Was Her Healing Prophesied in the Old Testament? | Messianic Theologian Reacts

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this is kind of how I envisioned it yeah super crowded crazy [Music] what's going on [Music] Simon's house [Music] it should happen before stay here nope not happening [Music] stay back stay back everyone I don't know let's go [Music] 100 just a fridge [Music] [Music] is yeah one friend one thing just just the edge only a threat you I know you get away from him he's unclean we removed her please please I have a problem look now sorry please just a moment [Applause] [Music] that was awesome what's going on Whoever touched me come forward teacher it was me just the French of your garment only the edge I promise you're not on Green why am I garment I'm sorry I know I should have asked but if if you touched me it would make you ritually unclean according to the law and I was sick 12 years I glad in it stop it but but I believed if I could just touch a piece of your garment and I was right [Music] who told you I could hear a man from the pool and he was right the blood is easy [Music] [Music] my daughter well no one's still there anymore look up yes you are daughter it wasn't my piece of clothing that healed you but it was instant I felt it right away I know I it wasn't this it was your faith [Music] teacher she was pleading so long we could take her she is clean [Music] you have blessed me today and I know [Music] my daughter I know it has been a fight for you for so long you must be exhausted [Music] go now in peace your faith has made you well I wish I could stay here longer I have business to attend to someone else has Faith Like Yours this is like one of my favorites I know right this is so good this is awesome and also it just got me connecting this reality where he says you want me to leave essentially so that I can send my comforter I can send my holy spirit because he can be everywhere right he can be right in and on and speak to everyone all at once and this is you know the god manifesting in the man of Yeshua but he's limited himself it says in Philippians right right like taking the form of a bond servant you know and so like I don't know this may be just long for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit right I mean it's like oh more right because you can see the more like looking at at Jairus and the next Miracle to come right so many people connect the healing in yeshua's TZ to Malachi chapter 4 verse 2 it says this but for you who fear my my name the son of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings the wings here they connect the Hebrew word there to being the end or the Hem of the garments so this is this connection and so the game became this expectation of that there would be healing wow in his wings and the wings of the Messiah if you will wow I love this because you know she grabs The Fringe of His Garment here and but this begins this whole wave of Miracles like word spread right and if you look in Mark chapter 6 the last verse 56 it says and wherever he came in villages cities or Countryside they laid the sick in the marketplaces and implored him that they might touch even The Fringe of His Garment and as many as touched it were made well I love this good so this is the the fringes are also in Hebrews called the seats or the seedsio these fringes that represent uh the Commandments of God represent the Torah God's instructions that they carry with them to remind themselves of following God's Commandments and so that there's this connection here between the word of God and the power of God that's good right yeah so I do think it's likely that Yeshua wore fringes on his garments like they're showing here and the reason is because you know not only do we know this was a custom in the first century but you know in Matthew 23 Yeshua says that he's critiquing the Pharisees but he says don't make your fringes long and so he's not saying don't ever wear fringes sure he's not saying don't wear it see he's just saying don't make them this long don't make them this big show to everyone to show how religious or Pious or something that you are so I do think it's a good chance likely that as this tour observant Jew he Ward seats plus then you have this story of this woman right so to me it's like you connect the dots it makes sense and when you look in the Septuagint which is the Greek translation of the Old Testament that the word in Greek here that for the fringes is the same word they translate seat in Hebrew in the Torah got it so you you link the the Greek translation back to the Hebrew if you're following me using the Greek of the New Testament and it's actually the same word yeah so to me this is like almost for sure he was actually wearing infringes so in fact when I lived in in Jerusalem this is what I would mention oftentimes to Israelis right they would say well why are you here why why would you move your your family here and I said because I'm here studying about the jewishness of Yeshua and the fact that he was a Tor observant Jew right and they would be like well what do you mean and oftentimes I would say he wore sitsu he wore the fringes and they're like huh what right because right Jesus doesn't get portrayed as this Jewish man often times in you know Christian history and so they don't they think he's like the god of another religion yeah right they don't know often times that he's this Jewish man this perfect man of God living this perfect law living the scripture out in flesh right incarnate uh and wow it's powerful and yet there's this like situation happening right it's like we're in the we're in the middle to going to Jairus house right right and so I want to keep going because the story just gets better if you enjoyed our Messianic reaction videos and you want to go deeper and your understanding of God and the Bible you can take our upcoming course that grafted you an introduction to a Biblical Messianic world view and we're offering you a special 20 discount right now so if you want to find out more information and you want to register for the course check out the link in the description below hey if you like this video and you want to see the full reaction video click on this link right here and help us to spread a Biblical Messianic worldview by donating to grafted by clicking down here what is the plural of fish this is it is no fish fish I'll just rewind and kind of say whatever
Channel: Grafted
Views: 215,303
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: grafted, remember Jerusalem, messianic reaction, the chosen, the chosen season 3 episode 5
Id: oKrsUhCunbw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 13 2023
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