5 Ways Las Vegas Prostitutes Scam You

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now guys there are no guarantees in life but if you wind up in this situation here in las vegas you're probably going to get robbed and possibly with a gun in your face las vegas aka sin city a place built on allowing people to explore all kinds of vices that were illegal in many other parts of the u.s whether it was being able to gamble getting alcohol during prohibition or finding a prostitute at block 16 in the early 1900s where fremont street is today a lot of this city's reputation comes from people being able to do things here that oftentimes were not legal in other parts of the country and one of those things we're going to be talking about today now this video is to help you not get ripped off or worse when you come here to las vegas you decide to engage in something like this i'm doing this video because i think a lot of people one are confused about the laws here in las vegas near nevada and two don't realize how much danger they could be putting themselves in if they were to get in some situation like this and in a city that many people think of as being very anything goes lots of things do go here in las vegas but like any big city there's going to be a potential element of danger if you get in a situation where you don't know what you're doing and you make yourself vulnerable let me clear up any confusion that you may possibly have when you come here to las vegas about the laws here in nevada many tourists understand that prostitution is legal in nevada what many tourists do not understand is that prostitution is not legal through all parts of nevada now here in the state of nevada we have 16 counties in 10 of those counties there is legalized prostitution however within those counties the prostitution is regulated and it can only legally take place inside of a brothel nevada law says that any county that has a population of more than 700 000 people cannot have legalized prostitution clark county where las vegas is where the strip is right here has over two million people which means it is not legal here in clark county however escorting which is simply charging someone for their company is perfectly legal is 100 legal here in clark county regardless of how much or how little clothing the person is wearing now in case any of you are wondering what happens if you are arrested here in las vegas for engaging in prostitution let me tell you if you are arrested as a first-time offender for engaging in prostitution here in las vegas you're going to be facing a misdemeanor charge which could be up to six months in jail or simply a thousand dollar fine in addition to that you will pay 400 fine plus a 200 civil penalty however a first-time offense can often get dismissed and be removed from your record if you pay a fine do community service or go to an aids awareness class often called john school okay okay now let's talk about how you can get scammed or ripped off engaging in prostitution whether you're just out and about by yourself walking the strip whether you are out in a public place with a prostitute or if you're actually back at the hotel room now the first way can happen to anyone even if you're not out here trying to solicit this is pretty much uh everyday thievery that takes place here in las vegas and you know cities across the world this is where you might be walking on the strip by yourself with a group you talk to a group of prostitutes they come engage in conversation there will usually be a group of them two three or more they'll talk with you they'll chat with you oftentimes show you some affection as well to try to grab your attention while one of them takes your phone takes your wallet or something like that particularly out of your back pocket and then hands it off to another one who's walking around behind them they hand off to someone else so if you do notice it they both show their hands they say hey i don't have it i don't know what you're talking about but by that time they've already handed off to someone else and they're often walking away with your property the second way you get ripped off is if you are out in public together at a bar a restaurant a club or something like that and they decide to uh drug your drink i've actually seen the aftermath of this specific scenario this happened years ago at a club i was working at where one male customer came in with three women that he had just met just met them on the strip one guy by himself with three women he adjusted on the strip came into the strip club where i was working at the four of them sat down at one table and surprisingly one of the strippers actually joined them now i say surprisingly because generally strippers hate when you bring women that you just met out on the strip to the club because at the club the women who work there are already competing with each other to try to make money so when you bring in outside competition you make their job even harder than it already is because the women you just brought with you that you just met on the strip they're going to be trying to get money out of you so they're going to be trying to get money out of you the women who work there at the club are gonna have a harder time getting money out of you because the women you brought are going to be very defensive long story short after they are there at the club for some time i am over by the front door in the entryway area and one of the senior hosts i see has to carry this guy to the front door a guy is almost dead weight i mean he looked worse than if he were just drunk so the host had to carry the guy because come to find out that the three women he came with not only drugged him in their drink they also drugged the stripper that was at their table as well now i don't know if they actually did rob the guy the upper management took the case from there they handled the whole thing but the only reason they're going to drug you like that is to simply rob you that situation already ended badly for that guy but fortunately he was in a place where there were employees and there were staff to actually look out for him if that happens to you and there's no one around to look out for you you put yourself in far more danger the final three points we're going to talk about all involve you actually making it back to the room now we're going to go over the best case scenario we're going to go over a worst case scenario and we're going to go over the worst case scenario and all of these assume that you're staying at one of the major properties here on the strip in this third scenario you've already talked to her you've already agreed to a certain amount and you've agreed to go ahead and go back to your room now maybe you're gonna get what you bargained for but if you are going to get robbed your best case scenario if you're going to get robbed in this is that she tries to create some way to just take your wallet and run out of the room whether it's actually drugging you like in the example earlier or whether that's you go to the bathroom real quickly and she grabs your wallet and runs out of the room anything along those lines where she tries to create a distraction is her trying to create an opportunity to just take your stuff and run say she runs out of there and you actually notice it right away and she runs out down the hallway and you go run and you catch her you're still probably screwed because that's going to create a big scene in the casino that's going to create a big scene in the hotel room areas she's probably going to be screaming making a scene other guests may come out of their rooms or just call security when they show up they're going to want to know what happened for their own incident report and because they're going to want to know what happened they're going to file a report on it they could possibly end up getting the police involved these major casinos here in las vegas often times have police on property 24 7 they have police on property so if they need someone they can have them come and handle a situation like this that's why i say this is probably the best case scenario that all you lost were your credit cards you lost your cash you lost your id you lost your wallet but all of those things can be replaced the fourth situation we're going to be talking about right now is definitely the worst case scenario to be in this is where again you make it back to your hotel room but she texts somebody the room number you're in so this could be her pimp this could be several guys and they wind up coming up to your room and you are not ready for it in a scenario like this understand that she may even make this a condition in order for the deal to go down and happen she might say well hey i won't go back to your room unless you tell me what room number you're in so that i can let my friends my girlfriend or whoever know that i am safe now just think about this when you get to the room if she doesn't say that but you go to the room anyway she's obviously going to be looking for the room number so that she can text that out to other people so she can text it out to someone and let them know now what you have to look out for is she says something like i need to text my friend i need to text somebody let them know i'm okay let them know where i'm at she might do that right in front of you she might go to the bathroom say hey i need a moment to get prepared and then send the text out then and if she does the countdown has already started and you don't even know it at this point you're in a pretty vulnerable spot because you are totally unprepared you are outnumbered and you may have weapons pulled on you just to incentivize you to hand over your stuff even quicker if there's one thing that is going to be your saving grace in a situation like this it is that you are in one of these bigger properties here on the strip because the sheer size of it alone gives you a little bit of help a little bit of an advantage to being able to notice if something like this is coming these properties will oftentimes now be checking for room keys at the elevator so if they don't have a room key oftentimes they cannot get by the security to go ahead and get in the elevator if they can get in the elevator and they're in there with you hopefully you would notice that something seems a little out of place also if you go up to the room so you are going down the hallway they came up in a separate elevator and they happen to get up there you know just behind you you're going down a really long hallway and some of these big properties here and there's not a whole lot of place for people to hide if they are following you they could try to sneak off like you know in front of someone else's door if you turn around but the chance to be able to actually do that notice it and time it are going to be difficult so that long narrow hallway you're walking down can actually help you if you hear something you look behind you you see to give you a little bit of a clue that something bad might be about to happen the fifth and final scenario i want to talk about is the worst the absolute worst case scenario and the whole reason i'm walking down this end of the strip is to show you the exact type of place you don't want to end up at because it's the same situation the two scenarios before but this time you made the horrible decision to not go back to your room but to go to a room that she said you guys should go back to to go to a place that she controls now guys there are no guarantees in life but if you wind up in this situation here in las vegas you're probably gonna get robbed and possibly with a gun in your face now if you guys remember the video i did last year about the five sketchiest hotels motels places like that to stay here on the strip very popular video here on the channel several of them were down here at the south end of the strip now there are places that are going to be sketchy shady give you kind of a bad vibe on the strip off the strip downtown all over the area big cities all across the world that's nothing new but these are the kinds of places you exactly don't want to end up going to in this scenario the biggest reason i say that is because you look at the logistics of a small motel like this versus one of the major casinos hotels and casinos over on the strip a lot of things that can protect you over on the strip and those big properties do not exist when you're at some small motel like this oftentimes these motels are one story maybe two stories so there's no elevator so there's no barrier to have you know room keys checked there's no oftentimes no security there's no long hallways uh there's no police on property there might be no cameras over at a spot like this so when you come to a place like this it's way easier to set someone up to get robbed because they could be right here on the first floor somebody could be waiting around the corner for you or you go into the room and you have absolutely no idea who is inside there waiting for you look when you guys come here on vacation you're going to make your own decisions you can do what you want to have fun and live your life the way you want while you're here now any large tourist area is going to have its fair share of scams that people try to run on tourists sometimes those scams just get money out of you sometimes they do involve a certain element of danger but when you're here on vacation enjoy yourself have fun but this video was just help you be able to be aware of some of these scams some of the danger you could be putting yourself in because you either don't know the law or you think that something that here that is you think is legal is actually not legal and you want to put yourself in a lot of danger without knowing it so come on vacation enjoy yourself stay safe with all that being said go ahead and like this video hit the subscribe button if you haven't done so yet i hope you got some value out of it maybe learn something new that's gonna be for this one i am jacob and this is my life in vegas you
Channel: JacobslifeinVegas
Views: 5,366,798
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: las vegas scams, las vegas scams to avoid, las vegas dos and donts, las vegas first time tips, las vegas first time visitor, las vegas first time guide, 15 best tips for las vegas first timers, what not to do in las vegas, things you shouldn't do in las vegas, don't do these things in las vegas
Id: xFsMMIieXH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 48sec (768 seconds)
Published: Thu May 12 2022
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