Charger RT with over 100,000 miles. How does it hold up?

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all right guys so this is the car 2015 dodge charger rt this car is going on six years old now but just to give you a little bit of idea of the condition of the car exterior wise you're going to have your little things here and there scratches dings typical wear and tear but this is the car this is the front here everything's stayed pretty good a little bit of rock chips in the front what not just from uh those up and down east coast trips florida pennsylvania things like that but overall in the car for going on a car going on six years old you know you can see here i mean there's some curved rash and things like that but for going on six years old definitely not a bad not a bad look but the main thing that i get questioned on all the time is this here the mileage 110 000 miles on this car so it's definitely a question i get a lot from people when they see my car or or we're talking about chargers or dodgers in general and they find out how many miles are in the car and like man that's a lot of miles you know for a car that's not really that old uh but if you're looking to buy a charger of this generation uh something with higher mileage i know a lot of people say don't buy uh you know use charger rt you don't buy the use scat pack or hellcats because people people beat the snot of them or whatever um i mean i've been in automotive industry for a long time uh one thing that american uh manufacturers and automakers know how to do they know how to make v8s uh so i mean if you have a v8 i've had this car now uh for going on four years now um i did buy this car off lease uh so i did buy use myself uh i put a bunch of miles on it a lot of drives uh like i said pennsylvania to florida uh so on and so forth and uh the cars held up great i mean the car burns through tires like nobody's business so especially if you're getting a hemi-powered car know for sure it's going to burn through tires and the tires aren't cheap uh so that's you know one drawback but that's part of the game as far as fuel is concerned on the card this i mean the fuel mileage is it's not bad i mean if you if you're driving for me you know driving normally i'm averaging about 18 somewhere in that range um sometimes it could be a little bit less if i'm in it more um but you know somewhere in that 16 17 18 uh average however on the highway if you're a light in the foot i mean you can you can do close to 26 27 mpg uh with the cylinder deactivation so definitely keep that in mind but um going on four years with this car now having 110 000 plus miles and clicking off uh the only thing that i've really run into uh besides tires i just put brakes on it for the first time maybe about two weeks ago and uh they still had about 35 percent left uh the radiator did break however in my driveway i was coming out of the driveway coming out backwards just a little dip and over time i just kept bottoming out on the dead bottom did i crack the radiator um so that did go bad but other than that it's just been tires um so i know for people to see these american cars are not that great or um you know don't buy dive to junk or whatever i mean it's just not the case i mean the car is great especially with the 8-speed transmission it's fantastic i mean the motor's i mean it's a proven motor especially in the rt rt is a proven motor i mean it's been in the trucks uh for quite some time now so uh definitely something to think about and if you're looking to get into a car like this uh and you do want uh and i'm specifically talking for a v8 model specifically the rt because that's what i have and that's really what i know um i mean i've had v6s in the past and that you know i have friends with uh uh with higher up v8s but myself i'm really speaking for the rt if you're looking to get something that maybe you're coming out of a four cylinder or six cylinder you want something with the power but the scat pack is just you know maybe a little bit too much i know when i went to get mine you know i ended up spending 32 000 for this car at the time that i got it now this is a rt premium so it's loaded up it has everything uh you know that you would find in a fully loaded scat pack and even up into the hellcats uh but just missing obviously the motor um you know rear differential brakes you know the list is kind of long um but all the creature comforts are there and even still i mean to get for me to get this car loaded up and this is after taxes paying that for me at the time to get a scat pack bottom of the line that wasn't even available it had to be ordered so we're talking 8 to 12 week weight you're talking it was like 39 000 without tax and tax um so i mean there's definitely a big difference there you know you're talking 8 to 10 grand difference i mean that can be a lot so if you're coming out of something that's definitely less horsepower you know people see these cars are slow this car isn't it's not slow i mean yeah it's slow if you're talking about drag racing but i mean if you're talking about just you know street performance torque you're going to feel the torque in the rt you know um yeah it's not as fast as other cars like the camaros and the mustangs but you got to keep in mind this is a heavy car um four door sedan so you can definitely keep that in mind and you're gonna save a little bit less on insurance you're gonna save a little bit less on fuel um you're still going to burn through tires i don't care which model you have you're going to burn through tires uh but definitely keep that in mind but as far as buying a used one with higher mileage uh i mean honestly this car has been great now you know do i say i beat the snout out of the car i don't but i mean i i'm not easy on it either i mean i get on it from time to time i race people from time to time you know on the highway there's a lot of highway warriors out there um especially in in florida and tampa there's definitely a lot of highway warriors out there but besides that i mean the car is great so if you're thinking about getting one of these definitely take a look at it test drive it you know or you know if you're feeling weary have a technician look at it have somebody take a look at it but um you know these cars are coming down i mean you could get a you could get a fleet rt for probably like 15 16 grand uh right now you know i might not have all the creature conference or everything on the inside but i mean these cars i mean there's so many mods you can do these cars it's it's like an open template so definitely keep that in mind uh but you know just wanted to uh to touch base with you guys and let anybody know that's thinking about an rt uh that is definitely a card you can go for it especially if it is in your price range and you do want the power you want the v8 this is definitely hard to take a look at uh but uh but thanks for taking a look at this guys definitely uh like comment subscribe share it and i'll catch you guys in the next one
Channel: 4K Jay
Views: 83,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 8zq_zX_nqI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 08 2021
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