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okay I already watched some of the video I mean I'll give my thoughts on it all right let's get into it 2K how does he do it and how is he gonna convince you that Stewie is actually somebody to think of in a better light all right something on Stewie too yeah I've known liners for so so long now and it ended up becoming the guy to blow up the end of his CS go career turn everybody against him go over to valorent and now only be remembered with a sour taste in people's mouths but if Stewie 2K more than that well I'm here to explain why because I feel like I'm trying to push back against the recent narrative his fellow game actually tapered off actually after Cloud9 won their major but if we look at the last 30 days in 2023 compared to then we've got almost three times the amount of average players so there are a ton of people who don't have much historical context and I feel like all right first off just in the past and I don't really care about it to be honest but EG like I don't look at it as it destroys my career like I wanted to my main goal my main objective was just to play with the players that I wanted to play with but just like whole Malik like Starbucks thing like it's I don't even know how to explain it it's like I'm not gonna throw anyone under the bus but there's another person that felt the same way as I did and I was like questioning it it's because like things were just so weird from the beginning from the jump some context like Midway through it's like it's not that I don't want to work with him at all like I don't know him like why would I even bother like thinking negatively about this guy but like issues were brought up that weren't issues that no one thought were issues and the stubbornness is like forcing it's like forcing it like we're creating something out of nothing for no reason but yeah it's just like it's not about like going to Starbucks it's like bro just like back off a little bit he was he was such a Hands-On coach wanting to be included so bad but it's not even like we're excluding him or I'm excluding him it's like give us some time to try and find what we are we don't know what we are people can think what they want what do we have to say about this I don't know well Stewie is now known for being a uh toxic Brash thought of a Fragger player who killed EG player who ditches go but who's the Stewie I don't even see that one 500 000 Twitter followers who's the Stewie who outside of astralis during their Peak era was the most earning CS go player of all time that's right out of the five players of astralis Stewie was number six was that up until the point that twist won his second Grand Slam Stewie 2K was the most decorated nacs player by far Stewie won Boston this was the hardest major run in history by rankings I'll give you guys some insight on some C9 stuff because I saw Jordan's video Jordan nothing Gilbert's video on him talking about like some competitiveness in his one of his videos and he brought up that after the major like someone was mad that they didn't get MVP and Jordan didn't say who and I'm surprised that he even brought it up but for me I never cared about MVPs if I did look at the team I'm on on liquid there's four superstars on the team five if you want to include me and I'm joining their team so the league wins back to back to back MVPs Naf wins back to back to back MVPs twists like they're just sharing like the MVP roles if I cared about MVP so much I would never be filling roles I would never be just like slotting in and doing the best I can another thing is she's talking about the EG situation there are times that I have spoken too much but I usually just speak how I think it is and I speak honestly and how the situation is for what it is I'm not gonna sugarcoat it I believe that this whoever like this assistant coach like leaking this EG stuff making [ __ ] up like it's just so funny because when we were on the team like we it was never like that I had nothing wrong with assistant code he came to me and talked about or like changing roles for example like putting breeze on like something different and I was like yeah like I'm up for it and like we were making like massive changes I'd rather work with him than have worked with Malik just because of the personality difference not because of our differences anyways I've never leaked or talked about what has happened within a team like the bad stuff I believe it stays inside in the beginning of cloud nine when we picked up Tim right and won our first tournament me and Tim were never friends on the team we were never friends on the team like we were friends before he joined the team and once he got on the team we had something going on and after that like we literally never talked to each other but from the outside everyone thinks we're like friends but we've never talked about it me and Tim have we're not friends on Cloud9 we did not like like talking to each other we did not like hang out with each other unless it's with someone else like we didn't hang out with each other at all like we didn't talk to each other unless it was about the game but the difference is we were able to set aside our personal stuff with business related stuff or like whatever the team needs and within time like time here was all like we've made our men's like it's fine like there's nothing there's like no hard feelings like it's it's just it just happened it's just like there's so much stuff within a team that you guys don't know but it's not even worth like even talking about outside so like at the end of the day this assistant coach like for me not ever having one bad interaction with the guy and like he makes up this full story about some [ __ ] like for me he's like going for clout like he just everyone wants to talk about Stewie dude like I don't know what it is they reach number one in the world and held that for 18 weeks straight and then that's the quarterfinals lost versus astralis had Berlin and then of course fell off from there but these are the two peaks of North America in general and Stewie is is not as shocking as people would think yeah I mean it's not shocking but I'm telling you in Esports on teams if you don't like someone like let's say on liquid when falling joined if me and Fallen like somehow like actually hated each other the team not gonna work it's just not gonna work it doesn't work like that imagine you just not liking someone or you have some differences and you have to work with the person like five men on a team you have to talk with the guy you have to play the site with the guy you have to talk about whatever like if you hate someone like genuinely then like you're just gonna have like this built-up tension but Tim is the only person that throughout my years in CS that even though we didn't have we had our differences we were able to put everything aside and work as a team without having those feelings get in the way a player that again is so popular that every small thing that happens to him is gonna cause waves in the converse he's been like this with Stu he's always been very divisive because he's always been very honest in his interviews and Stewie's voice on the team is the reason that Stewie is such a great player when we talk about Stewie we talk about results and then we talk about things like communication they were trying to replace bolts and well Taco was leaving so both of them initially they tried to get simple and flamey and then that didn't work out so they got me and then eventually that's when we got Terry so the only trophy in history that mibr have won Stewie won it the only major that N A has ever won Cloud I'll talk about in my BR though someone asked was called zero hard to play with I think cold was the one player that in my career I've learned the most from as a player I would I was calling for Cloud9 at the time I was like asking them some question about Ivy I think or like some question about should I what should we do if they give up I forgot exactly what I asked but if they give up like whatever it is like I can't figure it out and then he said oh it's very simple like just go through back to here execute like this do this and I thought about it and I was like yeah it all makes sense he like I would ask him like very like general questions like that and he would always help me the hard part about being on mibr was they never explained anything to me like I showed up to their gaming house I moved in I saw it in practice game I just played it's like I I literally filled Taco's roll and I I had a sense of how Taco played and I remember screaming my first scrim was on cash and it was like I know I'm going to door on my default but what the hell do they want me to do I would say like my time on my Bureau was a reason like when I joined liquid I was able to really like voice a different way of playing because I always thought if we just had the Brazilian Style mixed with the North American style it would be insane because when I joined mibr I knew that at the end of the day I could be the best player in the [ __ ] world but I'd be the first one gone the thing about the Brazilians are are that they were the best team in the world so having that experience they probably went with what they thought that what they thought was right and I felt like they didn't know how to play our way as well so they always stuck in their comfort zone out of the way I can talk about my personal experience playing with Stewie some people know that he actually played for Boxer okay at one point uh in history I got second place in sibo Main and I had sibo Pro placement coming up and Stewie was so good and open by the way that even with my team who were playing in Maine we actually asked Stewie to play sivo p with me because he was already burgeoning on this point of getting called up to go play with ocean which he would actually go to from playing with me great moment here from Stewie an amazing clutch to show how good he was even when he was an open player yeah I actually remember I don't really remember but I remember the time where like I played with them this play was so fire you put me in that situation nowadays I play it way different he was doing 2018 [ __ ] here yes so there you can see hold up let me see let me see the score bro no big deal laundries I'll send you my PayPal later just send the money over back and so people are like okay well okay this is uh Stewie who sounds like such a great guy but obviously he's kind of an [ __ ] isn't he so where's the [ __ ] well I'll tell you I'll tell you one thing all right there was one call that he made when we were playing on Inferno and it was a play that he wanted us to go through a smoke go figure all right and when we made this play I thought that he wanted me to go through the smoke and so we set up on banana and we do the exec through the smoke I go through the smoke I'm not comfortable I die Stewie get the trade we lose the rounds Stewie after the round goes bro it was supposed to be me who goes through the smoke what's up [ __ ] I don't even remember that yes you understand how funny that sounds right look why doesn't the guy in front just do it and the reason was because sui was so confident that he was the guy who could make plays like that that he saw the difference between a winner losing that Stitch random pug and Stewie and all chat goes oh laundries I'm gonna beat you everyone was having a good time his two teammates who are randomly queued with him they were in the chat and going haha like this is gonna be so fun like ah good luck guys and then we played the game and I remember we grinded this one out it was actually insane Stewie top fragged on the opposite team we ended up winning 16 14 over Stewie you're lying his two random teammates that he queued with Go in all chat and say this guy's a [ __ ] [ __ ] talking about Stewie and I didn't how do you guys see me stream now is the same as I was back then like I played a lot like when I want something like I go for it and I was playing a lot like I would play 300 to 500 plugs like a month and in my opinion what he did wrong was that Stewie could not be a primary offer he's a great hybrid Stewie could not be a primary caller he's a support caller and when it came to the point that he got stretched so thin that it became a primary igl his hauling was not good enough to support her whole team if he had a player beside him who was a thoroughbred igl that could take over that role that would have been a much better situation I'm rooting for that more than anything else because he's already done it all definitely one of the greatest of all times and still very young I mean all in all like I never had that perspective my eyes I feel like things like people I just learned that it doesn't matter what other people think about me like what he says in this video like with my achievements all those things like how I make a team better how I join a team and it gets better for me I always thought that's like rhetorical I mean it's just a fact like I joined teams and I don't know it's just a fact like I don't know how else to say it I gave it my all like on liquid that year I gave it my all I'm trying my best making trying to make it work living and breathing CS like literally and there are things that happen that is out of my control I can try and fix it try and raise the problem or like the issues or like whatever it is I can raise awareness to it but at the end of the day I can't fix the issue it's not in my control I don't have anything against Malik even after everything that happened like we've already talked like we've already talked we've talked we both talked about what we could have done better with each other admitted everything and everything was all good and then like for some reason this [ __ ] random ass dude just brings up some [ __ ] because he wants to go after me for whatever reason and then you got these journalists writing some [ __ ] up and it's like whatever that's why I don't I don't want to say like a whole lot like all this stuff is in the past like it doesn't matter like I don't hate Malik at all in the end it just didn't work out and eventually like I was so frustrated already and things were hard like things got like so hard and like everything is like Weighing on me and then how the public eye views EG like yeah it's tough like it's tough like not having the believe the belief in me that I think I should have or I could be wrong I don't know I didn't leave CS I'm just putting it aside imagine you grinding the game for seven years straight when your break by the way two and a half we break by the way which is the off season I still streamed I still played think about it think about how tiring it can be the [ __ ] that happened people putting [ __ ] on me imagine people coming to my stream every [ __ ] day you miss yes do you miss yes do you miss CS now tell them no I don't right now like all teams I've been on I've always only believed that I don't care what people say from the outside I don't care about any of that as long as they know what I brought to the team and like values like for example people saying that like me killing teams or whatever as long as the people within the team understand what I did and how I tried how much I tried the effort I gave that's all I care about nah Chris nowadays on the internet what social media is it's just kissing ass pretend and pretending to be what you're not trying to be involved as most as possible yeah all in all I feel like I've been getting a lot of shift from the Cs community but if they hate me you can hate me I don't care I still stand by my beliefs CS fans just know that I know that without CS I wouldn't be here today and I'm gonna say it again you believe believe me or not but I didn't stop playing CS I didn't end it I never said I retired good night [Music]
Channel: stewie2k
Views: 75,114
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Keywords: stewie2k, tarik valorant, valorant stewie2k, stewie2k valorant clips, stewie2k valorant highlights, stewie2k solo q valorant, stewie2k solo valorant, stewie2k valorant ranked, valorant ranked, valorant rank, stewie2k valorant rank, stewie2k rank 1, stewie2k valorant rank 1, rank 1 valorant, rank 1 valorant stewie2k, stewie2k pro valorant, stewie2k plays valorant, valorant plays, valorant, Valorant Ranked, valorant..., solo queue..., solo queue valorant..., stewie2k highlights
Id: xnYWA5xn3ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 33sec (933 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2023
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