Watch me unload 86 cows at a massive feedlot

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I'll talk to guys it's the milkman we are going to be heading over tools Alena Kansas not sure what I'm gonna do there he just say head over there let him know when I get over there I am going to film my way over there Oh five-hour drive so it's not too bad be all the daylight which I'm always happy about sometimes nights nighttime driving is nice but tends to be easier to get tired so you can see here you know we got all the logbooks caught up we got GPS ready to go over there we got a video getting uploaded all right let's go away all right we are on the road we got our coffee oh we stopped at Subway and we got some subway well it's all the logs here sauce nice get rid tea and some water so we are gonna hit the road here we are in a hook girls go home right now on our way to Salina Kansas come on well bit chilly out this morning but hey I'll tell you what it's a heck of a lot nicer than 10 degrees or below zero whatever it is back at the house I'll tell ya I think love's is one of the nicest truck stops out here on the big road back towards the house I really like the quick trips basically any place that keeps her truck stop clean and they got nice parking and seem like it's real like you're gonna get your stuff stolen you're I'm Sam so we got a scale up here where liberal can it goes liberal Kansas there's a liberal at the home I'm not arms that sure to be honest with ya 20 miles up so it doesn't look like it's usually open well it will look here in a minute and see where we're gonna get up to speed well says it was closed 32 minutes ago it is everything he's got its beauty and all you even know Oklahoma where I'm at out here there's not very many hils they're anything but even the wide-open space beautiful they look yeah you know I can't imagine what it's like to farm something like this though just like back and forth and flat wide open fields you guys comment below if you know a better way I'm not sure how to really upload videos out here so I just hooked my phone up to the hotspot on my computer and uploaded though it takes a little bit longer it's a hot spot I don't know by how fun doesn't seem very fast I have internet directly out of my computer like itself like cellular data I put my cloud on there it ended up downloading my entire iCloud library which was like ten thousand plus photos and videos it stopped it literally used up all of my data my computer that's why I got the hot spot looked up otherwise that can usually upload videos that way it still takes while nothing compared to Wi-Fi you know you do a good wife I'm never really sitting at a truck stop long enough you know like a loves to use the Wi-Fi there in the upload video what they got to understand why people speed through work zones at the end of the day everybody wants to get home to their family right at least I do I've never actually seen a cotton field until I started hauling livestock they get now in these areas then you see those big Cod bales but it all looks pretty crazy just you know I grew up hay bales and that's all I saw hay bales then you see the big pot bales those things are paying looks like we're getting a new rolled in here that would be nice it's always nice what it's done but when you gotta go to the construction until it's on baby pad out here there's no traffic but I see into these bigger cities and just slows you down quite a bit but it is what it is got a goal with the flow yo I always flip the jigs off going through town even if it doesn't say like no Jake breaking because you know what you just never know you get that one person that just like oh it's too loud and they'll give you a ticket I don't need something I think is interesting is just as you're out here driving and you see it so much of the country and you see where people live crazy to think there's somebody that pretty much lives everywhere and you wonder where is that like where they grew up or is that why they decided to move there [Music] [Applause] we got our scale coming up here and about all 16 miles I guess oh she's open it's like to just rolling them across to get their way it so it's good doesn't look like there's any chasers you know what that means got the green light that is what we like I'm just saying I stopped because I kind of didn't want to push my luck anymore I'm empty so you know a good scale around rule get the go-ahead all thank you [Music] all right well I was run through the scale there no chaser let's go we got no skills all the way to Selena so we're gonna get the hammer to work come out alright you guys so today I'm going to show you how to put the racking out for the pig we ended up going from we end up going from Guymon Oklahoma all the way back to win to Minnesota puts deadhead miles on but so when you haul pigs or you haul small enough cattle you can take this rocky here and put it down here and it makes two levels so you can fit more on the trailer so we'll take it down and then we'll put it across so you just got to get to the front piece you throw your front piece right on down there the knees are stacked too thick [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] always wanted to get this side over there and it outside is you want to pick it up and then you want to put this side in so you can see this there's a notch right here that goes in there so I'll show you want to pick this up like this the door you want to get your notch in there then just set it down in there and you're good to go all right we're gonna put our shaving zone and then we're gonna get loaded we're gonna do nine and nine and then we're gonna do 13 then I'm gonna put 8 in the jail now just do the top of the nose first because that way I can just leave the bottom open because you always fold the bottom first [Music] we got it all loaded up here and we're gonna be on our way to Kodak no I'm gonna stop and grab some coffee and smilk there was one Pig unfortunately I was just like it would not go on at all like that is the one thing about pigs it's disappointing because it's like they don't follow the other pigs you know like cows do if you can get one cow to go then they all go because they all just follow each other on the trailer but pigs the whole pack of them will be going on the trailer right just straight on and then you'll have one pig that decides it's not gonna go so it'll turn our own just on a nowhere and start going the other way now usually just one will do it if you're fast enough you can stop the other ones that they won't turn around but then the problem is they don't they're not followers at least from my experience they're not followers but if you only have one pig left it won't go on you know what I mean like it has nothing to follow around to the shoe it's disappointingly difficult sometimes so I ran over and asked one of the guys to help me out there it was early enough 7:30 in the morning or late enough I should say there were a couple guys couple workers there and he just switched me out a pig out of a different pen so I could get it rolling so hopefully for the next person that the pen he switched it on him it's gonna go down to Kodak as well so sometimes you just got a glut the pig calm down and break its habit of not going on and then eventually it will go on but uh anyways he just switched one out for me and I took one out of the other pen and the one out of the other pinch right on just walked right on the trailer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are out in Nebraska right now got a load of cattle on here we're gonna be unloading at this big feedlot I'm not sure where this thing is pointed right now I tried to get my thing so I could see where it is pointed but uh pull up over here and get turned around and back up to one up on my school's it's crazy how big these feedlots are like ten ten thousand cows you know more than that the one I delivered to at thirty nine thousand cattle at the at the feedlot [Music] all right we'll give them a call a little know we're here hey this is Alec I got that load of cattle for you I think I'm backed into the right spot back over here okay okay I appreciate it yeah there's two of them I'm parked in the right-hand one there okay all right sounds good that's what I'll do thank you [Music] but I put my coat on just so I can keep the crap off my shirt [Music] all right let's check it out what we got here so as you can see they'll run out the chute and here except put them on a slab sold one of these slabs I'm assuming over here put them right in here there then this so they must take them either run them out over there run them back out down here all right so that closes that off I need to get in here so we can open our door up nice thing is once one figures out that they could come off they all usually do come on come on let's go hey just like that we got the back unloaded [Music] now we'll unload the belly we always unload the belly the bottom of the trailer first well as you can see this slide put my coat on because soon as a splash in here it gets everywhere all over this up first now these were fake if these were big cattle you would not you would not be standing you don't send the trailer with Big Joe because they will I mean these are the size where they're kind of really actually steered you and they don't ever come by you but the big cattle they aren't afraid to charge you and trample you over self don't ever do that open the gate and walk or you know [Music] let's see how it's going out here oh yeah lots of room in that thing we'll grab the rest of them and throw them all in there I actually hauled this look from hold it from Virginia and now I'm over here in Dickens Nebraska this is about uh I stopped in Iowa and they rested there and ate and stuff so total it's gonna be about 17 on our miles you'd stand up here and they'll go read out these look they're coming back to say hi again they'll start coming i'll get curious and want to follow see what's going on oh yeah there they are see hopefully they run around now back in the trailer here see how nice that is download cattle man it's night and day from pigs I do not like loading pigs or unloading pay make sure that's telling so it doesn't swing back open and they all fly out you know I'm saying so now we got the front cut in the belly top and bottom nose of it like still loaded but I'm gonna do the nose first so these don't all run all the way out there they'll just come out come on and just go right around what's up girl boy do you know what these are actually probably it's funny you get one that'll jump like that and then the ball get a motto there at least let's see there's actually I might open up another slab because it's getting to be quite a bit no check it out oh yeah there's lots of room I don't know why I didn't think there'd be enough like I said these were big cattle you would not stand up there like we're up here or even with them you know [Music] melodies oh these are about I think you said five or six weights so it's about the maximum you don't want to go any more than that and have you rocky in because then they're rubbing their back so as you can tell these ones weren't rubbing their back they will hit it out this one a little bit because the thing is messed up when they were when they were underneath their their bags working weren't even touching so and the thing with this stuff these guys is you don't mess her out with that kind of stuff because that's against the law to help them rubbing their backs and stuff because they're too tall I mean that's animal this you know plenty of room for the animals to move around and feel free and never want to go too long with all right just like that you always want to put your ramps and stuff up always throw that back down guy pull the trailer for here you just said if you leave them down are you driver on with it like that it'll actually wear a hole in the floor after a while also so just put everything back the way it was I'm gonna head back to Adrian Minnesota to grab a load of cattle what's going on you guys here to finish up this video always get to the last part of the video and then never make an outro on so I just want to say thank you guys so much for video I really appreciate it like it means a lot to me ah channel is been growing a la I think where I just checked today we're up to 73 subscribers that's like huge cuz I think the last time I said what wherever I wanted to get to like 10 so it's really cool to be seeing this channel girl and I appreciate everybody that is subscribing and that I meant Inc below it does give me a lot more motivation to be making videos I'm trying to make videos but I do really get caught up and you know I just don't hit the record button so I got a video here coming up again I know I need to get more of a camera hoeing videos on here it seems like I'm always hauling pigs in the videos but I do all a lot of cattle actually I'm not hard to present sure you guys what's gonna be going on with all of this spend a little bit wild here over the first month of me doing this lots of deadhead miles I still made some money not as much as I wanted to be making I guess that's kind of the big thing I can show you guys how much I made it's not a big deal I'm gonna try to keep bumping up videos of the cattle hauling here right now because it is what we're doing and where we're at appreciate you guys watch it again make sure you hit that subscribe button hit the like button everybody always says hit the bell so hit the bell so you can be notified when I do put out a new video it is kind of sparse right now so that way you will be notified when you know I do decide to put one out so I can't appreciate guy and what we see in the next video
Channel: The Milk Man
Views: 115,691
Rating: 4.880682 out of 5
Id: 52WgHuHxaA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 49sec (1669 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 10 2020
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