"Watch and Keep Thy Garments" - The Forerunner Chronicles

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days fewer amens a few amens brothers and sisters we are indeed living in the last days amen I believe this is all of my heart and you should as well especially as we see the things transpiring in our world today and I really want to encouraging as the week goes on to invite your family members your friends your co-workers whosoever to come out to these meetings because we're going to be dealing with information from the Bible and from Karn events that will clearly indicate to those that have eyes to see and ears to hear that we are living in the times which Jesus Christ Himself prophesied of and therefore how much more should we be preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ even now so as it is my tradition I don't love to do a lot of talking before I get into the word I believe that the Scriptures speak more eloquently than I could ever do but I do have a tradition that I hold fast to and I will not let it go for you but I believe that you will enjoy this tradition as well because I always love to ask everyone number one please pray for yourself I believe every time the Holy Word is open that the Holy Spirit is at hand to lead and direct us into all truth and I really truly believe that we need the Holy Spirit now more than ever before the Spirit of the Lord says that God is waiting for people that will remove every obstruction so that the Spirit of the Lord might fully inhabit us God wants to light in this world with his glory but he's looking for people that are ready to receive the fullness of his presence we cannot we cannot hang our existence upon the words of men we need the words of God as our Shore Foundation and so if it is your desire to be instructed by the Spirit of the Lord this evening and not the words of a feeble man then all I'm simply asking you to do is pray and ask the Lord to come into your heart to teach you to give you that intimate message that you personally need so that you can move forward in your relationship with the Lord for such a time as this and please pray for myself as well that I will be used of God I'm just a feeble instrument but I believe that the Lord uses earthen vessels to make manifest his glory amen so please pray for me as well so that I might be nothing more than a tool in the hand of the Almighty God so as it is my tradition I'm going to kneel to pray at this time if you're inclined to do so I invite you to kneel with me and I want to ask you simply to take the next 60 seconds so we're not going to be praying for our family members and friends are children that are outside of Jesus Christ not that all of these things are not eternally important but right now I want our minds to be focused on the here and now pray for the Spirit of the Lord to come into your heart and if there is some sins that may be between you and your God confess those things and ask the Lord to have his way and when you hear my voice I'll be closing us out in prayer let's pray and ask God to be with us father in heaven I thank you for the blessing of the Sabbath rest I thank you that we have the privilege of coming into your courts Lord we can see that things are moving rapidly in our world in places not too far from where we are right now many are in total confusion of mine because they have lost all that they have some have lost family members friends and they are confused as to what the future holds for them but in your love and in your mercy in your wisdom you have preserved us Lord and you're granting us this privilege to come together in your sanctuary under such comfortable conditions so that the so that you might speak to our hearts and cause us to realize that now it is time for us to cast behind us the unnecessary comforts of this world and to set our faces toward Zion you've given us the promise that howbeit when he the Spirit of Truth has come he will guide you into all truth we are asking for the Holy Spirit to be our instructor to be our guide to impress our hearts to convict us of sin and of righteousness and of judgment to come and made Jesus Christ be glorified in our midst for you said if Christ is lifted up all men will be drawn unto Him so have thine own way please father and in particular I pray especially for myself that all my pride and self trust and self-righteousness will be purged from me so that my tongue which you formed in my mind which you made might be used as your tool for your honor thank you for hearing this my humble prayer for all things we pray in the worthy name of Jesus Christ our Lord and our Savior amen I want to invite you to open your Bibles you have your Bibles with you how many of you have your Bibles let me see your by come to the church with your Bible amen I didn't say your cell phones I said your Bibles amen come to the church with your Bible I believe there's a blessing that comes in turning the holy pages of Scripture I want you to turn your Bibles with me to the book of first Thessalonians chapter five and we're going to begin at verse 1 first Thessalonians chapter 5 beginning at verse 1 every time I go someplace new to speak it's always interesting not for me but for the people that invite me because they're always asking me for titles for my messages and I tell them I can't give you one because I don't know exactly what the Lord wants me to speak and so as I was rustling with the Lord he told me he wanted me to speak these words to you and I pray that we listen to what God has to say to our hearts amen in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 beginning at verse 1 the Bible says but of the times and the seasons brethren you have no need that I write unto you for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as what a thief in the night now brothers and sisters you know what the Word of God is speaking of here concerning the specific day our hour in which we are to look for the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ that information is not contained in the Holy Scriptures neither is that information relevant to any of us I want you to understand this evening that if that information was communicated to us in the scriptures we would be no more prepared for it if we didn't know did you hear that matter of fact I might add to that statement and say less of us would be prepared if that statement was contained in scriptures I'll put that on I'll put that on record once again did you hear that I believe with all of my heart based off of the Word of God that less of us would be prepared for the second coming of Jesus Christ if we did know exactly when he would come how do I know that the Word of God tells us in Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 15 between your Bible they're Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and verse 15 Ecclesiastes chapter 3 and the fifteenth verse important prophetic guideline that is given to us here in the scriptures it tells us here that which has been is now and that which is to be have already been and God required that which is past in other words what has happened in the past is taking place in our present-day society and what will unfold in the future has at least in principle taken place in the past God requires of us that word requires in the original hebrew means commands that we have a knowledge of historic events especially those historic events that have impacted his people throughout the lines of history so that we can better understand what is going on right now and what will happen in the very near future brothers and sisters there is no new thing under the Sun if you understand say Amen why am i pointing to this because did you know that God did give his people a specific day and hour concerning the first advent of Jesus Christ it's found in the Book of Daniel chapter 9 if you're familiar that say Amen the seventy we prophesy the four hundred and ninety days the Jewish nation knew it in its minutia matter of fact when Herod asked concerning the prophecy of the birth of the Messiah were the people able to give him a direct answer were they prepared for it are you following right now matter of fact if we look at the prophecy and all that fulfilled concerning it the Word of God lets us know that at the conclusion of that prophecy which we know took place during the timeframe of the stoning of Stephen what happened probation closed on the Jewish nation in general the majority were not prepared they did not fulfill the will of the Lord so what makes you think if you had the day or the hour you would stand on the right side of prophecy God says I'm not giving you that information it's not relevant but we do know something perfectly a concerning concerning the coming of the Lord are you with me right now matter of fact we should know something perfectly 1st Thessalonians 5 and verse 2 first one tells us for yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night so we don't know the day nor the hour in which we should expect this a turkic second coming of Jesus Christ but we should know perfectly not vaguely but perfectly that this event will be as a thief in the night I want you to go with me to Revelation chapter 16 let's look at verse 15 Revelation chapter v 16 and looking at the fifteenth verse because there himself speaks concerning his coming being as a thief in the night and he pronounces a special blessing upon those that will engage in two specific works as they understand that he's coming as a thief in the night relation 16 15 the Bible says Jesus says behold I come as a thief blessed is he that watcheth and keepeth his garments why lest he walk naked and they see his what shame so jesus himself said I'm coming as a thief here's a blessing if you watch and you keep on your garments so you're not found walking in the shame of your nakedness so that your shame is not seen if you're with me say Amen brothers and sisters should we know perfectly that Jesus is coming as a thief in the night according to the scriptures amen therefore because we know this is truth what should we be doing right now watching and keeping our garments that's what the Bible said did it say praying did it say brain it said watching and keeping your garments now I'm not saying that this negates praying but we're going to look at this a little closer because the scripture says we need to be watching and keeping our garments lest we walk naked and they see our what now what should we be watching for I want you to go with me to the Book of Luke where you going now Luke the 21st chapter we're looking at Luke the 21st chapter brothers and sisters I don't care how many times you may have heard some of these things recited from the Word of God Noah preached 120 years the same message guess what only eight were saved from the flood the Bible says in Luke chapter 21 are you with me in Luke chapter 21 beginning at verse 34 it says and take heed to yourselves lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and the cares of this life so that that day come upon you unawares watch ye therefore and do what else are you with me in the Bible right now watch it therefore and pray always that she may escape all these that might come to pass that shall come to pass this is a positive affirmative it will come to pass so that we might be able to stand before the son of whom the Son of Man so Jesus says we need to be watching and praying in this hour as we know he's getting ready to come as a thief in the night watch for what watch that you're not overcome by sir fading watch that you're not overcome by drunkenness watch that you're not overcome by the cares of this life brothers and sisters I guarantee you if we're overcome by sir fading if we're overcome by drunkenness if we're overcome by the cares of this life we will not have on the garments of righteousness that the same of our sin do not appear in this hour question I like to ask questions I'm an inquisitive individual what is sir fading say it one more time my brother over eating over a consumption overeating question is that something that we really need to be concerned about I mean because it really can't be by the way who is speaking these words were these the words of Luke were these the words of these were the words of Jesus himself if Jesus literally gives us an admonition to be careful about overeating what do you need to be doing that potluck tomorrow you know I know I know something please let me let me help you understand that I'm very familiar with something about God's people anytime you talk about food dress and music the people of God are ready for war are you worthy it's okay I brought my double a detour are you with me right now brothers and sisters please listen closely because Jesus himself is saying these words he says take heed to yourself lest at any time your hearts be overcharged by sir fading when he's speaking of the hearty speaking of the mine why would he encourage us to be careful about overconsumption and having to do something with the mind I mean what does the mind need to function listen closely what does the mind need to function blood good what does the digestive process use a lot of blood if you eat a lot of food then how much blood does your stomach need let's just speak in very simple terms a lot of blood are you with me right now so if a lot of blood is in your stomach a lot of blood can't be in your and then the mind becomes foggy you might start getting sleepy you might start speaking things that are unadvisable are you with me right now is this a state of drunkenness you know that is a state of drunkenness but let me ask you a question brothers and sisters if the mind is feeble the only organ by which the Spirit of God can communicate to you if the mind is enfeebled through overeating then are you more susceptible to the deceptions of Satan have we been warned in these last days to beware of the wine of Babylon by which one can become what drunken are you following right now so do you think it might be possible that in these last days the devil wants the minds of the people of God to become benumbed so that he can deceive us with the wine of Babylon thereby making us drunken and instead of minding spiritual things instead of having our heart set upon heaven we begun we begin to become overtaken by the cares of this life you know the devil's our strategist Jesus says watch that you're not overtaken and as we are watching brothers and sisters you know many times when we consider this issue of watching and keeping on our garments the first thing we think of is the signs of the times if that's true say Amen do you think that you need to be watching the signs of the times of course we need to be watching the signs of the times unfortunately many of us are not watching the signs of the times many as many of us are denying that which is taking place in our world are clear indicators that we're living at the end of time and because of this instead of preparing for the second coming of Jesus Christ they will be overtaken by Jesus Christ as a thief in the night but Jesus says we need to be watching we need to be watching the signs of the times we need to be watching how the enemy is advancing towards our homes towards our churches are you following so far but as we are watching we need to be making sure that we keep on our garments some of us are very avid students of that which is transpiring within mainstream media or alternative media we need to understand the signs of the times we need to understand some of these things that are going on behind the scenes the Bible says there's a conspiracy in the land but brothers and sisters as you're watching you better make sure you're keeping on your garments because you may be able to clearly indicate that Donald Trump doesn't have on his garments but do you so as we're watching what should we be watching we need to be watching how am I thinking why am I saying the things that I'm saying what am i doing with my children are you following right now what am i eating why do I eat what do I eat Who am I with why am i with whom I'm with are you following right now we need to be watching our personal relationship with Jesus Christ and seeing are there any gaps or breaches that will ultimately lead to me not walking covered in the righteousness of Jesus Christ he does not want to find us in the shame of our nakedness and when you consider this issue and the fact that Jesus is warning us to be watching and praying so that we do not lose the blessing of eternal life so that we're not found walking in the shame of our nakedness you need to consider something there is only one people in the Bible in particular that Jesus says you're naked and you need some garments or you're going to be naked whom is that people Laodicea go with me to Revelation chapter 3 where you going now come on brothers and sisters revelation that I'm from New York just act with me for a minute are you with me right now Revelation chapter 3 were you going now Revelation chapter 3 and we're going to begin at verse 18 revelation the third chapter looking at the 18th verse the Bible tells us there I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayst be rich and white raiment that thou mayst be clothed and that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear who is he speaking to which church say it again us God's last-day church out of which he will have a remnant that will stand in this crisis our he is saying to us I counsel you to buy of me gold tried in the fire that thou mayst be rich and white raiment so that we can be clothed and that the shame of our nakedness do not appear what is special about the Church of Laodicea the very name Laodicea tells a whole lot because the name Laodicea means the judgment of the people are the people under judgment we are the church that is living during the timeframe of the investigative judgment brothers and sisters when Jesus Christ returns to this world the second time with lightning thundering on a cloud of fire that in folds within and without with all the angelic hosts giving forth the shout of the ark angel blowing the Trump of God is that going to be as a thief what about when he comes upon your name in the investigative judgment when their name comes up in the book well you know when Jesus Christ is reviewing your character it will be as a thief in the night and that is why he gives us the council to watch and pray continually because you know not the moment in which your name will come up and hence we must be ready always to be able to stand before our God in this judgment hour we don't know what's going to happen brothers and sisters but we do know Jesus is coming upon our names he's coming as a thief in the night we are living in the day of the Lord and also as we are keeping our garments as we are watching and praying so that as we are prepared preparing continually for that hour in which our names will come up in judgment look what else the Lord says we need to be engaged in doing go with me to the book of Joel where you going now Joe sure the book of Joel the book of Joel chapter two were you going in your bibles once again Joel chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 so as we know the day of the Lord is coming as a thief in the night number 1 Jesus says watch and pray keep on your garments be prepared for that hour in which your name comes up and reviewing the investigative judgment but as we are staying in this state of preparedness as we are seeking to make sure that our lice are hidden in Jesus Christ that there are no sins that we are continually performing in the sight of a holy God that will cut us off from entering into God's eternal inheritance the Word of God said there's a special work that we need to be engaged in it tells us here in Joel chapter 2 beginning at verse 1 it says blow ye the trumpet in Zion and sound an alarm in my holy mountain and let all the inhabitants of the land sleep and feel at peace and let all the inhabitants of the land what tremble why for the day of the Lord cometh it is nigh at hand brothers and sisters as we see the day of the Lord coming God wants us to number one prepare ourselves to stand before a holy God without a mediator and then number two blow the trumpet in the land so that others might be prepared for the hour of judgment when the trumpet is being blown does it cause people to be comfortable the Bible says it should cause men to tremble it should cause men to tremble why number one it should cause the sinner to tremble because the Bible says the wages of sin is death why should it cause the righteous to tremble brothers and sisters the Bible tells us in the book of when we're going to come to that again this week but in 1st Peter chapter 4 in verse 17 the Bible says for the time has come that judgment is begin at the house of God and if it first begin at us what shall the envy of them that obey not the gospel of God and if the righteous scarcely be saved wherein shall be ungodly and the sinner appear it should cause us to tremble am I still hidden in Christ continually and am i doing all that I can by faith in Jesus Christ to lead others out of the darkness into the marvelous light multitudes upon multitudes upon multitudes are getting ready to be lost brothers and sisters I'll say it one more time I'm not just saying this for effect I'm not just saying it because I'm standing before you I could care less if I get a dollar are you with me right now I'm not a preacher for hire multitudes are getting ready to be lost because they do not realize that Jesus Christ is Lord not only Lord but high priest and he is getting ready to finish the work of the investigative judgment multitudes are going to be lost can you imagine there were some people comfortable in Mexico just a few days ago how many of you saw the news they were in Mexico brothers and sisters do you realize what transpired did you really really read all the news about what took place before that earthquake they were doing drills for an earthquake prior two hours or three hours prior to the earthquake in commemoration of an earthquake that took place some years ago they say oh let's do some drills next thing they know they were in the middle of the real thing and lice were lost both old and young they had no knowledge of what was going to transpire probation was closed were they ready to stand before Jesus multitudes are getting ready to be lost all we're seeing right now transpiring within the news this is just a microcosm of that which will transpire on a global scale in a very short frame of time from now God says blow the trumpet in the land cause the inhabitants to tremble men and women need to be awakened from this slumber of worldliness but the most fearful thing about all of this is that go back with me the 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 I want you to see what the scripture says there many of you are familiar with it but I want you to look at it one more time in 1st Thessalonians chapter 5 as God is looking for a people who perfectly understand that the day of the Lord comes at the thief in the night hence they should be watching and praying and blowing the trumpet you know unfortunately I just have to put in this in here unfortunately there are many that say when you begin to talk about prophecy in this fashion and begin to try to stir up the minds of God P God's people to be aware to be prepared for a second coming they say don't listen that person is an alarmist I want it to be very clear right now I embrace that moniker I am an alarmist there is trouble coming and I am sounding the alarm because the Word of God says here that God wants our people to be watching and praying and blowing the trumpet but behind them doing this another group comes according to 1st Thessalonians 5 in verse 3 and they say no no no peace and safety don't listen to all those trumpet blowers they come piping on the flute peace and safety but God says when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape brothers and sisters are the words are the cries of peace and safety coming from the world answer is yes but you know when you really think about this the Bible says it comes upon them as travail upon a woman with child in the Bible what does a woman stand as a symbol of a church so where is this crime in safety really coming from how do you know Jesus is getting ready to come right now young man I'm a fourth generation seventh-day adventists tenth there's not even a such thing as a 10th generation seventh-day adventists I'm a fifth generation I have socks older than you young man as long as I was on my grandmother's knee she told me Jesus was coming in her day many a preacher have told me that Jesus how come you're so sure Jesus is coming come on occupy till he comes when they say occupy till he comes they mean practice sin until he comes you know that's what they mean right you know we're supposed to be the soldiers of the Lord are you following right now we are the army of the Living God when an army goes into an alien nation to occupy do they build brick houses are you following are they looking as to how they can invest in terror oh you know that's a beautiful condo let me invest in that that's a beautiful that's a beautiful boat oh let me invest in that Oh made me put an addition to that too are you with me right now I'm trying to give you the concept of occupy when an army goes into alien territory for the purpose of war they set themselves up sufficiently to be able to carry out the mission that they have been appointed to carry out are you with me right now they're not looking to multiply and multiply and multiply and multiply matter of fact many a times when they when the army leaves they can leave most of the stuff that they had they're occupying behind them because it's worthless to them are we occupying in that fashion are you following what I'm saying right now the Bible says when they shall say peace and safety then sudden destruction cometh upon them as travail upon a woman with child and they shall not escape this should be familiar to you but it made me make it clear is it possible for a woman to be pregnant not known and not know that she's pregnant is it possible for a woman to go into labor and not know that she's going into labor now I know it's hard for many mothers to fathom but it is possible and there are more than one account on record of this taking place my favorite is a woman that went to the hospital because she thought she had a hernia she came out with a baby girl how is that possible for a woman to go into labor and not know that she's going into labor it's simply because she is not familiar with the signs that indicate birth deliverance can it be possible the same is happening in the church that the signs are in the land and we are not familiar with those signs hence we're not going to be prepared for the time of deliverance what signs are these you're familiar with in Matthew chapter 24 please go there with me Matthew chapter 24 Matthew chapter 24 beginning at verse 4 I cannot get away from Matthew chapter 4 24 because brothers and sisters these are the words of Jesus Christ concerning the final events in these last days and you can see week after week how these words are becoming more and more relevant than when they were first fork spoken or when you last heard them preached because the Bible tells us in verse 4 take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying I am Christ and shall deceive many and ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars see that she be not troubled for all these things must come to pass but the end is not yet what for nation shall rise up against nation and Kingdom against Kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places and all these are the beginnings of Sorrows the word Sorrows means labor pangs birth contractions they are the indicators that a time of deliverance is at hand nation against nation races in opposition to other races racial tension that's not happening in the world today so prophecy isn't being fulfilled brothers and sisters we haven't seen racial tension the way we seen racial tension in United States of America right now since Martin Luther King was marching the tension is stick in our country right now in bold in some class that they've they have they have resurrected some derogatory terminologies that they were fearful in days past they speak you know what I'm talking about right now they'll come to you later listen sisters is serious racial tension division are you following right now Kingdom against Kingdom are we seeing political strife right now we literally see North Korea and the United States of America like two bullies in the playground drawing the line in the sand casting words back and forth Georgia Ranger mad man you're crazy arson fire arson fire these are the words that meant that literally have the ability to launch nuclear weapons are speaking one to another this is tension famines pestilence earthquakes in diverse places brothers and sisters are we seeing these have things happening we're not just seeing them happen we're seeing them happening simultaneously it has come to the point right now literally literally as soon as you're becoming familiar with one event something else is happening who Hurricane Harvey destroyed Texas let's help them next thing you know hurricane Irma Oh Hurricane Irma we need to help them next thing you know Maria Maria couldn't finished earthquake in Mexico and while they're talking King John hoon and Donald Trump are discussing nuclear warfare brothers and sisters you mean to tell me you really don't think we're living in the last days it's why the words of Jesus are so relevant today the time of deliverance is certainly upon us and as we know this is true then we should be looking for the hour of deliverance and the Word of God tells us in verse verse 9 what hour of deliverance is upon us please look at verse 9 of Matthew chapter 24 it says there then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted and they shall kill you and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake the time of trouble is right upon the people of God it is a certainty as surely as you are seeing the elements in a people as surely as you're seeing political strife as surely as you're seeing tension within society between different classes and different races all of these are the harbingers screaming loud that the hour of probation is soon to close and Jesus Christ is getting ready to put in his return but before all of this takes place God's people will pass through a time of trouble such as never was but furnace is getting ready to be heated up seven times harder than it ever has been before will Christ stand with you in the furnace interesting enough I want you to see what the Word of God goes on to say look back with me Matthew chapter 24 verse 9 then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted who are these individuals that the Bible is speaking of that are going to be the very agents that deliver us up for our affliction I want you to look at Matthew chapter 10 Matthew chapter 10 beginning at verse 21 who are these individuals that will be responsible for delivering the people of God into this hour of affliction the Word of God says in Matthew 10 verse 21 and the brothers shall deliver up the brother to death and the father the child and the children shall rise up against their parents and cause them to be put to death the Word of God makes no mention of the police no mention of the military it says your family members the very child whose diapers you that one your husband your wife that one they are going to be the agents that the enemy uses as the instruments to deliver you for your destruction it's a fearful thought is it not and who will they deliver us to go with me we're looking at the Bible are you with me now we're going to the book of Mark mark chapter 13 who will they be delivering us up to mark the 13th chapter I want you to begin with me looking closely in mark chapter 13 looking at verse 9 the Bible states clearly here but take heed to yourselves for they will deliver you up to the council's and ye shall be and in the synagogue's ye shall be beaten and ye shall be brought before rulers and Kings for my sake and for a testimony against them so they're going to deliver God's people up to some councils and these councils according to the Word of God they will be comprised of rulers and Kings now when you think of rulers and Kings do you think of ecclesiastical powers do you think of religious authorities or do you think of civil powers civil powers so we are going to be delivered into these councils that are going to have rulers and kings some of the world statesmen some of the world's historians some of the wise men of society these are going to be the men that are going to be questioning you concerning the very particular positions of your faith you know the servant of the Lord tells us if God has ever spoken me if the servant of the Lord who's been inspired by God from the beginning to the end makes a statement and tells you if God has ever spoken by me what she's simply stating is if I've ever said something that was inspired by the Spirit of God here it is she said if God has ever spoken by me we will be brought before these counsels that will be filled with rulers and Kings some of the world's wise men and they will begin to question us on the various peculiar positions of our faith and we also told that in that hour many will become confused notice the word of God the clear is here that he is going to allow this to come upon the people of God for his sake and for testimony against these individuals you see the work that we will not do during this period of peace and safety we will do when the fires of persecution are kindled upon us your skill to go to you're scared to go to prime minister to give them a great controversy you'll stand before him and you'll have to give him a discourse your orally on the great controversy are you with me now brothers and sisters it's serious serious thing and God will use this hour as a means by which his name can be glorified and the truth will be able to reach individuals that at this time we might not have access to the question is will you be prepared for that hour because it is coming matter of fact I want you to go back with me to we're going to the book of Matthew again Matthew chapter 10 looking at verse 17 because in Matthew chapter 10 and verse 17 the Bible actually gives us a little bit more information concerning these counsels into which the people of God will be delivered in this crisis our so that we will be able to give a clear testimony a court concerning the law and the prophets to these individuals who need to hear the present truth that everlasting gospel in the final moments of probation for the world the Bible says concerning these councils in Matthew chapter 10 and verse 17 but beware of why for they will deliver you up to councils and in the what and they will scourge you in their synagogues stop for a second did you see something interesting there the Bible says that these councils that you'll be delivered up to you'll be scourge in their synagogues there is a possessive pronoun which means these councils possess some synagogues what is the synagogue a church so if you have rulers and kings civil authorities in these councils but then they have some synagogues which is a religious edifice then what are we looking at we are looking at a union of church and state which God's people will be delivered into for persecution purposes it's coming brothers and sisters this is not my word these are the words of Jesus himself and unfortunately I have to say it again unfortunately they are still those amongst us and when I say amongst us I'm not just speaking or seventh-day Adventism I mean all of Christendom at large there are some that say all don't talk about these things oh it all come to pass Jesus is coming don't worry first of all if Jesus said for me to consider it I need to consider it second of all brothers and sisters it's important because Jesus clearly declares that it is important for us to know this information matter of fact go with me to John chapter 16 I want you to see these words directly coming out of the mouth of Jesus himself John the sixteenth chapter and we're looking at the very first verse John chapter 16 looking at verse one look at what Jesus says please pay close attention Jesus says these things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be offended verse two they shall do what they shall put you out of the synagogue they the time cometh that whosoever killeth you will think that he doeth god's service now before we address verse two let's address verse one jesus said these things have I spoken unto you that ye should not be off in other words the words I'm speaking to you are necessary because I'm giving you information that is going to help you not be offended they're going to put you out of the synagogue the time is coming that the people in the church will kill you and say blessed be the name of the Lord one man must die to save a nation brothers and sisters let me ask you a question can you not see the relevance of the words of Jesus Christ think about this I always like to draw up the scenario because pictures speak very clearly you're at home eating there's a knock at the door your wife opens the door your mother opens the door it's the authorities it's literally the sheriff the police then your wife or your mother says there they are they're right over there and they don't say oh I hate you I hate you no no no no they say I'm so sorry they told me they were going to take away the children they told me they would take away my healthcare benefits you know I'm sick you have a stronger faith than I do don't worry pray Jesus will help you are you with me now your own family member delivers you into the hands of authorities and as your their handcuffed going who wheresoever they lead you you're thinking to yourself the Lord always told me that my family members might turn on me at least I had the household of faith guess where they take you're next to the church and you're in the church wondering what's going on not only do you see that do they call it the consulate out here not only do you see the sheriff there are you following right now or a mayor are you with me right now or some statesman from your community but the very the very elder that did Bible studies with you to bring you into the church so that you can get baptized he's there to the very people that you thought I can't trust my flesh and blood but the household of faith there the pastor is that baptized you can you not see how if Jesus did not for warned us of this when it unfolded multitudes would be offended you would be totally I mean after the first after the first family member turned their back on you many of us would already turn our back on Jesus but Jesus said I'm telling you these things beforehand so that when they transpire you're not offended Matthew chapter 10 look what he says here Matthew 10 very familiar verse of scripture to all of us here Matthew 10 looking at verse 36 he says a man's foes shall be those of his own household and not simply the house that you're going to after you leave the church I'm talking about the house that you're in right now many say there of Christ and they're not of Christ and with this understanding of all that is getting ready to unfold in the very near future Jesus gives us a very solemn warning and it's spoken once again in Matthew chapter 10 beginning at verse 17 he says beware of men why because you're supposed to walk around paranoid of your children walk around paranoid of your of your spouse you haven't been studying your Bible the way that you should the last few days you're going to be my persecutor are you with me now is that the way that you should walk around your household paranoid of spouse and children when the Word of God says but beware of men Jesus is simply encouraging us for warning us that we should beware of investing the fullness of our trust in men because men will be the agents that the enemy uses as our persecutors matter of fact go with me we're looking at the book of Psalm chapter 146 Psalm 146 going to verse 3 saundh the 146 division and we're going to the third verse these are the words of Jesus himself Psalm 146 psalm 46 and verse 3 the Word of God rather the Bible says put not your trust in Princes neither and the son of man and whom there is no hell his breath goeth forth he returneth to his earth and in that very day his thoughts perish our trust should not be invested in men no matter what position they hold in this life the people of God are not politicians we should not have one or other political leaning our focus needs to be on heaven we're not politicians we're supposed to be converted Christians in the United States of America there are so many that are divided in the seventh-day Adventist Church what over righteousness my faith no over Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton when did God call us to be Republicans and Democrats jesus said My Kingdom is not of this world there is absolutely no finite human vessel which we can safely invest the fullness of our trust in why would you place the fullness of your existence in a finite being that is subject to death the same way that you are his breath goeth forth he returneth to his earth in that very day his thoughts perish and so does your hope and in fact the word of God even speaks in stronger language on this issue I want you to Jeremiah chapter 17 Jeremiah the seventeenth chapter Jeremiah chapter 17 in Jeremiah 17 looking at the fifth verse God States the same issue when he uses stronger language he says if the Lord cursed be the man that trusteth in man and that maketh flesh his arm and whose heart departed from the Lord the Word of God doesn't simply say that you should not trust the man it literally says you're cursed if you place your trust in man you are cursed if you place your trust in the finite intellect of a man to govern your existence you're looking to the intellectual capacities of a human being to govern your reason in your judgment to govern the course of your existence that is wise teacher said so teacher said so oh no no no this is pastor said so that's a better one matter of fact God goes on to say not only are you cursed if you place your trust in the intellect of a man you're cursed if you place your trust in man in in in flesh as your arm when the Bible speaks of placing your trust and flesh as your arm it's simply saying you're cursed if you place your dependence in the strength of man to part to take care of you and to uphold you isn't that what the majority of us do oh I would come to church pastor but my boss said that I have to be at work on Saturday how many times have you had to heard that one before I'll be at the Sabbath evening meeting but I have to work until nine o'clock so in other words just state the issue as it is clearly I love God I mean I care about God but I really trust my boss because if he doesn't pay me I can't eat isn't that what we're saying and what the Bible unequivocally states is that when we invest the fullness of our trust in men in this fashion what will be the result our hearts will depart from the Lord because we will no longer be trusting in Jehovah will be trusting in men and if we're honest the majority all of us in here at one point in time have probably fallen into this category do you know it's true here's the situation I'd like to paint this picture because it brings things clearer to the mind let's say you go to the doctor one day the doctor diagnoses you with cancer have mercy serious situation took my wife took my mother out of this world and the doctor says to you the same thing that he said to my mother he says you're gonna have to go through this round of chemotherapy this is your only hope this is the only hope to attack this cancer because it's so evasive you have to do this round of chemotherapy but then God tells you in his word that drugs never cure disease you know it says that in the spirit of prophecy it only changes its form and location and so now we're betwixt two opinions do I invest the fullness of my trust in the all-knowing God or in the all-knowing doctor and if we're honest for most of us our hearts depart from the Lord brothers and sisters you know why God is speaking to us in this fashion there is no way possible that we can be able that we will be equipped to endure what is before us if we invest the fullness of our trust in man to endure the crisis that is before us as the people of God we must have our faith anchored in Christ the Bible tells us I want you to go with me in your Bibles once again where are you going you're going in your Bibles and you're going to the Book of Luke were you going now Luke chapter 21 matter of fact go to mark first mark chapter 13 were you going mark the thirteenth chapter once again mark the thirteenth chapter and I want you to drop down with me to verse 13 mark chapter 13 looking at verse 13 jesus states here and he shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake but he that shall endure unto the end the same shall be saved go with me now to Luke chapter 21 Luke the 21st chapter will begin at verse 17 Luke chapter 21 beginning at verse 17 look what the Word of God tells us concerning this issue Bible says in Luke the 21st chapter beginning at verse 17 and ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake but there shall not one here of your head perish but in your patience possess ye your souls in other words our salvation will be hinged upon our patience we need a patience that can endure the crisis that's before us how many of you want that patience you know when the Bible speaks of this type of patients that can fortify a man or a woman to pass through a crisis of this nature it literally points to the character of one man in particular I want you to see this James chapter 5 Jane the fifth chapter James the fifth chapter and the Bible will tell us the type of patients that each one of us need to possess so that we can actually successfully go through the crisis our that is right before us that all of us will be delivered into if we are faithful James chapter 5 beginning at verse 11 it says here behold we count them happy which endure he have heard of the patience of show and you have seen the end of the Lord that the Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy so when God is encouraging us to be to fortify ourselves to stand for the crisis that's right before us he turns our attention to his servant job he says you have seen the patience of Job blessed we count them happy which endure haven't you seen job have you seen the patience that was displayed by my servant job and you're very familiar with the crisis that job went through because you love to rehearse it when you come to prayer meeting because you have no job I mean just look at the brothers and sisters as much as you have heard of the crisis of Job I want you to think about about it with me one more time this evening despise not the truth don't let familiarity breeds contempt are you following right now there is this contention not contention but rather contest between God and Satan Satan comes into the council God asks him where are you coming from he says I'm going to and fro in the world basically saying just making sure everything in my kingdom is in check everyone is under thumb they're all marching to my tune and the devil has to hear the words come forth out of the mouth of Jehovah have you considered my servant job it's not that the devil didn't know about job he didn't want to have to consider job he says have you considered my servant he's perfect and upright one that excuse evil the devil immediately jumps on job situation so you know he's completely from you with it he says job doesn't fear you for nothing yeah bless him that's why he blesses your name take away the blessings you'll do what God says okay you can take everything away from my servant you just can't take his life straight way the devil goes from the presence of the Lord he doesn't wait a moment straightway takes away houses servant all of it children all of it are you following right now oh yes train them up are you with me right now brother listen this is not a joke houses children cattle everything within a 24 hour time fret the son didn't even set before all of this transpired so it wasn't even 24 hours all with and we always say oh yeah that was bad that was bad tell me president sister some of you you lose your wallet use a cell phone you ready to give Jesus up a pasta size because you lost your cell phone job lost everything in in a matter of hours except for one thing that Satan thought convenient to leave behind Bible says Joe with me job chapter tomb job chapter 2 the Bible tells us in job chapter 2 if you're there with me say Amen beginning at verse 9 then said his wife unto him dust thou retain that's now still retain dine integrity curse God and die that devil leaves his wife behind was this coincidence he just couldn't find her brothers and sisters it was a strategic move on the behalf of the devil one because he knew that in his wife he had an effective agent and if there was one relationship above another in this world that a man should invest his trust in should it not be his spouse that is supposed to be bone of his bone and flesh of his flesh imagine if job had invested the fullness of his trust in his spouse when his wife said that he would have cursed God and he indeed would have died the second death you know that's exactly you know brothers and sisters let's be honest there are many that used to be amongst us that are no longer amongst us because they had a spouse that the devil could use and when that spouse of pasta sighs guess what they did a pasta sized you know it's true because we've refused to receive the counsel when the Lord says make sure that you're not unevenly yoked make sure that you invest the fullness of your trust not in wife not in husband but in Jesus Christ the righteous but look at the words of Job and I believe that job responded to his wife in all the tenderness and boldness of Jesus Christ when he said to her that'll speaker says one of the foolish woman's biggest what should we receive good at the hand of God and not evil and in all these things job did not sin with his what job had to look at his wife and say you're speaking like one of the foolish women you know in these last days that's exactly what the people of God are going to have to say you know you're speaking like one of those foolish women you don't know what I'm talking about what is a woman a symbol of in the Bible a church brothers and sisters at the Bible speak of any foolish churches go with me in the Bible we're going to the Book of Jeremiah chapter 51 were you going now Jeremiah the 51st chapter we're looking at verse 7 in Jeremiah chapter 51 looking at verse 7 the Bible speaks of the wine-cup of Babylon and it says there Babylon has been a golden cup in the Lord's hand which has made all the earth drunken the nation's have drunken of her wine therefore the nation's are mad the word mad in the original language means the nation's are foolish when you drink the wine of Babylon it turns you into a fool now are there any churches that are drunk with the wine of Babylon go with me Revelation chapter 17 and verse 5 Revelation chapter 17 and verse 5 brothers and sisters the Word of God is clear and God is for warning us that we are not offended in our hour of crisis in Revelation chapter 17 and verse 5 speaking of this mystical system this barley colored Beast that has a woman on top of her of it the Bible speaking of that woman says upon her forehead was a name written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots now is she's a mother of harlots she's got some daughters and they're just as drunk as she is with the wine of Babylon all of these apostate churches that have gone away from what they profess to be a part of Sola scriptura they'll come to you and say Sola scriptura when they're not following Sola scriptura these apostate systems of worship that have continued in the errors of the Dark Ages clinging to Sunday sacredness clinging to the immortality of the soul brothers and sisters these are the foolish women running around in our land today the sad thing is in this crisis our some of us are going to have to look at our family members and say you're speaking like one of the foolish women can you imagine you're sitting in church one day god forbid the preacher gets up into the pulpit with the torch of false prophecy that was kindled by the hellish torture Satan that's the way that sister white speaks of it and he's standing there one day and says to you you know as I was praying him fasting this week the Spirit of the Lord spoke to me he told me that we were being legalistic and pushing this whole thing of the seventh-day Sabbath we need to come together with the people God doesn't care about the day he cares about your heart he's gonna say that emphatically to your heart I wonder if in that hour one of us in the meekness and humility of Jesus Christ will stand up with hand risen and say I'm sorry preacher but did I hear correctly because for a moment ago it just sounded like you were speaking like one of the foolish women speaketh brothers and sisters let me put it plain on the table for you if you're reading what the foolish women are speaking of okay let me speak it clearly if you're reading the books of the apostate Protestants and you're watching the television programs of the teenage tdj can apostate Protestants then guess what you're going to start speaking like the foolish women speaketh because out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh that's why God says keep thy heart with all diligence four out of it are the issues of life in that hour we might have to just say like job you're speaking like one of the foolish women but in all these things job didn't even sin with his lips and when you consider the character of job you realize that there are a distinguished group of individuals that are spoken of in the scripture that will possess a character that parallels that of job and they're in Revelation chapter 14 beginning at verse 1 you know we love to speak of Revelation chapter 14 verses 6 through 12 because contained therein are the three angels messages but brothers and sisters many a time we forget to look at Revelation chapter 14 verses 1 through 5 because they're the prerequisites to declare the everlasting gospel with power are you with me now it says and I looked and lo a lamb stood upon the Mount Zion and with him a hundred and forty and four thousand having his father's name written in their foreheads and I heard a voice from heaven as the voice of many waters and as a voice of a great Thunder and I heard the voice of harpers harping with their harps and they saying as it were a new song before the throne and before the wall and before the elders and no man could learn that song but the hundred and forty and four thousand which were redeemed from among men verse four these are they which are not defiled with women for they are virgins hold on a second they don't listen to the foolish women do they these are they which follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth I want you to drop down with me to verse six if you arrive there in your Bible now say Amen look what it says concerning the character of one hundred and forty and four thousand the Bible goes on to say their first five rather and in their mouth was found no guile for they are without fault before what the throne of God they don't even sin against God with their very lips just like Joel job is a type are you with me so hard job is a type of God's people that will stand in these last days that will pass through a crisis hour in which every earthly support is cut off the job not have every earthly support cut off he lost all power to buy and sell ability even his familiar friends they became as a curse to his soul brothers and sisters job stands as a type of those who will stand in this final crisis hour when every earthly support is cut off but they will have a patience that will encrypt them to endure the crisis you think to yourself what is it that job had in his character that I must have in mind God wants us to consider this because he said blessed behold we count them happy which endure you have heard of the patience of Job what did job have in his character only two things I want to discuss on this issue but with me to job chapter 23 and verse 12 job 23 looking at verse 12 the Bible tells us neither have i gone back from the commandments of his lips for our esteem the words of his mouth more than my necessary food the bible declares that joke never departed from the commandments that proceeded forth from the mouth of god why because he esteemed god's word more than the food that he needed to exist brothers and sisters that simply means that joel valued the word of god more than his own personal existence he deemed the word of god more precious than life and hence he never departed from God's commandments he continually walked in obedience to the commandments of God because he looked at God's Word has life itself more than food on the plate he value God's Word more than food you know one of the reasons I like this scripture so much is because when you look at that word esteemed it doesn't simply mean that he valued the Word of God more than his necessary food it literally means that he laid up the Word of God more than his necessary food I want you to think about this you're under different circumstances here in Bermuda but let me speak from a American perspective many a time I'll go to different churches and as I speak on these issues which are clearly stated in the Word of God and many of us are familiar with the council that the Lord has given us and I know that you're familiar with it here as well that God has told us in his word out of the cities out of the cities this is the message to God's people have you ever heard of that message before and there are many that want to follow that and follow that Commission and they're saying okay what I want to do now is I'm going to buy some land in a tall mountain and then I'm going to dig deep into the earth and I'm going to build a bunker down there and make sure that I have a year's supply of water and I have a year's supply of food and they're thinking of all these rations instead of making preparations they're Preppers you ever heard of peppers before they're peppers they're not prepares their peppers and this is fine and dandy that you want to make all these preparations but while God's people forget is what Jobe knew instead of making all of these types of physical preparations Jobe knew that when the hour of crisis came what he needed wasn't food he needed the Word of God laid up in his heart so instead of storing up food Jobe was storing up the Word of God you think Jobe didn't know that a time of trouble was coming brothers and sisters the very words of job and job chapter 2 and verse 10 lets you know that he knew a time of trouble would eventually come the into his words he said to his wife thou speakest as one of the foolish women speaketh what shall we receive good at the hand of God and not evil in other words do you think that prosperity will be perpetual do you think that evil will never come to us job knew that prosperity might not be perpetual throughout his lifetime and hence instead of placing his hope in his goods he placed this off in the Jehovah that gave him the goods Joe was looking not to storm that which was temporal he was laying up that which was spiritual and eternal he was laying the Word of God up in his heart and hence when the crisis came he did not depart from the commandments of God he didn't even sin with his lips do you have that type of relationship with the Lord is that the type of relationship that you are nurturing that God's Word is more precious than food than bread and water let's be honest when's the last time you missed a meal because you were studying the Bible when's the last time you missed a meal because doing that Bible study with that brother or that sister was so sweet that like Jesus you're able to turn around and say I have meat that you know not on when's the last time you came late to a meal because you were involved in studying the Word of God I just said late some of you are ready to torture and hang the preacher because he goes a few minutes over and you can't get the potluck brothers and sisters listen this is not a joke this is serious because we're literally told in the book great controversy remember that book that for the crisis that is right before us we will need a faith that can endure weariness hunger and delay a faith that will not faint though it is severely tried that is the relationship the type of connection that we are to be nurturing right now has led by the Spirit of God in these hours of probation because when crisis touches down brothers and sisters preparation time is over that character that we have developed will be fully revealed it is not going to be a cheat sheet for the time of Jacob's trouble you can't you can't borrow the right answers that's what the foolish virgins tried to do give us up your oil not so less there's not enough for us and you also go to those that sell and buy for yourself did the Scriptures elder to ever tell us anything about them coming back with oil preparation time is now we need to be laying the Word of God up in our hearts so that we can say like the servant of the Lord by a word have I hid in mine heart that I might not sin against a job was a commandment keeper go with me to the book of Job chapter 25 Joe chapter 25 looking at verse medevac job chapter 19 looking at verse 25 job chapter 19 looking at verse 25 please when you arrive there in your Bible same and as we come to a close job chapter 19 looking at verse 25 the Bible says which you know very well for I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth and though after my skin worms destroy one yet in my flesh I shall see God powerful words amen brothers and sisters let's think about this job said I know that my Redeemer liveth and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth now as the latter day past present or future I'll say it again is the latter day past present or future future so joke knew of the future did he not he knew of the second coming of Christ and he literally knew about the resurrection because he said after my skin worms destroy this body yet in my flesh I will see God so joke knew about the second coming and he also knew about the resurrection how did job know all these things that you know he read it in the book of Daniel somebody said yes he read it in the book of Revelation rather Amen the book of Revelation in the Book of Daniel didn't even exist Isaiah Genesis the first book of the Bible that was ever written was the book of Joel so how did job know this information he he knew it the same way that Daniel got it that I say you got it and that John got it he received the gift of the spirit of prophecy and because Joe received the gift of the spirit of prophecy listen to his words I believe that my redeemer lives that's what he said that's the same way that that's most of us talk like that I believe Jesus is coming again job didn't say anything about I believe he said I know look listen to these words brother Hudson do you love your wife I believe I do exactly brother husband do you love your wife I know I love my wife big difference doesn't it big difference isn't it brothers and sisters when God has given us the gift of the spirit of prophecy we don't have to talk about I believe we say I know so you really believe that there's a high priest and there's a sanctuary I know that there is a judgement going on in the courts of heaven I know there will be a National Sunday law I know there will be a no bye no cell I know the time of Jacob's trouble is coming and I know that God is calling us in the power and might of Jesus Christ they gain victory of our sin because when he comes he desires us these desires for us to be pure even as he is pure I know why because his word says it are you understanding the point here but listen grasp the experience of job that's being presented to us here as job is going through this crisis family lost wife against him friends are literally taught the friends are I would I would assume that the words of his friends are just as much torture as the boils on his body and as he's being tortured in this fashion feeling as though he's on the brink of Beth is invited right now job says I know that my redeemer lives and that he shall stand at the latter day upon the earth where did he get that from the spirit of prophecy do you see what the spirit of prophecy is doing for job the spirit of prophecy strengthen the servant of God to look beyond his present circumstances to grab hope of his future existence if he continued maintaining his integrity to the commandments of God it strengthened him to say continue to be faithful even unto death God will honor you if you honor him are you seeing what it did for him it strengthened him to endure his crisis Joe kept the commandments and he had the spirit of prophecy well God have a people like that in these last days the book of Revelation chapter 14 and verse 17 you know the scripture very well it says and the dragon was wroth with a woman went to make war with the remnant of her seed which keep the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ and in Revelation 19:10 we are told concerning that testimony of Jesus Christ that it is the spirit of prophecy and look what the Lord says about these individuals that have the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ which is the spirit of prophecy in Revelation chapter 14 and verse 12 here is the patience of the Saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus isn't it interesting how the faith of Jesus is supplemented therefore the testimony of Jesus Christ do you think that the spirit of prophecy was the foundation of the faith of Jesus do you think that might be possible brothers and sisters Jesus's faith was established on the spirit of prophecy every move of his existence was governed by the spirit of prophecy from his birth to his death he said my hours how did Jesus know that is our outcome because the spirit of prophecy my hour is not yet come how did he know his hour had not yet come because of the spirit of prophecy do you realize that everything that we've talked about this evening concerning what we as the people of God will go through if we're faithful Jesus himself has passed through already remember when the people came to Jesus and said your mother and your brothers they're here to see you and Jesus turned and said he looked at his disciples and said hold on a second those that do the will of the Father these are my mother my brother and my sisters he claimed them as his familiar family members am I correct then a few moments later he turns to them in Matthew chapter 29 and says to them all ye shall be offended because of me this night one of his own ranks that he claimed as his family delivered him into the hands of the church did they not was he not taken into the synagogue was he smitten in the synagogue did he undergo Bing are you with me right now everything that the people of God shall pass through in just moments from now Jesus himself already went through for us the servant is no greater than the master you know brothers and sisters I always like to stated in this fashion have you ever been to a wedding before and as the minister presents the vows to the bride and to the bridegroom he looks at the bridegroom and says will you do this will you do this will you do this to death do you part and the bridegroom says I do and then he looks at the bride and presents the same vows and she says I'll do 50% of that have you ever heard of that before because they both have to take the same vows are you with me right now Jesus professed his love for us and all that he did he said I'm willing to become a man of sorrows to be beaten to be afflicted to be casted out to go through all of these atrocities that I might take these people to myself as my bride God has sought to do everything possible to secure us are you willing to take the same battle are you willing to lay all down so that you might receive Jesus he already said I do what's your response have we had bowed in every eye closed brothers and sisters I just share with you what the Lord put on my heart tissue with you tonight because I know that the hours right upon us in which all of these things shall come to pass and God is looking for people without spot or wrinkle or any such thing he's looking for a people that are willing to surrender all and like job will possess a patience that will equip them to endure the crisis a people that will not even sin against God with our very lips the question is will you be in the ranks of these whom God will declare here is the patience of the saints here are they that keep the commandments of God and have the faith of Jesus these are my faith ball tonight you know the Lord is calling you up to a higher standard that which you have shunned in times past or you've gotten away from for some reason or another and you want to recommit your life to this work of dying to self but by faith living in Christ if you want to recommit yourself to watching and keeping on your garments that you might stand in this hour of the investigative judgment if that is your desire this evening to recommit yourself to this hard work that will gain you an abundant entrance into the kingdom of heaven I invite you simply to come down front here with me this evening I just like to say a simple word of prayer for you as you come I just ask you to simply bow your head close your eyes please just make a little space for those who may be coming behind you so that we might maintain reverence in the house of God as we just answer this appeal not made by man but made by the Spirit of God to our hearts and I just have one final appeal I'd like to make and then I will close in prayer there may be someone here this evening that has not given their heart to Jesus as of yet you are here right now for one reason or another that you think is the reason that you are here but God brought you here for a specific reason and that is to call you out of darkness into this marvelous light and tonight if if you if it is your desire to say lord I want to surrender my heart I want to give you my life I don't want to stand on the outskirts of the church any longer I don't want to I don't want to always be saying to myself what if what if I was to give my heart to Jesus what if if the Lord is calling you to make that step forward tonight to make a surrender of your life to accept Jesus as your Lord and as your Savior for the very first time and you would like to receive some Bible studies to prepare you to enter into the watery grave of baptism I just simply invite you to raise your hand if God is calling you to make that decision it's between you and God I make the appeal you make the decisions then without any further ado let us pray and ask God to seal up our decisions this night father in heaven I thank you Lord for your word it is plain it is clear we know that we're living in serious times helped us to realize that the hour is now now is the time for us to cast off the works of darkness now is the time to walk in all the light that you have given us in abundance because soon and very soon Mercy's voice will cease its bleeding and indeed you are not willing that any should perish that is why Jesus has not come as of yet you are seeking for us to look and to live to turn our eyes from this world and to fix them on Jesus and so this night many of us have answered the appeal I pray that because all of our promises are nothing more than ropes of sand that you would strengthen our wills so that the decisions that we have made will be empowered by your divine might so that we can move forward in this decision and not be removed from Christ Jesus father if we have stood here this night with a shaky faith we cry out Lord we believe help thou our unbelief we surrender our idols whatever they may be and we ask for Jesus to be enthroned in our hearts and as we leave your courts this night send us with a special blessing but may your spirit continue to speak to these hearts these minds of ours that we will find no peace or rest in this world until we are secured in Christ thank you for hearing our humble prayer for we pray all in the name of Jesus for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever and ever amen god bless you amen everyone we are grateful and thankful for the Word of God this evening amen as we leave this place but of course never God's presence we invite each and every one of you at the end of the service if it is your heart so desires feel free to leave a gift in the offering plate as we look to go about doing God's work this time we would like to just let everyone know we continue 9:15 tomorrow for Sabbath school 9:15 and then of course our worship service at 11 o'clock and you have the schedule will continue as mentioned earlier we god bless each and every one of you have a good night's sleep and we will see you in the morning god bless you amen [Music] you
Channel: Southampton SDA Church
Views: 5,169
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Keywords: forerunner chronicles, @4runner777, the forerunner chronicles, reformation 2017, reformation, revival, prophecy, Jesus, Bermuda, Great Controversy
Id: hqWgkv0eA6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 92min 20sec (5540 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2017
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