Was the Empire Better Prepared for the Yuuzhan Vong War?

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hi friends welcome back to another episode of generation tech my name is allen in our last episode we went through a detailed look at how palpatine's permanent wartime economy eventually derailed the stability of the galactic economy and led to an increase in unemployment poverty and eventually rebellion but originally in the legends novel outbound flight by timothy zahn there was a point to palpatine's massive buildup of the imperial navy it wasn't just there to suppress dissidents and rebels you see a large fleet of aliens known as the yu zheng bong had just left their own galaxy it had been ravaged by a terrible war between sentient beings and ai machines now they were slowly making their way through the dark empty void in between galaxies and were due to arrive in the stars galaxy somewhere around 25 aby once they reached the outer barrier of the galaxy they would begin an invasion so devastating and brutal that all other conflicts in star wars history will seem tame in comparison now in the decades leading up to this invasion the yu zheng bong had set out several parties of scouts to kind of gather more intel so they can figure out how to plan their invasion shortly after becoming chancellor of the republic palpatine had gained knowledge about these invaders and kept a close tab on them recognizing the using bang as a future enemy that could prove to be quite formidable he kept his knowledge of these extra galactic invaders a secret but after the clone wars ended one of his main justifications for continuing to increase the size of the military was a potential extra galactic invasion this of course was not enough of an explanation for the rest of the galaxy and frankly a lot of people didn't even believe him and of course as the growth of the imperial military created more and more hardships for the average citizen the galactic civil war eventually erupted between the empire and the rebel alliance while this was occurring further out in the unknown region another faction known as the chiss ascendancy was facing daily skirmishes with these extra galactic invaders this is one of the primary reasons why the chiss commander thrawn eventually gave his services to the empire he too realized just how great a threat the using vong were and he also realized that the galactic empire was the only faction strong enough to unify the galaxy and resist them so was thrawn right well that's a trick question thrawn is always right but seriously had palpatine's empire stayed in power would the galaxy have fared better against the using vong now most of you know that the yuzeng vong had a fearsome warrior culture as a species these aliens worship pain and suffering and their bodies were adorned with scars caused by battles and self-mutilation the yuuzhan vong warriors embraced death and glorious combat and the only thing they were afraid of was dishonoring themselves but that didn't mean the overall using vong faction was just full of a bunch of brutish and simple-minded individuals in the yuzeng von society the warrior cast and the shaper cast were amongst the most important but a lesser cast known as the intended cast did most of the day-to-day governing for the empire these intendents were mostly bureaucrats organizers and logistical managers but they also served as spies for the yuuzhan vong this is something that the average warrior cast member saws beneath their station one of these intended cast spies was a man named nam anor he was far more open-minded than other members of a species and he was quickly able to adapt and understand how the star wars galaxy functioned including its very complicated political system now after the fall of the galactic empire the galaxy fell into chaos the new republic had managed to retain a good portion of former imperial space but there were still several pockets of independent factions that decided not to join up with the new republic this included the legends imperial remnants in the outer rim the hapes consortium in the inner room the chiss ascendancy in the unknown region hut space of course and the c ruby imperium nominee and his attendants tried to create as much unrest as possible within these factions and they also tried to weaken the relationships between these factions by supporting non-interventionist and isolationist candidates they even carried out assassination attempts against leaders they deemed as a threat on top of that they planted the seeds for an organization known as the peace brigade which was made up of citizens of the star wars galaxy who supported peace with the using bang and actually spied and fought against the new republic using all of this information and knowledge gathered by the scouts that yuxengbang eventually chose the houska system as their launching point for their invasion located in the northern quadrant of the outer rim it was a pretty unremarkable part of the galaxy but it was chosen strategically by the van because it was an area of contested space on the border of the imperial remnants and the new republic although the imperial remnant leader grand admiral pellion quickly realized what a great threat that using vong was to the galaxy many hardliners and his own governments were still suspicious of the new republic's intentions and against allying themselves with their dreaded enemy in the earlier days of this war a lot of factions grossly underestimated the size of the using long fleet and the threat they posed against the entire galaxy and so the yuzang vong would use this sensitive area to establish a foothold on the galaxy and more importantly only attack new republic worlds and avoid imperial territory by doing this the western flank of the yu zheng wang invasion would be guarded from attack as long as the imperial remnants remain neutral although the using vong fleet was large and formidable they were still outnumbered by the many factions in the star wars galaxy so they're using vong knew they had a strike quick so instead of taking a conservative approach and consolidating their forces in the outer rim they led an assault directly towards the heart of the galaxy they believed that they took coruscant and the rest of the galaxy would follow soon after the problem with such a strategy was that the using vong only had enough forces to create a very narrow attack quarter this means that each world they took was still quite vulnerable to attacks from the flanks but of course most of these factions were too slow to respond to the uzingbong advance while some factions like the imperial remnant remained neutral and out of the war the new republic was desperately trying to stop the front of the advance that was getting closer and closer to coruscant each day and eventually just like how the nazi blitzkrieg cut its way past the slow-moving french army and took paris the yuzung vong eventually reached coruscant and destroyed the new republic government had palpatine's galactic empire still been in power there would have been no issue unifying and consolidating all of the resources in the galaxy and turning that against the using vong in some kind of massive counter-attack within hours all the nearby imperial fleets would have been called to the helska system and within days a sizable portion of the entire imperial fleet would be on station to provide backup the response would have been quick and decisive there wouldn't have been competing factions political and bureaucratic roadblocks palpatine had complete authority and control over the imperial military the new republic at the time had actually fallen into the same routines that led to the downfall of the galactic republic the chief of state borsk phela failed to respond to the invasion and mobilize the new republic military in a significant way ole is playing a political game borsk even blamed those who are trying to raise awareness about the using vong as alarmists who were trying to bolster their own political image when the real scope of the invasion was finally realized many senators and officials abandoned core signed and fled back home to protect their own homes it's all quite similar to how the new republic folded in the face of the first order invasion in canon now in my opinion the galactic empire would have prevented the yu zheng vong's bold dash towards the inner rim of the galaxy facing a stiff resistance from a united galaxy the using vong would have to take the more conservative approach and carefully guard its flanks and supply lines as it expanded towards the rest of the galaxy this would keep most of the inner rim industrial centers and shipyards of the empire intact and contain the using volume just to the sparsely populated at a rim preventing a massive loss of life and industrial production now that's just overall strategy without a doubt a heavily militarized empire with a dictator in charge would be able to respond a lot more quickly against uh extra galactic threat but what about the actual combat at the tactical level well one of the biggest disadvantages that the galactic empire had was that it killed off most of the jedi in the galaxy the jedi were formidable force and just like in the clone wars the new jedi order would take the fight to the yu xing vong but at least in the earlier years of the war the jedi were unable to successfully contain these extra galactic invaders mainly because the yuxeng vong were literally cut off from the force and the jedi could not sense them with the force on top of that the using vong warriors did not rely on blasters and enjoyed engaging enemy combatants at melee range with acid spitting staffs that could deflect lightsaber blades and wearing lightsaber resistant armor in the opening months of the war dozens of jedi fell to the uzing vong which seriously demoralized the new republic the empire relies far less on force users although palpatine has dabbled time to time with force using agents and soldiers the main focus was creating a large military force that could fight off a variety of different threats while the average stormtrooper on the ground would have been just as helpless as the average republican trooper in the earlier days of the war the mighty imperial military industrial complex would have been better adapted to upgrading the stormtroopers armor and weapons to better face this new foe more importantly the imperial navy which heavily relied on a massive star destroyer fleet would be better suited for the type of exchanges that using vong navy was used to the yusungbang relied on bioengineered ships that were made out of tough coral-like materials their ships used miniature black holes called daven basils as both shields and for propulsion and for offensive measures they had plasma launching devices which were incredibly deadly at the same time those darvin basils used for propulsion and shielding could also strip away an enemy fighter's shields one of the first encounters that the new republic had with the yuuzhan bong was between a small group of yusung von coral skipper fighters and a unit known as kip's dozen this was a new republic squadron led by jedi master kip darren and his apprentice miko regalia the second these two sides engaged most of the new republic ships lost their shields and subsequently were shot down and destroyed see one of the major differences between republic pilots and imperial pilots is that republic pilots fly with the knowledge that their shields can absorb some punishment whereas tie fighters are always aware that a single shot can take them out so they are constantly jinking and maneuvering when engaged in a dogfight so what might be seen as a disadvantage during the galactic civil war actually trains the imperial fighter pilots to be better prepared for the yusen bomb it should be noted the new republic eventually figured out a way to counter these davan basils by extending the field of their inertial compensators around their shield as well now the using vong threat also explains why emperor palpatine would build something as ridiculous and large as a death star this giant mobile death machine makes no sense in a war against rebel insurgents but on a grand battlefield that spans many sectors and systems against a traditional fleet the death star can be used as a mobile space station in the most remote areas of the galaxy which might be strategically important but lack the infrastructure to accommodate a large military force also the death star's main laser could be very useful against the using bong's own massive world chips then there are the tens of thousands of turbolaser batteries on the death star which makes the station quite a formidable anti-fleet weapon it's estimated that 365 trillion people or in metric 500 trillion persons were killed by the yuxeng bong war making it one of the bloodiest conflicts in star wars history entire planets were wiped out entire species were enslaved and genocided we're not really sure how well imperial military technology and the lack of jedi would have affected the galaxy's ability to fight back against the huge bong but the galaxy definitely would have been better prepared for war and more united but does this justify palpatine's heavy-handed approach to governance well that's up to you guys to decide in the comment section down below also don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification button down below so you don't miss out on the rest of our content as usual thanks for joining us today if you're watching this you are generation tech
Channel: Generation Tech
Views: 317,635
Rating: 4.9472909 out of 5
Keywords: star wars, Yuuzhan Vong War, Galactic Empire, Imperial Navy, Imperial Army, Stormtrooper Corp, New REpublic, Yuuzhan Vong Invasion, Did palpatine know about the yuuzhan vong, Palpatine was good, Palpatine prepared for the yuuzhan vong, Imperial navy doctrine, Why did palpatine build the death star, Why did palpatine build the Imperial class star destroyer, Was the death star a good idea, rebel alliance, Imperial Remnant, Stormtrooper vs yuuzhan vong warrior, tie fighter
Id: JAtjJcaX9AY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 12 2020
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