Watamote Abridged One Shit

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hello my name is toi I'm 15 years old blood time man is positive and I'm spending my time in the room for the high intellectual oh am I kidding I can't even see their goddamn faces you know I've been having trouble breathing through my nose lately speak to the [ __ ] devil I can't even see what a bunch of Amur anes man having free temp SS oh well do I'll just do some push-ups 1 2 3 4 5 6o honey you hey up there yeah fine man what's up y I need you to come downstairs we have some Kentucky fry chicken I'm sorry I didn't have to do that my broke I'm afraid I don't know what that means can you elaborate it means I sh one too many friend well I gu it's that time of the day to harass my little brother little bro Theus do we really need to do this right now so what is it you need help with I'm going to kill myself brother I need this alter in well I decide to lend you the book I'm reading right now oh would you rather I do it right here I just told you I'd help you stop doing that you're in a tough situation time for an all ATT attack an an an an an an well I guess now's the time as good as everus brother you're bleeding out of your [Music] [Laughter] [Music] anus what a stooge
Channel: Ranmato
Views: 18,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WataMote, Abridged, One shot, Parody, Tomoko Kuroki, loli, Suicide (Cause Of Death), Tomoki Kuroki, KFC, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air (TV Program), Judge Robertson, Anime, Manga
Id: 9kFTgTgugWc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 36sec (96 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2014
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