Washington vs. Mansour FULL FIGHT: Oct. 13, 2015 - PBC on FS1

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ring center okay fellas trunks are high here so punches here not unless they come down a little bit take them we'll be okay that's much better much better okay fellas we're good on both sides now now guys we went over the rules in the dressing room want to caution to keep this fight clean at all times protect yourself at all times than what i say you must obey good luck to both of you touch them up it has been two years since gerald washington has fought a southpaw but he says two of my most devastating knockouts have come against southpaw amir monsoor he says this is going to be an easy fight for him he's surprised he says that it will even go the distance this is round one of our main event monsoon the black trunks the great trim and it's washington in the red trunks it might be too early to see how significant it is but washington came out for the instructions and reached out to touch monsieur's glove in monsoor didn't have none of it oh he's been offended folks we are commercial free for the rest of this fight don't go anywhere you got two big punchers here in the heavyweight division so far in the early part of this fight washington cognizant of the distance doing a good job keeping that left hand extended and controlling so far but see as the fight progresses if one soul can work his way inside here's a right hand by washington what i like about washington too he's distance will create a better leverage for his right hand and that's and he's made sure he's done it he needs to throw it more on his legs though paul he's got his leg spread wide so he's bringing his head with his right hand and that could be dangerous with a guy like monsieur particularly in from the position that he's in a couple of bodies shot down on sure it was as i alluded to earlier monsieur fights small and see how he brings his head right to mansour if monsoor stays stationary and pick up on it not stationary with his feet but stationary with his hand on the target and just meet it in a straight line for a tall man his legs are too wide apart so he's he's actually pulling his right hand away from monsoor that's why he's falling forward with it how about the message there on the back of monsoor's trunks judges be fair he said he's had a bad rap his entire life yeah you're right virgie and you know what part of the problem is he's starting to loop the right hand as well he's looping it and mansour is giving him a small target he needs to settle down some but mansour is staying right where he needs to be not saying that we won't backfire on him but i don't know if washington really wanted to fight this pace he should be controlling that monsoon with his jab not using so much energy to get away from monsoor you have to have the temperament of a heavyweight if you're going to be the champion you have to be a mean guy yeah and that's that's the one thing his coroner has talked about they want him to be mean that's why his nickname is the gentleman and the black rooster but he's he's a nice guy and they want him they said listen you're a heavyweight this is to get her business right now the pace is just fine i think for washington i mean there's been a lot of dead spots as well we know when it picks up okay there's exchanges there's going to be in a fight but there's a lot of dead spots as well perhaps i think what i'm noticing paulie is that when mansour attack he's not worried about washington's head right now he's attacking right in that straight line where he's just trying to reach him and feeling and washington needs to be aware of that until he finally comes over the top right there there's one in the bank there's one in the bank deep breaths lay heart rate down all i need you to do is breathe and relax so the action from that first round and there's a short loopy right hand and that's the roopy shot that actually landed and that might have given washington that false insecurity keep throwing it loopy but when you got a guy as short as monsoor you have to shorten it up showing up the punches or the loopy shot is going to go right over here keep them stay in the air but when you take the middle you can hold your ground a little more would just get big with your hands you understand what i'm saying i like the footwork i like the footwork but there ain't no reason for you to be posting it up on the ropes get back to the middle hold him off with your left hand you see all his [ __ ] coming don't you don't see him deep breath oh good beautiful washington washington's an interesting kid again he served time in the navy then went to usc started off as a tight end ended up playing defensive end play with players like mark sanchez and clay matthews ray malugo all those guys right after they had lost to texas 2006 yeah vince young in texas great great national title game usc in texas that you tried out a couple of times for a couple nfl squads buffalo and the seahawks and then said you know boxing's always been my first love that's why i did it when i was a youngster and just went back to it see monsoor tries to hustle it when he gets close but it's closing the distance that he's having trouble with he's looking for more cooperation from washington washington keeps his punches straight there will be no cooperation and monsoor on his own doesn't seem like he's he's capable of closing that distance he's almost fighting a cat fight right now you know he's punching from everywhere he hasn't settled down yet and seen and uh pick his opening because washington is open open bringing his head forward like he's doing and having his legs wide very simple to see the openings but monsieur has to stand his ground in that moment and step in at the same time washington throws his right hand he has to beat him to the punch and he's not in a position to do it i'm telling you if washington throws the right hand straight and not loopy i don't think he'll ever give up any distance in this fight because monster is not exactly pushing the pace himself exactly he's only pushing the f he's only putting out the offense in spurts when washington closes the distance himself with those loopy shots mansour is a interesting guy i mean he went to prison in august of 2001. it's been eight and a half years in prison for selling drugs came back out resumed his boxing career in 2010 then went right back to prison for a probation violation released from prison in july of 2012 and resumed his career boxing once again he said the one thing is now that he's on the straight and narrow i said i never wanted to be an embarrassment to my kids i want to make my mother and my kids proud of me watching is talking to the monsoor so obviously he feels and confident the the the rap on washington has been after five or six he sort of fades his punch out goes way down and he has no knockouts i believe after the fifth or sixth round so this being a duration fight we'll have to see how it turns out yeah all 11 of his knockouts have happened within five rounds for washington so far the pace is just fine for washington though he's going to get tired it's going to have to be my sort of the pace so that force washington be tired easy work baby some of that action from that this patch round we just watched is watson trying to measure the distance and then a straight right hand as he throws the right hand straight also will not be able to close the distance the only time monster is able to close this is when he starts looping shots rod does watch baby all day long double jab move your head with the jab when good what's up it's just the third time that gerald wants me to face the southpaw first time was back in august 2013. he stopped jerry forest and in november 2012 he stopped brandon spencer here's our right hand by washington and although it was partially blocked the fact that it was straight maintain that distance right hook by monsoor what do you want to see montoya doing more of getting that getting busy once you get close i'm going to watch them turn southpaw there but that's the right idea washington turns off over just a quick second through her coverage i'm waiting to see what the anaconda is um corner totally when he turned with the double jab to bring out danda khan and i'm i'm waiting to see this because uh it might be something we all can use in the future i thought he heard nicki minaj over there in that corner when he said that i'm like apparently it's something they want monsoor it's something they feel monster could use we'll see what it is we gotta find out what that is look you don't take anything away from these savvy trainers they got names for everything and i'm sure it works for him if he gets it off okay i will say man is it a constricted punch or is it a strike punch we don't know could win this fight just on his jab alone yeah because if he keeps a consistent jab control the pace i mean he can literally control this fight without even throwing a right hand we're halfway through round three gerald washington taking on amir monsoor washington his nickname is el gallo negro the black rooster his mother's mexican his father is african-american he said roosters mexico you know they they fight a lot they're supposed to be known as valiant and fight to the death he says that describes me i saw his ears bleeding he's got blood coming from the ear the left ear of amir monsoor well washington is fighting a safe fight too right now i mean you know you can't knock the strategy to get the victory but as you go up the ladder you know you wonder if that's going to be enough for him to fulfill his goals well that's the thing too though he's got a dangerous puncher in front of him a lot of times with dangerous pointers virginia you take less chances than you would maybe with the the guy who's not such a big puncher monster has that big punching reputation well he's the bigger man he's a stronger man apparently he has the height in the reach and then he's going to have to announce his arrival in the heavyweight division if he wants to be significant he's going to have to come out come as an outlaw he can't come in as the new sheriff he's got to come in as an outlaw you can't tell me he's a nice guy when i see your point there's a guy that's got one loss against the next world champion so even just getting the win yeah he'll look good on his resume tomorrow it's an incredible day of baseball on fs1 as we bring you a double header of game fives in the alds first it's the rangers blue jays then it's astros royals and a winner take all action that coverage begins at 3 p.m eastern and the only place you can see the actions tomorrow here on fs1 so man so when he does get inside he does do some work it's just a matter of he's not getting inside enough and here's uh he got underneath washington's left hook and he's able to throw a little short right hook inside think hold it back and take another step and throw the left hand the jab jab step again then left hand here we go round four as we take a look at the punch stats through round three washington has thrown nearly 90 punches 31 of those monsoor has thrown over a hundred but landed just 19. take a look at how you fans have got this fight scored thus far you've got washington in the shutoff thus far in three rounds here's a jab by monsoor washington pops him back right there you saw washington jab and pull away at the same time and that's what you don't want to see from a big man who has aspirations to be a heavyweight champion he literally ran at him with a jab and ran the other way to get out of the way like that but i think what he's doing very just trying to set a track you're trying to jab step back because he knows my sword is looking to react with a big shot i think at times he's jabbing stepping back looking to fill that bowl looking for my sword to fill that void so he can do something like that you can see washington becoming a lot more confident as he continues to land that right hand coming in that was a nice hand by washington that's what i'm talking about paulie i'm agreeing with you he has to be mean you have to have a meaningless mean streak in you to be the heavyweight champion if you're gonna be the kingpin yeah any champion for that matter right washington came into this fight with a heavy heart his father who was coming to the fight got eel on his way here there's a that one came a little low you see kenny bayless said bring it up he's in the hospital now watching the fight from his hospital bed so we want to send out our best wishes to gerald washington senior and obviously this being breast cancer month washington's aunt mabel passed away from breast cancer so he's coming into this fight with a heavy heart and here's that little blow no doubt about it all right ready well it's one thing to be in a tough fight it's another thing to be going through a tough situation so my heart goes out to washington under a minute here in round four and it has been a fight thus far paulie as you pointed out washington had to control this fight with his distance his range and he's done that thus far through three rounds misses with that right hand monsoor is not able to come up with any ideas to close that distance there's another right hand by washington again that straight one you see and he tried a loopy one and he missed it and massa was able to work inside i think monsoor feels like he needs a knockout here to get the victory i don't know you know what the thing came out judges be fair and i think he came out with that mentality yeah on the back of his shorts he probably thinks he feels like he needs a knockout victory that he can't get a decision he pops the jab gives a little movement here right here we see washington coming with a nice uppercut as uh mansoor drifts in and drifts over to his right right here you see mansoor going over when he comes right to his right and comes right into the trajectory of the uppercut as paulie said earlier if he throws that straight right hand it's going to get through frequently there's an example of it right there with various counter shots and then cleaned up with the hook once in a while okay beautiful work deep breath looking good that's pouring it back hey you're on your way gerald you're on your way stay focused stay focused remember finish this job man round five this is round five of our main event we're scheduled for ten gerald washington he's never been down in his pro career he's undefeated he's in the red trunks taking on amir monsoor sewer just one defeat 23 fights he's been down once against steve cunningham shelton washington at the little creek casino and resort while at some point would you like to see him bring a left hook off of that straight right yeah you know i'd like to see if if he can get a consistency going with the right hand him coming back with the hook or even i like what i like to see is even a hook off the jet you know or speaking of the left hook sometimes even if you don't come back with the right hand he's landing he's using the jab as such a good distance controller and range controller maybe you can hook right off that jab you can see my sword trying to get in the inside yeah i mean montoya needs cooperation he just can't figure out a way to close distance otherwise he needs washington to make a mistake or whatnot otherwise he's totally confused with closing the distance looks like he's trying to bring washington to him this round he did actually land a nice uh left jab but up top on washington that's the thing you're trying to make washington give up his height it seems like washington has the good game plan to maintain that distance so he's not kind of easy to just make him give up that height unless you force him to look out come on i cannot accept those clinches like that too easily except in those clinches washington hold on to him bayless said work out gave him a chance to keep working out of it he didn't so bayless was forced to break 40 seconds now here in round five there's that left hook there's the left hook off the right but probably washington there's a nice straight line yeah that connects by washington i think he's find a very disciplined fight one of those fights where you know keep a game plan you don't take too many chances because your opponent can punch and it's a good win on his resume because again monsoor's only other defeat is to a former world champion steve cunningham a little rough in there well we told you that before gerald washington was boxing he also played football at usc arrived on campus 2006 where he started off as a tight end ended up as a defensive end and got the opportunity said to play a couple rolls bowls played along with mark sanchez and clay matthews guys like that virgil give me your thoughts on uh we've seen that deontay wilder expressed his interest in wanting to play football now he's heavyweight to former football players well you know the heavyweights are getting older know that they're maturing later and a lot of athletes that you know it was a saying to say that you know the heavyweight champion is playing football now there's a lot of football players coming out want to be the heavyweight champion most of them the majority of them have found it very difficult to be the heavyweight champion because boxing you have to start in your formative years you they miss out on that formative stamina and also the techniques because most of the time they're already grown so it's a difficult road up but maybe washington can do it many have failed seth mitchell damn some two tall jones mark asked it all to name a few we're at the halfway point here of our main event gerald washington and amir mounshore in the last 30 seconds of the last round long paulie it seemed like monsoor found something he started to get his left hand in position by literally uh charging it washington that happens a lot of times when you get orthodox fighter fighting a southpaw he get tangled like right there but you wonder if his age would limit him on how many times that he would want to push that particular technique right now he's being very aggressive it looks like he's just going for broke and said okay let me see if you're a big man if you're gonna fight me back or you're gonna pull away when i come here's the left hand that gets in by mansour that's what you want to see him getting close and moving his hands getting those combinations a lot of times he gets close and he's loading up one shot at a time that time he at least put some punches together right there you saw washington throw a hook and pull away now if he intends to hurt monster he won't hurt him with that one he has to stand his ground i'm a big man i'm strong i'm superior i'm going off the ladder you're too little and i'm gonna put you out right hand connects here with the halfway point of round six get a quick look into our fans unofficial scorecard we've asked you to score these rounds for us and thus far you've given the first four rounds to gerald washington you gave the last round to monsieur first time washington ties up he has to get back to that he's letting monsoor close the distance on him now anytime a short man can touch your chest with a jab he's just a half a step behind to put the punch over the top like right here yeah here in round six and those body shots he start those body shots he's hitting him in the chest but trust me they will drain you and hitting the sternum shots he's starting to at least push the pace a little more is monster i still don't think washington looks too uncomfortable but we'll see if muscle can gain some consistency if washington does become uncomfortable well he's uncomfortable paulie because he's throwing a punch and trying to get out the way at the same time i i understand definitely what you say about him uh playing it safe but mansour is still closing the gap regardless yeah especially this last round and a half or so yeah last couple of rounds monsoor has been the one pushing the pace and throwing a lot more punches than washington there's a good exchange at the bell well paulie we talked at the top give me one simple thing that washington needs to do to be successful you talked about the range using the length what have you seen thus far well into the first four rounds he did it very well now the last couple of rounds matsuri has gotten a little bit closer so we'll see if he's able to maintain that kind of plan uh as the fight progresses in the late rounds you see we see some highlights of that jab straight right hand here again these are things that will control and maintain your distance but these last couple rounds monster has done a better job of closing this is a very pivotal round right here washington's corners really giving him going over they feel like he let the last two get away they totally how important it is for him to win uh seven eight nine and ten you get a feeling that maybe the momentum swing is turning towards monsoor's corner pace he seems like here well he's starting to get to the target most definitely the last two rounds he's getting closer and closer and gerald's just pulling back and not making him pay for that he's not standing his ground and gerald's gonna have to meet him with some shots otherwise montoy's gonna get more confident and he's starting to wing his punches and he's starting to hold on now so you wonder fatigue is setting in well we talked about the formative years where you develop that toughness you develop that skill meanness and there is a such thing as skill meanness to let him know you can't penetrate if you do you're going to take punishment coming in he's allowing him in and he's running away right there these guys that happens i certainly want to apologize for that washington's not doing much of anything right now except moving and looking for one country at a time and getting out the way when he throws that he's really going into a danger zone here unless he does something big i think he's getting confused yeah by the aggression yeah nice shot i'm gonna come down to character here do that counterfeit looking to push the issue he's willing to suffer to get this win we'll see if gerald washington is able to make some adjustments here are you wondering what's going through monsoor's mind right now is he thinking about all that time he did and all the time that he lost during the time that he did you don't want to let this one get away he can smell it now he's coming after washington he's got him in the corner this is the work he should have been doing early on better late than never but he's starting to close the distance on close the gap on this on the lead washington developed early on washington's looking to throw one punch and get out and hope he lands it oh that one a big looping left hook by monsoor if he lets this happen he's standing straight up paulie for something to go over the top monsoor is on a roll now he's working the body and the head washington seems tired and he's moving away and here comes amir monsoor man perfect you got to you've got to keep that pressure on now what round is this stay focused eight nine ten we got three more rounds baby i need that bag you might be a little heavy you got it well you hear the corner of a mere mind saying listen you gotta put the pressure on him now he's feeling the pressure his trainer gave him some great instructions and the first thing he told monster when he came back that washington just collapsed into his chair and washington is showing obvious fatigue and if monsoor continues to sense that he's going to press the issue he's giving mansoor a second win not only a second win but motivation and also his killer instinct is emerging he's trying to finish this job keep in mind gerald washington has never gone 10 rounds washington has to come out and he has to reassert himself and he has to do it now washington has gone eight rounds three times in his career thus far take a look at the total punch numbers here now right there you see that that's almost out of george paulie when you first learn how to box out he threw a punch big right hook there by monsoor monsters regional swinging for the fences he is and he's landing some good body shots paulie yeah and washington is standing straight up and the activity is even if washington tries to say it's not hurting the activity he's going to win the round for montserra washington just has to get to work or at least control the distance better because my store is now closing the distance and able to get that work in there he's getting it in there and washington is letting him get his breath as he comes forward to continue to work he's not making any pay for him between the shots he's letting monsoor get four and five and six breath as he walks forward good point so when he gets there he's ready to punch good point for the point because monster is easily spending a lot of time he's expecting a lot of energy and he's not making him pay paul yep 43 years old washington 33. but again you got to talk about the characters he's willing to suffer he's wanting to suffer and be tired and and just get in the trenches and do all that work washington just looks like he wants to stay comfortable you know and it's costing him these rounds body shot there by monsoor as he's trying to work washington into the corner again talk about willing to suffer my soul is tired yes but he's keeps coming forward getting those trenches but washington is more tired so monsoor is going to be motivated to keep pushing it i think they're both tied virgil just about monsoor has the more motivation he's showing more character right now good body shot by mansoor underneath a great body shot underneath washington felt that shot left underneath he really felt it the thing is i talked about the formative years the formative stamina that you need mansour has that he's been boxing since he was young so he didn't lose that plus he said he said when you have a man who he said in this case he's been away from prison eight and a half years taking it taking something that he's loved taken away from him he said you've got to have resiliency and tenacity to not give up this is what he's showing brian he's showing all of it right now particularly the last four rounds crowd loves the action here in verge we talked about one thing that mansour has to do to be successful tonight let's revisit that well as i said earlier he has to close the distance he has to fight small which he's doing he's landing a nice nice body shots down he's coming back over the top again now you see washington bent over in the corner like he's almost given up they're gonna have to wake him up but this again is what i said about football players coming into this sport of boxing this is a very brutal sport it's not like you got to hear a helmet on in in shoulder pads in the whole bit and timeouts you don't have timeouts nobody can come and replace you it's not a game it's serious business and monsoor is exhibiting that right now again we asked you the fans to score this fight for us as we go to our faint unofficial scorecard as we enter round nine and how about this our fans have monsoor winning the last four rounds and you have it even as we get into the critical round nine yeah just a matter of i think monsoor made a conscientious decision that i'm not gonna let this fight slip away and i'm going to go for the win and washington just never made that decision got that false sense of security as early on it was a slow pace and he was able to control it but that's not the case anymore he's got to make the adjustment now you heard the corner of monsoor telling we love what you're doing but we need more we want more pressure on it he's letting my sword just do what he wants to do now he has to make him pay when he when he exerts himself and he's just not doing it and he doesn't have anything on the punch now he's just telegraphing everything he does he's tired from the body shots monsieur really worked the body the last three rounds okay so now washington is stationary when monsieur come he just simply pulls away yeah and he's throwing what i what i call stay away from me punches yeah you know they're just like please don't hit yeah there's there's no intention of damage or no intention of scoring maybe if i touch him with this one he'll leave me alone and you can't have that mentality especially as a late round approach he's not going to leave you alone not doing eight and a half years in prison that left hook praised the chin of washington now he shoves him off using his size but he doesn't make him pay so he lets him get more breaths and comes back and works some more and when he shoves him off should washington be going washington should take advantage of that that's a big man shoving you it takes a lot out of you when he shoves you but he lets you get three or four breaths to walk back and by the time he gets there he's fresh again because he's well conditioned big shot over the top he's just missing not taking over an answer washington is fighting like he just doesn't want to get knocked out right here need to be first right here right here you should be right here yeah here's corner yelling jab you can hear from the corner he's not jabbing though throws one wild punch i hope i hit you and he's dog tired that shows it right there but instead of going right back he lets bonsour come again see a little sharp counter right hand there but again it's just not enough work to control the round and right here he's got to be first these are the moments he got to be first first right there with a good right hand and he pushes monsoor back catches him with a right hand there washington is tired this is this is what you call a fighter here not being denied and monsieur man you will not be denied at all and to be 43 years old you have to take your hat off to him it shows the resilience of a man he's showing how much he wants it i've taught you man he just wants it more than washington right now it's gonna come down to this flash round i think guys i think so it's very very important this is it baby this is it man last round for the final round touch gloves when you come out man listen man all out man all out we got to have this round we got to win this round and without a doubt you got to get low like i tell you don't stand up there woody remember that just bang your leaves down and get down under this [ __ ] well i just don't like washington's body language if he comes out and fights i hope he does i don't like his body language how he's bending over it's like a lot is going on through his mind wondering how he got himself into this is the tenth and final round once again got to apologize for the language you heard in the corners three minutes now man so let's see what kind of decision both of these guys make to try to take this last round because this can be in the fight gerald washington he's 16-0 you take a look at the punch stat amir monsoor just one loss he's been managed by johan that long time fixture for the boxing scene there in philadelphia there's a right hand again he didn't make him pay for exerting himself exhausted that's the problem tenth and final round we go to our unofficial scorecard from you the fans he finally lands a straight ray you've got monsoor up by one point going into this 10th and final round minute gone here well you have to give monsoor the rounds just on sheer tenacity if you're looking for effective aggression he's exhibiting that washington's whole body language says that i don't want this fight his body language is telling everything whether monsieur misses or whatever washington's body language now he's talking instead of fighting did you hear monsieur just tell him fight me i'm not sure he's got to cut the ring off and fourth in the fight though he started coming he's chasing him in circus you make his life a lot easier if he cut the ring off i don't know what he thinks monsieur has been doing you can't con your way through you have to you have to be the boss you came in with james brown pay the cause to be the boss well you have to be the boss you have to want to be the boss we are under a minute here in the 10th and final round aggression he's winning the round you got to give it to somebody so you have to give it to monsoor for sheer effort he's showing that he wants it more last 30 seconds oh there's a right hand that touches him by washington last 10 seconds of this fight washington's a good kid but i don't like to see this in a heavyweight rap shot at the boat yes who won this fight when we come back the judge's official decision you're watching toe-to-toe tuesday here on fs1 as we await for the judge's official decision and let's take a look at our fans unofficial scorecard how about this you've got amir monsoor winning this fight we want to thank you for helping us out take a look at the punch stats washington landed 28 of his punches through 380 punches monsoor threw 300 450 he landed 22 percent as we take a look here at this fight it was a fight that gerald washington dominated early monsoor the middle late let's get the judge's official decision here's ray flores ladies and gentlemen after 10 rounds we go to the scorecards here are your score totals judge at ringside adelaide burt scores the contest 97-93 for washington judge steve morrow seized the bout 96-94 for mansuer and judge pat russell sees the contest 95-95 this spot has been declared a split draw so the judges have this as a draw what do you think real quick virgil what'd you think of that decision uh personally i had mansur winning the fight um by two rounds just shoot fans just like the fans i had he went in the fight it was obvious that he closed the show he crossed the finish line uh look this is boxing you hate to see a situation where a man is working hard trying to overcome things in life um it's tough my heart goes out to him you see mansoor in washington they're talking let's go up into the ring our paulie malinaji now with gerald washington all right guys we got gerald washington here charles well first of all what do you think about that decision i think it's a terrible decision i definitely won the fight i definitely won the fight no doubt about it i won the first four rounds for sure i rested up a little bit in the middle i was getting myself back the last last three four man i i def he wasn't even touching me he was chasing me around he wasn't landing any shots at all when he picked up the aggression in the middle rounds what was the corner telling you to to try to counteract that just jab straight punches he was going crazy just throwing straight punches i was landing all the good shots man he didn't land any good shots on me man would you do a rematch or be interested in that why if they gonna do me like that you know what i'm saying look at his face man look at his ear you know what i'm saying look at my face man i didn't i didn't take no punishment i'm boxing smart that's how they want to apprentice smart fighters man he was being aggressive but i was landing all the shots all right thanks joe we're going to talk about miami tour now thank you joe it's all come here how are you doing good good joe uh i'm here so what do you think of this decision and what's your concept of how to fight play um he landed some he landed some good shots in there but you know i landed the most of the shots i kept the fight active i gave the crowd something that they wanted to see i gave the crowds excitement that's why they're cheering me and they're booing him i'm a boxing fans boxer you understand what i'm saying i'm a promoter's dream you understand what i'm saying it's all about me getting the right people behind me i told johann that i'll win this fight for him as a birthday gift i'm sorry joe i did my best the the the corner men had me winning the fans had me winning only the judges didn't and i'm sure you did too but long story short man you know i knew what it was before i came over here you know al haymon territory i knew if i didn't blow him out i wasn't going to get the decision i'm actually surprised they even gave me a draw well how do you explain the the slow start because it felt like once you got going uh you picked up some good momentum but early on how do you explain that slow start well he was a bit awkward i was just trying to gauge the height difference you know what i'm saying and after one or two three rounds top of getting my you know ring general [ __ ] together engaging the distance between him and i you know i felt like i started pressing him forcing the action obviously lending the most shots you know i'm saying tearing his body up you know he couldn't take the body punches he was running out of gas you know what i'm saying he didn't give the crowd a fight he didn't give himself a fight you know and that's just a poor way of winning a fight or even getting a draw man this is boxing this is fighting you're supposed to come in and rumble not run the whole night thanks a lot amir thanks for the performance tonight back to you guys all right paulie thank you very much so this one ends in a draw for paulie malinaji virgil hunter i'm brian custer thanks for watching premiere boxing champions here on fs1
Channel: Premier Boxing Champions
Views: 3,977,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Boxing, Sports, TV, Athletes, Combat, PBC, premier boxing champions, Fox Sports 1 (TV Program Creator), Amir Mansour, Gerald Washington, Boxer, Heavyweight (Boxing Weight Division), Washington vs Mansour, PBC on FS1, Washington Mansour
Id: ORcUwCfGeJk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 1sec (2761 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 14 2015
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