Wartales Endgame Party Showcase - What is the Best Party?

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[Applause] hello and welcome back to another War Tales guide video my name is syin and I do concise and uh pretty on point guides around many games W Tales one of my favorite ones today I bring you something a little bit different a guide to End Game Gear and party I always am interested when I'm starting a game what a real endgame party is going to look like and since I played around 500 hours on that safe game in particular I just want to showcase to you how an endgame party looks like how the individual characters work and what um builds and Equipment they would have I will go through each of the character classes just briefly and then give you a little bit of showcasing of how they play in combat so the way that my party is built up is I have one of each character class with the exception of archers where I have a second one just historically but I would U potentially go with one each class two of my characters are tanks three of my characters are what I would call off tanks or Midfield so melee DPS with medium armor and three characters are glass cannons so pure DPS so very nice spread of all of the different uh characters and and um just to highlight uh the general concept of most of the characters whilst for tanks a lot of the armor and uh the um guard rating is important because they want to soak as much damage as possible as well as want to create as much veiler as possible for all of the other characters the most uh potent damage output is what counts we're going to see how that is going to play into the game so we have two characters that uh should soak damage and create a lot of veiler points we do have a few characters that are veiler neutral and just need to deal damage and we do have a few characters that actually spend veiler and deal damage so let's jump into the first part which is going through each character with their equipment and uh the build idea behind it if you want more details for specific classes I do have build guides around that and afterwards we go into part two where I want to really give you brief highlight of how every single class plays and just how good they are in combat in the end game all right without further Ado let's jump into part one which is the equipment and the build of each of the characters so we do have our swordsman um which is one of the tanks together with the brood so swordsman and mace wielder are going to be both of the tanks um I can could go into a lot of detail why I would choose those two classes but in a nutshell I think they make the best uh tanks possible so with our swords fighter we do have a full epic gear I am running Copus which is a sword that you get relatively late in the drumar uh region um mainly because the fighter here is built on a retaliation build where they are oftentimes retaliating and killing every fatal blow gives two veiler on top of it I'm using a a oil that gives 50% chance to regain one veiler whenever we're using a veiler skill and on top of that they gain veiler for every time they are engaging with an opponent plus every time uh the unit uses one or more veiler points they have a 50% chance to get in position which would double their guard uh that's more useful for uh situations where the guard is reduced instead of hardening oil you could use defense oil where this character is immune uh to AOE attacks from other characters in the group making it easier to lend for instance melee AOE attacks um as the um as the core equipment for them I'm using the commander battle plate which is the reward for the legends of uh the arena and Saga which is The Shield reward of the legends of Arena all of them as you can see are fully altered so they do have three stars and they are fully upgraded to match the level which brings us to a whooping 1,100 armor on top of 250 Health with 80% guard so that is effective hit points up of nearly 6,000 if you look um if you look just how much damage they can mitigate on top of that in terms of build we're running the classical fighter build to De stabilize and remove Guard from opponents uh whenever we engage in combat we gain extra veiler we always uh get deflection when we engage in combat so 70% damage reduction on top of that we got protection so that's and we are capping at 80% damage reduction we're immune to uh bleeding burning and poison matter of fact if we're affected by any of that our own damage improves when we're disengaging we're only 50% is likely to get an teack of opportunity and instead the other 50% we're giving an attack of opport Unity now I could have skilled Counterattack which means the first time that you engage during a round you also get repost for some extra uh counterattacking they nerfed the build of repost to make it only trigger once around but instead I went for the exort skill which really allows critical hit and critical damage of everybody to increase by 30% as a legendary skill so the other tank would be Miss gril I'm moving on a little bit faster um kasher's maze which is a legendary weapon that uh you gain uh from defeating Kasher ramport which is a legendary out of a to um as well as the Helm of Legends unfortunately at this point there aren't enough heavy armor items in uh the game uh to have full epic armor for everyone which means here we have a nice Admirals uh breastplate uh three star uh from the new content highest level highest armor rating we're not clocking in the same 1024 but we're clocking in 880 in terms of runes um we got the new um runes that allow for guard and armor just to cap out on guard once uh guard is kept out I'm typically increasing movement so that's really the tanking side of the team let's move on to the actual damage side of the team the damage side of the team starts with melee a DPS and that's where the helier and the Executioner are coming in both of them do have AOE melee tchs they are fantastic for just clusters of melee as well as the eventual redness that you're doing once in a while so the idea by for both of them is to have a skill that just deals a lot of damage for the heler it's controlled Whirlwind where you want to hit at least three enemies and then it's just going to be such a huge amount of damage for uh the Executioner it's the Executioner skill where again you want to hit multiples and if possible kill them because every single fatal blow um triggers another cutting melstrom if you hit four enemies with that that's four spins and for every single additional one that you kill that's another spin so up to seven eight spins which typically means enemies die uh so both of them have a very very high kill potenti potential in terms of their uh skills you see that both of them are currently rocking a solid 100% crit rate uh uh rate which is very important uh typically that comes together out of uh trades path bonuses uh Tormentor as well as equipment bony I am using critical hit runes as well as movement Runes of on them so that they are nice and fast but at the same time just hit like a truck um in terms of the weapon we're using Liberator uh for the heler uh M mainly because it's the strongest uh single um hit weapon um I am uh using uh the hardening oil here um simply to allow to be in position and basically get a doubling of the Guard I'm using that a lot for many of the characters where I think they they will uh from time to time um be in melee combat so I could improve that and deal more damage um like the setup is here with JP Paul for uh for instance the Executioner where I'm using explosive oil on the weapon uh to have a 50% chance to deal just the same amount of damage that I just dealt 50% of the damage that I just dealt to adjacent uh creatures uh the question that you need to ask yourself is uh do you want to Alpha strike or do you want a little bit more sustain and the way that I build it is the Executioner just wants to execute whilst uh the heler often times stands in the front the way that they are skilled they are getting repost um uh as as the ability the moment that they are not engaged So Not only would they get double guard which uh for them would be a solid 62% of damage reduction on 550 armor but on top of that uh they would also get so if they are getting attack they can counter attack so that's really what they are doing um I do have the uh song of the Ancients here which allows everybody to become motivated uh that's another nice little damage boost of 10% uh if if I want to go really ham uh that is definitely a good ability on top of the other ability moving on from both of the Mele AOE DPS so the single Target DPS uh I got the pilate and the Assassin or the ranger as the single Target melee DPS let's start with a Pui um who is uh similarly speced so we do have 26% guard I uh decided in their particular case to go with putrid oil instead of the hardened oil so instead of having 52% guard uh to prevent the major r retaliations I rather prefer to stack up fa fever um which is uh damage taken increased by by 10% really um fundamentally underpinning their ability to kill bosses in a single uh turn they got a nice little uh legendary helmet which each time uh they deal critical damage uh you gain one uh Veil The veiler and with a multiattack that happens just very often they are far above 100% crit unfortunately only one uh only two um legendary medium armors in the game so Still rocking the normal craftable stuff I got uh the powered mother of pearl here uh which U allow us to ignore guard completely for them so that they can go all ham um as their skill I'm going with Tyrant uh just to build up rage on top of it use stance knowledge into stance Mastery and then of course thrashing is uh the absolute maximum single DPS when it comes to our Ranger we got full legendary equipment I personally use uh copax um because uh that is the best dger in my perspective uh for uh combination with the Assassin build uh that I'm uh using whenever U the weapon is hitting it automatically applies one poison not that that really happens very often because we're hitting so hard enemies typically die enemies are also slow and have slow reflexes so no attacks of opportunity for round on top of that fever so 10% stackable damage debuff as an off hand faceless comes into uh play which is the legendary off hand that allows you to throw as many um so it never depletes throw as many um axes as you want there is no a skill instead what's happening whenever you using a skill it throws an axe on top of which I have skilled instinctive throw so that's a second ax that is um flying off of every single uh skill that we're using uh you could use a trinket for 30% extra uh damage with uh with offhand um ranged uh throwing attacks to really maximize on that but it's not necessary uh neos's headband and Neo's cloak uh specifically with a nice little critical U strike we're rocking 130 % so even with critical hit reduction on some of the enemies that's still 100% crit chance with almost 200 dexterity uh the character is just going to shred uh through enemies and we're going to see how they play and finally I want to go through the Archer uh where I'm using the indom indomitable one I've used a war bow for a long period of time which for those unaware is basically a bow that shoots once once you crit it shoots a second time but once you begin to on-shot enemies even harder harder ones that's not as good anymore indomitable one on the other hand is pretty straightforward shoots in a line and penetrates through all of the enemies you can combine it with Aim so that it's a really long line on top of which enemies are being pushed back and uh I decided uh that we put infectious oil on top of it with where there is a very solid uh chance that you uh uh apply 50% of the damage that you anyway it on top of it so very often the enemies that won't die immediately will die from bleeding damage on top of that we're running smots tabard as well as uh the KO of smot uh which is a very very nice com combination and finally the trophy of Legends which once per fight this character can use two basic attacks which again we're using for piercing arrows to just have more AOE attacks as a noticeable skill besides all of the damage skills I would put suppressive fire up which is really a nice AOE damage so the way that the party splits um the Archer as well as uh the melee DPS are um responsible for AOE kills these two are single damage and these two are tanks so lots of theory and lots of kind of showcasing endgame gear now you wonder yourself uh what would a proper fight of them look like and I want to showcase one situation for each of the seven characters that you've just seen just to highlight how they fair in battle for that we're going to take the strongest possible um fight circumstances that we can fight which is basically um the extreme difficulty highest level 14 um uh maybe three star with reinforcement fights and we're just going to take a look at how each of the uh different builds do in those particular situation all right let's start with the tanks we find ourselves in a situation where there is a massive bear 800 hit points uh deep right behind us it's just a level eight bear um because it's a pet but nontheless uh the um topics that I'm going to show you apply to any single opponent son nry um will naturally engage the bear um as usual we're going to use one of our lower skills just to get in there you can see we're generating a lot of Valor get in position get deflection going so we have like the maximum amount of Defense we're disengaging giving him a nice little strike following up with a new engagement um continuing our strikes disengaging again with another strike he's almost down the poor uh fellow is wondering what have I done wrong uh to her in order to deserve that treatment and the answer is really not much uh you were just in uh the wrong place at the wrong time so um he goes berserk um and we disengage ah this time we're getting uh hit which is fine we're weakening uh him trying our luck again getting yet again hit but finally we're kicking him for 500 I just wanted to like go over here here and uh continue the Rampage but unfortunately our um roles our 50/50 when disengaging we're not 100% in our favor look at that we lost like what 20 armor in the process 1,50 is what we're having this guy was just were we went um head-to-head with a relatively strong melee opponent and we were just crushing him in order to maximize the results I could have led with taunt which is weakening them and would have taken only one point of damage per hit but yeah for a tank that does not only create an ultra amount of veiler but it also on top of it deals damage and uh if need be and harder fights we're just going to stay there and uh do our attack routine and then check and let the next one deal damage very similar concept with Miss gr look at that she has plenty of options for starters uh one of the classics that your poten using as well is getting her orderly and then since she's the leader galvanizing The Troop so I could hit four people here essentially gain eight veiler if we wouldn't already be full uh so that's basically mechanic number one for her mechanic number two is going into the back line and making sure that these guys are having a harsh time and one way of doing that is uh starting uh by basically hitting them then disconnecting um and hitting them right again there you go that's one kill following up with the second one nice little crit for 300 points of damage not bad for a tank we're engaging we're disconnecting um or disengaging and we have essentially just killed an entire side we have even a couple of attacks left over we had Taun we did have the actual Wrath of arette uh met our disposal and she hasn't even taken a single point of damage uh that is fantastic so the tanks are holding very strong okay we're back in the snow this time we want to see how the hel year uh the Spearman is going to work and typically I would need to set it up in a way where the Spearman is the second line but I specifically want to show you just how well they can hold their own so we can see an opening on the right hand inside with quite a few enemies uh there and for starters we're going to Whirlwind for just flat out 600 points of damage to every single one of these poor souls uh followed by a nice move in and 300 points of damage plus a nice destabilization so what we want to do in this case is I'm particularly going to stand right in front here getting Fury getting my repost so that you can see just how little damage we're taking and how much we're dealing in return so we've taken around 100 points of damage you can see we're still very much fine with over 60% of guard um mind you we're fighting against very very strong Defenders uh these guys here um will perform attacks of opportunity um when when they are being attacked upon they are very strong guards come in with 700 and 400 so 1,100 points of effective life and uh also do have right around the same amount of guard if you put that into context our of tank has as much guard and as much uh kind of effective Health as their main TS with the exception that we're dealing more damage so that's really the heler um the good part about the heler skill is it increases for every single member that you're hitting so three hits are already um one shots but if you ever pull off a four hit oh my Lord this is just ridiculous damage which nicely brings us to the Executioner JP poy um with his massive X I'm using enls uh just to use the maximum upfront damage every critical um hit here gains one fervers so 10% uh damage increase and that is stackable uh what we're going to do is we're going to have a preview of the challenging shout so that we're uh we can move in challenging shout will draw all of them close to us and we really have access to the back line this time in the back line we do have tanks here which is absolutely hilarious as they put their best defended characters uh to the back but that will really make no difference because look at that that's four attacks um as a standard and then one attack per killed opponent let that sink in that's a th000 hit points that's 1,000 hit points that's 800 hit points 800 hit points and we're not even done um since we are fuming with aggression we're continuing to just move on and you can see fervor is stacking up like crazy we're already at four stacks of fervor would the chips have have fallen a little bit more up in our uh favor and these guys wouldn't be like so Ultra tanky we could uh follow up with the Wrath and just uh absolutely demolish them that way but I think that in itself was already a very very good demonstration of his abilities all right in order to showcase the pugilist I need an enemy that is strong enough to really justify them so this is potentially one of the strongest enemies that you can find lisabeth coming in with a very solid 2,00 2500 and she's euphoric uh once she gets going up there is no stopping however our pugilist might be able to weather the storm as we're moving up in aggressive stance we are starting uh to Thrasher let's go 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 100 to zero 5,000 uh points of damage and we haven't even used another skill let that sink in as a nice demonstration of how good that class can be okay time for our assassin to shine not many enemies left over but but I wanted to Showcase a couple of things now these are all high level enemies let's just take a look of how um a assassin could hit them so for a starter we're opening with around 700 hit points worth of damage that bear is by the way uh nicely bleeding and it's almost dead uh we are just using any random skill uh and you can see that that triggers two throwing attacks mind you 47 each uh which isn't too bad we can use further skills even if motivation doesn't hit anyone um nonetheless the axes are still um being thrown every single thrown X resets the movement so we do have a huge amount of movement followed up by a nice little 500 points of instant uh damage double axe into stepping into their back and that unfortunately was already it with that particular fight but the point is that build is very strong as you can nicely clean up those were three kills and we were only halfway through our rotation there were multiple other skills that we could use we could engage then disengage and every single time more uh projectiles would have been thrown let's take a look at the power of the Archer we uh remember that we want to deal as much AOE damage as possible found ourselves a nice little encounter here in the middle of the swamp what we want to do with the Archer is to deal as much damage as possible so we're going to start by using the ultimate ability suppressive fire that will slow everyone down that in itself was already a th000 points of damage you can see see these here are very very tough opponents every single one of them level 14 coming in with quite a bit of hit points there tanks if they do have them come in at a thousand hit points so nothing to uh scuff at and really what we want to do is we want to maximize the potential damage that we're dishing out so we're moving in uh we're going to strike hit hit both of them that's a kill and a potential push back into moving up using Aim so that we can hit a triplet that's another nearly th000 points of damage followed up by a nice little uh strike for 500 points of damage mind you all of this is not inflated by any form of later combat Buffs this is just base damage un buff pure damage of the Ranger and if we remind ourselves there were like seven eight enemies over here um we have killed three or four of them this wolf here is almost dead I could even go as far as to Sprint their wrath attack and uh and kill him so really what we are left with are two enemies uh that one of them has 300 points of bleeding damage so that's a dead man walking and they are slowed so they will will never reach uh their target they are essentially killed as well so if I put those two out then really what's left over is just one slaughterer uh who takes 50 points of damage and is out of armor and has half hit points left not too bad for just one round of going ham so that brings us nicely to the end of today's guide episode that was an endgame party in full swing let me know in the comments down below which of the class was most impressive for you which one uh did you like the most and was there anything in particular that uh you were surprised about I hope you enjoyed the showcasing of an endgame party in W Tales I wish you all the best I do have plenty of guides uh to Showcase How I build how I equip how I upgrade and how I would approach the game if you want your party to look like that someday there's a good uh amount of resources available if you like the content let's reciprocate the time that I put into it and leave a comment and a like down below that will help the YouTube algorithm to find the video and recommend it to more people thanks a lot for your time and see you in the next episode bye-bye
Channel: Syken Plays
Views: 6,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, syken, Wartales, PerfectCharacter, PugilistClass, HighestDPS, GamingAdventure, WartalesTips, PiratesofBelerion, RPGMasterclass, WartalesBuild, GameplayShowcase, NewCharacter, WartalesStrategies, CharacterOptimization, VideoGameWalkthrough, EpicGaming, WartalesUpdate, DamageDealing, PugilistGuide, GamingCommunity, GamerLife, LevelUpYourGame, WartalesDLC, FantasyGaming, RPGFans, GameChanger
Id: hoRaLYJrsoI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 21sec (1761 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 26 2023
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