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so I want to talk about some tips that not many people talk about and the reason I want to talk about these is because I feel like there's a misconception on how to actually play better at this game and I feel like a lot of people are just trying to copy the same exact play style but it just doesn't work out for them so we're going to kind of go into some settings then some actual General tips and stuff like that to kind of show you guys what you need to be doing in order to be playing better in order to just have maximize your potential and stuff basically so let's get straight into that guys could we drop a like on this I think we could let's get straight into the first thing so I want to go straight here we're going to go into the settings right away and I'm going to show you guys something that I think is kind of important that a lot of people kind of just skip over and then we're going to go into a game I'm going to show you guys some things that you need to know as well so the first thing I actually want to go into is the controller settings we don't need to go to many other settings or anything like that but basically this is it there's a few things I'm going to talk about here and they're actually pretty important now I play on flipped so I don't shoot with my bottom triggers I actually aim and shoot with my top triggers and the reason for that is because they actually the second you touch it the second you push in it registers in game right away really fast really easy and it's just it's a lot com more comfortable on a PlayStation controller if you're playing on an Xbox controller it's not as comfortable I would admit but playing with playing with flipped L1 R1 in my opinion it's just better micro milliseconds F not micro it's milliseconds faster but it makes a huge difference in game and then as you guys can see here I mean I I pretty much just jump with R3 and I melee with X so I just switched those that's all I literally did I put it to stick and move flipped and that's basically it so that that's me that's what I like it a lot of people don't like stick and move I understand that people like jumper jumper people like different things I understand that you got to kind of find the one that fits for you for me it's jump shotting and the reason I like to jump shot a lot is because I use the assault gloves and every time you jump shots using the assault gloves you actually are a lot more accurate so I do like that now let's go into aiming here so this sensitivity a lot of people think that this is super important it's not I'm going to share a little secret with you guys it's not important at all actually this just literally means how fast you're going to turn in game while in Hip fire if you want to think of it that way once you actually ads and you change your custom sensitivity per Zoom which we're going to go do that right here this changes everything all right so I'm going to I'm going to go into this and kind of explain it to you guys but I want to go into a game to explain this one to you guys because I feel like it would just make a lot more sense if I did it now I'm going to tell you guys that the higher I my zoom goes the lower my sensitivity goes and the reason you want to do this is because once you actually ads you want to be as accurate as possible let a assist kind of do all the work so if you lower this rather than leaving it all out one or something once you lower it the aist is a lot stronger I find it just it is a lot easier and let's go into game I'm going to kind of explain this one to you guys we'll go into a private match quickly just so you guys can kind of visually see what I'm talking about rather than me just showing you the settings I don't know my buddies were in here I hope they don't kill I got everyone muted so I can't really tell them not to kill but I just hope they don't so as you guys can see I'm moving right now my sensitivity is pretty high it's at 12 and 13 on the hip so you guys can see it's really fast but once I actually start adsing it does get a lot slower because we put it slower and stuff and we just want it to be a lot stickier so I'm see if I can find one of my buddies running around here hopefully we could and I'll kind of show you guys why I mean the ads is going to do all the work I don't even know if they spawned in yet one of them did don't kill don't no you're not supposed to kill okay I'm I'm going to try and kind of say hidden here so as you guys can see like I said it's it's pretty slow but it's still kind of fast if you want to make this any slower for yourself again just go back into the aiming here go to the custom sensitivity perum and you guys are going to see that we're going to actually switch this to a lot slower now and just just for the sake of it just for the sake of this video and you guys are going to see it's a lot lot slower as well so this is actually not bad now the reason I wouldn't recommend 40 or something is because of see right there I'm not even touching the stick ads or I should say a assist is pretty much doing all the work I'm not doing anything at all and we're going to see what it does here so I'm going to try and snap onto him so right now it's really fast and then we just go like that and there you go a assist is going to do all the work it's going to kind of try and stay on and stuff it's just pretty good so that's really low now if we actually go ahead and put this higher I don't mean to go to Graphics let's just go here and we actually put it a little higher the aist is isn't going to be as sticky but what it is going to do it's still going to be pretty nice we're going to put that to I believe 8590 is pretty good so anywhere around there you can see right here this is me moving around like crazy and then once we ads it kind of just sticks on and stuff and then if you want to move off it kind of just sticks again so that's why I put it down to 90 I find if it's at one it'll have a little more trouble trying to stick onto the person rather than oh here we go here we go just for that I'm finishing him hold up rather than just not sticking at all it just it it does stick but just not great you know so first off we're GNA go we're gonna find him we're gonna do this because screw him get out oh no you didn't all right I'm ending it I'm it godamn so I think that's enough talking about sensitivity but I want to go into another thing right here just to show you guys another thing that we could do and that's in gameplay so what I like to set is my automatic tactical Sprint I like to actually turn this on not automatic Sprint not off I actually turn it to automatic tactical Sprints and the reason I do this and also turn on slide maintain Sprints is because every time time I slide I want to get back into that Sprint as fast as possible and it actually works out really great this is like really good if you like movement if you like getting around the map very very quickly these two are super important not many people are going to tell you to turn these on I recommend turning these on it's actually really really important now there's another setting as well I kind of forget where this one is but it's also another important one but again I I kind of have trouble finding it I'm going to probably get back to you guys when I do find it there it is wasn't that far Dead Zone inputs so this one right here okay Zone input again is something that's pretty important now what I do for my left stick is I set it to zero now you might think why why set it to zero and the max to 60 what's the point of actually doing that so this is actually really important your left stick is what helps with rotational a assist all right so rotational a assist is pretty much once you actually just strafe kind of left and right in game just move around side to side let a assist do all the work when you have this set to zero you don't even have to touch it for it to do the work okay the rotational aist is is just going to act right away it's going to go really fast and it's stronger than actual aim assist with the right stick you don't want to use the right stick for aim assist at all times right it's going to help you stay on target and stuff but if you're going left to right and letting rotational aim assist do its job it is very sticky so you don't have to worry about it too much now I always recommend using rotational aim assist along with actual aim assist because it's just a lot better but I put the max to 60 cuz if I if I am moving this too much I don't want it to actually go all the way up to 100 I want it just to move like just halfway up my controller halfway up moving it it does the job right now I put my right to five and I put my right Max to 100 and this again this is all pretty much preference I just think it's good if you have stick drift on your right stick which a lot of people do it it's going to go up like a lot higher you're going to want to put this to maybe 15 maybe 11 I don't know wherever your stick drift gets into comes in just set it to that so test it out put it to 9ine see if you have stick drift if not leave it at nine but if I like an i5 I have zero stick drift whatsoever and I don't know if there's any correlation to this but I play with my controller vibration off and ever since doing that I've had this controller for years years and years and years and I've never had stick drift on it it's a basic PlayStation controller nothing too fancy with it I've had it for years and I've never had controller vibration when I used to have controller vibration on my controllers would get stick drift within a few months so I don't know if there's any correlation maybe I'm just lucky with this controller but again I have no stick drift whatsoever with we're going to put that back up to 60 before I forget so yeah that's pretty much it and yeah we're going to leave it at that let's go back into some game play tips right now because we're kind of done with the settings we don't need to talk about these too much so here's a tip you're not going to hear at least not too often if you watch my other tip videos you might hear me talking about it but not too many people actually talk about this so basically this is going to be something you have heard is that you want to keep these crossair right here with that little dot you want to keep it centered so here's my buddy right here if you're running out of a certain area let's say you're coming out of this building right here you want to have it centered to where you think an enem is going to be so he's right here right now we could just ignore him let's say he was behind this vent standing right back there once you come out you don't want to come out of this end point here cuz if someone's there you're kind of messed up right but we know that a lot of people camp in this little area so what you will do is before you even turn out of here you'll already be aimed right there now let's say there's somebody at this doorway okay and you know that when you come here you want to be pointed at that doorway cool everybody knows that right but what a lot of people don't realize is that when they turn a corner they'll just run out and they won't actually survey the area they're just going to run out and kind of hope to see someone that's not what you want to do what you want to do is unless I'm coming out door instead of just rushing out here like a headless chicken what you want to do is kind of look at the right side here and as you're turning out the door keep that Crosshair turning with you okay kind of keep it going with you so this way the second you do actually see someone let's say there's someone headglitch right here if you're here he won't see you but once you're actually turning right there you'll see each other and you can just ads and shoot at him right so that's pretty good actually that's kind of good timing so let's say he's right there for example okay we're not going to just come out here and run this way and then there he is we got to readjust our whole entire accuracy what we're going to do here is we're going to come out we're going to go like that and then boom we could just easily drop him like that I I didn't even tell him to go there that was kind of cool that was that was that was really nice timing I got the muted too so I don't know how that worked out but it worked now let's say someone's in this window again you're not going to rush out here and then look like that and then well we got so someone was there at that point but what you're going to do is you're going to come out here and you're going to have this kind of just going with you so if someone isn't there you just ads and you shoot them right away like this boom boom boom drop drop drop easy as that all right it's pretty simple and it just kind of goes for anything and you don't have to do it slow you don't have to sit there and go as slow as I'm showing you guys like that what you want to do is you kind of want to make it fast just go like that and then boom you could drop I didn't mean to get knifed I asked him nicely before I started this to not not kill me but they do what they do right yeah yeah don't even try it again don't even honestly don't even try it again so yeah you just kind of want to go like that turn here be able to shoot someone right away pretty simple stuff right and it's just it's it just works out in your favor a lot more and uh yeah right there boom see my Crosshair is always where I expect the person to be I'm never going to not have it where I expect someone to be and it just works out in your favor another thing is you want to use head glitches guys I'm not even kidding here's one right here this game is literally filled with head glitches okay so it's just it's meant for you to play like a little rat and that's what it is there's a head glitch right here as well so you can watch that door but right here you're kind of open I wouldn't really recommend this headl much at least not for watching the door I would recommend it for watching here and this way you're covered on the right and you're watching this area right here and it's just overall it just everything is here in the game for a you're not going to see something that's in the game for no reason whatsoever everything has a reason everything's in place for a reason and here's this rock right here again to hold a headie there's this little thing right here which could help you hold a he not the best one cuz you're really open here but holding head glitches really works because what a head glitch does is it makes it very hard for the enemy to actually see you like let's say there was someone there I'd see their whole entire body like that like that person's body right there I saw the whole thing the only thing they could see on me at least standing that far would probably be the top of my forehead they wouldn't even see my gun even though my gun is clearly sticking out and I'm able to shoot them there's no way they would actually see my gun so I always saw people use head glitches people say oh that's super ratty why do you play like that and stuff guys it's in the game everything's here for a reason I'm going to let him kill me I want to show you guys this right now just look at how hard it is to actually spot me now he's using a sniper so it's probably going to be a little easier but look at that he only saw my eyeballs he didn't see anything lower than that I would have been a very hard target to hit although he's a very good sniper he's really good at it so we don't have to worry about anything like that but in game you're going to be very hard to be spotted there and if someone's using an AR just for them to actually stick on you and kill you and stuff it's it's going to be very very hard for them to do so so always use head glitches always use little areas like I sit in here for example when I'm capping the flag or the hardpoint or something and the reason for that is because again I'm I'm a very hard target to hit not easy to see you just want to use all those things to your advantage and it's going to help you guys out a lot easier now he's getting smart he's starting to realize that I am staying in the same area so what I also like to do as you guys saw right there is kind of just change areas you don't want to stay in the same spot too long cuz then people get smart so if I was sitting here for like a few kills he started to know he started throwing grenades at me not asking him to do this he just knows it's just it's basic logic right so what you want to do is you want to kill someone and then kind of rotate over to another area on the map get a few kills there rotate again to another area of the map now Maps like Stash House they're small it it's all hectic it's all random it's not always going to work out in your favor there's just going to be people everywhere spawning literally everywhere as well so it's not always going to work out in your favor or anything but overall especially on the larger Maps actually turning and going around to different areas will definitely work out in your favor I'm just going to beat him a sec because why the heck not someone's going to come out this door at least if I was playing multiplayer that's why I would look there you go again easy simple as that we're going to break through here I noticed they haven't been coming inside so you just got to notice all those kinds of things as well I had to I had to
Channel: ItsNick
Views: 32,605
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mw3, Gameplay, mw3 Multiplayer, Multiplayer, COD mw3, COD, modern warfare 3, mw3 tips, tips, Call of Duty modern warfare 3, modern warfare 3 tips, cod mw3 tips, tips to do better, get more kills, mw3 get more kills, how to raise kd fast, raise kd, best class, best, class, mw3 tips to get more kills, overpowered, op class, op, best gun, how to stop dying, mw3 pro tips, pro tips, pro, secret, secret tips, modern, warfare, cod mw3 best tips, mw3 aim better
Id: aQi6EdXK6ks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 4sec (784 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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