"It Was A Regular Work Day!" Employees Killed At Their Desks

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[Music] in all my years of policing and as a detective this is absolutely the worst crime scene I ever saw relatives of the victims had to be restrained by police as they raced to the sea I never believed you could smell fear he absolutely stank he was a volcano waiting to erupt he was a time bomb waiting to go off and it went off on December the 8th 1987 buing de mans me pleas Queen Street is predominantly one of the busiest streets of Melbourne so you got hustle bustle day and night from really 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. people moving about the Queen Street area of Melbourne in the 1980s was part of the central business district and it still is to this day very commercial um lots of national businesses have their headquarters there lots of restaurants coffee shops to feed the office workers now it's a major city hotel but in 1987 the building at 191 Queen Street was home to several large businesses including the national headquarters for Australia Post they had several flaws it was also the headquarters of the Telecom Employees Credit Union which is on the fifth floor there was also a number of other officers there was about between 850,000 people worked in that building 18 stories high on the corner of little bur and Queen Street on December the 8th 1987 staff in the building on Queen Street were going about their daily business we were on the 11th floor it was an open Plan Building and in those days you could walk in and uh you could go to any floor you lik there was some security on some floors like there was the Telecom Credit Union on the fifth floor which had obviously uh some security December the 8th for me was a busy working day nothing out of the ordinary but it was a a uh very busy day it was obviously close to Christmas and we were wrapping up the financial reporting for the previous month I worked on the 11th floor in Queen Street austral Post in the the revenue and expenditure area revenue and accounting area I worked on the 14th floor of the Australia Post building I knew all of the people by name on a our floor but Australia Post had maybe 14 or 15 floors you knew a lot of people to nod to or to say get A2 in the lift also that morning inside his home in the quiet suburb of Preston 10 km north of Melbourne a young student by the name of Frank vidovic Was preparing for the day ahead [Music] Frank vickovic was 22 years old single lived at home with his mom and dad his father came from Yugoslavia his mom was Italian they both immigrated to Melbourne in the 60s had two children uh Lily Frank's older sister she was about three years older than him he still lived at home at the time Frank vickovic was was a good guy as as I knew him he was pretty intense he kept to himself self a lot he was intense and he loved his tennis he was passionate about his [Music] tennis the young Frank vidovic had a troubled childhood and was often bullied at school he uh needed to go to the toilet when he was at church mass one day and the teacher wouldn't let him and he he he he he wet his pants basically and was then had to go back to the classroom and was was told to sit elsewhere because you know he was obviously a bit smelly and his classmates boys being boys uh embarrassed him and and and and talked about that and laughed at him he then talks about shortly after that incident he was actually naked in the changing rooms um after sport when one of the boys noticed that his penis was different to the others in Australia it's quite common for boys to be circumcised Vic Vic wasn't which meant that his penis was different to theirs this sense of being different would come to characterize his early life Frank vickovic was very isolated and uh depressed and I think he spent a lot of time ruminating about these things about things that people had said or done or treated him badly and so on and as he ruminated as he went over and over these things in his mind they took on bigger and bigger and bigger proportions uh until they they uh led to this obsessional need for Revenge however this anger and bitterness didn't hamper his studies and he gained a place at the prestigious Melbourne University law school soon though vidic's educ began to be affected by a sense that he was being marginalized by Society while I was at University he he had to prepare an essay and the his lecture when he read that essay became very concerned about Vicor Vic's State of Mind in that it was completely bizarre and off topic including at one stage he talked about how vital it was that all civil Libertarians should be shot dead that lecture then told uh told the the counselor at the at the University and and two appointments were made in December uh 86 sort of 12 months before the actual incident and he had quite long conversations with that kensler where he talked about he'd had Suicidal Thoughts I think Frank vickovic had built up a hostility towards the world in general he felt the world in general had given him a raw deal and was treating him badly so it wasn't simply about revenge against one person or a small group of indiv uals he really wanted to get his own back on the world that he saw as having treated him so badly good morning it looks like been a good day too particularly weatherwise some Sunny periods uh dry mild around about 21° and weather like that for the next couple of days even into the mid-20s by the start of the weekend on the morning of December 8th 1987 Frank viavic W and prepared for what he called his mission he got a bag out he put chain of clothing in there he put binoculars in there he put a knife in there he put a snoff M1 carbine automatic rifle in there and at least 200 possibly 300 run of ammunition made a final entry in the diary that he had been keeping for a number of years and the final entry was basically today is the day I'm going to do it and headed off on a tra to Melbourne University where he went straight to see Mary cook who was a woman who worked at the reception area who he'd become friendly with during his time there as a student he went to the cter she was concerned about his State he was not looking as smart as he normally was and she said anything wrong and he said yes I've failed three subjects and I've deferred for you and she said oh you know is there anything I can do to help I can get you to see a councelor if you like Frank turned to her and said I'm sorry I can't I've got a a job to do at the post office a few hours later vidovic and eight others would be dead and the City of Melbourne would be changed forever [Music] one of the last things vidovic did before leaving home that morning was to make a final entry into his diary where in plain simple language he told the world what he was about to do he talked about his troubled mind about how he couldn't help himself that he knew one day he was going to do something really violent and that he was going to kill people it was a gradual buildup he was he was a volcano waiting to erupt he was a time bomb waiting to go off and it went off on December the 8th [Music] 1987 inexplicably in his own mind vidovic had channeled all his anger onto one man a man he believed was somehow responsible for all his problems this unsuspecting individual was his former friend and Tennis partner KH [Music] marelis Frank vickovic and con marelis had known each other since primary school went to the same Primary School the same Secondary School con was one of Frank's few friends he didn't have many friends that relationship soured when in late 84 early 85 Frank damaged his knee while started jogging I remember that he was injured and and had frustrated him because he wanted to play tennis he couldn't play a to the level that he wanted to and B as much as he wanted to con in Frank's mind wasn't as supportive as he should have been in fact he to laugh at the fact that Frank was no longer his fit and Frank started putting on a bit of weight and and and getting chubby and in Frank's mind con was not a true friend and and that was basically the start of the troubles between them very strong friendship for a number of years fell out over the knee on that December afternoon vidovic had made up his mind that KH had to pay for his supposed betrayal of their friendship Frank made his way to 1 191 Queen Street entered at the ground floor at about the 4:00 Mark he was seen on the ninth floor around about 5 4 carrying a bag he then went at 416 and we know that because of the CCTV footage to the counter of the Telecom Employees Credit Union he stood patiently at that counter waiting to be served a woman came to the counter and said what do you want and and Frank said I'd like to see con more jealous please that lady then walked behind the c site to where con's office was con then came to the counter and even though he hadn't seen Frank for a number of months because they'd become arranged he greeted Frank with a with a cheery hello it was at that point that Frank pulled a gun that he had hidden underneath his jacket out pointed at a con and pulled the trigger almost immediately it misfired didn't go off con said you've got to be joking and then fled along with the four or five other people that were on that floor at the time that had heard the come my partner and myself were acting as 503 which is the afternoon car for the city of Melbourne therefore any crime in Melbourne comes to us I want Med Aon advised for all people in buildings in coin Street to keep away from the shop Windows police we got people simply breaking out the windows we got a call from our d24 which is our police dispatch and we were just told shots fir in Queen Street your job off we went units to wear flag jackets I was inspecting the prisoners at the city watch house and I had a portable radio with me and then A call came over from d24 in relation to an armed robbery at 191 Queen Street following that there was another call to the effect that shots had been fired so at that stage I got on the radio to d24 and just advised him that I'd be on the way so we we moved on real quick lights and sirens and we hit the tram tracks in the center of the street and took off towards Queen Street back at 1 191 Queen Street the fifth floor was a scene of chaos staff were confronted by a gunman Frank vidovic who was chasing them around the office to prevent them escaping Frank then lifts the gun up fires it at Conn as Connor's flying away misses K and hits 19-year-old Judy Morris who was standing in between where Frank was and where K was fleeing she became the first victim on level five KH Mar jalis had taken cover in the toilet terrified the gunman would track him down he would ultimately survive the massacre vidovic meanwhile unable to find KH had new Targets in his sights it became more than just a bed con Frank obviously decided that he was going to die that day he wanted to kill con first couldn't find K so he decided that others would have to die this was his way of writing this terrible wrong that had been done to him almost I suggest symbolically with through this one person but then as we know through as many other people as he could kill this General anger towards the world and Society with one person dead on the fifth floor Frank vitkovic decided to leave that level and go hunting for more victims he chose the supposedly secure 12th floor the entrance to the the offices were protected by a security door however the procedure that restricted access was fundamentally flawed employee John Dak got up from his desk walked looked through the small window couldn't see any reason why he shouldn't open the door the minute that door was opened viic leveled his gun at John D and shot him John Dy would survive the shooting at Queen Street other workers wouldn't be so fortunate immediately after shooting D Vicor Vic heard 20-year-old Julia McBean scream he then walked straight towards her and was heard to say at the time and he was cocking and recocking he's gone it's when he first realized it could only fire one at a time and he was fiddling with it and he actually said they expect me to kill people with this gun he then walked up to her and shot her twice victim number two after killing Julie Frank walked into a partitioned office where David Spencer 38 was hiding he was heard to say please no viic ignored that shot him he then turned and walked out of that office towards 18-year-old nany Aenon who was lying on the floor under her desk again pleading for her life he shot her twice from about 3 m away wounding her each time he then walked straight up put the gun to her head and finished her off [Music] with the death toll now at 4: police were beginning to assemble outside on Queen Street we're the first to arrive at the scene the first detectives and there's a couple uniforms just coming getting out of cars and what we saw was cars were blocked in the street and there was shots fired from high above in a glass [Music] tower meanwhile workers on other floors in the building were beginning to realize something was terribly wrong wasn't long before someone noticed out the window that there was a car parked across Queen Street and there was police activity out there there's probably I don't N US looking at the window thinking what's going on what's going on it was probably only a few minutes after that that we heard on the 12th floor bang bang bang and then realized you know something's on here at the same time Glenn Schilling who worked on level 14 was heading for the lifts to begin his journey home as shots rang out on the way down I heard several fairly loud bangs when I got to the ground floor I went to get out of the lift and there was a couple of policemen that were taking a bit of shelter behind a couple of pillars the police told Schilling to get back in the lift and go back up there was another person in the lift with Schilling and that person pressed the lift to the 11th floor Schilling wouldn't normally have gone to the 11th cuz he worked on the 14th we heard a couple more bangs and he got out uh at the 11th floor and I thought what I'll do is that I'll get out on the 11th floor so that I could have a look out the window to see if I could see what was going on there were several police cars with police officers Sheltering behind the Cars just like you would see on television or in the movies after shooting n on level 12 Frank made his way down to level 11 by the fire escape a colleague came running and said uh you better hide because he's coming to this floor some people ran with him and I think they went into the computer room some people hid under desks the noises got louder and I then I heard firearm discharge as he walked in in through the swinging doors onto level 11 uh Michael Maguire 38 married with three kids spotted him uh obviously scared ran into an office Michael Maguire had run into the very office where Glenn Schilling was observing the mounting Chaos on the street below was then that I had the oit moment where I thought I now know what's going on the gunman came running up the A and all the time he was discharging the firearm it sounded automatic but sometimes it would stall and then uh he would swear and say you know you're all going to die where's the police why why aren't they here I'm going to kill you all all that sort of stuff unfortunately the gunman had seen Michael Maguire and shot him once I had jumped under a desk Michael was pleading for his life he was saying please don't shoot me I decided the best course of action was just to stay hidden and hope that he wasn't aware that that I was there he then walked back to Michael who was still in great distress and he just walked over and held the gun barrel about an inch away from Michael's scalpin and shot him again the gunman walked out and um I Heard Michael's last last couple of breaths and then he was silent five people now lay dead in the building with several more severely wounded and in desperate need of medical attention with police still outside the death toll was set to rise again we'd ordered the SWAT team some 3 months earlier and we were told they were 15 minutes away and I remember saying 15 minutes [ __ ] that it can't be 15 minutes what we didn't know was how many offenders there were because there were call coming through to d24 saying that a person was on the fifth floor on the 12th floor on the 11th floor there were shots being fired and because it was such a fluid scene we weren't able to confirm whether it was one or two or more offenders we were still acting on the basis of the fact it was an armed robbery and considered the fact it was an armed robbery had gone wrong and that's why the shots had been [Music] fired tragically robbery was the last thing on viv's mind vovik walked across level 11 firing at random saying you're all scum he spotted Don michaelroy in a corner f hitting him once Don meloy then fell against the window a floor to ceiling window overlooking Queen Street and smashed that window vicvic then walked away for about another minute again firing random shots Mel Roy was screaming in pain vicvic walked up to him and said you're giving me a lot of trouble fat man and shot meloy again meloy survived his next victim was Marian vanik 38 she was quivering with fright obviously scared vicovi walked up to her and said don't worry I'm going to put your head of your misery held the G to her head fired once making her victim number [Applause] [Music] six Katherine darling and rosemary sper were also hiding under their desks on on level 11 VI Vic started firing at them hit Kathy killed her wounded Rosemary uh he then went up to Rosemary at close range and shot her in the neck she survived Catherine [Music] didn't at this point viic spotted Frank comedy well I was looking for an opportunity um I was praying to God to give me that opportunity it just it just sort of happened like he said you know just kind of jamming so I thought this it go for it man I I didn't pre-think it or anything I'm no hero it's just a matter of survival that's what it was survival Frank went for him and I don't think he was able to get on top of him so the gunman Shrugged him off and actually shot him I felt this burning sensation go through me you know it didn't didn't sort of super hurt but it was just a burning sensation after wounding comedy Victor VI walked over to Rod BR shot him dead Rod Brown became victim number eight Tony Joya was uh haing at this stedge saw Rod bran get murdered and Tony was convinced that he was going to be next I thought he had his back to me then and at that moment I decided to jump in we wrestled and I I think we both fell on top of Frank maybe and I think somebody took the gun off him another lady came out of her Hiding Place took the gun off them she had it off and H it in the fridge we were grappling with the gun and I think I was on top of him Frank was next to me and Don and maroy and CLA Chalkley sort of sat on him I'm and this they're on the floor they've got the gun away from them but but viic is desperate he's he's crawling towards the broken window and he's trying to shake these people off it's at this point that Vicor Vick's obviously decided I haven't got a gun anymore I can't shoot myself which was probably his intention he's lost that option he sees the window and he's obviously decided to Hur himself to his death he was fighting hard he was trying to get away and uh wasn't saying anything just you know muffels and GRS and things like that there was no W he's a big block he's crawling along he he crawls through the broken window cuts his cuts his stomach and head shockingly bleeding profusely and he's trying to kick them off I tried to stop him I had him by his ankles and somebody had had hold of me because don't worry that I would go over as well and he was actually able to reach a point where his ankles were where the window was broken and the rest of his body was hanging over the balcony and he he desperately desperately wanted to plunge to his death on the street police and Witnesses below were observing the chaos on the 11th floor with a sense of confusion we thought it's a victim trying to free himself and of course you would why would you think any different we watched this victim in for this minute minute and a half which again seemed like an hour and then eventually we saw another that his hands were hanging on to the victim so we could see a struggle and this didn't make sense why would an offender be struggling with a victim and all this was racing through our mind as the adrenaline's pumping trying to analyze it and then we saw something extraordinary the person mostly out of the window seemed to fight off his Savior and then he was free and Danny went 11 floors face down and into the pavement police that saw him fall witnessed that body bounce to the he of a car man looks like the building a dead man looks like the foot right in front of me please stand by and I had to step back quite literally I had to step back as he fell where where I was standing the time of his death was recorded by police at 434 and 34 seconds meaning he killed eight people in less than 17 minutes police on the ground had little time to reflect on this horrific scene they had to work out who this person who had fallen to their death just meters from them actually was was it a hostage or the gunman something fell out of his pockets in this impact and it was a magazine and it was for a high powerered weapon and the bullets the rounds fell out of the magazine and just rolled away in the sunlight just rolled away I kept yelling to myself internally think think it through work it out why have you got somebody here with a magazine and rounds bullets just fell out of that it has to be an [Laughter] offender after the gunman had gone out the window time was yelling out they're all dead Rod's dead Kathy dead maran's dead he came over to me and he said don't die Frank don't [Music] die so we charged in all the detectives and the uniforms charged in as soon as we pressed the lift button the lift opened and there was these crazy victims in there Blood Stained hair hair raised eyes were sort of almost electrified screaming and coming at us and they saw us with guns and they bked and yelled and screamed cuz all they knew was guns and you couldn't help but understand later on that they probably thought we were offenders with guns immediately news of the massacre was broadcast anxious relatives went to the inner city building some didn't hold back emotions when loved ones emerged unharmed others simply couldn't control their anger at that point I was finding it hard to breathe I knew there was a lot of blood coming out of me it was dripping down over my face and uh my breathing was going so I knew I'd been hit in the back um so it was just then a matter of waiting we could hear the police helicopter buzzing around outside it wasn't that long before they came in the ambulance followed and uh the ambulance guy sort of put his hand on me shoulder and said you'll be all right mate you'll be okay they cut cut me uh tie off and and um there's another stupid thing to think of I thought that's me best time it's Christen J once the lift doors were open and I stepped into this crime scene it was no doubt the worst I'd ever seen and I don't think that's an overstatement at all I remember a woman saying he's over there he's over there and she was pointing towards the window so I moved closer and closer to the window it's a big office building and then eventually I got to one particular victim and I was yelling where's the offender and he said he's out there he's gone out the window he's gone out the window singular and then I confirmed it how many were there just one are you sure there's only one just one what did he have a gun what sort of a gun and they said is it's in the fridge it's in the fridge what the gun's in the fridge none of this was making sense then I turned to the te- room and you can see a big upright refrigerator so we opened the fridge and there is the assault weapon the rifle this is a a city a society that's never experienced this sort of thing before and I just stop and think what what more can we do uh young people 18 19 20 just starting out their working life just shot down like that Ian what do you do the obvious question to be asked after the massacre was how did he get that gone how was he able to have a semi-automatic rifle that was hadn't been operating properly could have fired off 30 shots in a matter of seconds the truth is there were no Revelations he was perfect Ally entitled to it he was a 22-year-old Blog with no prior history he applied in the normal way to the license registry he he presented all the documents he then went and legitimately bought an M1 carbine semi-automatic capable of firing 30 shots in a matter of seconds quite legitimately put a deposit down went back a week later and bought the gun with the immediate danger over the police's job changed from hostage rescue to detection their key task was to identify who the gunman was and why he decided to carry out the atrocity I just kind of couldn't come to grips with the fact that that it had happened and that it was something that I could immediately talk about and I at that stage I had no idea what was going to happen next I don't think I I believed he was coming home until he walked in the door um when he walked in the door he he didn't look like Glenn he stank the smell of of fear I I never believed you could smell fear he absolutely stank i' I've never smelled anything like it and I never want to smell it again that night Glenn didn't speak much at all he was very zombie after my parents had gone home he started to speak to me but he spoke in a monotone and it was like a robot talking to me and he just spoke the whole incident through on the evening of uh the incident I don't think I slept at all I can't really remember but I I don't recall nodding off uh at all and I W got up the next morning and I thought well I should go to the doctor and I really didn't know why I was going to the doctor because he couldn't do anything but I figured that's the place you should head so uh I went to the doctor and I just H the whole time I was there and I I I said to him I'm C my eyes out but I I really don't know why was devastating we all knew each other other we all you know socialize with each other and um yeah I mean the initial time that I was in the hospital it was just it was unbelievable you just couldn't grasp that this was real and that you wouldn't see these people again you know it was just unbelievable in the way afterwards I um spent most of my time home I don't think I went out and uh my family shielded me from various people who wanted to talk to me uh mostly from the media uh but I did see some people from Senor manag Australia Post and also um uh some uh psychologist Mike Kramer was was one of those people that I saw in this kind of incident some of the most difficult things that people have to confront are being very close to the death and suffering of others and seeing somebody else in this case being shot or killed and often a prolonged and and somewhat sadistic kind of way so that's very difficult and another part that's extremely difficult is where there's a moral complexity in terms of one's Behavior how do I decide what to do in this situation and the kind of factors that determine whether you perhaps try and run away or whether you try and fight the as salent or whether you hide these are very very difficult decisions to make in in that moment and often afterwards can lead to a whole series of problems in this case we had a group of people in a city office block the last thing they could possibly ever conceive of happening was a gunman coming into their workplace a safe environment and killing them their colleagues and and and and Friends detectives investigating the shooting were beginning to realize that the situ ation that developed on Queen Street could actually have been far worse because of the amount of ammunition the viavic had with him it could have been much worse because of the the fact it was in a confined space but to a degree what reduced the number of victims was the fact that the alterations viavic had made to the firearm actually made it work as a single shot more so than an automatic but had he not done that and had the spring on the trigger mechanism or the Vault actually worked smoothly he would have been able to to um injure or kill a lot more people despite being a semi-automatic vidic's gun was faulty meaning he had to load each bullet manually something he struggled to do many witnesses told of him constantly fiddling with the weapon as he prowled the floors of the building nevertheless he still managed to fire over 40 rounds during The Killing Spree not only did he not have a weapon that wasn't operating properly but he wasn't familiar with it either and he wasn't even doing it as a single shot so it became a single shot instead of a repeat semi-automatic once he'd failed to get con he was obviously not going to stop until somebody stopped him out of the police which was probably his intention he would have just kept shooting people you know heaven knows how many more there would have been had that gun operated correctly desperate to uncover the gunman's motivations police visited vidic's home in Preston they went to quite extraordinary lengths literally throwing evidence out of one of the windows they then said is it okay if we search Victor Frank's room and they got permission to do so didn't have a search warrant very quickly they found uh Frank's very extensive many page diary this was a vital pie of evidence it goes to the heart of why did it the Diaries were classic Diaries they were the they were writings of a person but these writings were dark these these writings probably were a great indication of what was to come it was basically his mission spelled out in this diary they then overheard um that the family were a bit concerned that maybe they shouldn't have let them in there with they to search warrant and they actually picked up the phone and they were starting to ring the family lawyer they put the dairy and some other items in two plastic bags threw the bags out of bovic bedroom window then went and had a bit more chat to the family and then left and came back later and went right the side of the house got those bags and took them in J whilst I'm not condoning police breaking the law cuz they did steal that Dair they feted up to the carer told the carer what what he' done carer was a bit upset but took no further action because the carer was convinced like them that this really was a vital piece of evidence it's very clear from the diaries that Frank vickovic was a very disturbed young man he had a chronic knee injury and was very isolated so he wasn't able to partake in the activities he used to he became very depressed a kind of agitated depression and he started to ruminate excessively about things that had happened to him and the way the world had treated him and the way individuals had treated him [Music] he gradually became more and more Angry more and more um obsessed with the idea of revenge against the world and against individuals who had uh who had hurt [Music] him the diary was incredibly important because it was basically what he intended to do how he intended to do it and what drove him to do it had they not had that Dairy it would have been a mystery people today would be saying what drove him to that we now know what drove them to it because of that Dairy I don't think there's any doubt that if we had had access to those Diaries prior to the shootings that would have been a very very powerful warning sign I think that there's enough information in those Diaries to Warrant a uh significant intervention to try and prevent this happening [Music] with the questions over the Killer's motivations seemingly answered the inquest that followed the massacre sha an uncomfortable light on the actions of the police that day with claims that they waited too long before entering the building [Music] if there was criticisms about how long it took for us to get to the 11th floor and to lend assistance then I accept those criticisms it is one of the most horrific crime scenes you could ever imagine and the most important thing for me as the first detective on the scene was to assess everything and get information back to our control room and that will then get the appropriate resources running towards that crime scene driving towards that crime scene and and if I'm criticized for that I'll take the [Music] criticism even now years later it is still hard to believe that at 4:00 on a December afternoon in 1987 the building on Queen Street in Melbourne became the setting for an unthinkable act of [Music] violence what what happened on December the 8th 1987 uh certainly changed my life and my family's life forever it's been 30 years since but the incident might as well have been yesterday the Queen Street incident changed Glenn forever he he doesn't talk about it at all it is never mentioned in this house I could count on one hand the number of times Queen Street has been discussed in this house in the last 30 years it's just never mentioned I look at it from a positive point of view uh that is that I had 30 years bonus in my life I've um see my children grow up get married uh have their own children and uh forever thankful that I survived what happened on Queen Street that day has just totally affected my life the emphasis on having you know the big job plenty of money flash cars that was sort of put in the background and um uh fact of you know having your life having your family um and being able to be at home with them there watch your kids grow up all these things we just number [Music] one the reaction from victorians following the queen Street Massacre was was one of just shock in that it must be remembered that there hadn't been a mass shooting for decades almost as far back as anybody can remember and yet within the space of a few short months you had Julian Knight failed Army D trun student who went crazy in hudle Street and you know shot dead seven people four months later you've got Victor Vic doing the same and killing eight people and people were thinking is this the new Norm is is this what life in Melbourne is going to be like from now on and remember this is before ter incidence with the norm it still resonates today everybody knows about the Queen Street we don't have to mention that it was Australia Post or it was a Bank building the fact it was Queen Street conjures up all all sorts of horrible memories 30 years later it's still one of the worst crimes Melbourne's ever suffered and I I would put it up there with probably one of the worst in Australia
Channel: The True Crime Channel
Views: 125,884
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Keywords: the true crime channel, true crime channel, true crime, true crime 2023, top true crime channels, top true crime stories, true crime stories, truecrime, trucrime, thetruecrimechannel, real true crime stories, real true crime, true crime documentaries, true crime tv, true crime tv shows, australian crime, serial killer, true crime central, true crime documentaries full episodes, true crime documentary, true crime stories documentaries, true crime documentaries real stories
Id: wv04xAAlREQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 55sec (2635 seconds)
Published: Sun May 19 2024
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