Is s1mple Really the GOAT?

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look we all know that simple is nuts jumping catches 14 seconds they've got to get out simple gets only one in return jumps up and somehow finds Sergey but he hasn't found the bomb he will now and he goes away from default I guess he doesn't want to get nated he also knows there's a flank and he also knows he needs position he actually gets the first one he's got a chance he knows Al who's up close oh that's what we like from simple he needs a multi-kill first found twist aggressing they have to double Peak he's getting his shots that's unbelievable but is he truly the unquestionable goat of Cs go like to the point that it's just not even a conversation he doesn't have the most majors has never really stood at the center of a so-called era and his trophy case isn't as chock full of silverware as some of his contemporaries simple's Talent is generational but he just doesn't have the most accolades I think device could have an argument for best player simple on an individually skilled level is obviously like by far the best at some point when you have a conversation around the greatest player I think you do need to include you know the team accolades in there so why is it that the vast majority of the community commonly considers Sasha the Smasher to be the greatest Gunner ever to Grace Global Offensive and the guy donut is simple here we go oh my God that's insane what a quick scope oh if there was someone openly cheating trying to 1v1 simple I'd put money on simple bro everyone knows why Faker is the goat in League he's got the talent the titles the consistency the competitive Prestige the cultural influence the cleanse the moves all of it with Faker it's well simple [Applause] shock wave we'll find them all with simple though it's I wouldn't say anything but but it's a little bit deeper than that being the best player in the world is not just clicking on a keyboard or a mouse this is why we all witness right now we are witnessing the evolution of simple on some level simple is CS go the question is why and more importantly what really makes a goat all right Counter-Strike fans before we start talking about simple I just gotta let you all know that we at the scories boards have an official face of Clan you can join totally for free climb the leaderboards win points you can play with your friends or you can play with me I stream Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2PM Eastern over on YouTube so if you're trying to pug feel free to hop in you can find the link in the description below okay so if you spend like any amount of time talking to fans of other Esports people who don't spend every waking second living and breathing CS go you'll often find that they express a genuine sense of confusion over symbols goat status and from an outsider standpoint it sort of makes sense make no mistake Ukrainian sensation Alexander simple costillev is a superstar a symbol and everything in between he's got the salary the stream the social following the status is for all intents and purposes the face of Cs go and has been for over half a decade but here's the thing he is far from the most winningest player in CS go history like far far now don't get me wrong the boy certainly has drip and by that I mean all the requisites you'd need to be a goat Contender three hltv number ones the most ever 21 MVPs also the most ever a grand slam and a major for which he was awarded the title of MVP but a lot of other CS go greats have achieved something comparable and since well it really is sort of a contest it serves us to whip out the tape and start measuring calzera may only have two hltv number ones but he also has two back-to-back Majors versus symbols one he is also the proud perpetrator of what is arguably the most famous play in the history of competitive Counter-Strike even more famous than symbols falling off the jumping up here he comes once again the first base is a trend he's gonna hit the ground there's cold oh [Music] our Canadian homeboy twists also has a major and is the only player in history with two grand slams it's very important for my my legacy to accomplish this twice I feel like somehow there's still a debate whether or not you know I'm the most accomplished n a player I kind of try to seal that every chance that I get you know I want to be you know this figure in in North America I want to you know prove that everything I did was was worth it it would be some time to find out the rat in the hall do you consider that he slaps him down these bucks Olaf has 23 notable tournament wins back-to-back Majors on hltv number one two graffitis and was at one point the biggest franchise player in the world uh I'd say Olaf he was way more impressive than like say when cool there was the best Olaf was entering creating space for his team and he was still considered number one player and he always had all these plays that he'd make and he didn't really rely on his teammates he kind of just this brute force all of Monster again up on short aggressively to get that kill grenade into lower dark and it's quite Perfect Look At That device he's agent very low all of Meister knocking them down and that is gonna be a nice triple zaiwu just won his first major very well end 2023 with his third hltv number one and is undeniably the single greatest Prodigy CS go has ever seen fnatic don't want to give him 1v1's crims with that jiggle has given zaiwu a chance my God but there's one raid boss against whom simple is constantly compared device 24 trophies four majors three of which were consecutive 19 MVPs two of which were at Majors eight appearances on the hltv top 20. the man has the consistency of a repeating decimal and the accolades to show for it devices had a really rough game flashed he's gonna get that shot and that has to feel a little bit going out middle of the air to take down Alex another pushing oh [Music] [Applause] every single one so why isn't Deborah the goat well you could argue that he is and some people have I really I think device could have an argument for best player but simple on an individually skilled level is obviously like by far the best but in terms of at some point when you have a conversation on the greatest player I think you do need to include you know the team accolades in there which I know is going to be probably a controversial opinion but you know once you get to the greatest player it's no longer the best player and the greatest players win championships and I think devices obviously far away with that one and yet in my opinion the god of Counterstrike is definitely has to be simple I would say it's simple best player of all time simple the answer is simple and yeah it is it's definitely simple now again to be clear there are statistical reasons to regard simple as the goat in addition to being the only three-time hltv number one the Peaks he's hit over the course of his career have been otherworldly simple reached unimaginable Heights in 2018 and then as soon as zyu started catching up simple somehow some way out did even himself nasty stuff but simple's gonna get himself oh is something special and while it is important to understand the underlying science of simple's greatness that's not really what defines it the thing that makes simple simple isn't just that he Frags it's how he frags Nitro does have a bottle of another smoke so it could be really rough or simple to actually get through this he's gonna throw the awp oh my God what is happening the guy just does [ __ ] [ __ ] that no one else should even attempt there's almost an aura he admits this feeling that so long as he is in the server anything can happen that the rules of Counter-Strike are ready to bend for him and him alone double smokes in the same place there simple just jumping casually to the side he's gonna fall down foreign simple hasn't just mastered CS go he is CS go his goat Hood doesn't just stem from his stats it stems from his demeanor his uncompromising attitude the struggle that became his story his loyalty his Humanity his anger the fact that he knows that he's the greatest of all time and flexes it okay who's better you as I will stuff so simple as the goat I don't know probably he embodies the intangibility of being the best better than anyone else in CS go the title of goat wasn't just bestowed upon simple he took it for himself he is the goat because we the community say he is and therein lies the trick you may think that the undefinable je ne sais quoi quality of symbols goat status is special or unique let me assure you it isn't across every sport whether of the analog or E variety there are countless examples of greatest of all time contenders whose status was assigned solely based on as the kids say vibes I'll give you an example Wayne Gretzky the most famous hockey player ever to live holds 58 NHL records arguably the most decorated athlete in the history of team sports and yet by many people's Reckoning myself included he isn't the goat that title belongs to none other than Bobby Orr a medium-sized injury-plagued defenseman who revolutionized hockey as we know it and in that regard Bobby Orr is not alone Babe Ruth Muhammad Ali Michael Jordan Tiger Woods Roger Federer Pele Maradona maybe even Messi sure they have the titles but it's not really about that it's about the magic they weaved the awe they inspired the impact they had both competitively and culturally and it's the same in Esports Daigo umehara may not hold the most titles or boast the greatest statistics but he is sure as [ __ ] the greatest Street Fighter player ever to walk the earth good Starcraft Divinity flash isn't the goat because he holds the most Caspa points or boasted a 70 win rate in every matchup it's because of his stature his Swagger his monikers the fact that he switched his race to random and kept winning that he's the greatest gamer to ever live similarly simple isn't really the goat of Cs go because of his slam his major or even his statistics he's the goat because if as fighting game great tokido once hypothesized if the aliens invaded tomorrow and told us that we as a species had to pick one representative to play for the fate of Counter-Strike that player would be simple because when the chips are down there is nothing that this man cannot do even his failures are spectacular but all this does is serve to allow Alexi to come out from Jumbo watch it because he's got the lineup simple he doesn't have the time he's gonna go to the ink again this guy is done he's not a time to put the ball down he knows he's in rotation to flash out he's got the information he's got just enough he goes back to the awp but if that one's gonna calm down everything he does is an attraction in and of itself no amount of silverware can offset that type of popularity it can spawn it but never supplant it we're addicted to simple at this point every conversation we have is surrounding simple will Navi have an era will simple ever get a major who's the best player in the world he may not always come out on top but he is unquestionably the most fearsome Force Global Offensive has ever known we know it he knows it hell even his opponents note and he will take any excuse to remind him to 1v2 this time around him [Applause] but as with any goat his talent Fame and notoriety extend far beyond his own domain simple isn't just the king of Counter-Strike he's the face of FPS the Fragger to whom every fan of the genre will readily bend their knee why because he's earned it because his Relentless work ethic and insatiable ego demand it if I will just sit instead of any navy player right now [Music] let's get it because he's [ __ ] simple simple simple okay simple hey guys so if you watch this video there's a good chance that you're really into simple so I thought you'd like to know that we actually made a separate super cool video about simples come up how he became the goat it's called into the dark it's on our Channel be sure to check it out
Channel: theScore esports
Views: 195,057
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: esports, gaming, theScoreesports, thescore, s1mple csgo, best of s1mple, s1mple highlights, navi s1mple, s1mple best plays, s1mple cs, s1mple ace, s1mple goat, who is the goat of csgo, daigo parry, best csgo players of all time, cs go defuse fail, coldzera jumping awp, s1mple falling awp, s1mple tattoo, faker goat, why is s1mple so good, why is s1mple the best, twistzz csgo, device highlights, csgo major final, zywoo highlights, device vs s1mple, olofmeister highlights, csgo
Id: MG10J9vDL2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 36sec (876 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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