Designing a water brand from scratch

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hey guys welcome back to my youtube channel i am so excited about this video today so today i am actually taking part in my own design challenge so if you don't follow me already over on my instagram i put out design challenges every monday for creatives to get involved in so this week's brief is a sparkling water brand called brook so i have always wanted to design a drinks brand and part of this brief is to design the packaging for a can or a bottle and i've never done this before so i'm really looking forward to seeing what i can come up with and hopefully it turns out as good as i think it does in my head but you guys will see by the end of this video so if you are ready sit back grab your cup of tea and let's get on with the design so as i mentioned before i am taking part in this week's creative glow challenge set by me and the brief is to design a sparkling water brand and the name of this brand that i came up with is called brook now brook defines as a natural stream of water so i thought it would fit in really well with this type of brand i think it's really important to have a really shorter name so all the packaging can do the talking so for this sparkling water brand we are going to go all out with the colors and see lots of fruity flavors and i'm just gonna get in some really nice bright energetic colors to show exactly what this brand can do so let's have a look at my pinterest board that i've already put together as you can see i have put together typography images packaging and everything that i feel like the direction of this branding is going to go down and from this i can pick out my favorite bits and then use them within my design so with the typography i've got lots of text that have been manipulated to look really playful and sort of curve around one another so when i think of water i think of like a constant stream nice and flowing so i'm gonna get that within my branding too so once the pinterest board is done and i know the direction i want to go in we're going to start creating a mood board in adobe illustrator so to do this i just drag in my favorite elements from the pinterest board and create a mood board that will always be within adobe illustrator when i'm designing and then hopefully from this mood board i can find a really nice color palette to go with it too so now i've got my mood board in adobe illustrator this is where i'm going to get straight into it and start seeing what typography i want to use i definitely want to manipulate it so it's kind of curved around each other creating a really nice flowing feeling to remind you of that water feeling so just like the composition typography in my mood board i feel like having taller letters smaller letters and just something that makes you feel like all the words are fitting around each other will work really nicely for this brand first thing first if you know what i'm like i go through a lot of different fonts and then i pick my favorites which is exactly what i'm going to do now so i have found some different fonts that i am really vibing with they are very different on this one normally i find really similar fonts and then pick but i really don't know what sort of typeface or font that i want to go for so i think like this is the best way to go through them and see which direction i want to go down so let's start off with the first one which is iv journal bold so i really love the r and the k on this one it's really talking to me and i feel like it could be manipulated really well the only thing that i'm struggling with with the serif is if i want um it to sort of curve into each other it might be a little harder so it might be worth me going for a sans serif typeface but i'm going to keep it in here just in case i feel like i'm not going to manipulate it that much next is a bevers biebus i think it's b bus newer newer some of these fonts have such weird names but i use bebus um in quite a lot of my stuff which i really really adore and i feel like this one would work really nicely with being able to elongate the stems of the font and i just feel like this would work really nicely next i put in a really quirky one that i thought would work really nicely because it reminds me of the sort of water feeling but looking at it now if i want to go all out with the packaging and bringing in loads of different colors and lots of patterns if i like this maybe just too overpowering for what i want so i'm gonna just get rid of that one next was this one the b it either looks like a pair of boobs or some sunglasses and i don't know if i like it obviously i can manipulate it and remove that space and i just really liked how everything looked really tall because i like i have a feeling in my head that this typography is going to be quite stretched and quite curved around each other so maybe that one would work maybe it wouldn't i don't know if i'm vibing with it or not let me know if you like this one it is called carnot regular i feel i'm having an ick towards it you know when you just get like an ick and something is just isn't right i'm feeling that so i'm gonna just get rid of it goodbye gone next is this one which is malevolent don't come at me in my comments for how i'm pronouncing these ones um i'm preferring this one to this one over here so i'm gonna get rid of this one and keep this one in i feel like it's a little more crooked and i like that it's not perfect because when you think of water it goes in all different directions it isn't just one stream it see what i did there little pun um yeah i'm i'm quite liking that so i'm going to keep that one next is this one i was going for the biebus newer kind of look but now looking at it it looks really techy really perfect and i'm not vibing with it so it is gone another one is hyman regular i kind of see now looking against the b burst i'm not vibing with it um once again this is going to be very easy to manipulate and elongate these stems but i'm gonna get rid of it so we are on to the last one now which is nilvard two this one is called and i really really like this it's kind of a mix between both of these actually with the r being really nice and curved and then still having the really nice straight edges on it but with a little roundness to it so i kind of like that it's these two combined so i feel like this is a good combo and i'm gonna go for neil varg 2 which is this one so i'm going to get rid of these two and we're just going to go full steam ahead of creating this logo and i'm really excited about this because i sometimes find it really hard to create logos with one name when you've got two names the composition in the layout is a lot easier whereas when you have one name you really have to focus on getting the typography right getting the layout right and making sure that it does grab your attention because one name it can sometimes just look a bit boring but you guys are in for this design process of me and hopefully i can bring it to life and make it look awesome so i am ready to manipulate the out of this typography within this typography i've actually found as well that they have a semi-bold one and a one and a two version so i'm going to change the o's to the semi-bold because having slightly tweaked letters is really going to grab your attention so i'm gonna change this to these and then on the k they actually have a glyph which makes it a little curved which does remind me of the stream of water that we are wanting to refer back to as well as they are they both work really really nicely to each other so i'm going to continue manipulating this and hopefully turn it into a recognizable and distinct logo for a sparkling water brand [Music] so i'm currently using the shape builder tool to combine some of the letters together which works really really nicely and it's such a good tool to use because it removes certain shapes for me and makes everything look like it is flowing really nicely now i'm loving the r and the o combined i really wanted to get that like downfall of water going from a stream and going up as if it was like a wave so you get a really nice flow on the typography and i just feel like that is such a good idea for me i've manipulated a lot of the letters and i just need to finish off doing the k and i love how the k also is going down and up again so i'm going to carry on manipulating this text and then see if this has worked or if this idea has just gone [Music] okay i think i did something here i think this works i did have to look at it a few times but i feel like it is working really nicely the o's remind me of something maybe like pebbles of like the water smashing on it i don't know something in my head is just making me think that this is working and i just love how the letters really just go into one another reminding you of that nice stream i don't know what i keep doing this but i feel just like a really nice flowy feeling while still keeping it harsh it still has a really nice flowing feeling to it so i'm really really liking it and i like how i've manipulated this text to create something that is just so bespoke and so custom and yeah so i'm gonna play around with some colors now to see what will work with this logo um and this is my favorite part because this brand is gonna be so colorful i'm excited to start exploring some colors and really make the brand come to life [Music] damn these colors are just looking so nice with one another i got really stuck with if i wanted to include like a darker color into it like a blue um obviously to show like the water but i feel like going away from the blue and just going really against what you would think you would include for a water brand makes it a lot more distinct and against the norm which is what i live for i always try to go away from what everyone else is doing so a lot of these sparkling water brands that i had a look at were using like blues to show that like infusion with the water but this just reminds me of a really fun funky fruity brand and i'm really excited to keep exploring this i'm gonna work on a few logo marks but now that i've found the colors i am really really loving this whole look of this brand and i feel like when you add in the colors you just know if that brand is going to work or not to be fair i didn't have these colors in mind i was thinking of using the black but when i changed the logo color to a more brighter color i just knew that black wasn't going to work for this i think black would work for maybe like a spirit or an alcohol company but for something that is more sparkling water and more airy and free i feel like using more brighter and bubbly colors just works really really nicely with this brand [Music] so so [Music] so [Music] so i've been working on the icon logo which is just the b and i was struggling a bit with the shape of it and if i wanted to manipulate that anymore i thought it'd be really nice to just include some sort of water element within the bee so within the inside of the bee i've done like a little wavy dip just to refer back to the water element it's really simple but it works so so well and then with the pattern of this b i have mirrored it so it kind of looks like a b and an r so it reminds you of brook and it just gives off that really nice downward fall again which i was going for within the logo of the water dripping and it could and it being a continuous stream so i really love that it looks like that and i feel like even that b and r pattern would work really nicely on the a can or a bottle or even in some stationery or something like that it just would work really really nicely and it still refers back to the brand which is what i love about creating patterns so that moves me on to the next thing which is creating a pattern for this brand so i tried a pattern when creating the submart logo and i really like to include sort of the look of pebbles and stones because obviously in a stream of water there are going to be rocks and stones at the bottom so i'm going to use the colors that i've already used within this branding and creates a nice brand pattern that may be used within the can design or the bottle design [Music] so the idea of including the sort of pebble rock look is working really really nicely and it fits in so well with this brand i have included a yellow color within the brown pattern which is absolutely fine to do so if you want to bring in some extra colors within your pattern i just felt like it was missing something um when i put all of those colors together and the yellow works really nicely as well so i'm excited to use that pattern on the can or a bottle packaging to see what i look like and see if it really makes it stand out so next i'm going to look for some photography that will work really nicely with this brand just to give it some real life purpose so i'm gonna try and find some really nice fruit and water and see what the branding looks like with it so in my clients projects i will include photography elements as well just to show their branding in action in real life and to get a feel overall of what the branding could be like in the real world so i'm going to use unsplash and pixels to find some really nice photography that i can use for free and full commercial use [Music] um i am loving this whole brand i get so excited at the stage once i've completed most of the branding and then we move on to the next stage which is packaging it all up and putting it onto mockups so my client can see what the can or the bottle would look like obviously this client is made up because this is a brief made by me but it is my favorite stage when working on client projects is producing the mock-ups and showing them exactly what the brand is going to look like so i'm really excited to see this one especially with the brand pattern everything just really ties into that water stream even though the colors of it aren't blue and what you would normally think for water it's giving me such fruity such energetic vibes and i am all about this brand and all about colors if you didn't know that already so i'm going to move on to the stage of mocking everything up so i'm going to find some really quirky and really nice sparkling water flavors and produce some mock-ups and designs for the can and bottle i was thinking as well it would be really nice to put a twist on it and maybe create some branded water bottles that you can buy from the company so if you want to keep your water cold for longer you can buy um premium water bottles from this company itself so that would look really nice branded so i'm excited to move on to the mock-ups and see what this brand is going to look like mocked up so i'm getting all of my mock-ups from envato elements so i have a subscription with them so if you want to check them out check the link in my bio um i literally love all of their stuff all their mock-ups are insane and they really do help bring all of my projects to life so i'm going to be using a few more cups from there and any others i can find that really make this brand look awesome [Music] i love this stage when everything is done so that is everything mocked up onto the cans and the bottles and i only showed you a sneak peek of one of the mock-ups that i was working on which was the two thin bottle design and i was struggling to incorporate the pattern within the design but i've worked around it and i've managed to make it look really really good well in my opinion i think it looks really really nice and makes it really stand out against everyone else so i'm so excited to show you everything that i have been working on and the whole brand so sit back and enjoy this new brand brooke so that is the whole project wrapped up once again please let me know what you thought of this brand brooke and if you want to get involved in any of these challenges make sure to check out my instagram page which is underscore abby design i set the briefs every monday and then review them every sunday so if you want to get involved make sure you head over there so if you did love this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up and subscribe to this channel if you want to see some more design content
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 121,834
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: abi design, how to build a brand identity, personal branding tips, brand strategy presentation, brand strategy process, personal branding, personal branding strategy, logo design app, building a brand identity, brand identity guidelines, branding your business, logo design illustrator, logo design process, graphic design course, logo design illustrator tutorial, logo design, building a brand, business of graphic design, brand identity design tutorial, brand strategy
Id: 5soqUyaBgYI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 13sec (1273 seconds)
Published: Sun May 09 2021
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