Our New BABY! - This was UNEXPECTED!

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[Music] we are having a great week at home it was such a fun getaway last week seven years of marriage um but it's definitely there's nothing like home being with the kids family time but we ever like right as soon as we were leaving Austin's like I want to come back bring the kids and just take our ATVs and just go riding on some of those gorgeous roads but it's going to be back we're out at Austin's parents camp and the kids are just having some fun we were driving the ATV around and it's a little bit it's a little bit chilly I was surprised but not really not too bad anyway the kids are having fun playing with the bubbles what is that the bubbl [Music] whoa show me how it works so cookie oh if you if you blow it slower it might get bigger Evie can you show me how to get water poo just got a new pump and trough system and he poured concrete that's not a big muddy mess he's still trying to figure it out good job Evie you are pumping it girl woo look at those muscles go Evie go that's m oh don't lick it now look there's the horses you're wondering where they were there they are beautiful over here now they're like I don't want to go over there we're eating some yummy grass they don't want to come over here right now I got a perfect food for thees perfect food some mud ew they're not going to want that that'll break that rock will break their teeth no they W did you figure it out good well there's no soap soap okay we pump some for you whoop there you go you ready to lose babe here okay give it to Mom I'm gonna play and then you can play next here gide you video I already started it so don't push the buttons just hold it and you video it go you see Mama and Papa you got to move it around so you can see both here go over here come on on this side that's a good idea over there I don't want toit you in e i okay I N G okay good job don't push any of those buttons though okay ready don't push it did you push it set go lost by like bad Austin had 21 and I had eight so now him and his dad are playing they can actually get past like two servers or two P not bad Evie what's set up right there oh what' you find that's so pretty what is Gideon doing sling what sling he's slipping sliding you going to get wet are you not sure Gideon do the soap make you go fast yeah oh yeah hi big boy did you drop your snacks you got I'm in your hair huh yeah [Music] there's playing on the porch hey hey Bubba what's up what's the matter oh yeah Gideon is having the best time Gideon is out playing in the sliping slide yesterday [Music] what matter you want Mama say Mama say Mama hold on goodness gracious oh my goodness gracious the kids are having a blast so thankful for warm weather all the water things Evie you not feeling the water slide today [Music] no gunar did the water slide not really he just sat in the sprinklers yesterday and loved it and then after a coup couple minutes he did not like it just being wet say hi M mwah MW enjoying the weekend hey what you doing I'm trying to get on please help me here what are you building kid oh that's really cool did you do all of that Gideon wow oh a flower I found a flower Abby let me see your hair oo that's beautiful get a flow I make saw I had done braids cuz I went and worked out today and she saw my braids and she was like Mama I want to match you right are we matching yeah we are so I got like little pigtail braids anyway it's been a nice couple days yesterday and today I the only thing we went out and did was going and working out and then we came home and we have done our routine at home which has been so nice um team that means like you do the same thing every day you plan it out ev's been asking so many questions about pretty much everything anyway so I've got a lot lot of projects done around the house though I finally washed our curtains y'all probably noticed them in past episodes but they were so bad so bad so I washed them I did three different loads cuz we have six curtains in the living room and I hung these to dry just inside cuz this is my last load but the other ones outside I kind of made a makes shift um clothes line cuz I do want eventually I want a clothes line in our house let me show you what I did though okay so I used one of Austin's straps and I hung up the curtains out here anyway so it was nice to get that project done because they were so stained and just the kids you know playing with them pulling on them there was like food wiped on them or whatever so I got those washed okay let's see you show them whoa Evie and I so high I hold on to man you're good at that EVS T hey what are those big wood why did they bring wood oh papa yeah he went and cut down some trees today why so those are or those are logs on his truck you see the logs why well cuz Papa was working um he's doing a tree job clearing some land four they're for take out to pet balls okay just kidding things are always changing around here Austin oh sorry Abie um Austin came home and he was like cleaning up getting stuff ready we're going on a little short trip this weekend um but Austin said that we uh need to take the logs out to his parents house tonight because we've got he's not be able to do it any other day this week play um we're going to play for just a little bit so we are headed out to his parents which is like an hour 45 minutes-ish drive and then we'll make supper when we get home so I gave the kids a little snack cuz they were starting to get hungry gave him a snack and we are going to head out there and drop these logs off unload them it's always an adventure we made it out here right before Sunset look how beautiful it is here y'all literally so pretty Austin's unloading all of the logs that were on the trailer H so beautiful here anyway he's finished unloading them it takes no time it's just a drive out here but they do um when Austin ever has to like clear a lot or anything he will bring all the logs up to his dad's because they have a sawmill and so he'll make like his dad uses the wood all the time um but Austin has made like he made our bed frame out of wood that they had taken off their property um he has made different kind of like dressers and different things like that um beautiful mantel gorgeous mantles um trying to think of what else he's made oh like big cedar posts for like a front porch he's made those so he has a lot of different variety talents anyway but they have that machine that they've used for years and so he knows it like the back of his hand anyway so he can make beautiful things so all that being said he unloaded the Cherrywood out um of the trailer and he was saying one of these days when we build our forever house or whatever um I want to make some open shelving with the Cherrywood it would be so pretty in the kitchen or even just like bookshelves or something so it's just fun to dream and plan and that that his family has all of the equipment to do something like that is really really cool since Dad took the kids on a buggy ride is what they call it an ATV ride just around the property so pretty on their land here but the kids are just coming back there's papa papa I have a I have a baby cat I'm going to go see it y got you have one we have one what Bor the day you guys were here why you have a baby kitty we had they said while we were gone over the weekend had a baby C that so excited look at the little baby running that's so cute y'all tagged him and banded what [Music] that that's yours right there that little black one so cute so is that is that little one right there tag Mark yes so the yellow tags the green tags are here the green t [Music] oh my goodness sced it away she's playing it on him there our horses okay time to head home it was fun we got to do some ATV riding we were planning on just dropping the stuff off and then heading home but and I have a baby cow yeah it's so cute are no boys we have to bule the bottom G [Music] okay gun you ready to go byebye Evie you ready let's go let's go let's go well we are headed to church oh I got to turn the lights off we have had a full week it's been really really good it's been a little bit slower which has been nice but now we are headed to midweek service it's always so good and refreshing trying to get the kids out the door loaded up on time oh man I got to get Gunner's milk bummer anyway we have a full weekend ahead of us Austin pulled the RV up to the house because we are traveling this weekend um to friend's wedding and so it's going to be fun but just going to pack up tonight we haven't packed one thing for the RV we are just making it home from church we ended up hanging out at church for a while um and it is 10 p.m. anyway Austin ended up having to go pick up one of his equipment um piece of equipment from a job site before we leave because we leave in the morning for a friend's wedding and can you push me we haven't packed one thing hey did you have a good time at church uh [Music] yeah swing do you want to tell them what you've been doing I've been doing playing of the park and going to my car that's all yeah byebye swing for Gunner and other kids have been playing with it so nice I I'm always going to have a swing in our house as long as I have kids I'm going to have a swing in our house and when we have grandkids it'll be nice too win anyway like I was saying we have a lot to do tonight um thankfully we had a few slow days this week just to be able to kind of reset after we got back from our anniversary trip feel like it was just really like I don't know it was we had to vacation from our vacation kind of just rest after vacation um anyway and then get back into routine with the kids just to turn around and leave again but I got to pack up do the dishes cuz look at that sink oh my goodness it's bad anyway so we got a lot of work to do okay I got every to bed got a quiet second I really need to be packing but I thought I was gonna go ahead and talk about this so I have challenged myself I was actually talking to my sister-in-law Rachel and we were talking about our screen time and how much just we spend on our phones nowadays and how much um we just spend our free time watching TV and how it affects one how it affects us and how it affects our like our kids' brains and their development and so we were talking about it and I was like okay let me just look up my average and it was bad my average was like five five and a half hours a day which is crazy a lot of that was um social media because I work on social media and I use that as like I do work on social media but then when you're on social media you tend to like Doom scroll and just scroll scroll scroll scroll um and it becomes habit just to pick up your phone click the app and just do it whenever you have any free second um and then a lot of was Marco Polo I'm Marco Polo a lot and I'll just leave my phone sitting there work around the house Marco Polo um anyway so there was just a I wanted to challenge myself to try and get it down and I don't really know like what limit I'm setting for myself but I'm really purposing to do better and it's not just about the screen time it's really about being more intentional in parenting for my kids and being present with them when I am with them um and a lot of that is because I was actually marking a friend and I watched back like the video and in the background I heard one of my kids say mama mama mama and then finally on the third time they said it I heard them it wasn't that I didn't like answer them right away I just didn't even hear them until the third time and so for me I was like man I just and not that I'm always going to answer them the first time that they ask um because I feel like that just happens all day long with little kids it's constantly Mama M um but I feel like that that was happening more and more and more and I want to be present I want to for them to know that Mama hears them and and it just really there's been a lot of studies of how parent screen times affects their kids so with that being said I'm really purposing to especially with it being really nice weather outside now getting into summer it's so nice but um I'm purposing to have less scen time and then another way I've challenged myself is to um we're trying this out to not wa not watch movies or um just like YouTube stuff like not watch any of that unless it's a family setting so like if we're all sitting down like an evening in the week and we all watch like I don't know dude perfect or a TV show or a movie that we've been wanting to watch um and so that's our goal and for the summer um two summers ago I did a movie break for the whole summer and so Gideon and I and Austin didn't watch any movies that whole summer and it was so good for us to just like disconnect from TV because a lot of times when it's just up either on piano or in the back bedroom like we just tend to grab the remote and turn it on and we don't even think about it it's just every night that happens and I really want to enjoy the summer be outside as much as possible and yeah I feel like it really it for me for my mental health it's a lot better when I'm not on my phone um and I can tell with my kids attitudes and just they get they get a good exhaustion with when they're not watching TV they sleep harder they sleep better like their attitudes overall are better so that's been a goal of mine so anyway I was just thinking about summertime and all the things that in that comes with summer and it definitely is harder in the winter for me to do less screen time but in summer it is a big goal so we're going to enjoy the outdoors this summer do a lot of things it's fun to see gunar he's been walking in the grass so so much now the last week and it's so funny to see him react to him being outside cuz he was born in May and but he has never really like been in the grass much because he was born in May and then by the time he could sit up it was cold outside so he wouldn't be outside a whole lot um and so this spring and summer has been the first time for him to be outside and it's adorable to watch anyway okay I'm going to get to packing and I've got a lot to do spent five and it's just talking here but um thank you guys so much for watching this video and we will see you guys next week I don't really know what's happening in the next week besides this wedding we're going to but we will see yall later so thanks for watching oh and don't forget to notify And subscribe to our Channel because you will be notified of our videos that we'll post next week so we'll see yall later thanks for watching
Channel: FollowtheForsyths
Views: 103,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: forsyths, joy duggar, 19 kids and counting, duggars, duggar family, jim bob, forsyth, austin forsyth, arkansas, kids, vlog, family, vlogger, young, married, christian, TLC, where are they now
Id: 7L0L3Hd4Ps0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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