Was Stewie2k Good At CS:GO?

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come on [Music] again [Music] [Music] okay but have you ever gone to Starbucks with a french guy it's literally the most annoying thing in the world they walk up to the counter they order a drink the guy goes what size they go let me get a vault it's like it's literally venti like it's Italian you know have you ever heard when in Rome why are you speaking French like let me get a vault are they supposed to know what you're talking about and I think that's good enough reason to not want to go with him yeah yeah I wouldn't have gone with him either yeah I guess you just don't understand greatness yeah let's do his side here all right oh hey I didn't see it I listen I got it I got a bounce I was just uh taking a conference call with all the Stewie haters out there on my brand new ASO and Aspire headsets best CS2 headphones on the market can hear these Stewie haters clear as they but in one ear and out the other do you know what I'm saying because I'm here to talk about Stewie past 2020 but before I do that I'd like to say we got the boxer shirts on sale 24 hours a day seven days a week but not just that as you just saw the anime profile picture t-shirt I've gotten DMS thousands and thousands bring back the anime profile picture t-shirt we did it it's back on the store for a limited time on the pre-order and we've got a hat to match that one's brand new throw it in the cart order now wow launders here in Layton Centrist to talk about the good sides of Stewie 2K able to fit two ads into the beginning of a video how does he do it and how is he gonna convince you that Stewie is actually somebody to think of in a better light all right some of you know I used to play with Stewie I've got a long history of knowing him so here I am enlightened Centrist Lao here to give you the correct unbiased take on Stewie 2K and why we should think of him as more than the guy who didn't want to go with Malik to Starbucks that one time and ended up becoming the guy to blow up the end of his CS go career turn everybody against him go over to valorent and now only be remembered with a sour tastes in people's mouths but it's Stewie 2K more than that well I'm here to explain why because I feel like I'm trying to push back against the recent narrative I think for a lot of us when we look back on on CS go we think well what was the biggest year in CS going in our memory the biggest year in CS go I think for a lot of us old heads was like 2016. honestly that was probably like Peak that was like just after fnatic that was Luminosity era winning everything it was right before astralis Arab kind of began Cloud9 major and that's when his value game actually tapered off actually after Cloud9 won their major but if we look at the last 30 days in 2023 compared to then we've got almost three times the amount of average players so there are a ton of people who don't have much historical context and I feel like I've been watching Pro Series is go since 2013 so I've really sort of seen it all from beginning to end and so I figure okay well why don't we start to talk a little bit more about the past so what we have to say about Stewie enough that well Stewie is now known for being a toxic Brash bottom Fragger player who killed EG player who ditched CS go but who's to Stewie that amassed almost 500 000 Twitter followers who's the Stewie who outside of astralis during their Peak era was the most earning CS go player of all time that's right out of the five players of astralis Stewie was number six why is it that he's remembered so badly now and how was it that he was so good back in the day so the argument for Stewie was that up until the point that twist won his second Grand Slam Stewie 2K was the most decorated nacs player by far he had played on cloud nine when us our only major we had never won a major tournament in North America and the big tier one win actually to correct my yourself in the last videos many of you rightly pointed out was a pro league Victory with Stewie and shroud on the same team and since then Stewie of course filled up the trophy cabinet so let's talk about facts for a second okay Stewie won Boston this was the hardest major run in history by rankings when we talk about Boston we have to talk about the fact that Cloud9 started O2 in the new Legends stage came back had to beat astralis to successfully qualify through the new Legend stage to get into playoffs to have the hardest side of the bracket possible and the hardest Grand finals possible they had to beat G2 and quarters who are ranked five at the time they had to beat SK in semis who were rank 1 in the world and then they had to beat FaZe who technically were favorites to win in Boston by far the strongest team by individuals making it the most difficult and lopsided Grand finals victory of any team that's ever won and so a lot of people regarded this as a fluke and I think there is some Merit to the fact that soon after Cloud9 of course disbanded and there was a lot of conversations and actually it's Stewie who illuminated a lot of the conversations around why exciting like lack in motivation but they did Boston and for Stewie personally to show that this wasn't a fluke with the five players that they had in the magic that they created Stewie went on to play on Team Liquid and Team Liquid at the time were doing still really well but outside of a Hubble of tournament victories had nothing close to what they got with Stewie he came onto the team they won that Mickey Mouse land I buy Power Masters versus the straws in the grand finals I'm not gonna put too much stock into this because this land was so badly run that it meant one thing but Stewie played really well in that they got this first huge victory over their biggest rivals in one of their only in history and then in 2019 as the year rolled on they take five land wins in a row they get Sydney Dallas cologne and Chicago to get the IEM Grand Slam with Stewie in the same year that he joins the team meaning that this is the highest point that liquid have ever been at they reached number one in the world and held that for 18 weeks straight and then that's the quarterfinals lost versus astralis at Berlin and then of course fell off from there but these are the two peaks of North America in general and Stewie is the winner of the only North American Counter-Strike major and before twisp won his Grand Slam recently was the only person to have both a grand slam and a major and this goes One Step deeper okay after the fall off from liquid and this is where things start to get a little bit sketchy for Stewie mibr calls upon Stewie to join mibr Tarik follows soon after and so in between Cloud9 and liquid there was one thing interesting that happened it felt like that this was going to be the complete downfall of Stewie 2K after the downfall of Cloud9 a player that again is so popular that every small thing that happens to him is gonna cause waves in the conversation love him or hate him throughout Stewart's career even though in the past year or so it's been so bad it's always been like this with Stu he's always been very divisive because he's always been very honest in his interviews he was 100 honest at all times oh he just put it how he felt every single time and that made him addicted to listen to because it was never any so Stewie kept it real and Stewie's boys on the team is the reason that Stewie is such a great player when we talk about Stewie we talk about results and then we talk about things like communication we don't talk about his individual stats he got famous because as an individual pug star on esea he was the smoke criminal right-clicking flashes through smokes jumping through killing people making everybody mad on the sca everybody hates Stewie famous video and that's why he got signed but when he became a pro he didn't keep that energy everybody thought that he wasn't going to make it into tier 1cs because of his attitude and style he was a purebred pug star but when he joined the professional roster you saw he had that dog in him he actually wanted to win more than anything else and you'll see that he actually took a lot of sacrifices in terms of his positions as an igl and played very selflessly to make sure that his team could win over setting himself up as somebody who could have been set up as an individual individually he fell off later but at the time again gotta remember why he got picked up it was because of individual level and now one of the other interesting Parts about this if we want to go with the arguments of results and how Stewie has created results for his team and myvr the team that was in 2018 with Fallen fur Taco cold Stewie where tarek later joined onto the roster from then till now have won a single Trophy and guess who the lineup was it was the lineup with Stewie and Tarik so the only trophy in history that mibr have won Stewie won it the only major the N A has ever won Cloud9 won it with Stewie the only era that N A has ever had and the only Grand Slam that na has ever had liquid had with Stewie four months after he joined the team do you need to know more okay so that's why we cheer for Stewie that's why we talk about Stewie as one of the goats in North American history and now that that's all out of the way I can talk about my personal experience playing with Stewie some people know that he actually played for Boxer okay at one point in history I got second place in sibo Main and I had sivo Pro placement coming up and Stewie was so good and open by the way that even with my team who were playing in Maine we actually asked Stewie to play sivo p with me because he was already burgeoning on this point of getting called up to go play with ocean which he would actually go to from playing with me great moment here from Stewie an amazing clutch to show how good he was even when he was an open player playing against at the Time premiere players who are on the other side let's take a look okay Stewie [Music] this play was so fire he was doing 2018 here yes and legends [Music] so there you could see it man there were moments where I as the igl for the roster at the time I was low on ideas and I remember respectfully Stewie came in and said hey if you don't mind I can haul this round and he came through with the most detailed call with names for everybody to do what they needed to do and we won the round off the back of Stewie's one call and that's when I learned firsthand the absolute value of somebody who is a good support caller big difference from being able to know what to do and execute it live okay so it was no surprise to me that he went on to improve every single lineup that he played on because of his communication and so people were like okay well okay this is a Stewie who sounds like such a great guy but obviously he's kind of an isn't he so where's the well I'll tell you I'll tell you one thing all right there was one call that he made when we were playing on Inferno and it was a play that he wanted us to go through with smoke go figure all right and when we made this play I thought that he wanted me to go through the smoke and so we set up banana and we do the exact through the smoke I go through the smoke I'm not comfortable I die Stewie get the trade we lose the rounds Stewie after the round goes bro it was supposed to be me who goes through the smoke what's up if you place yes you understand how funny that sounds right look why doesn't the guy in front just do it and the reason was because Stewie was so confident that he was the guy who could make plays like that that he saw the difference between a win or lose in that situation and putting himself in front because he knew he was good enough to do it so Stewie in my experience was a guy who definitely wanted to win and the first time I ever met him it was on esea I was a YouTuber at the time Stewie knew who I was and we were playing on nuke versus just a random pug and Stewie and all chat goes oh launders I'm gonna beat you everyone was having a good time his two teammates were randomly queued with him they were in the chat and going haha like this is gonna be so fun like ah good luck guys and then we played the game and I remember we grinded this one out it was actually insane Stewie top fragged on the opposite team we ended up winning 16-14 over Stewie and I just remember seeing an all chat his two random teammates that he queued with Go in all chat and say this guy's a oh talking about Stewie and I didn't hear the communication but I remember just thinking like damn okay this kid he's trying to be Charming but he actually wants to win really bad and then we had an esea scrim team called just make it fast we would cue and play against like main teams who were screaming at night just for fun and when we would play with Stewie they would kick us out of the script A lot of people thought that Stewie cheated shroud thought that Stewie cheated when Stewie used the stream snipe him and beat him in pugs that's how Stewie got attention and so Stewie was this kid who was insanely active he lived this game he earned his opportunities by networking constantly messaging social climbing moving up getting chances to be able to prove himself and then when he became a pro showed that he was ready to be a professional and of course he stretched himself so thin and in my opinion what he did wrong was that Stewie could not be a primary Opera he's a great hybrid Stewie could not be a primary caller he's a support caller and when it came to the point that he got stretched so thin that it became a primary igl his hauling was not good enough to support her whole team if he had a player beside him who was a thoroughbred igl that could take over that role that would have been a much better situation and when liquid was playing in 2019 they had such a crazy style everybody playing super fast and aggressive and crazy and that was just liquid energy and they just all were on the same page but they have the right players to do it so I'm not surprised they weren't able to replicate it I'm not surprised things got ugly for Stewie after losing a roster like that but I'm also not surprised that he did win so much when he did Stewie is still in 2023 25 years old he's already done everything in the game beat the game and come back and left him if he comes back to CS you know I'm not going to bet on the fact that he can grind through to get back to where he once was but if he can help multiple players multiple teams place yes in a good way and help us get off to a flying start in CS2 I think that'll be the best way to not only earn back the Goodwill of the community round out his legacy and be talked about in a good light but also just have the most amount of impact possible as a player in North America and I know that he still has a 25 year old still ready to game so I think as long as he matures of course and he can bring his experience and knowledge about not just how to play CS but to play Under Pressure how to win how to play as a good team how to have good communication then I think we could see history had a lot of value really recover His Image I'm rooting for that more than anything else because he's already done it all definitely one of the greatest of all time and still very young foreign
Channel: launders
Views: 154,028
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cs:go, csgo, pov demo, review, pro, lau, coach lau, xray, analysis, launders, csgo highlights, launders pick ems, launders kz, launders crosshair placement, launders aim, launders bhop, csgo source 2, csgo live, csgo highlights montage, stewie2k csgo, stewie2k highlights, stewie2k valorant, stewie2k cs2, stewie2k csgo highlights, csgo 2, csgo case opening, CS2, csgo cloud 9, Liquid CSGO, Shroud csgo, shroud cs2, stewie2k major, stewie2k inferno hold, shroud csgo
Id: 5tD3xvoA2q8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 3sec (843 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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