Hunter x Hunter Abridged Episode 1

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Karthi miko I caught a fish do you know what that means no dear but it sounds like you did a good job it means I'm gonna leave and become a hunter and probably never see you ever again Jesus Christ gone please please tell me that doesn't mean you're looking for your father hey I suppose I can't stop you from doing this going you do have your father's tenacity just promise me that you won't seek Him or turn out to be an utterly irresponsible and reprehensible bastard like him alright alright let's seal it with the pinky swear more 1 2 3 4 I declare a thumb war bye auntie Mito I'm totally gonna meet my daughter become a hunter now I hope that boys succeeds well I'm sure we'll all do fine well the finest captain in the hunter exams faculty to deliver us to the exams grounds eyes it hey who the [ __ ] are you people and how do you get on me boats well if you're gonna stow away on me boss you may as well be me crew I don't you worry my gut tells me a spool assailant to the next stop how I've brought e5 into in town yes I can her garden radish top I don't care about your name you're right it's [ __ ] history class because riding a sailboat in the 21st century what that Devils our century I'm glad we get to come on this airplane chugga-chugga chugga-chugga choo-choo I start I can't remember why I called you people at air start with hey kid is it is it just me or is this guy's nose redder than any human nose is supposed to be I expected to see many things for this exam but I never thought the list of Wonders would include the world's rudest man excuse me what did you just say to me I agree with the she fell keep it up and your kill halt okay listen here young lady young man well I'm a man really there's been some debate about it but yes I'm a man well whatever the last thing I need is two guys talking like at 1686 but okay this ship wreck waiting to happen is not what was advertised for the hunters hunters are you here to steal majors are for the love of know we're not here to steal your treasure nice as it may be we're here to take a test good cuz I shouldered and me crew into slavery for Boosh money anyway that's it and we're doing it in some countries maybe to report this guy get us out of these godforsaken waters whatever this man may have done in the past you have no right to take advantage of his hospitality and shuttering us by getting him arrested or have you forgotten that the goal of this exam is to work outside the law as well you work outside the law all you want kid but being a hunter needs being above the law if you're someone working outside the law then you're no better than a bug crawling on we're dangerously close to provoking me to act fatally I'm sorry were you just saying you want to challenge me to a fight on a barely sailing ship if you continue to act like an imbecile then yes a duel is the only reasonable cause I start that's it you're off my boat Josh I'm upwards I can swim down our front say College just don't oh well let's get started by finding a translator I don't will be able to understand any of the information available here and oh please stop I don't get it what does it say okay creepy enough is there an office we're supposed to go to or can I write the walrus lady shut the [ __ ] off welcome who wants to be a hunter okay what the [ __ ] ah I see we're being quiz for worthiness of a hunter license likely through a series of questions to test our knowledge quick thinking and moral inclinations gentlemen let's sortie up and decide the turn taken process now for the one that final question perdón what will decide to watch it animated series from a nation that doesn't speak a language you were torn between watching the original all the old subtitles thus preserving the original cast direction and culture the series nation of origin all watching a dubbed over version in your own language which would be more understandable to you unappropriated so the series is more relevant and understandable to people of your nation it were a thirty Seconds what the [ __ ] what does that have to do with anything clearly this is meant to be a test of our ability to work together if they'd seconds oh good lord we're doomed Oh can I answer the question I love you you're welcome too clearly the answer is sub and just who are you Oh a hunter exam entry that happens to be an advocate of anime of the oriental sink and because of that I can safely say that the original say you nor about what they were doing than any ignorant foreign pigs subtitles are the only way to enjoy such material I bet my Fedora on it Oh God if this was high school I would have beaten the [ __ ] out of this guy every day on principle oh it sounds good go ahead oh is that make a winning answer I remember that spiky haired muscle man in that one show sounded like a dying old cat in the original language and how the [ __ ] does this relate to being a hunter just remember losers otaku life FTW well I'm going to murder that guy alright good Dustin's you get one more chance you'll find yourself upset at an unspecified individual for bigoted character n't thus you decide to give them an uppercut your uppercut shatters a boat in that chin along with many of their teeth what on the scientific terms for what occurred inside of his chin you have 10 seconds the corpus mandibular fractured the maxillary and an internal collision shattering boat we are you know and we have an actual factual winner we'll be hunters for sure is there something about you I might aware of or does your dishonorable exterior betray the cheater within I am studying to be a doctor you know if you're probably us just behind this door please be money please be quiet your blood to the next section of the hunter exam and thank you for playing who wants to be a hunter oh well and if you could like a page on Facebook we RT without basic ability board we'd abused to stay solvent you
Channel: Ranmato
Views: 120,647
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: HT0egJ0iaGI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 10sec (490 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 20 2015
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