Was PlayStation State Of Play Awful !?

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PlayStation state of play was Dreadful but why was that many of us feel that the future outlook for gaming in 2024 is pretty dire I have got to say though that Sony's presentation did very little to change my perspective on the way that gaming is going right now if anything it just confirmed my current beliefs that I've already got with regards to the Sony brand or should I say Sony Bland and the current state of modern gaming as it is at the moment state of play more like look at the absolute state of it okay so let's get into it the presentation overall was just over half an hour long but an entire third of it as in the first third of the whole presentation was dedicated to just one game and that game is called Concord so for an entire 6 minutes into this allotted time for the presentation which was actually over half half of the actual slot for Concord all that we were shown at that point was a story driven cinematic this LEDs me to believe that we were getting something exciting and story driven like Mass Effect but more modern but no they put all of that time and effort into revealing nothing more than a stereotypical five versus 5 Zuma shooter so yes it reminds me of fortnite and that sort of type of game to look cat also because of that cinematic after that I felt a bit misled and that led me to then feel dubious and suspicious of every single game that they showed thereafter in the presentation so this Concord game is a classic example of what CEOs have been promising all of their investors that they're going to be doing more of recently those multiplayer service games where rather than paying for the game just once upon purchase you end up paying hundreds of dollars eventually through microtransaction and drip feed Sony wasting money on things like skins that have no real world value the game feels very much targeted at generation Alpha and zumers older Gamers let's be honest aren't going to be interested in a game where you have to keep paying to play it whereas what we're used to is you buy a game and then you play it it's what we've grown up with bit different for Generation Alpha though they haven't generally got as many financial responsibilities as older people whereas we're sat there having to think sensibly about our money and can we really afford to do that and so on and so forth whereas Zoom is on the other hand they're more likely to be living at home with their parents still and not have as much financial responsibility so they've got a bit more money to spend and I think that's what companies like Zone and these other CEOs at these other big gaming development houses and so on and so forth they're looking at that now and looking on at it very greedily and wondering how they can tap into that money that all of the Zoomers have got to spend because they haven't got to worry about things like mortgages and and household bills the long and short of it is The Game's simply not for me and I don't think that it was ever intended to be for people like me either amusingly it actually reminds me of that cancelled Sega service game called hyenas where they poured in loads of money and it was really really expensive for them to make and then they canned it that's what he reminds me of that so next up on this extremely exciting presentation was God of War Ragnarok which which is a game that I thought might already exist on the PS5 oh yeah it does so rather than being included in the trailer to make PlayStation 5 owners feel excited about the future of the console nope instead it's been included because they've just announced that it's going to be released on PC I for one am all for as many multiplatform games as possible but my issue with this is literally just down to pedantry this is a presentation for the PlayStation 5 this is PC news not PlayStation news in fact if I'm completely honest with you I think the only reason that they included it was because it gives you the option to pre-order it at the end now apart from the fact that I think that pre-orders on PC digital only games are really dumb I think that they've done it just to gauge the interest levels they want to see how many people actually put down for a pre-order of this game for PC I think that was literally the whole whole entire point of them including that in this presentation I can't see any other logical reason as to why they would do that so the following announcement was for Dynasty Warriors Origins and it feels like there's already hundreds of Dynasty Warriors games and I like those games I like that series but I'm not desperate for a new one that's not something that's getting me all fired up like I really badly want to rush out to get that one if I'm completely honest with you because I've still got so many older versions that I'm yet to play through also for me if I'm completely honest it doesn't feel as exciting as Say Fire Emblem Warriors or hyrel Warriors if I'm honest something else that's put me off the game a little bit um is the fact that it's just another title announc that's set in fudal Japan and at the moment it feels like every other game being announced is set in feudal Japan and I like generally speaking I like fudal Japan like type things but they so many at the moment there's been a flurry of games being announced it's so syy syy syy there's nothing interesting about it anymore it's not unique it just feels like oh feudal Japan is the flavor of the month just like zombies was flavor of the month for bloody ages a few years back and then we've got thousands and thousands of superhero related games that are all out it just gets boring after a while and there's like no variety I think I've just clicked why it's annoying me so much they're making fudu Japan stuff feel basic [ __ ] like zombie games started feeling really basic [ __ ] and Modern Marvel feels really basic [ __ ] sometimes and I'm like that's why I feel like it's being ruined for me but that's just my personal take like if you feel differently not a problem in Infinity Nikki now when this part of the presentation came on my children were being abs absolute pickles so I wasn't able to concentrate on it properly to begin with so I literally thought that this was some kind of like weird dress up game for little girls I had to watch it through again a few times afterwards to start to understand or grasp what the hell that game is so upon my second inspection I did notice that there were some plants for me elements in the trailer I've got to say that I feel that the trailer doesn't show enough of what's going on for me to be able to form a decent opinion on it much more than oh look how pretty the dresses are cuz at the moment it just feels like it's probably going to be a relatively simple platformer for I don't know little girls maybe that being said is it for little girls or is it for them weird Brony types who are into games where you dress up your character kind of like Final Fantasy 102 or Lightning Returns that sort of thing so yeah the game is very very very pretty looking but I'm not actually sure who it's designed to appeal to because Normal women are not going to be interested in that game like it's not going to become a talking point with the moms outside the school for example I can't see this game as being the one that's going to inspire some lady from around the corner to go buy a PlayStation 5 he not going to be the one if I'm honest the following trailer on the Pres presentation was for a game called Ballad of antara and it showcases A man carrying a little girl on his back whilst sort of traversing through quite a dark and gritty scary looking world it was almost like a little bit dark soulish I suppose I feel like it's clearly supposed to be appealing to that Dad gamer demographic it certainly looks appealing to me I like it um at the moment it doesn't look like anything that would be like so special that I would rush shout to go purchase it day one it's not one of those for me it's it looks like it would be a fun game to pick up and play somewhere down the line but it's not one that I'm rushing out for so unless it has got review scores which are glittering and sparkling like Bal and bankrupt scalp then I Shan be rushing out to go pick that one up on day one so the next game was called uh Sky dances Behemoth it looked fairly cool like um it reminded me somewhat of Skyrim but also reminded me a bit of like Shadow of the Colossus with the size of um some of the monsters that are walking around that like literally stamp on you I kind of lost interest in the game a bit the moment I realized that it's a psvr2 game because at the moment for me you're looking at about 440 quid to purchase a psvr headset and that's just a lot of money to outlay to get games which often feel gimmicky and don't often have a huge amount in the library so it's not one that I'm overly interested in even though I do think that it would be a cool game to play the next trailer that they showed was so short that it came across as more of a teaser trailer than anything else and that was for alien Rogue incursion with that it seems that the point of this tiny tiny tiny little teaser trailer was to see how many people they can get to put this game into their wish lists but again the game's a psvr2 game so apart from the fact that I find the alien games far too scary to play it's not one that I'm going to be putting in any form of wish list the next game that they announced made me audibly grown once I saw it because I just thought oh no that is everything that I don't want in a game the name of the game is Marvel Rivals and it's very much a smooth move brain service microtransaction PVP Zuma shooter game with Modern Marvel characters in it and it's based in feudal Japan it's like oh every element that is pissing me off with games at the moment is present in this one like if you're the sort of person that likes that sort of game then good for you that's fine but for me oh couldn't think of anything worse where wins meet is a game that they've announced which looks abs absolutely bloody gorgeous however shock horror surprise surprise it is another one of those feudal Japan Trope games I'm getting so fed up with this like I don't actually dislike feudal Japan as I said earlier like feudal Japan stuff and then Ancient East Asia stuff in general I always find interesting normally but when it's being announced in every other game at the moment it's just boring the hell out of me on the trailer there was one thing that particularly stuck out to me though which was this part where they're flying through bamboo and it just reminded me of that absolutely gorgeous scene in Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon where they're having a fight in a bamboo forest that scene just like sticks out of my mind as being just outrageously beautiful um so it was nice to get that kind of alpha wave from this trailer but again I don't feel particularly excited for this game because there's just so many it doesn't feel unique to me at all so the next game was until dawn which I have no idea whether they need to re-release this onto the PS5 you've got it on a PS4 disc just pop it into your PS5 if you want to play it but for those who don't know about until dawn already it plays like a proper decent '90s slasher horror flick like it's it's a fun concept it's a fun game like you can in the game you can avoid your characters having unnecessary deaths so like depending on your playthrough everyone can die some people can die or no people can die it's got quite a fun story to it um and it's also got like in any sort of horror movie in Allstar cast in the sense that there's recognizable faces in that game like you'll play it and then you'll see someone that you you know who they are like Remy Malik for example or Hayden pantier is in it as well um it's a pretty cool game but I do not see why they need to naughty dog this one next up they had Path of Exile 2 which I can't really say much about because I have never played that sort of game ever but I do I do need to say that it looks like it's got a lot more substance to it than the Zuma shooters that they've announced apart from that there was inclusions on it that I really appreciated for example couch Co-op which I think is much healthier than playing with people over a headsets they also also have crossplay on it which I thought was quite good which means that we don't have to own the same type of console to be able to enjoy the game together the more and more I actually looked at the trailer the more and more I actually thought I might give that a go eventually it looks like quite an interesting and fun game I've never had a go on that sort of game before so it' be interesting to give it a go so the next game that they talked about was Silent Hill 2 which is a game that I'm actually genuinely excited about coming out only because I've anticipated that ever since they've done the remakes um for capcom's um Resident Evil games I've been really looking forward to there being a possibility of the Silent Hill games being remade by kamami for me this one feels almost like I wouldn't say like a dream come true but something that I think is pretty cool for me like Silent Hill was one of those games that on the original PlayStation I found it so scary it gave me nightmares for flipping years after I played the demo so I've only ever been able to sit and watch other people play that but but this version I will get it whether it be a day one purchase or not I don't know because it's one of those games I'll have to gear myself up to be able to play it but yeah I I definitely am interested in this game it looks pretty cool I've seen a couple of people online who weren't overly enamored by the graphics but because I'm very much a gameplay over Graphics type person it doesn't bother me I thought it looked fine and the voice acting is definitely a step up it's definitely a step up this is one of the the the announcements that I was somewhat less negative about let's just put it that way the next game that had been announced was Monster Hunter Wilds which is a game that in very typical Capcom fashion has just had game after game after game after game released on it and I'm I'm kind of feeling the same about this one as I felt about the Dynasty Warriors announcement in the sense that it's just not one that I feel any excitement about at all if I'm honest that being said I've never got on with the monster hunter games I've had to go on a few of them and I just I just can't get into them it's also one of those games that has been wildly popular in Japan but outside of Japan it's just not never quite hit the mark there are lots of people who do like it but it's just not got the same levels of popularity as it does over in Japan so it's not not one I'm going to be rushing out to get they say save the best till last and this presentation did do that in the sense of astrobots so astrobot is going to be the followup to Astro's playroom which my boys really like so as soon as I saw this trailer come up I called both of my children into the room and they both watched it and they were absolutely wrapped they were so excited so that's definitely going to be something that we rush out to buy just cuz I know I know that my boys are going to really like it the way that Astro's playroom sort of showed off all of the features for the PlayStation 5 controller it definitely looks like like the gameplay elements they've gone bigger and Bolder with this astrobot game it looks like they've taken all of the good elements of the previous one it looks like that they've built upon those there's a lot more bosses it looks like there's a lot more diverse environments the game looks really fun it does it looks really fun it looks like a really enjoyable little experience it was very different from everything else that they announced it actually really stood out it looked truly unique because everything else just looked hyper realistic or a bit anime this one there's no people in it it's just robots and it just looks like good innocent fun and nothing more so overall with the exception of astrobots I feel like everything looked a bit Sam Samy there wasn't anything apart from Silent Hill 2 which particularly excited me and I had already known that Silent Hill 2 was more or less in the works anyway it wasn't that much of like a get up and dance type thing astrobots has stood out because like my children were so excited about that that when uh Grandma came over to visit earlier on today they even told her about it even sort of remembered when I said yes that that'll be um a game that we pick up when you're back in school again for the new year I think the main thing that's really bothering me is all this presentation has done has made me feel nostalgic for the PlayStation one when you had like a true amount of of diversity for games because like when you go when you think of the PlayStation 1 what do you think of Crash Bandicoot Tomb Raider Final Fantasy 7 Metal Gear Solid Resident Evil Grant rismo par rapper the rapper Silent Hill Croc Spyro tinu there's so much diversity in gameplay art styles music like genres there was just so much diversity and I feel like that diversity is now gone I feel like it's all just hyper realistic and worrying about everything ticking all of these corporate boxes it's just not it's not the same way that it was before like you can't just buy a game and then it's yours and then you enjoy it forever you've got to buy a game and then like flipping spoon feed microtransactions back to Sony to keep them alive I just I don't like it as much as I used to which is sad to say because I love gaming I game every single day and I'm just not excited about the PlayStation anymore so they're going to have to have some pretty cool announcements come up for me to get excited about anything because as it sounds at the moment there was only really one game on there that I particularly want to go out and get and again it can be argued that that's a Nostalgia purchase anyway I hope you enjoyed this video subscribe if you haven't already and if you fancy having up to 90% off of a brand new game then please click on my instant gaming affiliate Link in the description and or in the pinned comment see you next time [Music] oh
Channel: Lady Decade
Views: 9,243
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: state of play, state of play reaction, playstation state of play, playstation 5, ps5, playstation in trouble, retro gaming, rise of playstation, playstation history, rise and fall of playstation, playstation news, video game crash, square enix, square enix playstation, gaming news
Id: P9Cg-EN89Y0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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