Paul Denyer: Frankston SERIAL KILLER | Forensic Investigators | Australian Crime

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a blustery Winter's day yet one man leaves the warmth of his home to search for Pine branches for a media Christmas celebration [Music] what he was defined would set a community and its police officers on edge for months to come it was up to us to deliver that Kayla said people can get on with their lives and as she approached the 12 block of the footpath she noticed a male coming from the toilet block area there's got to be something wrong there's no reason for why this woman has gone missing we didn't want to give the impression that there was a serial killer on the Run whoever the killer was at the stage had developed an appetite for her that piece of skin was going to hold vital clue for the investigators you can lie to me but you can't lie to God are you responsible for the deaths of any of these women [Music] [Applause] foreign body was found in this park in the teeming rain police had the odds stacked against them they would need to call upon all of their investigative and forensic skills to solve a crime that even today sends chills down the spines of those who lived through it [Music] we were called out about eight o'clock that evening in absolutely horrific night we had a major downpour of rain and wind and that was a major concern for iceberg potential for loss of evidence is enormous in an external scene like that the biological evidence that we would have been looking for would have been blood and basically other body fluids but given the conditions the likelihood was that we weren't going to find those so the offender in this case couldn't have asked for a better night from his perspective to commit the crime and it causes great problems that we versus didn't glean much evidence from the scene at all the deceased was obviously a young female she was laying face up and there was a very small tree branch Laying across the body I have no reason why they've put there it certainly didn't disguise the body at all in terms of a sexual assault her pants and lower body clothing were intact but the upper body was exposed there was significant and massive worms to the throat which were the obvious cause of death to me at that time the autopsy examination revealed that she had a number of bruises and abrasion from the arms and hands which suggest there may have been attempts at defense however there were no injuries to suggest that her arms and hands had come in contact with a knife or other sharp instrument it suggested that the victim had lost Consciousness before she was attacked with the knife and Tiny pinpoint blood clots with a telltale signs around the eyes and present within the tissue line on the inside of the eyelids were some small hemorrhages known as particular hemorrhages and they are consistent with her having had strangulation occurring during life there are some minor injuries suggesting the body had been moved and possibly dragged it was an insight into the murderer's method of killing but Marx on the victim's chest were a further and troubling signature there was no bruising or bleeding present within the soft tissues these features suggest that these injuries occurred after death what caused me concern in all of his concerning the team was this crisscross on the chest is it Satanic uh have we got just a thrill killer why has he done it he's she because it's not gender-based as detectives learned of an 18 year old reported missing crime scene examiners continued their search [Music] this morning the weather was much better it's rain and stopped and it was much more suitable for searching a crime scene in an area not far from where the body had been there was a blue and white sports bag which contained a number of school books and a number of those books were in the name of Elizabeth Stevens Elizabeth Stevens body was found in a train late on Saturday at Lloyd Recreation Reserve less than half a kilometer from her home originally from Hobart she was completing her vce at Frankston Tafe and was living with her Uncle at Lang Warren I couldn't believe it we kept expecting it to walk through the front door homicide detectives have very few leads in the investigation and are yet to establish a motive for the brutal killing they're now trying to piece together Elizabeth Stevens movements piecing together the movements of your victim is absolutely Paramount for us and we knew that she left a note for her uncle and auntie that she was going to the Tafe College library she gave an estimated time of Return of eight o'clock so we knew she had traveled and placed herself down at the Frankston CBD we were able to establish that Elizabeth made a call to her sister and she was going to go visit her the next day are we still on for shopping tomorrow we know that cool was made from the CBD of Frankston the police would now turn to the public for their help but at one house they were going to get more than they expected when I said there was significant blood there was significant blood in the house we were confident we were on a winner the body of 18 year old Elizabeth Stevens was found in a park not far from her home there seemed little motive as to why she had been so brutally murdered the police needed to piece together her last movements and for that they would rely on the public any investigation we undertake we rely so heavily on the cooperation and assistance from the public there's only few of us but many of them police hope this mannequin dressed in clothes similar to those worn by Elizabeth Stevens on the night she disappeared will jog the memory of anyone who may have seen the teenager near the Frankston Tafe Last Friday Night we did pamphlets and grow blocks where we set up a mannequin dressed in similar clothes and that led to Witnesses coming forward and that pieced together for us the places that Elizabeth had been one was at a takeaway food bar which was in the heart of Frankston we had another sighting at the Tafe College probably around seven o'clock that evening we then have to satisfy ourselves how did she get back to the location where she is in fact found and the bus was the most obvious form of transport was she followed by someone from the cafe that she went to someone traveled on the bus with her while the calls kept coming in from the public Charlie posina and his team were door knocking the area and when they stopped at one house they thought they'd hit the jackpot there was one particular house we went to where this particular individual at the house slammed the door in our face and police blown police arouses our suspicion as a result of that we get into the house and there was blood everywhere so in finding the houses we did immediately we treat that as a crime scene and as it turned out this guy had just self-mutilated and that was it but that caused us a lot of man hours to eliminate him as a potential suspect the detectives were virtually back to square one so if you go from your Peak back down to a trough and then we had the crushing news that we learned of a woman being reported missing from the Frankston area 100 SES officers joined police in an intense search today for any trace of Deborah Anne frame after tearing us apart he's got a son here that's 12 days old which is I can't all reports were that Debbie was um a loving caring mother happy about the fact that she had a new baby on the scene she loves her child she loves me since the birth it's just been unreal you know life couldn't be better until this there was considerations of because she was a new mum was she suffering from postnatal depression it seemed unlikely and more so as the night she disappeared Debbie had a friend over for dinner and that at some stage Debbie would run out of milk and had said that she was going down to the local shop to purchase milk and she's left her baby with a family friend and had gone off to get the milk and and hadn't been seen since [Music] um thinking to myself there's something wrong there's got to be something wrong there's no obvious reason for why This Woman's gone missing Debbie's disappearance took on a more Sinister tone considering on the same night only a train station away and less than two hours before another woman had been assaulted as she approached the 12 block of the footpath she noticed a male coming from the toilet block area she didn't take a lot of notice of him could shortly after that she fell the person grabbed her from behind and then he threatened to suggested that he had a firearm or a pistol which he'd put against her head fries are off today yeah an expensive ring for the man and he didn't take it finally because a big push Broke Free ran out towards the road with him chasing it luckily for her car stopped while rosatoth escaped and was now safe at home police were still searching for 22 year old Debbie frame myself and one of my other colleagues had decided that because we knew Debbie had gone to get milk we were going down to check the local milk bars and we were traveling back to the office when I saw rum a car a silver car fitting the description of Debbie's in Madden Street just outside the the Christian Life Center I think it's cool there was a v-shaped dent in the Bonnet which indicated that she may have been involved in an accident police are also appealing to anyone who may have information about an accident involving Debbie's silver Pulsar found two kilometers from home late yesterday according to DeVries de facto it wasn't didn't have that damage when he left it on Thursday We examined the car at that time and took photos of the car the weather was closing in so it was important to remove the car as quickly as possible so we then took it through of the forensic science laboratory and put an undercover there for further examination the damage to the front of the car extended from the top of the Bonnet down through the grill to the number plate this indicated to me that it had struck a an upright object possibly a street or road sign a fence something fairly tall to identify what Debbie's car hit and get a possible lead on where Debbie was the number plate which had tiny orange smears on it was removed for testing I examined the substance using a very high powered microscope to analyze the elemental composition this was not paint or plastic or Timber based but related somewhat possibly to a soil or to crushed rock or even brick more than likely that Debbie's car had hit a brick wall but was it on her way to get the milk or after no milk no groceries or her purse were found in the car but other ominous Clues were there when I examined the car I noticed that the driver's seat was in a reclining position and pushed nearly all the way back I gained the impression somebody larger than Debbie drove the car to Madden Street I also found what appeared to be blood on a blade of grass sitting on the passenger side seat and I found it appeared to be Blood on the driver's seat the blood was that of Debbie frame but who had driven the car to Madden Street was the young mother missing or murdered police have been sent to carom Downs where a woman's body was found a short time ago it was discovered in grazing land between Wentz Road and Thompson's Road tireless roads an unmade Road and it's got grazing paddocks either side of the road and the body was found between the trees and the wire fence of the paddock it was suspected that it was the body of Debbie frame who had been missing for two or three days and whose car we had found in Madden Street in Frankston residents in the Bayside suburbs of Seaford and Frankston are living in Terror following the second stabbing murder in recent weeks the body of Deborah Anne freem was found beside a dirt road in Farmland at carrum Downs 10 kilometers from her Seafood home unfortunately there was nothing at the scene to indicate who the offender might have been we were still um up in the air at that stage but while Clues to the offender weren't present he had left telltale signs that might link him to the murder of Elizabeth Stevens whose body was found exactly one month before the body was covered by Broken branches and even though I didn't go to the scene of Elizabeth Stevens I knew that her body had vegetation placed on top of the two on the grass near where Debbie was concealed there was a large amount of blood this indicated to me that she was killed and then hidden behind the bushes her dress was pulled up around a mid-riff and her under clothing was intact the same as Elizabeth Stevens she's died for multiple stab wounds not only to the neck region to the as I said before the upper body in what can only be described as a frenzied attack when Debbie frame's body was discovered and after the postmortem examination we're in a position to compare the sort of injuries and the postmortem injuries from that victim against the first case and what we did notice was that there was evidence of strangulation there was a similar pattern of stab wounds there were post-mortem injuries so whilst there were a number of indicators that certainly led us to believe that there was a possibility it could be the same killer we didn't want to give the impression that there was a serial killer on the run the problem facing the police was that two other young women had also been murdered in the area within the last three years the body of 25 year old Michelle Brown was found in March last year and Sarah McDermott was abducted from Canada railway station in 1990 her body was never found the connection to a serial killer was inevitable [Music] if there is a serial killer at work here it's places like this where he stalks his prey this area is full of young women and single mothers people who used to feel safe here but no longer my husband might let me out after dark unless I've got one of the dogs with me Suburbia is not a safe place to live anymore I have to go with my husband I can't go with I don't feel safe with a girlfriend your friend's up the road but you're too scared to go and see them the bad guys are winning and that makes you angry I'll go to the nightclubs in that and there aren't that many single girls going there now because it's too dangerous for them to be at the nighttime police are pouring resources into finding the murderer who may well be a serial killer it's clear that a lot of people in Frankston were frightened too frightened to go out at night we were all expecting another murder you know it was just this whoever the killer was at this stage had developed an appetite for it the most important thing was to try and catch the killer you publicize the locations of Caravans as many photos of Elizabeth and and Debbie information about the car that she was driving anything that might lead to the killer a number of people ranging as a result of police to the community from the media witnesses that came forward said that they'd seen a tall man return to the vehicle after it had been located Madden Street and entered the vehicle and take some goods from it some of the other reports we got indicated that Debbie was seen in the vehicle with a male that the vehicle was driving erratically through the streets of Frankston there'd been some attempt to flash high beam which gave the investigators their first clues that Debbie had in fact been abducted we were confident that the offender had driven the vehicle back to Madden Street and the main clue it gave us was we thought he lived within a walking vicinity of that area and in order to flush out a potential offender or suspect we called upon the services of our criminal profiler I was asked to have a look at the two murders that had occurred to that point to see if I could provide some insight in relation to the particular individual that might be involved in committing these murders typically serial killers start their killing between the ages of 18 to 24. these kinds of individuals have a very rich Fantasy Life they get pleasure out of fantasizing about selecting their victims the kind of victims and how they're going to kill them and what they're going to experience during the killing so if you're fantasizing almost every minute of your Waking Life it's very difficult to hold down a meaningful job there was enough information enough evidence available to me to conclude the killer was a local you don't go and commit a murder in an area that you're totally uncomfortable with because that would be your greatest exposure so he would fit into the local community he wouldn't attract attention it was perfect for him from that information the police produced a questionnaire and we're going to Target an area in Frankston where the profiler believed the killer might live but just as they were about to commence the door knock another young girl went missing [Music] in less than two young women had been killed both in a similar and brutal way there seemed little doubt that a serial killer was at work the police had little to go on but they had bombarded the area with extra officers warning its residents to be careful especially at night and now 17 year old school student Natalie Russell was missing normally Natalie rode her bike to school and because it was raining I said you know I'd take him so I dropped her off at school and I'd to Natalie or ring me you know if you want to lift home anyway there was no call so I just assumed that she'd gone into Frankston which she often do and anyway when the bus came quarter past six Natalie wasn't on it I was a bit concerned about that the next bus came a little after seven and when she wasn't on that I said Brian oh oh something's wrong when I went to the house I went inside and spoke to Mr Mrs Russell I remember Mrs Russell was um she's very nervous I remember she was ringing her hands a lot to us and um I think she was thinking that something my something terrible might have happened I think as we all did on the night we had a photo as a girl we took a full description of what she was wearing High hair color length and immediately started asking questions about you know had they run any of The Fringe which I had and no one has signed us into 2 30 when she had left school across the road from Natalie's school was a bike track between two golf courses a shortcut that many students like Natalie would take to get to their homes it was the logical place to start their search we were taken to the spot where there was a large cutting the Cyclone Fence right up against one of the galvanized poles the first thing I noticed was a some bloody hand prints along the pole and as I walked into the bush and I saw a school bag which all the kids from the college have and then as I turned around the corner further I saw a pair of black stockings and then the school uniform one would assume straight away that would be Natalie and I said oh is it a female and they said yes and I said um school clothes on they said yes I said John Paul College cool clothes they said it's not Natalie because I said Natalie was too strong she wouldn't let anyone hurt her or kill her I can say from looking at the scene what I saw Natalie put up one hell of a fight a hell of a fight the ground was where she'd kicked all the all the grass underneath was down to Bare Earth she'd certainly um she certainly struggled well but unfortunately he just overpowered it the body of 17 year old VCU student Natalie Russell was discovered at 11 o'clock last night just over two hours after police launched an intensive search of the area when her family reported her missing the killing follows the two earlier murders of Deborah frame three weeks ago and Elizabeth Stevens on June the 12th detectives confirmed that she died from multiple stab wounds to the upper body they were looking at the obvious similarities between the attacks the similarities with the other two victims were quite evident but the the striking difference in this particular scenario was that the offender had become more Brazen become more of a risk taker clearly hadn't decided to strike in at night just the way he'd cut a hole in the fence and obviously it was someone just walking past you would have just reached out and grabbed them and dragged them in like just and a well to use track too it was just a Bryson Act the following morning forensic investigation to get to the area when Natalie's body lay they hoped that this crime scene unlike the other two would provide evidence that would identify their killer [Music] we noticed the hole in the fence on the western side of the track had been cut and further down the track there was another hole in the fence and also one on the Eastern side I collected samples of wire that had been cut from these holes the cut wire was very significant because if we were able to find a tool we could match that up to the cut wire at the scene in the hole at the Northern end of the track there was an amount of blood smeared on a fence post the blood may have belonged to the offender but it could also have come from Natalie as well in behind this hole there was a bushy area where the body of the deceased was laying another year ahead were a couple of small leather straps very very light type leather similar to straps that are used on binoculars these were stained with blood if they had been used for the purpose of strangulation they would have broken as they appear to have done the autopsy was also showing positive leads within the largest of the neck injuries a 2.7 by 0.5 centimeter piece of skin was discovered this skin when examined had ridges on it suggesting that it had come from the hand there were no equivalent injuries pressed on Natalie Russell that person's skin was going to hold vital clue for the investigators with what it was able to do was provide a DNA match between the offender and the crime scene a Nexus between Natalie and the and whoever killed her ACS workers and police continue the search for Clues today dozens of golfers were turned away as police closed the courses and sealed off an area covering more than three square kilometers we're certainly interested in hearing from anybody who may have seen a person or male person in particular loitering around the golf course that plea would be answered by a young cop fresh out of the academy his notebook would hold the missing piece of the puzzle the detectives so desperately needed the small community of Frankston only an hour away from Melbourne was the target of a serial killer it was up to us to deliver that Kayla said people can get on with their lives the criminal profiler suggested the murderer was 18 to 24 unemployed and a local police were now door knocking a particular area in which they believed the killer lived more than 150 detectives from almost every Victorian police squad joined forces in Bayside Frankston today to begin operation pulsar as the door knock began detective Wilson learned of a potential and exciting lead two young constables came to the task force office reporting an incident they'd been called to the previous day the day that Natalie Russell went missing we received a call to attend Sky Road in in Frankston for a suspicious vehicle and when we got there we saw a Toyota Corona a yellow kind of car it was parked opposite the bike track that Natalie and her schoolmates used and had been reported to the police by a postie on Friday around about three o'clock I was on my round just about finished it was knockoff time for school and I saw a car without any registration plates on the back there was a bloke in the car with his arms crossed and he slapped down to try and hide you know under the steering wheel and I just kept going until I found a house that I knew someone was home so I went in there called the police when we got there there was no one at the car had no registration plates and we noticed a interim registration label on the front windscreen I noted the registration down and then we decided to have a look around at some of the houses that were on the same side of the street as the car so we did a bit of a door knock had a bit of a look across the road there was no one around so we just made sure that we had all the details right from the car and then we left the following day they brought that information to our attention and that was a significant breakthrough I felt quite optimistic about two main issues here this person was right at the scene when the killing occurred so we either had a potentially a first grade witness or we were on the for the first time in this investigation we had a real suspect we could look at [Music] the car was registered to a Paul Charles denyer and his flat was smack in the middle of the area police and their profiler had targeted we knocked at the door and Paul invited us into his flat he was quite relaxed he was extremely friendly eager to answer our questions very very Cooperative I noticed that he had a number of cuts on his fingers and I invited Paul to come back to the police station at Frankston before continuing I must inform you that are you not obliged to say or do anything but anything to say or do maybe give it an Evidence do you understand that yeah what is your age and date of birth 21 years old I was born on the 14th of April 1972. okay are you an Australian citizen yeah are you currently employed no money employed at the present time all we'd like to do Paul is if you could just run through starting with yesterday morning I got up in the morning about 20 to 8. 7 30 20 to 8. right Sharon was running during the questioning with Paul denier Paul was consistent with his uh the Wade answered questions at back at the back at East Flat as I was coming down say past karingal Drive I noticed temperature gauge started to go right up to high so I just pulled over in Skype and right across the road is you know your golf course yeah and everything so I pulled up there and I checked under the car and I bought it and found out the hose could come loose when we saw you down at your flat this afternoon I noticed a number of cuts on your fingers yeah and you just put your hands flat on the desk here so that just right up here this injury here is along a sort of a cut just explain how you got that injury and when you got that injury I got it yesterday and I was working on the car what the hell are you saying it occurred well the fan spins this way so if I'm standing at the front of the car yeah like yeah fear spins that way the alternator sits there yeah and there's some wires running down underneath bottom of the radiator there's a wire at the top which was for a light that I just recently put on and it must have been when I put my hand down there I caught the fans why did you have it running uh at that stage when you were checking the radiator worker okay as Paul denier willingly recounted his day's events his flat was being searched I then went to his flat and was part of the search party in executing a warrant and the things we then found there at the flat the team collected knives and various pieces of clothing and from the car binoculars without a strap and amongst his many and very tools a pair of pliers just build up their excitement in relation to say well we're confident it wasn't another one that I mentioned earlier the chap that we found a slender door on our face I think we're on to the right guy here to know that those pliers were taken to the forensic laboratory where they were used to cut sample pieces of wire pair of pliers has its own individual and distinctive Cutting Edge just like every person has an individual fingerprint any wears or imperfections on the blade are reflected on the ends of the wire it cuts so when these sample wires were examined under a microscope against the cut wire brought back from the bike track they matched are you aware that um a girl was found murdered in Frankston yeah today being Saturday yeah when did you first become aware of that well I saw some police cars and everything when I was driving up Sky Road this morning and SES workers so you saw SES workers and all that in Sky Road yeah and I had some white tape across the walkway and I saw you you're sorry it's not me yeah I saw you and I saw uh [Music] and that was what were you doing when you saw that what where were you going or what were you doing oh we were going up to the Wreckers we seemed to be able to have an answer for every uh occasion where he was what he did which certainly gave rise to suspicion because nobody has that sort of recall in my view more disturbingly Paul denyer could recall every minute of every hour on the very days that Elizabeth Debbie and Natalie were murdered yesterday your car was parked opposite the location where the body of Natalie Russell was found [Music] on the night that Debbie frame disappeared you walked over to Canada railway station missed the train and walked back and in the night Elizabeth Stevens disappeared you walked in a very close proximity to Lloyd Park on your way to pick up this battery do you think that's fairly coincidental it is in all the all the circumstances [Music] are you responsible for the deaths of any of these women no no [Music] police were continuing to interview their Prime Suspect Paul Charles denyer Not only was his car in close proximity to the murder scene of Natalie Russell but his flat contained evidence that linked him to that scene his hands also had suspicious cuts a sample your blood is requested for the purpose of confirming or disproving your involvement in these matters we asked Paul for a blood sample and a sample of other tissues so we could establish a match between skin found at the postmortem of the Russell victim and himself so we could tie him to the uh to the murder foreign is there anything else you want like a cup of coffee or a glass I would like another cup how do you have your coffee uh wife too I want to get your cup of coffee at that particular time when he was sitting there and he was starting to realize now that um blood samples were being requested and uh and the uh the DNA May link him to the scenes and he he knew that we didn't believe any of his story do you think that's fairly coincidental well it is in all the all the circumstances I think he knew that the game was up so to speak and whilst we're waiting for our forensic experts to come and take various samples detective Darren O'Loughlin was looking after Paul and Darren was wearing a cross that you could see through his shirt and um Paul asked him if he was a Christian and uh conversation intuitive about that yeah he spoke to detective O'Loughlin here and um you were told detective overlocked him that you were responsible for the murders of the three the three women is that correct just tell us in your own words Paul what happened in relation to the death of Elizabeth Stevens at Lang Warren I sort of get off the bus I walked up behind her stuck my left hand around it is held a gun in my head right here I started choking out with fans and uh she passed out after a while and then I pulled out the knife okay and I dragged it to where she was found now I'm through two branches on her body can you tell me why you attacked her on that knot just just said just had the feeling that's all what sort of feeling can you possibly describe it where you had this feeling just wanted just wanted to kill once he'd made the decision to admit the offense you know he was you know he didn't hold back anything you can see that he was very willing to recount everything that had occurred okay can you tell us what happened here a car was sitting over there this is uh Debbie frame's car we're talking about yeah Pulsar right I was walking down this road here right uh sorry jump out of the car yes ran into The Milk Bar here I jumped in the back seat of the car and the car was directly across the road because I could see her from inside the car in there what caused you to select tourism at that time just that guy feeling you know so what happened then she came out well I was crouched down I could hear a footsteps coming closer to the car and she hopped in the car and she didn't see me in the back and she went to w u turn pulled out just as she was doing that too we're going straight into this wall would you calls it down and then you drive off down this kind of okay down that way he was totally removed from the circumstances of what occurred it's like it didn't happen for him he was explaining it outside himself he then took Debbie to Taylor's Road where he strangled and then killed her with a knife like he did with Elizabeth Stevens I am dragged her about a meter into the trees and wishes lying against the fence then I broke off two branches off the nearest train from over the body and I'll hop back in the car again I adjusted the seat to match my height because she was like I had a bad Madden Street well it's a Madden Street it wasn't too close wasn't too far from home the next morning just as Witnesses described Paul denyer went back to Debbie's car and grabbed her groceries and a purse I wanted to see what her name was and everything out if it wasn't so from I took it out to the golf course and buried it until you'd be able to show us where that is exactly okay would you be able to find the spot all right I'll find it they brought us up the track to this point we've just kindly a couple of beds open for us yeah this is the area in here you get where the uh you've indicated the purse is yes he's digging around and you know like really we could have just said Relax Paul it'll be here if you say it's you it'll be you know but it was frantically digging because he it was like we weren't going to believe him all right just hold it they just shot a bit of metal if you can so that's the location where you buried the purse yeah and who does that purse belong to Derby frame three weeks later he returned to the track what can you tell me about this uh I went up there earlier that day and cut the holes in the fences oh I'm stood here and watched Natalie Russell walk around the corner and I went through this hole and waited behind the trees there right until I saw a walk past here and heading that way right and when she got about 10 meters down the track here I came out of the fence as we're walking along here are you still maintaining that distance behind her no I was getting close for each time I walked along the grass like this we'll make a sound so you would be heard yeah I was out with a red-handled knife where'd that come from is it all you had yeah just a red-handled knife oh I'm a leather strap you would have found it ever seen in two pieces what was it usual what was that right it was a strap off a pair of binoculars I have at home I grabbed the hair around mouth yeah left hand like this yeah I dragged it through here absolutely no remorse for what he did the Candor is um confessions were chilling and the way he was able to describe what he'd done to these poor victims without any sort of emotion it was quite an amazing journey what did you want to kill it for same reason as before now I've always wanted to kill since when since I was about 14. apart from his callous descriptions of the three murders he also admitted to assaulting rosatoth on the same night as he killed Debbie Freeman [Music] this is some weeks after Elizabeth Stevens yeah I was just like every day I was just going up boiling up until I got to that stage were you armed with the same weapon exactly exactly the same weapon was that the weapon you used when you first approached Mr Stevens yeah that's that's the one and the same with Deborah frame yep same as the woman at Seaford railway station yep back if that lady had not gone away what would have happened to him Rosa wasn't the only lucky one I've been stalking women for a few years you know in Frankston just waiting for that opportunity you know waiting for the sign you know Paul denyer's confession had lasted just over five hours 21 year old unemployed man Paul Charles denyer was charged at the Frankston police station at nine o'clock this morning the station was under tight security as Daniel was driven away in a divisional van escorted by a second police car when I went back under the task force room I can assure you there was absolutilation there was cheering and you know quite a lot of um you know positive um comments being made and I suppose given all the time we'd put in the victims that I'd seen um the Elation was just so great we all went back to uh in the early hours of the morning to a hotel had a couple of beers in the warehouse of the morning and went home [Music] foreign walked all along and he spotted me and you just stood there and stared at me and said I'm sorry and I put her on you can lie to me but you can't lie to God right now Paul denyer is behind those High walls under maximum security serving a minimum sentence of 30 years so having murdered three young women and abducting another Daniel could be out on the streets at the age of 51. that was a really that was just a real kick in the teeth as far as we were concerned that he could do that to those young women and and the law would basically give him a lousy 30 years for three murders because how many times has it happened they get out they'll do it again know why that uh he won't do it again that's what he is he's just a murderer [Music] [Music] over there [Music]
Channel: Australian Crime
Views: 298,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Australia, Australian Crime, Australian crime documentary, Australian crime series, Gangs & Mobs, Stalkers, child crime, cold case, con artists, crime, crime documentary, crime series, disappearances, family crime, ivan milat, murder, podcasts, police, renae marsden, revelle balmain, roger rogerson, serial killer, true crime, true crime documentary, true crime series, forensics, forensic investigators, forensic files, serial killers, true crime daily
Id: V_hrklD2hes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 54sec (2754 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2023
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