I Ranked All American Car Brands from Worst to Best

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your engine today I'm gonna write American cars from worst to best and now I'll only talking about gasoline the deals I'm not talking about electric cars that'll be a completely different video later now number three on the list which is worst is no surprise Chrysler or today I should say Fiat Chrysler know our grandfather was a mechanic too and even he didn't like Christmas all those decades ago I remember one day a customer came in and a 60s Chrysler said it's not riding right my grandfather checked it said you need four shocks and a customer said how could that be he said I've only got five thousand miles in this car well they put crappy shots when they built them we put better aftermarket ones on and those lasted over 50,000 miles but those original ones they were crap because Chrysler's making my crap because it's cheaper to make it that way and they figured they're gonna make more profit and it's time went on I got crappier and crappier Chrysler goes bankrupt the government has to bail them out then Chrysler said oh we paid it back not really let's look at the figures here the government gave Christ to twelve and a half billion dollars they sold the interest the government for eleven point two billion so we taxpayers lost 1.3 billion dollars in the deal this is supposed to be private enterprise why do we have to keep these people afloat for it didn't get bailed out Fiat was obviously thinking well now we can solve our fiat sin the United States will have those Chrysler dealerships well how did that work out the last I heard Fiat talking about pulling out selling fiat cars in the United States they left decades ago cuz they made crap they're still making crap nobody's buying it you might as well pull out of the United States yet again of course they own Chrysler they're not gonna stop selling Chrysler's but to give you an example Fiat spent a ton of money years ago selling the Fiat 500 you saw the ads where the Fiats would come under the ocean and then come at the American shores well one of my viewers rightfully pointed out to me that all a Fiat 500 sold in the United States were made in Mexico so he said the baloney on them coming under the oceans are coming at the Shores they should have them floating over the Rio Grande and inner tubes or something because they were all made in Mexico not exactly a bastion of quality manufacturing if you know anything about building just about anything these days at a customer buy starter was made Mac call last month thing lasted two days and it burned itself up not the most quality things in the world not a smart idea to have Italian Fiats made in Mexico then sold in the United States at one point they sold like 50 something thousand dumped in a year last year they sold I guess less than 1500 and they're not selling them in the United States any more than 500 but they're talking about pulling all their brands on and I say good you never brought them back again didn't you realize the first time we don't like them now Christ the quality's been going downhill for decades anyways Fiat took over it one even further down now strangely enough when damar had it it started to go up a little for some of the products because they were using German transmissions that were much better than the crap that Chrysler had been using but all that's gone now because they're not affiliated with Daimler Benz anymore affiliated with Fiat and if anybody knows anything about Fiats mechanics for decades have called them fix it again Tony because they break all the time and you got to keep fixing them times have not changed they still deserve that acronym and speaking of names they try tricking you you see those answer the jeep renegade renegade oh you're getting a Jeep renegade no you're not dad is a Fiat 500 all-wheel drive vehicle made in Italy has nothing to do with actual jeeps they're taking the name Jeep so they can sell Fiats to you the little research for a buy one of those things they are rolling piles of junk I had a customer buy one they told me it was the worst vehicle they ever body used to be Dodge Ram now Ram is its own brand Ram even though they're owned by Fiat you're trying to push it away well we're not part of Fiat Chrysler we're Ram the saying goes what's in the name not much in that case not a customer with one the other day had 30,000 miles the wheel bearing was shot already if you had a problem with the design of the Hemi engines that I talked about earlier where the cams used to be closer to the crankshaft so oil would lubricate them they moved it up higher then at low rpms they'd go dry and the lifters and the cams go bad and it cost you five grand to replace them they made nothing but boner ideas and when Fiat joined the crew hi it was like here comes another stooge they only need one more partner and they can be the Three Stooges and from what I've read that PSA they're still talking about merging with Fiat Chrysler and Fiat Chrysler PSA whoo then we really got the three stooges going at it so really if you fail your money away from Fiat Chrysler products they just do not hold up over time and sometimes that time isn't that long sometimes it's less than a year or maybe a couple of years they just do not have the quality you get a company that's always going into problems going bankrupt bar any monies from people that's a bad thing that's not a good thing to tells you they're not making a quality product don't buy one don't be fooled by all the hype no number two on the list no surprise again is GM hey they're not quite as bad as Chrysler but they're not doing so hot either like Chrysler GM went bankrupt and here's the figures on that the united states government invested 51 billion dollars in GM later they sold their interest for thirty nine point seven billion meaning that we taxpayers lost eleven point three billion dollars there we gave to GM now they're trying to act like oh they paid it back go in we paid that and they continue to make junk it's kind of insult to injury okay we gave him that money maybe they'll make things better and they just kept the money and a lot of that stuff to stock buyback it's more stock market thing for the higher level people to make a profit it has nothing to do with the actual operating as a company in many cases it's just a profit a lot of times they get their money just buy back the stock to make the stock price go up so they can make more money now with the government deal GM had to promise things like they were gonna become more efficient so they cut the Hummers that they were making there were losing money and they cut the losing branch well they also still cut the quality because let me tell you here's a little history lesson sure exactly what's happening to GM yeah I get a study in the nineteen sixties he came to the conclusion that GM was 20-something percent better than Ford and the cars they're making in the nineteen sixties so as far as I can comprehend GM looked at this and said oh we spent 20-some percent more than Ford building the cars let's cut that that's something we can cut for is not spin it out why should we spend that still you did cut what they spent building the cars not really a smart move quality went down too I do have to say I learned how to drive on a Chevy this game it was a rolling couch they had the bench seats it was like driving on your living room couch down the road but it ran and ran and ran big old v8 engine you have to recall it for the motor mounts now modern cars generally the engine sits on top of the motor and then the motor mounts bolted to the frame so it's sitting on in the case of this GM v8 it was actually hanging on mounts so if the monster broke the motor could slam and hit the ground well they built them wrong and he had a recall so my grandfather drove it to the Chevy dealer and he brought it back he brings it back in he's laughing his head off so I say that grabs what are you laughing about he says why you know they're worried that the motor mounts gonna break the engine hit the ground here was their fix they put a chain on each motor mount one on each side so that if the motor mount broke instead of the motor slamming on the ground you cause of rack to have all kinds of problems it would hang on to change you still couldn't drive the car that way but they didn't have to go through the trouble of replacing the motor mounts that would cost them a fortune they just put a stupid chain around and which didn't take long to do and if it's their idea of how to fix something ride that was back in the sixties when they were doing it better than they do today I shudder to see what they're doing to that do a little research to see how they lied to everybody about the ignition switch it was faulty they knew it they even changed the part number to try to make it look like nobody's gonna notice the difference on it even though it was a different part they kept the old part number and so it looked like oh they're just replacing them not that they had to redesign it they got caught you know they got some kind of a fine out of it but that just shows you the mindset that they have there I'd be thinking about you know he's thinking about one thing rocket I had a customer the other day brought me a Chevy pickup was two years old well a year and a half and air condition was broken already they didn't make the condensers right they cracked and leaked my 27 year old Celica still has the original condenser any original compressor and it still blows cold if they can't even make one that lasts two years that says something about lack of quality no I'm gonna top to make even more money they started making their rear ends a lot of their trucks and differentials and Mexico turns out they kept going out too early people couldn't figure it out well I met a guy who figured it out he pulled off the wheels and brakes and everything took off the driveshaft to put a torque wrench to see how much resistance the rear end down now it's supposed to have a certain amount of pound foot of torque before it starts to move he found out that as soon as he started turning it maybe half a foot pound or so the wheels that start turning meaning that the rear end was too loose it wasn't torqued tight enough they built turns out coming right off the factory floor these legs had the equivalent almost a hundred thousand miles of wear on him because instead of tight they were loose and if they're loose they're gonna be more friction are gonna wear even faster I saw these rear ends go out at 45 55,000 miles should have gone at least 150 but since they weren't dealt right in Mexico they didn't have the quality control tons of them went bad of course GM never admitted to any of this stuff but some cases you think oh they make them too tight in this case they didn't make them tight enough they surely didn't move their factories down to Mexico for quality they moved in on therefore cheaper labor so they could make a higher profit here comes the profit margin again they're only thinking about how can you make profit they're not thinking about the Americans that lost their jobs that themselves would buy GM products they're talking about how can we make them cheaper but still sell for a lot of money they didn't cut the prices up or anything negative in Mexico all they did was lower the quality and then sell them as American vehicles I'm talking clay you know they're right maxvill is part of North America if you go by geography I just overall GM seems to me a good steak after mistake now they got that turbocharged little four-cylinder engine they're putting in their big Silverado pickup and of course it's rated as better gas mileage but those radians are all made up anyways they're not they don't actually drive them around they're antinodes the government only checks 15% of them 85% of them aren't even test and so those ratings don't mean anything you put a big log and carry stuff all the time they're four-cylinder engine not always gonna get horrible gas much and I've had customers get them they actually get worse than the v8s when they told what they're also gonna wear out faster - not a smart idea oh but it looks so good on paper this big trunk it's this kind of gas mileage watch any of my videos I've seen things that were rated at 27 and I got 20 just driving on the speed limit on highway 75 and I rated at 27 I got 20 don't ever believe those ratings only believe it if you get in it you fill it up the airport you drive it somewhere you fill it up again and see what the mileage is you can't even trust the gauges on the machine some of these things just tell you you're getting 35 miles a gallon but that's fake - a lot of the speedometers don't even read correctly they read falsely high so it looks like you've gone more mileage and you actually have there's a lot of tricks involved in that and believe me they know em all so if you value money not a smart idea buying a GM really I certainly wouldn't buy the last one we had weave on the 1960s it needed maintenance everyone so well but it was a good car overall so that leaves us with less number one the best American manufacturer which as you guessed correctly is for turn anymore left up words we make cars a long time and they did not go bankrupt like Chrysler and GM do if you checked lately they're pretty much getting out of the car market the only real car they're gonna be making is a Ford Mustang which is their status kinda the Mustang right I can always tell those people all over the world like them I mean as of a short time ago you couldn't even buy in Europe now they're marketed in Europe but they understand the market they see we can't compete in the small car other than the regular car sedan market but personally I find it rather fascinating because over 30 years ago I had a friend who was a bigwig at Ford and he said to me Scotty we can't compete with the Japanese making these small cars they perfect them over time they got a labor force it cares about what they're doing our system is completely different we worry about the stock price the next quarter the next three months that's what we're thinking about and they were accused of dumping stuff in the United States that they were dumping their little pickup trucks not making any money so they can get a market well if it was true it worked for him because now their trucks are expensive as everyone else and people love them because they don't break so if they did do that there was a smart move on their behalf they got people hooked on trucks that didn't break but when it does come with trucks Ford is certainly king ask for Ford worldwide 90 percent of their profit nine zero came from the sale of the f-150 and a Super Duty pickup trucks that's where they make their money that's where they perfect things they perfect the pickup trucks over time little here a little there few years back they started to use a lot of aluminum parts so weighed less so they'd be more fuel efficient now don't ever think of big pickup trucks actually going to be fuel-efficient especially if you carry weight the toast off it just can't beat up you do we like Ford cars they're not that hard to get parts for I mean I worked on a 67 Mustang the other day the starter went out I went half a mile down the street to an autos on the head one in stock for a 67 Mustang both the nine away well so you know I'd get parts of the things you free what it's not like it's gonna be impossible and get parts of their cars but Ford like Mercedes has realized there's money and trucks there base clearly interested in making pickup trucks and now shoo bees for its utility vehicles you know one of the original was a Bronco that was a truck base and even though they ride and stuff they still kind of truck base they're high up in the air they don't get such a gas mileage that's what people want that's what they're gonna build and yeah a forge that's a problem with those 10 speed rear wheel drive automatic transmission they're very complex and they've had some problems but I'm sure Ford will figure it out just like Toyota had some problems with some of their Camry automatic transmissions didn't newer ones don't seem to have that problem their engineers figured it out but your forehead that Fiasco with those siestas and focuses with the dual clutch transmissions now they're buying the cars back and saying they're fixed the transmissions or they'll buy the car back they wised up now I took him too many years that was a bad thing on their behalf of pretending that it was a problem they didn't know about when they find out through all these interoffice memos they knew about it and they just kept selling them because it was a big money thing better gas mileage more horsepower but they weren't built correctly unlike the Japanese who probably would have continued to perfect it so what's wrong ok we'll fix that they just decided to scrap the whole thing and not make them anymore they still are the best made American vehicles out there because Chrysler Fiat and GM's floating a little bit higher than I'm Florrick's floating quite a bit higher than GM like I said they didn't take the bailout money they did things on their own so now you know I used my 52 years of working on cars to raid American car manufacturers from worst to best so if you never want to miss another one of my new car repair videos remember to ring that Bell [Music]
Channel: Scotty Kilmer
Views: 808,157
Rating: 4.8784404 out of 5
Keywords: auto, auto repair, best car brands, best cars, car, car advice, car brand, car brands, car brands tier list, car diy, car repair, car review, cars, diy, how to, least reliable cars, mechanic, most reliable cars, reliable cars, scotty kilmer, worst car brands, worst cars, worst to best, ranking, I ranked all american car brands from worst to best, american, america, american cars, american car brands, ford, gm, chevy, dodge, chrysler, jeep, ranked, cars ranked, worst car, best car
Id: Axbo18cnW9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 7sec (907 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 07 2020
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