Was Xbox Actually RIGHT About PS5 Owners?

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so Xbox has had a pretty interesting 2024 thus far and we're really only in the month of April of course they had a really good presentation where we learned about games like hellblade 2 AOW and of course Indiana Jones which is one of my most anticipated games of 2024 as coming to the Xbox platform this year and people got excited and rightfully so it seemed like Xbox was finally on a good path as far as exclusive games were concerned then of course we learned information that allegedly Starfield and Halo and Gears of War was coming to Playstation and a lot of people raised a lot of eyebrows at this they were like well Xbox has just completely devalued their brand now while those games ended up not coming to Playstation at least as of yet it doesn't necessarily seem like they are a lot of people were wondering about how the relationship between PlayStation and Xbox would basically do putting older games such as sea of Thieves and grounded on to the PlayStation platform was that going to be a home run because I mean let's be real as someone who watches the console Wars on Twitter I was under the impression that Xbox fan or that PlayStation fans hated these games these were subpar games these were not games of any interest to PlayStation fans so what's the point of putting them on there but it seems like that's not the case at all and we got an article here pretty much detailing everything that has gone on with this and why it is the way it is so tweak town and Derek Strickland over at tweak toown who I believe I'm like 99% sure we worked together at gaming truth like 10 plus years ago so shout out to Derek he's doing great work out there Microsoft has more best sellers on PlayStation Store than Sony does and you could see here there's a lot of ads on this site I mean quite a few advertisements but what are you going to do we have an image here of PlayStation games and then Derek gets into the article itself Sony and Microsoft may be direct competitors but sales charts also show just how mut mutualistic the two companies are so then we go down here if nothing else the FTC versus Microsoft trial in 2023 taught us one important lesson PlayStation and Xbox are as Cooperative as they are competitive Microsoft depends heavily on the Sony storefront to sell its games including Mega hits like Minecraft Call of Duty and Sony in turn welcomes Microsoft's Revenue contribution now of course they go into the Activision Blizzard situation all this sort of stuff but what's interesting about this is when you look at the data here for the best-selling games you see that yes you know you got your Call of Duty here that's technically an Xbox game you have hell divers which I mean technically it's a Sony game you could also say that MLB the show is as well but then you have sea of Thieves coming in at 12th you have OverWatch 2 coming in at 7th you have Fallout 4 Minecraft Fallout 76 even grounded makes an appearance on this list so the games highlighted in blue are PlayStation games the games highlighted in green are Xbox games when you look at this chart here you can clearly see Microsoft owns a bigger piece of the pie out of the top 25 games seven of them are Microsoft games five of them are Sony games and you can see the top selling overall game is actually a Microsoft game so that's pretty interesting to me of course the Fallout stuff got a big Resurgence because of the fact that they have that TV show going on as well that's an Amazon exclusive people seem to really like that show as well but it seems like potentially leveraging your IP on these other platforms is actually a smart thing like yes Fallout 4 is $5 Fallout 76 is $8 and OverWatch is technically free but you have people buying into these games as well to buy things like skins and additional characters call of duty is a full price game CF thieves and grounded are both $40 games but once again the the mindset is that people will spend a little bit extra if they want to get like a certain skin or something like that and these games seem to be being played at a pretty high rate as well and then of course you have the fact that like I said you have the whole thing going on with with Activision or with a Fallout that's allowing Fallout to get more publicity so the question question I have to ask with all of this is is this idea potentially working better than we thought it was going to work now obviously you want to have a reason to have an Xbox console and I'm still a firm believer in that I'm still a firm believer in having exclusive titles on an Xbox platform that aren't available anywhere else but if you're taking older games you know games that have been on Xbox for four five years or something like that and then allowing them to go to other platforms to generate more revenue and these games are actually doing some decent numbers like can we really say that this is a bad idea at the end of the day all these companies want to make money they want to maximize their profits and yes you still want Xbox to have a reason to exist Beyond just the game Studio you still want to have Hardware because Hardware keeps things competitive and in order for Hardware to be successful you have to have these games that are available on Xbox hardware and only available on Xbox Hardware at least for a decent amount of time so your games like your Indiana Jones your games like AOW your games like hellblade 2 yes these should first come to the Xbox brand and stay on there for a while but if a couple years down the road you decide to put it on another platform you know is that really that big of a deal now one thing you might be saying is well rgt if that's the case many people can just wait for these games and it does seem that way because people have been waiting for C if thieves evidently to play it on their PlayStation even though that was an Xbox One game so should Microsoft be looking at like Xbox One games to bring over to PlayStation like why not bring rise like I thought rise was a a pretty fun G yeah it's super short but why not bring rise why not bring Killer Instinct over games that you know were first put onto the Xbox One like grounded was like C if thieves was and then bring them over to the PlayStation and potentially make some more Revenue you know I I I don't necessarily hate this idea if if if if that's what they're going to do just older games if it's if it's day and dat games it's pointless you know you know if your games like your starfields whether you love that game or you hated that game if your games like an upcoming Fallout game you know if your games if if your bigger titles are all going to be available day and dat on the PlayStation then yes this isn't a a idea that I feel really have any sort of legs to it because of the fact that you're diminishing the Xbox brand and you could always say well you know PC you could play all these games on PC there's a reason why consoles still sell there's a reason why because a lot of people like to play on a console sit down on a couch in front of a television they don't want to mess around with PC stuff I am one of those people I do not play a lot of PC games unless a company sends me a code of a PC version of a game and then yes I will play it I have PCS capable of it on that rig back there for to play Gran Turismo 4 at HD with a texture pack and a steering wheel I have a 3080 in there like I could run games just fine I just prefer to play them on a console so I feel like that's just kind of a a moot point at this point in time like yeah you can play the games on your PC but we're talking about consoles here we're talking about consoles dedicated video video game consoles and if Microsoft is able to kind of Leverage their IPs in such a way that your competition is buying these games up I mean obviously competition and quotation marks but your competition is buying up these games on putting money into your pocket I mean I have to ask one question before we wrap up this video what brings in more Revenue game sales or hardware sales it's always been games it's always been games hardware sales are razor thin profit margins at least for the very first few years of the system you get that back with accessories you get that back with game sales and if Microsoft is able to leverage this I don't know maybe it's not such a bad idea after all I don't think they should put everything on Playstation but if we're just talking about older titles and the PlayStation fans who thought these games were lame all of a sudden are all about them and playing them like is it really a bad idea maybe Twitter just exists in this little bubble and these console Wars don't don't really exist outside of it people just play games and play games that they find interesting no matter what platform it is let me know in the comments section down below what you think about this though do you think this is a viable option for Xbox to continue to do looking at some of their older titles throwing them over on PlayStation and seeing what happens you know obviously not all of them are going to be winners penate seemed a bomb like everything like nobody bought it on the switch nobody bought it on Playstation but that's because I mean it's pentant let's be realistic it's a good game obsidian great riding I don't care it doesn't look like an appealing game to me thus I will not be playing it let me know what you think about it though in the comment section down below and as always guys thank you for checking out this video if you are new to the channel make sure you hit that subscribe button like comment and share yes your boy is feeling better I've been sleeping a lot taking a lot of hauls lozenges the men all ones and they seem to be helping my throat feels a lot better I don't know what it was pollen is starting to emerge so it could have been that and as always I'll catch you guys on the next video later
Channel: RGT 85
Views: 71,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RGT 85, xbox, xbox games, xbox games 2024, new xbox games, new xbox games 2024, xbox series x, xbox series x vs ps5, ps5 games, ps5 games 2024, xbox vs playstation, xbox series x games, new xbox, new ps5, upcoming xbox games, upcoming xbox games 2024, upcoming xbox, 2024 xbox, xbox 2024, xbox vs ps5 2024, xbox 2024 games, ps5 vs xbox, ps5 vs xbox games, ps5 vs xbox 2024
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 13sec (613 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 19 2024
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