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oh i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] is i love you lord for your mercy never fails me and all my days i've been of the goodness i [Music] i love your voice i know you as a father oh i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey for [Music] of the goodness oh [Applause] oh [Music] oh i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] good evening everyone and welcome to our wednesday night prayer service if you don't like to stand to your feet we're going to enter into a time of praise and thanks giving god all the glory and welcome at home as well we're glad to have you with us [Music] our god is [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] you the darkness [Music] [Applause] [Music] is [Music] is [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] is he a good god is he a good guy is he a great guy if he's a great guy why don't you just give him a stand up say thank you jesus thank you for all you've done in my life we bless your name god you're worthy of it all right and if god is [Music] [Music] again [Music] is [Music] god [Music] thank you jesus you are great lord you are greatly to be praised tonight we've come to worship your name [Music] strength like no other strengths like no other reaches me [Music] say you are my [Music] in the fullness [Music] you lift me [Music] me is say you are my hope tonight you are my hope [Music] [Music] say you are my hope you are my hope i reach to you jesus [Music] the [Music] [Music] of your grace in the power of your name you lift [Music] you me me you are my strength [Music] me oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] [Music] you lift me you leave [Music] me you lift you me me up thank you jesus thank you lord thank you god [Music] lord we want to see your glory displayed over the earth we want to go to where you've called us lord god and desire to be your vessels and to see your name lifted high we want the world to know that there is a god in israel lord god we want the world to know that you're good and you're kind and your peace and your love and your precious slug that you're magnificent that you do miracles that your word is holy that you don't lie to your truth that you are the truth jesus we want to see you glorified [Music] lord please [Music] [Applause] [Music] to be where you are is [Music] i will do anything just to see you to behold [Music] that i will do [Music] to be hard to know [Music] please [Music] [Applause] is [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just to see [Music] [Applause] [Music] just to see [Music] glory down [Music] refreshing that's in your [Music] is is [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] for your glory i will do anything just to see you to behold you as my king [Applause] for your glory [Music] just to see you to be [Music] go ahead and stretch your hands out [Music] stretch your hands out to the lord the bible says god wants us to pray lifting up holy hands without anger without doubting open hands ready to receive honest hands ready to extend sincere fellowship relationship with our heavenly father heavenly father let your holy spirit come fill our hearts afresh right now in this place right across the livestream even touch those people who are watching this later on shut us in in with your holy presence lift us up and open our eyes open our hearts open our understanding fill our mouth with praise and our lips with holy intercession in jesus name we pray amen and amen amen everybody thank you thank you so much he's beseeded everybody a very warm welcome to those of you who are here in the building uh thank you for joining us tonight as we turn our focus on the nations to pray and intercede for some of the needs of the missions areas that amanda and i are working in will continue to work in good to welcome you also who are watching online as i just mentioned in my prayer maybe those who are watching later on you know it's okay it's called catch up tv well you catch up but we pray you'll also catch what we have tonight and that won't just be a recording for you but that god will be with you right where you are next wednesday we are holding a special praise and thanksgiving party here as i think over the last 30 years or more of all the prayer meetings that have taken place let's just take the midweek wednesday pray meeting on its own before we think about all the other intercessions and prayer times early morning prayer meetings all night prayer meetings coming to the church building in regular times in other words non-covered times you will always find people praying from this house when i think of the last 30 years of all the prayers that god has heard all the outpourings of the spirit the miracles the miraculous interventions and also the way after prayer things just seem to work out without any supernatural evidence that god is at work but we know whether through the ordinary outworking or the extraordinary manifestations god hears and answers prayer so i've asked for a special line up from the worship team and i know there will be people here all set up to do that and we will be enjoying a time of praise and thanksgiving for all that god has done and also will be praying and interceding as well now i'd like to um mention one or two things before we move ahead on saturday the together for ghana uh group fellowship is with us praying 10 a.m to 1 p.m here on saturday in the building and beginning on tuesday the 5th of october understanding world views is a new evening program run by our bible school understanding world views now what's that all about i find one of the most significant things we can do to understand the times in which we live and what is happening out in the world is to understand the predominant world views in other words what people believe about life what people believe about what is important in life and where they get those views from and i found over the years as i have developed an understanding of different world views i've also developed an increasing appreciation of the bible world view and what that means and that's the reality god is ultimate reality of course we know he is personal and jesus is the savior but there's so much that comes with it a supernatural worldview tonight we are manifesting a worldview because we believe that god hears and answers prayer that he is listening he's supernatural and can intervene i highly recommend that a particular program now a special event this sunday the 3rd of october 230 service it will not be serviced as usual but i will be here and we will be showing the documentary light to the nations which we put together a little over a year ago because as you know over a year ago i was amanda and i were set to launch out into our new ministry but then cove had happened a whole bunch of other stuff so we stayed faithfully with you until the blessed end and so that documentary really now is coming into its own because it talks about the call of god upon our lives how god has led us and you will see the consistency of the holy spirit's dealings in our lives even before we were saved to bring us into a situation with a church and launch a vision an apostolic and prophetic vision london and the world for christ and how that now we're moving on in that same vision won't be so uh um continuing in the same role uh but the the apostolic ministry continues as we continue to serve god and so that will be a great time of fellowship and of interest to you all i'm sure now i'd like you to turn in your bibles please to the book of romans and in the book of romans chapter 15 i have something to share with you about how we're going to pray tonight and as usual every time i address a prayer meeting like this as you know uh been consistently here every wednesday for well over a year and a half which is usually as i'm traveling around the world i don't get to be here every week in the prayer meeting but i'm grateful that there are people at home praying but every time i address you before we turn to prayer i do try to open up something by way of intercession fuel for intercession so let me turn you to romans chapter 15 verse 14 and let's read a little together the apostle paul obviously is writing to the roman believers it was a church that he had never visited he was hoping to come to rome to spend some time with them and then to move on from rome to a whole new chapter in his apostolic ministry the bible indicates that paul's desire was to go to spain now nobody knows really accurately whether he made it or not there are different views on that but certainly his intention was clear and why would paul want to go to spain for a holiday no spain was one of the outer reaches of the om roman empire and paul had preached the gospel on three successful missions journeys and he had as a result of that effort preached the gospel fully from jerusalem to a lyricum which was way on the other side and he wanted to go further he had established two great centers of sending christianity one in corinth and the other in ephesus and he'd established strong city churches there which were capable of reaching out into the regions surrounding those cities either side of the aegean sea and we know for example that from ephesus all the seven churches which are addressed in the book of revelation of asia minor were founded so it was a successful strategy and a successful ministry now he's looking for a new chapter wanting to press further westwood and why is that if you go right back to the book of acts when there were people from all over the then known world gathering together in jerusalem for the feast of pentecost and the spirit came upon them it was god's indication that the time of the nations had come and if you go right back to the book of genesis when god scattered the nations after the tower of babel and he divorced the nations and chose a new nation out of abraham and his family there was a blindness there was a a closure on the nations god revealed his light to israel but israel was to be a light to the nations and on the day of pentecost god reversed the curse of babel and now every one of those people from those nations in their own language heard the word of god and paul a great missionary to the nations the great apostle to the gentiles i am sure had a constraint within him by the holy spirit to make sure that the gospel went to every single one of those nations that were part of this whole story of god concerning israel and the nations there is a tremendous amount of background on that in that as i've just presented to you so that's something of paul's passion as he is being driven by the holy spirit to fulfill a divine mandate apostle to the nations verse i myself am satisfied about you my brothers that you yourselves are full of goodness filled with all knowledge and able to instruct one another but on some points i've written to you very boldly by way of reminder because of the grace given me by god to be a minister of christ jesus to the gentiles in the priestly service of the gospel of god so that the offering of the gentiles may be acceptable sanctified by the holy spirit in christ jesus then i have no reason to be proud of my work for god for i will not venture to speak of anything except what christ has accomplished through me to bring the gentiles to obedience by word and deed by the power of signs and wonders by the power of the spirit of god so that from jerusalem and all the way around to alericum i have fulfilled the ministry of the gospel of christ and thus i make it my ambition to preach the gospel not where christ has already been named lest i build on someone else's foundation but as it is written those who have never been told of him will see those who've never heard will understand this is the reason why i have so often been hindered from coming to you but now since i no longer have any room for work in these regions and since i have longed for many years to come to you i hope to see you in passing as i go to spain and be helped on my journey there by you once i have enjoyed your company for a while and so here we have the great plan of god for the life of this foundation apostle to reach the gospel to preach the gospel and reach the nations now that call that same apostolic prophetic evangelistic call is upon this church it's the same call we're not the only ones but it but we are a strategic part of god's plan and i would like you to have a look at the map uh amanda showed you this last week i want to bring it back to your attention now so that you can see the sweep of influence just through one aspect of kensington temple's missions ministry amanda and i'll be heading up uh a a whole section of kt missions but there are there's much more that is happening many more missions that will come that are not mentioned tonight many more doors i believe that god's going to open to us to a mandarin to myself and to those who come and work with us as we uh reach out to the nations and then also if you look across the wider network we can list nation after nation and activity after activity of how god is using kensington temple london city church across the nations of the world but in many ways what we have is enough certainly for tonight to be focusing on so we have certain sections here to look at we have south america america in particular brazil but we have also interest in some of the other latin american nations but brazil figures very highly then moving across the globe we have the western and sub-saharan africa and right there we have mauritania which is a highly closed nation and it's not open to missionaries and so we are unable to attend but there are people there that are working for jesus and god is doing a remarkable work amongst the fulani people there are people who are studying the sword of the spirit in arabic and in french and there is so much happening there senegal of course is a slightly easier nation but it is a kind of a hub for that part of the world mali we've been working in mali for many many years ivory coast i first landed in the ivory coast by mistake it's it's wonderful how the holy spirit leads how did i land there by mistake do you want to hear the story yeah we've got a bit of time well i was on my way to benin republic to cottonwood and in order to get to cottonwood we took a plane to lagos nigeria and then from lagos we some passengers disembarked other passengers came on and we were to fly and land in cottonwood they kept us waiting in the heat of lagos for several hours and then finally the doors closed and the pilot took off and after it was too late to turn back he said oh by the way we are landing in the ivory coast um and um and the the reason was some commercial um lack of payment somewhere along the line so the they weren't allowed and so they they dropped us in the city there in ivory coast and that was it i was with a friend of mine kent maddox anybody remember who kent maddox was benny hinn's assistant for many years and kent maddox said to me pastor i want to come with you to africa i want to come to the jungle take me to the jungle well all right so anyway we landed there um no transport no visas no nothing now kent maddox having been trained by benny hinn knew exactly what to do the first thing he did was disappear disappeared through rows and rows of police and security and came back with two bottles of cold coca-cola i said where'd you get that from he said don't ask then after a while a lot of kerfuffle got our baggages and he said just now when i tell you pastor go and sit in that car don't say anything to anyone go and sit in that car and wait and i looked at the car it was the only executive car in the airport i went and sat in the car and he came in a few minutes later and the driver drove towards the gate of the airport the airport gates were closed not drove available the way through to checkpoint after checkpoint and we came come to checkpoint no visas no right to be in the country and the driver got out and he he chatted to people and they just waved us through until we came to the border now he stopped short of the border got out of the car and disappeared into the night we were left on our own policemen soldiers came around what are you doing here where's your visas all the rest of it so i thought what do you do when you are in trouble in africa pray you say preach you say no you prophesy i say i am a servant of the lord and the lord has brought me to this very place to declare unto you and we prophesied and we prayed and we ministered to the people and we were and they waved us through and several hours later we arrived in cottonwood well this is very different i guess from the issues that paul faced that's a great story and but there are many hardships on the road but when you go where god sends you to go and you have this passion to go where you haven't gone before where where god takes you where god leads you all these nations open up i'm told that over the last 15 years i have been air miles three times around the world every year according to michelle she has sent me to the moon and back twice and now i'm on my way for the third round trip and so of course all the carbon emissions on that are being offset so there's there's there's no doubt about it but we are traveling in uh the purposes of god ivory coast ghana nigeria niger chad the sudan that is a new nation i haven't been there yet but it's it's opening up europe france italy romania sweden germany just to name a few the levant lebanon syria iraq jordan ministering into all of these areas we have of course the books which are being translated into arabic and various languages various forms of arabic various kurdistan languages and all kinds of languages reaching out and it's phenomenal i just thank god for the support over the years to get all this work done and the hunger for the word of god in these areas is absolutely mind-blowing then central asia and the caucasus now um this is a new area there's a bible school taking place in russian and as soon as travel and circumstances allow plenty of need to be visiting kazakhstan kyrgyzstan tajikistan turkmenistan uzbekistan abbas azerbaijan armenia georgia all of these areas this of course is adjacent in central asia asia has been greatly influenced by afghanistan and there's a great need to pray into that region because the anti-christian new regime the taliban regime there is making it very difficult and right across the region and we need to pray for the security of the believers then coming into the indian subcontinent and indian ocean of course india is on our radar radar i've not been to mauritius for a while but we do have uh bible school ministry and missions ministry into the island of mauritius then of course southeast asia hong kong singapore philippines and indonesia so these are the areas i'd love you to take hold of those and continue to pray for them and by the way last month's revival times august 2021 has all of this information in it and and you can check that out online if you didn't actually get a physical copy so that's a kind of prayer guide for you as on into october and to the rest of this year and into the new year you continue to pray for us now um we're going going to go soon into the prayer room where there are people who are there waiting to join us in prayer and to pray with us and for us so um now um would you be let me just double check yes the very piece of paper that amanda handed to me and said you will need this and i said i've already got it honey i was wrong would you go and get it go and get it for me please by the way could you bring me up a glass of water not you might not not not you of course that prayer list thank you so much all right while we're doing that let me just uh pause for some of these things so um one of the ways that you can continue to be blessed through our ministry is in in of course online i'll be doing continuing doing teaching online i have a a very active instagram presence run a an early morning prayer meeting sometime in the hours of 12 o'clock at night and six am in the morning i post a one-minute daily devotion and you can you can link into that if you go to find me on instagram facebook and youtube um and a lot of work is being done reaching out to younger people through the social media ministry as well as all the regular sermons and teachings that are coming out there now the books that we have the one that i want to emphasize most of all is the living free devotional and um thank you so much the living free devotional which is here this evening um also a whole plan of a lot of books eight states and unmasked the god who heals the other book here uh my encounter with jesus people with a passion so ben would you like to come and be scott for me tonight and offload there's another scottie offload he's just just those things for me thank you so much and you get with each of those uh and the the manual is uh 10 pounds 9.99 and the others are five pounds each together with those books which are free all right so thank you ever so much we got there in the end now it's this this is not this is not the paper this is not the paper it's okay it's not the paper don't worry it's it's probably yeah it's not do you know what it doesn't matter um i had a whole list of things which were presented last week and they are available very much in revival times but what i'd like you to do is to stand and pray right now with me because these prayer requests are actually burned in my heart and the first thing that i'd like us to pray about is they praying for those who are key leaders and we're meeting them i must tell you i am in awe i wish you could be with me to see what i see every single one of you i'll just tell the story i have many stories this one i've told several times that i keep the stories to a a minimum for a particular reason i'm in a certain place and you know i i don't do formality very well i'm sure if i met her majesty the queen and anybody listening to this will probably make sure that i never do have i would i would probably just say something too informal like hi you know but here we are we're gathering there's a group of people who are gathered they have come uh um secretly gathering in a place three stories literally underground and they've come from many many different places hand-picked to come and receive the training and the preaching in comes a man wise big commanding looking man very serious looking and i said to him look at you you must be a shake and he looked at me very friendly he turns out is the leader of a 35 000 strong tribe and he came to christ and is now teaching his people the gospel of jesus christ yeah let's give jesus praise [Applause] another man comes across the translation of the sword of the spirit and says this is just what i need he's planted many churches in his part of the world so much that he had to flee to go somewhere else but goes back in and out god is doing amazing things so what i'd like us to do let's let's be free as we pray let us pray strongly for god to raise up people like that leader like those leaders and it's not just the highly gifted influential people but god is using ordinary people god is using the women powerfully where they go into families and and spread the gospel and every single one of them they they take the teaching that they get from me and others write it out long hand copy it pass it around don't even wait till the books get to them they're so hungry and they go and start churches churches with the material they're getting so it's leaders that this teaching would find the way to those leaders whom the lord will equip for this great work at this time everybody pray you you start praying right where you are you can lift your voice right where you are everybody pray everybody pray [Music] don't let him have all the fun everybody raise your voice come on that's right that's right ask god for this people these people are so hungry for the word of god pray for them pray that god will raise up those leaders [Music] pray for those leaders father god we know that you yourself hand pick and select willing vessels even like the apostle paul himself who had no intention of becoming a christian missionary or a christian apostle he had no intention of it but you met with him on the damascus road and said saul saul why are you persecuting me it's hard for you to resist and so we pray father that there be many others like the apostle paul even those right now who are mouthing great threats against the people of god in these regions even those who might be the arch antagonists of the gospel and the christian faith even the very persecutors and executors of christian believers we pray that you would reveal yourself to them we pray that you'll send a vision of christ that will speak to them let them have a damascus road experience to hear the voice of jesus to have their eyes opened and to know that jesus christ is lord and the gospel is the gospel of truth and that jesus christ is the only way for salvation the only hope for god all other ways and other places to stand up at confusion and sinking sand we pray for the word of truth to break through into hand-picked highly selected men and women sovereign vessels vessels of your mercy vessels of your grace reveal yourself to men and women and we pray father that they would also be trained consolidated and discipled through the sword of the spirit through many other avenues and means for we work in partnership with many many people father we pray that you will show us the souls of tarsus of our generation we pray father that you would raise up workers for this harvest field we pray father that you will help us get to them in the right place at the right time help us father to be ready to go where the need is to move by the holy spirit we pray father for all the resources necessary to go to be where we need to be and release the gift of god and the power of the holy spirit and we pray very especially father for every one of these people there is a death sentence over them we pray that you would preserve them that you would keep them that you cause them to be strong they've lost family lost loved ones some have been imprisoned many have been killed but father the blood of jesus christ is more powerful and greater is he that is in us than he that's in the world so we pray strengthen the hands of those who serve you give them courage father give them a sense of your presence and accomplish the will of the lord through them may the will of god prosper through these powerful men and women protect them keep them preserve them use them and empower them with the holy spirit in jesus name amen and amen thank you everybody please be seated thank you so much we're now going to prepare for our offering and then we're going to move straight on into our uh prayer time run from the zoom room and we have doyan who is on the primary 12 with with simon darren and ben and i know they are here as well as but doyen is all here you're live all right there we go so it's all and it's written here in front of me do you know what i don't bring the paper i do i should bring and the paper that is here i don't even read never mind here we go so thank you guys you are here i should have should recognize him so are you all ready so after we're done we're going to sing one song for the offering and then grab the microphone and just go from here all right fantastic great so um on the screen you will find ways of giving and for those watching online now here in the building you have an option before you we have the blue missions envelope um make sure students everybody gets one of each and then they can just give as the spirit directs them tonight um now the uh this is a kt supported mission and um we are relying on ongoing given giving just for the record the kt church has uh signed a certain amount of money from general funds but uh but actually we are also relying heavily on ongoing giving to colin dye kt missions and there is an option when you give online through the online link bit dot ly forward slash kt giving there is an option for you on that one but in the building it is the blue envelope and the other one is for regular tithes and offerings and so there's the information internet banking kt online giving as well as here in the buildings give you a moment or two to complete your offering envelope and then we will be ready to sing and to give to the lord and after that straight over to doyin let us pray father the offering of the gentiles unto you is the purpose of all mission that there was once a time when only one nation would be holy unto the lord and that was the believers from the nation of israel but now after the cross the grace and mercy of god extends to all nations so that now people from every nation who believe you are sanctified as an offering a holy offering unto the lord to be god's peculiar special people so as we give this offering of our substance to you we remember the purpose of it all and that's to see jesus satisfaction for the souls of men and women whom he redeemed on the cross living in harmony across the nations of the world and on into the future life of the new heavens and the new earth yes lord it's a big vision a big story but we are part of it and we thank you for that in jesus name amen and our men okay let's all stand and give i have found a joy that jumps over sadness i have found the lights of everything [Music] you are all i want you are all i need everything my heart could hope for we are looking for the glory of the lord [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i have found [Music] i have [Music] found the strength [Music] i have [Music] my [Music] you are [Music] glory of the lord cause we know there's so much [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] you are [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Music] give jesus praise church give jesus friends hallelujah praise god [Music] uh good evening everybody um as pastor colleen mentioned um there's a few of us here from the 300 league of fire down line to pray this evening i'm joined by simon by darren and by ben and we know that we don't have many weeks maybe even days left now with pastor colin and amanda leading from the platform we want to pray this evening over the ministry that they've been released into so we have a few prayer lines um to to pray over them this evening we will lead from the mic but please feel free to stand and to join us in prayer this evening so the first prayer line that i'd like to take is for the finances of the new ministry that's being started i'm sure that we all know that starting a new thing requires resources and resources need to be found and made available and we know that pastor colin recently has been talking about jesus sermon on the mount and shortly after the sermon on the mount jesus moves on to talk about in matthew chapter six uh where our heart should be focused and where where where our hearts can be led um which is often where our treasure is found and so this evening i want to start with a prayer for the financial provision and and to encourage us all uh to to see this uh new ministry uh as an investment of where our hearts will be not just only our financial resources and that in that we will all be invested in the success of this ministry so if you wouldn't mind to stand and just to raise your voices to pray this evening for the provision that is required for a successful ministry heavenly father we come before you this evening to submit our hearts humbly to you lord we know that you have great treasuries there is no limit there is no lack in your kingdom heavenly father and we pray this evening lord god that as pastor colin and pastor amanda are prepared to be released into a new thing into a new season into a new ministry lord on behalf of kensington temple heavenly father we pray that every detail will be provided for every place that you intend for them to arrive heavenly father and way will be made heavenly father that we as a church would stand with them and would support them heavenly father that we would be spiritually and financially invested heavenly father lord that there would be no reason for doubt or uncertainty lord that there would be be more than enough for your prosperity for your blessing to reach not just them but the people that you are sending them out to heavenly father lord we have already heard of the work that you are doing heavenly father lord that financial resources would not be a reason for your work not to get done heavenly father we know that as children of the living god we are blessed in you heavenly father we have a a prosperous heritage heavenly father and the continuation of that line will be witness to this ministry heavenly father lord we pray we pray this evening that every and any possibility that you are intending through this ministry will be accomplished heavenly father lord that it will fulfill even more than we could imagine heavenly father and lord to do that you would provide in every possible way lord god in cash in kind lord we've already heard this evening the amazing things you have done where there are uncertain ways lord we know that we can depend on you lord we are submitting this ministry to you heavenly father and lord we pray that what will be accomplished through this will be a blessing to generations beyond heavenly father but not this this this this investment would not just stop in our lifetime that it would carry on to the children of their children's children heavenly father that we would look back on this moment as a decisive moment in the future of this missionary mission heavenly father lord we thank you for the opportunity to pray to you this evening in jesus mighty name amen lord jesus jesus then goes on to talk about um worry and we know that sometimes with where finances are concerned whether it's in our own hearts or in something that we're investing in that we can be concerned about how how those resources will come about and that can be a distraction from the main work and and so the the second point i'd like to pick up under this line this evening is that there would be no reason for doubt that that the finances the resources that required would not cause doubt they would not cause a reason to turn back or reconsider or shrink the vision but actually because of the resources the vision will grow that we would have the confidence to think beyond because we're not worried or distracted about where the resources are coming from and what is required so in jesus mighty name we just pray heavenly father against distraction against dilution against the need to diminish the vision heavenly father lord let us have confidence in you the way that you will provide may pass the colin and pastor amanda be absolutely certain that the ambitions you have laid in their heart the purposes you have played in their heart heavenly father the places you have intended to them to be they will meet heavenly father without reason for doubt or uncertainty lord may there be confidence of the whole missionary vision in in where their resources will come from heavenly father let there be no reason for distraction let the devil not have an opportunity to gain a foothold because of doubt or uncertainty because of financial resources heavenly father what a shame it would be if we didn't have the confidence to trust in you lord god who has an unlimited ability to provide what we need in any given circumstance heavenly father i just pray this evening let us be confident in you lord god not in ourselves not in what we have but wanting what you have heavenly father where there are doors that need to be opened heavenly father lord let us stand confident that those doors will open heavenly father where gates need to be raised where bridges need to be provided lord whatever it is that needs to happen let there be no doubt no consternation but absolute certainty in eulogy in the mighty name of jesus we pray amen amen hi good evening everyone we are going to now pray into the structure of the missions work that's going to be carried out and i've just got a few scriptures that we're going to briefly pray through the first one is 1 corinthians 14 and 40 which says but all things should be done decently and in order um it will be a bit of an understatement to say that the vision and the work that colin and amanda have lined up um needs a a lot of delegation and a lot of organization and a lot of structure so we're going to pray now for a real spirit of excellence to be upon them and upon the team that they're going to be working with not just here but also overseas as well so father we thank you for all that you are doing in their lives we pray in the name of jesus for all of the contacts all of the connections that they're going to be making and we pray for all of the logistical challenges to be removed right now in the name of jesus we pray against obstructions we pray against the the little things and the big things which may come up against them we pray in the name of jesus that you will create a smooth path in your name and we pray according to scripture that everything will be done decently and there'll be an excellent sense of order um in all of their arrangements all of their meetings all of their contacts in the name of jesus we pray that father you will open doors for only you can open in jesus name and you we pray that you will close the doors that you want closed in jesus name we thank you holy spirit send angels before them so that you can clear their path of any obstructions any dangers in the name of jesus anything that is not of you we come against it right now in your holy name thank you lord we pray for that spirit of excellence to be upon them lord we pray for that excellent spirit of organization to be upon them in jesus name we pray for these plans to come to fruition and we pray that everything will go smoothly according to your name another scripture is habakkuk 2 verse 2 and the lord answered me write the vision make it plain on tablets so he may run who reads it and so we're going to pray according to that that the vision will become clear but direction will become clear but locations and cities and countries and communities will all become clear visions in colin and amanda's spirit so in jesus name we pray that lord you will bring vision that you will bring direction that you will bring guidance but you will bring encouragement that you will bring motivation above all lord we pray for your heart to be upon them your heart for the nations your heart for communities your heart for your people your heart for the lost your heart for those who need to know you for those who need a breakthrough from you for those who are waiting for your words to come into their land we pray that you will make this vision plain we pray that you will make this vision clear that it will be so clear that it would just really be manifested fully and holy in jesus name we pray also that as your word says so he may run who reads it we pray that there'll be a sense of energy and enthusiasm regarding this in the name of jesus if there's a new area that they are being called into but there'll be an energy and a passion in it in the name of jesus thank you lord and the third and final one i just want to bring is um and this is psalm 127 unless the lord builds the house they labor in vain who build it unless the lord guards the city the watchmen keep awake in vain and this is really more a case of really consecrating this all to god and consecrating this outreach this venture to the holy spirit so father we pray that you are absolutely upon this in jesus name but colin and amanda are stepping out in the full guarantee and the full assurance and the full confidence of the holy spirit lord we thank you for all that you are going to do through them and in them in the nations father we thank you that you've called them to such a time as this and we pray lord that you will build your house we pray lord that you will build your kingdom we pray lord that you will build your temple upon this land once again we pray lord that you will be in it and through it and receive all the glory because of it in the name of jesus we thank you father for this time of prayer this time of intercession and consecration in the name of jesus we thank you amen so we've heard today how colin has talked about his passion for the nations so what i want to do is have two prayer points um about colin's impact uh to the nations of views these qualities led to and also for to help the christians who are persecuted so um the first scripture um for the first prayerful i want to to read out is from acts 13 verse 47 which it says for this is what the lord has commanded us i have made you a light for the gentiles that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth so i just want to pray into collins and amanda's heart and vision to go to the nation they feel called and led to um so i'm going to pray and if you pray an agreement with me and we're just really praying to um that collins and amanda they really make an impact to the nations they feel called to lord um i thank you for colin amanda's hearts lord we thank you for uh what you've given them lord we thank you lord for their direction order we thank you all that they'll be able to respond to your your call lord and we ask lord that for they will continue to be um a light to those those nations lord we also ask that they'll be to develop existing missionary fields lord we pray lord that that would really make a difference in those areas we also pray for the the areas the areas of europe the areas of africa the areas of south america we pray that those regions which they've already made a difference we pray that they'll increase they'll grow lord we also know they have a passion for new areas such as the middle east such as central asia such as the cuscus regions we pray lord that when they go to those areas they make a change a difference we answered that you would leave them you direct them lord we pray that there'll be something different when they step foot in that area lord also wants to pray for that also that there'll be more the the the new ministry will be even greater than previous ministries they've had lord we ask thought that it will come in leaps and bounds we pray like lord that things would happen which they least expect lord but only you can direct their past and we ask all that that there will be a difference a shaking in those regions but lord represent that you would be at the center lord and lord you would really turn and change things for the better he asked all that you would give them a lead them lead them to to go to the right way in the right area in jesus name amen um and then for my second point um i want to pray into their passion as they want to help christians who are persecuted and we know that there's many areas that a lot of christians are persecuted i know that we're fortunate that we may be in the country that we don't experience the same sort of uh challenges as people do in other countries but i know this is a passion for colin amanda's heart to to support those christians so i've just got scripture before we pray into that prayer point uh the scripture is isaiah 33 verse 6. he will be a sure foundation for your times a rich store of salvation and wisdom and knowledge the fear of the lord is key to this treasure so it's just really to pray in that knowing that colin really he brings the message of the good news it's really changed hearts and minds um and i know that um the people in challenging situations um they would really feel the difference what colin can bring in the ministry um so if you just pray together uh with me in that lord we pray lord that um the new ministry pray lord that they would really be able to make a difference in christians lives those who are persecuted lord we even pray for those for christians from all backgrounds lord we pray lord that um wherever uh whatever country they're from where the previous um faith they're from we pray love that um they would really be impacted a little be asked um for change for people for even from muslim background of lord and pray lord that they'll be changing when they hear they're messaged or there'll be something new something fresh lord we asked all that um the the ministry would intercede in a gap which which is no no not present there in that in that landlord and we asked all that it would really move forward and make a difference lord we also pray for force or for believers who maybe who are in poverty lord we know that there's christians who have lack of money lack of food lord we pray like that this ministry would touch those lives as well or we asked that um that it would it would it would meet the need of those christians the ones who are not sure if they make it the next day lord we asked all that this ministry would touch those lives but we also want to pray lord for for calling the manna to have strength to have wisdom in this time lord because we know there's a big task ahead of them so we ask lord that you would empower them you would strengthen you've got wisdom you can direction lord and we ask all that you would give a peace in their heart lord and whatever they do lord that you go before them in front of them and pray like that you would continue to refresh them even if the challenges are looked big lord but you'll always be there in front of them in jesus name amen we're going to come back to pray in a minute but until they do do take your sit for a minute i don't know about you but i've been particularly blessed for the past 10 years that i've been part of kt to sit under the leadership of pastor colin and one of the many areas that i've been blessed in in this church is the strong emphasis that we have on the word of god it's so easy nowadays to look left and right and to see so many different ideas that are coming out that are totally not bible based but um i think we have been blessed and often times it's difficult to see a blessing until it's not there anymore and you can see how much pastor colin loves the word of god by just go downstairs in the bookshop on a sunday and have a look through the many numbers of books that he has written pretty much on every topic that you can think of and those books have been a blessing to me to us and across the world as they've been translated in languages and languages especially the sword of the spirit it's gone all over the world in so many different countries and it's a foundational series that helps believers establish a strong biblical foundation it's been the foundation of ibol our in-house bible college that over the years has produced hundreds and hundreds of people who are equipped to be leaders in the marketplace in their workplaces in the churches look at our network of churches uh many of them have been graduating uh ibo well first and second year look at our teams of uh leaders and managers in nkt a lot of us have benefited from all that teaching and now god is preparing pastor colin lamanda to take that gift that apostolic that comes with teaching and prophecy and pastoral to go forward and to be a blessing to all the nations that we saw earlier on on that map so i would like us to stand up all together and let's stretch our hands towards pastor colin and amanda and we're going to pray for them as god is sending them out to all these nations for them to be a blessing and forgot to open doors and open doors are not just borders as in many of those countries would be needed but open doors in people's hearts to be able to receive and to get everything that god has for them through pastor calling so church why don't we pray with all our heart why don't we pray uh our best blessings for pastor colin and amanda as they're preparing to move forward from here that god would open the doors of a ministry that he would bless the partnerships and the friendships that have been developed over so many years that god would lift the barriers that are in front that god would make sure that the hearts are open to receive everything that he has for us let's pray that the holy spirit gives pastor colin the right words to communicate across languages and across culture differences let's pray that god would give pastor colin amanda strength to persevere through troubles through problems through apparent lack of results let's pray that the seeds that are being planted will produce much fruit and even though we might not see the results the results will continue to flourish years and years after the seeds have been planted let's pray for abundant harvest in the name of jesus god you are so amazing and you've blessed pastor collin with so much you've put so much of your spirit in him and now as he prepares to go on to the nations as he prepares to step into the next level of anointing and leadership that you have placed upon his life we pray lord that you would give him boldness and you would prepare him lord for equipping and training the next generation of leaders who are ready to step up who are ready to carry this mantle who are ready to share the good news onwards and onwards from here we thank you lord for everything that you have done but we also look forward to everything that you're about to do in the future in the mighty name of jesus we thank you we bless you in the name of jesus amen and amen let's put your hands together thank you so much let's remain standing right there uh you guys you guys can take your seats so i am on my own and i'm not a singer and i needed somebody out here very quickly where very quickly rescue me don't leave me help come on where is the men and women with the voice all to jesus i surrender and the chorus goes i surrender all let's start there everybody you can give us the note i surrender that's it everybody join in [Music] sing again everybody i surrender all let's surrender to the holy spirit to use us in his purpose [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] oh jesus [Music] [Music] i will live [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] let's rededicate our lives to christ these are great days great days of god's [Music] dawn and purpose without our singing [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh holy spirit's filling your life let's come to your worship singles [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Music] do you know the holy spirit always falls on the place of [Music] surrender way way back in the prophetic call of god upon elijah's life he was called to bring israel back to god too call them to lay aside their false worship of the gods of the nations to focus on the one true and living god and the challenge was that the god who answers by fire let him be god elijah prepared a sacrifice he poured water upon it so that there should be no fire under it that the fire that would manifest would only be from god the heavenly fire descending and when that happened elijah stepped back and the fire fell upon that sacrifice the god of heaven answered by fire and it met at the point of sacrifice of rededication of fresh devotion and commitment yieldedness unto the holy spirit even jesus himself said i sanctify myself for this purpose and he presented himself as a sanctified and a sanctifying offering on the cross and as a result of the blood of jesus christ and as a result of the cross of jesus christ we now can be filled with the holy spirit so tonight i want to say to you just as amanda and i are stepping across threshold after threshold to go into new things that god has for us we're stepping out by faith but before that comes consecration [Music] a fresh offering of our hearts and lives to you and i want to speak over your lives the very same word that god has in store the new things that he has been preparing for this season and i see those new things operating at so many different levels i see it operating in your families new things new blessings joys breakthroughs coming yes through the times of trial but breakthrough coming and freshness and blessing and he says families reconsecrate your life church leaders cell leaders leaders at every different level god says i want to take you up and use you in a new way i want to pour out my spirit upon you in a fresh way but he says i will only do this at the point of fresh sacrifice for fresh sacrifice brings fresh anointing and fresh anointing brings fresh breakthrough and blessing in your life i see it also operating in the commercial area in the wider area in the marketplaces god says you are questioned and asked me why does my business not flourish and you have heard the answers that are given to you by those who are worldly wise and say brexit coveted economic circumstances but god says i will make a way where there is no way and i will cause those brass gates to be burst asunder and i will tear down the strongholds marshalled against you and i will give you wisdom that you might confound every tongue and silence every tongue that rises in opposition and accusation against you and in tearing these things down you shall find fresh fruitfulness fresh breakthrough but again he says it all begins at the place of fresh sacrifice and evilness to him so let's sing that chorus one more time before we finish this evening i surrender all [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] is [Music] [Music] thank you for rescuing me now may the grace of our lord jesus christ and the love of god and the fellowship of the holy spirit be with us all now and forever surely goodness and mercy shall follow us all the days of our lives and we shall dwell in the house of the lord forever and ever amen and amen good night god bless you [Music] is [Music] peace [Music] i love you lord [Music] of the goodness is [Applause] oh [Music] i know you as a father i'm delighted to tell you about the new edition of my living free devotional journal it takes you through 120 days with jesus covering many of the basics of the christian faith something that you can reflect deeply on and grow no matter where you are in your christian life the devotional includes topics such as assurance and blessing guidance and security power and authority obedience and surrender and each day there is a scripture passage to read a brief explanation of the passage a place for you to record your own thoughts and reflections a key verse to meditate on some place where you can write down questions to follow up and an important discipleship step to take it's a place for you to record your action points so that you can move forward in your spiritual life and then there is a key prayer to pay it's well laid out with plenty of space for you to write your own thoughts and this will become a key part of your devotional life as you learn to journal your spiritual journey [Music] i love you lord for your mess she never fails me and all my days i've been held by your hands from the moment of the goodness oh [Applause] oh [Music] i love your voice
Channel: Kensington Temple
Views: 554
Rating: 4.7647057 out of 5
Id: aYOQcqEVu68
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 35sec (6575 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 29 2021
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