meter than the a6600 for sure oh Jason auto focus trickling down from the a7r5 we have the brand new AI autofocus feature so in addition to human and animals we now have Birds Cars trains and planes and even bugs in the latest a6000 Series in both photo and video super Overkill to be honest however if you shoot these particular subjects already you'll be glad to have that recognition but if you don't give it a try anyways I never consider myself a bird photographer but the amount of bird photos I've taken within the last several years have dramatically increased because we have bird eye autofocus all in all it's a welcome feature so we're here at princess Pavilion looking to capture some princesses I don't know you no capturing princesses and capturing their photos not capturing in the kidnapping sense human and animal autofocus have a subtle but big upgrade it now has AI post estimation so even when the subject is completely turned around the camera can kind of guess where the eyes are it's a long-winded way of saying the accuracy has gone up speaking of gone up we're also going up from 425 face detection autofocus points to a whopping 759 a much larger screen coverage means even when the subject is falling off to the very edge of the screen the camera will still be able to keep Focus locked on them [Music] foreign [Applause] that's great I have a machine that can capture memories and I would like to capture you guys so maybe an individual after ready oh this is nice I like this one right here one two and three one two and three now can I get one individual absolutely can I have you do a twirl for me yeah give me one second okay and three two one go for it that's great thank you so much and then for you well let's do a twirl I think it'll be I think it'll be great you ready because I've been practicing yes let's have you stand a little bit in the middle of the pillar right there thank you so much Flynn yeah the lighting is beautiful in here and three two one yup whoa oh love it love this motor thank you so much [Music] all right time to test out the 11 frames a second first that's it with jpegs of course we can rack up thousands of images easy but if you plan on bursting with Ross you're going to be able to squeeze in more frames before the camera slows down if you shoot compressed versus lossless now strangely enough there isn't an option for uncompressed raw in the a6700 but lossless is touted to be similar enough where it holds all the necessary image data but at a reduced file size I'm someone who's been shooting with compressed raw for many years now with no issues but this may come as a disappointment for some folks especially those who do Astro and stars but I'm curious if you have experience with losses and uncompressed raw let us know in the comments down below if you see any perceivable difference if lossless it's just as good [Music] so that was 11 frames per second actually kept up really well but I do wish there was a slight bump in the frames per second maybe something like 15. for several years now the aps-c community have been looking forward to the mythical baby A9 where we would get the similar 20 frames per second no blackout shooting while there wasn't a promise of something like that by Sony officially it would have been nice to see something more than 11 in the a6700 perhaps uh we'll find that baby A9 in a a 6900 nice viewfinder huh I swear I'm getting 50 Shades Darker just waiting for this parade to happen but we have to be here an hour early in order to get the best view of the parade [Music] it's summer it's hot you can probably see in the footage right now everything is looking blown out no different for what our eyes can see but the one thing I can count on these trying times is a viewfinder immensely helpful for blocking out that High Noon Sun I can't believe I have to bring this up as a feature because the lack of the viewfinder was honestly the biggest deal breaker for me when it came to buying my own zve10 and fx30 and despite the fx30 having the better LCD display it still doesn't have enough nits to combat that harsh Sun nothing beats staring into the viewfinder for better visibility and exposure accuracy and it's brighter than the previous iterations crop sensor Advantage now normally I would use a 70 to 350 millimeter aps-c Omega Zoo lens but today's a little special why is that we got the brand new Samuel 200 millimeter f4g Mark II which is actually a full frame lens sure we can use aps-c mode on most full-frame cameras but unless you have an A1 or an a7r camera you're likely going under 18 megapixels with the a6700 you're getting the full 26 with any full-frame lenses now we're shooting an aperture priority right now but because there are a ton of dancing going on I'm raising my ISO to 640 that way the camera determines a high shutter speed to freeze the action I guess we can do shutter speed priority too to be honest ready rolling and rolling beautiful hold that there the difference between using this lens on a full-frame camera versus aps-c is the reach with a full frame we're getting the advertised 200 millimeter but with any aps-c cameras we gotta take in the one and a half times crop factor into consideration so Mount this on the a6700 we're actually getting a 105 to 300 millimeter equivalent wow exposure actually looks pretty good I was kind of worried for a second with a harsh light but it was it worth capping out here for an hour in the Sun but everything is really properly exposed even in spotty lighting conditions like these the new auto exposure algorithm controls the exposure on the skin areas quite well and I guess for areas too no overexposure here Mega pickles there has been a bump in megapixels but probably not as much as some people might have hoped from 24.2 to just 26 megapixels so if you're expecting 30 megapixel you might be disappointed to hear this in my opinion 26 megapixel is plenty it's not going to be too different from what you're already used to unless of course you have already experienced higher megapixel from a different system however less switch gear and talk about video video 4K 120p baby I thought they would tap it at 4K 60p and save the 120 for the fx30 but Sony pull back the hammer and gave us a high respect of the a6000 series truly deserves thank you for not hindering this camera although I should mention the 4K 120p does have a crop but by no means unusable just like its predecessor is technically shooting 6K but the camera down samples it to 4K giving us much crisper results even when we're not shooting 4K 120 doing a post punch it at 150 to 200 percent will still look pretty good on top of that we're getting all the latest video features a breathing compensation a better bitrates in s and Q a dedicated video time lapse option 10 bit 422 600 megabits per second all into recording and even the illustrious sinatone s-lock 3 workflow has been a lot more streamlined we now have a quick access function to toggle on log shooting with the ability to import our own favorite Luts and choose whether or not we want to bake that into our footage during recording and while we do have dual base I select the fx30 we do not have the cine EI feature found in the FX series basically the cine EI limits you into using the two cleanest isos 800 and 2500 whereas flexible ISO it's just like how we would normally use it manually going through all the iso options not a big deal as that function is intended for the cinema line anyway hence cine EI but oh no we're getting 95 of the best video features from the fx30 in the a6700 [Applause] [Music] recording test so we've been here since the early mornings taking over 2 000 photos from some 4K videos in between and we only have to swap battery just once which by the way just uses the bigger fz100 battery oh and no signs of overheating but let's push it to see what we can get in long-form recording what 4K 30p 8bit 420 we're getting just under two hours of recording time with no heat warning when filming in 4k 24p 10 bit 422 we're getting roughly two hours and 9 Minutes of recording time also with no heat warning in our test that outlasted the fx30 in terms of battery life which that got roughly an hour and 41 minutes of recording time perhaps the built-in fan on the fx30 draws more battery now these are really good recording times with these frame rates however if you plan on doing a lot of long-form 4K 60 recording then you might want to consider picking up the fx30 and either of the HS or all intra codec we're getting roughly 30 minutes of recording time before the a6700 has to shut off due to high temperature with the heat warning popping up around the 23 24 minute mark on the other hand the fx30 was able to Max up 128 gigabyte memory card with no sweat thanks to its built-in fan now keep in mind we're getting much shorter recording time with the all intra SI codec because it's recording a lot of data per frame and while I don't think a lot of people would do long form 120p recording here's the result anyway now on to these test results just under 19 minute on the a6700 while the fx30 maxed out the car at 53 and a half minutes if you do intermittent 4K 60p or 120p for slow motion purposes then you will not need to worry about overheating let's go ahead and take a look at the low light performance low light all right now we got the old trusty Pirates ride for some low light tests oh Jason let's take a look at the high ISO noise performance with standard picture profile I'm not seeing too much of a difference in terms of noise when compared with the a6600 and the zve10 other than the color signs on the newer cameras are better but to maximize the dynamic range of these cameras we need to shoot an s-lock 3 and immediately the difference is staggering at ISO 32000. before we get into price and would I recommend it if you enjoy the video make sure to like and comment to help increase the exposure of this video because you know us photographers and filmmakers we can always use more exposure bucks but for real if you want to go the extra mile there's the one-time custom amount donation via the super thanks button to help fund for the Vaughn community's very own a6700 with the money we'll be creating future setup guides tutorials and Fall reviews on the channel it's completely optional but hey it would really help if not the greatest support that you can always give is simply watch every single video that comes out on this channel many T Hanks price and would I recommend it [Music] 13.99 USD and it's shipping early August not a bad price same as the a6600 when it first launched I think it's time for me to buy this camera and we'll have separate videos comparing to a6700 against the other cameras soon but for now here's a general summary as always when it comes to strictly photography if you got something that still works well for still life then you're not gonna feel a huge Improvement in terms of image quality just buy better lenses sure the overall user experience is better the new AI autofocus capability is nice but unless you need it for Animals Birds Cars trains or even planes regular old human eye autofocus is good enough but it is shooting a lot of fast-paced action the tracking autofocus Improvement on this camera is going to give you that speed boost that you need moving on if you have any of the previous a6000 series cameras and you straight up just need better video features than absolutely 100 no questions asked why are you still even watching click the link down below and upgrade right now this is a nice Middle Ground between the zve10 and the fx30 it gives us exactly what we need at a fair price point and we need a better stabilization over the zv10 pay the extra and get this if you want the better video features without the extra card slot or fan design found in the fx30 then save the money and get this and you'll be glad you chose this over the other two solely because of this viewfinder alone I cannot emphasize how helpful it is especially if you're going to be behind the camera a lot while the a6700 isn't bringing anything new to the alpha table it is caught up and that's not a bad thing it's giving us everything a hybrid camera should in 2023 unless you're ready to move on to full frame this is probably the best aps-c hybrid camera to get well still no boat autofocus let me know in the comments down below if this is something you're picking up thanks for watching and here's a word from our lovely sponsor Squarespace Squarespace is an all-in-one platform to create beautiful websites you don't need any coding knowledge whatsoever simply just choose from their many easy to use templates perfect for people like us who want to focus on our travels and make YouTube videos for you guys but still want to present up a website for brands that are looking to work with us whether you're building your own photography portfolio and e-commerce store or even a landing page for your business design it with Squarespace get a 14 day trial with my link below and try it for yourself when you're ready to launch you can save 10 off your first purchase of a website or domain with my code Jason Vaughn guys thank you so much for watching and we'll catch you guys in the next one peace I'm [Music] tell me I'm the reason your heartbeats and it won't stop I Wanna Be the feeling after all your life [Music] sorry oh Jason [Applause]
Channel: Jason Vong
Views: 210,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jason vong, sony alpha, photography, cameras, camera lens, digital camera, potatojet, gene nagata, jason vuong, jason wong, videography, filmmaking, travel, digital nomad, sony a6700, sony a6600, sony a6900, sony a6400, sony zv-e10, sony zv-e10 ii, sony zv-e20, best aps-c camera, best camera 2023
Id: x6Vrx6ErDLs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 45sec (1245 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 12 2023
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