Embarrassing backup skills | should not have followed GPS!

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morning you guys we are about ready to take off here gotta go over to wisconsin rapids pick up a load go over to bartlett illinois and then over to lake mills wisconsin grab some coffee and some water and a sandwich for breakfast and now we're gonna hit the road hey guys while we made it here to i think it's cottage grove wisconsin stopped into here at the road ranger using the mudflap app again show you guys how much i saved down there i just like to show you guys because i mean it's 100 free to use and you get extreme discounts on fuel compared to paying without like uh if you got like a fuel card or whatever sometimes they'll save you money but i think it's like 320 here at the road ranger and i'm getting it for oh yeah right there you can kind of see 328 and i'm getting it for 288 little i think one cent less because i'm using bank account or whatever two cents less because i'm using a bank account i think anyways free to use you guys i'll put the link in the description so you can go sign up there use my code uh i get ten dollars you get ten dollars so it's a win-win for everybody you know it's just a cool situation i like to tell everybody about it but we're making our way over to bartlett illinois right now it's been a pretty good trip off and on raining today it seems like uh pretty hard so we need it it's been pretty dry over here in wisconsin and minnesota all right guys well we ran across the road here to the brody's travel plaza because i really wanted to grab the subway at the road ranger but they were closed for some reason which is weird because it's like noon and there was nobody in there but stopped in here grabbed some food grabbed another coffee and we're back on our way here over to bartlett illinois [Music] we're going to come through this wrong bone [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] well we're gonna hop on 39 here and make our way sitting here getting outlawed you guys can see how just packed in there took me a few tries i might even cut out a couple of the pull-ups just because it gets to be uh bananas [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] so but anyways just wanted to say a big shout out to ray and andre pretty crazy i saw both of them here actually in bartlett uh backed in and ray was parked right next to me and then talked to him for a minute and then not much longer after that andre pulled up and he recognized me from the road out there so it was pretty cool i was like hey what the heck everybody comes here i guess i took a wrong turn i didn't take a wrong turn but my gps just took me a different way this time it was still all like truck legal and stuff but it was just a lot tighter [Music] [Music] we're going through whatever town that was that i went through so now that i'm here i know exactly where i am so i'm gonna go back out the same way i usually come to this place so i don't get stuck in any tight spots or whatever it's um i don't know if they're considered highways or oh county i think is what they are county road 25 or whatever right off uh uh 90 coming through here yeah so anyways we're gonna get out of here the right way this time so i just wanted to say also you guys i ordered a new radio like back in may and they have been on back order since i ordered it so [Music] i don't know when my new radio is going to come minnell very very nicely gave me this uh cobra i think it's a cobra new cb uh mike whatever the heck you want to call it and i think it actually solved my problem because i talked to a couple drivers over the radio and now and they seem to be able to hear me so it's working but my new radio will have a lot more power and it'll be cool i can turn the lights purple and stuff and it'll be really awesome if it ever gets here so yeah i just want to let you guys know that so i actually get this question quite a bit too i'm coming up on a toll right now and i have my ipads mounted up there behind my visor and you guys want to know if it works or not and yes it does work i still get charged every time i come through i just liked it up there better than having it down there great i don't know i like things above my visor more than i like them down by the dash
Channel: The Milk Man
Views: 16,254
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 11 2021
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