Was I Wrong About the Dodge Charger

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run up your engine people are often asking me about Dodge Chargers soakers a 2011 plain-jane borderline v6 Dodge Charger certainly not a bad looking car now when this was new it was about 26 grand it's the bottom of the line which makes it three thousand dollars more than equivalent Mustang with a v6 that's got a v6 engine but this particular v6 puts out 292 horsepower reasonable amount of power but the Mustang v6 puts out 305 horsepower so it's got a little bit more power than this but of course if you wanted more horsepower you would have gotten a v8 which has 370 horsepower but if you're buying one use guys generally rag the heck out of the v8 engines they often wear everything out the engine the transmission but these V sexes they tend to hold up better in the long run mainly because people aren't beating the heck out of them oh well this doesn't have the power it's no slouch it's still got almost 300 horsepower and unlike its big brother of the VA Drive this conservatively this thing gets 28 miles a gallon on a highway so it's decent highway particular long gets about 17 in the city but on the highway it's not bad let's look at the overall quality you can see the lug nuts at rusty cheaper quality and the same thing goes to the back you can see that's all coming up in a lug nuts or rusty and we look at the dual exhaust one of the cover still there been any other ones gone it's fallen uh flower back here now let's check out the trunk that still opens in the sky a reasonable sized trunk it goes back pretty far it's a reasonable amount of room out here who's your cago Bears fan and as you can hear when I shot it reasonably solid build it's not all ten no its particular one's a four-door so well check the back seat Oh black on black not bad got a reasonable amount of room inside oh you know to turn my light on it's so dark and this black thing it's got air conditioning in the back plug to if you want an electrical stuff gotta say you know it's black on black here feel like darkness got a couple of cup holder and these back seats their balcony and they're very comfortable with a lot of legroom - this isn't some tiny little sports cars got a lot of room and as you can see from the outside with this tinning which is probably illegal is too dark it's a secretive car let's go on the front check that out look it's got the obligatory little tree star up start right up let's see what it's got on it it's got a hundred and thirty-eight thousand miles on it and yeah they are rust leathers all torn ripped up cuz that was cheaper made but the a/c still was cold - is still pretty clean it's got the old charred your emblem it's got black on chrome action going on it actually looks pretty sharp I have to say let's take it for a spin and see what it does now if you listen as we take off you can hear that whiny noise wheel bearings starting to wear out it stops fine they got big brakes on these things and the corners quite well it is only the v6 engine but when you punch it it's got a little bit of pickup and go it's not slow Chuck doesn't have the bottom and grunt of the big v8 engine but once it starts moving it's pretty quick card now because of its age and mileage you feel the bumps in this thing you go over the bumps you feel them but it's not like you're losing control it just isn't that smooth of a ride now it does have the original struts and stuff on it if you replace them it would ride quite a bit better but it doesn't handle all that bad but you can really hear the wheel bearings now hmm that burner they're wearing out and there's a corner the steering's a little bit notchy the power steering is starting to wear out on it too I noticed that this morning when I drove it in the driveway called the stirring was real nachi and grabbed then once it warmed up it got a lot smoother but the power steering is starting to wear well when we look on there it's a classic rear-wheel drive car it's got all the drive in the back when we look close there's the big old differential going to each wheel it's a classic car but it does have a pretty upgraded suspension you can see the big Springs there they do corner quite well not all chargers from the 70 straight fast straight-line cars but they handled horrendously he's handled a lot better changed a lot in all those years they're not disaster areas when I was young a lot of guys wiped out in those Chargers going too fast on a curve that he just lost it these have much better handling characteristics it's got the usual manatees it's got anti-lock brakes and being a vase that you take off this plastic crap that's on ER here you can see there's relatively large amount of working room to get the stuff it's not all hidden in the back it's all front so these are very easy to work on but of course people I was gonna say Scotty but do they last well it is a Chrysler product there's no argument you can see the quality is rather below power just by looking at the paint and wheels and the wear on the interior but this particular one being a v6 still runs strong doesn't burn oil shifts decently and you can get a really good deal on a used one if you want a four-door sports car cuz everybody wants the big v8 engine so you get one with a v6 it's still close to 300 horsepower they got put get up and go like I say there's lots of them out there that you can get cheaper most of the guys that really beat the heck out of them they're driving the v8 so the sixes they're generally a better deal to buy used now of course you don't want to overpay for them but there's a lot of them out there if you don't mind doing a lot of touch-up yourself you can probably get a used one and a decent price and have a little bit of fun with it now of course you'd want a mechanic like me to check out any of these things in their use but if you don't mind the hundred-something loves horsepower you can run quite well I got a customer the ones got two hundred and forty thousand miles and still going pretty strong I really she's not light on the accelerator it's a pretty fast driver she bought one use for grand she's had it for like eighty thousand miles hasn't put much money into it they can be a good sport a little knock around cheap used car shop around a little to find one with a good price that's still in decent shape but take my advice don't mess with a higher mileage v8 one specially what the Hellcat engine send them you get somebody else's problem if it's old with a big engine it's all worn out so now you know the truth about Dodge Chargers and here's some bonus questions and answers 370z mark so Scotty i watch your latest video my wife's Mazda cx-9 has the 43.7 duratec engine and the water pump failed I have a no.9 Nissan 370z is the water pump inside the engine of my car - yeah and it's also driven by the chain stupid stupid stupid design original course the water pumps just ran off a fan belt and had a fan bolted on I'm very simple you can change the water pump taking maybe an hour in most cars but these idiots decided an afford one and a Nissan that they're gonna run the water pump with the metal timing chain that's inside the engine sealed inside so guess what if the water pump breaks then all the water will go into the engine oil let's say it happens when you're in a highway 160 miles an hour well then the water pump breaks the timing chain will fly off inside the Pistons will hit the valve ruining the engine and even if the Pistons don't hit the valve and it's just leaking it doesn't break the water gets into the you know well and that will destroy your engine so ee it's a double stupid design yeah I wouldn't buy an engine design like that myself because I can see hey you're gonna have problems eventually water pumps we're out it leaks it'll ruin it and if it breaks then the pistons lit the valves really stupid design now when you buy a new car a lot of people they don't think about it because of course it's not gonna break for quite some time but eventually it does and if you're looking at a used car if they're made like that don't buy it unless somebody can prove that water pumps have been changed or you find out that it costs twelve hundred bucks to change the water pump in a chain you knock off 1,200 bucks on a price that used car you buy and then have that work done so you know it's gonna last McKenzie Pike 95 says I got an oh three GMC 1500 v8 i break an ABS system comes on even though there's no problems just normal braking and it's got a code co2 to seven left front wheel speed sensor circuit odds all you need a new left front speed sensor and unfortunately it's part of the wheel bearing hub assembly but at least you have to press them in and out you buy the whole wheel hub assembly and it just bolts off and bolts on what happens is when those sensors go bad the computer doesn't get the activation from the speed sensor it turns on ABS system because it thinks that that wheels not spinning at the same speeds as the other wheel cuz it's not getting the correct data it's probably getting good data bad dad a good dad a bad dad it gets confused and tries to activate it odds are you're just gonna need a hub assembly with the wheel speed sensor go down there look I mean sometimes the wires come off sometimes they get dirt and corrosion clean them of course but if it's not that odds are you need a new left front wheel bearing assembly with the speed sensor cuz I mean it is 17 years old those things do wear out John Jr who knows this got 2014 Ford Transit 2.5 liter check engine lights on the transmission shifts higher and it's got three codes po7 4 8 p o 9 6 o P o 9 6 do something about line pressure control circuit open it says the circuit is open it's because the actual wiring has come apart now you go to where the wiring goes into the transformation jack and up and crawl under there and odds are you're gonna see about 12 inches from where the big control is where it's plugged in on a train you'll see that the wiring harness is probably rubbed against the transmission the idiots build these things and they want to save pennies so they make the wires as short as possible then the wires rub against things well there they rub against the transformation the wire breaks it'll do exactly what you're doing it's gonna say those circuits are open because the wire is broken so that's when you want to look for it's an easy fix once you see it does get in there jacket up and if you see the wirings all rip cut the wires splice new wires and wrap on it then heat it with a hairdryer it shrinks not so water won't intrude under cuz you know what they always tell you oh well that's damaged this replace the old wiring harness for thousands of dollars no you can splice it in where they wear and put longer wires in and maybe you got a twist tie and then move it to the side and tie it to something so it's no longer rubbing against the transmission they should have built them better in the first place they don't anymore so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 458,629
Rating: 4.8464651 out of 5
Keywords: dodge, charger, dodge charger, dodge charger se, dodge charger review, car review, is dodge charger a good car, are dodge chargers reliable cars, chargers, charger review, dodge car, family car, best family car, are dodge chargers fast, are dodge chargers expensive to maintain, buying a used dodge charger, buying a new dodge charger, should i buy a dodge charger, car, car advice, car diy, car repair, cars, diy, scotty kilmer, was I wrong about dodge chargers, dodge chargers
Id: T4H1oLAgGoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 27 2020
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