We Ate at the WORST Reviewed Buffet in Las Vegas 🀨

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[Music] what's up you guys so we are here back at the circus circus now the last time we were here we were staying here and we did a full review of this place and if you haven't seen that video you should definitely check it out now today we are here to eat and this place has definitely received some serious mixed reviews they really have and they just reopened so today we are dining at the buffet here at circus circus [Music] all right here we go oh okay oh my god well thank you very much mixed vegetables beef stew it's actually here looks like it's already had a good workout already and there's like the beef stew right there the mixed vegetables oh boy oh boy oh boy of course oh dave fried chicken hard boiled eggs hash brown spicy noodle rice and just first rice oh that's interesting there that looks like a chicken parmesan like a baked chicken that's a baked chicken oh chicken parmesan parmesan we got raviolis over here mixed vegetables looks like spring rolls and the different sauces for those spring rolls there oh boy boy people have already been working out on that look in the back oh my gosh oh now we got three all uh this looks like kind of breakfasty brunch station over here that's the maple syrup you got the uh waffles almost built over there of course going all right thank you oh of course then over here you got the pancakes yeah we got waffles i mean sorry pancakes you got french toast crepes styles here it looks like a sort of a peach cobbler almost yes peach cobbler that's a cheese blintz actually cheese blends from peach cobbler looks like a uh kind of tortillas and a latin station almost right oh those are jalapenos oh scrambled eggs corned beef hash looks like there's uh this is gravy for biscuits and gravy this is the gravy i like that country fried steak hungry fried steak wow bacon and but there you go dude there you go you got the uh corn beef hats i'm gonna be hard for those eggs oh you might be try those out and of course you got over there the uh scrambled eggs so you guys there's quite a few options here yeah they're making whatever they got there the omelette all right cook the order could i have a um let's see cheese finish and uh tomato omelette thank you [Music] all right i think it's pretty much time for us to dive into some of this eating don't you think i think it's time to eat and look look what you got over there i got a little uh omelets eggs your way here's the uh cook to order section that's what you can get so pretty basic yes right so there you go time to eat let's see nice we are ready to dive into our dishes here at the circus circus buffet yeah all right it's definitely one of the more basic buffets i've been to here in vegas for sure probably the most basic yeah for sure and there's uh eight stations of basic station goodness now we've kind of gotten assortment from all the different stations with the exception of dessert because we'll try dessert after this yeah there's a lot of interesting things on this platter are you ready to dive on you guys try to try some fries i think you should try that fried chicken first we'll take that see how this fried chicken is here we go it looks crunchy yeah it sounds like crunchy that looks great let's just give this a try all right let's do it not bad right oh what do you think that's not too bad the chicken is juicy in there the uh the crust is nice and crispy too and not overly salty actually pretty good piece of fried chicken not bad yeah i tend to go for the thighs because we like the thighs yeah i thought i said that more of a juice i mean i saw some breasts it was a little dry yeah i know you picked a nice piece nice job yum yum yum well not about i mean yeah 20 bucks exactly i mean it's not the cheapest buffet per person right but um it's not over the top either right it's kind of that mid-range a little bit well towards the lower end for sure to turn the price i'm gonna move this one on over all right i'm gonna move this one on in what do you think we give the uh the baked chicken a try sounds good right so choose your weapon right here you wanna go for that continuous thigh gonna go for a leg i'll grab a leg you wanna grab a leg okay let's grab a leg here we go you're going to try it in some of that uh no just by itself okay that's before that that's for the spring roll okay good the baking is nice and tender juicy yeah good flavor you can't complain on that kind of a simple baked chicken in there it's good yeah they didn't dry it out no it's not this one not this one either not dried out the skin is nice just the right amount of salt i finished that quite quickly now we are at the breakfast brunch that's right and the breakfast brunch it seems to be a little for friday breakfast brunch right now a little quiet in here right and it runs from i believe about seven to two o'clock uh each day right seven days a week and it goes for 19.99 per person correct yeah now there is dinner on weekends oh it's calling your name right they have that gap between uh breakfast brunch and dinner so you can't just kind of come to the uh brunch i'm gonna jump on the dinner we've got a two hour gap there good point a little tricky i'm like some of the ones like when the wind used to be you kind of had that little half an hour gap you can jump right in yeah you kind of go right before the transition a little spring roll here all right okay not bad just okay [Music] what do we got going on it's pretty basic right we got the uh scrambled eggs got some of the hash there some sausage yeah what's that babe oh chicken fried steak okay we got chicken fries yeah exactly and of course you got the jalapeno the lady remember in line she was like oh they're great and they're not hot so like every time i hear that she cleaned it wasn't hot so i don't believe her every time i hear that you'll see that sometimes that's not that bad i try and just like just we didn't have that sinister laugh i'm sorry should we get the eggs a shot sure let's do it all right let's do it it looks fluffy right a little fluffy yeah nothing nothing special there for sure it almost tastes um batchy like a right like a liquid egg yeah definitely not the uh not the best tasting scramble to put it that way yeah why don't we try this uh chicken fries chicken fried steak with a little gravy on top of it and i find the hatch a little salty too having a lot of that would uh eventually wear me out we'll kind of throw you guys yeah cheers here we go looks pretty good that is pretty good i like the gravy right kind of creamy not too salty nice creamy texture yeah crunch it's not too much from the skin um you barely taste the steak as much in there but through you know it's there yeah it's not the lightest skin kind of i feel like the skin kind of dominates it a little bit and the gravy too you're right you don't really taste the steak very much [Music] before we kind of get smoked here with the jalapeno try the sausage bite there we go cheers yeah not definitely mad that's uh hit or miss that's a mess a little bit dry a little bit tough as well one word for me time for the jalapeno oh my goodness gracious now they are quite attentive here coming to the table yeah which is great so far the service has been very good here yeah very polite all right here we go right about yikes i'm nervous don't worry it's not hot that's what you told us first bite not hot you haven't gotten to the seeds yet i'm not going to see this still not the seas not hot a little bit mine's a little warm one more oh god third bite i didn't get heat wow that was not bad at all i got a little bit of heat yeah very small amount yeah even with the seeds i'm like chewing on some seeds i'm like getting nervous it's like bun i actually would prefer a little bit more heat not that way yeah i know you you love that right flavor's pretty nice on it though what do you think i agree yeah flavor is really nice i really did enjoy that i'm a little nervous of jalapenos at times right especially as you get closer to the seeds but i could go for more than i think we've got about another six more and just have a jalapeno contest here eat jalapenos no that's crazy [Music] all right so next up was the made to order section for omelette so actually i had an all that put together for you babe want to keep it healthy didn't go for the sausage and bacon which i normally would but a spinach tomato for some cheese pretty simple looks looks pretty nice looks pretty fluffy we'll give it a try it does right they're very friendly back there very friendly back there and they seem happy to be back yeah they're happy to be back they're like it's been a long vacation yeah it's been a long vacation i love spinach and omelettes to begin with right and cheese let's do it cheers not good that's probably the highlight [Music] okay all right all right thank you baby i scrambled and ran for those desserts let me tell you because it is coming down to the wire and they were kind of picked they're little pink desserts right i mean but they i the only thing that i didn't get on this particular one was that there was a cherry pie that they had over there as well but they do have an apple they have a lemon meringue they had a brownie uh carrot cake and then a whole bunch of assortments of like yogurt and cottage cheese of course melons cantaloupes right so different things very basic i'm curious to know if this is like store-bought and kind of slice and put up there because it doesn't feel like the homemade is first now it could very well be should we try this apple pie now you're not a big fan of appleby that's okay let's try it out okay give it a shot cheers what is that well exactly what i it really feels like it came from a grocery store and sliced up and put on a plate and served here right it is a super sweet super sweet i don't really taste like fresh apples in there at all no right not at all kind of expected that you know initially so definitely not my jam and maybe may not be your jam as well not my jam it's definitely more like a fudge fudge around in there desserts here are just going to satisfy that sweet tooth don't expect anything right now just from what i'm seeing already yeah it'll be mind-blowing like custom desserts this goes much like it's just like exactly what we said come from a store and onto your table here but hey it satisfies the sweet tooth bless you after all that factory to table [Music] all right so overall i will say welcome back it's good to see the buffet here at circus circus reopen i know a lot of folks you know that enjoy coming to circus circles as well do enjoy coming to the buffet now again it did have a lot of negative reviews right on that for sure and i can understand some of it not a bad value buffet at all there's some hits or misses like an eddie buffet but i mean i thought the fried chicken that uh the roasted chicken i thought was very good yeah right and then of course i love kind of the specialty or now we're here also for breakfast and brunch so certainly the dinner options could be more robust but i thought for a breakfast brunch offering not so bad exactly i completely agree with that so a couple quick things we have an awesome facebook group called for the love of las vegas if you want to join an awesome group there's a link in the description box below and also we just did a video here of our stay at circus circus so if you have not seen that you should definitely check it out and take a second if you have not done so hit that subscribe button and that notification bell so you get a every time we post something new and exciting as always thanks for joining us world travelers and we look forward to seeing you all in las vegas we'll see you in the next [Music] video [Music]
Channel: Turn It Up World
Views: 69,364
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas, vegas, las vegas strip, circus circus buffet, circus circus las vegas, las vegas circus circus, circus circus, circus circus hotel & casino, circus circus las vegas review, las vegas buffet, las vegas buffets, buffet las vegas 2021, buffet las vegas, las vegas buffets 2021, las vegas buffet 2021, vegas buffet, buffets in vegas, buffets in las vegas, buffet, best buffets in las vegas, worst buffets in las vegas, las vegas 2021, turn it up world, las vegas vlog
Id: UTZeEepgqWU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 23sec (923 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 06 2021
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