WATCH ME SEW ✨ What I Sewed this Weekend ✨ Sewing at Home TIME LAPSE ⏰

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hey guys i'm kimberly from fat quarter shop and today we thought we would do something just totally different off the cuff totally relaxed totally fun one of the things that you guys asked me the most is how do i get so much done so i thought i would film myself over a couple of days and just you know when i'm at home sewing and how i sew and this is the first time i'm watching the video so let's watch it together and i'll give you my commentary on what i think i'm doing um in the video so i started stitching on thursday night i had a ton of stuff to get done and here it looks like i am sewing the laurie holt red blocks and for her red sampler and so i have um usually cut and then sit down i'm doing one block at a time on this one i think i think this one had a ton of pieces and so i was taking it one block at a time and i think i was listening to netflix on this one i can't remember what i was listening to but i usually listen to true crime i do that because i my sewing machine gets so loud that if i turn the tv on sometimes i don't know what i'm doing and i'm just kind of power sewing using my friction pin i wish like don't you when you watch this video don't you wish you could sew it this fast and relax because if you could i could really get some stuff done um because that's so funny that i um i'm watching myself so fast because that is that is how i wish i could sew because then i could really get more done and this one i'm using my little clapper and kind of chain piecing and you know just trying to be as efficient as possible so i've got one block done and then i'm just going to trim the edge of the block just to kind of get and then kind of what i do there is i um change my book on my little book stand so that i could go to my next block and it looks like i'm working on something until oh i'm working on the next vlog so this one is the hourglass block and i did the i did the piecing just a little bit different than her instructions and so i think i made one little unit right there to make sure it worked before i cut all of them and then um when i was texting i was probably texting lori oh and then that's peyton that just came in he um usually is in my room much more but because i was filming he was kind of like camera shy so that first time he came in he was just checking to make sure that um he didn't need to change the batteries so yeah so i made that first unit just to make sure it worked and then um that little basket right there that's where i have like all of my starched fabric and um just pull from my basket i am getting pretty low on the red fabric so i'm not sure how i'm gonna finish i'm gonna have to buy some more fabrics but yeah you can see i'm just kind of chain piecing um trying to be as efficient as possible and when i stood up there it's because one of the fabrics i didn't like the way the direction it was going so i remember i um kind of got up to do that and then you see that i'm using the clapper on the on the side and then okay when i went to the little room in the back that is where i start so i had a fabric drawing in there that i needed to to get and so yeah i'm just kind of chain piecing all my little units so that i can put my block together um gosh it would be so amazing if i could sew that fast in real life and when i do the hourglass blocks i just cut the um i take my finished size of the unit and add one and a half and that's what i cut and then i'll trim my unit down so that's kind of how i came up with the math on that one and it looks like on that one i'm pressing open so that it i don't have to worry about the direction it goes and then i'm using that brand new fig tree mat that's um it'll just rotate and so i just trim it all down and then i'll probably put my block together so there i'm probably um changing probably one of my podcast ended so i probably had to change to something different to watch and so i think that this actually was for uh the live stream that was the friday after so i was kind of last minute on doing it and these are the 12 inch blocks oh and then at the end okay so at the end that's me with my canned air so at the end i always clean my table off with the canned air and then this is saturday morning this is about 6 a.m so um i got up my kid everyone is still asleep i didn't even brush my hair um but this is me working on one of the pillows for the scrapbook of quilts um pillow along and then i ended up making that one into a table runner and all i needed to do was take the starch fabric and add it to the border so i did that and then now it looks like i have moved on to something else let me try to figure out what it is it is definitely a laurie holt block because i have on my bookstand the little lori holt uh book and so when it's sitting up i just follow the cutting that way and then it looks like i'm using my friction pin to um and i'm kind of with those red scraps i kind of just cut off the the edge of it and then you can see when i keep going in and out on this one it's okay right there i um ran out of fabric so i start some fabric and that is me trying to get it to dry so what i've been doing lately is ironing and then letting the little clapper sit on it for a little bit and then um ironing it letting it dry that way but yeah that's me just having to start stuff to keep going and i've got a design board off to the side and i think as i cut i kind of move it to my design board and so that's me drawing all that fabric to the to the left that's me trying to get it to dry and some of those clappers um a couple of them i was given as gifts so now i have plenty and i remember right there i almost ran out of fabric that little background fabric almost ran out of it so yeah and let's see oh and then there i'm using the new that seam align glue to uh put corner squares on i think on that basket block so you can see i just kind of gosh i move around a lot can you imagine if you like actually move that fast so i'm drawing lines on the back of the squares at some point here i know my machine runs out of thread and i get really mad so yeah one of the things i'm having to do here is you know get my fabric to dry so yeah that's me taking it and then just starching in the other room and then trying to get part of it to dry in this room and then that is where i line up all my corner squares all at one time glue them down and then move them to my board and i think on this one i might be doing two blocks at one time but that's me trying to get everything starched and it might be where i you know put stuff out and then let it dry and come back to it later one thing that's really good to do is at night kind of get everything ready and think through what you're going to do the next day so that you can start now there i know i'm doing strip sets because that's how i do my strip sets so yeah i'm drawing my little corner squares but yeah you can see i guess i really do take the corner of every square out don't i um and i you'll see that i kind of just iron the little corner and iron the whole thing but yeah me going in and out of that bathroom means that i have run out of starched fabric and so that's me just like really having to dry it and yeah so the red sampler um it's been a lot of fun it's just that i'm kind of out of the red fabrics just like everybody else same thing so yeah that's me drawing all my lines putting all of the corner squares on there using that glue and then by the time i sew everything down that glue has dried so it saves me time i don't even know what block i'm doing here i'm i'm uh i know i'm doing one of the red samplers i think here i'm doing two blocks at once maybe for three blocks at once and so you can see over i've got all my little um design boards all stacked up so that's me doing a couple of blocks all at once and so you can see i'm gonna chain sew all those corner squares clip them apart i'm doing the next block so i've cut it looks like three or four blocks here i did this um i can't remember what i did yesterday much less two days ago so yeah it's just me just chain chain sewing that's how i get so much stuff done so by now it's probably like 7 30. people are still asleep i don't even know who's awake in this video because oh and then what i do is i print out from lori's blog her blog and then just leave that on the design board to kind of follow and then i've moved my books off of my little book holder and moved it to the table so that i can just follow the book if i need to and so there i'm adding more corner squares so i try to iron all three blocks at one time you know kind of put it all together and then just chainsaw and then let's see there i'm doing the last corner squares i think oh and it looks like i've taken a shower okay so now i'm not in my pajamas looks like okay i've taken a shower okay my in-laws are about to show up so i did get i did take a shower and then i'm just waiting for them to come and i basically am trying to get as much done before they come they're going to come around lunchtime um so that's me just yeah it's good at least i took a shower um i usually do start sewing before i take a shower or anything just to kind of get going and then um also it's good because um if i need something starched when i'm taking a shower it can kind of dry and that's me i'm now watching something so i'm probably watching netflix or youtube or something because it's some some before i must have been listening to a podcast but now i've got it where i can watch it and i've taken my headphones off because when my in-laws come i want to be able to hear when they show up and so yeah i'm just doing all the blocks all at one time and let's see just building that basket i know at some point coming up i do run out of um i do run out of thread at some point here okay that's where i'm doing the little i'm using my friction pen to kind of mark to get everything to line up so i don't have to pull anything apart and see i just go from design board to design board i'd love for you guys to comment to see if there's anything in this video that you guys do at home or any tips you have for me so that i could go faster because you know i like to go fast oh and then on the tv now i remember i was watching snapped and so um anytime snapped is on i watch it even if i have already seen it i think they're on like their 500th episode um so when that's on i do so i'll kind of go from podcast to youtube to tv to whatever and you can see that little camera in the corner that's the other camera that's filming me um at the iron and so the beauty of this is when you get done like you cut all your blocks at one time you sew them all at one time and then when you're done you've got all three done so that probably um i guess it probably took me about two hours to do three blocks maybe maybe a little less and so some blocks you know go faster than others and then you can see at the end i trim you know the edge of my blocks and then when i'm putting stuff down over there by the tv i keep a little um over there is a shopping not a shop like a laundry basket anything that's going to go to work i throw in there and so now i am moving to sampler blocks and so i've got to let's see those red things i'm doing i'm starching and then i'm kind of looking over what i need to do and i'm probably starching for future red blocks but i don't have enough starch so i've got to kind of move it and then that's me that's a bolt that i cut off of and there i'm just i think i'm doing one single block and then i think i run out of time and here is where i think i run out of oh you know what i'm doing here i'm doing the back i'm piecing a label for the back of my riley blake designs quilt and i let that label kind of sit under the clappers for a little bit but yeah i'm putting together a label so i i just go from project to project and a lot of that stuff that i'm doing and going in the other room is like cutting it down and then letting it starch and coming back to it so yeah i've got i had a lot of red going on don't i and then oh that little drawer that's probably me doing um i think here i'm probably doing the eleanor giron eleanor burns flying geese yeah because any time i get in that drawer that's what i'm doing so here i guess i am still working on the red sampler blocks i guess i had to wait on some starched fabric that little green bowl is where i keep my my little um anything that needs to be trimmed down goes in there so yeah i'm doing a couple of a couple of blocks here [Music] and the funny thing watching this video is um that my kids are not in the room and they're usually in the room but i don't think they were awake at this point but i had a little sign on my door that said filming and none of them wanted to be on camera so they were like let me stay out of there so um i think that's kind of funny if i ever want them to stay out all i have to do is put that on there if i'm on like a conference call or something i can just say because they don't ever listen if i say i'm on a phone call they still come in because they just think i'm talking to their dad um so here i'm pinning yeah so that looks like i did three blocks and then needed to wait for some stuff to start or to yeah to dry the starch to dry and there i am trimming that block and then i just put on the ground like always oh and then there's peyton okay so peyton um changed up my batteries for me and then there's piggy so he you'll see he has a little diaper on because if i don't put a diaper on him he will try to go to the bathroom so that is me working on one of the table runners and i take it over to my table on the side to make sure it kind of fits and then i run out of fabric i actually ran out of one of the fabrics so that's me doing the label but i ran out of one of the borders and had to go back and do it later but that's me sewing together a little label that i put on the back of the um thing so i just go from project to project and just um you know whatever's on my list and i use that arthur color 2000 so that i don't have to you know switch out there i'm gluing gluing down my label so i can just sew it down sometimes i'll piece it um but i didn't have a lot of time so on this one i just kind of sewed it down and then i folded up put it in the corner and that means i'm taking it to work and so now i've gone on to a whole different project i'm doing a little table runner that's actually a pillow that i think i'm i think i turned it into a table runner instead of a pillow and so um that's me i had starched everything that morning so that's me and actually that's me on the another pillow trying to cut that down so i'm basically cutting two table runners at one time and those little design boards that you see kind of at the edge that's where they're that's where um they are and then piggy's just sitting there um chilling that's what he does he's a pug he's pretty lazy um so sometimes he'll um get off the couch but he knows that's his little bed so he usually stays up there i think on this one i might have ran out of fabric too so yeah i'm just kind of i remember just cutting all of this before they came so this is all like all one morning i don't i still don't think my kids are awake except peyton because he came in but usually one of them will sit there with piggy they usually sit there with piggy they just didn't want to be on camera and then here i'm moving on to okay here i am moving on to the sampler spree and i've got a different tea and all those drinks that's all tea um who knows what i'm watching on sunday morning maybe oprah um and this day my in-laws were there but uh i think they oh they went next door they're built in a house next door my in-laws went next door to to check out that house so that was when they left they wanted to go explore that house and see there's just piggy he just lays in his he he likes that little gray bed so i usually put that on his little bed he likes to be comfortable he's a little bit spoiled i would say and so this one i remember i only have one time to do one of the blocks and um so i just kind of build the block as i go and just go from project to project um at some point you'll probably see my little remarkable tablet come out and that is what keeps the list of what i need to do for that a week or day or whatever i keep lists and just kind of um erase them off as i go and i really wanted to be able to do the rest of these 10 blocks but i just with my in-laws there i didn't have time and i'm definitely watching some kind of tv and piggy's just chilling and there's my headphones my headphones are charging that's where my headphones sit to charge so that's um four different days i guess and i've worked on like i don't know four or five projects and there i am getting triangle paper going to starch fabric yep [Music] yep that's me trying to figure out [Music] kind of what i have what i need to starch oh that's me so we're now i've moved to stitchy stars and i that little basket has all of my starched fabrics for stitchy stars oh no for that's got all my starch fabrics for sampler spray but i'm using the leftovers on that for stitchy stars so i'm kind of getting all that done so that the next day i can do my video and um you'll see i just kind of all put it in a little box but that's me just like planning figure out what i have that's already starched and if i don't have it starch i just take it in the other room starch it and i'll come back and get it later at the night at night time yup see i go in there to starch and so i just put in a little bucket and i take the little bucket to work so i just go from project to project to project to project i don't really um i don't really stop i kind of just go go go i really wish i could go that fast i mean gosh you know sometimes people ask you in life what is your superpower that would be my superpower to do what i'm doing right there and that little tablet i was working on that was my remarkable tablet and that is my little tablet that i keep it's kind of like um it's just like you keep notes on it and so i was just checking off there what i hadn't done what i need to do and then i probably remembered oh i need to do this so i've got out my scrapbook of quilts book and i'm trying to plan my little orange table runner that i'm gonna do or pillow i can't remember what it turns into that one i actually haven't sewn i've just cut all the pieces and i just leave them on anything uncut i just leave kind of by the other sewing machine and when i get to it i get to it and that one i'm working off of a layer cake that's pretty old and i've had a long time and i'm just planning out you know what colors am i going to use going through i've got a little stash of orange over there that i'm kind of going through and then there i ran out of um i ran out of the orange or the gray so i had to buy some so just put it in my cart and then check out later and you can see i'm going i'm putting everything on that little design board to the right and that's just so that when i go back to it it's all done it's ready to go i love to cut so yeah that i'm just prepping for the next um two table runners and i haven't gone to starbucks yet at all so i don't see a starbucks coat in this so that means i was real busy because if i wasn't if i had a little bit of free time i would have already been at starbucks and so kind of on the right is where i'll keep kind of what up all the fabrics i'm working on in case i need to get back to them and i just leave on my table what i am really cutting this is so funny to watch myself i wish i could um be a stand-up comedian because then i could tell jokes i don't have any jokes let's see yeah that oh then i moved to the house so i've gone from halloween to the house for the scrapbook of quilts and when i have a to-do list which is what i was looking at earlier i probably just went in order of what was starched i only have so much room so i'll starch and then kind of cut that and then while i'm sewing that i'll cut the next project okay so now piggy's left the room apparently so he probably got antsy and wanted to leave he actually likes to sunbathe which is kind of weird for a pug he literally goes he has a little chair he goes i'm not kidding he sunbathes he goes and sits in the sun and they say yeah i don't know it's crazy he he just sits out there and chills i have two little road runners that live in my backyard and i don't know what the deal is but he needs to run them off he doesn't he just sits out there and the little roadrunners go by and they're just like he's fine with it i think it's weird yep so there that is one weekend so that's probably about five hours of stitching and that's how i get so much done see you next time
Channel: Fat Quarter Shop
Views: 37,838
Rating: 4.8475575 out of 5
Keywords: fat quarter shop, sewing at home, sewing at home with kimberly, quilt along, quilting, tutorial, fat quarter shop tutorials, quilt patterns, quilting tutorial, weekend sewing, time lapse, sewing time lapse, home sewing, sewing room tour, my sewing room, juki sewing machine, oliso iron, creative grids rulers, lori holt, pat sloan, riley blake designs, moda fabrics, gopro time lapse, aurifil thread
Id: cZR_4K5CPUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 51sec (1551 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 23 2021
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