Was he murdered by his sister's ex boyfriend? | The Case of Gabe Meyer | Forensic Investigators

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[Music] 17-year-old Gabe Meyer is dropped off at the local gym by his father it would be the last time he would see his son we knew straight away that that there was something terribly wrong that he couldn't get to [Music] us his disappearance would take detectives into crocodile infested waters into the depths of cane fields and rainforests in 21 years I probably never had to experience anything so emotional and into a world of distorted reality and deadly lies he wrote me almost every day he showed us what appeared to be a newly dug grave all of us were just stunned it was something out of a horror movie this was a planned calculated murder was like a a challenge to him he was enjoying every minute of it but he made a very basic error and hopefully that piece of the jigsaw would fit into the puzzle at a later [Music] time [Music] Sherry and Doug Meer had left their hometown of Miami in the United States to escape the growing crime now Halfway Around the World it seemed fate had caught up with them one of their six children was missing I started noticing at about 7:30 that he wasn't home and he never missed dinner and would always give us a call to let us know where he was I asked Doug to call the hospital just to make sure that he hadn't had an accident or anything the hospital hadn't heard anything and we thought well it's a bit silly 17 we shouldn't worry so much he's probably found a mate he's probably gone to somebody's house or something like that and we just sort of dozed fitfully and I kept getting up and going to check his room to see if he'd come home and it was about 4:30 or 5: in the morning we just got up and and started um to work out what we were going to do who to call where to go cuz we knew something was terribly wrong we decided you you know what's the logical thing to do first find his friends and see what happens so we got in the car and drove down toward Damon kena's house Damon kenka was a mate of gabes and had been there when dougm dropped his son off at the gym we walk up the steps to Dam lank's flat the doors is already open he comes out meets us go Damon have you seen Gabe oh yeah after he left the gym he came over here to the flat he was reading some girly magazines said he was going out to swim right see you lat dougm came to the police station to report his son Gabe missing he had two of his friends with him and they said they didn't know where Gabe was Gabe had left Damon kena's house in the afternoon to go for a swim at the ski ramp in the Johnston River and Doug said this was quite unusual because Gabe didn't normally swim in the river he knew about crocodiles he knew that you don't swim in the evening especially the weather was bad it was raining it's just not something that Gabe would have done at that point I spoke to both of the friends and asked um their thoughts in relation to Gabe and they said it was unusual they also indicated that there was no trouble at home so it seemed a bit unusual that he hadn't returned home and not a normal case of a kid staying away overnight partying or something like that all we knew was that we had a missing person and that we have to cover all avenues so we basically had to track down and speak to as many people as possible that may have seen Gabe and maybe provide information as to his movements so basically our initial inquiries started at the gymnasium where Doug had dropped Gabe off we did speak to some people who confirmed that Gabe had been attending the gym and that Gabriel left the gymnasium at approximately 4:30 p.m. The Next Step was to ascertain if in fact Gabe had gone to the river there was concern that Gab Gabriel had gone swimming that he may have drowned or been taken by a crocodile or something of that nature if a human had been taken by a crocodile we would certainly hope to find remains it is my understanding that crocodiles do Lodge the remains of victims within mangroves as a consequence of this we did in fact conduct searches of the Johnston River with the Department of Wildlife and local crocodile experts and there was no mind located at all again another option was the fact that he might have simply run away we canvased that possibility with his parents we canvas that possibility with these friends we just told him basically that he was a kid that you know would never give us any trouble at all he'd been through a lot of experiences in his life that had really matured him he was such a likable kid always had been ever since he was little just a lovely boy that was just really responsible for his age and that's I I guess why we knew straight away that there was something terribly wrong that he couldn't get to us because he would definitely do that he would not worry us other avenues um of basic investigation include the tracing of gab's bank accounts to see if any withdrawals have been obtained from any branch anywhere in Australia it included uh inquiries with the various public transports Airlines Coach Services in the Queensland rail to see if we had any traces and all inquiries made with the transport companies proved negative had no sign of of Gabe at all and likewise with his bank accounts so they had not been touched the alarm Bells were starting to ring a little louder Douglas and Shirley mayor are sick with worry their son Gabe was due home for dinner on Tuesday night but never arrived something they say is completely out of character Gabe's the kind of guy that wouldn't miss a meal in the evening if he was not going to be there he would do Herm let us know police have scoured nearby streets in the Johnson River they're treating gab's disappearance as suspicious oh we're quite concerned for his safety we feel um there may be suspicious circumstances that surround his disappearance as for gab's parents they've just got One Plea if their son is watching this program just give us a call and that that's it we love you K we love him so much that all the kids miss him and we just want to know he's safe the last person to see Gabe was Damon Kena he said now look make sure you tell the police this that if they want any know anything I'm over there they know where I live they just come and talk to me I'll tell them all about what I know asked Diamond cler to accompany us to police station if he was willing to take part in an interview so just get a little bit of background [Music] I was going with sister I met and she went to America and family got really close to me and her brother comes to gy and i' see at gym all the time and I've been just at the gym I met him at the gym he started to say hello to me all of the time and U compliment me and ask me how I was doing and he would start conversations and things like that he was a really friendly guy um quite um charming and we started to date from there she was leaving in 3 weeks to go to America to University and he was devastated that she was leaving so we told F well look you know tell him he can come over for Christmas and he and he came over that day but um the gy he outlined to me how he'd been to the gym the previous afternoon how he' met Gabe Meer how he' had a workout with him Gabriel attended his unit later on and Gabriel left shortly there after telling Damon clanker that he was going swimming I also asked him about his movements that night and he explained to me how he had higher utility and uh was taking aola Carper to his sister's place in [Music] tul we had a look at the carpet that he was allegedly taking to his sister in tul it was laid out flat and appeared to be a very very poor condition frayed and stained and not the sort of item I would give as a gift to my uh sister that seemed a little bit odd as a result of that feeling that carpet was taken possession of the carpet had a large stain down one end and it had some minor stains also down that end the stains that were on it appeared that it may have been blood and the other minor stains also indicated visually that they could possibly be blood used test strips which was widely used by hospitals at the time they were called Sango test strips and by moistening them with water and touching them onto different stains if it was blood it would react straight away and turn green and these strips were used on all the visible stains that was on that carpet but there was no significant reaction to any of those strips I was on rest dat I got called into duty back to the in criminal investigation branch office and they explained that uh young person Gabe Meer had gone missing uh there was mention of Damon khanka and I then spoke to Jacobs and picas and explained to them what happened back in 1991 when I charged him with attempted murder on another young fellow by name of Paul melik he gave us a brief summary of the mik investigation in that kenka had been involved in relationship with another female uh who had left him and taken up with mik Kena arranged to have a meeting with paor melik they went for a drive in kena's car out to an area towards flying fish point kalanka and melik got out of the car and kalanka had a knife and at some stage melik was having a conversation with him he turned his back on kalanka and kalanka then stabbed him in the back with the knife and then mik ran away he ran up the Kane Headland he actually got the knife off kalanka Kanan chased him in the car U melik looked over his shoulder thinking what's going on he looked over his shoulder saw that khank was speeding up this grass Headland on the farm and he jumped in some long grass and he was just missed by the car by a foot or so Damon kenka was charged with attempted murder but this was dropped at trial kalanka pleaded guilty to unlawful wounding and dangerous driving he got 200 hours community service and also to years good behavior I read about it in the newspaper one day he was with a friend at the gym and they both asked me if I knew about the Paul mik incident and I said that knew a little bit about it and both of them really described it as like a love triangle gone wrong that um not to believe what I'd read in the papers and um at the time I didn't really think a lot about it me wasn't our ideal choice for her but it doesn't work like that we didn't feel we were in a position to tell her who she couldn't couldn't date at that point it was very intense um very attentive very kind very Charming but a little bit more intense than you would expect from someone who had only just met a young girl Gabe Meyer was the second eldest of six children his older sister of 2 years was in the United States studying when her 17-year-old brother disappeared I received a phone call from my mother and she said that um Gabe was missing she said he hadn't come home the night before and that they were really worried about him she told me that the last person that had seen him was kenka I immediately thought oh my God F and Damon kenka had been dating for 3 weeks before she headed overseas when I arrived in America he would write to me and he wrote me almost every day sometimes twice a day the letters that he wrote were very much filled with things like I miss you so much and I wish I was there with you and please come back I'll pay for your flight I felt smothered by them and I wanted the relationship to end and he wouldn't get the hint before I left he asked me if there was anything that would make me change my mind and come back to Australia I replied um that there really wasn't anything that would make me come back unless something happened to my family the significance of that was it then became a belief in the minds of investigating officers that possibly a way of getting for ma to return to Australia was something to happen to one of her family coupled with that was the fact that kenka had been involved in the previous incident with m we had to keep an open mind we had to be um objective but we had fears that something may have happened to Gade moer Damon kenka had told detectives that he had spent that night driving a carpet to his sisters that carpet was examined but there had been nothing to link it to Gabe when you've got an investigation you've got to Broad brush everything you've got to just cover absolutely every Avenue that's why we took the carpet we didn't know Squad at that time but once we grabbed it we've got some evidence that can't go away and hopefully that piece of the jigsaw would would fit into the puzzle at a later time another piece of the jigsaw they hoped would fit was the youth hired by kalanka to take the carpet to his sisters he had originally booked it for the following night but then changed his mind and picked it up at 700 p.m. 1 and 1/2 hours after he had last seen Gabe of course with any rental vehicle the start mileage is recorded prior to leaving the rental company and the end mileage is recorded when the vehicle is returned we ascertained that Clank had traveled 119 km During the period that he had the vehicle in his possession Kena told the police that he had dropped his next door neighbor off at the local pub before heading to tul halfway to tul he turned around he was home at 9:00 p.m. I'm tired of shortly after his flatmates went to bed and he went out again he bought a torch as he thought he'd go fishing but when it rained yet again he went back home we then traveled the same route as detailed by clanka in his version of the events on that date that included traveling around inale for a short time and then traveling halfway to tul whereupon we turned around at the bridge as nominated by kalanka and returned to in his file we found that the actual distance that we had traveled was 61 km uh as opposed to the 119 stated by kalanka uh that is a difference of 58 km and as you can appreciate that is a considerable distance this in itself was a glaring lie and and really firmed up that kenka had been involved in something terrible the Ute was immediately seized for forensic examination an examination was conducted for fingerprints over the cabin and the tray but gab's fingerprints were not found on the Ute nor was any trace of gab's hair or fibers from his clothes there was nothing that we could tie Gabe in with that utility next they conducted scientific tests on kalan's flag as a part of that testing a poly light was run over the unit completely uh in attempt to establish whether there was any blood or spatter patterns or anything of that nature within the unit which might indicate some sort of fight altercation or disturbance of that nature but nothing was identified I called kalanka the day after I found out that my brother was missing and I was crying and I asked him where's my brother and he said I don't know fa um I think something terrible might have happened to him I was sick I knew he was lying I knew that Gabe was dead and I knew that he'd done it he said even my flatmate heard him say he was going swimming police began a process of either confirming or negating Damon kena's version of events starting with his two flatmates they were present when Gabe initially arrived at the flat and when he had left at approximately 5:30 on on that afternoon Gabriel had told them when he left that he was going swimming they also told police that they went to the movies just after Gabe left but were home by 9:00 p.m. when kenka came home the purchase of the torch was also confirmed ninda seen a neighbor of Damon clanker he was also interviewed at length in relation to his knowledge of the movements um of Damon clanker on the night of The Disappearance of Gabriel Meyer narinda Singh told us that at about 7:00 p.m. that night he saw Damon clanker in the rear car park of the units and in the back of the utility at that time was the Rollo carpet shortly after that he looks out of his flat and sees Damon clanker standing outside his flat looking very breathless can I get a lift of the P he called out to him and asked him for a lift up to a local hotel about 15 minutes later which would then have been about 7:30 Damon clanker returned and drove him to the local hotel clanker then drove sing back to the units which would then have been approximately 8:00 p.m. and he advised him at that time that he was off the tul thank you very much so this in fact corroborated the version supplied To Us by damond clanker cheers mate we also had a witness that came forward that stated that he had seen Gabe walking towards the river walking past a nearby shop this was after we had confirmed that Gabe had left the flat and was several blocks away from the flat apart from the discrepancy and the kilometers made in the use it appeared Damon kenka story was checking out then the discovery of gab's bag on the banks of the Johnson River added to the confusion this bag was found by sces volunteers on the banks of the Johnson River and has been identified as gabes police are now relying on it as a crucial piece of evidence in their efforts to find the missing [Music] 17-year-old even though we were a certain as we could be that Gabe wouldn't have willingly gone and swam in the river sometimes you sort of second guess yourself and say you know did he do something really stupid the fact surrounding the location of the napsack was published and as a result of this two young Witnesses came forward who stated that they had seen items of clothing on the pontoon around about 7:30 p.m. on the day Gabe went missing we also had some witnesses come forward who stated they had seen other youths throwing some of these items into the river there's certainly the possibility that someone had placed those items there in an attempt to throw us off uh or it certainly could have been the case that they'd been placed there by Gabriel prior to going swimming after a brief meeting this morning with local investigators police divers set up for a long day in the Muddy Waters of the Johnston river near Campbell Street we were glad that the police divers were coming and while we didn't want to admit that what they might find we we just wanted Gabe back at that point and we were really hopeful that they would find him or find you know something to let us know what had happened after using explosive charges to clear any crocodiles from the vicinity the divers entered the murky water the visibility was totally nil so they had to conduct uh grid searches uh just by touch loan and the first lucky break of this investigation was uh Within two minutes of the search patterns commencing after about half an hour two of the divers surfaced and handed a wristwatch to The Observer it's believed the watch is the same as Gabriel's and later after police showed it to the teenagers parents they said they were too upset for an interview when they called us and said that they had found a watch I think we had to um to go identify it and it was the most horrible I think at that point did confirm to us that Gabe was dead whatever way it was we knew he was gone the watch proved to me Beyond any doubt that there was Foul Play involved because the watch was a Diver's watch and it it had a double clip on it that it just couldn't accidentally fall off it would have to been removed that watch was found within throwing distance of the jetty and it was obvious to me that someone had thrown that out there for us to find detective Krueger asked me if I would contact kalanka and try to find out if he would tell me anything because at this stage we were trying to find out where Gabe was I called him and I said to him that I wasn't coming home until I found out what had happened to Gabe I thought that by doing that we I force kalank's hand in in going and moving the body from wherever he had it so somewhere that we would find it the call was made and unfortunately kalanka didn't make any move except to spot the surveillence and uh it was all over then a young man by the name of James Potter contacted the police with information just over 2 weeks before Gabe disappeared he'd gone to a thickened area of rainforest with Dam kenka he told us kenka showed him a cleared area of palm trees in the rainforest and clanker marked this area with a cross with some sticks on the ground kenka told Potter that the cross was to identify the spot when he next came out camping later that day we traveled to poly Creek and Potter showed us an area where he'd been with Damon colaner and there was what appeared to be a newly dug grave under some Palm leaves in the rainforest when you first see the hole it's just it's nothing else but a grave the shape of it the depth of it and there was no doubt in my mind that that was to be someone's grave police decided it was time to bring Damon colaner in for another interview they hoped the revelations of the grave likee hle at Polly Creek would trigger a confession you know last time prob three four weeks ago that well have you been back there since do you mark a spot there all I put a thing I remember where to go there again it up two pieces of wood but that was at this point of the interview Damon kener asked for an adjournment the mention of poly Creek he basically phase insisted on having a solicitor that was obtained the interview then recommenced and kenka told police why he dug the hole get some money together I pled that 6 long 7 long so what your saying is you du [Music] that things in fure we didn't believe that because the area firstly wasn't not very ideal foreg growing marijuana was so thick and secondly uh there was never any suggestion even on Clan's own admission he wasn't a user of marijuana uh and had never been involved in the in the marijuana a business did you go up no I was going to the morning wednes [Music] morning I don't want to I to scre up and say oh doing this and that because you only get yourself C in trouble tell what do you say rumor that you killed the young gu to get for to come back austral on Monday we talking about and I said look you thought that I did this just to get you back you go back anyway so there's no no choice I can't see the thinking behind that because i' love the lot no intention of hurting anybody and I would never do something like that was like a a Challen to him uh he seemed to be enjoying talking to us well he knew what we had basically and what we didn't have and I got the distinct feeling that he was enjoying every minute of it I I'll be honest with you I I think he has gone I think he has taken off why do you think that no I just that some of the things that he says does he is very adventurous and if he wants to do something he'll do it but he's probably sitting somewhere now probably just the first time in his life that's what he what he wants to do and but I'm angry with him the fact that I'm going through all this but he came back and I probably still be I just don't want to get blamed for something they put something on me and I gave jail and in 10 that's what was really upset me we certainly were getting a feel that something was seriously wrong with the mental processes of kalanka some suggestions were that uh his behavior would be sociopathic and the reasoning behind the events of melik and as events were unfolding with Gabriel that the behavior was bizarre and uh certainly not by a normal person at that point we really needed to find Gabriel's body to show basically that it wasn't taken by a crocodile in on finding the body that we would then find some sort of forensic evidence which would tie Clank to the offense police firmly believed Damon kenka was involved in The Disappearance of Gabe Meyer and while they had a circumstantial case they had no body and then on Australia Day only two weeks after Gabe disappeared that changed I received a phone call from Margaret carmichel and she informed me that she'd found a suspicious sight on the farm and she was concerned that it may have been something sinister may have been gab [Laughter] Meer the shallow grave was reported to police at midday Yesterday by locals who noticed freshly turned soil in scrub near msby Creek outside in his veale police immediately excluded media and the public from the scene while the remains were exhumed for forensic tests in 21 years I've probably never had to experience anything so emotional and so draining and I felt terrible sorrow for the family at that stage there are things that a parent knows somehow I don't fully understand it myself but there are certain things that you know and that was one of them that they didn't have to tell us we knew to actually have his body found was was a relief and yet it was just so horrific you know to I remember saying to them where did you find him did you find him in the river and he said no he was in a a grave [Music] upon assuming the soil we located what appeared to be a human hand that was obviously tied behind the person and as we removed all the soil from around the deceased we found that both the hands and feet had been tied that the deceased had been wrapped in a blanket and then further twine tied around the blanket gab's body was removed and taken to the mor meanwhile the witness who had found him near the creek on the cane Farm she lived on was being interviewed she stated that on the night of The Disappearance uh she in fact did see a set of headlights driving from the highway through a back back road to the area around where the gravite was located also the day before she contacted police she did see kenka coming from that area there was no doubt in her mind it was Damon kenka kena's parents lived next door to her it appears that kenka had in fact been raised in this area was very familiar with the area and had in fact fished just a matter of meters from where the gravide was the postmortem results on Gabe showed he had not been murdered in any overt manner like being stabbed or shot so while did detectives waited for toxicology reports other immediate evidence was being followed up during the postmortem police obtained quite a number of exhibits such as the twine that was used to bind the hands and feet and also uh the uh blanket that was wrapped around the deceased police have now released this blanket found during their investigations they and the Maya family are urging anyone with any information to come forward a couple of days later kena's ex-wife did contact police and stated that the blanket she had seen on television was in fact the same as the blanket she had owned when she was married to kenka and the rope that was used was similar to rope that had been in kena's flat and was now missing it belonged to his flat mate in addition strips from the blanket were sent for forensic analysis as a result of this test six polypropylene fibers were found that did not come from the blanket itself these fibers were then compared with fibers taken from a piece of the carpet that had been recovered from kena's unit and they matched now their thoughts went back to the cause of death and where the Gabe could have been drugged when we were considering the scenario of Gabriel being poisoned we do recall that early in the investigation kalanka had stated that he supplied Gabriel a drink of substitute he said I got it for enough nothing he that and then at 5:30 said and I said see later he went to great pains to tell us that I just give him a a glass of sausage and there was nothing wrong with it I just took the seal off it he he he just went on so much about this glass of susen that it had to be suspect when the toxicology report came in the results were chilling Gabe had been given a carefully calculated cocktail of drugs well brry found paracetamol codrin chloramine and uh metaclopramide in the liver and stomach contents when that combination is present one me thinks of a c flu preparation the toxicology report showed very high levels of these drugs in the tissues meaning there had been an overdose depending on how much was used how much was consumed and absorbed it could kill him more likely is it to cause extreme derous perhaps falling asleep and then you could easily been asix smut in some way or kill another way that would not have had much resistance from him to respond to any act against him when Gabe was uh discovered at the gravite police located a small piece of plastic that was adhered to his face a very unusual shape uh almost like a small rectangle with a hole cut in the middle of the rectangle it was identified as being forcing for a plastic bag and that was part of a plastic bag that may have been placed over Gabriel's head the detectives now had enough circumstantial evidence to make an arrest but Damon kenka wasn't going to make it easy he had another lie up his sleeve this entire case was going to be fought on intent it was Central to the case to be able to prove that this was a planned calculated murder and not a murder that was committed In the Heat of passion when Damon Kena was arrested for the murder of Gabe Meyer he refused to speak with police but he did talk to his own sister Deborah Morton told the magistrate that kalanka had at first denied any involvement that she'd then gone on the attack and was out to crack him she said she'd told kalanka for once in your life I want you to be a man and tell us the truth the family needs to know that you've been nothing but a compulsive liar all your life Mrs Morton then told the court that her brother started the tremble then said I did it that when she asked him why kalanka replied that Gabe had been coming on to him in the gym always touching him that he' got angry lost control and strangled him I I think at first we were enraged to think that he would try to say these things about Gabe and then we thought this is a desperate desperate person but when police first spoke with kenka that defense was never mentioned I recall ask him if uh he believed or knew that Gabriel may have may not have been a [Music] homosexual kenka was going to argue that he did not intentionally kill Gabe Meyer and that accordingly he should only be convicted of manslaughter and should get a far shorter shorter sentence so this entire case was going to be fought on intent it was Central to the case to be able to prove that this was a planned calculated murder and not a murder that was committed In the Heat of passion the grave site measuring exactly that of the Grave found at Polly Creek was evidence of premeditation he was planning to take gab meire out to poly Creek on some pretense because she had to walk in there and he planned to kill him and then bury him there but he was too anxious he was too Keen to kill gab meire the concoction administered by clanker to Gabriel was was was in fact too strong and readed him unconscious as such kenka was forced to use the mar evil site and there was further evidence of his intention on the 5th of January kalanka called me again and he started the conversation by asking me what my decision was he said I'm ready for you to drop the bombshell don't worry I'm used to rejection I responded by telling him that it was over and and that we were Silly to think that this could keep [Music] going on the very next day Damon Kena went shopping after the arrest police did continue further inquiries to uh reinforce the prosecutions case one of the Avenues was to approach all of the Chemists in the area one chemist ascertained that Kena had purchased two packets of Vick's head clear and the exact ingredients of the clear tablets were exactly the same as the toxicology results from the deceased so that was the final Link in the chain we could connect him to the drug that was found in uh gab M's body and that pointed to a very calculated killing essentially the prosecution case was that the two flatmates go out around 5:45 p.m. it seems that very shortly after that Gabe Meer returns clanka didn't kill Gabe In the Heat of passion he gave Gabe this drink he watched him drink it and he watched him go unconscious it would have taken 45 minutes before he actually passed out just picturing the face that was in Gabe's face and what Gabe was picturing you know was this guy standing there and telling him what was going to happen to him all this going through your mind well just suddenly became overwhelming and it's very out of character for me but I turned around I punched the wall he bound his hands he bound his legs he put a plastic bag around his head by the time that kenka has gone to pick up the Ute Gabe Meer is already dead or well on the way kenka has then wrapped Gabe in the carpet from the garage and placed him in the back of the Ute this is where sing calls out and asks for a lift to the hotel and that's when clanka says in about half an hour or so kalanka then drove down to the Pontoon where he placed Gabriel's towel shoes knapsack on the pontoon then he throws the watch into the water he then uh gives his neighbor sing a lift to the local pub to cash his paycheck and then drops him back then he does a quick trip out to the farm where he dumps gab Meers body and then quickly drives back Kena arrives home to his flatmates for the 900 p.m. Alibi and they go to bed soon after and that is when kenka left the flat to go to the service station and buy a torch and batteries and he then goes back out where he digs the grave for Gabe Meer just off the track on that farm but he made a very basic error he drove too far the 58 km missing from kena's account that night with the two trips from his unit out to and back from the gravite over the years I have done many murder trials and I cannot think of one that has the same mixture of cold planning and cold execution after more than 5 hours deliberation the jury found Damon Frank kenka guilty of the murder of Gabriel Meyer Damon kenka was given a mandatory life sentence but the judge warned that the parole board should be careful and considering any application kalanka is eligible to ask for that release in 2006 we've dreaded this time for all these years we know that this man will kill again and we can't even imagine that any parole board would let this man out I have grave concerns about that not only for my own safety and my family's safety but for anyone else out there he has done this before he's done it this time and he'll do it again I have no doubt about [Music] that [Music] a
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 44,633
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, crime stories, cold cases, murder mystery, cold cases solved, serial killers documentaries full
Id: 3td9dqX7pMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 17sec (2777 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 13 2024
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