PlayStation Has Changed For The Worst!

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Hey listen to me come here let's talk about why PlayStation has changed for the worst I don't know about you but over the last few years it feels like the PlayStation brand isn't the same one that I personally grew up with now like myself it may just be that you've put it down to being a little bit naive and that times are changing and we're all a little bit older now so of course the brand is going to feel completely different now than it did 30 years ago go but no the PlayStation brand is basically a completely different brand now to what it used to be if you understand what I'm saying and here's why when I hear the name PlayStation to me personally and I'm sure this is probably the same for you as well but it conjur up images of sleek Cutting Edge Japanese products they're the Japanese brand that in the '90s surpassed their Japanese competition in the for of Sega and Nintendo which is something that I've covered on this channel many many times in the past this is in part because they managed to present themselves in a way that was much cooler than all of the competition this was done in several ways so for example they marketed towards adults rather than children they were incredibly hands off with censorship they placed consoles in nightclubs across the UK so there was 52 in total and the most significant of those was the ministry of sound they tied the PlayStation brand with drugs and Rave culture and house music they went all in to appear rebellious and represent the counterculture so why is it that they are so different now well you might think it's because we live in a social mediad driven world and that consumer tastes are completely different to how they were prior to that but there's actually a much more concrete reason for why the PlayStation brand feels so very different now and why it has done so in particular since 2016 what happened in 2016 well Sony ended up moving the PlayStation brand which was headquartered in Tokyo Japan over to California instead since being there they now have very very very different ideas of how the PlayStation brand should be portrayed a quick visit over to the PlayStation website highlights to us how disturbingly different they wanted to view the PlayStation now in comparison to how they you know convinced us to buy it in the past back when it was being marketed as being very cool what is it that I mean by this well let me read to you the opening line from the section on their website called our values as well as creating incredible gaming experiences S as in Sony interactive entertainment is committed to building inclusive communities for our players and staff as well as recognizing the part we can play in reducing our products environmental impact so let's break this down a little bit they want to deliver incredible gaming experiences which is great well that's their job but they're putting the same level of emphasis on what they call building inclusive communities and wanting to reduce their environmental impact sorry but as much as some people will feel that the last two points are are important the PlayStation brand should be about creating a good game console not placing identity politics and environmentalism on the same pedestal as creating a good game console at the end of the day identity politics and environmentalism shouldn't be the primary focus of PlayStation gaming should be their primary focus giving us a good console experience should be their primary focus it's alarming that they're putting that much emphasis onto those particular aspects yet zero inclusion of core values which most reasonable people would expect for a consumer friendly product bearing in mind that most people have a distrust of corporate activism as it is the prioritization of these concerns is well concerning they felt the need to include those particular things but they don't mention stuff like providing good customer service value for money money innovating Technologies or content diversity and I mean that as in like genres and styles not personal identities and bedroom habits I think one of the things that particularly bothers me about this is that there's no corporate neutrality here they've plainly plainly and obviously taken aides and made gaming feel partisan when there is zero need for gaming to be partisan in any way shape or form PlayStation should have remained a political but it's become very clear to me now that it's been infected by its location it seems to be rampant with these California University based ideologies and there's just no need for it there is no need for it and for the record personally for me I don't give a hoot what people's political leanings are I'm I'm Centrist myself I've got friends who are very left leaning I've got friends who lean to the right I'm not a fan of extremism in any way shape or form I just like people to be nice and sensible and base ideas in logic rather than all of these fluffy feelings that they might have I do not like the idea of Mega corporations forcing their politics down my throat through their brands and products it leaves a very very bad taste in my mouth and you might think that I'm overreacting a little bit here but after I read the ex section to you I think you'll start to understand why I feel the way I feel because although some of it is all right some of it is virtue signaling upon virtue signaling upon virtue signaling so let's dig in so their environmental section pretty standard right basically it's not enough for them to want to reduce all of their environmental impacts themselves which is fair enough that's something that they should be looking into and they should be doing that but they're condescendingly passing the buck onto us as the consumer so I'm not a fan of big corporations passing on their social responsibilities onto us the consumer that's not right in my opinion like they're the corporations they're the ones creating it they're the ones who need to be dealing with it accordingly am I right or do you disagree with me on that I'm not sure what do you think tell me they've pledged to use your money to create VR applications to raise awareness about climate change because that sounds just so fun doesn't it like what a laugh it says that they are striving to reduce their environmental impact to Zero by 2050 throughout the cycle of their products and business activities which it sounds it sounds pretty all right if they can do that I I feel like a lot of um companies say stuff like this and then go back on them personally but that's just my opinion um it also mentions that they want people to start recycling their consoles themselves that they've worked hard to pay for rather than keep them and the rest is mostly about sort of energy saving reducing plastic cups and so on in the workplace and other statements to try to get Merit points I mean because apparently um you can only have plastic cups in the workplace there's no such thing as people having their own mug like crazy huh but to give the devil their due I did find one point that was genuinely consumer friendly in my opinion a commitment to providing outof warranty repair services and providing user information to help maintain consoles so at least there's one element that feels beneficial to the PlayStation owners in amongst all of this Online safety account security and privacy there's not really much to complain about here it's like parental controls account security hopefully they'll stop leaking our data eventually the next is accessibility again this bit is fine in fact it's not just fine I I think it's great um the accessibility controller in my opinion I think is fantastic um I've got a cousin who would if they don't already own this I think it's highly likely that they probably already do own this but if they don't that would certainly be something that I'd be like telling him to go and get his hands on because it just make his gaming experience a lot more comfortable for him than using a standard controller okay so here is the juicy bit that you've all been waiting for diversity equity and inclusivity and I just know it that you you in particular love it when I soulless Corporation shovels Dei down your throat like the good little consumer [ __ ] that you are so here is their statement about their employee networks or eets and what they're for our PlayStation employee networks enets bring together employees and allies who represent unique experiences perspectives and ideas these networks aim to create a sense of belonging for members promote cultural awareness amplify the voices of the community and advise our business enet expertise is utilized in areas such as diversity recruiting and product development and our enets further our commitment to diversity Equity inclusion and belonging in the communities where we work and live I do not like the term diversity Recruitment and the reason for this is because I've had a couple of occasions in the past where I've been hired for a job and I have not at the time being sure whether I was hired to tick a box or because I was actually genuinely a good fit for the job rooll Believe It or Not rather than making me feel empowered being in that kind of situation for myself actually had a negative impact on my self-esteem as an employee because it was kind of like I don't know like oh thank you so much for hiring me because of the color of my skin and my gender rather than actually because I'm the best possible person for that job like it literally messes with your head I think that Sarah bond is a really good example of why Dei is a massive problem at the moment and it's not because she herself is a problem it's more along the lines of corporate Dei incentives are a big problem especially the way that Xbox at the moment seems to be screwing up quite a lot I think a lot of people are now looking at her being the president and assuming that she's just a diversity hire and a girl boss rather than her legitimately being the best person possible for that job position which they wouldn't even be thinking about if people weren't so hyper aware of corporate Dei now she's got a load of extra problems and pressures on her that she wouldn't necessarily have if this wasn't being shoveled down our throats all the time I think one of the reasons why I'm so against Dei is because of my upbringing like both of my dad and my granddad are both significantly darker than I am my grand dad was a Hindu Tamil who came to England as an immigrant in the 1960s and then my dad as well he was a young man throughout the 80s and and 90s and he's done really well in his respective career they're both very much um Believers well my granddad's past now but um certainly my dad still is a believer in meritocracy rather than being given advantages due to the color of your skin or your gender or whatever your particular Quirk is oh got picture of my granddad here as well my granddad came to England in the 1960s he had a heavy accent he was very very dark skinned um in fact I've got a picture here of my granddad in the 60s so in the 1960s you have to think it was a completely different era completely different time period he would have had the odds stacked against him but because of meritocracy he knew that to be able to get a job that he wanted over other people the best thing to do was to be more qualified my granddad ended up being a um engineer in the computer rooms for the BBC back when they were in hars in the 1960s so that was my granddad worked there like that's a pretty awesome job for an immigrant man to have but he got that job because he was the most qualified person for that job like same thing with my dad my dad's like done all right for himself in his lifetime he's done that through making sure that he was the best at what he did I feel like like for myself like I've been very much brought up essentially with like the jfd School of Management as in the just do it School of Management like don't [ __ ] and moan and find excuses just be the best go out there just bloody do it get on with it don't moan just do it me being a girl not an excuse me being nonwhite person isn't an it's not an excuse so because I've been brought brought up to believe that so vehemently on the occasions where I did think I might have been a diversity hire that's kind of in a way why it messed with my head and then when I was working at those jobs I made damned sure that I was the best in my position over everyone else I made sure because I do not want to be seen as being a victim I want to be seen as being the best so for me personally in my lived experience Dei I feel spits in the face of everything thing that I've been brought up to believe which is essentially to be the best you need to be the best that's it no excuses no bitching just get on with it PlayStation considers you lesser in certain ways for certain characteristics that you might have and therefore has deemed you as worthy of coddling some of these are ridiculous they range from Simply being black to lgbtq I A Plus which is their long acronym not mine and even simply being a woman some of the policies that they' put in place I actually think are all right and I don't have a problem with them but some of them I just think are utterly ridiculous like those ones that I just mentioned they're being perceived as being barriers by PlayStation but why like that seems more problematic to me that they're being considered being barriers like it doesn't make sense but anyway they've bought into this and they're promoting what is often referred to as cultural Marxism so for those who don't know much about this nonsense Marxism is a socioeconomic theory developed by KL Marx and Fred Engles it focuses on the role of class struggle in societal change it emphasizes historical materialism where economic factors Drive historical progress and highlights the conflict between the Bourgeois capitalist class and the proletariat working class Marxism posits that capitalism exploits labor leading to worker alen ation and predicts an inevitable proletarian Revolution that will establish a classless communist Society in a nutshell they view life through the lens of an unresolvable struggle between the worker class and the owner class due to their conflicting interests what's cultural Marxism then cultural Marxism extends traditional Marxist analysis to cultural and social Dimensions examining how cultural institutions perpetuate capitalist ideology and maintain M Ain power structures this approach explores the concept of cultural control where dominant cultural norms set by the ruling class shapes societal beliefs it also considers the role of ideology in controlling the proletariat and sustaining the status quo the modern identity politics movement expands on this by adding intersectionality this is a term coined by Kimberly crenell intersectionality examines how various forms of social stratification such as race G gender and class intersect and create unique experiences of Oppression when combined with cultural Marxism intersectionality broadens the analysis of power and inequality acknowledging that multiple overlapping systems of Oppression including patriarchy white supremacy and capitalism interact to shape individual and group experiences PlayStation and other corporate companies particularly many based in California believe this integrated approach promotes more inclusive and comprehensive social Justice movements that address the complexities of modern social inequalities this whole way of thinking is beyond ridiculous as viewing the world through a lens of a place where only one type of human being can be considered optimal is sick straight white males do not have an inherent advantage over myself nor anyone else for that matter and the fact that some progressives believe this is in my opinion disgusting it's an incredibly racist sexist and Prejudice lens to look at things through essentially the fact that large corporate companies would look at us like that and enact these cultural Marxist ideals is absolutely mental and spits in the face of meritocracy and other proven and tested methods and mechanisms that make capitalism work they're perpetuating the idea that they care about inclusion but what they're really doing is they're just enacting their local political beliefs of their their local area the long and short of it is that Playstation only really started heavily investing in social justice after 2020 when it was trendy to do so and now basically they're coming across as completely disingenuous because the reality is they will never ever ever really care more about this than they do their profits they're alienating half of their consumer base in doing all of this so with many people speculating that is a video game crash on the horizon I feel that their behavior at the moment is more than just a little contributary Factor towards this potentially happening and I for one personally find it very very insulting to be considered a diversity statistic so that in my opinion is why the PlayStation brand is no longer coal thank you so much for sticking around to this point in the video and if you're not already subscribed Please Subscribe now and if you fancy having a nice discount on a brand new game you can get up to 90% off with my instant gaming affiliate Link in the description thank you so much and see you in the next one [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Lady Decade
Views: 16,180
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: playstation 5, ps5, playstation in trouble, retro gaming, rise of playstation, playstation history, rise and fall of playstation, playstation news, video game crash, square enix, square enix playstation, gaming news
Id: dYcg9lI3elY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 36sec (1176 seconds)
Published: Sat May 25 2024
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