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[Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] and let your praise be your welcome let our souls be a sign that we are here for you [Music] we are here for you [Music] we are here for you [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] we are here for you we are here for you let your work move moving [Music] we are here for you we are here for you [Music] [Music] only you are worthy [Music] we welcome you with praise we welcome you with praise almighty god of love be welcomed in this place we welcome you with praise we welcome you with praise almighty god in love be welcomed in this place let every heart [Music] be welcomed in this place [Music] you are [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you jesus [Music] thank you jesus the one who made the blind to see is moving here in front [Music] is [Music] i believe in you [Music] i'm [Music] the one who does [Music] is his life [Music] i is in you i believe in i believe in you i believe in you you're the kind of you're the god of miracles i believe in you i believe in you you're the kind of miracles [Music] the power of the risen one [Music] you're the god of miracles [Music] is [Music] you're the god of miracles i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles i believe in you i believe in you you're the god of miracles [Music] my [Music] my [Music] my the most beautiful [Music] yes [Music] yes [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] yes [Music] now let your thoughts come out horizon hallelujah thank you lord thank you god that you are many things to us you are everything that we need lord you are a hope you are our joy you're our peace you're our protector [Music] and you are our defender god we declare that you are a defender lord god of your people that we don't even know of all the things you've kept us from look at but you are our defender however bad sometimes things seem you're always our defender you've always protected us there's a hedge around your people lord so we just gather as a body right now and declare one of the beautiful things that you are to us we bless you lord god [Music] you go before i know that you've even gone to win my war and you come back with the head of my enemy you come back and you call it my victory we declare it tonight oh god [Music] you know before i do where my heart can seek to find your truth your mercy is living in and you restore my faith and hope again and all i did was pray [Music] and all i did was worship [Music] and all i did was [Music] all i did was stay still stay still [Music] and [Music] so much better your way and how [Music] and how [Music] so much [Music] [Music] so much better your way i've been doing my own thing but i know god so much better go away try to protect myself but i know my god [Music] you reintroduced me to your love you picked up my pieces put me back together you are the defender of my hearts and that i say [Music] pieces put me back together you are the defender of my heart and you have saved me so much [Music] hallelujah [Music] so much better [Music] [Applause] so much better it's moving thank you hey glad to see you welcome you're new aren't you through our singing team welcome put your hands in what's your name tolu welcome to everybody let's see oh come on that's great okay you you out there come closer come closer now please be seated here come closer i want to say hi to you come come ah there we are not too close now all right welcome to tonight's prayer meeting um i'm still basking in the after glow of last wednesday evening's prayer meeting let alone the sunday meetings it was great we're going to pray that the holy spirit will shut us in as he really has done into a time of intimate communion and whispering our secrets into his heart and hearing from him but this song's really moving so much better your way and i think about that you know for our lives personally when we are faced with so many choices and under so much pressure as the you know the lock down and everything goes on and on and you turn on the news and you wish you hadn't uh so much toxicity in the atmosphere and and yet we can breathe the pure clean air of the holy spirit in fellowship and communion with him he who dwells in the secret place of the most high god shall abide under the shadow of the almighty a very warm welcome to all of you watching at home on youtube and on facebook com draw close with us draw close to the lord with us try and put down all distractions and just focus for the next hour hour and a half or hour or so we have left tonight to share together in the presence of god we have a team of people lined up in the prayer room we won't go to them yet but okay there they are just say hi to them and we're going to go to that uh prayer room and we'll try very much to uh give you the allocated time i'll try to be sharp at eight o'clock uh last week we went over time but then i don't want to put you under pressure for you've prepared prayerfully to pray with us so let's do that but if we do go a bit over you you you take your half hour don't don't worry about that i mean we try to keep uh the meetings to a fairly tight schedule we understand that's far better for live streaming and people are at home but really it's an artificial um framework we really ought to just open up and be ready to go with the flow of the holy spirit so much better your way think about what that would mean if more and more people more more families more and more communities and increasingly in our nation we were doing things collectively nationally more like god's way than before and this is really a reflection of the lord's prayer may your kingdom come may your will be done on earth as it is in heaven tonight we're going to be praying for the royal family for obvious reasons and then we're going to move also into other items of intercession uh broader broader from that and i'd like to turn you to the book of timothy 1 timothy chapter 2. first of all then i urge that supplications prayers intercessions and thanksgivings be made for all people for kings and all who are in high positions that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life godly and dignified in every way this is good and it is pleasing in the sight of our god our savior who desires all people to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the truth not your truth not my truth not anybody in the media who portrays their truth or very good to share your perspective but the point is the truth is god's truth and he goes on to define that a bit for there is one god there's one mediated between god and man the man christ jesus who gave himself as a ransom for all which is the testimony given at the proper time so this is god's truth the truth of the gospel now the opening verse here talks about a range of different kinds of prayer i'll hold back on this because there's a lot of teaching that that can come out and our focus really is is to pray for the royal family but bear in mind that there are different kinds of prayer there are different modes of prayer and one of the great secrets of a joyful adventurous and exciting prayer life is to discern the appropriate murder mode of prayer for a particular situation but paul writing to timothy lines them up in a kind of logical order there are different that lie behind the translation here so the original word supplication prayers intercessions and thanksgiving and the first word is it is the cry of the heart out of a felt need and that's very often when we pray i hope that you're in the mood for prayer because when we when we see that the devastation we see the hurt that's happening within within the royal family and of course that's an important family it's a family in a high position all members of the royal family even those who who have distanced for a while but there is there is god's heart for family um and what's interesting if you think for a moment behind the walls of palaces mansions terraced houses tenement buildings behind the walls and the doors of studio apartments in our homes and our families across the nation there is a lot of suffering i'm not saying especially now as opposed to before or that kind of thing of course during this covered pandemic a lot has been accentuated but imagine god's perspective when he looks down knowing that his way is the best way how much he would be yearning for people to turn to him and for all our hurts and faults and failings for all of the accusatory things that could be said about us all and are often said daily in fact by the devil by way of condemnation to our hearts behind all of that if if we took a step towards god and said lord your will be done we want to follow your way how much less or how much needless suffering how much needless hurt pain we're going to pray for healing to come to the hearts of those within the royal family but i mentioned the broader situation of family for two reasons is god has a heart and compassion for families families are his idea he hasn't got one blueprint for every every point every uh for every culture for every time period but ha a god has a heart for family it's a heart for your family so as we pray for the royal family and invest time in doing that we're not just singling them out and ignoring everything else so god has a heart for families and so there is this cry from the heart when we have a felt need when we identify with megan and harry as they shared their story and their perspective as obvious obvious so much pain so much pain there we need to pray for that for healing and uh when we have a spirit of identification and we when we enter empathically by the holy spirit into what people are experiencing and going through um then there's the cry of the heart that arises out of a felt need it might not be our own personal need maybe need of somebody else but that's the first word then the next word which is translated prayers here is um speaking to god with the focus on the one who is the answer it's directing our burden our prayer our need our desire to the one who can help um if we if we had a very big uh gathering of people here we've got a good number but when we get back to all the big gatherings i'll be doing things like this how many people believe that prayer changes things uh how many people believe that god answers prayer and it will be waving and all of that but i i still address it to you and our response is just a little bit less visible um and demonstrable but we believe that god answers prayer so we turn our attention towards him as the one who uh through faith can and and his faithfulness can bring big change and then the next word intercession is a specialized form of prayer technically it just means praying on behalf of somebody else but if you have a look at my teaching on on prayer effective prayer in in the in that manual and and all those videos teaching on that are available on kttv but anyway uh as you look at that it is it is really um representing somebody it is it is the word where you where you stand in the gap on behalf of somebody and you present a petition to the king on behalf of somebody else it's rather like an advocate would plead your cause plead your case in a high court and so we go to the highest court in the land and we plead with almighty god on behalf of somebody sometimes that if intercession can be very intense and there's a whole range of ways in which that happens and then thanksgivings now of course we should mix and mingle all our prayers with thanksgiving uh we enter god's presence with thanksgiving thanksgiving if we give thanks to god with a grateful heart it releases faith gratitude returned to the lord sometimes obviously for answered prayer but also at the very point of prayer because if we believe that god is hearing us we can give thanks right there and then for what he is is doing what he's going to do then it talks specifically about prayer for people who are in high position and at this particular point uh the the rulers and authorities that paul was asking the believers to pray for were not good rulers um if we think there's corruption in politics today or if there are difficulties amongst the leadership of today i mean back in the day i mean it is a whole nother ball game but all the more reason when we see there are problems when we see that there are difficulties when there's all kinds of forces operating to try and tear our leaders apart our leadership apart i think that we should be praying far far more for our royal family than we do far far more for our prime minister and all people who are in positions of power our local authority leaders our members of parliament and we we pray for them you may have your own political point of view and you're very entitled as a believer to align yourself with a particular party if you think that that party really does represent what you believe and so forth but actually in in the kingdom we are above party politics uh we we pray for everybody so you you can have somebody who is in a different political party from your preference but that person can be a really blessed leader and blessed of god and can be used as an instrument for the lord so this is above party politics and what is the point of prayer here he goes on to say we this is good and pleasing in the sight of god who desires all people to be saved meaning that as we pray for effective government pray for good godly leaders or at least leaders who are ready to respond and to behave responsibly and what one of the things about her majesty the queen as we know for what is it seven decades or so she has been exemplary in many many ways um i think at times she provides us the strongest christian voice in the nation her christmas address is quite rightly all about jesus other people may talk about god and they don't wish to offend people who believe in god but don't believe in jesus they don't even wish to offend people who don't believe in god so politicians sometimes are are quite it's difficult for them to present their religious viewpoint in that in that kind of way and we pray for christian politicians that their light would shine and that who they are in christ will be reflected in their policies and reflected in how they conduct themselves but the point is is that when this kind of leadership happens then good things happen to the nation um it says that that we they need a peaceful life a quiet life a godly life and dignified in every way then it goes on to say this is good because god desires all people to be saved now this does not specifically mean that god is saying pray for the leaders to be saved and that's the end of the story i believe we should pray for our leaders to be saved we sing and pray every time we join the national anthem god save the queen so that's a good thing to do all right but here it's saying that god wants a society in which there is peace and there is the absence of negativity toxicity and all kinds of tensions which make it very difficult for the gospel to be preached and in other words we want a society in which there is freedom to proclaim christ under good government in the land and in this way god's gospel can spread so what is at the heart here is the our freedom in christ to preach and proclaim the gospel to live it to be christians and not just to keep our faith private and hidden but to be who we are take our faith to work not so much just by words but by deeds to be proud of who we are to bring our whole selves into our workplace our whole selves into into public life without abusing those platforms to push a particular doctrine or other so it's about how important it is for the spiritual environment and the political environment and the social environment of the day to be conducive for gospel sharing what does that mean it means freedom of religion what does that mean it means freedom of opinion it means tolerance it means having a place for everybody of all faiths without saying oh well if i was prime minister i would close all the mosques or something like that i've heard people say that and how wrong god provides people with free will and part of our democratic society which i think is founded on on some gospel principles here is the freedom to believe or disbelieve the freedom to change your religion if if that's what you choose but that's in the context of having the freedom to hear the gospel so that the gospel is not hidden cashed away somewhere so that when we through our lives and through our speech talk about jesus and have the freedom to do so without losing our jobs having the freedom to i mean we will should do it anyway whether we lose our jobs or not and this is a little bit about why we need to pray for the royal family now and i'm sure you recall four years ago i presented to the church a a prayerfully um a sense of prophetic revelation concerning the 2020s and and just because i don't present my prophetic insights with a fanfare and with making great claims about myself or about my revelations don't be deceived i mean don't don't dismiss it because sometimes some of the simple words which may look vague they may look general are actually the most powerful ones and so what god showed me back uh at least four years ago is when i started making it public is what we we would be facing as a christian community in the 2020s and i'm not going to go over all of that now but one of the things that i spoke about were great changes coming into the royal family and some of that is related to a key point will be when our queen hands over uh to the next monarch when there is a transition from one monarch to to another and you know humanly speaking that isn't a very very long way off as far as anybody can tell i will i won't share the prophetic insight that i have to towards that but the point is is that we need to be ready for it and when that happens there will obviously be major changes in the monarchy i think that most people would recognize that it's a good thing to keep modernizing the monarchy and and even people who are are vowedly loyal royalists would would probably accept that let alone the people who are republican or don't believe that there's any relevance for the monarchy but whatever side you are on we are to pray for our queen as the head of state she's also the head of the church of england whatever you think about that in terms of doctrine and theology the fact is is that we have a state church in this country and the queen is the head of the state church and if you start to eradicate that then it's not going to be an even playing field so in other words we need to pray very strongly into that is strongly into that let's call it succession uh royal succession and at that point when that succession takes place there will be massive changes there will be changes which will shake the constitution of our nation in other words uh the british constitution uh you know is is is an unwritten document but it's it's a strange thing because it's uh precedent and tradition and so on um and there will be constitutional ramifications and rumblings even now uh there's constitutional ramifications and rumblings as a result of this uh whatever else it is it's a huge public family disagreement with a lot of hurt and a lot of accusations flying and when we think about some of the changes that need to come in all our institutions all of them things like racism uh things like prejudice and many other things which are an offence to god we need to pray into all those situations and making no judgments here i'm speaking generally we need to pray into that because racism is one of the most painful things in our society today and i think it is it is a blight on our society and we need as christians who understand that god made of one blood all the nations of the world and that whatever else we have by way of difference we have our common humanity that unites us we have the common sentiments of human personality and emotions and experience tears our tears whoever sheds them joy is joy whoever has it and then also we have our commonality in christ all nations together in the body of christ with all our diversity and differences and and we we don't seek to love one another despite our differences we seek to love one another because of our differences the differences that i see in people around me especially in kensington temple with over 100 different nationalities it is an absolute delight and i think it is a gospel witness and testimony that should be spoken of more loudly and proclaimed more broadly of our unity in christ where lots and lots of different races are joined together in fellowship and communion and in unity and in love and so we need to pray into all of those situations within the royal family and beyond so let's let's get down to that right now so i invite you to stand with me i would love to switch to the other microphone if i may for this prayer so if you'd like to give me a handheld thank you very much uh would you just for the sake of would you like to spray that i don't think there's any harm but i just just want to be very faithful in being covered safe and covered secure thank you ever so much that's great sorry about that all right so here in the congregation if you would stand with me please and at home uh be in whatever position you choose but let's let's really focus let's begin to pray uh ourselves for a moment or two and you pray as god leads you right where you are at home and you pray here pray in in other tongues if that's what you want to do pray in your own language english whatever it is pray with the understanding pray with the spirit but we begin to attune ourselves to the presence and the working of the holy spirit right now thank you lord heavenly father we come before you tonight and our hearts are moved our hearts go out to the royal family our hearts go out through to them where so much of their agony and anguish and faults and failings are so public right now and father we understand some of the reasons behind that but we our heart goes out to harry and megan and we pray for harry first of all lord as we all remember that little boy walking behind his mother's coffin all those years ago and one can only imagine the depth of hurt and confusion and father we pray that you would bring a real healing in that young man's heart and life we don't judge him we ask for him to be healed we ask father for whatever damage has happened to him emotionally in his personality and without judging psychologically whatever is the need there we pray father with great compassion that you pour in the oil and the wine that you will heal his broken heart that you would heal the hurt in his life we lift up to you father what apparently is a rift between him and his father we pray both for prince charles and prince harry we pray for a spirit of reconciliation and that father there would be some way in which conversations would happen hurts would be laid on one side and the evident love that exists between father and son will overcome all the differences and all the barriers and all the hurt and all the heartache and all the failures and all the rifts and all of the inadequacies that we all know go on in all of our lives and in the life of this family we pray father that you would bless harry with clarity of thought and vision concerning this present situation and concerning the life that you have chosen for him or the life that he has chosen father pray that you will bless him that you will heal him that you'll bring reconciliation we pray for megan lord and we are so compassionate about whatever suffering she has gone through and whatever has been expressed what has not been expressed whatever people may say or people may think it is evident lord that that lady needs you she needs a healing she needs forgiveness she needs all the things that help us integrate our personality and as we've been singing your way is the better way pray father that you will lead both them we don't judge the state of the hearts we don't know but we can pray this for all of us bring them closer to god and if there is a need for the revelation of the gospel and a response to the gospel message that father you would speak to them as many people will be criticizing many people will be taking sides many people will be fighting each other over this and yet lord we as christians we want to stand on the side of almighty god and we want to pray father for the salvation of that couple and we pray that the hand of the lord will be upon baby archer and the other daughter to be born we ask these things father in jesus name and we pray also now for the rest of the royal family we pray father that you will soften their hearts where that is needed that you will shine the light of your truth upon them and upon the institution wherever it is needed father we thank you for her majesty the queen we thank you for her very clear testimony of personal faith in christ thank you for her decades of service sacrificial service we thank you father for all those things and the generation of duty how she stood by the pledges she has made in so many ways she's not perfect by any means but lord she has stood for you in many ways and from a position which gives her the the prominence to do that we pray you will bless her testimony pray father that you give her peace and wisdom put the right counsellors and advisers around her and father we pray that there will not just be a way out of this but a way through this that will be wholesome and will be good and will be positive and father we pray we don't make judgments but we pray against all forms of racism wherever it exists in high places or in other places and we ask father please move against the spirit of racism and we will not point the finger at that family but we just say father would you please work help us in all our institutions to cleanse ourselves of the toxicity of racism wherever it exists uh we pray father in jesus name for whatever is to be the outcome of this particular struggle we ask father whatever changes may need to be made we ask that you would take charge of it but we pray father that out of this as we pray for people who are human beings whatever position they're in royalty or or whatever we know father that you call us to pray for kings for queens for those who are in high position and so important father because people in high position have influence and what happens there affects us all and father we do not prescribe to you what the solution is other than thank you for the solution that you've offered there is one god and one mediator between god and man that is the man christ jesus who gave himself for us all we thank you father that your desire is for all people to be saved to such a loving giving and forgiving god we ask you to pour out your holy spirit upon this family and upon all associated with this family heal all hurt grant a spirit of forgiveness and reconciliation and repentance at every point where it is necessary and father we lift our eyes higher than this earthly situation into the spiritual realms and we pray against that spirit of toxicity that is being released upon this nation and across the nations of the earth we asked father that you'd hold back the powers of darkness that you will shine your light in the darkness and we pray that in the midst of this that we who can breathe the pure clear air of the holy spirit and drink of the pure milk of the word that we will not be contaminated by toxicity in the spiritual atmosphere we'll keep our hearts and our minds pure and keep our hearts soft and tender that we can be like those who bring the joy of the lord who bring the the milk of the word who bring the atmosphere of heaven and so father we pray will you hold back the powers of darkness will you cleanse the atmosphere of this toxicity as we believe it's affecting every area of life right now in this demonic assignment of toxicity in the spiritual realm so we ask you father to hear our prayer we lift up our hearts to you we thank you for who you are and we give thanks for answered prayer tonight in jesus name amen and amen thank you so much please be seated everybody we're going to go into our offering in a moment so please come back onto the platform um we are praying tonight for vic victor and victoria manning uh whose granddaughter and her 14 year old son is in life support hospital following a fire at their home in woolwich and the six-year-old great-grandson of victor and victoria the son of the granddaughter perished so remember them in our in our prayers revival times for the month of march is online now together with some other blog posts and i've posted online some news uh of carol lydon roberts leaden's mother you can see little videos of the progress please keep praying and there is a fundraising need there have a look at it and see if god touches your heart this coming saturday um i want to draw your attention to it you will have received information on it if you've checked checked our website but there is um a splendid day of evangelism training and awareness online from eleven o'clock on saturday morning to one pm now last week's meeting with the steering group of the giants we didn't make all that public we don't keep pressing you with saturday after saturday meeting after meeting so we're being very careful not to over overload your program but this is a very good place to be this coming saturday now let us prepare please for our offering tonight um i'm not going to present an offering talk to you uh for the sake of time but you know the value and blessing of giving to god is as much part of our worship as anything else we've done tonight and in many ways is is is quite a high spot of worship uh paul says god wants a cheerful giver and that's what we're going to do so there are ways of giving first of all there is a url url a link and it is bit dot ly forward slash kt giving and then there is a phone number where you can call by phone i'm sure you're all aware of this but maybe some are not in invite people even visitors and guests to participate not under obligation but to say that uh we're very grateful for all the giving and donations uh for our work and ministry oh two oh eight seven double nine six one two zero this sounds a bit like one of those telethons when they make appeals like that but anyway god bless you as you participate let's all stand together we're going to sing and worship and then don't wait for me to be in introduce the welcome room straight from this offering song we're going to go to solomon osagie who is on my primary team also church board member and he is going to lead us from the welcome room from the prayer room tonight thank you let's all stand and sing together [Music] he reigns with splendor he's our god [Music] nowadays [Music] he's our god [Music] is the kingdom yours is the power he says yahweh behold the glory now and forever [Music] [Music] away [Music] peace [Music] [Music] one more time of god we pray to jesus [Music] let's give god some praise everyone let's give him some praise amen and welcome everyone to the zoom room this evening for uh the prayers um we're joined in the zoom room by a number of people uh quite a number of them so i'm not even going to try to introduce anyone but i have got some of my um some of my leaders and and cell members here with us uh and and all others who have joined us um in the zoo room online in the building itself um welcome and and thank you for for participating in uh in the present evening um we're gonna pray through a number of themes um but you know very very exciting very exciting to listen to pastor colin teach and um this morning at the at the uh primary meeting um pascaling was teaching about the importance of um of understanding prophecy and being able to understand and um and decipher the times and and the the spiritual environment and the things that are happening around us that the importance of the of the power of of of prophecy um being able to understand and to read what god is doing and and what he's requiring from us uh by way of a response um and you know we spend some time talking about that and and you had the the teaching this evening um the the responsibility on obviously christians is to respond to to that call um and we need we need the enablement of the holy spirit to be able to do that and we're going to pray through some of those this evening um i want to pray for a number of points and i'm going to hand over to some of the men who have come to to support and help this evening um the very first scripture that i wanted i wanted to refer to is second timothy chapter two uh verses three and four and uh and this is all writing thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of jesus christ and then he goes on to say that no man who is in the business of war this is spiritual warfare he's talking about obviously no one who's in that business entangles himself with the affairs of this life so that he may please him who has chosen him to be a soldier so the film really is about a call not to be distracted by by the things of the world but to have our eyes fixed and focused on on the one who has called us uh called us to be and to serve so my first point i want to pray about is uh against casualness of christianity against lukewarm christianity what i describe as passive christianity a bit like um revelations three the sort of the church there that's that's neither here nor there people who are who who have a sort of a casual approach to it who have a lukewarm approach to it so i want to pray i want to pray for strength i want to pray for purpose in the way that we approach our work with god and and the things of god so pray with me wherever you are lord i want to thank you this evening i want to thank you for the power of your word the power of your word the reminder of your word that you have spoken you have spoken this evening we thank you we thank you that your word brings power it brings life it brings knowledge we thank you that you have called us to be a part of the things that you were doing and so we pray for strength in ourselves we pray for strength of purpose we pray for strength in our spiritual minds we pray for strength in our spiritual sight we pray for strengthening our spiritual limbs in our physical limbs we pray for strength in our understanding that we will not lord be troubled be concerned by the passions of this world that we that you have called that you have anointed that you have empowered that you have strengthened that we will be ready lord to take the gospel of christ as our armor that we will be like the efficient six christians those christians lord who gird themselves their laws lord god our loins with the truth of the gospel our bodies lord with the breastplate of righteousness and our feet with the preparation of the gospel and lord above all in the words of the apostle paul that lord we will take the shield of faith to fight to destroy all the weapons and fiery darts of the enemy the one who stands against your word and against your purposes we know lord that we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but with our prayers lord with our faith with our with our faith with the enablement of the holy spirit we tear down every lie of the devil we pray against every stronghold of the mind and we stand together lord in the unity of the father of the son of the holy spirit perfected lord by the sacrifice by the sacrifice the resurrection the death the resurrection the life of our lord jesus christ that we lord will be unmoved by any kind of wind of doctrine the trickery of men will be removed by the powers by the principalities that seek to exalt themselves against your name against your rule against your purposes that we we declare together lord tonight we declare together as a church that the fire of god will come against every deceitfulness and craftiness of satan of his principalities of false gods that shift to exalt themselves against you so we pray for strength we pray for strength this evening and we thank you for the enablement of your holy spirit amen amen the next thing i want to pray for um i want to pray for um i want to pray against uh against wisdom the wisdom of of this world the wisdom of men when pastor colin was talking about that um and and in place of the wisdom the wisdom of men want to pray for um godliness true godliness godliness in our thinking godliness in the way that we live godless that is anchored on the word of god godliness against new age philosophies and against any kind of idea or ideology that will be propagated in this world by anyone any kind of ideology that is against the word of god and i remember fest chronicles 7 verse 5 and their brethren amongst the families of isaka were valiant men of might first chronicles 12 32 again again powerful scripture this is the one you all know it that describes the sons of issachar who had the understandings of the times and they knew what to do with the revelation and the word of god so i want to pray i want to pray for for for might i want to pray for understanding in our minds i want to pray for for for the understanding of the signs of the times to be able to read them to be able to understand them and to be able to respond to them like the sons of isakka so pray with me please lord this evening father god we pray for understanding we pray for clarity of our minds of our thoughts we pray for the anointing of the holy spirit to touch every one of our minds to touch every one of our hearts to touch every one of our spirits we pray god that you will grant us wisdom the knowledge the character to wait on you lord to know you as our god so that like daniel in daniel 11 we your people who who you have called who know you lord that we we lord as you have empowered us to do we will do great and mighty exploits in this time in this age in the season in this world that god almighty our father as you send us we will go and we will tell we will tell of the gospel message and demonstrate its power by the things that we say and by the things that we do we pray for the god for clear understanding we pray lord god every philosophy every idea every kind of ideology whether it is propagated in schools lord god whether it is propagated in the corridors of power whether it is propagated in our places of work every kind of ideology we pray that you will send the power of your holy ghost to take hold of everything that wants to stand against your own law your own word lord god and you will strike down every thought every word every date grant us lord the patience the wisdom the discernment of the holy ghost to be able to hear you lord to respond to the things that you have spoken to respond to the things you were doing to understand lord your word as you have revealed it your plans in the heavenlies that it will be clear to us now in this time in this days on the earth and will be moved by nothing lord other than your word you lord are our father in heaven and we ask that your will be done here on the earth as you have declared designed and enabled it to be done in the heavenlies so that we your people lord it will be well with us all the days of our lives i thank you lord tonight for the gathering of the people together this evening to pray and i bless you for the revelation of your word in jesus name i pray amen amen amen i'm going to hand over to uh to ibukun who will take us through some prayers and then and and we will go through the rest of the points that we have so ibukum if you could just take that uh yep praise your lord can you hear me yes we can good i'll be praying about evangelism welcome everybody in the prayer room um psalm 2 verse 8 says ask of me and i'll give thee the eating for the inheritance and the utmost part of the art for thy possession so we're praying about evangelism we're praying that god himself who has said we should ask and he will give will give us the heat in this nation and everywhere we go in our community in a workplace and first and foremost we are asking god we are thanking god for all those who have been saved in this ministry we are thanking god for all the past testimonies that we have received we are thanking you father for all that you've been doing in kt and in our in in in all the other departments and we are praying tonight the father whatever it is that is in our lives individually or collectively that could stand between us and the great harvest that you have promised father we ask for your mercy we are praying right now all argument that the blood of jesus the blood of proposition the blood of sprinkling will speak on behalf of every one of us and this nation father lord we are praying tonight she said we should ask you of the rain in the time of lattering that you make bright clouds and cause it to rain upon every grass one grass and a field we are asking right now all love for the rain in the name of jesus upon us and katie the rain that will cause all the bountiful others to come we are praying also according to your word that which in the last days afterwards it shall come to pass that you shall pour your spirit upon all flesh father tonight we are praying together in unison the lord you pour your spirit upon us and according to your word that the heart of kings is in the hands of the lord and as rivers of water eternity whichever way you will we are praying right now that you begin to touch the hearts of men both our hearts and the hearts of those who are going to go out to witness you we are praying for this harvest in the name of jesus jesus christ said we should pray for the lord of harvest that you give us liberals because the harvest is plentiful but the liberals are few so father tonight we are asking in the name of jesus that you sent us liberals into the field into your harvest in the name of jesus your word says drop down oh heaven from above let the heart pour them let it skype poor unrighteousness let the art open let salvation spring forth let righteousness come forth together you o lord have created it father tonight we are acting for the sweet influences that come with the holy spirit the spirit that convicts the world of sin that convicts the world of righteousness that will bring us bountiful harvest harvest thou bring glory to you father lord in your words he said our mountain shall drop new wine and our hail shall flow with milk all the rivers of judah shall flow water and a fountain shall come forth from the house of lord to water the valley we are asking oh lord for spring of water from your throne into our assembly into our homes to impact our lives we are asking for this sweet influence that will be seen in our workplace in the marketplace in our community in our fellowship we are asking oh lord god almighty to bind us together in love to unite our hearts to serve you to unite our hearts for evangelism we are also praying oh lord that you pour upon us the spirit of grace and supplication the spirit of grace and supplication for travailing for souls for travailing for souls to give us a clear vision of what you want us to do to point us in the right direction father you have promised in your word that those who are led by the spirit of god they are the sons of god we are not asking for earthly strategies we are asking for your own strategies to point us in the right direction and just as he did in the upper room we are praying for the spirit of god to have his way to attract men and people who you are bringing into your kingdom your word says god kept on adding to them such i should be saved father we are asking for that addition as trees of righteousness we pray that we bring forth righteous fruits that will be seen by all and that our fruits will speak and our fruit would evangelize thank you father for answer prayer we bless your holy land we thank you because you know we always hear us because you pray in accordance with your will i'm now passing over to olamide who's going to pray about the giants good evening church um i'm going to be praying about the giants of society but i'll just uh quickly walk through what are these giants they are defined as the strong goals which hold captive the minds of men and women by imposing godless philosophy and bullying tactics so the the giants of society are the prevailing opposing godless philosophies um which pervade our society majorly in 12 spheres of life in business and finance important philosophy education and training media and arts politics and government law and order medicine and health religion and belief ecology and environment science and technology sports and leisure marriage and family so the first prayer point i'm going to be taking um is taking from the book of second corinthians chapter 10 verses 3 to 6. now we're going to be praying to in as much as the the giants of society are the prevailing godless philosophies that operate in our societies we're going to be praying to bring down those philosophies wherever they they are the institutions that promote them special interests that you know promote these godless the word of god says in second corinthians chapter 10 and verse 3. it says for though we walk in the flesh we do not war after the flesh for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty true god to the pulling down of strongholds casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of god and bring him into captivity every thought to the obedience of christ heavenly father we just want to thank you this evening thank you for the privilege and the opportunity to gather unto you to pray father lord god we just commit our society into your hands uh concerning the giants of our society uh godless philosophies father we thank you for the weapons that you have given us the weapons of our warfare which are they don't cannot but they're mighty through you to pull down strong goals father we right now we pull down every stronghold in business and finance in in thought and philosophy and education and training in media and in arts in poland in politics and in government wherever these strongholds may lie father we pull them down in the name of jesus we ask father lord that this truth that these lies that have been entrenched and embedded father that they become destroyed that they they start to crumble further in the name of jesus christ father we pray that in that place your truth will start to to to be brought forth that as we engage with with this various uh spheres in our society that your truth will prevail in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen the second prayer point i want us to take is uh taking from second corinthians chapter four and verse four second corinthians chapter four and verse four uh it says i'll take you from verse 3. he says but if our gospel is heed it is he to them that are lost in whom the god of this world had blinded the minds of them that believe not lest the glorious lest the light of the glorious gospel of christ who is the image of god should shine unto them so we want to pray for the light of the gospel that as we're going to be evangelizing and preaching the word as we go out of this look down that the light of the gospel of god will permeate the hearts and and the minds of men let us pray father in the name of jesus we just want to thank you lord that as we pray for the light of the gospel and as we go out as we evangelize that lord the light of your gospel will shine into the darkness of men's heart it will bring your truth and the lord the lies that people have embraced that it will be flushed out and dispelled by the rising of the light of your truth in the mighty name of jesus we pray also we want to pray that the next prayer point we want to pray is um for the grace for effectiveness that the giants ministry in kt that all the members of of keith will be engaged with him and want to pray for the grace of god that the ministry will be effective uh first corinthians chapter one verses four to seven first corinthians chapter chapter one chapter one pardon me verses four to seven uh it says i thank my god always on your behalf for the grace of god which is given you by christ jesus that in everything you are enriched by him in utterance and all knowledge even as the testimony of christ was confirmed in you so that you come behind in no gift we're praying for the katy giants ministry that everyone in the church will be engaged that in all the various phases of life whether we're in business whether we're in education on a training whether we're in media whether we're in sports politics government technology that whatever aspect of life walk of life we find ourselves in that will engage and that that the logo will bestow grace upon the fresh grace such that the ministry will be effective father we just want to thank you listen tonight again just as you bestowed upon the church incurring the grace such that they did not come behind in any gift father we just received from you tonight the grace for the um for the giants ministry in kt that it will be effective oh lord that as we step out after this lockdown that lord the ministry of the giants will be effective in the name of jesus that men and women will sign up to that will all join in the efforts to to to move this ministry forward in the name of jesus amen hand over to ebenezer thank you hi good evening kt um yes i'll be praying for the youth and the students um i would like to start with two scriptures i would like to stand on for this prayer so the first is first timothy chapter 4 verse 12 it says don't let anyone look down on you because you are young but set an example for the believers in speech in conduct in love in faith and in purity and my second scripture is episodes 12 1 it reads remember your creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come and the years approach when you will say i find no pleasure with them very powerful scriptures so in regards to this my first prayer point is to pray for the youth within our church that is devote themselves to god and serve the lord in their youth like timothy instructed forever i would like to commit the youth at katy lord that they'll give themselves in the spirit of servanthood that they'll give themselves to be sold out for christ that they'll be living a living sacrifice that they'll be a living vessel they'll be used for your your your word your will your purpose that they're walking these things lord that they'll walk in in obedience to your word obedience to your voice obedience to their counsel their spiritual counsel lord use them to do great things lord go above them set them protect them preserve them lift them up lord commit them into great things whatever they put their hand in may they succeed lord we pray that they will be impactful in their environment with their friends that they'll be set apart that they'll be enlightened souls to their friends their environment to their families wherever that they are but people know that there's something different about them lord when they employ godly character lord and and exhibit all these things that are great like timothy instructed maybe show great signs of faith of hope lord of love with the people around them for this we pray in jesus name amen so secondly i like to spread praise specifically for the students you know for their success in their studies and that they just do this as well as they can with a spread of excellence um and they achieve success in school their academics and in life um yes so i like us to pray for this lord we commit all the students before you lord we pray that they devote themselves to their studies that they apply themselves that they walk in the spirit of excellence lord help them to be studious to be disciplined to be determined to be motivated lord help them to to to run that race with endurance to go to the end to persevere lord to knuckle down lord to use the most of the resources around them lord set around them good people of influence they have good relationships with their tutors with their teachers with their lecturers with their families their friends those who will help them ultimately lord help them to lean on the counsel of the holy spirit the greatest helper that we have lord where they where they lack um um knowledge give it to them you're the true giver of knowledge and wisdom and understanding where they cannot solve things may they be able to crack them lord may they have retentive memory to remember things lord they may they have the application lord and i mean they ultimately have faith to believe that you will do good things as they play their part lord and and to do their work not just to to to have faith but to do work for god and putting to our words lord and to be committed to what they are doing and ultimately do it not just do it for their own satisfaction or the satisfaction of their loved ones and their family but to the satisfaction of you onto your glory in your name in jesus name with praise amen and thirdly we like to pray for young people's mental health that god will protect the youth from mental health issues and to heal those who are currently um dealing with those those issues father we would like to pray for the young people lords that are battling or healing for mental health health issues i will go preserve them those who are not dealing with those problems preserve them protect their minds especially in such a delicate time like this very sensitive time how it would protect their minds we said our body is a temple protect their minds from things that that can be harmful lords probably got those who are battling with um depression anxiety other gods schizophrenia bipolar whatever it is loneliness of god may they find comfort in the council of others may they be willing to share and open up to the people around them of god may they do things that will help them to remain active and and and to be well pray for speedy recovery that for those who are healing and may they have the right help that they need lord ultimately may you be there may right find refuge and peace and comfort in your presence lord may they be able to turn to you when they cannot turn to others and this we pray in jesus name amen lastly just quickly would like to pray for against demonic strongholds in our institution of learning that god will surely young people from these strongholds lord will commit we like to commit our students into your hands once again in order to deliver them from these strongholds father god protect them preserve them lord may the function of of this institution of learning other good um do what is set out to do you father god to help and them to to to achieve the education of other good that that the people around them will be fit for purpose lord i've got anything that opposes your word father god may they be kept away from it may they be deciding to know the difference because whether it's through friends whether through teachers or people that work in that environment may they be knowledgeable of god of your word of god and do what is right and this we pray in jesus name amen so yes thank you i'll be passing on to jeffrey now and he'll be taking the next prayer point all right he's going on to gokay okay i'll be passing on to koke hello um good evening i'll be praying on um focusing on my prayer points on um people's individual needs uh this evening um in order to save time i would uh like us to have go in continuous prayers uh when we pray about the points of financial struggles of our financial struggles poverty and lack you know those who are looking for jobs or people who are ill um physical illness visual joints illness organs illnesses of all kinds will be praying also for you know those of us who suffer from anxiety and fear loneliness and depression you know those who mourn we will also be praying for you know our individual levels of healing and deliverance and we also be praying for you know family struggles struggles you know with husbands and wives parents and children and also with siblings um you know partners you know we'll also be looking into barrenness you know for those who are looking for the fruit of the womb i will start my um my verses by first talking um quoting matthew 11 28 where the lord says that come unto me all those who labor and are heavy laden and i will give you rest you know he says take his gentle and easy yoke and learn from christ to overcome the burdens of the world let us pray our father in the lord we just pray although father for you know our individual needs this evening you know where we are struggling at the issues that we face on a daily basis father lord we lift up our issues with respect to financial struggles in your hands you know for those of us who are who are just trying just to just to keep afloat you know who have don't have enough income and bills and burdens and debts you know unemployment medical bills father lord we just lift these individuals up we lift ourselves up who of us who are actually suffering who are actually going through these issues in our daily lives philippians 4 9 says our god will supply all our needs according to his riches and glory in christ jesus we stand upon your word that that word this evening that you will supply all our needs areas that we are lacking where there is a gap you will feel it although father in the mighty name of jesus for our brother and holy father under you know in suffering in lack and in poverty your word says in second corinthians 8 9 we know that the grace of our lord jesus christ that he that that that he was rich yet he became poor for our sakes that through his poverty we may become rich this we stand on this evening in the mighty name of jesus that you all the father will become our riches our lack will become a thing of the past in the mighty name of jesus we also look and look upon those we we speak to those who are looking for jobs who look for that who have become jobless who are still looking unto you oh lord father that you fulfill that gap in their lives oh lord father we pray for them and we say that your mercy and your truth shall not forsake them in the mighty name of jesus your favor and they will see favor and high esteem from god and from men in jesus mighty name we also pray oh lord father for those who suffer from anxiety and fear that the lord who is the light and their salvation that they shall not fear in the mighty name of jesus fear although father shall be a thing of the past there will be overcomers of fear in the mighty name of jesus we also pray for our individual needs for those of us who are suffering from depression loneliness oh lord father uh nehemiah 8 10 says do not sorrow but find the joy that comes from the lord to be our strength and our fortress that you will comfort and counsel us all the father in our loneliness in these areas in which we are in lockdown pressed upon in our houses although father you all the father will wipe away the loneliness so low father in the mighty name of jesus we pray also for those who are mourning mourning those who are lost ones in these times in this area in this season that we are with that we find ourselves those who have lost love lost lost ones oh no further your word says that god will wipe away every tear from our eyes we stand upon this your word also says that you will comfort all those who mourn you will give beauty for ashes oil for joys and garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness father lord we pray although father for those who are mourned that you oh the father will give them that garment of praise you give them that oil of joy in jesus mighty name we also pray for struggling families oh lord father in this time and this area although father where we have issues between husband and wife the the covenant that you have that you have declared although further we have issues between parents and children we have ear issues all the father between you know siblings oh lord father we pray for these for these for these specific points in the lives that we individuals are going through all the further on a daily basis first john 4 9 says we love we love him because he loved us first we pray for the spirit of love the love for the father to come into these families oh lord father that husbands and wife will see the love of christ oh lord for that that that love will overcome and let them see that love to each other also for parents to children although father that the law of all the father not for themselves but the selfless sacrificial love shall overcome in jesus name for siblings oh lord father we also pray although father that day the sibling rivalries contention strife disobedience anger unforgiveness and bitterness within the family structure all the father that the the enemy is going after we we stand against it right now all the father and we say that your true love shall overcome in the mighty name of jesus we say so much just like what we sang today oh no father so much better is your way father lord we just pray that in this in all what we are going through in our struggles and our burdens of life that we will know and we will come to a realization that your way is the better way in the mighty name of jesus for in jesus name we have prayed amen hand over to someone kids um thank you very much okay um we so come to the end of our prayers so i will go back to pastor colin to close out the service thank you so much thank you so much dr solomon and all you participating it's great to see all these strong men of god from that men's down line men's generation in the zoom room in the prayer room as well as the the regulars i don't know who this guy is he's leaning he's leaning are you leaning on jesus my brother a spotlight here you keep on keep on leading spotlight him i can't read the name here and i can't recognize put him up there put him up there we're just about to finish anyway all right okay you spotlight hello my friend leaning leaning leaning on the everlasting arms i'm sorry maybe he doesn't know he's there god bless you but i mean you be careful because there's a lot of traffic behind you god bless you thank you for joining okay let's all join together let's all join together and just uh give thanks to god as we close our meeting in uh with the words of the grace here we go may the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us now and forever and surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever titty lily that is uh a nigerian and nigerian language for forever amen and amen goodbye god bless you thank you for joining us at home thank you for praying for with us from the prayer room god bless you and we shall see you next [Music] time [Music] strength will rise as we wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord [Music] upon [Music] oh [Music] you are the everlasting god [Music] you're the defender [Music] you lift us up [Music] [Music] strength will upon the rise we will wait upon the lord we will wait upon the lord [Music] is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] and he lifts us up you lift us up [Music] yes [Music] [Music] you [Music] [Music] this evening [Music] he goes hallelujah let's give him a praise right where you are here's the everlastic god we praise you king jesus hallelujah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] do [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] to [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Kensington Temple
Views: 1,367
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: cXIRQycXi6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 10sec (10990 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 10 2021
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