Washington Prophetic Conference 2018 - Session 8

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a change in us from inside out we will never be the same father we thank you for the Revolution and the transformation that is taking place in our lives son in this place we worship you for them for your word to America we thank you because you love this nation so much and you have decided to show us Messi your name will be praised forever Lord we welcome you Holy Spirit and we thank you because we are here because of you without you we are nothing but Lord the presence is what we need we therefore ask that your presence who rain on challenge we feel those who is all with the blood of Jesus and we cleanse this home with the blood of the Lamb I will release ourselves into the hands of the Holy Spirit I was a spirit of the Living God you are Lord in this house you are Lord in this place which is every foul spirit for every plant that has not been planted by our heavenly father must be uprooted we are Brut every foul spirit out of here in the name of Jesus release the glory of our God and we welcome you spirit of the Most High God I will see you a Lord of Lord and King of Kings and you are Lord in this place and we proclaim that you'll rule and lead on challenge welcome Holy Spirit your name alone will be praise your name alone will be adored in Jesus name Amen amen Prince the Lord you can sit down for a few minutes I just want to get one or two testimonies you know we have been having a great time with the presence of God what has God done for you during this period and you want you want to share what happened to you yes this one yes who else all of you are afraid okay we just do one testimony then okay what I want people who are not cmf I can I get in on cmf a person just one testimony what is happening this one yes okay I'll start with one okay you can you can come my sister hi my name is Mary this is the first time I've ever been to a service such as this and I didn't know quite what to expect but every night for the last two nights after the service has been over and we've gone back to our rooms there has been continual praying and tongue so loud that I have been unable to sleep for two nights and so the people that have left this room have been so excited about what's been going on here and so excited about the Lord Jesus and what he is doing in this room and what he will be doing and continues to do throughout the US and the world that they couldn't shut up they and when I prayed for sleep they got louder and so I started to pray and I've never been baptized in the Holy Spirit I have never felt so muted around a group of Christians as I do here in this place I was raised in the Presbyterian Church and I am a Christian and I love the Lord but I have never felt such a presence of the Holy Spirit as I have these last few days so much so that I haven't really had much to say I've just been observing but each of your lives and your testimonies the way you freely worshipped there was a woman who was on her face before the Lord in front of everyone but I don't think she realized anyone else was here she was before the throne of God and it just didn't matter and it was everyone else was gone it was her Lord and then there was another man and had to have been painful on his knees but I don't know that he felt the pain but every time he felt called to his knees or his face he got on his knees and his face and I kept telling my aunt who brought me here that this is how I believe it will be in heaven that we will be a multitude of ethnicities from countries across the world and and I look forward to being a part of that and it was a real privilege being here and I thank you for it I thank you for allowing me to experience this it's really been eye-opening and awake awakening for me on what worship can be like and how it should be because it's not about us it's about him and so I just wanted to thank you all so it's not often I don't have a lot to say but I felt very very muted because of everybody else and all your spirits are so big - felt so small and so I know that when I got to go home I have a lot of work to do to grow my spirit so that when I come back at the next conference my spirit will be able to commune more with yours it and not feel so small and so I thank you for that challenge that each of you has given me even though you haven't verbally given me a challenge you have challenged me each of you has challenged me to grow in my faith and I thank you for that because I really need it hallelujah hallelujah to God be the glory to God be the glory hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah thank you so much my dear sister Wow Wow glory be to God glory be to God okay I want everybody to stretch your hands toward this sister I want you to raise your voices to the Lord and just pray for the things that she has confessed this morning and how she wants to grow in the Lord so Lord we just praise your name we thank you God for this sister and Lord we thank you for the renewed hunger in her heart and Lord renewed hunger in our hearts as well Lord we praise your name we thank you God you're gonna do a mighty and great work in her and through her and with her and Lord we pray come Holy Spirit we pray Lord we burn up all the chaff Lord in the precious and holy name of jesus release her release her in the spirit to soar with you god we call her into her kingdom plan and purpose that all hindrances in her life are now falling away in the name of Jesus were just taking the sword of the Spirit and we're cutting off chains off of her that have hindered her from being your precious servant Lord fill her up God use her we thank you Lord you know the plans that you have for our plans for good not for evil plants with the future and a hope she has a plan and a purpose in the kingdom of God and we call her to it in the precious and holy name of Jesus stand up take your place be a factor in the kingdom of God and Lord we pray that for every person in this house that we will stand up we will take our place we will be a factor in your army God will be a factor in the kingdom of God Lord we're going to get organized we're going to understand leadership we're going to do the things that you've called us to do so that we come together in unity in one Accord and networking in the precious and holy name of Jesus so that we can be a factor we can advance the kingdom of God the word for this quarter is advancement we claim it we walk into it in the precious name of Jesus that the kingdom of we'll be advanced through us we are a factor Lord because you have said so we praise your holy name and we glorify you we we worship You Lord and we thank you for everything you're doing now let's raise our voice in in tongues that she heard so loudly the other night but we just pray over her as the spirit would lead Simba rakia Tara motion guitar added emotion baka locally on an anonymous in Granada Nara demo koi Rita ma Horsham barakatuh da da da da mo ocean bahia tom mo host ingrid ah da da da da mo o la la la Pieta mo hosting guitar a moco an anonymous ingot Shin Bora kata and Lord we impart to her Lord everything that you have given to us we impart by the laying on of hands Lord all the good stuff and none of the bad stuff Lord and I pray Lord that she will fan into flame that which has been imparted to her by the laying on of hands in the precious and holy name of Jesus amen amen thank you thank you so much hallelujah hallelujah I wanted to stop the testimony busy okay one minute please if you want hallelujah praise the Lord Amen god is good isn't he have you been transformed is your life blessed are you changed hallelujah glory to God a man Jesus is Lord a man and he's Lord over America praise the Lord I'm just so blessed by how Jesus has taken over and restored the nation you know the Bible calls him king of kings and Lord of lords this is truly what he is last night he showed himself as Lord when he trans when he transformed the nation through the prophets word and said it's restoring back to glory amen praise the Lord but this is my testimony prophets they do spoke to us the other night and he said when you leave and you go into your room kneel down and you're going to have a visitation amen praise the Lord so I took that as a promise a man the Bible says believe the Prophet and you shall prosper right so that is a guarantee amen when God gives promises in the Bible you can stand on them right well when God gives you a promise and our prophets promise do you have a double benefit amen a double blessing praise the Lord so guess what happened so I said you know what I'm gonna cash in on this you know I've been wanting this for a long time I've been wanting to see in the spirit I said this is my opportunity man so as I was going home everything else was leading me in a different direction as I was pulling in you know I wanted to visit the restroom very fast I was very hungry and I needed sleep very bad so I said wow everything in me was leading me in a different direction but I said you know what Satan I am NOT falling for this I said the Prophet has given us a promise amen and I said I'm gonna obey the prophets word I said before I do anything I will go he said when you enter your room kneel down he didn't say go and eat go to the bathroom do it check your facebook no he didn't say do that he said go and kneel down but I did have to use the restroom real fast I had drinking a lot of coffee or soda on the way home so I said Lord Jesus I said if I can't run to the restroom real fast let me know leave me if not I'm just gonna suffer because they say you have to pay the price so I said this is the price I'll just sit there like this and I'll pay the price but I'm gonna see my Jesus a man so praise the Lord so what happened is his the Lord was merciful so he let me let me go to the bathroom right so I went to the bathroom real fast I came back and I got on my knees and then I said you know I went to a Faith Bible School so I said Lord you have promised through your prophet your prophet I'm in obedience here prophet he sent me here he said get on your knees and you have promised that you appear so I said Lord I'm here as soon as I said that I was at my little prayer chair and I was on my knees I realized and my head was on the chair my head was right in Jesus lap I saw Jesus sitting right there oh my gosh he was all ready waiting for me in the prayer chair he was sitting in my prayer chair I said oh my gosh and I have never really seen Jesus so clearly and and and this has happened before with prophet Bruce Atta one of the conference's he said asked to see Jesus pray to see Jesus right now and I prayed and fearto gripped me and then he disappeared real fast so I saw him briefly but this was different I had the prophets promise I had the Lord's promise and the Lord showed up I saw him clearly when I I was just laying I was on my knees and with my head in the chair and I said Lord you promised to be here boom I sold him my head was in his lap and he was sitting in the chair I said Lord lay your hands on me he laid his hands on me so then I thought I don't know I thought what do I do now cuz I didn't know what else to do so I felt him lay his hands on me so I was just sitting there and I had no idea what to do and this had never happened to me before so I just said Lord don't go before you bless me because I had no idea what else to say this is the first time I met the Lord like that so I just said I don't know what to do but I don't want him to leave before I get blessed so I said Lord don't go without blessing me so I was sitting there and I wasn't even kind of afraid to talk us you know when you meet a new person you don't know what to say so I was just sitting there and I was like what do I do now what do I do now so I said I asked him don't go before you bless me so then as I'm just sitting there he said do you want to see me again and I said yes and immediately I saw him standing next to me he had a big white gown he was standing right next to me and I said wow this is awesome and then I just felt something in my back it was like a hole like that like he I don't know like his hand or something but I felt like a big hole and a burning going all the way through my back to my chest and he said do you know what I just did to you and I said no and he said I gave you a new heart it was awesome it was so awesome he said I just gave you a new I said oh my gosh and I was transformed the next day I'm telling you I felt totally different I still feel different you know say there and tried to take you back to the old person but it's not gonna work in Jesus name Amen Jesus gave me a new heart a man this thing about walking in the supernatural is real it's true I saw Jesus he touched me he laid his hands on me and he ministered to me he blessed me I said don't go without blessing me and he gave me what I needed a new heart a man he'll do it for you you know you have to enter him by faith amen I believed if I didn't believe I wouldn't I went to the chair a man if I didn't believe I wouldn't have stood on his promise it's about faith and belief if you believe you're gonna remind him of his promise and you're gonna stand on it and you're gonna see a manifest say man go and see Jesus amen praise the Lord Wow Wow that was powerful that was powerful to God be the glory to God be the glory amen hallelujah you see for some of you well if you have any other testimony like that like you and the rest who get towards the end of the service that's better amen so that they can hear what happened because the man of guarana even here I wish she was here to a a testimony that was powerful that was glorious to God be the glory amen so my dear just bless us about 10 minutes welcome I welcome a brother Adrian we'll start us hallelujah glory be to God just sucked in the Lord [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord thank you so much to God be the glory wow thank you so much you can sit down please few minutes and I thank you but I doing I hope we still have some of your CDs ok please if you want come nice music please make sure you get some of the CDs they're out there amen hallelujah some announcements the first is please some of people going after the meeting to living from Baltimore the boss be leaving at 3 p.m. yeah for those traveling to Baltimore who was lined this evening so you can just we got there are two bosses that we have that we have to help you so please get your things ready so that you can go amen without missing your flight so the boss who believe in our trip adore the bosses who believe in at 3 p.m. let me put it that way if one boss does not go it's not enough amen praise the Lord hallelujah and many people look so calm hallelujah that is better amen it has been a long time you all have been wonderful people it has been a long event we have pommel our body put our body on the pressure to make sure that we get this conference done don't worry after this this is the last service after this you are raised very well yeah well don't just rest go and practice what you have heard amen practice what you have had you will be great praise the Lord and so but we have a little surprise for someone today brother Paul Kemp is he around but appalled we'll see Cobra DePauw pleased to come hallelujah to God be the glory to God be the glory this time some years ago about about it 12 years brother Paul brother Paul has been a blessing some of you have called him isn't it some of you are calling him Alleluia some of you are calling him and getting information is one of our conference coordinator he and pastor kahlúa literally run this conference with phone calls all of you called it call them amen so he has been such a great blessing great blessing but he does not notice but I heard you got married to a few years ago easy to afford 11 years ago 12 let me know reduce one year Alleluia you had 12 years of the cross you have learned a lot of the cross hallelujah amen so I just want to welcome your wife and we shall bless both of you hallelujah glory be to God so this is the our wedding anniversary [Applause] glory be to God so would thank God for them I will bless them you know the wife is one of the top worship leaders and she has been a great blessing to a church for a long time you married the right woman hallelujah I mean if you marry some other person will have prayed for you so we have the right person hallelujah praise the Lord has been such a blessing to the church can you stretch your hand and let's bless this wonderful couple father we thank you because you have taken them Tosa for 12 years we want to thank you because you have kept them together and you have kept them strong in a time when Lord marriage is becoming more and more difficult on edge you have made it easy for them because your presence has been with them Lord we pray you bless them and granted there are years to become more and more glorious and that the remaining part of the our marriage will be glorious in every aspect of their lives we bless them with your favor and thank you for your service for their service to the kingdom of God let your name be praised Lord in Jesus name Amen amen can you clap for them again hallelujah thank you so much glory be to God and to God be the glory to God be the glory I wanna Pastor gold wat please come ahead come ahead amen don't worry is not your wedding anniversary how many years have you been married now how many years Teddy Teddy hallelujah glory be to God the wife is sitting right there amen should we include your wife now tell me he married the right wife also hallelujah you know you can see you say that our better tell the whole story praise the Lord you know we went to Canada we went to Canada to minister Canada dr. Bruce and why ministry in Canada he was in charge of our camera to make sure we get some good videos instead of videotape in the service he was videotaping that young girl up to now I have never seen that video I don't know if that video exists but I sped but now I can see the young girl I saw the results hallelujah and why did he finally looked and fight oh god this came and told me that I said there is a young girl in Canada I am marrying that young girl I'm interested in that she's right there Michelle welcome come come come come hallelujah praise the Lost hallelujah hallelujah to God be the glory to God be the glory and I want to say you are right you married the right person praise the Lord amen I just want to appreciate what go Laura eat to organize this conference you know generally he was telling me we need things we make these realities I've just been amazed by what happened it has been one miracle after the order many of the stuff you find you we had to buy them from scratch we had to spend so much money to get things together he was constantly charging the critic charge and charging and charging I forgive him for that but but he needed to do so and walk in and organizing things we have we had this conference because of the fact that God Mitch but he gave also wonderful people we are blessed with one not just him but all the members of the team we are we are so blessed with serviceable people it has just been glorious I want to thank you very much for that amen and God wanted me to appreciate you thank you for your wonderful service god bless you and thank you for for making sure that you captured I when we went to Canada god bless praise the Lord can you tell for this couple hallelujah to God be the glory to God be the glory amen I want to thank brother Jesse whether Freddy the people who have been picking up and try ways by Freddy Freddy can you stand up please brother Jesse thank you all for giving yet your life to car to serve others carrying them all over the place thank you my dear may God bless you may God prosper you I want to thank pastor Jim pastor jim has been one of I mean you eat the way he serve it's just amazing isn't it he is all over the place doing one thing after the order pastor Jim may God bless you thank you so much you are just a wonderful man we love you very much thank you for your humility and all your service to make sure all this work amen we have the best worship team in the world I am just amazed at this Washington they sacrificed to practice to prepare to get ready to make sure they are here it is just wonderful and the way they worship I am always blessed you know when I travel sometimes I miss our worship team when I think I travel a lot around the world to preach I miss our worship team our worship team they are just wonderful can you clap for this wonder can you all stand up Washington stand up please stand up please stand up please stand up please we want to thank you all hallelujah hallelujah you all have been wonderful we thank God for all your services to God and to the kingdom of God may God bless you amen Alleluia I want to turn the pastor Thomas and the wife they mobilize the people from Riverdale to serve many of our people serving they are from church in Riverdale pastor Thomas and your beloved wife thank you so much thank you circuit can you stand up thank you for your wonderful service we are grateful we are grateful and God would bless and reward you forever amen praise the Lord and I just want to thank the team in charge of the video and all those things I just discover professor to share with us that day that this video has been watching the world through NGO TV hallelujah hallelujah so I want to turn our technical team search and the rest of you can you all stand up together we thank you all you are blessing I'm strong and the rest all of you thank you so much may God bless you thank you for making this a success we love you and we are grateful god bless you amen and there is somebody that helped us a lot and walk with this place brother other forgotten your name will you come and serve us the one behind can you stand up let's greet you we thank you so much for all your services she's helping us to set all this and put off put on all the stuff daddy deeds we are grateful may God bless you amen praise the Lord if I forget she is not because I want to yes where she sister Lena she is the one that took care of our children hallelujah she sister Luna is the wives of pastor Jim pastor Jim you made the right decision hallelujah you got married to the right wife and sister Ellen and pastor Jim are pastors of a church in messes but Pennsylvania and sister Ellen is children minister and she is just a blessing she was the children minister of our Church in Westminister before we started the church in messes back and we really miss her I bet we tango that she's doing a great job and she 7 God's people hallelujah but she's what she's just a blessing I wish was yesterday we need to consider and tongue her but we thank you sister Lena wherever you are praise the Lord Amen yes registration team thank you you are awesome we had a wonderful registration team that they were good they were strict they wanted to make sure we know who is entering here so they don't have a small devil entire they were at the door they're making sure the right people come and I want to thank you all for all your services thank you for all what you have done we are grateful may God bless you may God prosper you a man and I want to turn ideas sister Johnnie's where's Janice I want you to clap for this beautiful girl Janice has been serving serving the man of God and making sure there's food making sure is enough and facade was very appreciative the order they aren't thanking us for Chinese and I was so proud of you hallelujah thank you for your Sawyer service may God bless you you a wonderful person and the mahdis here thank you for giving birth to Johnny's we thank you and may God bless you mightily god bless you oh mama kee you a wonderful person praise the Lord amen and I want to appreciate all of you who came from other places this conference will never have gone the way it went without you your presence was a blessing you are just unique and wonderful people your spirit is so sweet I mean just talking with some of you it is as though we have known you for years it is as we felt such connection in the spirit we are grateful that you came we are very happy to have you and we say thank you for coming thank you for not allowing on Lexi MFI to come to this conference you chose to come you chose to be part of it we love you and we thank you for your presence all the sacrifice your financial contribution you have made to bless the ministers to bless the conference we are eternally grateful for your help and may God bless you may God prosper you may God prosper you in everything you do and make all the plain issue and provide and give you all what you have sown and more may you reap a hundredfold in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ can you clean after yourself [Applause] hallelujah Prince Lord and I just want to thank our ministers who came and ministered to us can you all stand up and thank our ministers who came and ministered to us hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah we want to thank you all thank you all for ministering to us thank you but of lemoned for serving us and for ministry you are just a blessing we love you very much you and your dear wonderful wife you are a treasure may God bless you amen I want to thank our dear dr. Bruce and our dear sister we love both of you very much hallelujah and you are just a wonderful person when you get close to sister Richmond oh you will love her she is just a wonderful person lively full of life and just I mean she'll make you laugh to make she's just wonderful I don't know why you marry her hallelujah she's just wonderful we love you all are we are grateful for both of you amen we want to thank you so much profit shadow you are you are you are father indeed and a wonderful lovely person you know on the stage he's a prophet and when he preaches the power the authority occurrence but when you meet him personally the love that flows from him is unusual the love the tenderness is unique so please my dear sister my my my tour today Cynthia don't be afraid to play okay he loves you he wants you to play so tender so lovely you know recognize the person who was on the pulpit yep under the prophetic anointing when you meet him personally it's just wonderful amen he is an approachable person so don't run away we have been so blessed we are so blessed to have him as a father and as someone who loved Jesus who loved this nation so much we are very grateful to be blessed with such a man of God we say thank you so much for coming to this conference for from taking the risk to trust us and come for the conference we are we are generally grateful amen praise the Lord and all the other ministers oh please thank you you know brother Alan and pastor Allen and pastor Francine they have been such a blessing you say they are the ones that walk on the nametag and organize a lot of things I'm sorry don't worry he has forgiven you that you made a mistake on his name but did all the stuff they were serving helping thank you so much I am very grateful and thank you for the connections you have what you are doing for what he did for this conference and everything God will reward you God will reward you hallelujah amen I want to thank my friend our friend dr. Laura and they beloved husband from Kentucky thank you for your encouragement thank you for the words the worth of courage of strengthen us we remain eternally grateful for you and your husband you all I treasure can you clap for this wonderful couple hallelujah amen praise the Lord I want to turn our we offer Church in Canada yes so from Calgary and the pastor is right here thank you for doing everything to come to encourage shows that instead of least pastor was the God love his year we love you is in Calgary we have people here from Calgary at I think so oh there's somebody from Calgary Alleluia see so he is from Calgary Canada welcome we love you and God bless you amen thank you so much Astaroth UI blessing he has been around he opted to help to pick up people be happy to pick up thank you so much for humility and your willingness to serve may God bless and may God reward you amen and I welcome our Bishop welcome Bishop Allen and the dear wife can you stand up so dogs can greet you we love you we welcome you in the name of the Lord Jesus may God bless you thank you so much for being here and for attending the conference we are grateful amen praise the Lord hallelujah are you excited that's not enough are you excited praise the Lord there's one more thing I need to do because when the meteor the messagestats would not have time to do it because of the fact that it will be so special amen we just allow the time for the servants who got to minister to the people so I want one of our daughters will be moving to New York and we have to pray this at the last service that should be here want to pray and release her and we will welcome her back soon we'll pray you back in the name of Jesus God answers us so Jane completes she is moving to New York she has been part of us for how many years now is it five years and she is just a wonderful person she is changing jobs and so she has to move to New York who really miss you we love you and we want you to come back and come back again amen so we have to pull her back somehow go to provide you a far better job here can you stretch your hand and let's bless her doctor process please can you bless her so that the Lord will go with her father I thank you that you're positioning your people in this hour where you need them and want them father there's a destiny purpose in what you're doing in all of our lives so I pray father that as she moves into this new adventure new adventure that she would open doors of ministry and opportunity and bless her in ways she's never known father she's always part of the local family here and I know they will interact together and minister together again father opened doors the only you can open and close doors only you can close and we bless her in this in Jesus name Amen amen praise the Lord hallelujah as I worship team gets ready to come and lead us lead us in worship I just want to make a statement some people ask me we have we don't have only the churches we planted here we have a ministry called well conquests for Jesus we plant churches around the world what we do is that we come along any ministry that is in love with the Lord and that saved a lot we support the ministry by supporting the pastor so God has blessed us presently we have about 14 past churches we have planted in Africa and some other places and the church what we do is that we pay the salary of the pastor for three years and just to make sure we plant a church there so we have four new churches we'll be planting next month and we'll be planting four new assemblies in Zambia the pastors are ready to go we support them for three years so that they can plant a church in a village we had videos and pictures of some of the judges we have planted and so if you are ministry leader around the world we we are doing it mainly for Africa and India and some other places now if you are a ministry leader around the world we can Co work with you to just come along with you we work with apostolic leaders and our goal is to plan and sponsor a hundred thousand churches hallelujah praise the Lord amen amen so get ready we we are trusting God as as God seven has been saying a revival will sweep around the world and God's name will be exalted to God be the glory to God be the glory are you ready let's stand up together thank you Lord because your presence is here the Holy Spirit is in this house we give you all the glory and all the praises in Jesus name praise the Lord Jesus we have made we want to make the heart of the father glad and how do we make his heart glad when he sees all these children together in unity behold how good and how pleasant ''tis I want you to grab the hands of your neighbor and we're gonna raise up our hands and say it's behold how good how pleasant it is hallelujah today's a festivity of praise it is our and celebration so get ready to celebrate before the [Music] [Applause] [Music] immunity [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] give me you [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] we are to belong to you a guy one family one name one Lord with celebration with Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah you are worthy of a friend Oh Oh [Music] hi [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we love you Lord with the Lord is coming Ennis is riding on the clothes he's shining like the Sun and a jagged scar lift up your voice this is the year of Jubilee and how the tsiyon on a science salvation comes we bless you you are the light regeneration we are the light regeneration and we position ourselves to God for what you do behold he comes riding all the time time alive the sons have the Trump at home [Music] Julie is a year of Jubilee and now those I use to salvation [Music] [Music] away Oh [Music] the taste [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] there's no girl like you over this look I'll light you over this smoke I'll do all this no God there is no God oh god no look alike [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] that's why we give up all cheer that's why we [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I see the King of glory coming on the clouds with fire to hold shake the whole heart I see love and mercy what she of all I see the people see the people's [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh I see [Music] [Music] ah Oh [Music] Oh Oh Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] see [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] eternity [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] Oh son [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] although they I thank you Jesus we worship You Lord you love the ones you goodness for ones of [Music] [Applause] [Music] I see you see the words of your head all [Music] the way [Music] is a beautiful [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I know the panel I know the power of your class [Music] hi [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] we are well such a good god you are [Music] [Music] I'm for the family I know the bottom of your cross [Music] [Music] [Music] now [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] beautiful [Music] [Music] [Applause] I myself EU he [Music] I'm all singing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm over where um [Applause] come on Lee top your own song you've been so good you've been soaking some [Music] [Music] [Music] Jesus Christ he's the Oh puppy comment below Jesus East let us here to talk you the chromium [Music] Oh God [Music] the ocean the ocean sky Oh [Music] [Music] yes [Music] don't gee Bobby gee eternity ski eternity ski coming again he's called me [Music] he's too let us [Music] bumblebee oh man Jesus the [Music] Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let us [Music] please Oh baby Jesus [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] a few secrets last song what I want everybody to stand up proclaim and worship Him the one who liveth forever forever I will tell him he is glorified forever [Music] and he will be praised forever this power had to occur to a king let's release our self in his presence [Music] we blow eat you Oh [Music] Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] to the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] whoa Oh Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] and you shall reign in righteousness over your church shine right [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] virtual Chioda Oh the true do [Music] we leave you everyone listens to me on washing the lung upon their troll nothing I'll not give him the glory we are told you are the law [Music] [Music] we will shave you [Music] hallelujah not alarm upon the Tron we worship you we glorify you we honor you we bless your Holy Name there is no one as beautiful as you there is no one as glorious as here there is no one has limitless and power of us king of kings and Lord of lords we wash to hear this one Jesus name [Music] ah man gas it up please [Music] Thank You Lord Alam upon the trauma we came through the glory and we give you the worship from generation to generation you will be praised from everlasting to everlasting you are God there is no one like you and there will never be any like you we worship you we love you we honor you in Jesus name man our man praise the Lord praise the Lord hallelujah wow the presence of God is wonderful it's just glorious to be in God's presence amen it's just wonderful to be in the presence of our God to God be the glory I wish collect our tithes and offerings and before we do it and so dr. Bruce who lead us to collect our tithes and offerings and then I brought our leaders so we have a wonderful brother from India and that is is a US citizen right here in America and it's from India and it's a great musician I just heard of him and I got in touch with him and he will give us a song during the time we collect our offering dr. Bruce god bless good morning how many you're still here praise God you know I did not ask he just he just sprung this on me I did not ask Pastor Robinson if they met the budget and I really want you to ask the Lord this morning what we can do remember I said the other night and I had again no preconceived ideas on this that the day is coming where the pastor is gonna have to stand up and say stop that's that's enough and I think this is a good place to start learning how to do that so get yourself ready we're gonna receive an offering and we really want to bless this team that's helped put this together you know when we regimen I've held conferences in Spokane our home town for seven years and the Lord said take a break but one thing I did every single year I said father they're voting with their wallet if they want it if they want another one next year they're gonna vote with their wallet and the only thing we ever did is we said as soon as we meet the budget we take no more offerings that's how we always did it that's how we always do it when we hold conferences and so I just want to see us bless them amen well that wasn't very lively oh here we are see we'll give you some rules you can say Amen or oh no some of them got it all right do you have the information up on the screen you make checks out what to see MFI and in Canada we spell million bi ll yo n so that right brother alright father I thank you as they're listening to your voice right now with every eye closed they're gonna hear your hearts and what seed it is you want them to so father I ask that you would bless them in the sowing of that seed and Lord I know in this season of great multiplication they're going to be astonished at the goodness of God bless them this morning father in Jesus name Amen go ahead guys [Music] [Music] hallelujah hallelujah the glory of the Lord filled this house my name is bernard clifford at the son of dr. Clifford Kumar from India and I'm going to sing a song that the Lord gave me is more like a fusion between Indian and Western stuff but I believe God will will pour out is anointing even as I sing this song it says your name be glorified [Music] [Music] you'll name me lifted high Jesus be glorified do you belong to the highest spray you want to try singing with me your name be lifted high Jesus be glorified do you belong to the highest praise let me hear you sing that your name be lifted higher Jesus be glorified do you belong to the highest friend [Music] [Music] Jesus people do [Music] listen there [Music] [Music] p45 [Music] [Music] [Music] feeling [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] let you blow [Music] the boy [Music] display [Music] but you're going let your glory [Music] [Music] [Music] praise Allah hallelujah Thank You chief amen but well praise the Lord thank you so much well I thought next time sing us an Indian song in the Indian language I joined it when I go to India I'll literally one of the nice Indian songs praise the Lord now you know when we introduced my I somehow forgot to introduce master regna from Texas I want to welcome you in the name of Jesus thank you for ministering to us who were blessed by a ministry may God bless you and thank you for doing everything to come he is very very busy man but he said the Lord told him to come to this conference and we want to thank you that you came may God bless you praise the Lord amen our God is a good god I want to say a word to all our OSHA's you all have been wonderful and many of them are bled I know some of them are pastors who decided to be Usher's like pastor faithfully she the wife just this is one of our oceans thank you so much for serving god bless you and the assistant leader of a church in Riverdale is right there serving also we love you thank you so much we all i bless you amen praise the Lord hallelujah today we have prophets hadö he wants to minister to us and say something to us amen we welcome you in the name of Jesus you will after that dr. Bruce who also says something amen glory we are on a closing day so is a day of rejoicing Alleluia is a day of dancing you are free the spirit amen I believe that we we reach that God has taken on stuff fun today is just to tell God thank you for all the great things you have done amen God has been good to us and so he will be using this microphone for now he has decided that the one that is holding his head will not be used this morning okay welcome we love you thank you so much good morning everybody please be seated I want to sincerely thank our honourable pastor Bishop Robinson from dong for inviting me to be in this wonderful conference and to be in the mix of all you wonderful precious Saints we thank you for all of you coming from many of them out of state and even from other nations and I'm sure this has been a wonderful experience and very edifying I mean yes I mean or no I mean yes I mean you know once I went to a ice-cream shop to buy ice cream so once in a while you indulge yourself don't you you know when you have done the same thing as what I did you give me the look as if you're so innocent that you you don't eat ice cream at all once in a while we indulge in that fatties things so I went to this ice cream parlor and I wanted to get the simplest ice cream so I don't want to you want to indulge yourself but you don't want too much of that fat and the the cops and all that you know so I was just standing there and thinking which would be the nice one or the simple one to eat so I asked the the salesgirl over there how much will it cost so she said one scoop so much I said all right I put my hand into my pocket and I realized that I had enough money just for one scoop so I told this particular thing and then she asked me you know if you get two scoop will be cheaper then one scoop and I say I said I have just all the money for one scoop so she said you know she was encouraging me to get to school so I remembered something that is very common in the u.s. you know the look that you have half and half so I asked how about half of this and half of that so it will still make up one scoop but you get two so she agreed so I got half of this and half of that the best of both worlds in the same manner today is the last day so you get not half in half but 1+1 2 I will be just half the speaker and dr. Bruce Ellen because his doctor he will come with you the full cost milk IB just the appetizer I mean now as I was pondering and waiting on the Lord what brief message to share with you this morning the Lord gave me three words three parting words for you to take hold off as you will leave this conference to go back to your various homes all during this conference is past four days you have been hearing wonderful messages from each and every man of God even those who spoke in the morning briefly they were still nuggets of great truth that God had imported into your spirit even like the one single message that was the journey Taylor brought it was very impactful I mean so whether a speaker is a known speaker unknown speaker whether they're young speaker old speaker it is God who speaks to them I mean I will never forget this incident that dear men of God shared with me which he witnessed firsthand it was in the year 1986 when dr. Bullock rahem had organized a conference for evangelists in Amsterdam so this Minister of God from India who's a very dear friend of mine was invited to be a representative from India at this conference so one morning or either a morning or afternoon session in ordinary simple evangelist from Africa was to address the plenary session so no big-name speaker was assigned for that session so they were all seated and this evangelist friend of mine was seated on the second row behind the first row where speakers always sit so as they were all waiting for the session to begin just apart a few minutes before the session began dr. Billy Graham entered into the auditorium and he came and he set on the first row on the street where he usually sits the emcee of the day began to shiver when he saw Billy Graham in the meeting so he nervously looked through his schedule to see if dr. Graham was a sign to speak that day so when he double checked to see and was made sure that dr. Graham was not scheduled to speak that day and he was still surprised why did dr. Graham showed up so he went in Krita dr. Graham and said behind he beside him and very meekly asked dr. Graham say sir I'm sorry you won you're not assigned to speak this afternoon did you come by mistake and the evangelist friend of mine was sitting right behind doctor ahem overheard the entire conversation and this is what he overheard doctor grayham said I have come to hear what God will speak through this man of God so that shocked this event his friend because the speaker that day was an unknown ordinary evangelist from Africa so not only dr. Graham said in the meeting but he also studiously put down notes of what his man of God was speaking so that incident impressed this man have got so quickly that he then learned the secret to the greatness of dr. Billy Graham his humility see you're not a respecter of person whether high name speaker or no name speaker God can speak through any vessel I mean sometimes even through hidden people God can speak to you have you experienced that he may be a Hindu person or a Muslim person or totally 80s when you least expect suddenly they open their mouth and they speak to you and deep down in your heart you know that it was God who was speaking to them right so we should not look down upon anyone no over estimate anyone if God can speak to a donkey he can speak through any animal I mean so today I am the donkey now three words number one turn with me to the most familiar passage that we all know too well but at the same time we all overlooked that scripture too much Matthew chapter 6 verse 33 the Lord Jesus Christ said here but seek ye first the kingdom of God and it's righteousness and all these things shall be added unto you now if you look at that last portion of the scripture it says all these things and what are all these things the all these things refers to the things that are found in verses 25 to 31 food to eat and clothes to wear the daily necessities of our life so we are often at times overly concern overly worried overly focused on the daily necessities of our lives food to eat clothes to wear between food to eat and clothes to wear hung all other necessities of our life like a job or a house or a car or anything so most of the times we are pursuing after this all other things and we forget the weightier matters of the law the most important thing that we should rather seek after is the kingdom of God not just the kingdom of God and also its righteousness things or works pertaining to the kingdom of God so if you do that right then the Lord Jesus promises all these things that pertains to your natural life God will provide without you having to open your mouth and ask for it look at verse 32 the Lord Jesus says for all for after all these things to the Gentiles seek so the Gentiles are the non-believers people who do not know a good God who provides they do not know all that so the Gentiles people who have no knowledge of God seek after all these things but you should not do that because the second part of the scripture says for your heavenly Father knows that you have need of all these things your father in heaven knows that you need food to eat you need clothes to wear you need the house to stay you need a car to drive and you need a job to live by your father knows all this so when your father knows all days he also knows how to provide and when to provide see our problem is we are always verse 25 says anxious we are anxious and we rush after all these things as a result we lose focus on the kingdom of God when the Lord Jesus Christ began his ministry in Matthew chapter 4 verse 17 says he preach saying the kingdom of God is at him now this was 2000 years ago say he came to bring the kingdom of God in armies he's dying on the cross open the door for the kingdom of God to be in our mists so when he died on the cross he made all things possible for us an efficient chapter 1 verse 3 says we have been blessed with all spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus so technically all things pertaining to our everyday life have already been provided for so all you have to do is not ask for it take it see this brings us to point number two the point number two is found in Hebrews chapter five please turn with me to Hebrews chapter five in Hebrews chapter 5 the Apostle Paul the author of the book of Hebrews we don't we don't want to fight over who wrote Hebrews let the theologians do that but God has clearly revealed that it was the Apostle Paul who wrote the book of Hebrews I did not receive that revelation but it was Kenneth E Hagin who had received that revelation so when God has already revealed to one man of God it's good for me to believe that revelation agrees everybody one of the greatest most blessed men of God that America ever had is dr. Kenneth E Hagin a very very wonderful man of God who walked with God and who had the fear of God in his life all the days of his life so the Apostle Paul reveals here now look at verse chapter 5 and verse 11 of whom we have many things to say of whom concerning who that is concerning Melchizedek and hard to be attacked now we cannot say much to you because you are dull of hearing why are you dull of hearing no I'm not saying to you don't get offended you are not dull although we are dull so who are dull the he was writing to the audience the Hebrew people verse 12 says for when we went for the time you ought to be teachers you have need that one teach you again the first principles of the Oracles of God and become such as having need of milk and not of solid food so who drink milk babies so the Apostle Paul could not teach deeper truths concerning the Melchizedek because the people are still babies so what do babies do they cry cry for attention they just sit down in one place and they cry and they cry for attention that's what babies do but adults do quite differently when they want something instead of asking that daddy or mummy for this or for that they just go right to the Papa's pocket put their hands into the pocket and take out whatever money they want do you have kids like that now what's the difference see my nephew who works for me in India he lives together with me when he needs something I just let me go go put your hand in my wallet and take out whatever you need so he goes because the uncle has already given the permission so he goes and he takes whatever he wants of course he tells me how much is taken and even if he doesn't tell me he doesn't meant it to me because I always have very little money in my wallet you know why hey don't laugh they all get a high salary I don't they have a good boss who pays them good salary my boss takes good care of me too but not in everyday sense of dollars and cents that I see my boss makes sure that I'm always taken care off in that respect I have no lack I mean you see let me give you one good example very good example whenever I visit the u.s. the most common American food that I eat all the time is hamburgers the great American food one reason is I always eat after the meetings not before the meetings and the meetings and about nine ish or 10 ish at night and most of the good restaurants are always close by them and the only thing that's available is Big Mac the Big M or the Big W Wendy's or the in and out you go in you come out all Jack in a box these are the stuffs you know so that's what I always end up eating when we leave the church before we go to the hotel we drive to drive through and get and grab a burger and a fries and a coke these are the good old days I don't I stopped doing that and we go so this has become the staple diet so there is one precious daughter who comes all the way from watching it to all my meetings she hurt me saying all these and then she decided that she will cook nice Indian meal for me each time I come to the US so she and her family her husband and children always come to all my meetings they bring big pots of food to last me for four days of five days of the conference and she didn't tell this to me beforehand if she had told me beforehand I would have always rejected them because I'm of the opinion I should not trouble anybody but she does it on her own and brings the food it always surprises me with nice good traditional Indian food which only heaven can produce so look at that this is one simple example when you seek after the kingdom of God and after his righteousness all these things all these earthly things they will come after you a good father knows this poor boy is eating McDonald's every day very bad unhealthy food let me do something for him so he moves his precious child to cook food and bring it see how good god is I mean so we must learn to do one thing now look at verse chapter 6 verse 1 therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ now what are the first principles of the doctrine of Christ they are the foundation of repentance from dead works faith toward God doctrine of baptisms laying on of hands the resurrection of the date and eternal judgment these are the first principles basic doctrine of Christ the Apostle Paul says in verse 1 let's leave them aside that does not mean we discard what he's saying is those are for babies when you are a baby Christian you learn all these but don't get hung up on them all the time and he says go on to perfection go the next step climb up higher go on to perfection that is counsel number two from the Lord for you now if you look at verse 4 it says there for it is impossible for those who were once enlightened and have tasted the heavenly gift and were made partakers of the Holy Spirit and tasted the good word of God and powers of the age to come this is going on towards perfection from one state you go to the next stage where you learn about what it means to be enlightened say this is what the new ages are seeking after but you have the word right here in the Holy Bible so this is not new age teaching right it's right here in the scriptures to be enlightened has several meanings one is the enlightenment of your mind where the kingdom of God comes to rule in your mind the kingdom of God is light so when that light comes into you you are enlightened number two the kingdom of God comes to abide within you when the kingdom of God comes now again the kingdom of God is light your spirit is enlightened and when you attain that you can have the same Transfiguration experience just like the Lord Jesus experienced on the Mount of Transfiguration it is absolutely possible for you to have this exact same Transfiguration experience like the Lord Jesus Christ and that's what the Paul Apostle Paul writes here be enlightened secondly taste the heavenly gift there are so many gifts in heaven you need to taste them how can you taste them what is a heavenly gift we read in Revelation chapter 22 that the Tree of Life bears forth brings forth 12 different kinds of fruits so you need to taste them what they are what it is in the year 1994 the Lord called me to fast for three days and on that last day the third day of the fast happened to be on a Sunday so I was fasting the whole day as I began my fast that particular morning I felt a strong compulsion to just worship the Lord rather than first meditating the word or waiting on God which I do more than any other thing so as I began to worship the Lord I was just lost in worship after about an hour of worshiping I felt in my spirit there was someone present in my small bedroom when I opened my eyes I saw an angel of God standing before me with a silver plate in his hand when I looked at the plate there were four different kinds of fruits they were all cut in different shapes and I asked the angel what are these so he said these are fruits from the tree of wisdom God has sent these fruits for you to eat so I looked at the angel in a big doubt came in my heart we have only heard of the tree of life but I've never ever heard the tree of wisdom never heard it mentioned in the Bible so I thought this must be an angel of light from the devil who had masqueraded like a true angel and brought some fruit so I remembered what Satan that serpent did - if you don't want to eat the wrong foot then if you eat the wrong fruit you get wrong wisdom wisdom from the devil so I took one step backwards and I prayed spirit of the Living God is this angel truly from you and the Holy Spirit yes I have sent him they can eat but I said but where is it written in the Bible concerning fruits from fruits from the tree of wisdom then the Holy Spirit very very kindly said to me have you not read what James chapter 1 says the wisdom that comes from above is peaceable so there is a wisdom that comes from above and that wisdom is manifested as a fruit from the tree of wisdom so take and eat so I took those fruits one of them look like a papaya you know what's a papaya okay like a papaya cut in a small piece like a triangle and the word another fruit that looks like blackcurrant and there were four pieces and there was two other words I forgot but what they are today and when I add them though they were spiritual they really tasted like real fruit with all the Jews and the sweetness and after I had this angel just disintegrated like have you seen Star Trek movies you know when they say beam me up Scotty how the person Biss integrates into particles that's exactly how this angel disintegrated I have never that was the first time I saw the angel transform like particles in ditch just come to a center point and then vanish so after he disappeared the Lord Jesus Christ came he came and he set on my bed and he said I have come first he said seeing now that you have eaten fruit from the tree of wisdom you will now understand what I'm going to teach you I'm going to teach you secrets of the universe and then there was a book on my bed see I have a great fascination for astronomy so I for the past one week I was reading a book called a brief history of time written by Stephen Hawking and there were many things quite hard to understand but because of my interest in astronomy I was just reading it as a passband the Lord took the book and he said let's go through this page by page and I will now teach you the true secrets of the universe so we went through from page 1 to page 330 the entire book in the Lord explained where the scientists were right and where they were wrong and the many things that puzzle signs he explained to me so simple terms how the scientists because of their knowledge it has will them from knowing the truth see that wisdom or ability to comprehend was made possible because of the spiritual gift the heavenly gift that I received from the Lord you taste and see how good god is so that's what the second part means now look at the third part partakers of the Holy Spirit partakers of the Holy Spirit is not just the baptism of the Holy Spirit it goes beyond that now see we all stopped at the baptism of the Holy Spirit but there is also a baptism of fire and there is also a fellowship with the Holy Spirit see we miss all that and we just settle down with the first basic principles for babies Christians the baptism of the Holy Spirit we should go one step beyond the baptism of fire and fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit communing with the in spirit you can commune with the holy spirit you can commune with the Lord Jesus and you can commune with the father three separately it's possible to fellowship with them separately as individuals if you read first John chapter 1 verse 7 it says our Fellowship is with the father and with the son Jesus Christ so you can fellowship with the father you can fellowship with the son the Lord Jesus and fellowship with the Holy Spirit absolutely possible and the three can relate to us in three different levels the level of the Holy Spirit the level of the Lord Jesus and the level of the Father God absolutely possible that's what it means here partakers of the Holy Spirit and was five tasted the good word of God now this is not just merely reading the word but digging deep into the word you taste the richness of the Word of God when you begin to meditate deeper each word becomes a meet the Lord Jesus said in John chapter 6 the bread that you eat is my flesh and he who eats my flesh will never die we read that that word never died he did not refer to spiritual death he referred to physical death so which means if you keep on eating the flesh of the Lord Jesus the Word of God you will never die because the Lord Jesus said my word is spirit and life if the Word of God is spirit and life the scripture says the spirit quickens you if it quickens you means every time you meditate the Word of God the spirit of God will can your body cells when they quicken your body cells it means your body cells are renewed like the Eagles so your cells are forever young you all like to hear the word that right young you're forever young even hundred years young not only you stay young but you also appear young appear youthful why not don't we must look at it from the right sense of the word rather than just I like to look nice before Amira no you know there was once a woman she was in her mid 40s mid 50s and suddenly she met with an accident and she died instantly so when she died the spirit came and stood before the Lord Jesus and she was so mad and she cried furiously before the Lord Lord how can I die so early in my life I'm still in my mid-50s I still have long more years to live how can I die she shouted at the top of her voice hoping that she could frighten the Lord Jesus so the Lord Jesus Christ sat on his throne and he was so sympathetic towards her please and he looked at an angel and he asked him why is it that you have not all protected her so the angel had no answers to give so the Lord looked at I said all right you go back I extend your life you shall live for another 40 years so the woman made a mental count so I'm now 55 plus 40 95 oh praise the Lord so she was so thankful to the Lord she bowed down she worshiped the Lord and she rose up from the dead and when she rose up from the rich she was so happy that God has blessed with another 40 years so when she came out of the hospital as she was about to go home she thought to herself since I have 40 more long years to live let me do one thing let me go in beauty find myself and change my years so that I will look young and beautiful like an 18 year old something so she found the best cosmetic surgeon in the city and she made an appointment and she went and consulted and she went under the knife now before that the Lord promised her that she will live for 40 more years and she also met the Lord promised her that her his angels were constantly protect her all the days of her life till she finished her life so the Lord promised her he said I will not just give you one angel I will give you two angels so two angels to stand on a right hand on a left hand to protect her all the time so wherever she went those two angels followed her so she went into this hospital and she went under the knife and after several hours she came out of the the what huh yeah anastasiya and she looked at self in the mirror she couldn't believe what she was seeing all the black eye has gone all the sagging muscles gone everything gone and she looked like an 18 year old Princess Diana she was so happy with what she looked like and she pitched the surgeon for all his fees and she grabbed her back hand back she before she went she'd already bought nice new clothes that will fit into a nice slim body so she put on a nice charming looking electrifying attention-grabbing clothes and she stepped out of the hospital and she looked at the bright Sun that came in kiss on her she was so happy so joyful she stepped out on the road and out of nowhere a truck came in hit her and she died on the spot instantly she died so and she opened her eyes she stood before the Lord Jesus she was so matching rain up to the throne of God to jump on him and shout at him and she was so mad so if the two angels were protecting by the left in the right of the Lord had not put their sort to stop her she would have pounced on the Lord Jesus like a bear so and the Lord asked her my dear daughter what's your problem so she went on pouring out her woes to the Lord said Lord you promised me forty years how is it that I died certainly not Jesus himself was so surprised how this woman died she should live for another 40 years so he summoned the two angels who were assigned to look after her so he asked the angels how is it that you did not protect her so the angels very meekly told the Lord Lord Jesus according to your word we followed this woman everywhere she went and we followed her right up to the time that she entered into the cosmetic surgeons Hospital so we stood outside the hospital waiting for her and we waited and we waited and we waited we never saw her coming out at all then suddenly we saw a woman been kicked by a truck we didn't know who she was so next time you go for Botox remember this story so this is not that so you don't want to taste the good word of God for those kinds of purposes you know when you really eat the Word of God I tell you a truth you can live forever because the Word of God is true some 30 years ago I heard this testimony of a Catholic nun in South India how she has been leaving at that time this was in the 80s when I heard about the story at that time for the 30 or 10 or 15 years she has not she has not eaten a single muscle of bread I was surprised so what is what she what does she do I asked one day she read the scriptures Matthew chapter 4 verse 4 man shall live man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God so she read the scripture over and over again until it hit her and she came to the realization that I don't have to live by mortal bread so when when that realization hit her she decided that for lunch she's going to meditate the Word of God so when the lunchtime came she had a cup of coffee she sat down and she meditated the Word of God for one hour during her lunch time then when dinner time came she did the same thing the following day she did the same thing and it went on till today more than 30 years her her meal is just a cup of coffee and the Bible so I thought now for the woman to go by that kind of a diet she must be as thin as a pencil but I was told by the bishop who related this story to me she is a heavyset woman in she gained weight just eating the Word of God so that proves what the Lord Jesus said he who eats my flesh shall not die so it is absolutely possible to live in that realm that is the kingdom realm when you live in the kingdom realm how can you die there's no death in God's kingdom am i right everybody because God is life so when you partake life how can you die you cannot die so that's what that scripture says tasting the good word of God and finally and the powers of the age to come see the powers of the age to come is is mentioned only in the scripture in the entire Bible so that is for the mature sons of God so when you attain this level it brings you to point number 3 Revelation chapter 4 verse 1 when you reach that stage then verse 1 says after this I looked and behold a door was opened in heaven and the first voice that I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking to me which said come up here and I will show thee things which must be Hereafter now you see two things in the scripture number 1 a door was opened so it's a past tense I see a door open the Apostle John did not say like that it's not a present and said a door was opened and then secondly he heard a voice a come-up now when you reach that stage every time you pray how every time you are even meditating thinking upon the Lord you will see a door open before you in heaven and you'll hear why say come up so every day can be a heavenly experience for you you don't have to be on this earth each time you pray or each time you even want to talk with the Lord you're always there before his presence looking at him directly talking to him face-to-face fellowshipping with the sames of God in heaven fellowshipping with the angels in heaven fellowshiping in all things in heaven the Lord God is calling you to this life and this life is possible if you do the first principles what is the first principle seek ye first the kingdom of God and its righteousness this is the first principle see when you do when you do that you don't have to worry about please pray for me for this please pray for me for that I'm sure a lot of people would want the speakers to pray for you but if you come up in us the speakers to pray for you then you are behaving exactly like a baby Christian are you baby Christian I will see whether your baby or not after this service if you ever come up to us for prayer then i wiii know who you are then you need a nipple in your mouth that you should not be there see those are paths you should not be a baby all the time you should progress to be an adult only then the Lord Jesus Christ can feed you with strong meat early this year I was invited to the nation of Taiwan for meetings so it was supposed to be a prophetic conference and when I prayed the Lord gave me words of messages for the nation so all the three days there were three different sets of messages pertaining to the nation which from a normal point of view to a mature believer may look like very rudimentary basics simple messages in fact some of matured Christians who regularly come to our conferences later on commented to me you know we expected some real solid deep teachings from you but they were so simple so I told I told them God looks at the audience if the audience are just babies how can you fit strong meat to a baby so when the Lord looks at the audience and they're all babies he gives them milk okay this is what the babies need look in fact some of my staffs in India they have commented to me they said how we said that whenever you minister at the conference in Lancaster California you really teach teach very deeply and with marvelous revelations from the kingdom of God but when you preach in conferences in India or elsewhere you are just giving very simple messages and the answer is very simple the people who come to that conference are really deep secrets of God so to those who deeply seek after God then the Lord takes the riches or to be stretcher real solid strong meat and he fits them so it all depends on our level how we are you can choose to be a baby or you can choose to grow up but it is the desire of God that you grow up you should grow up you should not remain as a baby only at the rudimentary basic principles level the aim is coming very very soon now please listen very carefully if you don't grow your faith when the time of testing comes you will fail you will fall your faith will not be strong enough to stand against the wiles of the devil that will come against us the testings that is going to come upon the whole world you will not be able to stand the test and when the tests of the muck of the Beast comes how are you going to stand we stand from taking that muck your faith will not be strong when your faith is not strong you will not be able to strengthen the faith of your children so their faith is also very small the faith of your family is baby and when that test comes although your entire family will be the first person to take the mark of the beast because you will not be able to stand strong let me close by saying this true incident that took place in Syria a few years ago a family of four father mother two children Christians godly Christians very prayerful seekers of the God one day the mother was praying and she heard the clear voice of the Lord tell her my dear daughter will you put offer yourself on the altar of sacrifice for me and she clearly understood what the Lord meant it meant martyrdom you know there's lot of religious threat in Syria and in the Middle East so she did not hesitate to say yes Lord I offer myself on the altar for you so a couple of days pass by and as she was praying one morning she heard the Lord voice say my dear daughter will you offer your husband on the altar of sacrifice so she hesitated because how can she speak for her husband without him wanting to offer himself so she got up from prayer she met her husband she told him what the Lord said and without hesitation the husband said honey let's kneel down and pray so they nailed down their health hands and husband and wife offered themselves on the altar of sacrifice okay a few days later the Lord spoke they have two young cherubic looking children you look at them they have such a look on their faces that you want to lead them you know some children as such they have such a cherubic look on their face you just want to hug them and carry them with you all the time like that boy is one of them Malachi is he Malachi Malik Malik each time I looked at him is such a terrific angelic look on his face you want to pack him and bring him home can I can I do that can I bring you home see he's got such a smile I said you can try if you want that's that's what the smile is saying to me so that lady had two such small girls eight and six and the Lord told her my dear daughter will you offer your two children on the altar of sacrifice she shot up from her knees shocked at what the Lord said and for several days she just could not decide what to do then after three or four days one day in prayer she brought her two children and make them sit on her lips and she spoke to her and she said you know one of these days bad men will come into our house they will kick the door open and they will have cuts around their face and they will have a shot in their hand and they will kill mommy they will kill daddy when that happens you must never deny your faith you close your eye spite don't we'll open your eyes and see whatever screams or shouts you may hear just close your eyes tight and hold your little sister's hand tight and then a little later you'll feel something sharp on your neck when you feel that open your eyes and look at the man who has put a knife on your neck and tell the man I forgive you for killing my parents and Jesus loves you so the mother looked at the dude girls and said do you all understand what mommy is saying and the two girls perfectly understood what the mother said and the four of them nailed down they all held hands together and they prayed and offered themselves on the altar of sacrifice a week later one morning their door was kicked open and in entered for Isis Parris and they shouted at the top of the voice at the father saying well you renounce Christ when he said no the sword swung and his head rolled on the ground and the girls remembered what the mother said they quickly ran into the bedroom and the older girl helped the younger sisters and very tightly and told her close your eyes don't look then sure enough they heard another fall of a body the mother's body and in little while the older girl felt a sharp sword something sharp on her neck and she remembered what her mother said she opened her eyes look straight into the eyes of the Isis terrorist and she said I forgive you for killing my parents and jesus loves you the little girl's neck was cut so was her sister's neck the entire family died as a mater how is this possible because the mother's faith was strong the father's faith was strong and they strengthened the faith of their two little daughters the whole family's faith was strong how is our faith how is your faith how is your children's faith you can only strengthen your children's faith if you yourself are strong if your faith is not strong how can you strengthen your own children's faith even if you don't get the call to die as a mater there is another test that's coming for the whole world the muck of the beasts which is worse than martyrdom you know because martyrdom takes place in an instant you are skill you're gone but mark of the beast you going to take it for life you have to run as a fugitive from the government of the Antichrist if you run away and you are hiding here and hiding there you have no food to eat no water to drink what will you do how can you bear the cries of your baby crying for milk or crying for food can you hear their screams until they die see one baby is screaming and crying now for whatever reason the baby is crying I don't know whether it's crying because I'm preaching too long Oh for milk or whatever reason I don't know but there are many mothers and fathers here you know the cries of your baby when they want food or they want milk you know that very well you can distinguish the sound of the cries right am i right everybody so can you bear the cries of your baby from hunger can you tell your baby don't worry child even if you die crying Jesus you will be in Jesus presence don't worry no matter what happens mommy will not take the mark of the beast mommy will not buy food for you can you say that say this is a test that is coming very very soon this generation will not pass by without seeing the mark of the beast do you know that already in the u.s. they have already implemented the chip been implanted in your hands it's already started it's not nationally implemented yet but in many states they've already started this it's it's on a voluntary program now it's just a matter of time before they make it compulsory and this is something that will be implemented all over the world not just in the US so what are we going to do that's why the the word of the Lord to you this morning is don't remain as babies go up one step higher as adults amen thank you everybody [Applause] well praise the Lord hallelujah can we respond to the message can we pray I pray that God will strengthen us God will prepare us stand up together and pray just ask the Lord to help you to make you ready just hearing what happening in Syria the question is are we ready are we teaching our children are we building the power strengthening them as a lot to prepare us to make us ready let's pray together prepare people Lord equip us Lord and granted each one of us father prepare us as we walk with you and as we live for you now all the days of our life will live for you Lord who do that wish we must do not cut off force to prepare for the coming of the Antichrist to be rigorous this evil and to stay and to stay strong we pray that nobody yellow God will will be unprepared Lord to seek you all know you who study the world who feet on the word and that a new era will begin in our lives Lord and I you build you prepare your church for the end times oh great God may each one of us be ready man each one of us be prepared we worship you because Lord you get us ready you get yet people ready you get your choice ready for this time or Great God we honor you we magnify your name we thank you because it has been done to the glory of your name in Jesus name Amen amen we'll do what we did yesterday pray call the hands of somebody pray for that person amen you the person prays for you you pray for that person just prefer that person that God will equip that machine prepare that person for what is coming for the end times amen let's pray together Lord in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] thank you lord Alleluia we give you the glory amen amen Rashaad bless the Lord hallelujah praise the Lord praise the Lord praise the Lord you can sit down please to God be the glory amen support be the glory hallelujah and my dear wife is here can you join me on the stage and I call her the most beautiful man in the world praise the Lord amen and our beloved dr. Bruce would you come and greet the Brethren say something and share something for a short while but before he does that my wife and I was singing a short song for you all and bless you all so don't say that it's past two among the singers praise the Lord amen so please thank you for coming to play for us just thinking about what prophet saw to shed and felt that we should sing this song to encourage you to serve the Lord and to strengthen you to serve the Lord amen he solved the Book of Paul the story of Paul the Apostle and we have been called to be the poles of this generation amen so this is God's Word to all of us as we leave this conference [Music] color disease you stand up and why you love your stairs you must be love you too the last cross the river you need [Music] you must wait I can't [Music] I counted on care I counted on child birth he was the same I counted on baby bring found she go tell me I'm counting on you [Music] days have gone by Lord on the earth I don't see yes I he's stopped this is rather poor the lonely the sky I counted I counted on I come to that he was the same I counted don't you but you go down I'm counting on you I'll say to the chestnuts I said you too slow that koala you must suffer till I told you you sleep you machine for God's sake keep on preaching this gospel for me I [Music] counted [Music] but he was the same I can't console bangs on she could can be sober I'm counting on you i canti to the child I said use your oh you must suffer till I call you were you sleepy that is hot you wish a breakout see but came right on reaching its gospel for me I can't I can't Oh the key was the same Oh baby proof on Chu Go Daddy some counties over to now put you right in there Robinson I'm counting on you Laura me to God glory be to God dr. Bruce Allen will be ministering to us but he'll be ministering you tell us where the minister in something somewhere is evening if you available you're not flying today please you can visit that church and be blessed by his ministry they also but that's in the evening when you come and minister to us bless us before we close amen dr. Bruce Allen we love you welcome thank you for ministering to us goodness [Applause] okay we're not a good message I think that's almost the shortest I've ever hear so new page so look at it we started the name with a miracle that's very powerful I'm gonna do this very quickly because it's past my lunchtime I mean your lunchtime but um oh I guess I'll do this I wasn't gonna do this but he told me to so I'll be at Jesus is Lord ministries in biglerville tonight and that's on Chambersburg Road about ten miles outside of Gettysburg thank you that's all all right I'm just gonna share something very quickly that I've shared before and has to do with faith you know there's a lot been thrown at you this this in this conference a lot of Revelation a lot of promises from God for your life but most people have difficulty grabbing hold of the promises of God and it has to do with your your culture has to do with your socio-economic there's so many different influences that can assail you that cause you to stumble because we have a tendency to look at the world and look at the situation rather than look at God but I want to do this quick like I said let's look at Matthew 15 where was Matthew 15 there it is verse 21 this is the story of the syrophoenician woman who had a daughter Canaanite woman she had a daughter that was demon-possessed starting in verse 22 a Canaanite woman from that region came out and began to cry out saying have mercy on me Lord son of David my daughter is cruelly demon possessed but Jesus did not answer her a word and his disciples came and said Lord sent her away me she keeps shouting at us it's annoying but jesus answered and said I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel now verse 25 is the key you see there's a little bit of history here she said Jesus son of David have mercy on me and Jesus ignored her you have to understand the background of that because she been in historically she had been where blind Bartimaeus was she heard blind Bartimaeus who had received a revelation burst out of his passion in his desperation from God and when he heard this crowd coming by he said who what's going on what's going on and they said well that's Jesus of Nazareth he said what I didn't know yeah because he'd been you know he had no way to find Jesus he had to wait for Jesus to come to him and when Jesus finally shows up he cries out at the top of his voice Jesus son of David have mercy on me well where did you get son of David we said Jesus of Nazareth listen passion unlocks revelation you don't have passion for God if you want revelation from God and the church is usual crowd said should be quiet we do things decently in an order here and he cried out louder Jesus son of David have mercy on me and so you know the story he was called up and Jesus asked him what is it you want I want to see and he was instantly healed so this is what she's leaning upon she saw how he got the attention of the Messiah of Jesus and she said that's how it's done so she's crying out Jesus son of David have mercy on me and he didn't respond to that because it wasn't true worship it was parroting somebody else's experience or expression I've never understood books of Prayer this is the prayers you can pray for every situation that might help you start but don't use those words get your own it's got to come from your heart not from somebody else's book and so Jesus ignores her he said listen I was only sent to the last wellnot he ignores her until the disciples thinking they have license now that Jesus is ignoring her say you know she's rather annoying can we get rid of her he said boys you don't understand he was trying to teach both of them something so then he says I wasn't sent except for the lost sheep of the house of Israel verse 25 says then she cried out as she worshipped him saying now we went from hurting to worship Lord helped me shorter song you've ever heard right sea worships not always music it's heart attitude Lord helped me now Jesus speaks to her it's not right that I give the children's bread to the dog well thank you very much but in the he excused me in the Aramaic that word dog the whole connotation is a beloved pet in the house I don't give my children's bread to a beloved pet in the house it wasn't a slight or a slanderous thing it was a common idiom for the for the culture they were in and she understood that but she took it further she said yes Lord but even the dogs eat the crumbs from the master's table he said well I've not seen faith like this in all of Israel go in peace your daughter's home now they sent this interesting that this particular parable talks about healing being the children's bread Jesus himself said right this is you know I used to have so many people come up Marg you with me demons can't meet have demons excuse me Christians keep demons gonna have lots of demons Christians can't have demons but the truth is Christians can have any friends they want to often they invite him in but what belongs to the Christian is deliverance from the demonic oppression that's what Jesus was saying that's the children's bread so we see a woman who by faith contended with the Lord reached into the future because the gospel wasn't going to be preached to the Gentiles until almost 20 years later but by perseverance in faith she reached into that future and grabbed hold of a promise and saw her daughter delivered well that's pretty good because now we have we see a picture of contending faith that causes her to to press through into the reception of the of a promise from God but now we have to contrast that with Mark chapter 5 in mark chapter 5 verse 25 we have a different story here of a woman who an issue of blood for 12 years she has spent all of her living everything she had on doctors to try and get better and she was not any better and she's desperate now according to the Levitical law at being a Hebrew woman she has everywhere she goes in public she has to cry out at the top of her voice unclean unclean so people can get away but she's so desperate to be set free of this malady that she sneaks and presses through the crowd because she said in her heart see she put a focal point for her faith if I just touched the hem of his to leave his garment I'll be healed well that's so scriptural because it you know it the word says that Jesus that the Lord will come with healing in his wings the Sun of righteousness with healing in his wings that's talking about the tallit so she snakes through and touches it all this crowd pressing around and jesus said who touched me and the disciples the the wonderful sensitive spiritually discerning guys that they were said what are you talking about God they're everybody's pushing on us he said no guys you don't understand somebody touched me my faith I felt virtue go out and so now she knows she's been caught and now she's ready to be martyred because she knows it's a death sentence she came into the crowd they're gonna stone her but she confesses to Jesus and he says go on faith yeah go on peace your faith has made you whole now the Canaanite woman had great faith she had faith great faith and faith great faith and listen here's the difference between great faith faith and little faith it's all the same it starts at the same place every one of you has been given the measure of faith everything we've been telling you in here this weekend you all have the same faith and an ability to grab hold of it and make it yours here's the difference little faith means non persevering faith it means you're a quitter you give up you will let your emotions you will let your your upbringing you let all sorts of the cares of this life convince you I can't God doesn't like me but if you learn to persevere persevering faith is called great faith it's the same measure of faith it's how you apply it that equates to either little faith or great faith you are the one who makes that choice you can build up that faith you can cause it to become active to be excited like a you know to be volatile by praying in the Holy Ghost building up yourselves in your most holy faith praying in the Holy Ghost that's a stewarding of the gift of God within you that's like watering that seed of faith but you all have the same faith so what was the difference what's that none other than the great faith and faith what was the vast difference between the two one of them was a Gentile and the gospel was not yet ready to be preached to them so they were out of season out of the fullness of time one of them was a daughter of Abram and that blessing of healing was hers by inheritance so what did she do she didn't beg she didn't plead she didn't carry on and whine and complain she came and took what was hers through covenant let me explain this really simply where we all live most Christians today beg and plead and whine and weep and complain because I don't have I can't get so-and-so's treating me bad my my family's not so we can go down the list because we have no faith but if you understand covenant and what God has given you in covenant you could say thank you lord I receive that vastly different how do you intercede for your lost loved one oh god they're going to shut up what you need to do say father I thank you I have a covenant according to acts 16:31 that if I believe in him saved my whole family saved and I received that by faith now and stop looking at what's happening you know we had a couple of elderly ladies come to us when we were ministering in Canada some years ago and they came up and they were just weeping and I thought dear God what happened she said we've been praying for years for our sons to get saved what happened I thought maybe they died good instant stop what what what do you mean I said well God's answering your prayer what I said they were heading down the fast road to hell to death and destruction and you prayed and God heard you now he's got their attention guess what they got saved in prison see you've got to start seeing things the way God sees them uh stop stop reacting or responding according to the world and the things you see in the world you're not of this world you start responding by faith and as he said so gently I'll say it a little more meaner grow up one of the reasons I wasn't called to be a pastor because you know I'm not the one who's supposed to feed pablum and change nappies all the time that's what pastors do they take care of children children's ministries not just with the little ones because so many Christians refuse to grow up and take responsibility for their own spiritual life and you know what it's going to be done unto you according to your faith not according to pastors faith or you wife's faith or your dog's faith or your sister's be done unto you according to your faith and if you don't start walking with an understanding of covenant promise that what God said is yours is yours and start walking but as if it is just fine thank you lord thank you lord and smile there was a lady came to us in a meeting in Malaysia I love this story because it shows exactly what I'm saying she came from a Islamic background and she and her daughter's got saved and she came and asked for prayer I said what is it you need well my husband's not saved and he's very vicious to us so now I'm a little bit guarded because I'm careful what she's gonna ask for in prayer you know like maybe God will kill him I said what is it you want from the Lord she said we want him saved I said okay father what are you saying he said he gave me a kick Steen 31 I said all right I said when do you want him saved she was confused I said acts 16:31 says if you believe on the Lord Jesus Christ you'll be saved in your house so when do you want him saved she was confused she never heard anything like this she said this was Sunday Thursday I said what time one o'clock I said okay father Thursday at 1 o'clock we thank you the scales are gonna come off and he's gonna get saved Thursday at 1 o'clock the scales came off and he accepted Jesus a number of years whining complaining begging pleading instead of saying Covenant promises mine thank you Father vastly different vastly different I could go on and on about stories like that that if you just understand covenant and just say ok god I believe you I'll give you one more because some of you have been waiting for God to do certain things in your life before you're obedient to the call of God on your life for instance some have you been called to do some traveling and go to a you know do a missions trip well you know if I got enough money in the bank and all of this is settled and all of that settled and everything you're not in faith you're just not in faith we had I had ten eleven masters Commission kids that's a program for teenagers in the church that wanted to come on a missions trip with me some years ago to Fiji and so I would I asked them all I said so it's been a week since you you've heard what we're doing what do you what are you saying yeah we want to come I said okay so what do you do it well no they didn't say they wanted to come they said well we're believing God for the money so we could know if we're supposed to come I said repent first you find the will of God Lord are we supposed to go and if he says you just say yes sir I'm great done and they looked at me confused I said you don't understand you don't put conditions on God if he says you're to go he'll make the way then you do something by faith go get your passport so they prayed they all said yes God told us to go they got their passports and guess what they never thought of money again and they all had their money come in we've had it backwards for far too long and the in the church and in in Christendom we've got to start being a people of trust that old song trust and obey there's no other way it's got to become a reality in your life you know the church in in Russia for many years my dad Minister did the underground Church before the wall came down the lifestyle they lived was super natural and they had to hear God every week they had to hear the Lord about where they were going to meet for church every week you couldn't announce it you didn't tell anybody because if they didn't get it from the spirit that could have been kgv so you told nobody anything and they'd all end up meeting in this different locations every week and then pastors would hear by the Spirit of God there's Americans coming to preach in your church and you go get all excited but he couldn't tell anybody but that weekend hundreds of people to show up whether we used to be 10 because they'd all here by the Spirit of God see Church it's time to grow up all I don't know if I should go I don't know if I should well sit down and get in the word and get in prayer until you do there are so many promises so many things coming on the world but so many promises pregnant with potential for your life if you don't grab hold of these things understanding covenant then you're gonna miss the greatest thing God has for your life in this hour amen grab hold of God stop looking at circumstances start looking at God his word will sustain you absolutely last one John chapter 2 the wedding feast of Canaan now that that wedding feast took place on the third day this is early in the morning on the third day it was actually Jesus's sister that was getting married so Mary who was widowed at that point because Joseph had died had arranged the marriage and had put in an order for all the wine to become and she was actually shortchanged historical documents show so when Jesus showed up with his disciples she ran up to him and said son we don't have enough wine he said look it's not my time because she knew what he was called to but she you know even Mary didn't listen I mean she contented she said yes I know she turned to the servant says whatever he says to do do it let me tell you today whatever he says to do do it you don't have to reason that out well does he mean now doesn't mean tomorrow does he whatever he tells you to do do it and so he saw six waterpots that's the number of man made out of stone that's most Christians hard-hearted and he says I want you to fill the waterpots with water the servants now you know what the service they could lose their heads their jobs or everything in a wreck but he exactly what he said they were hired by Mary so they're gonna do what he said they filled it to the brim I love these people that have listened they didn't do half measures you know an inch below the Brammer have to the brim to the point of overflow and now he said now draw forth and give to the the emcee of the feast that the one is in charge so they poured it out and as they poured it out they took it to him and when he went to drink it was new wine and you know what he said look everybody else at the beginning of a feast gives the best wine because you know we can taste it better then and then they're inferior at the end but you have saved the best wine for now what's now the third day that wine speaks of the revelation you must be a new wineskin to receive the new revelation because he saved the best for now now listen I don't say I get tired of hearing this but I my heart breaks hearing this I can't hear God I'm not hearing from God why is he not listen he saved the greatest revelation in the history of the church for now and it's available to any who will and instead of saying I can't he doesn't say thank you Jesus thank you this is mine this rebel revelation today belongs to me and I receive it by faith it belongs to me and I receive it by faith and stop being a naysayer stop living in the as they used to say in the malla grub's get up and beat who God called you to be get past the first principles enter into the promises of the world to come because man what God has in stores off the charts amen stand up what we're gonna pray was that quick enough I heard your stomachs grumbling from here I thank you Lord that your word is life and light lord I ask that you would convict us when we do not believe your word quicken us to understand and receive revelation from your word teach us how to walk in covenant and receive of your word and long Lord forgive us for being doubters of your word bless these people father as they have sat here and had a feast of that very word for the last four days Lord I pray that they would the seed of your word would fall in the good soil of their hearts and would sprout up and bring forth a rich harvest in their lives so that the overflow would touch many lives around them bless them and keep them father I pray in the mighty name of Jesus amen [Applause] hallelujah praise the Lord you can sit down please Wow have you been blessed he was the one who acts for two minutes - shortly so so I did not give you 15 minutes praise the Lord Amen - God be the glory hallelujah hallelujah just to let you all know please brethren will not we don't want to let professor Duke go with any book Amen if you have not yet bought a book you are forgiven you can go and repent out there and make sure you you get a book a man but not normal a book bad many books some of the riches you are listening today may not you may not keep them very much if he don't have a book that was strengthen you and remind you of these things amen so one of the secret that God has taught me and God has taught many servants of God is reading read a lord and he will transform your life amen so the books are there make sure you get some please please just a minute is not it's not polite to just stand up and walk okay we are closing in a minute amen and so please i encouraging you in the name of jesus get some books buy a book or so so that novice and professor drew back with some of the books amen and we have also done of their books remaining for you or they are finished there so more he you have some books okay yes yes also some books available dr. Bruce and so please make sure you get those books amen let's buy all the books hallelujah praise the Lord and again thank you all very much pastor Gabriel and the beloved wife thank you all very much for your service and all what you need to get this service don't get it OSHA's we want to thank you all very much amen praise the Lord so thank you for coming thank you for making sure this event becomes successful thank you for all your sacrifice all your sacrifices God is going to reward you abundantly amen so can we all stand up together brother Manny I want to welcome you thank you thank you brother can you care for this wonderful brother is always a blessing the blessing too of you praise the Lord praise the Lord now raise your hands and we shall bless the servants of God that have blessed us amen you pray that God will bless your ministry and God will bless them you now bless them you respond by blessing them let's pray together let's bless them father we bless your servants that have been a blessing to us we bless your seven oh great God and see their ministry will be blessed everything that or should be blessed the ministry will move from glory to glory from strength to strength and that Lord even the things that experience they will continue to experience far more abundance because there is but there must be more Lord because you are a great call the human mind and the best you can ever Lord Lord enrich the reach the limit of this great God there is more and more with a for pray that they will increase in more of the knowledge of God and their ministry will prosper financially spiritually socially and in every domain and all and even in influence on earth we pray for mr. love used to bless us and we blessed him and we say Lord just as they have blessed us Lord and so into a life father may you bless them a hundredfold and may the a ministry prosper in every domain in Jesus name Amen amen now let's cover everyone with the blood of Jesus pray that the Lord go with us everyone shielded and covered in the blood of the Lamb let's pray together father we cover everyone here with the blood of Jesus everyone we plead the blood of Jesus and everyone and we say the blood of Jesus cover everyone here we travel and to go back home Lord we plead the blood of Jesus and say father you are going with us your shield is going with us thank you in Jesus name Amen now let's bless Israel let's bless Israel Israel we bless you Jerusalem we bless you and we say Israel shall be saved and the glory of God shall rest upon Israel we proclaim your blessings upon Jerusalem and we put pray Lord God and she'll your people from all the attacks of those who hit them and we say father Israel will be saved we pray Lord God are you revealed to more Israelite yours that Jesus Christ is Lord and that Jesus Christ is God so that it was surrender to you Lord we thank you because you do it to the glory of your holy name in Jesus name Amen hallelujah yes glory be to God and the people of God say a man he when he he he man god bless you we love you I'm middle middle of prosper you thank you so much [Music] you you [Music] please please please announcement for CNT five members you are needed on the stage so we can plan how we will talk a lot instrument and everything we brought please thank you [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: CMFI-USA Miracle Center
Views: 8,163
Rating: 4.8734179 out of 5
Keywords: Cmfi maryland, .Bishop Robinson Fondong
Id: EjZ4rlYfSLM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 25sec (14185 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 08 2018
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