Watch Rachel Maddow Highlights: September 13th | MSNBC

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it turns out we can leapfrog magically into the future 26 hours tonight at this website it is the campaign website for the main republican challenger trying to unseat california's democratic governor gavin newsom that election in which california voters will decide whether or not they want to recall governor newsom that election is tomorrow polls close at 8 p.m pacific time tomorrow which is 11 p.m eastern time tomorrow but if you want to see what that future is like go to that campaign website the top republican trying to unseat governor newsom and just click there at the top where it says stop fraud you click on the stop fraud tab and look turns out this dude has already lost gavin newsom has already won it's the future we can see the future the election hasn't even happened yet but the republicans are already very very mad that they lost the california recall election and they are already claiming they only lost it because of all the fraud they saw on election day which in real life hasn't happened yet but look they live in the future and so they're able to say this quote we implore you to join us in this fight as you are able primarily by signing our petition demanding a special session of the california legislature to investigate and ameliorate the twisted results of this 2021 recall election of governor gavin newsom what twisted results there aren't any results twisty or untwisty the election is tomorrow ah but this republican time machine is a powerful thing they say quote statistical analyses used to detect fraud in elections held in third world nations such as russia venezuela and iran have detected fraud in california resulting in governor gavin newsom being reinstated as governor again this is what they've got live on larry elder's website tonight the election hasn't happened yet governor gavin newsom hasn't been reinstated as governor or recalled as governor or anything else the election hasn't happened it's tomorrow but already the republicans top candidate to replace newsome says he has lost the election newsom is not being recalled and it's because of all the fraud they know happened that they statistically analyzed like iran and so they know it happened they know it happened tomorrow even though tomorrow is technically in the future but oh by the way if you do not believe them if you do not take these claims of theirs very very seriously they also want you to know the top republican candidate for governor in california also wants you to know that there's a pretty good chance that if you don't go along with this if you don't believe it if you resist there's going to be some shooting here is the opening salvo on that part of the website for larry elder republican candidate for governor in california quote they say that in america there are four boxes of liberty the soapbox the ballot box the jury box and the ammo box we trust in our elected officials to safeguard the ballot box however when those officials either through laziness or incompetence allow thieves to steal amidst the dead of night and cheat our ballot box what is this translated from well we can no longer rely on its contents will we now have to fight the caliph fight the california jury box in the hope that the final box the one most akin to pandora's remains closed remember in this setup the final box is the ammo box in other words this is republicans proclaiming saying basically you know join us in proclaiming in advance that any election won by a democrat doesn't count or we will turn to the ammunition box to get our way we will turn to the ammo box and that's not like a random you know screenshot from youtube comments on some bug-eyed video about how you should pull your you know take your dog's flea collar off him and put it in your underpants to protect yourself against kovid right this isn't just like some crazy town snapshot of weird right-wing paranoia this is up on the website right now of the republicans leading candidate to try to recall the governor of california and you should leave your dog's flea collar exactly where it is all around the subject but look i mean look even specifically on that page with the you know ammo box threat and all the rest of it it says right there at the bottom paid for by larry elder ballot measure committee recalled newsome committee major funding from larry elder for governor 2021 even before the election happens tomorrow they are telling you tonight not only that they don't accept the future election results but also that they they expect republican voters in california to do the same and to join with them so as to avoid a shooting war it has become an article of faith and a central organizing principle of republican campaigning now in 2021 that elections themselves are not something we should do anymore um election results are not real only suckers believe in the vote count at the end of an election only suckers believe in the proclamation of a winner republicans don't believe those things i mean we're here this is where we are now it turns out it's not some you know distant dystopian future where one of the two major parties in the united states of america has decided elections are no longer the way they want to participate in american politics it's not some far away future it's 26 hours from now it's tomorrow night which means it's here because apparently they already know they're going to lose that election and why when we approach a general election in normal circumstances sort of state by state you get to learn where to where to look bellwether counties bellwether demographic groups um and that sort of thing for a recall election and for this one in particular is there something specific that you're looking at that could be determinative something that we might have an early idea of when we start to see the for example the exit polls tomorrow in terms of who's actually turning out to vote yeah we'll get some exit polls tomorrow and then you know i think what's going to happen here take you through the kind of peculiarities of this but basically we're going to get a lot of returns in that 11 p.m eastern time 11 p.m eastern 8 p.m pacific to midnight eastern hour tomorrow night that may basically tell us the result if it's real close it may take days but if this is anything like the polls are showing i think really that first hour that first 90 minutes tomorrow night really could be determinative i mean what you're seeing here i put this up this is biden over trump in california almost a 30-point margin for biden last year in the presidential race very similar result in 2016 with hillary clinton very similar result with gavin newsom when he got elected in 2018 he won by 25 points so what you're kind of looking at on this map here is sort of the standard democratic victory in california and i think to me that's the key with this recall if the recall is going to have any chance of succeeding you could talk about one particular demographic group or turnout the big picture thing that has to happen for recall supporters is they need lots of people who voted for biden in 2020 who voted for newsome in 2018 who voted for clinton in 2016 who typically vote democratic they need a lot of them to vote for the recall and so just take a look at this map right here you see all these you see some red area i should say the red areas you see on the typical map in california tend to be rural smaller population areas the big population centers are the blue areas on this state so for instance i think this is one interesting way of looking at it la county there's 10 million people in la county right here this is that's bigger than new jersey this is 25 percent of all the vote in the state of california is going to come out of la county and if you just add in orange county to the south san diego there and then the inland empire this is san bernardino and riverside if you just look at this sort of block of votes here that's more than half the vote statewide is going to come out of this small pocket right here and again you see it's all blue right now so the challenge for recall supporters just for instance if you take orange county here you know biden won orange county by nine points over trump trump got 44 points here if the recall is going to succeed tomorrow and you're looking at a place like orange county tomorrow night the number for the recall has got to be like at least 60 percent it's got to be getting in a county like orange 60 support and you could just look at that if biden won at 53 44 over trump to get to 60 a lot of people who voted for biden a lot of democratic voters have got to support this thing so that's the big challenge recall supporters have to try to do this in one of the bluest states in the country one of the two political parties in our country has like been trying to contend with what happened there and that attack on our country and investigating it and trying to get be who was behind it and how we could prevent it from happening again and on the other side well there's the rally celebrating the attackers this weekend so the fence has to go back up around the capital the leading republican running in the california governor's recall race says in advance that tomorrow's election in california shouldn't count and they will claim fraud and for good measure they are prepared to go to the ammo box unless everybody goes along with them on that today trump himself sent out a statement on the california recall again in advance of the election actually happening calling it rigged calling it just another giant election scam no different than the 2020 presidential election scam today he also issued an endorsement for a republican candidate who is vying for the statewide office that runs elections in arizona he endorsed a republican candidate for arizona secretary of state man is a state representative right now in arizona and he has supported the bogus audit of the presidential election in arizona this is a guy who last week somewhat hilariously tried to personally proclaim that the presidential election results in arizona should definitely just be flipped to trump now he said last week quote i am calling it oh really are you i am calling it i call on arizona to decertify the election of 2020 and recall the electors there is already enough evidence to show clear and convincing fraud we have a duty to act so last week he said that today trump gave him his endorsement to be arizona's next secretary of state which means i mean what's more valuable than a trump endorsement in a republican primary right in the republican primary for secretary of state with this guy having trump's endorsement now he'll probably win right which will make him the republican candidate for secretary of state in arizona running on a platform that arizona should have its presidential election results from 2020 tossed out and even though biden won there the state's electoral vote should just be given to trump that's the basis on which he got the endorsement which will secure him the republican party's nomination which will give him a shot at getting that job and i will tell you this is the third of these that's happened in a row one of them is this guy in arizona this guy who says biden's victory in arizona should be thrown out and the state should be given to trump trump's endorsed him for arizona secretary of state trump has also endorsed a republican candidate in georgia who says biden's victory in georgia should be thrown out and the state should be given to trump trump also endorsed a republican candidate in michigan who says biden's victory in michigan should be thrown out and the state should be given to trump if you're a republican politician you look at this pattern you look at trump's sway in the republican party right now what do you think it takes to be nominated by the republican party to be secretary of state in any state in the country do you think anybody's going to win a republican primary to be a state's top election official this year without pledging first that trump should be given that state's electoral votes [Music] the town of coleman is in north alabama right between birmingham and huntsville the local paper there is the coleman times and a few days ago the story that led their print edition was an obituary antiques and auctioneering businessman ray demonia remembered for community service it's their lead story and there was a reason it was at the top of the paper mr demonia was clearly a beloved local figure for decades he'd been dealing antiques and hosting auctions in coleman alabama many of them for charity the paper printed this great old photo of him hosting an auction in his younger days and included an excerpt from a profile the coleman times had done about him a decade ago it said quote his showmanship makes for a fun day watching him encourage cajole and entice his audience as a thing of beauty he knows his customers he plays to them he elicits moans and bursts of laughter at his antics ray demonia lived his whole life in coleman alabama but he did not die there he had a cardiac emergency that he suffered in coleman on august 23rd but he ended up dying nine days later and 200 miles away from home in a hospital across state lines in mississippi and here's why here's why mr demonia's warm loving sweet obituary in his hometown paper is not just a local story about this loss for his family and for coleman who will no longer get to enjoy his his auctioneering antics because when mr demonia's family published their own obituary of him they included included this at the end quote in honor of rey please get vaccinated if you have not in an effort to free up resources for non-coveted related emergencies due to covet 19 coleman regional medical center emergency staff contacted 43 hospitals in three states in search of a cardiac icu bed and finally located one in meridian mississippi he would not want any other family to go through what his did i mean for everyone who says that getting a vaccine is a personal choice that doesn't affect anyone else line that up with ray demonia's obituary and what his family has just said about his death right i mean your decision about your vaccine may feel personal to you i get it but you live in a society you live in a country and your decision about your vaccine is ultimately the decision that fills up hospital beds that makes all the difference to your society your community your country makes all the difference as to whether a man like ray demonia gets that icu bed or not other people's decisions about their vaccine made the decision for him as to whether or not he could get the critical care he needed his daughter tells the coleman tribune quote dad was a team player always he was vaccinated for his own health and everyone else's health he did everything he was supposed to do i think about what it must mean for health care staff working with patients on ventilators who are that sick who are that close to the end and working in an environment that isn't by design as resource intensive um as it could be i i want to put something to you that you actually said here on this show back in june of last year you were here last summer and you you told me this you said i think people aren't paying attention um that much excuse me i think people aren't paying attention that the healthcare workforce is not an exhaustive supply you said the people who are working really really hard to care for these patients are facing serious exhaustion not to mention the psychological stress of seeing patients die and having to deal with all the concerns about getting infected themselves you were talking about that stress in a way that really stuck with me and moved me um more than a year ago now more than a year later it's the same staff i have to ask how it how you feel the workforce is coping given how bad it's been for so long yeah thank you so much for remembering that um i will say that it's gone from a feeling of really fear anxiety um all the sort of stuff that i was conveying to you back then to a sort of numbness um and and that's so much worse because when you start to feel like you know you you can't see an end to this right we don't know what's going to happen hopefully delta will decline like it has in other countries the uk israel but nobody's really sure that's going to happen plus we have the mu variant in in wait in the waiting room hopefully that won't take off but the bottom line is this exhaustion coupled with uncertainty about when this is going to end and when we're going to be able to get back to taking care of people for all the other things they really need so i think people are at a very dangerous level of almost disassociation um and emotional exhaustion because you got to get through the day the other thing that's making it very hard is and i think people probably aren't talking about this enough is that a lot of healthcare workers are really angry because this was preventable right mr um mr demonia did not need to die in the way he did and he had gotten vaccinated so um the negative feelings when you're trying to take care of patients um really is something that people are having to deal with converse about and talk about and really acknowledge believe it or not the massive shortage of fire hoses uh i think you all get it but the idea that we went into this fire season with a shortage of fire hoses that's all i heard from my guys back east and in the midwest no fire hoses no fire hoses the president's saying today that firefighters not just fighting the wildfires in the west but all over the country have been hobbled this year by a shortage of fire hoses of all things the pandemic wreaking havoc on the supply chain affects everything it affects like couches and computer chips and also the hoses that your local firefighters need to put out fires everywhere well today president biden announced that he was fixing the fire hose shortage he announced he has invoked the defense production act the the wartime law wartime era law that lets the federal government essentially take over private business functions to manufacture essential supplies that the country needs president biden first used the defense production act to boost the production of covet vaccines earlier this year today he announced that he has invoked the law for the second time in his presidency to manufacture 22 000 new fire hoses these hoses are manufactured by an american company based in oklahoma and then they get into the hands of firefighters all over the country i honestly i it's a fascinating story right the president using this tool from another era to basically magic up 22 000 new fire fire hoses to help fight this absolutely brutal wildfire season out west but in the biggest picture of all president biden keeps saying that what he feels like he needs to prove to the world right now is that u.s government can work is that democracy can work that our representational system of government can work in the federal authority the federal government has the authority it needs to solve problems large and small using the defense production act to get more fire hoses built this is government working in its own weird way do [Music] you
Channel: MSNBC
Views: 277,436
Rating: 4.7944775 out of 5
Keywords: MSNBC, MSNBC latest, Politics, News, Rachel Maddow, california recall, california, california recall election, larry elder, democrats, gavin newsom, recall, republicans, gavin newsom recall, newsom recall, governor, election, california governor recall, newsom, elections, joe biden, gop, msnbc, us news, news, Mark Finchem, trump, donald trump, trump 2020 election, 2020 election, election results, voter fraud, election fraud, Kornacki
Id: Smbshyzpuj4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 23sec (1223 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 14 2021
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