No sleep, Tight docks, Driving in the wrong direction

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what is going on you guys it is the milkman here back with another video we are currently getting ready right now it is sunday we're gonna be heading to illinois maddie's got the day off tomorrow so she's going to be coming with i have a 5 30 a.m appointment in lansing uh we'd already picked up the load on friday all we got to do is head over there and i think it's like a six things like almost seven hours over there so where they're gonna get we're gonna knock a big chunk of it off tonight and then uh wake up in the morning or later in the morning and finish the drive so we're about headed out here as you can see i'm going to bring the editing laptop because i got to start putting out more videos for you guys so we're going to bring that along and edit videos in the truck and you'll have one tomorrow night so we're going to start putting them out what monday and wednesday you said yeah monday wednesday and then every friday we'll do a live video for you guys and that way you can ask me questions and uh we could just chat then so we're going to keep getting ready here finish getting ready and then we're going to get out of the way we got to go to the truck down the road there and do our pre-trip on that and i can do a startup for you guys hopefully what i want to do is have maddie cause she's going to drive a little bit uh and then we're going to meet and then i'm gonna pick her up and then we'll head out so hopefully she can get some driving footage from in her car so we'll see you guys here shortly alright you guys well we made it to the truck here and uh i'm gonna get a quick video you guys are for you guys in the cold start of the truck it's only been sitting for a couple days but better than nothing i guess right now gotta get the gps all ready to go i gotta get my tablet mounted up but uh yeah so i'll get the cold start here for you right now [Applause] [Music] so [Music] all right guys so we just stopped here in baldwin wisconsin uh we got a little bit of fuel and it's a 40 gallons because uh that's gonna make it to where i can get some cheaper fuel so it's like uh 232 a gallon here i don't know if that even showed up but it's 232 a gallon here and i'm actually gonna make it over to deforest wisconsin where i can get it for a dollar 97 is what i saw in there earlier today when i drove by there on the way back home from maddie's parents place so reefer feels looking good still got half the tank on there uh stayed at 26 degrees while we were gone this weekend so that's good got our nice lights mixed emotions so truck is looking good guys yeah always looking fresh all right so there's no there's like six islands here and there's nobody here so i'm not really worried about pulling a head right now i will run in pay quick and maddie wants some popcorn for later so i'm going to grab some of that so we'll see you guys here on my way out get some of that colombian coffee though quick chip columbia coffee put a little bit of coconut in there some half nap perfect all right guys well we stopped in quick trip there got some coffee got her popcorn got a couple of quick things uh i think it must be the quick trip brand of uh like gatorade type stuff about zero calories so that's a plus got some nice trucks in there always looks sweet in the night time with the light on there kind of like the lights all the way across the top of the truck got the big old beast ready to rip so the nice thing about quick trip if you get 50 gallons or more fuel you all get a free coffee or whatever there's like a bunch of different things you can choose from but uh i didn't get 50 gallons i only got 40 so not a big deal here yeah looking good you know so we're going to hit the road here we're going to make it deforest and then i'm going to get fueled up i try to make it to a lansing as early as possible so we're not late we don't like being late and it's also just less stressful when you're there early early so we'll see you guys here on the road and so all right you guys while we made it here to the forest wisconsin we're gonna fill the tank up now uh usually if i fill up here i can make it into illinois and then back out to uh wisconsin to a quick trip to fuel up again so as you can see that's why i wanted to make it here it's 1.97 for diesel it's always a good spot here even when uh trade trips are a little more expensive deforest the ones that i find are the cheapest are toma boston because i want it smarter that's kind of off the way and then this one here at deforest is always really good on fuel prices so i know with the fuel card that we use we also get a pretty good discount on uh what we get for the per gallon or whatever i don't remember how much it is but do a quick walk around to the trailer here and make sure everything's still looking good all our lights are still working all our mud flaps are still on a lot of you guys i was just messing around about that mud flap getting stolen it's totally just a joke that trailer that i had had i would try and uh back up to slide the tandems or the axles whatever and the brakes wouldn't hold so the air drops out of the trailer when you release the brakes and uh the back end drops down so the mud flap would drag on the ground a little bit and when it didn't hold the brakes the trailer rolled back and it went under the tire and it ripped it off so i was just kidding about it being stolen but it's like we're gonna put probably about 60 gallons now getting up there everything's been going pretty school they took a little nap there in uh black river falls that's another good quick trip to get fuel at usually right across i can't remember what that is across the way i think it's like a ta or something i'm gonna run in and grab some coffee we're gonna put 70 gallons in here [Applause] i am pretty tired though a couple hours of sleep has died never enough but that's what happens when you go have a good weekend you know you end up staying away too long don't come back home early enough to uh get some sleep this is what it is and we just keep on trucking so i'm not sure what i'm gonna have yet for a back home anyways i'm gonna go in and i'm gonna pay for this and grab another coffee and we'll see you guys here shortly all right guys well we made it here to lansing you can see he's pulling out there might have to back up a little bit [Music] cleared it so that's good i'm gonna go in i got my paperwork here i'm gonna go ahead and check in and hopefully get a door right away usually they're pretty quick here and get unloaded and then i'm gonna go over to mccook so uh we'll see you guys when i'm backing in hey guys so as i'm waiting here there uh for her to come out and break the seal uh just looking at this here whatever this crossbar is it's loose so i got my tool box out it's 15 16 and i got my crescent wrench which thanks to you guys i know what it's called well i knew what it was called but i always i just forgot so we're gonna get this tightened up here and then uh hopefully she'll be out soon to break still i get back into a door at the first stop pulling out came out gave us some paperwork and uh basically i was probably napping there like we'll see [Music] just take a little nap before we go to the next place but cook illinois is where we're going it's about 35 40 minutes away but it's eight o'clock so the traffic right now is really bad so i'm gonna hop out here and shut these doors parking this shade up here and i take a little map of that baby head over there so we'll see you guys here shortly so i want to kind of show you guys a couple things i found while i was tightening up that bulb i couldn't get it tight but it's going to be hard to see i know there's a little valve thing up under there right there that it popped out and had the cab had the airbags all the way extended out so that was pretty interesting to find that uh undone so it must be the bumps popped it out so i'm gonna have to get some something to hold that in so it doesn't pop back out and then extend the cab all the way back up uh and then underneath the um airbag system on the back of the truck for the suspension the bolt in there for the leveling valve which is what's on the cab which is what popped up the leveling valve in the back for the airbags uh the bolt got loose and now it's all messed up there too so that's gonna have to get replaced so just the little things add up or you miss them or whatever then they get to the point where you see them and that's too late so anyways always make sure you kind of look over your entire truck and uh see what you got going on and yeah so i'm gonna get this door shut here throw my gloves on quick helps uh to get out of the truck and wake up a little bit as you can see we still got most the trailer here full of the next stop so usually usually we uh only have like two pallets for the next stop but not this time so we got shot now and i'm gonna go take a little nap for a minute and then head over there just wait for travis to die now but look at this you guys look at how gross this is it's like somebody's looking crap right there but it's just like no respect for cleanliness people just throw their junk out here won't make any sense so anyways we'll see you guys when we get on the road all right guys well we got all checked in here in macoque illinois just waiting for a call on the door so me and maddie decided they got a nice little yard out here so we are just chilling having a little picnic here we got some subway earlier and uh i finished my sub and now i'm gonna edit video and maddie is going to post on her snapchat a picture of me with a beer and without a beard so she wants to see what everybody should think what everybody thinks if i should get a beard again or if i should not get a beard again i'm going to get a beard again either way so so you guys let me know in the comments what you think watch some of my previous videos there's a couple times a few videos where it definitely was not taken care of but look at the one where it was a couple cattle hauling videos i think it was so check it out let me know what you guys think maybe i'll even post a picture in the community chat um and you guys can look at the two different ones and let me know what you guys think if i should get a beard or if i shouldn't get a beard so let me know in the comments below i'm gonna start editing some video here and then uh yeah just wait for a call to get a door and then we're gonna head over to lake mills wisconsin and get a load going back to minnesota tonight so we will see you guys in a little bit all right guys we got a door here door 22 we're going to try to run into this klm guy i think he'll lose with this bumper i got so comment below what you think shout out to my subscriber that is drives for klm i would never do that to you just to that guy hopefully that wasn't you [Applause] but we're gonna get back to the door 22 here um my appointment what i like about this place my appointment here wasn't until uh 4 p.m but they always get me in early here so it's only 12 30 right now so i didn't get much video edited we pretty much sat down and then uh they called which you can't really complain about not looking good guys we're kind of close on this one [Music] look how close we are to that guy over there skills gotta make him nervous [Applause] there we go now we're talking all right guys we'll see when we get this unloaded yeah just got checked out here in mccook illinois it's 2 30. so it is nice being done about an hour and a half before our appointment was uh even like supposed to be here so we're gonna head over to lake mills now i just checked the trailer to make sure it's not too dirty uh so they don't give us crap about loading and uh saying it's too dirty or there's turkey in there so it is good to go we don't gotta worry about going to get a washout i think we're gonna stop that quick trip or something and uh lake mills there and grab something uh i don't even know i'm really hungry but grab some chapstick and some drinks because we are cooking out in this truck it's about way too hot outside and uh yeah so that's kind of where we're at right now uh we'll check in with you guys here in a little bit all right guys we're going to be coming up on a tunnel here i figured we'd get some uh tunnel jigs for y'all hopefully it turns out pretty decent all right guys well we got a door here i'm in lake mills uh log still won't be ready until about probably midnight tonight well midnight so i'm gonna get back into the door they at least gave me a door to drop it in so i'll get some footage back in there and then uh we're probably just gonna go park i'm pretty tired so i'll probably go to sleep and then they just give me a call when i get loaded up so we got the moped gang right there they're on the loose guys all right so we'll get to put it back in here and then uh we're just going to check out for a while and we'll see after i get loaded up [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] what is going on you guys looks like we have a very limited battery i kind of want to save some of it so i can hopefully get something back in here this spot is uh really tight this uh dock here is real tight to get into you got that wall right there and then you don't have much room to get the trailer around so it's pretty tight back in thank you guys might enjoy it always takes me a few tries to get it as you can see it's taken him a few tries so i will try and save the battery here and we'll get some back again footage so we'll see you guys here in a minute [Music] uh [Music] so all right guys so hopefully we got some uh footage of the backing in there i don't know how well that turned out but i'm just gonna run in here usually they come out but i'm gonna round to the door here bring the bell and uh give them the paperwork so we can get unloaded i got one more stop after this so i'll see you guys here shortly so usually i only got about two or three pallets for them but this time i've got pretty much most the trailers for them so it's going to take a few minutes to get that unloaded i'm going to edit a video and send it on my paperwork and stuff so that'll be nice to have a few minutes to do that and then we're going to head over to blaine minnesota the stream works i've got one pallet for them and then it's over to wilmer minnesota to pick up a load of genio going back to um lansing illinois so we have pick in wilmer minnesota and then another one in faribault again so we will uh see you guys here shortly i'm gonna get editing some video and uh yeah guys well we just got uploaded here and i'm gonna go shut my doors i'm gonna go shut my door and i'm not sure uh how this next place is as far as seals so i'm gonna throw the seal on there as well it's not very far away it's all important i'm in uh burnsville minnesota right now so it's about 30 minutes away and as you can see reefer they had to throw some more fuel in that thing here after i get uh unloaded my next appointment in wilmer is at 12 12 30 i think so make sure they put that back so uh i think it's about an hour and 45 over there to uh wilmer so that won't be too bad but we're gonna have to definitely keep moving today all right we just threw the seal on there and now uh we're gonna head out looks like somebody come in the wrong way here so how's it going are you going into the market yeah oh okay i think um all right so i've done that before too it's uh one of them driveways that's the uh google maps always brings you in this driveway when you need to go into uh you actually need to go down the road and take a left and the driveway is over there so we're gonna get him backed out here once he gets closer i'll make sure no more uh cars come off by [Music] yep we're good those back into there and then take his right hand turn so always good to help other drivers out when they need it you know everybody not everybody knows what the situation is all the time like i said i've done that before too so look at this thing here dang looking good looking good all right guys well we're getting our way to play in here and uh we'll check back in on the way all right you guys we got loaded up here and uh wilmer minnesota we've got one more stop in faribault it's not until eight o'clock tonight the guy's pulling in right there you can maybe see in the kw he just got loaded up before me and went and weighed up and uh he was overweight so he's backing her back in and they were gonna unload a couple pallets off him or whatever but uh yeah they got in here i got in here got it loaded up pretty quick which i'm happy about which actually reminds me i need to check out on my tracking app here so i got a tracking app that you uh hit the arrived and you hit the departed and that way they don't as far as uh detention time and whatnot um that you were there on time and if you were uh over the two hour limit of getting loaded so that's pretty nice as far as being able to keep track of that so i'm gonna go over there's a quick trip here not too far away and get weighed up make sure my weights are good uh which is a lie i'm actually going to wait until i get loaded in fair well i don't know why i get low grade or weight right now because i'm not even fully loaded yet i just not thinking so anyways that's right man i'm actually going to go home and chill out it's only an hour drive from the house to faribault so i've got a few hours edit the video get it uploaded for you guys uh schedule it out here and uh yeah so well i gotta check out here at the guard shack and we'll see you guys here on the road well i was talking with this cascadia guy here sharp looking truck i like all that the black wheels that great truck that's shark they're out of bear in wisconsin and uh he just does shuttles for daniel so they did like five loads last night and he's working his way right back up there again today so i guess he just stays kind of around here in the cities but anyways we're on our way out here we're gonna make our way home and uh we'll see you guys in a little bit well i managed to do this every once in a while you know by myself on a road that uh he's gonna give me back the girl that i should have been on it's my turn i wasn't paying attention to my gps so this is gonna bring us right up to 15. now we only got about five more miles to go but got a nice little back road good scenery out along with here here i know the back roads are definitely a lot more enjoyable than the uh big interstates those are pretty boring pretty i don't show too much driving footage anymore unless it's me talking so i figured maybe we uh get a little bit in this one so got about an hour and a half walk until we're in the house guys going by pretty fast let me know what you guys think of the jake brakes i got them rebuilt there when i have the truck in the shop so all right guys we're gonna just show you a little bit a little bit of the background we're gonna keep hammering down here and uh we'll see you guys in a little bit all right you guys well made it home here i'm gonna head back to the house me and maddie are gonna go for a run uh have some dinner uh probably edit some video and then take a nap maybe and then uh we're gonna head to faribault to get the rest of our loan so that's what i'll be doing so we will see you guys shortly are you guys me and maddie are out for our run we're doing our warm-up walk right now she says from this driveway up to the trail we're gonna run she chooses when we were on so you ready for this she's ready she doesn't want me to take video right now so [Applause] feeling good this is what a fat trucker needs right here [Applause] minus the fat part because i think that's offensive is that offensive maddie now if you're calling yourself that i'm talking about myself that is all i'm talking about in this video i reference no one else [Applause] oh yeah that's good would you say that felt good maddie she said we need more we need to run a lot more yet how long is this loop like a mile or something yeah it's like a little over a mile i think i know i just like to ask anyways so we're gonna finish our run here that makes me feel really out of shape because in school we used to have to like run a mile like straight without stopping yeah comment below if you had to do the same i remember we did all kinds of stuff in gym had to climb the rope the rock walls or wait what school all right you guys we're going to continue our run walk down the trail and we will see you guys shortly oh i also just wanted to point out i'm wearing dudes so i'm not making any excuses maddie's got some sweet looking nikes going on there some glow in the dark laces yeah we're gonna go again ready we're gonna go again guys all right we'll see a second all right you guys well we just got back from our run and now we're gonna do some sit-ups and push-ups and squats so that run was pretty tiring but well worth it so we're gonna get to our sit-ups push-ups and squads now and we'll see you guys shortly all right guys i know it's kind of dark out a little bit hard to see right now but we made it to uh genyo unfair about here i called earlier and uh they said that the product was only about half made so i just got a video uploaded for you guys at the house there everything's a lot faster on the internet and stuff did you come here a little bit longer because otherwise it's your products have made you sit here all night when you can be at home being productive so worked out perfect got here they got one tote left and uh they're gonna start loading me up so that'll be nice hopefully pass out for a minute or two get some sleep so we can just uh head straight on down to we're over to illinois and get this loan off [Applause] my first appointment's at 5 30 a.m which i don't usually make that time just because of how long it takes to load me but i know it's dark in here so i'm not going to keep recording it's irritating when you can't see me in the video so we'll check back in when we get all loaded guys well we made it to uh the forest here my favorite little fuel up spot quick trip here in the forest um always got they always got the best okay [Applause] thank you it's like i still got half a tank in there but i want to be able to make it into illinois and back out of illinois and not have to fuel up because it's always ridiculous prices and those toll deals and uh i don't really like going into those um like the loves and pilots and stuff in chicago because they're just creepy and scary so i'm just gonna do a walk around my truck trailer quick before we hit the road again make sure everything's looking good and nothing's too crazy out of place as we all know with my luck and my the way i run things something's gonna be not right when i'm not expecting it but everything was looking good so far i like the look of this truck with the something about a flat top man flat top big stacks and big bumpers looking sweet so seal is still on here never ever had an issue with the seal not being on there but that's because i don't park in weird places where people really do that kind of stuff and stealing stuff and whatnot so my dad said that when he used to haul um overnight express that he used to see people would go people would pull the fifth wheel pin it pull that thing uh like when other drivers were sleeping and then the drivers would go and take off and drop their trailer off so there's just people out there that are not very nice for what reason you know definitely uh i would never be that kid i think that's a good way to get revenge by making you drop your trailer off the back here we got this thing off to the top here i don't usually get it way up because otherwise it leaks out it's usually getting about right there call it good give you guys a look at the truck there a little early morning shot beautiful sunrise out here oh yeah looking good guys all right well we got a big 32 ounce coffee thing now that'll be nice instead of 24 ounces we got a little more coffee uh as you know i'm working on losing some pounds here i grabbed an apple for the road uh maddie packed me a sandwich i ate that for breakfast it was supposed to be for lunch but i didn't have anything for breakfast so we're gonna get back on the road here really getting there about 8 30 so we will see you guys here on the road all right guys we're headed over the big illinois all right guys i woke up here we are unloaded here in lansing illinois and we are going to now go park and i'm going to take a little nap a little bit longer nap here pretty tired still so that's what i'm gonna do we didn't have a load yet going back to the cities so kind of waiting to hear yet what we're gonna do with that but i'm sure it won't be long and we'll have something so we're gonna get the doors shut on the trailer and then i'm gonna pass out for a bit and then go from there so we will see you guys here uh shortly as we are here going to get a washout at tulsa what's it called let me look on here tulsa power service so i got parking here i believe you can pay for parking this is downtown chicago area um i know every time i've been here they do a good job on the washout so i come down here and get it done it's also like the closest one i know to where i need to be so i'm gonna pull in here he's waiting for me already it looks like and uh get backed up and we're gonna get this thing washed out and then we're gonna go over to melrose park and uh get a load of dairy product going back to rogers minnesota and then rice minnesota so we'll get this thing back in here and we'll see you guys shortly all right guys so we are about three minutes away 0.9 miles from where we're going to be picking up here in uh melrose park illinois pretty easy getting here just uh mainly lots and lots of traffic it's the time of day probably it's about 3 30 but 290 coming out of chicago is always really bad so i don't think it really matters so that's where we're at right now i'm going to go get to where this place is at here and then go check in so that's what we got checked in here uh we're sitting here in melrose park illinois at ceputo we are gonna grab a load of dairy product going back to minnesota first drop's gonna be in rogers minnesota and then last shop will be in rice minnesota and then we're gonna grab a load of turkey and we're gonna head back to stevens point on friday so kind of got it all planned out but that's gonna be it for this video i just wanna say i appreciate everybody that watches my videos a lot i know that i slacked out there for quite a while i'm trying to be more consistent about everything and getting more videos out for you guys to watch especially the live videos those are a lot of fun i really like talking with you guys so go ahead and comment below let me know if you guys want me to do more lives and let me know if you guys appreciate the lives as well so it was crazy sitting here everybody was uh like racing to get out of here so it must have been uh time had to be done with work for them but i was almost like who could get out of here faster as you can see it's a pretty wide lot and there was like three rows of cars all trying to race out here so pretty wild trying to back in here i'd cause like a traffic jam in a parking lot so anyways make sure you guys hit that like button hit that subscribe button uh hit the bell button and uh that way you're notified of my next video when i do drop it here i'll drop another one on friday so be on the watch out for that i'll also be doing another live on fridays so make sure that you watch out for the live video i usually do them in the afternoon that way everybody's off work and they get a chance to come on the live so hit that like but hit the like button subscribe and hit the notification button and we will see you guys in the next video
Channel: The Milk Man
Views: 23,221
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: M1egWENgVJ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 24 2020
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