Watch me cut a $100 rough opal into a $2000 gem

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it's going to be beautiful as you can  see on the edges there I think I'm going g'day and welcome to Black Opal Direct my name's  Justin today we're going to cut this opal it's a   really interesting piece it's got a lot of gray on  the outside but I can see a color bar that looks   so bright and it's not going to go right through  the stone but I do think we're going to you know   pretty much cut a third of it into a beautiful  gem I'm thinking around about two to possibly   three carats so let's get on the wheel and have  a look inside this color bar and see what's going the gemfish if1 gemstone torch is something we  created over the last 2 years and is in our shop   if you'd like to purchase one and you can find the  link in the description it's got a lot of gray on   it which is telling me that it probably will be  a dark opal um there is a slight possibility that   this potch could turn black inside but I don't  think there's a lot of chance anyway um this color   bar if I grab the torch and I turn the light off  let's have a good look in that color bar you can   see that the color bar doesn't go right through  the stone but there is a nice part or chunk of   the piece that I can cut possibly a gem out of  there now if it faces like I think it's going to   face it's going to be beautiful as you can see  on the edges there's some really nice play of color this is the high-risk part where  I find out whether I get a nice gem or nothing so I'm just going of  clean it up around the edges   and I'll take off the side that has pretty much no color o look you can see that potch  going a little bit darker on the inside but I don't think that darkness is  really going to make a difference to the stone see the color just coming through as  I took the skin layer off there just   getting a little bit stronger  doesn't go very far back though   let's have a look on the other side  you see that color by there is quite clean it's good to see that potch  turning black but I don't think uh   that's going to mean anything it's  just going to be a it won't touch   the color is what I'm trying to say I  don't think but I still don't know for sure and here we go color has just started at the back there we go to about to join up so  essentially we will possibly have color all here see that color bar looks clean very clean I think I'm going in look at that play of color right there you can see a little chip that just came out  and I'm trying to pretend it's not there but   I think there's enough color bar anyway  to rub it out oh that could be an amazing Stone oh how beautiful is that yes still concerned about  the chip I'm kind of ignoring   it but I am running out of color bar  so I'm not sure if it's going to come out and my amazing play of color it's looking like the risk has paid off  and I've got a beautiful rub there and while   the chip still is in the face I'm going to  work on it on the dob stick to try and get it   out but I should have enough Dome there you  can see the color bar is still thick enough and while I sit here I contemplate that chip where  it could have gone way down past the poch and I   would have been left with a much smaller  stone or even two stones or even possibly nothing it's got some flagstone, it's got some  chaff got a little bit of script pattern in there broadflash I'm pretty happy with that one so I never really do this very often but  we have a website where we sell all of our   beautiful gems including the ones that I  cut in the videos so if you're into Opals   and you want to buy yourself one you can go  to and check out all of   our latest and past videos as well as tutorials  and you can even buy your own opal you can even   create your own opal jewelry where you choose  the opal you like and the design you like add   them together and pay for them through  the shopping cart and we will get it to   you within 3 to 4 weeks just know that every  gem that I have has been cut by me or my son   Saxon or Marty another mate of mine who's a very  good cutter but everything is inhouse including   our Jeweler but you can find us by the link in  the description or go to it's amazing how much life can be in an opal
Channel: Black Opal Direct
Views: 88,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: opal, black opal, crystal opal, rough opal, lightning ridge, australian opal, lapidary, opal cutting, opalrubs, polished black opal, gem opal, man opal ring, opal jewellery, white opal, light opal, matrix opal, gem, gemstone, lightning ridge opal, uncut gems
Id: NfOSwh361Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 54sec (714 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 26 2024
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